Monday, February 9, 1948
Pane Five
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NO LONGER IN TRAINING-With the football s ason over, Jim Brieske and Bob -Wiese can en-
joy late hours with dates Barbara Piper and Efeen Scanlon.
GOPS! CATCH THAT-Amazed anticipation and startled con-
sternation follow the descent of that indespensa le strap. With
strapless gowns predominanting on the dance Boor, similar mis.
haps were few and far between.
- SMILE! - Bump Elliot obliges
phoogrphr wth isAll-Amer-
GAINING ENTRANCE-Eager crowd surges through canopied photographer with hisAll-Amr
lengrin, while danigcing with
doorway toward cloakrooms early in the evening. girl-of-the-evening, Greta Bur-
THE FINAL TOUCH-(above) The oft-photographed pair, Ann
Gestie and Bob Chappuis, exchange admiring glances as she pins
a boutonniere on his lapel, before leaving for the dance.
ON THE AIR-(below) Dancers pause to listen to a Sonny Dun-
ham specialty number, as the young bandleadeo prepares to let
loose with a trombone solo.
DIVIDED INTERESTS-Closely packed dancers (above) hear
Dorsey's band jump while other cou Les (below) find the side-
lines more diverting.