t G.I. RAISEa -NO HANDO IT See Page 4 Y LwO ~aii4 T'WAS A SHORT SPRING Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVI, No. 95 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1948 PI~l( I IV+ CENT$ Packers Vote Strike, Seek Raise in Pay Walkout Would Affect 100,000 By The Associated Press t CHICAGO, Feb. 19-A strike of more than 100,000 workers at meat packing plants in 26 states wasI voted today by the CIO Unitedt Packinghouse Workers of Amer- ica. Theunion's strike strategy com- mittee, which authorized the walk- out after a 20 to one rank and file vote, declined to reveal the strike date. Minimum Budgets The union said it is seeking a 29 cents an hour raise now, with ad- ditional increases later to meet minimum family budget standards indicated by the Bureau of Labor + statistics. Ralph Heistein, union president, said two-thirds of the workers earn less than $1.10 an hour, as compared with the BLS figure of $1.39 for a family of three. He said the present minimum rate in large cities is $1.02 an hour, with less paid in the South and smaller commnunities. Helsten said the union expected to continue negotiations with the companies but said "up to the present, the packers have made no "realistic attempts to pay an in- crease which would prvide for de- cent living standards . ' Negotiating Underway The union had been negotiating with Armour and Company, Swift & Co., Cudahy Packing Co., and Wilson and Company. Swift said the 29 cents wage raise demand had ,been scaled down by the union to 19 cents and thait the company considered even this figure "exorbitant and un- realistic ." The company said the nine tents an hour increase which it granted last month to the AFL Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America and to the National Brotherhood of Packinghouse Workers was "in excess of the in- ' crease in living costs since the last wage increase agreed to in June of 1947." AVC To Send Delegates to HousingTalks Two University students, Bess Hayes and Jack Elliott, have been named by the campus chapter of AVC to attend the National Vet- erans' Housing Conference begin- ning Feb. 29 in Washington. A delegation of 2,500 veterans is expected by the seven sponsor- ing organizations to press for the passage of the Taft-Ellender- Wagner Bill. The bill is intended to 1. encourage private enterprise to provide as much of the needed housing as possible, 2. provide gov- ernment assistance to private en- terprise and 3. provide government assistance to localities for slum clearance assistance and low cost housing for all low income groups where private enterprise cannot do the job. Housing Survey A housing survey conducted last October by University students showed a population increase in Ann Arbor of 35.7 per cent from 1940 to 1947 while the number of housing units increased 9.8 per cent over the same period. The national picture looks sim- ilar. During 1947, 825,000 resi- dential housing .units were begun in the face of a national need es- timated at a minimum of 1,300,- 000. Critical Factor A critical factor in the housing shortage is cited by Catherine Bauer, vice-president of the Na- tional Public Housing Conference. "Only the richest one-third of our population can afford new homes built by private enterprise," she said. (A recent Dow Service sur- Vey showed that last fall an aver- age six-room house cost from $8,180 to $14,128 without the lot.) The conference is to be spon- sored by the Jewish War Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Dis- abled American Veterans, Amvets, News Convention Will' The first of an will get underway at sponsorship, with 12 ing. Open Today annual serits of college newspaper conventions 2:30 p.m. at the Union today under The Daily's representative schools and 50 delegates attend- Business managers and managing editors from Alabama's Crim- son-White, UCLA Daily Bruin, Chicago Maroon, Colorado's Silver and Gold, Harvard Crimson, Daily Illini, Michigan State News, The Min- nesota Daily, Ohio State Lantern, Penn State Daily Collegian, and the Wisconsin Daily Cardinal will be on hand for the two-day session. Following a welcome address by Prof. Robert L. Dixon, secretary of the Board in Control of Student Publications, Daily managing * * * S. L. A. MARSHALL . . . convention speaker. U' Democrats Organize for Election Fight The students branch of the Young Democrats set up shop last night with the establishment of a steering committee to lead the Democratic Party's 1948 fight here on campus. Thirty students, headed by chairman Tom Walsh, became the nucleus of the first partisan polit- ical group to function on campus in many years. They will present the group's constitution before the Student Affairs Committee on Tuesday in a bid for formal Uni- versity recognition. Supporters of other' parties are awaiting the action of the Stu- dent Affairs committee to deter- mine the course that partisan po- litical groups will take at the Uni- versity. The new organization set as its prospectus liberal government through the election of a Demo- cratic President and Congress. The members voted to work with the Democratic State Committee and accepted affiliation with the Committee. "We're out to present the issues of the coming campaign to the student body," Walsh said. "We'll hold discussion groups and open meetings..And as part of the larg- er state body, we'll be in a posi- tion to make our voice heard in the formulating of official party stands." Fraternity List Reopens The registration list for frater- nity rushing will reopen from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday in the Inter- fraternity Council office, Rm. 306, Union, it was announced yester- day. editor John Campbell will direct a combined staff session at 3 p.m. Purpose of this session, and all sessions, will be to "compare notes" on operational procedures. Three other meetings will be held during the two-day period for business and editorial staffs. Daily staffers Nancy Helmick and Jeanne Swendeman will lead business discussions, and Dick Maloy, Harriett Friedman and Lida Dailes will direct edi- torial conferences.' During the meeting three well known newspapermen and adver- tisers will be here to discuss spe- cial problems with the two staffs. V. E. Canale, president of the National Advertising Service of New York, will be at tonight's session. James G. Paddock, of the advertising department of the Chicago Tribune, will be present tomorrow morning. S. L. A. Marshall, military commentator and editorial writer for The Detroit News, will make the concluding ad- dress following a banquet at the Union tomorrow night. He will be introduced by University Provost James P. Adams. In addition to the banquet, del- egates have been invited to at- tend a showing of Rose Bowl movies in the Union tonight, nar- rated by Jim Brieske. The convention will end tomor- row night with a dance at the League in honor of the delegates. Waldron Wins Two Awards Freshman Hopwood Winners Announced Daniel Waldron won $100 by capturing first prize in both the fiction and poetry divisions of the Freshman Hopwood Contest, while Malcolm Boesky took the $50 first prize in the essay division, it was announced yesterday. A large and excited audience gathered to hear the winners an- nounced and presentations made by Dean Hayward Kensington of the literary college. Prof. Roy W. Cowden contest director, outlined the history of the Hopwood awards. Second prizes of $30 each were awarded to Robert Uchitelle for fiction, and Berton London for poetry. A third prize of $20 for fiction was awarded to Mary Wank. The Hopwood contest is recog- nized in literary circles as an ex- cellent criterion of writing ability. Recent published Works by for- mer winners include: "Whistle Stop," by Maritta M. Wolff, "Years before the Flood," by Ma- rianne Roane, and "Homeward to America," a volume of poems by John Ciardi. Talk Predicts FutureWorld Government Adler (ontInes historySeries By ROBERT C. WHITE Only one event can be foretold with certainty by the modern his- torical prophet, Prof. Mortimer J. Adler declared in a lecture here last night. And that event is World Gov- ernment. Delivering the second in a se- ries of Lane Hall lecture on "The Interpretation of History," the Chicago University philosophy of law professor decried the old but still current "cyclical view" of his- tory which, by its very nature, can prophesy only doom for any cur- rent civilization. Persistent Development Not doom, but World Govern- ment, is the only sure event in the history of the future, he said. Tracing the persistent develop- ment of the human social unit, from family to nation, he called such government "the next ob- vious political development." Prof. Adler's prediction was ren- dered especially striking in view of his belief that the philosophy of history is "opinion, guesswork and imagination" as opposed to the "reason and demonstration" of the Neo-Thomist philosophy, for which he is considered an out- standing spokesman. Two other marks of huian progress-the decline in human slavery and the growth of democ- racy-are also evident in histo- rical study, Prof. Adler said. Great Significance The philosophy of history has tremendous emotional significance in our time. Prof. Adler continued. It possesses a value to the imagi- nation similar to that of poetry, he said, helping to satisfy an instinc- tive desire "to find one's place in time," and adds to a human sense of motion, direction and goal. Prof. Adler contrasted his vague philosophical subject with the "certain ground" of theological history as expressed by St. Augus- tine in "City of God." With the latter subject, he said, there is no guesswork and no argument. Sufficient Record Twentieth century man, Prof. Adler continued, is the first to have a sufficient historical record to permit "projection of the past into the future." We are the first, to even partially understand his- torical causes and patterns, he said. "But we must recognize that the distance of our view into the fu- ture is based on the amount of past history we can survey," he cautioned. "Think what a wonder- ful perspective man will have with 25,000 years behind him!" Prof. Adler added that he has little doubt that men will still be around in that distant future. Lecture .. . "If Congress has the right to in- vestigate peoples' beliefs, any gov-1 ernment official, state legislator1 -r city council can ask the ele-i vator boy how he voted," charged1 ;Robert Kenny, National Lawyer] Guild President speaking here yes- i'erday. Kenny, lawyer for 10 Hollywood1 ;riters being tried for Congres- ional contempt, revealed his briefI n their defense to Michigan Law tudents. ight To Inquire "The Constitution gives Con-t cress the right to inquire fqr in - 'ormation regarding laws, but the nformation asked for could not be )f any aid in passing legislation,"] he said. "Our argument," he said, "is so See LECTURE, Page 6 'U' Announces All-.A Students Total Perfect Grades Hit 94 in Fall Term The famed lamp of knowledge gave forth a pure untarnished glow last term for 94 students who added perfect all-A records to their list of achievements. The total includes 84 students in the literary college, three each in the architecture college and forestry school, two in the educa- tion school, and one each in the music and public health schools. Figures are not yet available from the engineering college on the number of its all-A students. Among those in the literary col- lege who received all A's are Jane Auld, Carrol Barber, ChapinBar- nard, Shelby Baylis, John Berg- mann, Russell Bidlack, Grace Blanchard, Giles G. Bole, Rose- mary Brown, Roger Buslee, Charles Buswell, William Cling- man, George Cusulas, James G: Degnan and Dorothy Ann Dice. The list continues with John Edmon, Helen Eggerth, Robert Evans, John Gehring, Seymour Glanz, Hadlock Griffin, Steven Hajos, Anne M. Hammond, John Hanson, Karl Hecht, Howard Henson, Thomas Herman, Leah R. Heslop, Richard Hespen, Roy His- cock and Frank Hull. Other all-A students are Janet Ingling, Layin James, Harry Jor- dan, Wilma Kaemlein, Faye Kauf- man, Laurel Keith, Nina Kessler, Doris E. Kingsbury, Paul G. Klein, See ALL A's, Page 6 , HAPPY OVER VICTORY-Leo Isacson (left), whose Wallace- backed victory in the Bronx was hailed by Robert Kenny as President Truman's political death knell. Kenny addressed the Lawyers' Guild here yesterday. Inspired by Isacson's victory, Kenny plans to push petitions for Wallace in California. Kenny Hits Film Investigators; Sees Wallace on Coast Ballots By DON McNEIL President Sounds Democrats' Cry Against_ Reaction Truman Calls for Party Support At Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 19-President Truman called on his party tonight to battle against "reactionary conservatism" and the "privi- leged few" in the coming elections. "This is a year of challenge," he said. "I propose that we meet that challenge head on. "The people will again decide whether they want the forces of positive, progessive liberalism to continue in office, or whether, in these challenging times, they want to entrust their government to those forces of conservatism which believe in the benefit of the few at the expense of the many." Interview . . . Henry Wallace will run for president on the Democrat Party ticket in the California primaries if insufficient signatures are ob-I tained on petitions for a third party. Robert Kenny, in his capacity as National Chairman of PCA, told the Daily Reporter that in all probability Wallace would defeat, Truman in the primary. "Truman," he said, "is dead. Leo Isacson's victory in the Bronx only announced services to be held on November 8th." "Wallace will never come back to the Democratic Party, but the Democrats will probably join him. Their argument will Ie that if you can't beat them, join them." "Labor too, despite the present split, will rejoin Wallace as his popularity becomes nore evident. Their split was because of the fact that he was a lone man." "The Bronx upset indicates that Isacson must have taken some of the Republican votes also, since the Party polled only 4 per cent of the ballots passed." The forming of a Wallace Party in Michigan was considered easy by Kenny, because of the small number of signatures required to get his name on the ballot. Kenny, former Attorney Gen- eral of California, is returning to his home state soon to lead the Third Party attempt to get the Californian petitions signed. 385,- 000 signatures are required. Over 400,000 people have agreed to sign already, but checking must take place so that, "in their zeal some of them have not signed twice." Last Chance for Veterans' Housing Today will be the last chance this semester for married veterans to file application for residence in University Terrace Apartments and the Veterans' Emergency Housing Project, according to the Office of Student Affairs. Applications may be filed at the Office, Rm. 2 University Hall. Although there are no vacancies at them present time, applications accepted now will be considered for future vacancies. Applicants must be married vet- erans of World War II and resi- dents of Michigan in order to be considered for admittance to eith- er project, the Office has an- nounced. The President spoke at a Jef- ferson-Jackson Day dinner. He avoided any direct refer- ence to dissatisfied elements in his party. Neither did he men- tion the Republican Party or any of its presidential nomina- tion contenders by name. But, in an apparent slap at Re- publicans in Congress, he de- nounced critics of his ten-year so- cial improvement program out- lined in his January legislative message. He called them "timid," "defeat- ists," "backward-looking," and "'men of small vision and faint hearts." "The timid people say that this can't be done," he said referring to, his program for improving social security and justice, production, education, and housing. "I know that it can be done," he declared repeatedly, "and we of the forward-looking faith must dedicate ourselves to the proposition that it will be done." "If anyone chooses to call this politics," he concluded, "then it is the politics of Jefferson and Jack- son, Wilson and Roosevelt-and it is good enough for me." There was only a faint indirect reference to the uprising of South- -rn Democrats against his "civil rights" program for Negroes, a 3rogram which caused some Southerners to boycott the din- ner. This was when he referred to Jefferson's conviction that "True democratic progress could be attained only by extending political and economic liberty, religious freedom, and educa- tional opportunity." One of his civil rights proposals would abolish the poll tax in the South. Others would make lynch- ing a federal offense, abolish Jim Crowism, and guarantee Negroes equal opportunity for work. A Southern governors' commit- tee will come here Monday to "lay their case" before Chairman Mc- Grath of the Democratic National Committee. Woman Killed In Auto Crash One person was killed and an- other seriously injured in a head- on collision between a car and a trailer truck at 8:50 last night be- tween Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Gertrude Applegate, 19, of Wil- low Village was killed and the driver of the car, Kurt Brauns, 23, of Ann Arbor was hurt in the crash. Suffering from concussion and hysteria, Brauns was taken to St. Joseph hospital in Ann Ar- bor. Leo Hinkle, of Jackson, driver of the truck was uninjured, Sher- iff's officers reported. The front of the car was com- pletely demolished and the left fender of the. truck, wheel and axle were pushed back. Sheriff's officers would not comment on the possible cause of the accident. Brauns' condition ws reported fair as The Daily went to press. Nazi Marshal Gets Life fcr War Crimes Seven Other Leading Germans Convicted NUERNBERG, Germany, Feb. 19-An American military tribu- nal yesterday sentenced Field Marshal Wilhelm List to life im- prisonment for his acts as German commander in the Balkans. Seven other high German mili- tary leaders also were convicted and sentenced. Two generals were acquitted. The defendants were accused of being responsible for the killing of an estimated 63,000 hostages in Greece, Yugoslavia and Albania. Some of these killings, the court ruled, were mass murder. Failed To Comply The court conceded that most of the guerrillas who harried Ger- man troops in the Balkans "failed to comply with the rules of war" and thus did not come under the protection of existing interna- tional law. Therefore those guer- rillas could be executed summar- ily. But the Germans, the tribu- nal's opinion said, committed ex- cesses and killed many innocent persons out of sheer rage. Further the opinion set a prece- dent by sharply criticizing the All- American character of the Nuern- berg war crimes trials. It re- proached the "statesmen of the world" for failing to establish truly international tribunals. Bias and Prejudice There now is room, the opinion said, for some criticism that de- feated generals tried by one vic- torious nation face "bias and prejudice." List's close associate, Gen. Wal- ter Kuntze, also was sentenced to life imprisonment. Other sentences included: Gen. Lothar Rendulic and Gen. Wilhelm Speidel, 20 years. Gen. Helmut Felmy, 15 years. Gen. Hubert Lanz, 12 years. Gen. Ernst Von Leyser, 10 years. IRA To Back MYDA Petition Urges Rei statement As CampusGroup In its first meeting of the se- mester last night, the Inter-racial Association voted to send a letter to President Ruthven supporting MYDA's recent campaign for re- recognition as a campus organiza- tion. The motion passed states that by its action IRA is not sup- porting the ideas or policies of Michigan Youth for Democratic Action, but mierely its right to exist as a University recognized group. Rev. John Miles of the Detroit Institute of Applied Religion ad- dressed IRA members on the sub- ject of racial discrimination exist- ing today. He cited various ex- amples of unequal opportunities for whites and Negroes, especially in the field'of higher education. "In all of the South, with very few exceptions," he said, "there are no opportunities for Negroes SOLDIER'S NEWSPAPER: Revamped Stars and Stripes Carries on War Tradition World News At a Glance By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, Feb. 19-The Korean Commission warned to- day that Korea may "blow up" if the United Nations fails to unite the American and Russian zones. * *' * CAIRO, Egypt, Feb. 19-Yehia Hamid El Din, 82-year-old ruler of Yemen, three of his 16 sons, and a chief advisor are dead and a new king and government pro- claimed, a dispatch from that Arabian kingdom said today. * * * WASHINGTON, Feb. 19-Rent controls in their present form will 'be extended through March 31, Congress leaders indicated today. A longer extension providing some increases is slated to be approved before then. * * * CHICAGO, Feb. 19-Steel pro- ducers hiked prices on an in- dustry-wide front today as many major commodities con- tinued a modest price climb that started last Saturday. NEW YORK, Feb. 19 - The American Communist Party con- (EDITOR'S NOTE:Fourth in user- ies of articles on the German occu- pation contributed by a University student who has just returned to this country after 18 months on the Stars and Stripes, famed Army pub- lication.) By BARNEY LASCHEVER The German edition of The Stars and Stripes, the soldier's newspaper, is now primarily run by civilians. Depleted to a skeleton staff by the great redeployment at the war's end, the Stripes was forced to take on civilians to continue publication. At present there are but 35 GIs. among 250 civilians, on ugly, grey little brewery town in' the Bergstrasse valley of Hesse, halfway between Frankfurt and Heidelberg. From a peak wartime circula- tion of 2,000,000 the paper has shrunk to something more than 60,000 daily. Because the paper is largely staffed by civilians, it is no longer supported by the War De- partment, but must sustain itself solely by sales. The only funds paid directly to the Stripes by the government cover the salaries and upkeep of its remaining GIs., While the Paris Herald Tribune is also available to EC subscribers. 'IT'S DAINTY TO DUNK': EmilyPost Abandons Attack on Donut By HAROLD JACKSON Emily Post has at last quit pick- ing holes in donuts. The lady who invented the fing- ing is actually the culmination of an 8-year battle with the Na- tional Dunking Association, which claims to be a non-profit, non- in half and dipped neatly into coffee or some other beverage." According to the Association's