IN THE COURSE of conflict, each side
tends to borrow characteristics of its
This interesting little rule, exponded by
Prof. Clifford Kirkpatrick, of the Univer-
sity of Minnesota, is easily proven. The
Nazis bombed London civilians in the fall
of 1940. So the British and Americans re-
turned the compliment. Hitler shuffled
millions of peoples on the European Con-
tinent. We saw fit to jerk all the Japan-
ese-Americans from the west coast. There
are other examples.
Another more pertinent rule can be form-
ulated: our side may continue, during
peace-time, to use ideas characteristic of its
former opponents.
To prove this theorem, examine the poli-
cies and proposed legislation in the United
States since peace was declared-compare
them to the methods of the Nazis.
We are considering a bill (Mundt-Nixon
Anti-Subversive Activities) to expressly
eliminate a Communist Party and suppress
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
of Ideas
any left-wing group critical of our govern-
We are falling away from full support of
the UN and fostering nationalistic militar-
Our support for the President's civic
liberties program is weak. In fact, a civil
liberties rider on a draft bill now being
considered by the House of Representa-
tives may bring a filibuster from Southern
members which will kill the whole bill.
Even our Allies are guilty. The Associated
Press reported recently the wholesale
slaughter of a number of suspected Greek-
Communists penned in a small jail by a
group of Government supporters.
But before condemning ourselves, we must
consider the trying times we live in. World
War II saw the envelopment of the whole
world in struggle and the first use of the
Atomic Bomb. It also saw a new equality be-
tween the forces supporting Capitalism and
Communism with a weak and hungry world
filling the gaps.
The problem of the United States today
is to face up to the world situation, solve
the problem of peace and yet abandon this
new Gestapo trait creeping into our cul-
If you meet a man named Sherman and
lie tells you that war is hell, remind him
that peace is rough too.
-Craig H. Wilson
Cast Thine Eyes
WASHINGTON, May 26-The congres-
.sional session is heading toward its con-
clusion, and the enthusiasms of Capitol Hill
are being focused away from Washington, in
the direction of the convention city of Phil-
In the large and boisterous band of eager
Republicans, the question of who is to be the
Presidential candidate is still, of course, very
much alive, even if the more important
question of what- forces the GOP will rep-
resent in our society, both during the cam-
paign and after a successful election, is
pretty well settled. The choice of any par-
ticular candidate can have no real effect
on the well established fact that a Repub-
lican administration, under whatever ill-
contrived guises, will do battle for the con-
tinued power of entrenched financial inter-
ests and will fail to understand the needs
of twentieth-century Americans let alone of,
the twentieth-century world.
In the other major political camp, only
a handful of hopefuls, idealists, progres-
sives, and stubborn fighters is looking to
the Democratic convention as a possible
staging ground for the dethronement of
the partly well-meaning, partly selfish,
and almost always shortsighted and in-
adquate Missouri gang of Harry S. Tru-
But as the determination of Harry Tru-
man to continue as his party's candidate
solidifies almost daily, so the chances of
such a dethronement become fainter.
For my money, a vote for Truman or for
any possible Republican candidate would be
impossible. Of course, the political picture
is not static and significant changes may
take place before November. But if it were
necessary to vote today, I could conceive of
no other course than to vote for Henry
I would be voting for Wallace with, I
think, full awareness of his drawbacks as
a candidate and as a President. As a can-
didate, he cannot win, but his candidacy
can serve as the rallying point for a really
progressive movement in the next few
years. As for the Communist red herring,
there is no more groveling form of intel-
lectual dishonesty and cowardice than
that which would turn one away from a
course of action merely because a faction
in disrepute, for their own, different
reasons also supports your course of
Wallace is the only candidate for whom
I could vote in good conscience because he
is the only candidate independent enough
and fearless enough to point to our own
portion of the blame for the "cold war" with
Prussia and to want to pay more than lip
service to world peace. On the other hand,
on this same all-important issue of Russian-
American relations, Wallace also displays
one of his chief weaknesses-a failure to
appreciate fully Russia's role in our present
But if Wallace's lack of political realism
in some spheres is disappointing, the lack of
courage, intelligence, and an active will for
international cooperation on the part of
the Truman gang and the Republicans
makes it impossible, for me at least, to con-
template casting a ballot for any of them.
City Editor's
upon us we get the feeling that some one
has pulled a collosal blunder.
This marks the completion of our sixth
semester at the University and never be-
for can we remember having five final ex-
aminations jammed into three days. Ours
is not an isolated case either, virtually
everyone with whom we have talked is in
the same fix.
We understand this mess is due to a feel-
ing in administrative circles that the list of
graduating seniors appearing on the com-
mencement program should be official. Thus
it is necessary that the seniors take exam-
inations early in order that grades can be
compiled and an official list of graduates
turned over to the printers.
It seems to me that forcing some 20,000
students to take exams in a limited per-
iod in order that a commencement pro-
gram contain no mistakes is a poor solu-
tion to the problem.
* * *
Students spend sixteen weeks absorbing
knowledge from four or five courses in var-
ied fields. Under our present educational
system it is felt that the student should
demonstrate his proficiency by setting forth.
this knowledge in a final examination. Why
not give the student a fighting chance to
coordinate and assimilate this information
Certainly an all-night session of cram-
ming is not going to contribute to anyone's
knowledge. Realizing this many progressive
universities throughout the nation suspend
all class activities for a week or so before
the examination period. This class-free week
gives the student an opportunity to thor-
oughly review and tie together all the loose
ends of knowledge gained throughout the
regular session.
University administrators would do well
to examine this system before plunging
students into another hectic cram and
coffee session of finals next year.
* *
If an official commencement program is
considered so all important, then special
arrangements could be made to give final
examinations to the graduating seniors. The
problem of lengthening the semester could
be solved by halving the present two-week
examination period. Rather than trying to
prepare for examinations during the exam
period, the preparation could be accom-
plished during the class-free reading period.
In any event steps should be taken to pre-
vent repetition of the current situation. Why
jeopardize the entire educational program
for the sake of a commencement list?
-Dick Maloy
120M ted
Pen t
MAYBE it's not quite a miracle, but it is an
amazing thing to find, especially
around finals time, a group of students
commending the Administration.
Yet, that is what the men of Vaughan
house were doing Wednesday night when
it was announced that the Board of Gov-
ernors of Residence Ihalls were obtaining a
house for their use during the fall term of
next year
An added shout of joy was given the news
that the men could live in any accommo-
dations they desired next fall without for-.
feiting top priority for moving back to
Vaughan House in the spring.
And, not only is a student group express-
ing thanks to an Administrative committee,
but that Board is commending these stu-
dents. The Board of Governors of Residence
Halls, in changing its original decision, has
shown its appreciation of the method by
which the Vaughan House men handled
their appeal.
(Earlier, the Board had planned to
move the men from Vaughan to the Quads
during the fall term so that the dormitory
could be used by women awaiting the
completion of the new residence hall. On-
ly these men would have been given first
choice for Vaughan in the spring.)
A Vaughan House committee was formed
to present two alternatives to the Board.
First, of course, they asked that the men be
given Vaughan again in the fall. This being
impossible, they suggested that the men be
allowed to maintain an independent house
as a center for keeping the group together.
Coupled with this, they asked that the men
be allowed to live wherever they pleased
without having to give up their first priority
in returning to Vaughan in the spring.
Thus, quiet discussion sessions replaced
the violent protests the Board had antici-
pated. And the Vaughan House men earn-
ed a partial victory.
The Board, itself, has learned a lesson
that will result in a much greater victory for
University students on the whole. It has
been shown that students must be consulted
on matters affecting them. Perhaps, too,
the Board has come to realize the need for
(Conimnued from Page 3)
Business Administration on
walk north side of Physiology and
Pharmacology Bldg.
Forest and Conservation on walk
north side of Physiology and
Pharmacology Bldg. (behind Bus.
Music on diagonal walk from
Library to Alumni Mem. Hall,
near Library.
Public Health on diagonal walk
from Library to Alumni Mem.
Hall (behind Music).
Graduate on East and West
walk west of Library entrance.
Honor Guard at Waterman
Line of March-State Street to
Ferry Field.
In case of rainy weather, the
march to Ferry Field will be aban-
doned. Members of the Faculties,
Regents, Deans, etc. will assemble
at the same places as for the fair
weather program. Graduates will
go direct to Yost Field House and
enter by the South door.
Library Hours: The General Li-
brary and other Campus Libraries
will be open on Mon., May 31.
Libraries will close at 6 p.m.
daily, beginning Wed., June 9.
The General Library will close
at 3 p.m., Sat., June 12, Com-
mencement Day.
During the period between June
9 and 21 most Libraries will op-
erate on short schedules which are
announced on Library bulletin
All Libraries will open on full
schedules on Mon., June 21.
All students having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books borrowed from the
General Library or its branches
are notified that such books are
due Wed., June 2.
2. Students having special need
for certain books between June 2
and 11 may retain such books for
that period by renewing them at
the Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students
who have not cleared their rec-
ords at the Library by Fri., June
11, will be sent to the Cashier's
Office and their credits and
grades will be withheld until their
records are cleared in compliance
with the regulations of the Re-
Return of University Keys
Anticipating the large number
of keys to be returned to the key
office at the close of the present
semester, the Key Office, Plant
Service Bldg., will be open daily,
Mon. thru Fri., 8 a.m.-12 noon and
1-5 p.m. from now until June 12.
Please return keys at the earliest
possible time to avoid last minute
Attention June Graduates: Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Public
Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in June.
When suchgrades are absolutely
imperative, the work must be
made up in time to allow your
instructor to report the make-up
grade not later than noon, June
7. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's gradua-
tion until a later date.
Automobile Regulations:
The following schedule will
govern the lifting of the Automo-
bile Regulations for students in
the various schools and colleges of
the University. Exceptions will not
be made for individuals who com-
plete their work in advance of the
last day of class examinations,
and all students will be required
to adhere strictly to this sched-
ule. The regulations will go back
into effect at 8 a.m. Mon., June 21,
the first day of summer session.
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, Juie 10, 12 noon:
College of Engineering, June 10, 5
p.m.; Law School, June 4, 12 noon;
Medical. School, June 4, 5 p~m.;
College of Architecture and De-
sign, June 10, 12 noon; School of
For stry and Conservation, June
4, 12 noon; School of Music, June
10, 12 noon; College of Pharmacy,
June 4, 12 noon; School of Public
Health; June 5, 12 noon; School of
Dentistry, June 4, 12 noon; School
of Education, June 10, 5 p.m.;
School of Business Administration,
June 8, 5 p.m.
Members of the Faculties of
Graduate School, Public Health,
Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineer-
ing, Education, Architecture, Bus-
iness Administration, Forestry,
and Music:
In order to aid the faculty in re-
porting grades promptly, drop sta-
tions will be maintained during
the examination period. A n y
grades for any school or college
may be left at any station and
proper distribution of the grade-
report forms will be made. These
stations are located as follows:
Graduate School, Information
Desk, Rackham Bldg.; Pub.4
Health, Rm. 3514, Public Health;
Dentistry, Rm. 202, Kellogg
(Dent); Pharmacy, Rm. 250,
Chemistry: Engineering, Rm. 263,
W. Engineering; Education, Rm.
1437, Univ. Elem. School; Archi-
tecture. Rm. 207. Arch. Bldg.;
Bus. Admin., Rm. 108, Tappan;
Registrar's Office, Rm. 4, U. Hall;
Forestry, Rm. 2048, N. S. Bldg.;
Music, Office, School of Music.
College of Engineering: Stu-
dents enrolled for the current
term should call for Summer Term
registration material at Rm. 244,
W. Eng. Bldg., beginning Tues.,
June 1 through Fri., June 4 and
Mon., June 7, from 9 to 12 noon,
and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Notice to Employes enrolled in
Blue Cross Hospital Service Plan:
Effective with the June deduc-
tions from payroll, new rates for
the various plans will be estab-
lished as follows:
Hospital-Surgical Plan
With Ward Service
One Person $2.20; Two Persons
$5.10; Full Family $5.75.
With Semi-Private Service
One Person $2.50; Two Persons
$5.60; Full Family $6.25.
iHospital Plan Only
With Ward Service
One Person$1.50; Two Persons
$3.50.. Full Family $3.50
With Semi-Private Service
One Person $1.80; Two Persons
$4.00; Full Family $4.00.
University Terrace Apartments
and Veterans' Emergency Housing
Project: Married veterans who
will have completed the residence
requirement of one year at the
University and who wouldnor-
mally be applying for the Uni-
versity Terrace Apartments or
Veterans' Emergency Hosing
Project during the first week of
the summer session but who will
not be in residence during the
summer session may file applica-
tions for either of the above
named housing projects before
the end of the current semester.
Applications will also be im-
mediately received from veterans
presently unmarried but who will
be married before July 1. It is
understood that applicants in this
category will have met the resi-
dence requirements, will not be
attending the University during
the summer session, but will be in
residence in the fall.
Bureau of Appointments & Occu-
pational Information:
All students registered with the
Bureau of Appointments are re-
minded to give us their new ad-
dresses before they leave school.
The General Division of the Bu-
reau is receiving calls for both
men and women almost daily. Stu-
dents who have not taken jobs
are invited to come in and look at
our calls.-
Summer work: Opportunity for
summer work for student in Archi-
tecture or Engineering who has an
interest in developing into a sales
Opportunity for Chinese or Jap-
anese couple for domestic work in
home of professional family in
Grand Rapids.
Opportunity for a Chinese or
Japanese man to work in home of
physician near Grand Rapids: as-
sist with cooking, serving, outdoor
work, etc.
Girls Camp Positions: Vacancy
for three Junior or Senior girls as
canoeing and swimming instruc-
tors at private girls camp in Wis-
For further information call at
201 Mason Hall.
Students or graduates interested
in the possibility of a chance dur-
ing the summer to gain experience
in the rapidly growing new field of
motion picture shorts, made for
television projection, should call at
the Bureau of Appointments for
complete information.
Post-Session - A Post-Session
following the Summer Session will
be organized. The courses to be
given will be announced later.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquium, Fri.,'
May 28, 4:00 p.m. at the Observa-
Dr. Leo Goldberg will speak on
"The Infra-Red Solar Spectrum."
Doctoral Examination for Ruth
Caridad Silva, History; thesis:
mann. tons 15 (Heady) B, H.H.; Sections
16 and 17 (Efimenco) B, H.H.;
Doctoral Examination for Mi- Sections 20 and 21 (Sigur) B,
chael Meyer Gilbert, Psychology; H.H.; Sections 18 and 19 (Ward)
thesis: "The Effect of Set in Prob- D, H.H.
lem Solving," Tues.. June 1, 2125 political Science 1:
Natural Science Bldg., at 7 p.m. Political Science I examination
Chairman, J. F. Shepard. (e.u 9 to 5 vtm ill
1 $
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert S. Waldrop, Psychology: the-
sis: "A Statistical Examination of
Sheldon's Concept of Primary
Components of Morphology,"
Wed., June 2, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chair-
man, C. H. Griffitts.
BA 106-Final Examination Room
SECT. 1-35 A.H.; SECT. 2-25
A.H.; SECT. 3-1025 A.H.: SECT.
4-25 A.H.; SECT. 5-1035 A.H.;
SECT. 6-1025 A.H.
Chemistry 21, 21E, 41. Room
schedule for final examinations on
Mon. evening, May 31. 7-10 p.m.
Chem. 21 Sections 1, 2, 3
(Soule, Eyke. Heuer), Rm. 25,
A.H.; Chem. 21, 21E Sections 4. 5
(Carney), Rm. 165, Chemistry;
Chem. 21. 21E Sections 6, 7 (Mc-
Alpine), Rm. 303, Chemistry;
Chem. 41, (all sections) N.S. Aud.
English 1 - Final Examination
Schedule-Fri., June 4, 2-5 p.m.
Barrows 225 AH; Burd 212 AH;
Edwards 203 UH: E. Engel 2219
AH; Hampton 229 AH; Pearce
2029 AH; Robertson 3011 AH;
Stanlis 2235 'AH; Van Syoc G
English 2-Final Examination
Schedule-Fri., June 4, 2-5 p.m.
Amend 25 AH; Bennett 25 AH;
Chapman 25 AH; Coit 25 AH:
Damon 25 AH; Donaldson 1025
AH; Eastman 18 AH; Eliot 1025
AH; R. Engel 1025 AH; Everett
102 Ec.; Gluck 1025 AH; Green
102 Ec.; Hawkins 3209 AH; J.
Howard 205 MH; M. Howard 205
MH; A. Kelly 101 Ec.; J. Kelly 101
Ec; Kleinhans 201 UH; Lane 1025
AH; La Zebnik D Haven; Madden
B Haven; Markland 1035 AH;
Markman 1035 AH; Marshall D
Haven; Mascott D AMH; McCue
C Haven; McKean 1035 AH; Moon
D AMH; Park 205 MH; Ross W
Gallery AMH; Savage 2231 AH;
Scott W Gallery AHM; J. Shedd
2225 AH; Sparrow 2225 AH; Stan-
lis 2235 AH; Swarthout W. Gallery
AMH; V. Walcott B Haven; Walt
W Gallery AMH; Weaver 2225
AH; Wells C Haven; Wikelund C
Haven, Wolfinger 3017 AH; E.
Wunsch B Haven; A. Wunsch B
Room Assignments for German 1,
2, 31 regular final examinations
to be held Tues., June 8, 2-4
Ger. 1, sec. 1, Bigelow, 1025 AH;
Ger. 1, sec. 2, Fuehrer, 1025 AH;
Ger. 1, sec. 3, Schippert, 25 AH;
Ger. 1, sec. 4, Gaiss, 2003 AH;
Ger. 1, sec. 5, Halley, 25 A;
Ger. 1, sec. 6, Goettler, "C'" HH
Ger. 1, sec. 7, Bernard, 1035 AIl;
Ger. 1, sec. 8, Fuehrer, 1025 AH.
Ger. 2, sec. 1, Heilbronner, "C"
HH; Ger. 2, sec. 2, Graf, 35 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 3, Goettler, "C" HH;
Ger. 2, sec. 4, Gaiss, 2003 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 5, Norton, 35 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 6, Mertens, 231 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 7, Reed, "D" HH;
Ger. 2, sec. 8, Bernard, 1035 AH;
German 2, sec. 9, Reichart, 231
AH; Ger 2, sec. 10, Yates, 231 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 11, Berg, 1025 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 12, Norton, 35 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 13, Gaiss, 2003 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 14, Reed, "D" HH;
Ger. 2, sec. 15, Halley, 25 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 16, Brown, "C" HH;
Ger. 2, sec. 17, Mertens, 231 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 18, Bernard, 1035 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 19, Halley, 25 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 20, Halley, 25 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 21, Yates, 231 AH.;
Ger. 31, sec. 1, Brown, 1025 AH;
Ger. 31, sec. 2, Brown, 1025 AH;
Ger. 31, sec. 3, Pott, 25 AH; Ger.
31, sec. 4, Packer, "C" HH.
Room Assignment for special sen-
ior Ger. 1, 2, 31 final examina-
tions to be held Tues., June 1,
7-9 p.m.-all sections in room
231 AH.
Room Assignment for Ger. 12 final
examinations to be held Wed.,
June 2, 7-9 p.m. all sections in
room 231 AHl.
History 12, Lecture Group II,
Slosson: Final examination June
5, 9-12 a.m., Waterman Gym.
History 92: Final examination
June 2. 2-5 p.m., 1025 A.H.
History 150: Final examination
June 1, 2-5 p.m., C H.H.
meet in Rms. 25 and 35 AH.
Political Science-52. Fipal ex-
amination, Saturday, May 29, 9:00
a.m. as follows: Sec. 1 (Laing) in
2203 AH; Sec. 2 and 3 (Elders-
veld) in 3017 AH; Sec. 4, 6, and 7
(Vernon) in 25 AH; Sec. 5 (El-
dersveld) in 25 AH; Sec. 8 (Pol-
lock) in 2219 A.H.
Speech 31 and 32 Examinations:
Examinations on Tues., June 8,
9-12: Winegarden (31-1 and 31-
14) 2003 A.H.; Cairns (31-2 and
31-15), 2225 A.H.; Currie (31-6
and 31-8), 2231 A.H.; Miller (31-
7), 2013 A.H.; Stegath (31-13
and 31-17), 3017 A.H.; Deam
(31-4, 31-5, 31-11, and 31-18),
Room B, Haven H.; Carruth (32-
3, 32-4, and 32-10), 205 Mason H.;
Quimby, (32-5 and 32-9), 2203
31-3 (Grosser), May 31, 9-2,
4208 A.H.; 31-9 (Dreher) June 3,
9-12, 4208 A.H.; 31-10, (Dreher),
June 2, 2-5, 2006 A.H.; 31-12
(Grosser), June 5, 2-5, 4003 A.H.;
31-20 (Johnson), June 4, 2-5,
4203 A.H.; 31-22 (Johnson), June
5, 9-12, 4203 A.H.; 31-21 (Flem-
ings), June 4, 2-5, 4003 A.H.; 31-
25 (Dreher), May 31, 9-12, 210
T.C.B.; 31-1 (Okey), June 4, 9-12,
4208 A.H.; 32-2 (Okey), June 1,
9-12, 4203 A.H.; 32-6 (Okey), May
31, 2-5, 4208 A.H.; 32-7 (Dreher),
May 29, 2-5, 4203 A.H.
Make-up examination for
Speech 31 and 32, June 9, 7-10
p.m., all sections in 1025 A.H.
Speech 119 Examination: Mon-
day, May 31, 9-12, 202 Eco. Bldg.
Speech 134 Examination: June
3, 9-12, 2219 A.H.
Students of the Chamber Music
Class of Oliver Edel will be heard
in a program at 8:30 p.m., Fria,
May 28, in the Rackham Assemly
Hall. It will include Mozart's
Quintetto in G Minor, K. 516,
Haydn's Quartet, in G major, Op.
77, No. 1, and Brahms' Quartet in
C minor, Op. 51, No. 1. The gen-
eral public will be admitted with-
out charge.
Student Recital: Lois Forburg-
er, pianist, will present a program
at 8:30 p.m., Mon., May 31, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor
(Continued on Page 5)
Fifty-Eighth Year
"Presidential Succession," Sat.
May 29, East Council Rm.. Rack-
ham Bldg. at 9:30 a.m. Chairman:
H. M. Dorr.
Doctoral Examination for Law-
rence Bernard Wick, Chemistry;
thesis: "Reactions of 2-Arylcyclo-
hexanones," Sat., May 29, West
Council Rm., Rackham Bldg., at
10 a.m. Chairman, W. E. Bach-
Room assignments for Politica
Science II examination, Wed
June 9th, 2 to 5 p.m.) are as fol
Sections 1 and 2 (Beaney) 103
A.H.; Sections 3 and 5 (Houstoni
1025 A.Hl.; Sections 4, 6, 7 (At
bott) 1025 A.H.; Sections 11 (El
dersveld) 2003 A.H.; Sections 1
and 14 (Leu) 231 A.H.; Sectior
12 and 13 (Ecker) 231 A.H.; Sec
TwilhvhL Terror
vakia is a country of rumors whispered
behind closed doors: The rumor that the
aging, sick, defeated Eduard Benes has been
shot; the rumor (this is the most persistent)
that the war between the Soviet Union and
the West has started; the rumor (this is now
current) that the red army will occupy
Czechoslovakia tomorrow. Moreover, it is
extraordinarily difficult to separate the
chaff of rumor from the wheat of fact.
Westerners are wholly isolated. Old
friends, those who have not been jailed or
have not escaped, prudently stay away.
Contact of a sort with the new regime
is maintained but largely through the
grotesque charade of the large official
functions. The opposition has ceased to
Thus Westerners, unless they are prepared
to swallow wholesale the handouts of the
regime, are reduced to speculation, to an
attempt to deduce from the shape of the
small visible portion of the iceberg the
shape of the whole. Yet experienced ob-
servers now believe that they discern a gen-
eral pattern emerging through the fog which
obscures this newest of the police states.
The new rulers of Czechoslovakia clear-
y fall into two groups. Call one group
"the politicians," the other "the conspir-
ators." In the end, according to those who
have closely watched developments here,
one group must destroy the other.
Yet again and again the reporter in this
country hears the same phrases-"After the
election, or maybe after the Sokol." (The
parliamentary election is scheduled for
Sunday, and the Sokol, a gymnastic ex-
hibition, for July 4, 5 and 6.) Then the
present twilight terror will come to an end
and the night of terror will descend, with
mass trials, mass arrests. mass executions!
Since the real power emanates from the
Kremlin rather than from the Hradcany
Palace ,the new Czechoslovakia will inevi-
tably be twisted and turned, however, arti-
ficially, until it is a tiny, tragic replica,
like Yugoslavia complete in every detail, of
the sprawling dictatorship to the East. Any-
thing less will arouse the suspicions of the
suspicious rulers in the Kremlin.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune)
More Security
WONDER if the Mundt bill really would
make Americans feel more secure. The
thought behind the Mundt bill is that we
would sleep better at night if only we would
force Communist front organizations (or or-
ganizations that the Attorney General
thought were Communist front organiza-
tions) to register, backing the whole thing
with jail penalties for subversive activity, so
ambiguously defined as to put many an
American in peril of his freedom if his poli-
tical actions did not meet particular stand-
ards of orthodoxy.
The idea is that, with such a law on
the books, Americans could relax and
begin to enjoy life; that the country
would heave a sigh of relief as it found
itself set free of fear in the night.
* * *
And the question is whether all this con-
stitutes more, or less, security. It looks like
a creeping, pervasive insecurity. If it is se-
curity, it is like the security of taking your
money out of the bank, and sitting on it
in your mattress; it is the security of the
peephole and the chained door. It substi-
tutes the security of weird, novel, repressive
law for the security of a sound national life
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Political Science 2:
Pops ays ou cann't
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Army and Navy investigafors!
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iYes. thAe sob looks snood
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