Th1 tcfrAN Acv Congress To hold Meeting Of Engineers Aims To Strengthen School Student Body The Engineering Student Con- gress, called for the purpose of coordinating activities of the dif- ferent engineering societies and organizations, will meet at 5:30, tomorrow in the Union, Ev Ellin, president of the Engineering Council and chairman of the Con- gress announced today. The Congress will present plans tg promote inter-organizational cooperation, thereby strengthen- ing the student body in the Col- lege of Engineering. Letters have been sent to eighty student leaders in the Col- lege of Engineering inviting them to attend the smoker, banquet' and business meeting that will follow. Officers of engineering societies and engineering students active in student affairs are among those invited. Ellin said that by familiariz- ing these student leaders with the activities program, the commit- tee hopes to be able to arouse the interest of all engineering stu- dents. The business meeting will con- sist of an explanation and discus- sion of the activities program, the reading of a letter of rec- ommendatiqn addressed to thte faculty, and an open discussion in which other problems will be con- sidered. Each engineering society and club will be asked to sponsor one of the activities on the program. These include an informational booklet on the Engineering Col- lege to be issued to freshmen, a basketball team, smokers for en- gineering students and various other activities. History Series Begins Today Rabbi Heller To Take JudaisticViewpoint Rabbi James G. Heller of the Isaac M. Wise Temple, Cincin- nati, will speak on "The Inter- pretation of History" from the Judaistic point of view at 8:15 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. Rabbi Heller is the first speaker in a series of three lectures, spon- sored by Lane Hall, which will ap- proach the general theme from differing religious views. Rabbi Heller is chairman of the United Palestine Appeal and a member of the executive commit- tee of the Zionist organization of America. He has also done ex- tensive writing, his best known work being "As Yesterday When It Is Passed." Beyond his work in the faith, Rabbi Heller is Professor of Mu- sicology at the Cincinnati Con- servatory of Music and writer of program notes for' the Cincinnati Symphony. Prof. Mortimer J. Adler of the University of-Chicago will present the topic Thursday from the Neo- Thomist point of view, and Dr. Rheinhold Niebuhr of the Union Theological Seminary will con- clude the series Monday, present- ing the Protestant view. NCN Tryout Staff Will Meet Today . There will be a meeting of the old and new editorial tryout staff of the 'Ensian at 4:30 p.m. today it was announced by Jean Kodish, associate editor. "All students interested in work- ing for the Ensian are urged to attend the meeting in the Student Publications Building," she said. Hold Those Bonds! DIRECTOR ANNOUNCES COMPLETE CAST: Scheel, Buttery, Mollnow Receive J.G. Play Leads .x N. J. HARKNESS . . . HENRY J. LIGHTNER.. . SENIORS ATTENTION: Grand Rapids Day Program Will Consider Business Topics HIARRYi'. K ELLY... By JO MISNER Occupational opportunities and living conditions in Grand Rapids will be described for students in a Grand Rapids Day program, at 4 p.m. today in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Sponsored by the University Bureau of Appointments, Grand Rapids is bringing a group of Grand Rapids business leaders in the University to present to stu- dents the occupational opportuni- ties which Grand Rapids offers to college graduates. Kelley Is Chairman Mr. Harry J, Kelley, manager of Industrial Relations, American Seating Company, will introduce the speakers. As Chairman of Grand Rapids Day arrangements, Mr. Kelley handled arrangements for the program in Grand Rapids. Mr. N. J. Harkness, president of the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce, will give the general business background of Grand Rapids. Mr. Henry W. Lightner, secre- tary of Graphic Arts Association, will discuss the small business as- pects of Grand Rapids. Other Speakers Other speakers will include Mr. Anthony Stormzand, assistant manager, Fisher Body division of General Motors; Robert H. Ben- nett, president of Stow and Davis furniture company; Col. Lester Co1V its..." (Continued from Page 1) from prison several years later, Prof. Vedder said. If such a system of punishment were put in effect a man, after his first conviction, would be on probation, during which time he would have to report to authori- ties regarding his activities every month, Prof. Vedder continued. The man would also be required to make restitution to the vic- tim. During this period of probation, the convicted man could keep on at his job, remain with his fam- ily and in touch with the reality of life, Prof. Vedder said. This approach would save the taxpayers a large amount of money, and would have no detri- mental effect on the character of the convicted law-breaker, Prof. Vedder declaiied. Blocking the way of adherents to this rela- tively recent theory of criminol- ogy, are the mores of our culture which stress punishment. BARGAINS Annual sale of sample leath- er items including billfolds, purses, bridge sets, jewel boxes, compacts, picture frames, and various other items. All at 112 price or less L. G. BALFOUR CO. 1319 S. University Ph. 9533 C. Doerr, supervisor of high school instruction for Grand Rapids schools; and Frank L. DuMond, director of the Grand Rapids pub-' lic museum. DuMond will discuss commu- nity living and cultural opportuni- ties in Grand Rapids. The other speakers will outline opportunities for University graduates in the business and industrial organiza- tion of that city . "Grand Rapids Day" is the first of a series of planned occupational information conferences through which the Bureau plans to present representatives of various indus- tries throughout the country who will discuss the opportunities which their respective fields have to offer college graduates. 'M' Buckeyes To Organize Toledo Club It'll be "Toledo Night" at the Union tonight, as a dozen or more transplanted Toledoan students get together for, a club-forming session at 7:30 p.m. Natives of the Buckeye city who've made good here on cam- pus will organize tahe Toledo club, to help them make good back in the hometown after grad- uation. Chater members will be Bod Chappuis, Don McIntosh, Sue Schomburg, Bob Harrison, Ger- ald Rees, Marjorie Zaller, George Whitehorre, Don Rothschild, Ed McNeill, Irv Wisniewski, Fred Lindberg, Fred Comlossy and Bill Zerman. Talks by Toledo alumni club members to picture the job situ- ationsand an orientation program to show incoming Toledo fresh- men around campus will be part' of the club's program, according to Bill Zerman, who's organizing the group. Zerman co-sales manager of the 'Ensian, got the idea for the club when he discovered that there were about 200 Toledo students on campus - but most of them seemed to have lost contact with each other amid the other 19,000. Future meetings of the club will be open to all undergraduate To-I ledoans. Called to Adid of UioiSti ff Eligible Members Invited To Smoker The Michigan Union, ridiculous as it may sound, needs men. The Union has issued a call to all eligible freshmen and sopho- mores interested in becoming spokes in the "Hub of the Michi- gan Campus" to attend a smoker at 8:30 p.m. today in Rm. 316. There they will hear of the ad- vantages of participating in the various Union committees. According to Richard Hitt, pub- licity chairman, there are open- ings for men on all five commit- tees: social, campus affairs, pub- licity, administration, and house. "By offering their services to the committees, men can gain valu- able experience and receive many benefits at the same time," he said. Hitt* listed typical functions of the different committees. The social committee organizes and conducts many important campus activities, such as dances, among which the Union Formal is prom- inent. Fishing trips, skiing jaunts, and coffee hours are sponsored by the campus affairs committee. Experience in poster design and other publicity procedures may be obtained while serving on the publicity committee. Students working on the administration committee can gain valuable of- fice experience. "Campus Quart- er," conducted by the house com- mittee, gives students experience in radio work. Participants in all committees will have the opportunity of work- ing on Michigras, the aninual cam- pus carnival sponsored by the Un- ion in conjunction with WAA. The smoker will feature infor- mal discussions of Union activi- ties and give tryouts a chance to get acquainted. Cokes and dough- nuts will be served. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS IN STOCK Coronas - Underwobds Remingtons OFFICE EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO. 111 South 4th Ave. i Concluding an extensive weer: ing, Mary Dougherty, June of tryouts Marilyn Scheel. Audrey Schauer, June Atlas, Jean Lyman, Butt ery and Ruth lol'nov, wr Charlotte Peck. cast for JTunior Girl's Pla,, vit «:Others chosen for dancing parts announced by Pat M 1Kenna, - include: Mary Robinson. Maxine rector.Siiih. Lou Dickinson, Shirley The radition~ai inusic an''U Y Farnsworth, Bev Goldstein, Fran- is an agggregate of daminr -cll Ces Hall, Janet Hatch, Jo Ann singing choruse, in addition to Liamtbert, Pat Laws, Betsy Driscoll, the cast parts. Among those c1- ! Dolores Miller, Sue Toepel, and en for speaking larts are LucilleI Joann Utley. Saxman, Georgiana Benesh, Pat Among the dancers also includ- Rathke, Pat Young, Barbara Mar- ed Edith Wortsman, Gwen Keis- tin, Gloria Hunter and Sally van ter, Harriet Beck,, Marjorie Sut- Minden. fin, Marjorie Reber, Virginia Other feminine speaking parts Purse, Molly Rogers, Joyce Bowen, were awarded to Ruth Franken- Jacqueline Calvin, Nancy Mussel- stein, Peg Mongeau, Ginny Bea- man, Eleanor Hoffmaster, Marilyn bes, Marian Freedman, Marilyn Howell, and Barbara Laun. Flynn and Anita Minor. Others chosen were Delores Male parts were awarded to Maximena, Ruth Martini, Barbara Cynthia Finn, Betsy Moore. Ann Thelan, Marilu Hill ,Jean Lind- Weiner, Nancy Vedder, Kay Lam- bloom, Ann Owens, Dotty Ann ley, Ruth Sights, Elizabeth Barss, Parker, Harriet Ewig, Ruth Brie- Eileen Hickey, and Pat Maloney. gal, Mary Buckmaster, Betty Othes include Barbara Lewis, Barna, and Shirley Richardson. Patt Newberg, Joyce Brawer, Su- Concluding the list of dancing zanne Tolford, Lucie Fink, Judith| parts are: Mary Quinn, Dorothy Robbins, Harriet D. Norton, Har- Ellis, Elinor Horowitz, Barbara riet Fallls, Jo Steinberg, Gwen Kirby, Julie Rose, Marilyn Marks, Sperlich, and Rosemarie Schoetz. and Bernice Calkins. Concluding the list of male I Women with musical ability are parts are Ginger Seput, Jamie urgently needed in regard to the Schaeffer, Lynn Rittenbaum, dancing and chorus for copying Marge Zaller, Hope Meyers, Har- music. Those interested should riet Mermelstein, Natalie Tayler, contact Pat Baumgarten at 2-25- June Goldburg and Ann Herman. 43. Dancing parts were awarded Women chosen for the singing to Barbara Forster, Esther Anne chorus. were divided into four Gommesen, Marjorie Berger, Bar- groups. Chorus A consists of Joan bara Whiting, Adrienne Volberd- Rowdabaugh, Jackie Ward, Lau- rene Pickford, Judith Davidson, Barbara Hall, Doris Sternberg. Dorothy Beckton, Mary Shawley Ann Parker. Pearl Franc i. Jo Kitchen, Dona Schneider, Mary Lee McDonald, and Betty Mar- cus. Those chosen on singing ci ous B consist of Lois Smith , Gerry Rose, Nedra Ohnistede. Bebe Live- ly, Ann Griffin, Betty St. Clair, Elsie Stefan, June Marx, Jeanne Hunt, Phyllis Collins, Joan Lince, and Peg Ellingwood. First rehearsal for group B will be Thursday, February 19 in the League. Cheerleaders in the singing chorus consist of Dulcie Krasnick, Bobbie Ream, Nancy Culligan, Helen Olsher, Nancy Sanders, Jean Boos, Mary Wilkinson, Car- ole Castricum, and Betsy Iden. Those chosen for the Varsity Night Quartette were Jean Den- nis, Jackie Ward, Dot Beckton, Elizabeth Hildebrandt. Women chosen for chorus C are Shirley Steinman, Laurene Pick- ford, Barbara Maul, Lois Smith, Dulcie Krasnick, Ilona Fietze, Dorothy Calhoun, Ann Norris, Doris Sternberg, Elizabeth Hilde- brandt, Beverly Palmer, Barbara Holland, Dorothy Jemal, and Marilyn Weihe. Those in chorus D are Betsey Iden, Joan Rowdabaugh, Judith Davidson, Negra Ohmstede, Bebe Lively, Ilona Fietze, Jean Hall, Ann Parker, Mary Shawley, June Marx. Gerry Rose, and Dona ;;luneide r. Also chosen for chorus D are Mary McDonald, Phyllis Collins, Bobbie Ream, and Nancy Culli- gan. The main committee heads for J.G.P. consist of Eugenia Mc- Callmnt as dance director; Frankie Kelso. singing director, Betty Estes, Assistant Director and Pat McKenna, director. Alumnae Offer Fellowships Two fellowships of $750 each, the Lucy Elliott and Alice Lloyd Fellowships, are being offered by the Alumnae Council of the Alum- ni Association for the academic year of 1948-1949. These awards are open to wom- en who are graduates of an ac- credited college or university, but a graduate of any other university will be required to use the award for work on the Michigan campus. Personality , achievement, and scholastic ability will be consid- ered in granting the awards. Application for the followships may be made through the Alum- nae Cuncil office in the League. All, applications must be filed by March 15. Awards will be an- nounced by April 1. 1; 4 p A CI RET E CAN , Ki 0 Ch Teij re l//ere WHENEVER 'YOUWALK your steps are free and easy in these shoes 4W.1 N r- .... r ATTENTION ALL INTERESTED Second Semester Freshmen, Sophomores - Attend '48 ENSIAN Business and Sales Staff * Only these shoes have Synchro- Flex construction, the patented advance which makes them easy and restful from the beginning. We fit you right -and you feel instantly what this revolutionary method of shoe building does for you; and why it means MORE than fine shoes. bill j.USI A ER1Cl. by J. P. SMITH SHOE CO. 0 N r6y . 1 1 1 Beams Ik : ::tin n'..".':,:a :"". :. :YJ:"..'rr .. ..:.. :... .....a.r:tJr"::a. . .,.na.,a.aa.a..:.;:"J:.: . ...:::. .....: :.":'":. '" ti:}':'.':''':' ":vl::'4 ¢ .. . ......... . . ..............::..... ........ .C k . SHELL i CORDOVAN I z. i, I I ,I III I