3ook Beef Exposed
EVERY SEMESTER, there's a loud, pro-
longed book beef from University stu-
dents, smarting in the tight pinch of allow-
ances and new books.
All non-veterans join forces each term to
condemn the bookstores for the high prices
they charge, and the low appraisal they give
on used books.
After having been one of the complaining
chorus, I went to work in a bookstore last
week. What I learned in one week's work
forced me to resign from the chorus.
The charge most often levelled against
commercial bookstores of Ann Arbor is that
they wangle a tremendous profit from sell-
ing used books. This is a gross exaggeration.
After a book has been used for a semester,
the text for the course is frequently chang-
ed. We all know this. However, none of us
bothers to wonder what happens to the
bookstores' unused supply of these books.
The stores have to keep them, sell them on
bargain tables, give them to struggling for-
eign libraries, or sell them to distant book-
stores for a small fraction of their original
price. Here, they sustain one of their largest
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Of every five used texts the bookstores
buy, they are only able to sell three. These
are bought at a one-third mark-up. Judg-
ing from the mark-up, students estimate the
profit the store is making.
On a three dollar book, the profit is
thought to be eighty cents. In reality, the
profit is about thirty cents, after losses on
other used books and discarded new texts
are taken into consideration.
Under these conditions, one or two local
bookstores have resorted to giving their un-
sold books to students, in an effort to clear
their stacks.
If students are incredulous about these
facts, the store owners welcome them to ex-
amine the stacks and records of the dis-
position of unsold texts.
As for new books, the retailers make only
a ten percent profit by.selling these, and
even then the book must be bought by large
numbers of students.
As a result of the many pitfalls confront-
ing them, bookstores have a high mortality
rate. The non-predictability of the book sale
cycle makes bankruptcy a plausible future
for all bookstores. The stores in this city
have been no exception.
If it is still difficult to believe that book-
store owners are not J. P. Morgan's in ready-
made clothing, the cynical student should
allay his suspicions,bas I did, by putting in a
harried week in a bookstore.
--Fran INick
First Stage Only
FIND Mr. Taft's and Mr. Dewey's Lincoln
Day speeches almost equally disturbing.
Mr. Taft, speaking at St. Paul, attacked the
Yalta and Teheran conferences; he lifted
the Republican Party's skirts high and clean
of these meetings, and he declared that the
"bipartisan" phase of our foreign policy ap-
plied only to later events. But what was
wrong with Teheran and Yalta?
Isn't our moral position all the better be-
cause there was a Teheran and a Yalta?
Suppose we had adopted the "get tough"
line without having had these conferences?
How would we have looked then, pretending
peacemakers? Mr. Taft's sneers at past
agreements come dangerously close to fore-
closing on all possibilities of future ones.
For Mr. Taft professes to find an ambi-
valence in our foreign policy. He sees a
conflict between our past agreements with
Russia, and our efforts to "sfop commu-
nism" by spending money and building or
buying friends. Does this mean that the
Marshall Plan (in Mr. Taft's view) rules
out any possibility of agreement with
Russia? Is the Marshall Plan so entirely
anti-Russian, so exquisitely and organic-
ally hostile, as to make any future agree-
ment with Russia seem an act of inco-
That is not the impression Mr. Marshall]
has sought to convey. He has pushed the
Marshall Plan as an approach to peace, not
as an act of foreclosure on all possible ef-4
forts to reach a compromise. We are going
to be in serious trouble if we intend to hold
that the Marshall Plan will be outraged in
case accord breaks out between the powers.
Mr. Taft does not want war, I am sure;
but he comes close to telling us that the
reaching of an accord between Mr. Tru-
man and Mr. Stalin (which would neces-
sarily involve some concessions) could be
the signal for an end of the bipartisan
approach to foreign policy.
Come to think of it (and it is a fine, fat
question) what would happen to the biparti-
san approach if the President were sud-
denly to announce an understanding with
Russia? Could it stand the strain of the end
of strain? Is it verging in the direction of
becoming an anti-agreement agreement?
For there was Mr. Dewey's speech, too,
at Boston. Mr. Dewey is supposed to be a
great opponent of Mr. Taft, yet his speech
curiously paralleled the other's. The same
scorn was poured out upon our early agree-
ments with Russia. There was the same dis-
avowal of bipartisan responsibility for them.
It becomes clear that the real quarrel over
the Marshall Plan is not over whether it is
to be small or large. It is between those who
regard it as the first stage of a complex ad-
venture in making peace with a difficult op-
ponent, and those who rather smugly look
upon it as the end of the journey, as the
miraculous gadget which can stop questions
without supplying answers.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate)
"Drink the rest of your bourbon, Johnny. We shouldn't waste grain
with all those people starving in Europe."
T o THE EVER-GROWING list of movie
epics of president's lives may now be
added "Teddy and the Rough Riders,"
technicolor short depicting significant epi-
sodes in the life of Theodore Roosevelt.
"Teddy," on view last week at a local
theatre, almost stole the serio-comic spot
from Charles Chaplin.
Aimed at the strong heart and boundless
preaches rugged individualism, at least for
Integrity of American manhood, "Teddy"
the president. Rejecting politicians unequiv-
ocably and en-masse, he fights staunchly,
At the Michigan...
DAISY KENYON, with Joan Crawford
and Dana Andrews.
DAISY KENYON is an above average ver-
sion of the old situation where the wed-
ding rings have absolutely nothing to do
with who loves whom. Joan Crawford is the
successful career woman who marries wid-
ower Henry Fonda when it is apparent that
her status with Dana Andrews is going to
remain on a strictly extra-marital basis.
Getting the marriages and everyone's emo-
tions squared away forms the nucleus about
which Henry Fonda gives out with some
very hilarious dialogue, Joan gets most
wrought up, and Dana Andrews has a big
time "honeybunching" everyone from his
faiter-in-law to the head waiter at the
Stork Club. Photography and settings are
average but authentic, and if you keep
hearing telephones ringing, Miss Crawford
has a neat cure for the malady.
* * *
At the State...
GAP, with Abbott & Costello and Mar-
jorie Main.
THE LATEST Abbott and Costello zany is
almost as much fun as its tongue twist-
ing title. The comedian's fans will be grat-
ified to see their fat little friend assert
himself, even though his immunity to harm
in the west's toughest town depends on
an old Montana law forcing a killer to
Support his victims widow and children.
And as guardian of Marjorie Main and her
lusty brood, Costello is sad but safe. Many
of the laughs are derived from well-worn
'comedy situations, but Costello with the un-
expected authority of a little Napoleon and
Miss Main's wistful but aggressive attempts
t matrimony provide lots of chuckles.
-Gloria Hunter.
G.I Raise
S TUDENT VETERANS will gleefully hold
out their hands April 1, when Congres-
sionally-authorized G. I. Bill increases of
$10, $15 and $30 go into effect. Some fa-
vored the raise and others opposed it-but
all will accept it as a pre-election gift from
vote-hungry politicians.
The next few days, weeks or perhaps
months will decide the ultimate trend of
Prices. If the bill had been delayed for a
short length of time, reductions in the cur-
rent High Cost of Living might change the
position of the student veteran from one
of pressing hardship to comparative secur-
The end result may leave veterans with
more funds than was originally intended
that they should receive and add $217,000,-
000 more precious dollars to the Republican
Congress's carefully nurtured economy bud-
Letters to the Editor.
if alone, for what he (or perhaps the pro-
ducers) considers right.
Brought out, no doubt, as a result of the
current scramble of Hollywood movie cor-
porations to outdo each other with protesta-
tions of Americanism, the film offers "solu-
tions" from the past to "problems" of the
present, ably emphasized with a large,
sturdy stick.
Teddy's dauntless problem solving begins
when, as New York's Mayor he is faced
with a threatened walk-out of his party.
The situation looks dark until Teddy clears
everything up by accepting a convenientlyj
offered position as Assistant Secretary of
the Navy.
Having nicely pulled our hero out of
this predicament, the movie then sets Teddy
to volubly advocating peace-time prepared-
ness. War comes in the midst of his speech.
In the resulting skirmishes, he proves
himself as adept at battle, charging mightily
about the movie battlefield, with his hand-
picked rough riders.
The war over, "Teddy" serves a term as
governor of New York, only to be put on
the vice-presidential shelf by political big-
wigs. But true to his own predictions, he's
not there long-President McKinley is shot
in the next reel.
As president, Teddy solves an apparently
hopeless mine strike when with one sen-
tence he informs labor and management
"the American people will not stand for
Echoes of the same idea ring through
his last five movie words as he intensely ex-
pounds Americanism - first, last, always
and only-and denounces the intrusion of
any foreign elements.
Here is the first in what may be a long
series of Hollywood propaganda films cater-
ing to the House Un-American Activities
Committee. If this is the case, Washington
has brought forward a real disaster in this
ridiculous and distorted version of the
life of a truly outstanding president.
-Joan Katz and Naomi Stern.
(Continued from Page 2)
rjjHE MINNEAPOLIS Symphony Orestra,
under the direction of its permanent
conductor, Dimitri Mitropoulos, presented
to a near-capacity audience in Hill Audi-
torium Sunday evening, a program of works
by four well-known composers, including
two important symphonies. The opening
number Leonore Overture, Number 3, was
performed with enthusiasm and interest,
and showed elements of careful rehearsal.
The Jupiter Symphony, in C, of Mozart,
which followed, was rendered at least faith-
fully. It seemed disappointing, however, that
by intermission-time Mr. Mitropoulos, in
presenting two very well known works to a
University audience, had failed to show
striking originality in his interpretations of
The high point of the concert was, ap-
parently, the B-flat Major Symphony, Opus
20, of Ernest Chausson, a lesser-known, but
certainly very important work. This work
is growing in popularity, and, authough
it is writen by a man who died in 1890, it
has a very strong flavor of modernism.
In its large wind scoring and fluid and im-
pressive coloring it is many years ahead of
its time.
The second half of the program was as
French as the first half was German, for
it closed with three pieces from Berlioz'
"Damnation of Faust." The Dance of The
Sylphs was given very delicate treatment by
the violins, while the opening fanfare of
the Rakoczy march broke the stillness creat-
CORPORATIONS have been receiving
great acclaim from the art world of late
for finally realizing the potentialities of fine
art for advertising purposes. But if perusing
ads in magazines wasn't evidence enough,
the exhibit of the best in advertising art
now being shown at Alumni Memorial Hall
seems to offer "proof positive" that adver-
tisers still have only rarely adapted good
painting to their art.
Of the companies- represented, only .one
seems to have successfully codmbined fine art
with its advertising copy. Particularly effec-
tive in this group is a picture of the south-
west by Edward Chavez.
Most disappointing result shown is the
adaptation of a really fine painting, "Har-.
vest Scene," by Marion Greenwood. Deep
tones give a sombre aspect to the original,
with rich colors tying in the composition.
For the ad, the colors were brightened up
to present a cheerful scene of peasants
gathering material for the paper company-
with the effect of the painting completely
The few other companies which have tried
to utilize fine art, as such, for their adver-
tising either must place restrictions on their
artists or perhaps the artists themselves
are at fault. It is possible that they feel
that they must "paint down" for adver-
tising purposes. The result is often good
illustration, but far from o'iginal, fine
Where the exhibit keeps strictly to com-
mercial art, the advertisements are both
cleverly designed and highly decorative.
Especially well-done are lilting line drawings
by Fran Foley on a Chicago scene and by
Balet. on the carriage trade. One of the
most effective designs is a photo-painting of
-mothballs. And another on milk products
also surpasses any of the attempts at "fine
-Joan Katz.
understood that his total term of
occupancy in the two projects
must not exceed two years.
Married veterans of World War
II who have filed applications for
the Terrace Apartments or Vet-
erans' Emergency Housing Project
prior to February 17, 1948 should
not apply again, since their appli-
cations are being processed in
terms of the above qualifications.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
Senior or graduate members of
Alpha Lambda Delta who have
maintained that organization's5
scholastic average throughout col-
lege are eligible to apply for a
$750 fellowship awarded by the
National Council. Qualified wom-
en who are interested should send
their names to the Dean of Wom-
en before March 15 for considera-
Student Print Loan Collection:
Students may call for prints at
Rm. 206, University Hall, the week
of Feb. 16. Please bring 3-5 white
claim card with you.
Varsity Debating: Debaters
should check bulletin board,
fourth floor, Angell Hall.
Hopwood Contest for Freshmen:
All students who have won prizes
in the Hoypood Contest for Fresh-
men will be notified before 6 p.m.,
Wed., Feb. 18.
The Superintendent of Schools,
Ontario, California, will be here
on Thursday, Feb. 19, to interview
primary and intermediate grade
teachers, and men capable of
teaching grades 5 and 6 along with
physical education for upper grade
boys. For appointments call 3-
1511 ext. 489, or call at The Bu-
reau of Appointments, 201 Mason
The awards in the Hopwood-
Contest for Freshmen will be an-
nounced at 4:15 p~m. Thus. Feb.
19, P ackhamAmphitheatre. The
'public is invited.
University Conmiunity Cutcr,.
Willow Run Village.
Wed., Feb. 18, 8 p.m. Plays and
Games Group. Gymnastics for
Thurs., Feb. 20, 8 p.m. The Arts
and Crafts Workshop. Instruc-
tion. Public invited. - 8 p.m.
Meeting, Cooperative Nursery.
University Lecture: Arthur W.
Stace, editor of The Ann Arbor
News, will speak to students in
the Department of Journalism on
"The Changing Newspaper" at 3,
p.m., Wed., Feb. 18, Rm. E, Haven
Hall. Coffee hour.
Academic Notices
Botanical Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed.,
Feb. 18, Rm. 1139 Natural Science
Bldg. Paper: "The Vitamins Thia-
min and Riboflavin in Green
Plants" by F. G. Gustafson. Open
Bus. Ad. 123, Punched Card Ac-
counting, will meet at 3 p.m., Tues.,
Feb. 17, Rackham Amphitheatre,
instead of in the Temporary
Classroom Bldg.
Golliwogs: Organizational meet-
ing, Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 318,
W. Engineering Bldg.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues.,
Feb. 17, 4 p.m. Rm. 3201, Angell
Hall. Prof. G. Y. Rainich will
speak on "Relations on Linear
Vector Functions."
Political Science 157 (Govern-
ments of Western Europe) will
meet in the future in Rm. 2215,
Angell Hall, on Tuesday and
Thursday at 11 a.m. and Thurs-
day from 4 to 5 p.m.
Zoology Seminar: Thurs., Feb.
19, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Miss Elizabeth Barto will
report on "Hereditary Chemogenic
Convulsion in Permoyscus," and
Mr. Arthur Staebler will report on
"A Comparative Life History
Study of the Downy and Hairy
Woodpeckers." Visitors welcome.
Special Organ Program in mem-
ory of Palmer Christian, May 3,
1885-February 19, 1947, will be
presented at 4:15 p.m., Sun., Feb.
22, Hill Auditorium, by Frieda
Op't Holt Vogan, Allen Hughes,
and William Barnard, guest or-
ganists. The public is invited.
Chamber Music Program: Gil-
bert Ross, Violinist, Oliver Edel,
Cellist, Emil Raab, Violist, and
Helen Titus, Pianist, School of
Music faculty, will be heard in a
program at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Feb.
17, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Public invited.
Andrew White, Baritone, will be
heard in a faculty recital at 8:30
p.m., Wed., Feb. 18, Lydia Men-
lelssohn Theatre. Program : Ital-
ian, German, French and English
songs, also American folk songs
id ballads. The public is invited.
Events Today
5:45-6 p.m., WPAG, The Ger-
man Series. Messrs. Otto Graf
and Walter Rickoff.
Films on Social Problems: Kel-
logg Auditorium, 4:15 p.m., aus-
pices f the Audio-Visual Education
Center: "Bread and Wine,"
"Brotherhood of Man" (color),
"Rise and Fall of Nazi Germany.,
Oberlin College Alumni at Ann
Arbor: Reunion, 6 p.m., First
Congregational Church.
Theta Sigma Phi: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Editorial Room, Haven Hall.
Rm. 406.
Science 382 will meet
from 2 to 4, Library,
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* . .
Answer to Jobin
To the Editor:
REGRET that my friend M.
Jobin did not seek an explana-
tion of my views on the present
European situation before he went
into print. He seems to think that
an abbreviated press release does
justice to one's opinion on a high-
ly complicated field. I'm not sure
that I can enlighten him, but
maybe I can try to show that I
am not anti-French or pro-Ger-
man but that I am always look-
ing out for American interests.
I wish the matter were as simple
as he makes it appear. It is not
that our government favors Ger-
many as against Fance. It is
rather that the United States is
now constrained to pour out near-
ly one billion dollars a year to
sustain the occupation of Ger-
many. Naturally we want to get
the Germans off our back as
quickly as possible in the process
of reviving European economy.
An American can hardly justify
keeping German production 50
per cent below that of the sur-
rounding countries when Europe,
including France, needs this pro-
duction for its recovery.
It is an unpleasant fact - and
one is not anti-French because
he says so - that France has said
"No" to every constructive move
looking toward a normal Germany
recovery. Together with the Sovi-
et Union, France has blocked the
implementation of the Potsdam
Agreement and all other moves to
permit the recuperative powers
of nature to help the German, and
through it, the whole European
economy. What does M. Jobin
want us to do with the 45 million
Germans for whom we are pre-
sently responsible? Let them
starve? End the occupation? If
the Germans aren't allowed to feed
themselves by their own efforts,
then the future is hopeless.
Does M. Jobin think Congress
will continue indefinitely to ap-
propriate a billion dollars a year
for the German occupation? If
he is still afraid of any German
recovery - not having seen Ger-
many since the war himself -
then in all reason he must tell
us how the Germansare going to
be taken care of, and how they
are going to be reintegrated into
a peaceful Europe. Britain's eco-
nomic plight is at least as great
as France's, but the British are
even more insistent than the
Americans that the Germans be
permitted to lift themselves up by
their own boostraps. Een M.
Bidault at the Moscow Confer-
ence shuddered when he pictured
Germany's teeming millions living
in an unhealthy slum right be-
sides the French countryside.
Peace is not won by negative
votes whether they are "non" or
-James K. Pollock
* * *
Support for Jobin
To the Editor:
Cheers! for Mr. Jobin of the
French Department. His letter
concerning French vs German
economic health was welcomed.
And Mr. Jobin is rightly confused
as to who was on whose side, so am
I. The common view, I believe, is
that we fought the Nazi.
But recent events makes One
doubt this fact. We are told that
the Ruhr, the 'heart of Europe,'
incidently, the heart of Germany
must be re-built to prevent chaos
and innumerable other awful and
horrible conditions.
This premise is false. But for
those who will ever remain con-
vinced of its truthfulness, is not
the acceptance of an alternate
though less efficient economic re-
building wiser and justifiable, in
order to deprive the Germans of
the industrial might necessary for
another war? This, however, is
another side of the argument for
I do not believe the alternate is
less efficient.
Why is the previous premise
false? First, let us quote from the
book, "End of a Berlin Diary," by
Wm. L. Shirer. Regarding German
economic dissolution: page 221,
our people (American eco-
nomic and financial exiehts) state
flatly that German industry is
virtually intact and that, if left to
her own devices, Germany could
in five years ... make herself
stronger industrially than sherwas
in 1939.
"The alternate attack on Euro-
pean economic problems can cen-
In stead of bemoaning and con-
demning French attitudes regard-
ing Germany and her economic
structure we should stand in sup-
port. The French see clearly the
policy of a nation that, as Mr.
Jobin aptly points out, has waged
war three times in the life-span of
a human. They realize the Ger-
mans as of old are playing the vic-
tors, one against the other, with
the fruits of the game to be Ger-
many's. And Americans, once
again, are asked to "contribute
hundreds of millions of dollars to
prove to the German people that
crime does pay."
William A. Klein III
* * *
hitelligent Discussion
To the Editor:
READ in the newspaper that
the National Youth Assembly
against Universal Military Train-
ing is both "Communist-inspired"
and "impractical."
There is a lot of talk about
what is and what is not practical
politics. The most practical and
despicable political tactic today
is red-baiting. Many people who
have built up an immunity to
other labels are troubled by the
word "impractical." The combina-
tion of labelling political action
as "impractical" and at the same
time "communist-inspired" is sup-
posed to be unbeatable.
This is the tacticusedeby those
who oppose effective democratic
action, whether they be Demo-
crats, Republicans or independent
intellectuals who write long de-
sertations for newspapers. It is
the most effective political wea-
pon in the country today, and its
effectiveness must be conquered
if democracy is to live. The con-
ditioned responses to the word
"communism" which hysterical
propaganda brings forth is the
greatest asset of those who are
opposed to progress. Red-bait-
ing is paying great dividends.
It is alarming that any section
of the population of our nation,
the most powerful in the world,
should tremble at the word. Yet
there are not many American
schools or publications where com-
munism is intelligently discussed.
Intelligent opposition to Com-
munistic proposals s not possible
when the discussion is limited by
fear. Intelligent opposition is im-
possible when Communism is pre-
sented in the form of inflam-
matory anti-communist slogans,
grossly distorted facts, and a car-
load of myths. Each issue must
stand and fall on its own merits.
-Jack Geist
ter in France and the Low Coun-
tries. They can furnish the need-
ed steel production to be utilized
in Europe's recovery. The eco-
nomic madness entertained by the
'build Germany boys' is clearly
shown by the following statement:
"If the Ruhr is to be the hub of
the new production, we shall have
td move three times as much ton
mileage of ore eastward from the
ore fields of Lorraine as the ton
mileage of coke which we would
move westward from the Ruhr or
the Low Countries were the hub of
the Low Countries were the sub of
steel production." This by James
S. Martin, former decartelization
Chief, U. S. Military Government,
in an article in the October 8.01
1947 New Republic. He maintains
coke is the only raw material
needed for increased steel produc-
tion in France and the Low Coun-
Fifty-.Eighth Year
University of Michigan
Club: Meeting, Michigan
7 p.m. Election of officers.
Stump Speakers Smoker: 7:15
p.m., small ballroom, Michigan
Union. Dean R. A. Sawyer of the
Graduate School will speak on the
(Continued on Page 5)
'> - A
Edited and managed by studentstof
the Unive rsity of Michigan Under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Stutdc't Publicaton .
Editorial Staff
John Campbell.......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy...............City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor
Joan Katz........... Associate Editor
~red Schott.........AAssociate Editor
Dick Kraus .............Sports Editor
Bob Lent...Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ...... ,.Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .......General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager
Edwin= Schneider .. Finance Manager
Dick Halt ... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
FYI ember of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
.,e ..i+n a r4rh r r.44'.arlif itoit n
, .1op-
Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, says
will you have this analyzed, Pop? At
I can analyze it right here, son. -
Valuable oil?.. . Swamp oil, maybe-
1'.eepyryF, l4eg. , r.pa}y PYS lK ^ -:+M
Your mother means that your