THURSDAY, AIAV 27, i94P. , TUP-MICHICIAN nA.IIV .... _ .MAY.. ^..S . A UA .lVlLA1.j11]r1.1. 1JLi1l"T _jJ P~AGE FV ART FOR ART CINEMA'S SAKE: Student Group Presents Foreign Films 1 _ _ _ I Ever since movie-making was an infant industry, University students have been interested in bringing the best foreign and American films to this campus. Back in the early thirties, a group of about twenty students who had had the opportunity to see foreign films decided that they preferred them to many of the films which were commercially run. Faculty Aid Cooperating with faculty mem- bers, they got together money for sound equipment and made ar- rangements for the presentation of foreign films here. They called their organization the Art Cinema League. With the exception of a brief period during the last war, the Art Cinema League has been ac- tive ever since in procuring and presenting here foreign and American films of the type which are not generally commercially shown. The Art Cinema League Board Read... Use Dail of Directors, which previews the films with an eye to censoring' "unessential data," consists of seven professors including one from each language department and one each from the architec- ture and engineering colleges. Student Members Also included on the Board are two students. The student mem- bers this year have been Philip Bedein, '48E, and Harold Lester, '48E. Phil and Hal have a tend- ency to bring their Art Cinema League work home with them since they are roommates. Phil, as the student manager of the League, does the bulk of' the work in getting the films, ar- ranging for advertising and ticket sales and managing accounts. Since most of these companies don't list definite prices for their films, Phil has learned to "haggle over prices like a fish-wife"--via telephone, telegraph and the mails. Phil has also used his ingenuity ly Classified Ads in advertising. When he can't un- cover enough remarks from critics on a film he writes his own com- ment and add:; his name spelled backwards. Thus many Art Cin- ema League posters boast some Such comment as: "Wow! - 'P. Niedeb." Excess Profits Since the Art Cinema League is a non-profit organization, its co- sponsors many films with other campus organizations and most of the money is donated to these groups. In addition, the Art Cinema League has purchased sound equipment which it donated to the University as well as curtains and a screen for Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Recently, Phil and Hal distrib- uted 1,000 postcards during the showing of "Torment" at Hill Au- ditorium, in an effort to gauge the best advertising methods and the films which were most in de- mand by students. Of the 700 postcards which were returned, the greatest number said they wanted to see "Vol- pone," with "The Good Earth" as a runner-up. Both of these films have subsequently been shown by the Art Cinema League. TWO OF HER 89 BOY FRIENDS-At your seivice is the attitude of city policemen Nick Ney (left) and Jack Smith (right) as they greet Elsie "Bonnie" Bonhivert, 23, in Evanston, Ill. Bonnie in- jured her spine in a fall at home in 1942, and when her mother couldn't obtain a taxi in the rain, Chief of Police Carl Ekman made it a written order that a police car take her to and from the doctor's office, now three times weekly. 111 r;--- Fxiii/iini In/erna/ionally Known Ceramics MARIANNA VON ALLESCH Keppel% Ilanderaf tMart A C A . I R Y 1 1 I N E A R IT S 802 South State - Near Hill 1 . ._. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I R -' LII Mude for, 111' .i0 t er ch. <<: x I' '".,, j r , t /sz' . ,, , , j . , : , : ; t. 1 ' _ ,, _ _ _' '' ,I / - 1 , r .. !!! .,' /' c C .'., :, 3 !fir .... Q Let the double ring ceremony take on new richness and meaning by exchang- ing the finest of wedding bands. Choose now from our handsome selections. A. Matching bands tailored in 14k yellow -gold. B. Uniquely carved 14k yellow gold matched rings. C. Delicately engraved in rich 14k yellow gold. D. Floral motif highlights the grace- ful design. $2450 $3950 $4325 $4800 (Continued from Page 4) Graduate School, Information Desk, Rackham Bldg.; Pub. Health, Rm. 3514, Public Health; Dentistry, Rm. 202, Kellogg (Dent); Pharmacy, Rm. 250, Chemistry; Engineering, Rm. 263, W. Engineering; Education, Rm. 1437, Univ. Elem. School; Archi- tecture, Rm. 207,' Arch. Bldg.; Bus. Admin., Rm. 108, Tappan; Registrar's Office, Rm. 4, U. Hall; Forestry, Rm. 2048, N. S. Bldg.; Music, Office, School of Music. University Terrace Apartments and Veterans' Emergency Housing Project: Married veterans who will have completed the residence requirement of one year at the University and who would nor- mally be applying for the Uni- versity Terrace Apartments or Veterans' Emergency Horsing Project during the first week of the summer session but who will not be in residence during the summer session may file applica- tions for either of the above named housing projects before the end of the current semester. Applications will also be im- mediately received from veterans presently unmarried but who will be married before July 1. It is understood that applicants in this category will have met the resi- dence requirements, will not be attending the University during the summer session, but will be in residence in the fall. Lecture The Hopwood Lecture: "The Writer's Responsibility." J. Donald Adams, literary critic of the New York Times. Winners of Hopwood Awards will be announced at this time. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., May 27, Rackham Lecture Hall. Astronomical Colloquium, Fri., May 28, 4:00 p.m. at the Observ- tory. Dr. Leo Goldberg will speak on "The Infra-Red Solar Spectrum." Doctoral Examination for Ruth Caridad Silva, History; thesis: "~Presidential Succession," Sat. May 29, East Council Rm., Rack- ham Bldg. at 9:30 a.m. Chairman: H. M. Dorr. Chemistry 21, 21E, 41. Room schedule for final examinations on Mon. evening, May 31. 7-10 p.m. Chem. 21 Sections 1, 2, 3 (Soule, Eyke, Heuer), Rm. 25, A.H.; Chem. 21, 21E Eections 4, 5 FI (Carney), Rm. 165, Chemistry; Chem. 21, 21E Sections 6, 7 (Mc- Alpine), Rm. 303, Chemistry; Chem. 41, (all sections) N.S. Aud. English 1 - Final Examination Schedule-Fri., June 4, 2-5 p.m. Barrows 225 AH; Burd 212 AH; Edwards 203 UH; E. Engel 2219 AH; Hampton 229 AH; Pearce 2029 AH; Robertson 3011 AH; Stanlis 2235 AH; Van Syoc G Haven. English 2-Final Examination Schedule-Fri., June 4, 2-5 p.m. Amend 25 AH; Bennett 25 AH; Chapman 25 AH; Coit 25 AH; Damon 25 AH; Donaldson 1025 AH; Eastman 18 AH; Eliot 1025 AH; R. Engel 1025 AH; Everett 102 Ec.; Gluck 1025 AH; Green' 102 Ec.; Hawkins 3209 AH; J. Howard 205 MH; M. Howard 205' MH; A. Kelly 101 Ec.; J. Kelly 101 Ec; Kleinhans 201 UH; Lane 1025 AH; La Zebnik D Haven; Madden B Haven; Markland 1035 AH; Markman 1035 AH; Marshall D Haven; Mascott D AMH; McCue C Haven; McKean 1035 AH; Moon D AMH; Park 205 MH; Ross W Gallery AMH; Savage 2231 AH; Scott W Gallery AHM; J. Shedd 2225 AH; Sparrow 2225 AH; Stan- lis 2235 AH; Swarthout W. Gallery AMH; V. Walcott B Haven; Walt W Gallery AMH; Weaver 2225 AH; Wells C Haven; Wikelund C Haven; Wolfinger 3017 AH; E. Wunsch B Haven; A. Wunsch B Haven. History 12, Lecture Group II, Slosson: Final examination June 5, 9-12 a.m., Waterman Gym. History 92: Final examination June 2, 2-5 p.m., 1025 A.H. History 150: Final examination June 1, 2-5 p.m., C H.H. "Home of 3-Hour Odorless Dry Cleaning" CLEANE RS Plant: 630 S. Ashley Branch: 619 Packard Phone 4700 Political Science-52. Final ex- amination, Saturday, May 29, 9:00 a.m. as follows: Sec. 1 (Laing) in 2203 AH; Sec. 2 and 3 (Elders- veld) in 3017 AH; Sec. 4, 6, and 7 (Vernon) in 25 AH; Sec. 5 (El- dersveld) in 25 AH; Sec. 8 (Pol- lock) in 2219 A.H. Speech 31 and 32 Examinations: Examinations on Tues., June 8, 9-12: Winegarden (31-1 and 31- 14) 2003 A.H.; Cairns (31-2 and 31-15), 2225 A.H.; Currie (31-6 and 31-8), 2231 A.H.; Miller (31- 7), 2013 A.H.; Stegath (31-13 and 31-17), 3017 A.H.; Deam (31-4, 31-5, 31-11, and 31-18), Room B, Haven H.; Carruth (32- 3, 32-4, and 32-10), 205 Mason H.; Quimby, (32-5 and 32-9), 2203 A.H. 31-3 (Grosser), May 31, 9-2, 4208 A.H.; 31-9 (Dreher) June 3, 9-12, 4208 A.H.; 31-10, (Dreher), June 2, 2-5, 2006 A.H.; 31-12 (Grosser), June 5, 2-5, 4003 A.H.; 31-20 (Johnson), June 4, 2-5, 4203 A.H.; 31-22 (Johnson), June 5, 9-12, 4203 A.H.; 31-21 (Flem- ings), June 4, 2-5, 4003 A.H.; 31- 25 (Dreher), May 31, 9-12, 210 T.C.B.; 31-1 (Okey), June 4, 9-12, 4208 A.H.; 32-2 (Okey), June 1, 9-12, 4203 A.H.; 32-6 (Okey), May 31, 2-5, 4208 A.H.; 32-7 (Dreher), May 29, 2-5, 4203 A.H. Make-up examination for Speech 31 and 32, June 9, 7-10 p.m., all sections in 1025 A.H. (Continued on Page 6) WANT TO EARN $9000 A YEAR? As one of the largest paper dis- tributors in Chicago we are of- fering college men "most likely to succeed" an excellent oppor- tunity. These men will be train- ed in top-flight selling so they may eventually step into the shoes of successful retiring sales- men, who earn $8000 to $9000, $200 monthly while in training. If you are looking to a bright career in selling, write us today. Give full informtaion on your qualifications, background and training. Enclose your college record and photograph. SCHWARZ PAPER CO. 1430 S. Canal Street Chicago, Illinois I I / MORAY'S Main ot Huron Cotton Sale I 1// 200 Reduction Cotton Dresses $14.95, now $10.95, now Sizes 9-15; 10-18 Cotton Blouses White eyelet peasant blous- es, broadcloths and batistes. Sizes 9-15; 30-36 P I i I I I I r ., t _ ,/ i GRADUATION GIFTS FOR THE GIRL -Something she can always cherish-a dainty bit of linen delicately em- broidered-for her hope chest as well. Bridge sets, luncheon sets, guest towels, tea or cocktail napkins. Handkerchiefs and scarfs make an ideal gift, too, and we have a very large selection of both. FOR THE MAN - Handkercihefs-all white, initialed .colored. bordered. ands eic nlcrs I - ........ ;; --- . rt',A'si r'5 Ua 'UP i I I I I C I I I I I I i I