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February 22, 1948 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-22

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German Club Provides
Multiplicity of Activities

iteingt i ...

Editor's Note: This is the third
in a. series of language club profiles.
Although beer drinking is ver-
boten, the German Club manages
to provide a multiplicity of other
activities for its 80 members which
more than fill the gap.
Along with improving the qual-
ity of the German they speak,
members of Deutsche Verein hear
lectures dealing with German
youth movements and student life,
in present day Germany. Most of
the lectures are delivered in Ger-
Table Games
German table games are very
popular at meetings. Dr. Brown,
club adviser, said that these games
are especially helpful to beginning
students, in addition to being a
lot of fun.
Flint Editors
Will Conduct
Led .by editor Michael Gorman,
the Flint Journal will bring its
editorial staff heads to the Univer-
sity for a journalism seminar at 3
p.m. Monday, in Rm. E, Haven
Acting as a panel discussion
group, the eight staff editors will
give students an opportunity to
hear and discuss, first-hand, typi-
cal problems of editorial decision
met by the newspapers.
The editors have been organized
into an editorial council by Gor-
man, an administrative operation
currently attracting considerable
interest among other Michigan
Gorman, editor of the Journal
since 1928, was formerly editor
and managing editor of the Sagi-
naw Daily. He is a member and ex-
president of the University of
Michigan Press Club.
A coffee hour will be held at 4
p.m. in the News Room, Haven
Hall following the panel discus-
sion. It is open to all students in-
terested in journalism,, who wish
to talk with members of the press

The club has recently published
a collection of German songs, and
most meetings end in a burst of
song. Comes spring, the club ex-
pects to put its song practice to
good u5:e at its picnics. American
foodis served at the picnics, but
someone usually brings along a
can of sauerkraut for the German
Present Plays
Advanced German students put
on plays at some of the meetings,
and on drama night the faculty
entertains the students with a hu-
morous skit. A classical German
olay is planned for sometime in
the future.
Several members expect to com-
plete their schooling in Austria and
Switzerland, where their knowl-
edge of German will be invaluable.
A few members intend entering
government work, with an eye to
placement in Germany.
Bierbaum, former faculty ad-
vtier to tlip club, is now Superin-
tendent of Education in the Frank-
furt, sector of the American Occu-
pation Zone.
. The club corresponds with sev-
eral students in Germany and in
this way keeps close contact with
its German peers.
New Traffic
Ticket in Use
'Hazard Rating' Idea
Operates in 32 Cities
Traffic violators will be given
a new type ticket starting tomor-
row-a product of the uniform en-
forcement policy for traffic vio-
lations now in operation in 32
Michigan cities.
The purpose of the policy is to
permit individual officers to de-
termine what action to take for a
given violation, police and the
courts would have a single set of
standards under the plan.
Conditions at the scene of the
accident will be listed and a 'haz-
ard rating' determined. If the haz-
ard rating falls below a certain
level, the ticket will merely serve
as a writen warning, in a first

Ferenac Kiss of the University
of Budapest will speak on "Ev-
olution and Historic Christian-
ity" at 4:30 p.m. in Lane Hall.
People's Songs
T 0o Osaiz
Local Chapter,
People's Songs, Inc, is planning
an informal gathering to be held
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, at 327 S.
Division St. as the first step in an
attempt to organize an Ann Ar-
bor chapter.
People's Songs is a nation wide
folk singing organization, and will
be remembered by Michigan stud-
ents as the sponsors of the two
"Hootenannys," folk song fests,
which have been held here in the
past year.
The group is open to anyone in-
terested in singing, writing, or
listening to folk songs. Included
in its membership are Burl Ives,
Pete Seeger, Bernie Asbel, Betty
Saunders, Josh White, and Earl
Barbara Cahn, a member of the
Detroit Peoples Songs group will
be present at the gathering to as-
sist in the formation of the Uni-
versity chapter.
French Club Meets
Le Cercle Francais will meet at
8 p.m. Tuesday, in Rm. 316 of the
Prof. Edward Ham of the French
department will present a film,
"Looking Towards the Future in
France." The meeting will con-
elude with games and French

The Danny Thomas show (8:30
p.m. Friday) lives up to its name-
plenty of Thomas and that's about
The highly-touted comedian is
fast-talking and often funny-but
the show suffers because it's too
much of a one-man vehicle.
Friday night's show was a case
in point. Several "type" characters
were injected into the script-
Thomas' brash 'brother," and two
fluttery females. They seemed to
be strictly stooges, stuck in so
that Thomas would have someone
to vent his humor on.
To keep the show moving,
Thomas changed comedy situa-
tions no less than four times. He
glibly ran a gamut of topics from
the common man to grand opera.
And his geographical range was
amazing--all the way from Holly-
wood to Paris in half an hour.
The comedian's terrific pace left
this listener, anyway, feeling a
little out of breath. Maybe Thom-
as felt the same way.
Following is a program preview
for the coming week over local
stations. (WHRV 1600 kc; WPAG
1050 kc.; WPAG-FM, 98.7 mc.;
WJR, 750; WWJ 950; CKLW, 800.)
4:30 p.m. WPAG-Ann Arbor
Citizen's Council.
7 p.m. WWJ-Jack Benny
8 p.m. WHRV-Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra.
9:30 p.m. WWJ-Fred Allen, with
Maurice Evans.
10:45 p.m. WHRV-Michigan Ra-
dio Workshop.
10 a.m. WWJ - Fred Waring
7 p.m. WWJ Supper Club
8 p.m. WJR-Inner Sanctum.
9 p.m. WWJ-Lux Theatre, "T-
Men" with Dennis O'Keefe.
10:30 p.m. WWJ-Fred Waring.
9:30 p.m. WHRV-Boston Sym-
phony plays all-Brahms.
9:30 p.m. WWJ-Fibber McGee
and Molly.
10 p.m. WJR-Studio One, with
Robert Young in "King's Row."
10 p.m. WWJ-Bob Hope.
10 p.m. WHRV-Bing Crosby.
7:30 p.m. WHRV-Henry Mor-
8 p.m. WHRV-Candid Micro-
phone (off-guard interviews).
10 p.m. CKLW-Family Theatre-

Fred Allen in "Life's a Circus."
7:55 p.m. WPAG-FM-Hockey-
Michigan vs. Colorado.
8 p.m. CKLW-Burl Ives.
8 p.m. WHRV-Dashiell Ham-
mett's "Fat Man."
10 p.m. CKLW - Information
10:30 WJR-Spike Jones, Doro-
thy Shay.
2 p.m. WHRV-Meropolitan Op-
era - "Cavalleria Rusticana"
and "Il Pagliacci."
5:30 p.m. WWJ--NBC Symphony
Orchestra, Toscanini with all-
Russian program.
7:30 p.m. WPAG - FM and
WEIRV-basketball, Michigan
vs. Ohio State.
9 p.m. WWJ Hit Parade.
S:15 p.m. WPAG-FM-hockey,
Michigan vs. Colorado.

Positions Open
For Summer
If you are good at fixing sand-
wiches-or bandages-you may be
able to use your skill to advantage
this summer.
Positions for camp nurses and
doctors and cooks in camps and
resorts rank high on the list for
summer employment.
Complete information on sum-
mer jobs can be obtained by con-
tacting the' Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
Juniors and seniors in medical
school are qualified for positions
as camp doctors. and registered
nurses are qualified to act as camp
Former GI cooks on campus
may welcome the opportunity to
brush up their culinary techniques
as cooks in resorts and hotels. Em-
ployes of student residences which
are closing for the summer months
may also be interested in working
as cooks in camps or resorts.

In response to a UN appeal to
feed the starving children of Eur-
ope, the United World Federalists
and the Student Famine Relief
Committee will conduct an all-
out drive for donations for the
cause on Feb. 29.
The day will coincide with the
date designated by the UN for
workers to donate their added
Leap Year day salaries to combat
famine in Europe.
Under the sponsorship of both
student organizations, Leland
Stowe, noted journalist, will speak
on "world government as a means
of preventing another war" in Hill
Auditorium at 8 p.m. Sunday, Feb.
29. All proceeds will go to the
UN committee to feed Europe.
Stowe achieved world wide fame
during the German occupation of
Norway when he reported the in-
adequate means the British had,
at hand to stop the German in-







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