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May 26, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-26

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Swp b



Latest Deadline in the State



Ask Federal
O (ihi~ f -uu-

Ll VVnu mlp U
Rail Industry
Union Support of
Plan Unanimous
WASHINGTON, May 25-('P)-
Twenty railroad unions demand.
ed tonight that the Federal gov-
- ernment take steps toward seiz-
ing complete ownership of the
rail industry.
The government has already
taken the properties temporar-
ily, for legal purposes, in order
to block a strike of engineers,
firemen, and switchmen.
The railway Labor Executives
Association adopted unanimously
a resolution which said:
1. That the government should
assume full financial control now,
and bargain directly with the
three would be striking unions on
wages and working conditions.
2. That, in addition, because
of past management "failures"
to serve the public properly, the
government should "begin prep-
arations for the transfer of rail-
road ownership from private in-
' terests to the United States of
H. W. Fraser, Chairman of the
Association and President of the
Order of Railway Conductors,
told reporters at a news confer-
ence that the resolution does not
suggest nationalization "beyond
this case"-
But A. E. Lyon,, Executive Sec-
retary of the. Association, said at
the same news conference:
"If they (the railroad man-
agement) can't operate them
any. better than they've been
doing, better make it perma-
W. T. F~ricy, president of the
Association of American Rail-
roads, issued a statement late to-
night in which he. pictured the
Union proposal as only a tactical
move in the present dispute.
His statement follows:
"This action by the Railway
Labor Executives' Association is an
attempt to divert attention from
the fact that the leaders of three
railrqad unions refused to accept
the recommendations of an im-
partial board named by President
Truman to hear all the facts and
recommend a settlement fair and
just to railroad employes and em-
ployers and to the public which
pays the bills.
Alumni Class
Reunion To Be
Held in June
Approximately 3,000 alumni
will reclaim the campus Thurs-
day, June 10, to start a three-day
ireunion of meetings, dinners, a
community sing, golf tournament
and dance,
The reunion will bring together
alumni who were graduated in
the years ending in "3" and "8".
It is expected that alumni from
as far as Manila will attend and
will represent classes as far back
as 1888.
Alumni registration on Thurs-
day will begin the activities. The
directors of the Alumni Associa-
tion, will elect the organization's
president for the 1948-49 term,
Thursday an all-class dinner
will be held at the Union. Dean
Russell A. Stevenson, School of
Business Administration will
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
be at home to alumni, the grad-

uating classes and their families,
from 4 to 6 p.m. Friday, "Reunion
Don Chown, script writer for
WJR, will be master of cere-
monies when the alumni have
their annual sing on campus with
the University band performing
that evening. The festivities will
end with an all-class dance at a
nearby country club.
The Emeritus Club, exclusive
organization for elumni who have
graduated at least fifty years ago,
will induct new members Saturday
morning at Kellogg Auditorium.
At a luncheon Saturday noon,
awards will be presented to dis-
tinguished alumni. Clare B.
Hughes, president of the Alumni
Assodiation, will introduce the
newly-elected president.
Mundt-Nixon Bill
Is Forum Topic ,



Gauge Women's Hours,
T icket Set-up Attitudes
Students are about equally divided in their satisfaction with
present hours for women, with a somewhat larger percentage appear-
ing to be dissatisfied, according to a representative survey by the
Bureau of Student Opinion.
General satisfaction with present methods of distributing foot-
ball seats and registration materials was evinced in another phase
of the Bureau's carefully controlled and unbiased poll.
Basketball Tickets
Students were also divided on preferences for methods of
distributing basketball tickets, somewhat more of them preferring

.Jews To
eW O




'Reconsider' UN Truce;


SAC Revises
Rules Covering
Changes Submitted to
President RuthVen
After two hours of wrangling,
the Student Affairs Committee
yesterday passed and sent for ap-
proval to President Alexander G.
Ruthven a revamped set of rules
for recognition of student organi-
The revised recognition rules
set up standards to be followed in
recognizing student groups. For
the first time standards for with-
drawing of student groups are also
included in the rules.
Details Announced Later
Details will be announced after
President Ruthven considers the
SAC recommendations. The re-
vamped recognition standards are
the results of months of work on
the part of the SAC.
Much of the Student Affairs
Committee's wrangling in yester-
day's discussion of the recognition
rules centered about the method
of presenting the recommendation
to President Ruthven.
Some member of the group
favored attaching a rider to the
recommendation stating that
nothing in the recognition rules
be cogstrued as usurping any
powers vested in University Ad-
However remaining members
overrode this objection, holding
that such a statement would un-
dermine the power of the Student
Affairs Committee.
'U' Implicit Veto Right
They pointed out that Admin-
istrative Officials already have
the implicit right of veto over any
University group with delegated
At its regular meeting yesterday
the SAC also:
1. Approved petitions of Delta
Sigma Pi to lease a house at 1212
Hill St. and Triangle Fraternity to
lease houses at 802 Monroe and
814 E. University.
2. Approved reactiviation peti-
tion of Alpha Chi Rho fraternity.
3. Approved minor revisions in
th e Inter-Racial Association's
VU Student Injured
Usha Trivedi, 20, of 338 E. Jef-
ferson, a University student from
India, suffered a broken leg and
lacerations Monday when the car
in which she was riding hit a tele-
phone pole, on Stadium Blvd.
The driver, Jayant M. Parekh,
19, of 726 Packard, a Hindu Uni-
versity student, received minor
cuts. Both were taken to Uni-
versity Hospital.

that tickets be handed out on a
reserved basis. The Bureau's in-
terviewers, all Survey Research
students, also found that more
students would prefer to purchase
football programs at $.25 apiece
instead of the present $.50.
On the subject of closing hours
for women's residences, students
were questioned on whether they
were satisfied or dissatisfied with
the present system of 10:30 p.m.
closing on week nights, 12:30 a.m.
Fridays and Saturdays, and 11
p.m. Sundays (plus special late
Satisfied ...............32%
Dissatisfied ............36
Had no opinion ........27
Not ascertained ........ 5
Student Prerogatives
As evidenced by the percent-
ages, there appeared to berlittle
campus-wide pressure for lifting
of present rulings, which are un-
der the jurisdiction of the League
Undergraduate Council, women's
governing body.
No significant difference of
opinion by sex was shown. The
opinion of students by classes
showed that a majority of those
having opinions in each class
were dissatisfied, ywth the excep-
tion of junior men and graduate
Students were then asked, "If
there were a choice of somewhat
later hours every night, or one
additional late night each week,
which would you prefer?"
Additional late night . . .44%
See OPINION, Page 8
Student Help
Needed by SL
Juniors and seniors concentrat-
ing in geography, German, phi-
losophy and sociology are needed
for next fall's Student Legislature
course content program, Bill
Gripman, Student Legislator said
Student advisers with wide ex-
perience in all fields of concen-
tration with a 'B' average are
desired. Gripman said that honor
students are wanted, but that is
not a requirement.
The advisers will participate in
a program designed to give in-
coming freshmen, sophomores and
transfer students the benefit of
upper classman experience.
Initiated last semester by the
Student Legislature, the program
brought excellent results. It was
originally confined to the Literary
College, but will be expanded in
the fall, Gripman added.
The experts will have the same
privileges as regular orientation
advisors, including early registra-
tion and meals during that week,
Gripman said.

GM Reaehes
Wage Pact
With UAW
Novel Agrelneet
Heads off Strike
By The Associated Press
General Motors Corp. and the
UAW-CIO reached a unique tWo-
year agreement yesterday provid-
ing for an adjustment of wages to
the cost of living, and an immedi-
ate flat 11 cent an hour wage in-
The move was hailed by govern-
ment labor officials as a possible
strike-averting pay formula for
most industry in 1948.
The agreement averted a strile
threatened for Friday, and provid-
ed assurances that the 225,000
UAW workers in General Motors
will have no strike at least until
the contract expires in 1950. The
same terms have been offered to
the 40,000 GM members of the
United Electrical Workers, who are
studying the formula.
General Motors called its sliding
wage scale "the new approach to
the living cost problem." Officials
said it would add about $75,000,000
a year to the payroll, and boost
the average wage to about $1.61 an
hour. GM did not reveal whether
the wage boost would lead to an-
other increase in its car prices.
Cyrus S. Ching, director of the
Federal Mediation and Concilia-
tion Service, said "the new pact
will doubtless establish a basis for
settlement of a number of other
wage disputes now pending."
The UAW-CIO said that, if the
rest of the industry follows the
pattern, it would put an exta
$220,000,000 a year in the pockets
of the nation's auto workers.
In signing the contract, the un-
ion shelved a number of demands
on GM such as pensions, union
shop and the like. They did get a
dues checkoff instead of a union
shop. This means that the com-
pany will collect dues for the un-
ion from any employe who wants
it done that way.
The GM agreement has three
important factors:
1. It is the first major conces-
sion in labor's drive for a third
round of postwar wage increases.
2. It provides a two-year, in-
stead of the usual one-year, set-
tlement - thus promising labor
peace for two years to GM.
3. It accepted, for the first time
in such a large industry, the prin-
ciple of gearing wages to changes
in the cost of living.
Roud- Up
By The Associated Press
DALLAS, May 25-Anti-Tru-
man Texas Democrats tonight
surged into firm control of the
state convention at Brownwood
with the election of Wright Mor-
row of Houston as National Com-
* * *
mass meeting of House Repub
licans rallied in force behind the

Israel Cites Delay.
'Favoring' Arabs
Security Council Appeal for Peace
Arrangement Will Expire at Noon
By The Associated Press
The Palestine war appeared even farther from settlement tonight
as the Israel government "reconsidered" the UN cease fire order in the
face of intensified fighting in the Holy Land.
The Israel Foreign Minister, Moshe Shertok, said his government
took this action because the Security Council postponed its truce
appeal 48 hours "to suit the convenience of the Arab governments."
The UN appeal expires at noon tomorrow (Wednesday).
Three other developments complete tonight's Palestine news:
1. In Tel Aviv, a Haganah communique announced that Jeru-
salem underwent its first air bombing in history tonight. Arabs
claimed two major victories for their forces inside the city.
2. The United States announced that it will ignore Egyptian
and Syrian naval blockades of Palestine.
3. Seven nations have no announced recognition of Israel,
Russians announce exchange of diplomatic missions.
* * * * * *

BACK TO WORK-Packinghouse workers gather in the street
outside the Armour and Company employment office in Kansas
City, Kan., preparatory to going back on the job. The recent
settlement of their strike was followed yesterday by an agreement
between the UAW-CIO and General Motors providing an 11 cent
an hour wage increase, and averting a walkout set for Friday.
Hopwood Contest Winners
Will Be Named Tomorrow

For the eighteenth consecutive
year, outstanding student literary
talent will be rewarded, when the
winners of the Avery and Jule
Hopwood contest in creative
writing are announced after the
Hopwood lecture tomorrow.
Judges Decision
Distinguished judges rank and
evaluate the 74 manuscripts which
have been submitted in the 1947-
48 contest, but final determina-
tion of winners is made by the
Hopwood Committee, which is
directed by Prof. R. W. Cowden.
Truman Asks
For Action on
Education Bill
-President Truman prodded
Congress today for action on
Federal Aid to schools and a
boost in the Minimum Wage.
He wants to see bills covering
both those matters passed this
session, he told a group of lead-
ing Democrats who talked with
him for an hour at the White
But the Republicans, who hold
a majority in both houses, are
driving to clear away a mass of
other legislation they have label-
ed "must" so they can adjourn
for the GOP Convention.
Officially, House Republican
Leader Halleck (Ind.) said no de-
cision has been reached on either
the Minimum Wage or the Edu-
cation Aid Bill, Neither is current-
ly classified by the Republican
policy framers as legislation
which must be acted upon before
a djournment.
The Senate has passed a $300,-
000,000- a-year School Aid Bill
providing grants for the various
states. The House hasn't acted on
it, and Senator Lucas (D-Ill.), one
of those who attended the White
House conference, said it is
"bottled up"win a House Com-
mittee. (It was assigned to the
House Education and Labor
The proposal to raise the min-
imum wage rate from 40 cents
an hour to 75 has not got beyond
the Committee state in either

Other members of the com-
mittee include Professors A. L.I
Bader, L. I. Bredvold, Bennett
Weaver, C. F. Wells of the English
department; Prof. D. H. Parker
of the philosophy department,
and Dean Hayward Keniston as
Announcement of athe judges,
for this year's contest will also be
announced tomorrow.
Since the inauguration of the
contests in 1931, approximately
$8,000 has been awarded every
year. Aside from many smaller
prizes, forty-three awards of over
$1,000 each have been made, two
of them being $2,500. No other
university in the world offers such
large prizes to its students in thej
field of writing.
Hlopwood Lecture
Before the announcement of the
winning manuscripts, the Hop-
wood lecture is traditionally pre-
sented. Past speakers have in-
cluded Max Eastman, Zona Gale,
Christopher Morley, Carl Van
Doren, and last year, Robert Penn
This spring Mr. J. Donald
Adams, critic for the New York
Times Book Review, will deliver
the Hopwood lecture at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow, in Rackham Lecture
Hall. The program is open to the
Perkins Given
LANSING, May 25 - (1P) -
Budget Director John A. Perkins.
a former University professor, to-
day was named to head the new-
ly-created State Department of
Administration by Governor Sig-
The new Department will merge
budgeting, accounting, building
and building maintenance and
motor vehicle control.
At the same time he announced
the appointment, Sigler asked the
State Administrative Board to ap-
point Perkins Secretary of the
Board, a position he will hold by
law when the act creating the new
department takes effect Aug. 20.
Sigler also instructed Perkins to
take over immediate direction of
the state purchasing department
pending the effective date of the
new law.

Arabs Clairn Victories
The Haganah communique, is-
sued in Tel Aviv, said unidentified
planes, flying at a high altitude,
dropped high explosive bombs on
the Holy City. It gave no other
The Haganah report came as
the Arabs claimed two major vic-
tories elsewhere in Palestine and
the approaching end of the battle
in Jerusalem's Old City.
The Egyptian Defense Minis-
try said Egyptian army forces had
cut off contact between Jewish
settlements in northern and
southern Palestine by taking the
town of Iraq Suweid an, 27 miles
south of Tel Aviv. A communique
described Iraq Suweidan as "an
important town controlling com-
munications" of Jewish settle-
ments in southern Palestine.
Trans-Jordan's Arab Legion
claimed in a communique issued
in Amman that its forces had
ended a 24-hour battle for Latrun,
15 miles northwest of Jerusalem,
by exterminating a Jewish attack-
ing force. Six hundred Jews were
killed, the communique said.
To Ignore Blockade
The United States announced
today it will ignore Egyptian and
Syrian naval blockades of Pales-
The State Department said to-
day this government can't recog-
nize action of the two Arab states
as valid, and has so informed
them. They haven't replied.
To reporters, press officer
Michael McDermott of the de-
partment cited traditional
American policy against inter-
ference with maritime com-
Egypt told the U.S. ambassador
on May 17 of the blockade, and
Syria gave notice on May 19 of
similar action, the Department
announcement said.
Russia To Send Envoys
Seven nations to date have pro-
claimed recognition of the state of
Israel. They are the United States,
Russia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Guat-
emala, Nicaragua and South Af-
Russia is the first of these
to announce she would ex-
change diplomatic missions with
the 10-day-old Jewish state.
The radio quoted Molotov as
saying in a telegram to Shertok:
"The Soviet Government agrees
to the establishment of a mission
of the state of Israel in Moscow,
headed by an envoy or a charge
d'affaires, including also the dis-
charge of consular functions, and
in its turn is ready to establish
a Soviet mission in Tel Aviv."

Hint Palestine
Topic of UN,
Marshall Talks
-Secretary of State Marshall
talked at length today with top
United Nations leaders, presum-
ably about Palestine.
Their meeting in New York was
private. Informed persons indi-
cated one topic covered was the
attempt of the UN Security Coun-
cii to impose a cease fire order in
the Holy Land.
There also were indications that
Secretary Marshall might have
been asked how far and how
forcefully the United States is pre-
pared to go in restoring peace to
Secretary Marshall was the
guest of Warren R. Austin, Chief
United States Delegate to the UN,
at Austin's suite in a Manhattan
Others there were Trygve Lie,
UN Secretary-General; Alexander
Parodi of France, Chairman of
the Security Council this month;
Byron Price, an Assistant Secre-
tary-General of the UN and war-
time Director of Censorship; and
Dean Rusk, Head of the Office of
United Nations Affairs in the
State Department.
UN observers attached particu-
lar significance to the personnel
attending the lunch and to the
time it was held.
It was noted that Marshall
conferred with Lie and Parodi on
the eve of a meeting of the Se-
curity Council at which, observers
said, it is likely the Arabs will re-
ject a council demand for a ces-
sation of hostilities in Palestine.
Relax Summer
Auto Limits
Retain Baa on Social,
Personal Driving Use
Relaxation of driving regula-
tions to permit certain types of
recreational driving this summer
has been announced by John
Gwin, assistant in the Office of
Student Affairs.
Under the summer rules, stu-
dents may drive cars in connec-
tion with outdoor sports activities
such as golf, tennis and swimming.
Personal and social use of cars
will not be permitted however,
Gwin said.
The driving ban will be lifted at
5 p.m. on the last day of finals,
which is differei}t for the various
colleges. Rules will go into effect
again at 8 a.m., June 21.
Gwin emphasized that except
for recreational privileges, all ex-
istina' drivin reemiaition will h

Marzani Repays America'
By Carrying Case to People

"I am carrying my case to the
people, because I have gained a
great deal from America, and I
feel I owe something in return."
Carl Marzani, on bail pending
appeal to the Supreme Court on a
federal court conviction for de-
ceiving the government on Com-
munist Party membership, ex-
"Of course I will personally suf-
fer if my sentence holds, but it
is also true that you all are in dan-
ger, American democracy is in
danger, if I go to jail."
Marzani appeared at a private
dinner and meeting here after the
University refused the Michigan
Committee for Academic Free-
dom the right to sponsor him in
a campus rally.
A Faclpra1.l (Iii (ivm+ irf An_

the state department, before he re- GOP Tariff Bill today. Repub-
signed to take another job. lican Leader Halleck of Indiana
"It is really his word against predicted the measure will be
mine; I did not lie; I was not a passed by the house tomorrow.
Communist Party member," Mar- W
zani said. "I had far left opinions, WASHINGTON. May 25-A list
but everyone has always known of 506 men and women called
this," he explained. "ruthless" was described by a
"If the government wants to try House group today as the leader-
a man because of his opinionsshEprofedCommunist offensive in
they should admit it; instead they Europe and the Orient.
It called them the "Professional
tried to maintain a pretense that revolutionarips to whom Lenin
c sberties nothing to do with passed the torch of world revolu-
Marzani, an American born in* *
Italy, who was educated at Wil- DETROIT, May 25-Attorney
liams College and Oxford Univer- General Eugene S. Black today
sity, was an OSS man during the accused Detroit radio station
war, and then transferred to the WWJ of denying him time on
State Department, the air for an intended "expo-
"When I resigned to take an- sure of the Michigan gang."
ant it'd, nhPvornnP iel mt, * "


Men Warned To Beware of June Moon

Independent males that want to
remain that way had_ better stay

dents signed on the nuptially-
dotted line, an upswing of 30 over
the mneviom var. according to

ogne, and bath powder are "must"
items for the occasion and future-
hihhv sometimes comes along to


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