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May 25, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-25

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Latest Deadline in the State


Lewis Faces
New Charge;
Hit by NLRB
Unfair Labor
Practices Cited
~WASmINGTONMay 24-0A )-
Ina new government crackdown
on John L. Lewis, the NLRB's gen-
eral counsel today accused the
United Mine Workers president of
an unfair labor practice.
The board's counsel went swift-
ly to court to force Lewis to bar-
gain with the Southern Coal Pro-
ducers Association, and Federal
Judge T. Alan Goldsborough, whc
twice has fined Lewis and his un-
ion for contempt, set June 1 for a
hearing on the government's plea
for an injunction.
The latest court action arose
x because Lewis refused to seat
Joseph E. Moody, president of
the Southern Association, at
bargaining conferences to nego-
tiate a new contract for the soft
coal industry. The talks were
broken off on that issue, and
Moody complained to the Na-
National Labor Relations Board.
Moody's Association was author-
ized" by 20 companies and groups
in the south, producing one third
of the nation's soft coal, to bar-
gain with Lewis. The UMW leader
says the Association is "a paper
holding company" and did not
sign the current one-year contract
which expires June 30.
General counsel Robert N. Den-
ham-the prosecuting officer of
the NLRB-issued a complaint
against Lewis and the United Mine
Workers in mid-afternoon. Then
his attorneys hastened to Judge
Goldsborough asking for two
1. A temporary restraining or-
der effective at once which
would force Lewis to include the
Southern Association in any
bargaining talks in the next five
2. A "show cause" hearing at
Which Lewis would have to ex-
plain why an injunction should
not be issued to make him recog-
nize Moody until the Board has a
chance to rule on the Denham
Denham said Lewis was refus-
ing to bargain with Moody and
in effect coercing an employer
in the choice of a bargaining
representative. That would vio-
late the Taft-Hartley Act ban
on unfair labor practices.
Goldsborough turned down the
government's first request. He
would not grant a temporary re-
straining order until a full hear-
ing for both sides could be ar-
ranged. He fixed 8 a.m. next Tues-
day, June 1, as the time for such a
U. S. marshals served the sum-
moning papers late today.
Truman Plans
Western Tour
President Truman's swing across
the country next month calls for
five major addresses and a host
of lesser ones.
Details of the pre-convention
Strip came from the White House
today. He plans to leave Washing-
ton by special train June 3 and
return around June 15.
Major Addresses

The major addresses are sched-
uled at Chicago June 4, at Omaha,
Neb., June 5, Seattle, Wash., June
10, Berkeley, Calif., June 12 and
Los Angeles June 14.
They will cover a wide variety
of subjects, ranging from dis-
placed persons to the American
foreign policy. They are expected
to include Mr. Truman's views on
reclamation and conservation, de-
fense, public power and other
On the way back, the President
plans to leave Los Angeles for
Washington June 14, spending a
day or two en route at Kansas
City and his home town of Inde-
pendence, Mo.
Chicago Address
Mr. Truman's Chicago address
will be opening of the observance
.,of the 100th anniversary of Swed-
ish Immigration into the midwest.
Prior to arrival in Chicago,
platform speeches are planned at
Fort Wayne, Ind., and Gary, Ind.
His second major talk at Omaha
will be before the 35th division
reunion. On June 6 he will attend

Opinion Bureau Probes
A titudes on Speech Ban
A majority of the student body-62 per cent-does not approve
of the Board of Regents' action regarding political speeches on cam-
pus, an independent, scientifically-controlled srvey by the Bureau
of Student Opinion has disclosed.
However, interviews with more than 400 students by the Bureau
produced evidence that many students either knew nothing whatever
about the Regents' decision or misconstrued it. Only 12 students
among those interviewed understood exactly what the decision was
until Bureau interviewers briefly explained it to them.
In the second phase of the Bureau's poll, students were asked if

UN Delays Cease-






- .:.

Truman Asks
Wider Social
Says Action Needed
In Time of Inflation
WASHINGTON, May 24 -- (P)
-President Truman today de-
manded anew that Congress
quickly broaden social security to
relieve the "desperate" plight of
the aged and needy in a time of
He sent a special message to
Capitol Hill. calling for a 50 per
cent boost in old age insurance
benefits and asking that 20,000,-
000 more persons be protected.
Noting that for three years his
similar requests have gone unan-
swered, Mr. Truman asked "early
action" on a five point program
which, he said, stresses "indepen-
dence and self reliance, rather
than relief."
Details of Plan
He spelled out in this detail the
sweeping program that he out-
lined in his State of the Union
message when Congress met in
1. A one-half increase "at least"
in old age and survivors' insur-
ance benefits; allowing pensioners
to earn up to $40 a month, instead
of $15, without losing benefits;
raising of the tax rate from 1 per
cent to 1% per cent next January
1 instead of a year later, increas-
ing the taxable earnings from $3,-
000 to $4,800.
2. Extension of coverage to the
millions of farm and domestic
workers, the self-employed, and
others not now covered.
3. Broadening of unemployment
insurance to cover employes of
small firms (those having less
than eight workers), federal em-
ployes, and others not protected.
Also, higher jobless benefits, espe-
cially for the unemployed who
have families.
To Protect Disabled
4. Disability insurance, to pro-
tect workers from loss of earnings
caused by sickness and injuries.
The federal government should
offer "a strong financial induce-
ment to all states to provide such
aid, he said.
5. Increased federal benefits to
match state aid for dependent
children, the needy aged, and the
The president asserted that now
is "a particularly opportune
time" to broaden the act, because
"employment and earnings are at
the highest levels on record."
Senior Literary Announcements'
for students with names from L
through Z will be distributed from
1 to 5 p.m. today in University
Hall, Penny Klausner, chairman,
"These announcements are for
all seniors except those in Law,
Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and
Engineering," she explained. "To-
morrow all unclaimed orders will
go on sale."

they approved or disapproved of
the Regents' decision to prohibit
public meetings in support of a
particular candidate or platform.
on University property. By their
action, student organizations were
permitted to hold private meet-
ings to further candidates, how-!
The Bureau, which is directed
by Survey Research students, con-
ducted its poll by valid sampling
methods, applied to the student
population. A representative
sample of students, chosen at ran-
dom from University files, was
compiled. Students thus selected
were questioned by trained and
impartial Bureau interviewers, and
the results were carefully tabu-
A Daily poll after the much-
discussed decision by the Regents
showed that' an overwhelming
number of students were opposed
to the action. However, The'
Daily's poll did not determine de-
gree of knowledge concerning the!
The Bureau in its poll first
sought to find out what propor-
tion of students had heard of the
Regents' action.
Have heard of it ........82%
Have not heard of it ....11
Were not sure .......... 7
Of the 82 per cent, or 395 stu-
dents who had heard of it, 66 per
cent had no correct understand-
ing of the decision. 34 per cent
of the 395 indicated some correct;
knowledge, but only 12 of all stu-
dents polled knew the entire con-
text of the ruling.
Men seemed slightly better in-
.formed than women on the sub-
ject. 28 per cent of all men had
some correct knowledge> as op-
posed to 22 per cent of all women.
Male graduate and special stu-
dents were the best-informed
class, and junior women were
The most common misconcep-
tion held by 54 per cent of the
395 students who said they had
heard of the ruling was that the
action "banned radical groups and
speakers." Many connected the
proclamation with the Eisler ban.
After briefly informing the stu-
dents about the Regents' action,
See OPINION, Page 6
Truman Picks
Brannan Appointed
To Agriculture Post
WASHINGTON, May 24-()-
Charles F. Brannan, 44-year-old
former Denver lawyer, was ap-
pointed Secretary of Agriculture
today. He is the second govern-
ment career man to be chosen
for a cabinet post by President
Truman within the past six
The other is Jesse M. Donald-
son, one time letter carrier, whol
was named Postmaster General
last November to succeed Robert
E. Hannegan.
Brannan, whose appointment
must be confirmed by the Senate,
was appointed to succeed Clinton
P. Anderson, who resigned May 10
to run for the Senate in New Mex-

Security Council's New Holy Land
Order Set for 11 a.m. Wednesday
CAIRO, Egypt, May 24-(/P)-The United Nations Security Coun-
cil tonight extended until 11 a.m. Wednesday, its deadline for a cease-
fire in the Arab-Jewish fighting in Palestine.
The Council, meeting at Lake Success, delayed the deadline 48
hours at the request of Syrian and Egyptian representatives. The origi-
nal UN deadline expired at noon today.
The government of Israel, which accepted the UN appeal sub-
ject to Arab agreement, told the Council the Arabs broke the
deadline today when Lebanese gunners fired a barrage across the
Palestine border at 11:30 a.m.
Faris El Khoury of Syria told the Council that Arab Leaders will
meet in Amman, Trans-Jordan, * * *

TRAINING FOR DESTRUCTION-Men and women members of the Jewish Haganah army learn
the fundamentals of mortar fire as the fighting in the Holy Land reaches a new climax of intensity.
Arab forces say they will continue the struggle in Palestine unless the Jewish armies disband and the

UN partition plan is shelved.
New Contract
Believed. Near

Dawson Returns to Campus;
Watches'Ensian Sales Mount

Pact Would Avert
'Walkout of225,000

Buck Dawson, who returned to
campus to watch his prize babies
--all 6000 of them-brealk all pre-
vious Ensian sales records, is pack-
int' hisc. han' a n inith n in oI n.,ri

DETROIT, May 25-More than gi D U Wa
13 hours of continuous negoitia- and wave at the campus, will make
tions between the CIO United his way to Washington.
Auto Workers and General Motors Dawson looked on with pleas-
Corp. gave the auto industry new ure as the long-awaited year book,
hope today of settlement of their hailed by the Ensian staff as the
wage dispute before a threatened most sought-after book on cam-
strike is called. pus, was distributed.
. The proud staff plans to enter
It was believed any settlement this year's book in the twenty-
reached would be in the neigh- eighth All American Yearbook
boyhood of 9 to 10 cents more per Contest, sponsored by 3000 mem-
horkr 2-0 bers of the National Scholastic
workers.EPress Association.
Ask 25 Cent Raise The last of the pre-paid copies
The union, asking a raise of 25-
cents an hour-10 cents of which IA
could be diverted into the UAW Frenchawaitl
pension fund--has threatened to#
strike General Motors plants forU
less the dispute is settled by Fri-
Harry W. Anderson, General Asks Security from
Motors vice-president, headed the German Aggression
company delegation which sat
with top UAW negotiators LONDON. May 24-(P)-Dip-
through day and night sessions lomatic officials said today France
that had run almost continuously has insisted that the United
Wage Pattern States underwrite western Eu-
The conference, which observers rope's security against aggression
believe may produce a wage pat- bdustialunchaining Germany's in-
tern for the entire auto industry These officals said the French
and bring quick settlement of a'
Chrysler Corporation strike now position has become the chief bar-
13 days old, continued in the huge rier against a six-country agree-
General Motors Building where ment on charting western Ger-
a 113-day GM strike was settled many's political and economic fu-
March 13, 1946. ture.
The union confirmed that GM, Despite the French opposition,
biggest outfit in the auto indus- responsible American officials
try had made its first wage offer said tonight that an agreement
of 1948 to the UAW-CIO. will be reached this week. The


will be distributed today and to-j
morrow at the Student Publica-
tions Building. Those whose
names begin with letters S to Z
will be able to pick up their books
from 12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. to-
Buck Dawson, captivating
campus cowboy will be on hand
to autograph Ensians all day to-
morrow. Editor Dawson bowed
to public clamors for his signa-
ture in announcing this move.
day. A period of open distribution
will be held during the same hours
Ellie Abrahamson, Accounting
Mnager of the Ensian, has urged
that all outstanding accounts be
closed as soon as possible.
Still intoxicated by the glowing
campus response to the new book,
the, Ensian staff plans to begin
taking orders on next year's books
Meanwhile, sales are still boom-
ing on the '47 Ensian.
Says Taft Act
Should Allow
Firing of Reds
WASHINGTON, May 24-(1P)-
The Taft-Hartley labor law should
be changed to state that it is not
an unfair labor practice to fire a
"subversive" worker, Rep. Landis
(Rep., Ind) said today.
Landis' classification for such a
person--one who tends toward
overthrow of the government -
would be: "A member of an or-
ganization listed as subversive by
the Attorney General's office."
Landis appeared before the'
Senate-House watchdog commit-
tee which opened today its first
public hearings on operations of
the law. It is now 11 months old.
He also suggested that it be
broadened to require sworn oaths
from management and labor con-
tract negotiators that they are not
Communists. Now only top un-
ion officials are required to sign
such an oath in order to obtain
the services of the National Labor
Relations Board.
Much of today's hearing was
given over to a proposal to end the
Taft-Hartley requirement that a
majority of employes vote for a
union shop before one may be set
up. This is the only one of vari-
ous proposed changes which is be-
lieved to have a chance for Con-
gressional approval before ad-
j ournment.
Under a union shop, the boss
may hire whom he pleases, but
the new employe must join the
union within a specified time, us-
ually 30 days.

tomorrow, and that their accept-
ance or rejection of the UN appeal
to halt the Holy Land fighting will
be communicated to Lake Success
no dlater than 11 a.m. Wednesday.
Both the United States and
Britain urged the Arab nations to
abide by the UN demand. British
and American diplomats delivered
the appeals for peace in Cairo and
other Arab capitals.
Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary
Ernest Bevin conferred in Lon-
don with U. S. ambassador Lewis
W. Douglas for the second time
in 48 hours.
While the Foreign Office with-
held comment on the course of the
discussions, it was assumed the
talks were held in an effort to
iron out British-American differ-
ences over Palestine. Informed
American sources hinted the re-
sults of the talks will be apparent
in the UN Security Council.
The informant emphasized that
Britain regards her obligations to
the United Nations as having pre-
cedence over her commitments to
the Arab states.
A Foreign Office source said
Britain will support the Arab re-
quest for more time to consider
the cease fire order.
Ship Leaves
105 Stranded
HAIFA, Israel, May 24-1P)-A
U.S. consular source said today
the American ship Marine Carp
will not return to Haifa to pick up
105 Jewish passengers, including
25 Americans, bound for New
The Jews had passage on the
U.S. steamer, but refused to em-
bark Friday when the ship sailed
from Haifa for Alexandria, Egypt,
because they had no guarantee of
safety in the Arab country. They
asked that the ship return here
for them before sailing for the
United States.
The consular source said "the
ship's agent informed us the Ma-
rine Carp would not come back
from Alexandria because of com-
mitments made by the captain to
the Egyptian government."
U'Frowns on
Night Driving
One arm driving after dark will
be impossible, or at least improb-
able, for students taking advan-
tage of the vacation driving priv-
ilege this summer.
Mixed company may not be car-
ried after 9 p.m., according to
regulations defining the recrea-
tional driving privilege.
However, students may use cars
for participation in such outdoor
sports as golf, tennis, swimming,
and picnics held in conjunction
with these outdoor activities. This
does not include personal or so-
cial use.
There will be no restriction on
the distance students may drive.
Students will be required to reg-
ister their cars before any driving
can be done.

Victories Cited
By Both Sides
In Holy Land
Fighting in Palestine
Continues Unabated
By The Associated Press
Both Arabs and Jews claimed
victories in local actions as the
Palestine fighting continued un-
abated today.
A Haganah communique, issued
by the Jewish Army in Tel Aviv,
said "the whole Jordan Valley has
been cleared of enemy forces."
The communique said Jewish
forces recaptured two settlements
in the northern area-Sha'ar Ha-
golan and Massada. It added that
the whole Samakh area now is in
Jewish hands. Jews evacuated the
settlements a few days ago under
Syrian Army pressure.
Samakh is at the southern tip
of the Sea of Galilee and the Jor-
dan Valley lies directly south of
the sea.
Arabs Claim Victory
The Arab high command said
its troops had captured Rta'
Rehel, a Jewish villagehalf-way
between Jerusalem and Bethle-
hem, where a major battle had
raged for 48 hours.
Both sides reported the other's
casualties were heavy at Ramat
Rehel. The Arabs said they had
killed more than 300 Jews and the
Jews said "tens of bodies" of
Arab attackers littered the streets.
After a 48-hour respite, Tel Aviv
was bombed from the air today.
This time the Arabs used two-
engine bombers. It was believed
to be the first time the Arabs used
planes heavier than fighter-
bombers. The Jews said the Arabs
dropped a few heavy bombs in the
northern part of the city.
Heavy Shelling
A dispatch from Jerusalem said
Trans-Jordan Arab legionnaires
were attempting to ' disorganize
Jewish defenses by heavy shelling.
The Legion appeared to be avoid-
ing ground assaults which caused
heavy infantry casualties and was
relying instead on a blockade of
food and water supplies to weaken
Jewish resistance.
Behind the gray stone walls of
Jerusalem's old city Arab demoli-
tion squads methodically proceed-
ed in their reduction of the Jew-
ish quarter to rubble. A Legion
officer said:
"We don't want to lose men.
The Jews are in a trap. We are
literally blasting them out."
Dynamiters blew up a pillbox
across "the attack route to the
Hurva synagogue, 50 yards away.
The dynamiters were protected by
heavy artillery and machine gun
fire. In the northern part of the
new city, Arab shells set afire
Jewish targets near the Russian
SL Committee
Chairmen Named
Chairman of special action
committees of the Student Legis-
lature were named in a meeting
of the Legislature cabinet last
Morris Domangue and Arlynn
Rosen were elected co-chairmen
of the National Student Associa-
tion Committee. Marshall Lewis
was named temporary chairman
of the Cultural and Educational
Elinor Abrahamson will head
the Public Relations Committee;
John Baum was elected chairman
Af th nSoial cnmmite- a

Librarians Berated for Losing
Bellioerency and Leadership


"Librarians should assert their
claims to membership in a bellig-
erent profession, Mrs. Frances
Clark Sayers, of the New York
Public Library, declared at a li-
brary science reunion held on
campus last week end.
In a talk entitled "The Bellig-
erent Profession," Mrs. Sayers
maintained that the librarian pro-
fession is really the belligerent
profession. She criticized her pro-
fession for losing its belligerency,
particularly in the field of "read-

sociologists on the librarian pro-!
Refute Patterns
Mrs. Sayers called upon the
librarians to refute the contem-
porary patterns and go back toi
the high ideals upon which the
profession was originally founded.
"The libr'arian should be bellig-
erent to the community in serving
as a standard of judgment and
taste," she added.
"The purpose of the public li-
brary is to have books read. It
must serve as the place in the


World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
SALEM, Ore., May 24-Henry
Wallace said today he had "no
plans to go to Moscow" to confer
with Joseph Stalin.
* * *
HELSINKI, Finland, May 24
-Shipping was paralyzed in the
most important Finnish ports
today by a walkout of Commu-
nist dock workers. The strikers
were protesting the dismissal of
Communist Yrjo Leino from the
* '.*
LONG BRANCH, N.J., May 24-
The bruised body of Harold S.
Adamson, 57, a member of the
American Legion Americanism
committee, was found today in a
hotel room whose only door and
window were locked from the in-
side, Police Chief Thomas J.
Marks said.
* *' *
-An unconfirmed newspaper
dispatch said today that all the
inhabitants of the sugar grow-
ing village of Tres Puntos, in
the southwestern part of the
Republic, have been drowned by
floods caused by torrential
* * *
WARSAW, May 24-A Commu-
nist newspaper today accused the
Catholic Church of attempting to
"tr nrn na " tannet >rti-

talks between the six nations-the
United States, Britain, France,
Belgium, The Netherlands and
Luxembourg-entered their sec-
ond month today.
The American officials said im-
portant progress has been made at
committee meetings, but declined
to disclose details.
Council Okays
.Record Budget
The Ann Arbor City Council
unanimously approved a record
$1,179,770 budget for the next fis-
cal year at a special session last
Of the total, $649,497 will be
raised by local taxes and the re-
mainder from other sources, ac-
cording to the budget resolution,
presented by Alderman Frank M.
Reed, Jr.
The budget includes $50,000 for
the widening of N. Main St., at
the Ann Arbor Railroad overpass,
$16,075 for city employe pay in-
creases and $22,146 for the hiring
of additional employes.

Doctor Recommends Judicious Sunning

Students anxious to dispel the
lilywhite pallor of "libraryitis"
were urged to make "judicious and

their skin has built up the pig-
mentation which will prevent
painful damage to the skin cells.

strong laundry soap in order to
remove the sticky wax-like chemi-
cal secreted by the plant.

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