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May 26, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-26

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Social Answer

PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S newest plea for
wider social security may or may not
be a so-called "political" move, but it is cer-
tain that his requests are valid, feasible and,
most important, very necessary.
It also appears very likely that the six-
point program which he sent to Congress
Tuesday in a special message, will receive
the icy treatment inflicted on similar re-
quests sent in the past three years.
The program, providing for increases in
old-age and survivors insurance, federal
benefits for disability insurance, for aid to
dependent children, the needy aged and
blind, as well as for extension of social se-
curity to millions now unprotected, was
accompanied with a strong statement point-
ing out that Communist claims that capital-
ist societies do not protect their members'
can best be refuted by concrete proof.
BT OUR WORRIED (about Commu-
nists) congressmen are apparently
much too busy ferreting out spies, saboteurs
and revolutionaries to bother with social
legislation. Anti-Russian headlines are
bigger when Subversive Sally is exposed
than when 50 million John Q. Publics are
thriving (even) under capitalism.
The United States can, and often does,
claim broader social legislation than most
of the world. The boast becomes more fal-
lacious, however, at every delay in bring-
ing benefits up to date. Social Security
and wage-hour measures have been static
for almost ten years. Needless to say, the
hard-hitting cost of living has not.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
ire written by wrembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

One can hold out little hope for passage
of a bill incorporating President Truman's
proposals .before Congress adjourns in favor
of the party conventions. But bills dealing
with wages and hours, another important
item in the social legislation field, and also
thoroughly slighted in recent years, are now
before the House and Senate.
Shelving is not the answer our representa-
tives have found in this case, however. Ra-
ther, they have considered measures, de-
signed to take the strength and effect out
of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
* * *
A RECENT EDITION of "Economic Out-
look" publication of the CIO depart-
ment of Research and Education, contained
an article describing the several Wage-hour
adjustments on the Capitol floors, and
pointing out specifically that one of these,
if passed, would not only limit the coverage
of the minimum wage provisions, but re-
move workers hitherto protected.
The bill was introduced by Minnesota's
Senator Joseph Ball, in opposition to meas-
ures providing for increased coverage and
a higher minimum wage.
That the present 40 cent minimum be
raised is a non-controversial point, (Our
present minimum wage in inadequate and
obsolete, President Truman told the Con-
gress early this year) and the Ball bill
provides for a slight lift. However, de-
clared the article, a bill such as the one
introduced by Senator Ball, pointing to
depressed living conditions, rather than
rising standards, can do very little to make
adjustments of long range value.
Thus, while active on the purge-the-reds
front, Congress has let slide, by failing to
pass new and adequate social security and
wage laws, important and beneficial ways to
facilitate the death by inertia of "degener-
ate capitalist society" charges.
-Naomi Stern.

Modern Enigma

9"Witop'0 /e te
IVE SCIENTISTS working at the Oak
Ridge atomic laboratories were recently
hauled up for examination of their loyalty
before a special board. Two of these men
were suspended from work on the project
pending determination of their loyalty.
But the charges by which they were sub-
jected to this embarrassment and disruption
of their work were so flimsy that even the
trial board was embarrassed.
It is worth going into the details of the
charges in these trials, because they serve
as a warning. When the Atomic Energy
Commission Act was passed, the safeguards
for loyalty did not seem extreme. What ef-
fect interpretation has had on these safe-
guards is another story.
Right now, in Washington, quite a few
congressmen are trying to turn a piece of
legislation called the Mundt-Nixon Bill
into law. They say that it wouldn't do a
bit of harm to any true American; it's
Just a safeguard.
So for the benefit of anyone who still
doesn't realize the effects of indiscriminate
police power, here are the cases on which
five qualified scientists were subjected to
loyalty trials:
(Phrasing of charges is as reported by
the New York Herald Tribune, which "al-
tered only to the extent that is necessary
so identifications cannot be made.")
Case 1:
"1. A former landlord of yours has re-
ported that in 1943, after you moved from
the premises in which you had been resid-
ing, certain magazines and pamphlets which
may have been left on the premises by you
may have included a copy of the magazine
New Masses.
"2. A neighbor has stated that she be-
lieves a close relative by marriage is a
"3. Another close relative by marriage
was reported in 1944 to have been active on
a committee of the Joint Anti-Fascist
Refuge Committee." (This committee was
on the list of subversive organizations of
the attorney general.)
"4. Still another close relative by mar-
riage is reported to admit membership in
-camp, which organization has been re-
ported to have Communist connections."
Case 2:
"A person with whom you associated
closely in the years 1943 to 1947 said you
were very enthusiastic about Russia and
seemed to be pro-Russian in your point of
iie +."
* *
rPHE SCIENTISTS in these first two cases
were actually suspended from work on
the Oak Ridge project on the basis of these
At the time of trial, they were given no
chance to confront their accusers, or even
learn their names. They were not given
access to FBI files on which charges were
(The Herald-Tribune, reports, however,
that tke trials, themselves seemed to be
conducted in a fair manner, with ample
provision for defense witnesses and attor-
neys. But the paper also noted that na-
tional groups, not the local board, made
the final decision.)
The rest of the charges make just as fas-
cinating reading, but to save time, here
are some of the outstanding ones in the
remaining three cases: close association
with a reported AYD member; close associa-
tion with two alleged Communists; having
a relative by marriage who was editor of a
newspaper with a reputedly pro-Communist
And of special interest: "It is reported
that you have indicated your approval of
some of the principles of the Communist

party, that you are well informed on the
writing of Lenin and Marx and that you
regard their philosophy as being sound."
Nocomment is needed on this pretty
bunch of charges-for anyone who cares
to look, there is a very obvious moral..
-Harriett Friedman .

Just Encumbrance

IARRY had had a trying day
and he found it hard to sleep.
At three in the morning he gave
it up, and felt his way into the
living room for a cigarette.
He banged his thigh in the
dark, against a hard, jutting
edge, and moaned.
It was the table, of course. He
switched on a light, and sat down
and rubbed his leg."
The table was much too large
for the room. It was of maple,
and quite old, called a hutch
table, or something of the sort.
The top came up, if you liked,
and it then became a bench, and
under there was a compartment
for keeping things you didn't
need. It had been the first thing
they'd bought, and they liked it
very much. th
Some day they were going to
put it triumphantly into a house
of their own, and meanwhile
they'd have it. It was like having a
piece of the future with you all
the time.
Harry stared at the table sleep-
ily, working on his cigarette.

What a brute of a thing it was;
it dwarfed the room. It belonged
he decided, to a previous period of
their lives, and in everybody's;
that funny, final year of the war,
when nobody had known what the
postwar time was going to be like,
except that it wsa going to be
They ought to sell it, he sud-
denly decided. The thought was
faintly shocking, because there
was so much of the past, or the
future, wrapped up in the table,
but it held. And this was the fu-
ture, anyway, or all there was
going to be; a small room, too
small for a decent table.
He stroked the edge of the lit-
tered table. It wasn't a part of
the future, just an encumbrance
on the present. Then he heard
Margaret coming in, soft on
slippers, behind him.
"Don't touch those papers," she
said. "Some of us vets' wives are
meeting here tomorrow, to get up
a petition for more housing in-
stead of more arms. We thought
we'd meet here because we'd have
this big table to work on."
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corp.)



The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * e
Waited Too Long
To the Editor:
F WE ARE to expect that soon
the panic-stricken capitalists
will attempt to censor the con-
tents of our libraries as they are
now trying to censor the contents
of our curriculum, it is only fair
to warn them that they have
waited too long.
Two weeks ago while waiting at
the delivery desk of the general
library, I heard the clerk report
to a student that the books on
Marxism which he had requested
were not on the shelf. "What has
the library done," he asked with
some indignation, "burned all its
books about Communism?" "No,"
the delivery clerk answered frank-
ly, "They are all in circulation."
-Franz T. Stein.
Same Mistake?
To the Editor:
- HAVE JUST discovered some
documents that relate a hith-
erto unknown event which took
place in Japan shortly before the
- nd of the war. An alert Japanese
intelligence agent had discovered
that the United States was pre-
paring to use atomic bombs. When
he reported this to his govern-
ment, there was considerable con-
sternation at first, for no one
could see any way of preventing
the catastrophe. Suddenly, one of-
ficial spoke up and said that he
had the solution to the problem.
His suggestion, was discussed and
put into effect. It was this: a law
was to be passed making it illegal
for atomic bombs to explode over
These imaginary gentlemen,
however, made the same mistake
that the United Nations Security
Council is now making in passing'
another resolution demanding
that the fighting in Palestine
cease. Britain, China, Canada,
Belgium, and Argentina please
take note: You cannot stop a
war with words. Words did not

(Continued from Page 2)

T IS A HARD TIME for those foolish ones
among us who keep searching, against
all the odds, for some hint of a pattern in
the ways of men and nations.
Befuddled by international and domes-
tic politics, confused Wy ill-defined ideol-
ogies, misled by the harangues of leaders
and driven almost to despair by the glar-
'ing inconsistencies to be found on every
side, it seems that these poor people must
conclude eventually that either they or
the world are quite hopelessly insane.
Some of them have clung to the belief
that there was a pattern in the war at
least-even if none is discernible in the
post-war period. They maintain that in the
war everything was well-defined and ob-
vious. Germany andJapan were aggressor
nations dedicated to the overthrow of free
countries everywhere. We fought them and
beat them. We paid a price for the victory
but, under the circumstances, the price was
not too great. A tragic price yes-but not too
So the searchers-for-a-pattern read
their newspapers and perhaps sigh at the
sight of a picture of a ship leaving Manila
with the first American war dead to be
returned from the Philippines. They com-
fort themselves with the thought that the
clay in those caskets fought well when it
was flesh, and for a good cause. After
all, the price had to be paid.
Then, perhaps, their eyes are caught by
a short story bearing the headline: "Philip-
pines Peasant Leader Rejects Offer of Am-
nesty." They read the story attempting as
they do to tie these facts with others, to
form a pattern. There must be a pattern!
And then they read:
'Luis Taruc, ailing supreme commander
of the Hukbalahaps, today defiantly offered
the government peace-an armed peace-
* Confusion
White Tapea
VETERANS will be as confused as was
The Daily upon receiving a recent news
release from the Veterans Administration.
In an official envelope, post marked and
addressed to The Daily, we received one
blank sheet of paper.
The Veterans reporter is applying matches
and chemical solutions to the paper to ferret
out top secret news.
Buck Up
THE DAILY'S SPORTS night editor was
glorying in his once-a-year chance to
be clever in the usually trite banner head-
line. Walking up to the sports bulletin
board to read the laurels he was sure to
receive in the sports editor's criticism of his
page, he studied for the tenth time his
CLUB, 6-4."
Then he tore his eyes away from the
beautiful banner to read the criticism sheet:
"The night editor is fined one dollar for

with his bands of armed peasants on his own
...Taruc wrote that the basic problems
which brought about the rise of the peasant
revolt still exist: "Enemies of the Filipino
people-landlords and Wall Street monop-
olies-are still in the saddle." He called for
their removal.
..However, as his letter arrived,
President Elpidio Quirino named Gen.
Guillermo B. Francisco to restore order in
the troubled areas of Luzon. Francisco
headed the constabulary under the Jap-
anese regime. He pursued the Huks during
the war because of their resistance to the
But, wait a minute! This cannot be-not
in the same newspaper. Certainly not, at
least, on the same day. The startled readers
look again. But the picture of the flag-
draped caskets is still there, and those pat-
tern-smashing words: "He pursued the
Huks during the war because of their re-
sistance to the Japanese" are still there too.
And the President of the Philippines is send-
ing a pro-Japanese general out to kill peas-
ants who were the comrades-in-arms of the
dead Americans.
The pattern seekers are faced by another
ironic enigma. A few more columns of facts
refuse to balance. A few more thinking
individuals give up the struggle and turn
to a dull fatalism rather than continue
searching for a consistency that is not, for
patterns that simply do not exist.
-Ivan Kelley.
Twiight Terror
PRAGUE-In this newest of the police
states, there is no visibleterror. Instead,
Prague has an air of drab respectability.
Dumpy women wheel their baby carriages
in the lovely spring sunshine. The crowded
trolley cars are painted a cheerful red. The
restaurant food is worse than England's and
the store windows are sparsely filled. Yet
the air of determined, un-Marxist respecta-
bility persists.
Today, hardly three months since the
Czechs meekly surrendered their liberties,
the terror is still of a special and peculiar
kind. There are stories, to be sure, which
seep through to the isolated Westerners,
and which have a familiar ring-stories
of a wife beaten in her husband's pres-
ence to force him to confess his part in
the underground railway to the West;
stories of a soldier whose arm was calmly
broken by the secret police because he
grumbled, during the parade for Bul-
garia's Dimitrov; stories of men kept
standing with their arms above their
heads till the pain became excruciating
and they confessed to political crines
which they did not commit. But although
such things undoubtedly happen, the
chances are that they do not happen very
Some nimble Czechs have not fared badly.
There is, for example, the case of the anti-
Communist newspaper editor, whose ringing
denunciations of the Communists before'
the regime took power cost him his job.
Now he has turned up as the public in-

Hopwood Contestants: Those
who have won prizes should re-
ceive their letters of notification
not later than Wednesday noon.
Approved student sponsored so-
cial events for the coming week-
May 28
Class of 1950, School of Nursing.
The Americ an Agricultural
Chemical Company, Detroit, will
have a representative at the Bu-
reau of Appointments Friday af-
ternoon, May 28, to interview men
preferably wtih a rural or farm
background who are interested in
a salaried sales position. Call ex-
tension 371 for an appointment.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert Gust Lindeborg, Zoology; the-
sis: "Water Requirements of Cer-
tain Rodents from Xeric and from
Mesic Habitats," 2 p.m., Wed.,
May 26, 3091 Natural Science
Bldg. Chairman, L. R. Dice.
Doctoral Examination for Lloyd
Finch Morrison, Business Admin-
istration; thesis: "Consolidated
Statements," 2-4 p.m., Wed., May
26. East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg. Chairman, W. A. Paton.
Doctoral Examination for Ar-
thur Klein, Speech; thesis: "A
Study of Elisabeth Rachel Felix
(1821-1858)," 7:30 p.m., Wed.,
May 26, East Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg.
English 1 - Final Examination
Schedule-Fri., June 4, 2-5 p.m.
Barrows 225 AH; Burd 212 AH;
Edwards 203 UH; E. Engel 2219
AH; Hampton 229 AH; Pearce
2029 AH; Robertson 3011 AH;
Stanlis 2235 AH; Van Syoc G
English 2 -Final Examination
Schedule-Fri., June 4, 2-5 p.m.
Amend 25 AH; Bennett 25 AH;
Chapman 25 AH; Coit 25 AH;
Damon 25 AH; Donaldson 1025
AH; Eastman 18 AH; Eliot 1025
AH; R. Engel 1025 AH; Everett
102 Ec.; Gluck 1025 AH; Green
102 Ec.: Hawkins 3209 AH; J.
Howard 205 MH; M. Howard 205
MIH;A. Kelly 101 Ec.; J. Kelly 101
Ec; Kleinhans- 201 UH; Lane 1025
AH; La Zebnik D Haven; Madden
B Haven; Markland 1035 AH;
Markman 1035 AH; Marshall D
Haven; Mascott D AMH; McCue
C Haven: McKean 1035 AH; Moon
D AMH; Park 205 MH; Ross W
Gallery AMH; Savage 2231 AH;
scott W Gallery AHM; J. Shedd
2225 AH; Sparrow 2225 AH; Stan-
lis 2235 AH; Swarthout W. Gallery
AMH; V. Walcott B Haven; Walt
W Gallery AMH; Weaver 2225
AH; Wells C Haven; Wikelund C
Haven; Wolfinger 3017 AH; E.
Wunsch B Haven; A. Wunsch B
Room Assignments for German 1,
2, 31 regular final examinations
to be held Tues., June 8, 2-4
Ger. 1, sec. 1, Bigelow, 1025 AH;
Ger. 1, sec. 2, Fuehrer, 1025 AH;
Ger. 1, sec. 3, Schippert, 25 AH;
Ger. 1, sec. 4, Gaiss, 2003 AH;
Ger. 1, sec. 5, Halley, 25 AH;
Ger. 1, see. 6, Goettler, "C" HH;
Ger. 1, sec. 7, Bernard, 1035 AH;
Ger. 1, sec. 8, Fuehrer, 1025 AH.
Ger. 2, sec. 1, Heilbronner, "C"
HH; Ger. 2, sec. 2, Graf, 35 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 3, Goettler, "C" HH;
Ger. 2, sec. 4, Gaiss, 2003 AH;

Ger. 2, sec. 5, Norton, 35 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 6, Mertens, 231 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 7, Reed, "D" HH;
Ger. 2, sec. 8, Bernard, 1035 AH:
German 2, sec. 9, Reichart, 231
AH; Ger 2, sec. 10, Yates, 231 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 11, Berg, 1025 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 12, Norton, 35 AH; 1
Ger. 2, sec. 13, Gaiss, 2003 AH;G
Ger. 2, sec. 14, Reed, "" HH;
Ger. 2, sec. 15, Halley, 25 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 16, Brown, "C" HH;,
Ger. 2, sec. 17 Mertens, 231 A;1
Ger. 2, sec. 18, Bernard, 1035 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 19, Halley, 25 AH;
Ger. 2, sec. 20, Halley, 25 A;
Ger. 2, sec. 21, Yates, 231 AH.;
Ger. 31, sec. 1, Brown, 1025 AH;
Ger. 31, sec. 2, Brown, 1025 AH;I
Ger. 31, sec. 3, Pott, 25 AH; Ger.1
31, sec. 4, Packer, "C" HH.1
Room Assignment for special sen-
ior Ger. 1, 2, 31 final examina-
tions to be held Tues., June 1,R
7-9 p.m.-all sections in room
231 AH.-
Room Assignment for Ger. 12 finalt
examinations to be held Wed..
June 2, 7-9 p.m. all sections in
room 231 AH.
Mathematics Concentration Ex-7
Persons intending to concen-
trate in Mathematics in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, andt
the Arts, are reminded that thef
following requirements must be1
1. Completion of Math. 54;
2. Fulfillment of the Group Re-
3. Completion of sixty hours of)
4. Passing a satisfactory exami-
nation for concentration given by
the Mathematics Department.
The concentration examination
covers trigonometry, algebra, an-
alytic geometry, and calculus. The
best time to take the examination
is at the completion of the course
in Math. 54. If taken at that time,'
no additional preparation or spe-
cial study should be necessary.
The examination will be given
on Wed., May 26. 4-6 p.m., 3011
Angell Hall. If this time is in-
convenient, see Professor Fischer
at 3016 Angell Hall prior to the
scheduled time of the examina-
Student Recital: Students of
composition with Homer Keller
will hear their works performed in
a program at 8:30 p.m., Wed., May
26, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
They will be played by other stu-
dents in the School of Music:
Paul Wallace, trombone; David
Ireland, viola; Carlos Cartaino,
flute; Harriet Boden, mezzo-so-
prano; Louise Steele, flute; Cath-
erine Jean Morgan, violin; Sarah
Cossum, viola; Joan Bullen, cello;
and Patricia Penman, Jack Hodin,
Marie Haefliger, Willard Brask,
Joanne Baker, Robert Henderson,
pianists; the University String
Orchestra, conducted by Paul
Bryan; and the University Choir,
Raymond Kendall, Conductor.
The compositions were written by
Leslie Bassett, Jack Hodin, War-
ren Benson, Joanne Baker, Ed-
ward Chudacoff, Anita Dennis-
ton, Dean Nuernbergetr, Robert
Buggert, and Grant Beglarian.
The public is invited.
Student Recital: Ruthann Perry
FitzGerald, soprano, a pupil of Ar-
thur Hackett, will be heard at
8:30 p.m., Thurs., May 27, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Her pro-
gram is presented in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for

stop the outbreak of a world war
in 1914. Words did not stop Hit-
ler's annexation of Czechoslovakia
in 1939. And words will not stop
the similarly aggressive action of
the Arab nations against the state
of Israel.
A civilized community cannot
exist without Police to protect its
members. The United Nations
Charter provides for an interna-
tional police force, but it does not
yet exist, and Britain is helping
to block present attempts by the
United States and Russia to create
such a force to put an end to
the war in Palestine.
The best solution is the forma-
tion of an armed force, responsible
only to the United Nations, to
back up its decisions. The present
situation is a test of whether there
is a chance for permanent world
amity andcooperation or whether
the lives of thousands are to de-
pend on the personal desires of a
selfish few. Only force can settle
this issue, for the Arab nations
give no indication of halting their
attack, and Israel consequently
must continue to defend. Ifthe
proper action is not taken now,
then all I can say is-League of
Nations, move over; you are abot
to be joined by the United Na-
-Manuel Rosenbaum.
V ets' Feelings
To the Editor:
SOME STUDENTS wonder what
happens to the resolutions
AVC passes, sometimes unani-
mously, sometimes after consider-
able debate and amendment.
Last week the AVC mailbox
brought letters from U.S. Senators
Arthur Vandenberg and Homer
Ferguson in response to our re-
cent resolution proposing a World
Police Force under the UN as an
alternativentodthe draft and UMT4T.
Wrote Vandenberg:
"I emphatically agree with you
that the United Nations continues
to be the world's best hope for
peace. You may be sure that I
shall continue to give it every sup-
port within my power.
A bit more reserved in his com-
ment, Ferguson said:
"Inasmuch as I am not a mem-
ber of the Armed Services Com-
mittee I shall have no opportunity
to act on legislation dealing with
this subject until some bill comes
to the floor of the Senate. At that
time you may be sure I shall not
forget your viewpoint regarding
this matter."
So AVC's resolutions do let
Wasihngton's policy-makers know
how organized student -veterans
feel on current issues. And, if the
gentlemen's minds aren't com-
pletely made up, we do save them
the trouble of tossing a coin.
-Dave Babson,
Chairman, AVC Campus
Fifty-Eighth Year


Letters to the Editor





the degree of Bachelor of Music,
and will be open to the general
Exhibition Work from the Draw-
ing and Painting Department,
College of Architecture and De-
sign; Rackham Galleries, week-
days 10 a.m.-10 p.m.
Events Today
Radio Programs:
3:30 p.m. WKAR-The Hop-
wood Room-Programs of inter-
views with student writers, pro-
fessors and guests. Conducted by
E. G. Burrows.
3:45 p.m.WKAR-The School
of Music.
5:45 p.m. WPAG - Gardening
Program - Lenore Thompson
8:30 p.m. WPAG-FM-Student
Recital. Students of composition
will hear their works performed by
other students.


Sigma Pi, Professional
Fraternity: Business
7:30 p.m., Michigan Un-

Looking Back


From the pages of The Daily
"Dutch Perbert" was to return in the fall
to assist Hall, the head football coach.
"Ferbert will take the men back of the
line, while Hall will amalgamate the line
into a stone wall."
The Board of Directors of the Union was
to decide the constitutionality of the voting
on the amendment to the Union constitu-
tion. The amendment decided that the
president and the recording secretary of
the Union were to be appointed rather
than elected by a popular vote.
At a meeting here of five junior-colleges,
the Michigan College Press Association was
to be organized under the auspices of Prof.
J. L. Brumm of the journalism department.
Much to the joy of students, the city
council removed the ban they had imposed
on "Ken" and "Esquire."
rMRm PRIDENTr',S nromntr cognition

Convocation honoring Prof.
John L. Brumm, Chairman of the
Department of Journalism now on
retirement furlough, will be held
by the Department of Journalism
at 3 p.m., Room E, Haven Hall. At
this time students in the depart-
ment who have attained distinc-
tion in their work will be cited
when awards from Sigma Delta
Chi and Theta Sigma Phi, honor-
ary journalistic organizations, will
be made.
Student Legislature Agenda:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Grand Rap-
ids Room, Michigan League.
1. Cabinet report: Report on
Operation Phoenix; Report on po-
litical ban; Report on summer or-
ganization of the Legislature;
Choice of new Committee chair-
men; Appropriation for Men's Ju-
diciary Council.
2. Culture and Education Com-
mittee: How the Student Experts
will be administered in the ,fall.
Choice of members of the Phoenix
(Continued on Page 5)

Edited and managed by students oi
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Editorial Staff
John Campbell ,......Managmg Editol
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Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
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Joan Katz...........Associate Editor
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Dick Kraus.............Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor
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Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
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Jeanne Swendeman......Ad. Manager
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Telephone 23-24-1
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Associated Collegiate Press




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