TEIE MIChIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, GONE FORE VER:f Early Graduates Carried Canes, Sported Derby Hats There was once a Commence- ment time when seniors could look forward not only to the priv-. ilege of wearing a cap and gown and receiving a diploma but also to wearing a derby and carrying a Senior Cane. In the 1850's, according to an early story, when abolitionists were carrying the fight against slavery throughout the North, Wendell Phillips, an outstanding abolitionist, was scheduled to, speak in Ann Arbor. Political Talks Barred Then, as now, political talks were generally barred from Uni- versity buildings so the students put their heads together and hired a church in which Phillips could speak. The night of the speech dozens of students arrived armed with canes and sticks. They scattered throughout the church and hid their weapons under their seats. During the speech someone hissed. A dozen Seniors jumped up with their canes brandished th.reateningly. The hisser couldn't be found. The church became dead quiet. Phillips talked for two hours. When heafinished there were wild cheers inside and out- side the Church. Ann Arbor had gone abolitionist. This is the earliest story of many about the Senior Cane. Canes in Civil War During the Civil War students training for the fight in some southern marsh carried canes on their shoulders for the lack of a rifle. But the favorite story of old timers concerns the origin of the extinct cane tradition centers around the picket fence which at one time surrounded the forty- acre main campus. Town police were banned from the campus, which was state PRINTING (Since 1899) Inspect our clean, main floor daylight plant, with all new modern presses. Programs, Tickets, Posters,I or what have you property, at all times. So when a student got in a squabble with a policeman, the best thing he could do was hop the picket fence from behind which he could thumb his nose at the law. Fight with Local Police In the year 1889, there was a fight with the local police, and, as the battle raged, hot-blooded Michigan men screwed their hats on, let out fierce war cries and rushed into the fray. The first weapons that came to hand were, of course, the pickets from the old fence. First one and then everybody tore off a picket cane and rallied to the defeat of the police. This is legend. The fence was probably torn down because of age. Senior Privilege. But the Seniors took . upon themselves the privilege of carry- ing canes on the campus each Spring. This custom, later be- came combined with another Michigan tradition called "Swing- out," when Seniors would don caps and gowns and march to Convo- cation. This tradition, which was later disbanded because it generally ended up in what one source calls "a drunken brawl," is the grand- father of the present-day Honors Convocation. Cane Sunday con- tinued intermittently down through the years until 1930, when it fell victim along with the Freshman "pot" to the sophistica- tion of our modern era. Heat Pump Lecture Dr. E. N. Kemler will speak on "Heat Pumps," 8:30 p.m. today at Kellogg Auditorium under the auspices of tlxe Round Table Com- mittee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Dr. Kemler is Assistant Director of Research and Research Profes- sor of Mechanical Engineering at New York University. Veterans HVurt ile Forms by End of Term Address Changes for Checks Requested Veterans winding up their af- fairs in preparation for summer vacation were reminded yesterday by Robert S. Waldrop, Director of the Veterans Service Bureau, of three important forms they must file before the end of the semes- ter. Waldrop particularly empha- sized the need for change of ad- dress notifications from veterans who would not be at their pres- ent mailing address on July 1, and want their subsistence checks for- warded. Records Will Be Kept "The change of address," Wal- drop said, "should have the words 'Temporary - Do Not Transfer Records' marked on it, so that the veteran's records will be kept here for his entrance next fall." Absence reports are also re- quired this year, but only from students attending school under P.L. 16, and not those under P.L. 346 (GI Bill). These absence re- ports, he revealed, are due in the Veterans Service Bureau, Rack- ham, by Saturday, the first day of exams. Students who are transferring schools or will attend another school before returning to Mich- igan must have an "Application of Supplemental Certificate" which can be picked up in the VA office, Rm. 100A, Rackham. Report to Training Office The Veterans Administration wants all Public Law 16 trainees to report to their Training Office before the end of the current se- mester to make certain the Vet- erans Administration is aware of their plan for the summer, the VA office announced. "Public Law 16 trainees are re- quired to attend the Summer Ses- sion unless specifically authorized not to attend by their Training Officer," veterans were warned. Local audiences will enjoy a melodic visit to Elizabethan Eng- Student Legislature - Final land when the Gilbert and Sulli- meeting of semester, 7:30 p.m., van Society presents "Yeoman of Grand Rapids Room, League. the Guard" during the fall semes- NSA-Meeting of delegates and ter. alternates-7:30 p.m., Rm. 323, "Yeoman" has been acclaimed Union. as the closest thing to grand opera Radio-"About Books," review which its talented authors ever program, 8 p.m. WHRV. produced, and is quite different Radio-German Series, from the usual light and 1jumor- Ottorafan-G r.nKererg,9:ous musical works generally asso- Otto Graf and Dr. Ke. B1rg. 9:4 ciated with Gilbert and Sullivan. P.mfl. WPAG. Its production will require the Student Recital-Harriet Bo- services of 17 principals, includ- den, mezzo-soprano, will sing ing four women. compositions f r om Strauss, Because of the magnitude of Brahms, Franck, Weingartner, this production, the Society is ur- DuParc and others. 8:30 p.m., - Lydia Mendelssohn. Exhibit -Atomic energy pre- pared by Editors of Life Magazine, through May 29, Rackham Build- ing. Michigan-"Naked City," 1, 3, CN?,,. 5, 7, 9. State--High Wall,"' 1, 3, 5, 7, gently in need of an experienced production manager who is capa- ble of designing and supervising the construction of an entire stage setting, according to Jim Schneid- er, publicity manager for the group. Anyone interested in this job is requested to call the So- ciety's faculty adviser, Prof. Ken- neth Rowe. at 2-0677. A tryout period will be held dur- ing the first week of the fall se- mester for all persons interested in principal parts, chorus, or stage crew work. Rehearsals will begin immediately thereafter, for "Yeo- man" is scheduled to be presented during the sixth week of the term. Campus Calendar Gilbert-Sullivan Group To Present eoman of uar i iFall Term ISN'T LOVE GRAND-Gabriel Gracido of Mexico gets a kiss during the International Horse Show in Rome. Gracido is pic- tured on the right. Father of 22 Given $100 as Award Become A Regular Member of KEN MACDONALD'S FM.CLUB "Our Location Makes the Trip Worthwhile" GOETZCRAFT PRINTERS, INC. Downtown, 308 N. Main Just North of Main Downtown Post Office MON. THRU THURS. FRI. AND SAT. I 1 :00 P.M.-12:00 A.M. 10:00 P.M.-12:00 A.M. W PA-FM ... 98.7' M.C. i i Zia* s e you ought to know America's Champion Father for 1948 is $100 richer today but wealthier still for the 22 living children who brought him the award from the National Father's Day Committee. He is Clarkson F. Warden, 79, of Donovan Rd., Webster Town- ship, who has resided in Washte- naw County for the past 25 years. Besides the 22 direct progeny, opinion... (Continued from Page 1) the Bureau asked if they approved or disapproved of it. Approved.............28% Disapproved ...........62 No Attitude ...........10 In all classes, with one excep- tion, more students opposed than supported the action. However, 53 per cent of junior men favored the ruling. Of the 135 students who ap- proved of the decision, 19% ap- proved because of their dislike of radicals, riots, disturbances; 18% felt that the Regents' ac- tion helped to maintain har- mony on the campus; 10% said the Regents acted within their legal powers; 43% gave a variety of other reasons; 10% had no reason to offer. Of the 305 students who disap- proved, 35% felt that the Board of Re- gents' action interfered with freedom of speech; 20% objected because, not be- longing to any organized stu- dent group, they felt they could not learn enough about political candidates (the rea- son given by this group, in- cidentally, even after explan- ations, still reflected lack of understanding of the Re- gents' action); 16% disapproved because they thought political controversy would be an educational ex- peience for them; 10% felt that the students are mature enough to expose themselves to political con- troversy, resented patronage; 14% disapproved for various other reasons; 5% offered no reason for their disapproval. To probe the intensity of the respondents' opposition to the ac- tion, the 395 who did not approve were also asked, "Do you think this action will affect you per- sonally at all?" Yes ...................23% No ........... .....68 Don't know.............9 Ninety per cent of those who approved did not feel personally affected by the action. Students polled were also asked to give constructive suggestions concerning the role the University could play to encourage interest in public issues and the discus- sion of them. Even though this question immediately followed those on the Regents' action, only 22% proposed lifting the ban on public political meetings. 20% suggested a well-rounded academic program open for all students, including discus- sions, field lectures, etc.; 17% favored townhalls, or open forums, or other similar op- portunities for public discus- sion; 11% suggested more or better compulsory courses on civics, current events; 9% felt that the present pro- gram of the University is sat- isfactory; 6% suggested that The Daily could do more to stimulate interest in public issues; 14% offered a variety of other suggestions. (Tomorrow: Attitudes toward closing hours in undergraduate women's residences; and atti- tudes toward ticket distribution systems and attendance at ath- letic events.) Metal Stem .7 : fro 1ni finDAV J., Paul Sheely* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil Because He Flanked The Finger Nail Test Clarkson, who is a farmer, has a crop of 31 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. When he recently celebrated his 40th wedding anniversary with his third wife, Marguerite, 57, a total of 57 descendents arrived to cele- brate the occasion. His formula is: "give them plen- ty to eat and wear, and enough work to keep them busy." 9. Wuerth - "Always Together," "That Hagen Girl," 1:30, 4:10. 7:05, 10 p.m. Whitney - "Under California Stars," "Blondie's Anniversary," 1:30, 2:53, 5:39, 8:30. ALL panda-monium just broke loose for this little guy with the hairy ears and two black eyes. Somebody snitched his Wildroot Cream-Oil! You may not be a panda - but why not see what Wildroot Cream-Oil canda? Just a little bit grooms your hair neatly and naturally without that plastered- down look. Relieves annoying dryness and removes loose, ugly dandruff. And Wildroot Cream-Oil helps you pass the Fingernail Test! It's non-alcoholic . . . contains soothing' Lanolin. Get a tube or bottle of Wildroot Cream-Oil hair tonic at any drug or toilet goods counter today. And always ask - your barber for a professional application. In case there's a panda in your house-keep some Wildroot Cream-Oil handa for him! r Wildroot Company, Inc., Buffalo 11, N. Y._ * of327 urroghs rive Snyer~-.-Y y~' MICHIGAN THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY By KENT SAGENDORPH Fo u"t rI The story of a great U niversty HERE is a book every Michigan Alumnus or friend will value INCLUDED ARE SUCH HggIIGG 'I'S AS for years to come. For in this infor- mal, lively book, Kent Sagendorph A Madelon Stockwoll, tells the whole story of "the first America's first co-ed. real democratic University in A "Hurry-up" Yost and l the first Rose Bowl vic America". from its founding, tory. through the great Circus riot to the A Joe's and the Orient present day achievements. This and the Pretzel Hell. frank and analytical chronicle in- A The "Society War" over Rule 20. cludes full-length biographical por- A The plots against traits, and dramatic accounts *of Pres. Tappan and his major events. With 14 pages of stormy dismissal. illustrations. $4.50 TT'IS State Street at N. University [ 516,500-It takes this number of men and women to operate the twenty-two Bell Telephone Compa- nies. Each operating company is responsible for fur- nishing telephone service within its own territory. 26,000-The number of people who are employed in the Long Lines Department of the American Telephone and Telegrhph Company. It is their func- tion to provide Long Distance and Overseas service. ' l< ', 131,400-This numbers the employees of the West- ern Electric Company who manufacture, purchase and distribute equipment and supplies for the entire Bell System. 6,000 -That's the number of people in Bell Tele- phone Laboratories. Through research and develop- ment they constantly improve this country's tele- phone service-already the finest in the world. Have you made up your mind on what you'll do when you graduate this June? If not, consider the opportunity available to you in the Aviation Cadets. Few jobs anywhere can match this offer. ments for a degree from an accredited college or university (or pass an equivalent examination). Talk the program over with men in your class who have been Aviation Cadets. And for full details, ask at your nearest U. S. Army and U. S. In all, there are some 682,000 men and women in the Bell System. As this coun-