_______.________________ ThE D u1 ri be People's Choice AMPU A CITY ORGANZATIONS who ludlyque l( nU the ' (Ohmitulion- ality of Ann Arbor's rmpech lice n., l , to no avail last month, have found champions in' two University prolesors. and may yet see the ordinance at least modiied. Requiring the approval of the raor for all public gatherings < from Varsity nighi parades and pep rallies to speechos by pub- lic figures), the ordinance has ben the cen- ter of bitter controven:y Suce is passay MOst recently Profesors Pau C. Impe. and Kenneth A. Cox of the aw chooli have published an opinio, based Onl coutrdeci- sions, stating that the ordinance is "vulner- able to constitutional attack. The statement was princd in apubli- cation of the Ann Arbor Citizn ('ouneil in order to--accordmng to (ouiiiI n mber -~ riu, th a htt ow utey V >'e tn 1 people. The facts are out, then, but i ~e ordinance is still on the books. Although a mlaxn r of the Common Council has revealed itt the law is in committee for revisioru-for re- wording within constitutionna, limits - no mention of this fact was made at the meet- ing of the Common Council Tlhursday niht. However, it does appear that mny Council members who enthusiastically upheld the measure--swayed undoubtedly by "memo- ries" of the Eisler incident ow feel les inclined to concentrate such tho~ught. ca- trol in the person of the mayor. It is agreed that the ,v can be reworded -nicely phrased--so that it becomes less obvious that civil rights are unduly re- stricted., gut it is aIlso quite clear that riots may Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR HIGBEE he controlled (or prevented) without de- priving the citizen of a, basic right. The Council will have to decide whether to jietIly (but certainly and very discreetly) throw out the Fourteenth Amendment, or re,;olve the situation in an orthodox, truly constitutional manner. Meanwhile, we find a poem, published in the Washtenaw Post Tribune, excellently appropriate If you'd hold a swell parade, Ask the Mayor! For the living or the 'daid,' Ask the Mayor! Sure, it contravenes the law, Ten to two they voted for, Can I punch you in the jaw? Ask the Mayor! If oU wisa t mae a Ask the Mayor! If a hearing you beseech, Ask the Mayor! What is brown in '48, May be green just 10 years late- Laws like this made the country great? Ask the Mayor! Lots of people think it's raw, A'sk the Mayor! Think it negates U. S. law, Ask the Mayor'! Is the Constitution dead? The'one for which our fathers bled, The thing which makes us US, 'tis said! Ask the Mayor! Just hysterical, we think, Ask the Mayor! Makes them see all colors pink, Ask the Mayor! To handle things is sure their goal, It puts the City in a hole, And it sounds to us like thought control! Ask the Mayor! -Naomi Stern Mie c By Decree HE COMMUNIST PARTY Central Com- mittee in Moscow has growled a repri- mand against the "bourgeois" music Rus- sian composers are writing. According to the Associated Press, "the committee in a resolution upbraided Dmitri Shostakovich, Serge Prokofiev and five other composers for writing music with a 'vicious formalistic trend agaist the peo- ple.' " The composers abjectly apologized. This may revolutionize Russian music if someone will define "bourgeoise," Perhaps the composers in question will have to give 'up such established forms as the symphony and concerto. Considering how t~ougi this would make things for Shostakovitch, the Party may merely insist that he revise things a little. Say, give the first violin part to the tympani and the 'cello to the trombones. And of course he will have to cut out the Enighsh and French horns. We may expect considerably more dis- cord and chaos, to symbolize the conditions under which Communism flourishes. Oper- atic arias will carry such words as "I love Joseph Stalin, the Communist Party, Rus- sia, cooperative farming, and next best of all, with the sanction of the Bureau of Increased Population, I love you." Can you imagine what would happen if our art were subject to such control? Think of all the popular songs we would have to scrap because they were stolen from Tschaikovsky. Other forms of art would come in for Criticism, too. Some year ago a Russian miovie company filmed "Treasure I san What they did to the story was a crime. 'hey warped the motives, the characters, and the setting beyond recognition. Action Was set on a south-sea island; and the hero, Jim, was converted into a girl, Jennie, to provide love interest. The censors took one look and hung the director. It might not be a bad idea, at that. Ideological censorship of art is the height of sillyiness. Yet from Plato to the present day, people have tried to choose their "culture" to fit political standards. During the first World War German music vir- tually disappeared from American concert halls. Hitler allowed no music by Jewish composers. Communists today cannot like those works of Prokofiev composed while he was living as a contented capitalist in this coun- try. Only a few months ago Fred Waring, in a concert at Hill Auditorium "patriot- Too Too Soid "SOLIDARITYFOREVER" was not coined about the solid South, but it might just as well have been, at least in regard to its traditional stand on civil rights for Negroes. Neither wind nor sleet nor Roosevelt could stay these stalwart voters from the Demo- cratic party's ranks, but the civil rights issue seems to be the straw that may break the camel's back. To 15 Southerners who were interviewed on the matter, the President's civil rights program was nothing but an outrageous scheme which would permit Negroes to live, like white men. None of them had even heard of the Civil Rights Committee upon which Truman based his recommendations to Congress. ically" refused to encore with the requested, "Meadowlands." But this new decree, not only condemns works already written, but warns that all future compositions must meet a political standard. Music by decree threatens an end to authentic artistic creation. -Andee Seeger. 1. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Bron x VictorIy By SAMUEL G(RAFTON TfHE DAY AFTER Henry Wallace's candi- date won the special Congressional elec- tion in The Bronx, I was buttonholed at least four times by horror-stricken gentlemen who wanted me to tell them at once, and with- out any nonsense, whether America was go- ing ComunisL. Several looked as if they were ready to tike off for Venezuela to flee what tit was plain to see) they regarded as revolution, revolution falling upon The Bronx and the country with the terrible, unpredictable suddenness of a flash flood, Democratic Boss Edward J. Flynn of the affected ajrea also took this sort of line to explain ti edefeat of his candidate. "The Communist menace to this country," he said, probably in a deep, throbbing voice, "is much greater than most people thought." ... But the election in The Bronx does not show that Communism is strong. It shows that Boss Flynn is weak, and so is his party. The point is, and it is so obvious, that you cannot drop price control during a great shortage period, and permit the housewife to be gouged and robbed, and pass a Laft-llartley anti-labor law, andl flood Che country with what sounds omi- nously like war talk, and not get a reac- tion. If you didn't get a reaction, this wouldn't he America. It would be Ger- many, or something. The smugness with which important fig- ures in both major parties have let these successive blows rain down on the heads of the people, saying to each other: "Ah, they won't mind," is just the other side of the astonishment with which both parties view the defeat in The Bronx this week. The peo- ple do mind. And if the Republicans are much more closely linked with some of this kind of stuff than the Democrats, the Demo- crats, nonetheless, have shown that they couldn't stop it, and the people in one dis- trict, have voted their outrage and dismay, even against a Democrat with liberal views. I admit that special factors were at work, such as the Palestine issue, the fact that this was a by-election, which sometimes can catch a machine sleeping, etc. But though you can make a whole laundry list of special factors, the point still is that you can't ex- pect people to endure a sizzling inflation, a burst of anti-labor legislation, and a war scare, without reacting. Yet that is exactlywhat the major parties do expect. Their crisis; i a crisis of 'mng- ness. Mr. Truman has made very good, sin- cere statements in favor of lower prices, and against the Taft-Hartley law, but he has let it go at that; he has apparently expected northern liberals to "understand," to feel for him, for the difficulties of his position. But they are not interested in the difficul- ties of his position; they are interested in the difficulties of their own positions. It was smug, too, for the Democrats to expect to win through an invocation of the great name of Roosevelt, by bringing such respected figures as Mrs. Roosevelt and Mayor O'Dwyer into the district to speak. But the old formula ofnusing normal organi- zation tactics, plus a mention of Roosevelt, began to lose its magic in local elections two years ago. Finally, it is smug to expect to profit very greatly because of the fact that the Comnmunists support the other side. The American people are overwhelmingly and rousingly anti-Communist. But they are not necessarily pro-anti-Communist, not necessarily for any particular candidate be- cause he or his party is anti-Communist; they want to know what he and his party are besides being that. Llat the sug est reaction of all to what has happened inT he Bronx is, I think, ie ill-concealed jollity of the Republicans, who, thinking only of the Presidency, are delighted that there is so much disaffec- tion with the Democrats. The sight of the most conservative party we have chortling with glee because the people are in a state of discontent and protest is, I feel, a kind of comic classic. It is a triumph of short- sightedness which would have been beyond the skill of any master of paradox to have invented. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) NORTH CAROLINA'S two senators C. R. Hoey and W. B. Umstead, aided by State's Democratic National Committeeman, J. L. Blythe, have rejected President Tru- man's latest choice for the CAB chairman- ship. He was James F. Pinckney, professor of political science at Davidson College, -North Carolina and former chief examiner for the Interstate Commerce Commission .. the two Senators and the National Committeeman turned thumbs down be- cause Pinckney "was not actively affiliated with the Democratic organization in North Carolina." This highly irrelevant objection bore weight with the Administration. Per- haps it was because Southern politicians are badly roiled over recent suggestions that Negroes are entitled to a citizen's rights even in the Solid South -. . -St. Louis Post-Dispatch. BILL MAILDIN r F' < / I JCA) . 15' __- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN HAPPENS ... 9 M ick WiMore p. His Master' SVoice? A COUPLE OF THE delegates to the UMT conference report an incident which is a revelation about our political operations. While they were waiting in+ the crowded office of one of our Michigan senators, the phone rang. One of the assistants an- swered and shouted into the next room, "Take line 567." "Who is it." came the dis- tant reply. "Take line 567," the first man said more firmly. "What is it,' cane the reply again. The first man, becoming increasingly im- patient, tried once more with "Take line 567." When the other voice, just as irritated, came back with another, "What is it," he shouted furiously: "It's Republic Steel you fool." Shari) B kfire r IlePROFESSOR in one psych class was comparing the results of a com- mon sense test taken by his students with a similar exam given in California sev- eral years ago. He had just finished remarking that his Michigan class showed much more sophistication when a loud.pop was heard in the back of the room. The professor looked back to find two sophisticated coeds blowing bubble gum. * * * Happy Ever After AN INFORMANT tells us that there are three kinds of lustre in rocks, glassy, adamant and vitrious. His geology instruc- tor held up a rock in class the other day and asked, "What kind of lustre?" "Vir- tuous," one eager youth replied. "And I suppose," said the professor, "that when you get married you'll want a vitrious wife." THE GREAT NEED at the moment is for cool heads in government as well as in business. So far, it seems to us, the Admin- istration has behaved sensibly. Mi. Truman has stuck to his position that safeguards against inflation are still necessary, and the government has not rushed to support commodity markets, though Secretary of Agriculture Anderson has hinted that the Commodity Credit Corporation might buy some additional wheat for foreign relief. This comparatively nonchalant attitude should prove reassuring to those who are apt to fear that prices have started to fall into a bottomless pit. Meanwhile, the Re- (Conalnii ied from lag 2) an Engineering Assistant Grade "A." Salary $3300-$3600. Must have CE degree and two years of experience9in civil engineering or construction work. Closing date, March 17. Complete information and ap- pointments concerning the above items may be obtained at the Bu- reau. Lecture Thomas M. Cooley Lectures. General topics: "Our Legal Sys- tem and How It Operates. First Lecture: "Legal Standards for In- dividual and Official Acts," by Burke Shartel, Professor of Law. 4:15 p.m., Mon., Feb. 23, Rm. 120, Hutchins Hall. The public is in- vited. Academic Notices Botany .Make-up Ii al exami- nation: Wed., Feb. 25, 3 p.m, Rm. 1139 Natural Science Bldg. History Final Examination Make-Up: Sat., Feb. 28, 2 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. Students must come with written permission of instructor. Mathematics 293- Topology will not meet today. Editorial Cauneil Seminar: rIhe heads 1 fall departments on the editorial staff 0f the Flint Jour- nal will demonstrate to :ourinaism students how tfliy operate as an ctorial coui"cil at 3 pan., m. F, Haven Hal, Mon., Feb. 23. Cof- fee hour. 4 p.m. in tihe News Room Preliminary e minations for Graduate Students in Chemistry' will be held a.; follows: Organc Chemistry, T eb. 24; Physi- cal Chemistry lri- Peb. 27' The place of thet lcst wil be atnnolced later. Graduate Students: Those stu- dents, who have taken the pre- liminary examinations in French and German, may present them- selves at the office of the Exami- ner at any time during office hours, Mondays and Thursdays -2-30-4 p.m. Tuesdays and Fri- days-10:30-12 noon. Graduate Aptitude Examination: The Graduate Aptitude Exami- nation is required of all graduate students who have not had the Graduate Record Examination or the Graduate Aptitude Examina- tion before. The examination will be held 6:30 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall, Thurs.. Feb. 26. Examination fee is $2.00. Candi- dates must buy an examination ticket at the Cashier's office and present a receipt in the office of the Graduate School not later than Feb. 23. Veterans will have a supply Re- quisition signed in the Graduate School office before going to the Cashier's office. This will permit the purchase of an examination ticket to be covered by Public Law 346 or 16. Graduate Students: Office hours of Dr. Hirsch IHootkins. Examiner in Foreign Languages, will be EDTOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (wh ih is sKned, 300 words or loss inn tand 1in good taste) we remind our reatders that the views expressetd in letters ire those of the writers only. Lotters of more than 300 nords are