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February 18, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-18

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Help for Everyone

dent has approved a hike in subsistence
for veterans. Our lawmakers, enlightened
ither by cost of living reports or pre-elec-
tion trends have recognized that the stud-
ent veteran needs help. They have granted
nim that help and the veteran has a new
lease on education. But what price the rest
of our society?
Our whole economy is ill, but only one
group has been singled out for aid. Inflation
is rampant, recent price breaks notwith-
standing. There's an overall cancer. But
congress sees only the surface symptoms
in the most effective pressure group. And
it meets these symptoms with sedatives.
Granted, the absence of any farsighted
program to cure the illness renders the
temporary grop, the sedative, necessary to
tone down inflation's pains. But if the can-
3er is permitted to grow, the veterans will
become addicted to the sedative and illness
will -be aggravated.
As the situation stands, the increased
subsistence is necessary. Any cost of living
report, any grocery bill testifies to that.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staf
and represent the views of the writers only.

$65 and $90 do not buy what they once
But if the situation is allowed to stand,
$75 and $105 will soon be similarly inade-
quate. And there will be new pilgrimmages
to Washington and new snowball campaigns.
And inflation will persist.
It would take just a little in the way
of market controls, just a little in the
way of price adjustments,, just a little far-
sightedness on the part of Congressmen
to secure our economy. But if our law-
makers refuse to be leaders, refuse to look
ahead, the voters have got to take the
initiative to steer Congress forward.
The voters, in turn, look to the more po-
litically aware among them to guide and
inform them. That's where political action
groups come in.
Here on campus, there's a network of
such groups that runs an alphabetical gamut
from ADA through YPCM. They meet spe-
cific problems as they come up, and put
pressure on legislators.
The question of America's sick economy
strikes the University community as it
strikes every community. We who are hit
by the insecurity look for cures. It's the
role of the political action groups to bring
the problems out in the open and to suggest
the cures. It's up to the campus groups to
take the initiative locally - to drum up
trade for positive, overall action to set our
whole economy back on a stable basis.
A -Ben Zwerling



Rent Control Finagling

WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-Harry ulliam
Cain, Republican from the state of Wash-
ington, is among the little band of newer
Senators whom irritated newsmen and
equally irritated congressional colleagues de-
scribe as "too big for their britches."
When Cain arrived in the Capital a little
over a year ago, he immediately plunged
into his senatorial duties with that special
crusading zeal peculiar to those who are de-
voted passionately to the destruction of
every remaining prop in the crumbling
structure of the New Deal. Appointed to the
Banking Committee, Cain saw a highly suit-
able outlet for his energies in the campaign
to put an end to rent controls. The real
estate lobby didn't have to twist Cain's arm:
he was their man from the start.
Administration witnesses appearing before
the Banking Committee on rent control mat-
ters found that nothing got by the fresh-
man Senator. At one hearing last year, Cain
examined a government form which was to
be used for individual rent increase requests
by landlords who felt their need for a higher
intake was especially urgent. Cain spotted
a routine note on the form which warned of
UIN Army
NOW THAT the five-member Palestine
Commission of the UN has recommend?
ed military force to carry out the partition
of Palestine, the UN finds itself face to face
with the fact that it has no military force
-and time is running out.
The old League of Nations was confront-
ed with a similar problem when Japan in-
vaded Manchuria and, later, when Musso-
lini ordered his troops to overrun Ethiopia.
The failure of the League to take decisive
action in these instances was due to the fact
that it had no military force and resulted
in its.complete loss of prestige and degen-
eration into an ineffective debating society.
If the UN wishes to avoid its predeces-
sor's fate, it is obvious that it must organ-
ize a "police" force to instrument its de-
cisions. This must be done before or-
ganized warfare breaks out in the Holy
Land because, if the militarily weak Arab
nations can defy the Assembly, stronger
powers will not hesitate to do so.
But how will the UN procure its military
There are two possible choices open to the
UN: (1) to ask for volunteers from all over
the world and to assemble, equip and train
them. (2) To ask member nations to con-
tribute parts of their standing armies.
If the first method for forming a "police"
force is chosen, it will beimpossible to have
the volunteers welded into a trained army
in time to influence the Palestine situation.
If the second method is chosen, the large
powers can almost certainly be counted out.
France would never consent to send troops
to Palestine for fear of arousing Moham-
medan population in her colonies. Britain
has already indicated her unwillingness to
leave a single regiment in the Holy Land.
America would block any attempt to send
Russian troops into the oil-rich Middle East,
while Russia and U.S. public opinion would
be powerful forces against an American
garrison in Palestine-And what smaller
country would or could send a sufficiently
large force?
The UN faces the greatest dilemma of
its short existence. The delegates to the
Assembly must arrive at a satisfactory
solution quickly and take positive action.
If they decide to "sit this one out," they
may as well start packing their bags.
-Leon Jaroff.
A LL IS NOT LOST. Life is complex and

legal consequences for making false state-
ments. The tenacious Washingtonian in-
sisted that the warning constituted an un-
warranted threat to landlords, and he claim-
ed it showed that the Administration was
unwilling to abandon its basic policy of con-
trols even in a document designed to further
the process of decontrol.
Finally Cain had his chance to translate
his own fierce antagonism to rent controls
into the law of the land-but it looks as
though the persistent Senator may have
overshot his mark.
He headed a Banking subcommittee which
was appointed to write rent control legisla-
tion to replace the present law, which ex-
pires at the end of this month. When the
subcommittee completed its recommenda-
tions, Cain at first refused to divulge its
content to newsmen. But after considerable
pressure had been exerted, he disclosed that
his bill would permit "voluntary" rent in-
creases up to any amount, as long as the
landlord and tenant agreed to a lease run-
ning through 1949. Whatever degree of
"control" was left after this emasculating
provision had its effect would remain until
April, 1949.
But the real ace cards were still hidden up
Cain's sleeve. The next day, his subcommit-
tee reported the bill to the full Banking
Committee. During this meeting, reporters
dug up a memorandum on the Cain recom-
mendations from the Office of the Housing
One of the boldest of the hidden provi-
sions uncovered in this memorandum
called for automatic and complete decon-
trol of any rental area where one per cent
of the housing accommodations were un-
occupied. Another clause provided for
rent increases up to 15 per cent in indi-
vidual cases if the landlord could show
that his costs had gone up.'
The whole question, at the time of this
writing, is still up in the ait, but many con-
gressional leaders, including Tobey and
chairman Wolcott of the House Banking
Committee, are talking about a possibility
of a 30-day extension of the present rent
control law until Congress can make up its
mind on new legislation.
At any rate. it appears that Harry Cain
seized a little too eagerly at the opportunity
to fulfill his dream, dating from the day he
stepped into the Capitol building, of pulling
out all Mtops on rents and gaining an acco-
lade from the real estate interests.
* AtSin
The Sky is Falling
A LAW STUDENT at Loyola University of
Los Angeles tells of a landlady who lived
on the floor directly below his rooms and
who- was extremely sensitive to noises. Our
student swears that when he accidentally
let a cigarette ash fall to the floor the land-
lady came rushing up the stairs and asked,
"Did anyone get hurt?"
Supppressed Desires
AS THE MEMBERS of the Minneapolis
Symphony filed off Hill Auditorium's
stage after Sunday night's concert of Mo-
zart, Beethoven And Berlioz, a definite
theme was heard rising from one of the
departing violins-"I'm Looking Over a
Four Leaf Clover."
11f 1

Delayed Joy
news stories about the break in the com-
modities markets.
He felt, obscurely, that he was enjoying
them too much, with a great, strange glee;
he knew that if the break went too far it
wouldn't be good for anybody. But he could
not help it.
"It's blowing up right in' the speculators'
faces," he said at dinner. "That'll teach
those profiteers, in their yellow tweed sport
coats, and their blue convertibles."
Margaret looked at him wonderingly. "You
sound as if you're talking about somebody
in particular," she said. "And you're higher
than a kite about it."
Next morning, as he walked to work, he
There had been that night in Fayette-
ville, during the war. He suddenly saw again
the crowded little soldier town, and the
street leading off from the railroad station,
past the hotel. A night in Fayetteville had
seemed like a prospect of unimagined bliss,
but there were more soldiers out than
civilians, almost as much khaki as in camp,
and the streets were flushed with empty
excitement, like a school yard a recess, or
a dance of particles seen through a micro-
scope. He remembered himself, squatting
on the sidewalk in the hot North Carolina
night, watching some children at play. He
was lonely and bored, and sheathed in sweat,
and only the darkness was kind; at least
it wasn't khaki with sun on it.
Then the blue car had stopped, and the
man in the yellow coat had asked the way
to Washington. Harry had looked up, tak-
ing it all in, the sport jacket, the pretty
girl companion, the cool, dirt-free look of
both of them.
Funny, he thought, how pictures like that
stayed in the mind. When the wheat market
had crashed, he had thought instantly of
the man in the yellow coat losing his fat
war-time money.
But in the elevator that evening, going
down on his way home, he did a double
take. There was only one other passenger,
an old-young man, with a tired look. Could
it be he? Harry %ad seen him several times
before; was that why the old Fayetteville
memory had come back? It was impossible.
Yet there was a resemblance, and Harry
tried to think back to that night in Fayette-i
ville, tried to remember the features of the
man in the yellow coat. He wanted, urgent-
ly, to ask his fellow passenger if he had
ever been in Fayetteville during the war,
especially one hot August night; but it
would be a silly question, thrown across
an impassable gulf.
"Nice day, isn't it?" said Harry.
"What's nice about it?" said the other,
looking down at the Journal of Commerce
in his hands, with its headline about wheat.
They walked out together, an Harry
stopped bumpingly on the jammed sidewalk,
as he watched the pretty girl in the parked
blue convertibe throw open the door, for
the man with the paper in his hand to hop
(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate)
Wasted Breath
THE NASTY LITTLE game of name call-
ing has assumed an international as-
pect. Top level officials of the major powers
are pointing accusing fingers at each other.
War efforts of various nations are de-
nounced as frauds.
The round of accusations began several
weeks ago when the State Department's
propaganda machine brought out an inter-
esting document from captured German
files pointing to the shady wartime deals'
of Stalin and Hitler. This not very illum-

inating document undertook to show the de-
tails of the 1939 non-aggression pact and
Stalin-Hitler agreements over spheres of in-
Cut to the soul by this rehash of well
known information, the Moscow propaganda
mills began working overtime to show a de-
ceived world how Russia had been be-
trayed by the Western democracies. The
democracies had helped to finance Hitler,
had appeased him and had tried to make
a separate peace with him, they point out.
All this is touching, indeed. The simple
facts are that both propaganda reports
contain some truth. Everyone knows that
Britain and France sold out European col-
lective security at Munich and in Spain,
just as it is common information that Stalin
and Hitler had an agreement to split up
Poland and the Baltic nations. Certainly,
American loans to Germany twenty years
ago and American indifference to Hitler
ten years ago helped pave the way for the
But this game is remarkably unproduc-
tive. It clears neither the air nor diplo-
matic heads. We fought a war together and
have all paid for it in varying degrees.
Peace will be achieved through a recogni-
tion of that basic fact and not on the
basis of ridiculous charges and counter-
-Jake Hurwitz.


"We kill each other only for food. We're a little short-handed
around here and we can't waste lives on politics and religion."

Publication in The Daily Official
Buletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
* * *
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18, 1948
VOL. LVII, No. 93
Hopwood Contest for Freshmen:
All students who have won prizes
in the Hopwood Contest for
Freshmen will be notified before
6 p.m. today.
The awards in the Hopwood
Contest for Freshmen will be an-
nounced at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Feb.
19, Rackham Amphitheatre. The
public is invited.
Approved social events for the
coming week-end:
February 20
Mosher Hall, Phi Rho Sigma.
February 21
Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa
Kappa, Chi Phi, Delta Sigma Pi,
Delta Tau Delta, Hillel Founda-
tion, Kappa Sigma, Lloyd House,
Martha Cook, Michigan Daily, Phi
Chi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Rho Sig-
ma, Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi Upsilon,
Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Zeta
Faculty report on bibliography
is now overdue and should be re-
turned to the Graduate School of-
fice irrespective of whether or not
there is anything to report.
Varsity Debating: Debaters
should check bulletin board,
fourth floor, Angell Hall.
Summer Camp Jobs: A repre-
sentative of Camp Livingston,
near Cincinnati, Ohio, will be at
the Bureau of Appointments on
Friday, Feb. 2,0, to interview ap-
plicants for summer camp posi-
tions. Qualifications: Jewish pre-
ferred, experienced, general coun-
selors, and waterfront director.'
For appointments call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments or call ex
tension 371.
The Superintendent of' Schools,
Ontario, California, will be here
on Thursday, Feb. 1, to interview
primary and intermediate grade
teachers, and men capable of
teaching grades 5 and 6 along with
physical education for upper grade
boys. For appointments call 3-
1511 ext. 489, or call at The Bu-
reau of Appointments, 201 Mason
University Lecture: Arthur W.
Stace, editor of The Ann 'Arbor
News, will speak to students in
the Department of Journalism on
"The Changing Newspaper" at 3
p.m., today, Rm. E. Haven Hall.
Coffee hour.

Academic Notices
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ics meets Thursdays, 4 p.m., Rm.
247, W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. N.
Coburn will speak on the subject,
"Non-steady Flow of Compressi-
ble Fluids," on Feb. 19.
Botanical Seminar: 4 p.m. to-
day, Rm. 1139 Natural Science
Bldg. Paper:' "The Vitamins Thia-
min and Riboflavin in Green
Plants" by F. G. Gustafson. Open
English 45, Professor Rowe's
Class, Section 2, will not meet to-
day. His students are to proceed
with material assigned.
English 79, Professor Rowe's
Class, Section 4, will not meet to-
day. His students are to proceed
with material assigned.
Geometry Seminor: 3 p.m., to-
day, Rm. 3001, Angell Hall. Mr.
Jesse Wright will speak on the
subject, "Postulationa l Treatment
of Minkowski Space."
Golliwogs: Organizational meet-
ing, 7:30 tonight, Rm. 318, W. En-
gineering Bldg.
Political Science 157 (Govern-
ments of Western Europe) will
meet in the future in Rm. 2215,
Angell Hall, on Tuesday and
Thursday at 11 a.m. and Thurs-
day from 4 to 5 p.m.
Political Science 382 will meet
Thursday from 2 to 4, Library,
Rm. 406.
Zoology Seminar: Thurs., Feb.
19, 7:30 p.m.. Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Miss Elizabeth Barto will
report on "Hereditary Chemogenic
Convulsion in Permoyscus," and
Mr. Arthur Staebler will report on
"A Comparative Life History
Study of the Downy and Hairy
Woodpeckers." Visitors welcome.
Museums Building, rotunda,
"Art of Melanesia' through Feb.
Events Today
Radio Program:
2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR, The
Hopwood Rm. Dennis Flana-
gan interviewed by E. G. Bur-
2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR, The
School of Music. Trombone
quartet directed by Harold Fer-
5:45-6 p.m., WPAG, Today's
World and Local Problems.
"Refugees of the Peace" -Mary
Economic Club: 7:45. p.m,
East Conference Room, Rack-
ham Bldg. Dr. Harry Shul-
man, Professor of Law, Yale Uni-
versity and Umpire for Ford Mo-
tor Company and UAW-CIO, will
speak on current problems of col-

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* * *
No Profiteering
To the Editor:
ALLSTUDENT veterans may
well be pleased for the grant-
ing Saturday of an increase in
subsistence benefits. Let us hope,
however, that University admin-
istrators and proprietors of book-
stores, restaurants will not use
this increase as an excuse to raise
present high prices or to main-
tain those high prices longer than
It should be remembered by
the University and shopkeepers
that the present enrollment com-
prises a large minority of non-
veterans. For them Congression-
al action has done little to remove
the extreme pressure of inflated
prices. To use the federal guar-
antee of increased financial re-
sources for veterans as an excuse
for additional profiteering would
be both unfortunate and unfair.
-L. Dillon
* * *
To the Editor:
AP RTLY the ADA is in a
quandry with the issue of
UIT. Their last national con-
vention endorsed opposition to
UMT, yet-ADA has committed
itself to denunciation of Henry
Wallace and a progressive third
party, instead of choosing to sup-
port the bankrupt Truman ad-
ministration. Since Harry Tru-
man has repeatedly asked for
UMT legislation, a strong opposi-
'tion would embarrass the essential
weakness of the ADA's contradic-
tory position.
So the boys whet their split-
ting axe and charge that the one
group actually doing something to
mobilize student anti-'UMT sen-
timent is "Communist inspired,"
Who wised up the ADA? Prob-
ably Frederick Woltman, column-
ist for the Scripps-Howard N.Y.
World Telegram, noted for "ex-
poses" of Red activities written
with an anti-labor slant, who
warned all good Americans about
the NYA two weeks ago.The ADA
thus takes up the cry of the most
reactionary pro-UMT forces who
seek to discredit and split the op-
They imply, too, that UMT is
a dead issue because this is an
election year. They put the wish
before the fact. An intensive cam-
paign has been underway for some
time, led by spokesmen for the
Truman administration, backed up
by the majority of the nation's
press, with the American Legion
carrying out the most thorough
pressure campaign in its history in
support of UMT. They are quite
optimistic that there will be legis-
lative action this year. They have
reason to be, with the weak show-
ing of anti-UMT groups.
UMT is one of the most contro-
versial and critical domestic issues
in this election year. Candidates
will, to a large extent, stand of
fall on the position they take on
this one question. If the Commun-
ists are making an issue of it, more
power to them. If it embarrasses
ADA, that's rough.
A-Bill Carter
Share Alike
To the Editor:
due-Michigan basketball game
My preferred ticket entitled me

Political Science Round Table:
The Graduate Students of the De-
partment of Political Science are
reminded of their first meeting of
the Round Table, Thurs., Feb. 19,
7:30 p.m., West Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Prof. James K.
Pollock will be the main speaker.
Graduate History Club: 8 p.m.,
Clements Library. Prof. George
Kiss of the Geography Depart-
ment will speak. All graduate His-
tory students are invited: Re-
Delta Sigma Pi:, professional
business fraternity: Smoker, 8
p.m., second floor terrace room,
Michigan Union. All men stu-
dents in business administration
and economics are invited. Re-

Letters to the Editor..

to one rung of a step-ladder in a
corner of the Field House where
I could munch my doughnuts and
watch the game at the same time.
Not so lucky were the scores of
students who stood on packing
boxes, planks. or just the good cold
ground. I noticed one person seek-
ing to use a two-wheeled cart to
stand in. but some official decid-
ed that two's a crowd.
It seems to me that the abom-
inable condition of standing-room
only could and can be eliminated
by one easy gesture on the part
of sports-loving fans of Michigan
-to sit closer together. Simple,
isn't it? And yet I have seen at
every home game this season hun-
dreds of spaces on the bleachers
being used for coats instead of
students. I admit we have to put
our coats somewhere. but I would
rather sit on chine than have
someone stand for lack of a seat.
At other games when I was
able to come at 6:30 for my seat,
I have always been able to sand-
wich in a couple of my friends by
having my neighbors move in clos-
er together. Let's sandwich in
everybody and make friends of
all, especially at the Iowa-Michi-
gan game when we will see if Pete
Elliott can hold down Iowa's
flashy Murray Wier from making
23 points.
-Vincent Lowenberg

Seed Help
To the Editor:

long since rolled to fast con-
sumption at needy points of Eu-
ropean destination. Congress has
indicated certain attitudes for
continued emergency feeding.
Many among you have sent
canned goods and paid for flour
-these things are ready food for
today perhaps, a meal or two to-
morrow, but what of the days be-
yond? Shall the cry be enough?
Shall we have taken our religion
for an hour within the chidrch on
Sunday and leave it till the next
meeting? Shall you stop now be-
cause no one is poking a plan at
you? Well, here is a plan that
many of us have been waiting for
singe the German surrender, re-
member it?-more than two years
ago. Here is a plan that some In-
fantry wished for as they did
close-order drill and marched
away to reviews during the im-
mediate months of the peace
when there was so much of hu-
man and civic rebuilding that
could have been done.
"Send vegetable seeds to your
friends abroad. Owing to crop
failures, seeds are scarce in Eu-
rope. ASTA official assortment,
prepared as recommended by U.S.
Depar~tment of Agriculture, suf-
ficient to produce five tons of
vegetables, one year's supply for
average family" at a cost of $3.95
can be sent to any one in any
one of 22 European countries in-
eluding Turkey, I am advised by
my seedhouse. Any seed supply
house that has enrolled in the
ASTA plan can handle your order
or you can send it through rec-
ognized welfare organizations or
the Friend's Society.
Now you can give more than
just a meal. Now you can give a
whole year's supply of food. Now
you can provide the healing ther-
apy of work through gardening
and the lifting satisfaction of suc-
cess by sending seeds to sow a
more stable pace! Or do you think
we have won already?
-Ivan B. O'Lane.


Fifty-Eighth Year


Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
St'udent fPublicati: n.s.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell .......Managlng Editor
Dick Maloy . ............. City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes.......... Associate Editor
Joan Katz........... Associate Editor
Fred Schott......... Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor
Jean whitney Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .......General Manager
Jeanne Swencteman ......Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager
Dick Halt.......CircLation" Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively


Sociedad H1ispanica will present lective bargaining and labor re-
a lecture by Sr. Federico Sanchez lations. embers of the staffs
y Escribano entitled, "La Venus and graduate students in eco-
Barroca," 8 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 19. nomics and business administra-
Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. tion are invited.

Sigma Delta Chi: 7:30
Michigan Union.
(Continued on Page 5)



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