See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Russia Asks
UN Control
Atom Power
Vishinsky Insists
On Keeping Veto
PARIS - (A) - Russia changed
signals unexpectedly and de-
manded the United Nations ban
the atomic bomb and set up
atomic energy controls at the same
The Soviet Union still insisted
however upon veto over the con-
trol machinery.
saw no compromise in thedsurprise
move nor any break in the dead-
lock over atomic energy control.
They said they were going straight
ahead with plans to demand a vote
of confidence in their stand from
the UN General Assembly.
Warren R. Austin, US. dele-
gate, told newsmen the Soviet
proposal was a typically "Orien-
tal maneuver." He said the
American delegation saw no as-
surance Russia is ready to ac-
cept the central plan of the UN
Atomis Energy Commission, "the
only effective system which
would insure the harnessing of
atomic energy in the service of:
Andrei Vishinsky, Soviet deputy
foreign minister, put the Soviet
resolution before the 58-nation
Political Committee of the Assem-
bly at the end of his second blast
in two days at the Western Powers.
* * *
ONCE MORE Vishinsky hit at
President Truman, Gov. Thomas
E. Dewey, and David E. Lilienthal,
chairman of the U.S. Atomic En-
ergy Commission.
This came when he charged
former premier Paul Ramadier
of France with attempting to
Justify a course "expounded by
his American inspirers, such as
Messrs. Dewey, Truman, Lilien-
thal and others.
Vishinsky's resolution called
upon the Assembly to recommend
to the Security Council and to the
Atomic Energy Commission that
they continue their work toward
finding an atomic solution.
IT CALLED for the Council'and
the Commission to draw up one
treaty banning atomic weapons
and another on the establishment
of effective international control
over atomic energy.
Dealers Await
Michigan GOP Probe
Quiet Over Weekend
BAY CITY, Mich.-(A')-A Fed-
eral Grand Jury probing Repub-
lican party campaign contribu-
tions marked time over the week-
end awaiting Monday's arraign-
ment of four Flint auto agencies
and five dealers.
Federal Judge Frank A. Picard
will hear pleas of the five-all
charged by the grand jury with
violating the Federal Corrupt
Practices Act in donating funds
to the 1946 GOP election campaign
in Michigan.
In Flint, the five indicted deal-
ers announced today they would
make no statements before Mon-
day, but would meet here at the
time of the arraignment and plan
their defense.
Judge Picard has offered to
shunt aside other court business
and assure them a speedy trial-
if they so desire-presumably to
get the cases into court record be-
fore the Nov. 2 election.
The Oregon Game
Ortmann Shines"
In HomeOpener
Rifenburg Scores First Touchdown
In Second Period on 61-Yard Play
Michigan stole a page from Oregon's book yesterday as a couple
of chuckers named Chuck passed the Wolverines to a decisive 14-0
victory over the highly regarded Norm Van Brocklin and Company.
With regular tailback Gene Derricotte out of action Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan elevated sophomore Chuck Ortmann to the starting posi-
tion and the Milwaukee star did everything that a great football
player can do.
* * * *
HE PASSED, ran, blocked and played safety like an expert and
when he injured a knee in the third quarter the groans were loud
an long. * * *
But then the other . Chuck
came to the rescue. With Mich-
igan on the move Oosterbaan
sent in tiny Chuck Lentz and
the Toledo junior responded
nobly. He heaved a 35 yard pass
to Pete Elliott on the Oregon
nine yard marker. Oe e
A fewmoments later, after two Local Opener
plays had lost 4 yards, Lentz faded
again and placed a beautiful pass
END OF THE LINE-Wolverine tacklers evidently won't shake off a Duck's back as easily as the proverbial water. Guard Quent Sickels and Halfback Bob Van Summern
administer the old one-two punch to Webfoot halfback Joh:.ny McKay. Sprinting up to assist in the tackle is "M" guard Lloyd Heneveld (61), while Norm Van Brocklin
(25), looks on. All photos of the Michigan-Oregon game are by Alex Lmanian, DAILY staff photographer.
Berlin Crisis
Not Up To UN
BERLIN - (A) - The Russian
commander in Germany told the
world to expect no solution of the
Berlin crisis from the United Na-
He said agreement could be
reached only by direct negotiation
with the Soviets.
* * *
DEBATE ON the blockade starts
tomorrow in Paris. The U.S., Brit-
ain and France referred the ex-
plosive issue to the UN Security
Council, accusing Russia of en-
dangering peace and security.
Marshal Vassily Sokolovsky
said in a long statement the
main price of any agreement
is a dissolution of the Western
German State which the West-
ern Powers are forming.
Western officials have said many
times they will not abandon their
Sokolovsky gave a strong indi-
cation the Western Powers' refusal
to give up the West German State
was the real reason for the col-
lapse of big four talks after an
apparent agreement had been
S* *
"TRYING TO GET a solution
of this question in other ways is
only aiming at continuing the
abnormal situation," he said, and
it "will not lead to the results
the Western Occupation Powers
hope for."
Big Clash Foreseen at CIO Convention
WASHINGTON--(P)-The CIO Greater New York City CIO Co
is heading toward an almost cer- cil.
tain showndown between its war- The investigation was d
ring left and right wing factions manded by anti - Commun
after the presidential elections. leadersdincluding Joseph Curr
Beset by internal friction over of the National Maritime Uni
charges that some of its union and Michael Quill of Transpo
leaders have Communists lean- Workers. Both of them on
ings, the CIO will meet in conven- worked in their own unions w
tion in Portland, Ore., Nov. 22. factions accused of Commun
* * *sympathy.
THE POTENTIAL start of a The committee will report
brecah is scheduled for Oct. 14, findings to the CIO execu
when a three-man CIO committee board at Portland Nov. 17.A
opens an inquiry here into the disciplinary action which mi
conduct of the leadership of the be taken by the board or by C
Quotas Will Determine Draft
Deferments for ROTC Cadets
Students can get a draft defer-
ment by signing up with the ROTC
-but it's not as easy as it sounds.
The Army and Air Force have
set definite quotas on the number
of deferments available to each
unit of the ROTC.
* * *
year, a qualifying objective-type
intelligence test will be given to
all freshmen and sophomore ROTC
As many cadets as possible will
be deferred on the basis of test
results, grades in military courses,
extra-curricular activities, and
physical qualification, according to
Maj. Howard Porter of the De-
partment of Military Science andl
To receive a deferment, the
student must also sign a statement
that he will serve two years in the
Army or Air Force as an officer
upon completing his college train-
* * *
MAJ. PORTER said priority for
deferment will go to juniors, soph-
omores and freshmen in that or-
University quotas are not known
as yet, but will be announced as
soon as received, he said.
president Philip Murray as a re-
sult of that report more than like-
ly would be appealed to the con-
* * *
which may set off fireworks at
Portland. These include CIO sup-
port of the European Recovery
Program-opposed by the Com-
munists-and further participa-
tion in the World Federation of
Trade Unions. The CIO has been
fighting within the WFTU to
check the influence of Russian
Hillel To Hold
Jewish New Year
Will Be Celebrated
Special services for the Jewish
New Year will be held by the Hil-
lel Foundation at 8 p.m. today and
10 a.m. Monday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Rabbi Herschel Lymon will con-
duct the services ushering in the
year 5709 of the Jewish calendar.
His subject Sunday will be "The
New Year-The New State-The
New Jew."
Monday he will speak on "The
New Year in Retrospect and in
The blowing of the Shofar or
ram's hornhwhich traditionally
announces the beginning of the
Jewish year will be included in the
Services for Jewish students will
be held in ten days to mark Yom
Kippur-The Day of Atonement.
Two Places Open
On Men's Council
Petitions for the two vacancies
on the Men's Judiciary Council
are available in Rm. 2 University
Hall, according to Ev Ellin, presi-
Tn addiin to the nne..senmeter
Lecture Series
Will Feature
Three Writers
Famous Authors To
Appear on Campus
"Unaccustomed as I am to pub-
lic speaking ... "is anything but
the password of the three famous
writers who are featured in the
current Oratorical Lecture Series.
John Mason Brown, as associate
editor of the Saturday Review of
Literature, is familiar to many
who have read his column "Seeing
Things." Brown's latest book "See-
ing More Things" is just off the
BROWN WILL present his run-
ning commentary on art and liter-
ature for the third consecutive
year in Ann Arbor.
Because Miss West covered
many treason investigations and
trials, she has selected for her lec-
ture topic, "Famous Trials."
* * *
Hearts Were Young and Gay,"
Cornelia Otis Skinner let the read-
er in on part of her life.
Miss Skinner will present a solo-
drama, in costume, of the wives of
Henry VIII.
Season tickets for the lecture
course are available now at the
box office at Hill Auditorium.
into the arms of Peterson on the
one. Peterson merely stepped
across and that was the ball game.
* * *
IT WAS A BATTLE of big lines
and long passes with both teams
moving up and down the field. It
was a seesaw tussle until mid-
way in the second quarter when
Van Brocklin kicked out of bounds
on the Michigan 7.
Leo Koceski took a reverse
from Peterson and scooted 21
yards to the Michigan 28. Peter-
son spun for 8 more and Ko-
ceski picked up a first down on
the Michigan 39.
Then Ortmann faded and
heaved a 30 yard pass to Dick
Rifenburg on the Oregon 25 and
the flashy end scampered over for
the first touchdown.
* * *
HARRY ALLIS, who has become
Michigan's place kicking specialist
stepped in and booted a perfect
extra point to make the score,
At the start of the second
half the Webfoots began to
move. Van Brocklin sparked the
attack with his needle threading
passes. The big quarterback had
the Ducks on the Michigan 33
and then his intended pass to
Johnny McKay was snatched
out of the sky by Ortmann and
the threat was ended.
But Ortmann came up with a
bad knee and in came Lentz. After
Koceski had picked up 2 yards,
Lentz heaved a long one to Elliott
and then came the spot pass to
Peterson for the game clinching
marker. Allis again converted.
BUT' THE 65,800 fans couldn't
sit back and relax. The deadly
passing of Van Brocklin kept the
game Ducks in the ball game.
Led by Al "Brick" Wahl and
Danny Dworsky the Michigan
line was constantly in the Ore-
gon backfield. Time and again
Van Brocklin would fade to pass
and find himself besieged by a
swarming horde of Wolverines.
Wahl was in on almost every
(Continued on Page 6)
200 combination tickets for
the Purdue-Michigan game will
be available starting tomorrow
in Ran. 2 University Hall.
Band, Game, Planes,
All Add toPageantry
Some 66,000 fans, nippy au-
tumn weather, hoarse-voiced
hucksters, a quick-stepping band
and hard-fought gridiron play all
combined yesterday in the color-
ful pageantry which marked the
opening home game of Michigan's
1948 football season.
Light-colored raincoats and
brightly-hued scarves dotted the
huge oval stadium as the game
got underway under leaden skies
at 2 p.m. Threatened rhin didn't
materialize, however.
WHILE PLANES roared over-
head advertising commerical en-
terprises, student promoters in the
stadium lugged signs around
pushing the forthcoming A-Hop.
And the customary canines
were on hand too-a large friendly
shaggy dog and a tiny black cock-
er. They confined their cavorting
to the sidelines this time and
didn't interrupt play.
Only a sprinkling of fans made
the long trek from Eugene to
cheer the Oregon eleven-but one
of the Michigan cheerleaders ob-
ligingly donned huge web-like
shoes and a duck's bill in supprt
of the opposition.
the fans' interest was the hard-
fought American League baseball
pennant race; announcepients of
baseball scores were greewith
The State's chief executive,-
Gov. Kim Sigler, turned up at the
game nattily attired in a grey suit
and topcoat with black velvet col-
lar. He alighted from a state po-
lice car outside the stadium and
strode up the runway followed by
a trooper carrying his red plaid
Up in the press box some 100
news, radio and television men
covered the game. A number of
scouts for Michigan's future op'-
ponents also 'occupied the press
box, carefully diagraming each
- * * *
huge crowd was orderly and only
two inebriates were offered the
hospitality of the local bastile.
The famed Michigan March-
ing Band put on its usual ste-
lar half-time show. The 120.
high-stepping bandsmen drew a-
big hand for the railroad, anvil,
church, speech, bell and "M"
formations that made up the
"Freedom Pageant."
Streets were black with human-
ity as the throng poured from the
stadium and the 110-man traffic
force had its hands full directing
the stream of cars. A carefully
worked-out traffic plan enabled
police to clear most of the game
traffic from the city by an hour
after the game.
Accident Involves
Two 'U' Students
A 41 Cfivmrnm-.+ rim h TTvd
Presidential Candidates Head for Home
Harvard's Grid Victory
Touches Off Fireworks
To the throngs that crowded the Michigan stadium yesterday,
the victory over Oregon meant just another sigh of relief for a contin-
ued winning streak.
But at Harvard, the roof of old Massachusetts Hall was practically
torn off. Even the stacks at Widener Library were deserted.
HARVARD HAD BEATEN Columbia 33 to 24!
And carried on the shoulders of jubilant Harvard men was Coa6h
Art Valpey, Michigan's gift to the Cantab team.
The "Michigan of the East" is wholeheartedly grateful, too.
In fact. one university coed rushed the following letter to The
(By The Associated Press)
The curtain dropped today on
the tumultuous second act of the
1948 political thriller.
Republican nominee Thomas E.
Dewey headed homeward to Al-
bany after his transcontinental
campaign trip. And President Tru-
man, the Democratic choice, got
back to Washington yesterday
from his own speaking tour to the
states. He made some 140
speeches and estimated he saw
between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000
Greeted at the Washington Un-
ion Station by a crowd which in-
cluded half a dozen members of
his cabinet, the President said:
"I have just begun to fight."
* * TO
val in Albany tonight Dewey is to
confer Tuesday with his adviser
on foreign affairs, John Foster
Dulles, who has been attending
the United Nations session in Par-
1s. * * *
publican pronouncement on for-
eign policy is expected tomorrow