THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY "Mem"Mm 'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Funny Kind of Year MATTER OF FACT: By SAMUEL GRAFTON I HAVE BEEN trying to start a garden, but this is postwar weather, always a little wetter each day than you expect it to be. The patch has been half-dug for a week. It is only twenty-five yards from the house, but though I start toward it in bright sunshine, it rains before I reach it. Back in the house, the radio mentibns that the Jews have started a new state, which seems good. But then it says that the invading Arabs are in. Something like the rain that is pelting the garden. This is the year of the automatic stop, a hard year in which to start anything. One day the sun shone bright, and by staying away from the garden I managed to keep it like that. It was fine, driving on the back roads. I came around one turn, past the quietest meadow in the world, and there was a man sitting on an old stone wall, just sitting. But I had the car radio on, and as I passed him it began to burble explosively about the Mundt bill for con- trolling unorthodox thoughts, ideas and ac- tions. I wondered what the man on the wall was thinking, and whether it was legal. He must have been thinking about some- thing. Maybe he had a letter from some organization in his pocket, and maybe the organization, under some interpretation of the bill, would soon be illegal, perhaps mak- ing the pocket and the man and then the Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: AL BLUMROSEN meadow illegal. You wouldn't think it pos- sible to interfere with anything so slight in the Way of action as sitting on a stone wall beside a quiet meadow and thinking, but, as I say, this is a funny year; the year of the automatic stop. A man just told me that a lot of people in the neighborhood want to build, but they're waiting for prices to go down. "They are ready, but they are stopped," he said. I knew what he meant. A funny kind of year; a year in which something seems to come along to stop anything that tries to start. Like the Rus- sians trying to start a peace movement a couple of times there last week. It rain- ed before they got back to the house. Maybe it's sun spots. They say there's a twenty-some year cycle in sun spots, and that this year is the top of the rise. Must be sun spots. For everything seems so easy, really; just reach out. The world wants only to plow its acre. It wants peace; it has just finished a war that was about peace, among other things. Peace, not long ago, didn't look as if it was more than twen- ty-five yards from the house; and now we have a war going on in the heart of a city sacred to three faiths. Must be cosmic rays of some sort. Just had a call from an old high school friend, who says our class is going to skip next year's reunion, and concentrate its plans on a 25th anniversary get-together in 1950. "If there isn't a war," he said. Have to quit now. Got to give a lift to a young fellow I know who has just found himself a new job. He isn't exactly plan- ning a career around it, though, he says; he expects he'll have to drop it for military service. (Copyright 1948 New York Post Corporation) + BOOKS + THE QUICK AND THE DEAD by Martin J. Cohn. Published by the author. 175 pages. $5.00. IT IS AN AESTHETIC EXPERIENCE to open any new book, if one is at all inter- ested in books. There are some, however, that for some reason, perhaps expense, per- haps known content, perhaps richness of binding, that are particularly so. "The Quick and the Dead" is one of these. Pri- vately published books have a habit of be- ing delightful in such ways as bindings, illustration, paper quality and printing that those commercially published have not. Per- sonal standards of quality preempt those of quantity and economic expedience. Martin J. Cohn has done a superior job i this field of bookmaking. His volume is slim but arresting, particularly in its color arangements. His cover is a white on stark black design, his print and illustrations a red on tan, and he seems to have recognized no limit as to the variations of type. It is unusual to find the originality and care to detail that have been combined here. The full-page illustrations that are scattered throughout the book are per- paps more to the point, since they are directly related to the content. Mr. Cohn has done the sketches himself and has achieved with them almost a Thurber-ian stature. They are slim lines of laughter; quick, laconic, penetrating, and more of- ten than not, profound. Mr. Cohn has made himself out a modern Man or Oil? BRITISH TACTICS have killed the U.S. plan to end the bloodshed in Palestine through the imposition of UN sanctions and in the process have dropped the sancti- monious mask of neutrality to reveal the sordid greed underneath. While Arab legions, in many instances lead by British reserve officers, invaded Palestine, Sir Alexander Cadogan, Brit- ish delegate, mouthed: "Juridically, they (government leaders) are doubtful whe- ther there is a threat to international peace and they would fear that a search for the aggressor would land us in inter- minable and probably unprofitable wrang- les." (Undoubtedly, according to the British, the UN would have to search long and hard for the "aggressors" and if that stalwart government's role in aiding the aggressors were uncovered, Sir Alexander would see to it personally that the UN would be in- volved in "interminable and probably un- profitable wrangles.") Sir Alexander then, in opposition to the U.S. resolution to impose UN sanctions, substituted one which merely asked for an immediate truce in Palestine without any provision for enforcement. The British delegate cannot be so bliss- fully unaware of the long months of "wrangling" in the UN on the Palestine in which he so forcefully figured which contributed to the present war. Surely he is not as naive as his substitute resolu- tion would indicate. Nor is the world so naive that it cannot trace his oiled words to its source, the billions of dollars the British have inveted in entracts with Diogenes, carrying his lantern into the dim- lit places and seeking out the honest faith. He has found none. His tears are bitter, sometimes probing, sometimes vindictive, often humorous, if tears may be humorous. His book is a recording of his itinerary for many Sundays, many Saturdays, or perhaps more exactly, many Sabbaths. The locale is Ann Arbor, with what I gather, short week-end trips to other points. The conclusions made in the chap- ters can be seen by some of the titles of the chapters themselves: "Je ho-ho vah," "Jesus Slaves," "Rape-ier," "A Roming Candle." The personalities involved in these chapters may be exactly described or not, but they are satirically, edging on bitterly, done, and give the book a racy pace. Occasionally, Mr. Cohn lapses into a vernacular which jars a higher level of wit he establishes, and gives the touch of unnecessary farce to the material. THE MAJOR QUESTION raised is whe- ther his bitter conclusions are justified. Whether a particular is always an embodi- ment of a general, whether he has really been fair to the institution of the church by his single visits. Emotionalism too often fades into superficiality, which is a point for his side, Mr. Cohn would, no doubt, say. His impression of the church for a particu- lar Sunday, of a priest or minister or rabbi, of the people attending, makes no attempt to touch the larger and sounder idea of re- ligion that lies above these superficialities; he ignores, or does not realize that there are those who can and do rise to the larger conception. He claims that he entered each house of worship as the ingenue, as the be- liever, as one gracefully granting them their premise, and came out feeling that: "where I sought beauty,.I found coarseness. Where I was promised sublimity, there was only baseness and degradation. Where I hoped for honest emotion, I was befouled by sterile automatons, lacking even the saving grace of humor. I asked for no proof, no reasons. I went to them on their own terms, and left on mine." This is the author's state- ment. I find that the grievances against religion as he found it in individuals and individual churches were made up considerably of the well-established facts that human beings exude human odors, that the mind of man is erratic enough to sometimes prefer the maneuvers of a fly on a wall to the words of a priest, that the smell of worship is florid and brocaded, that throats do tickle and coughs must come, that seams in omen's stockings are not invariably straight, that the mammalian glands on the female body vary as to size, direction and often existence, that choir-singers have not been rehearsed to the point of professional per- fection, that all people who worship do not own a pair of gray-flannels from Brooks Bros., or a gown from Dior, and primarily, that collection plates must be passed or the candles could not be lighted nor the pews heated. True, hypocrites do exist in houses of religion, but how would one know a hypo- crite if a believer did not also exist? There are business men, to be sure, who go to church because of contacts, and children who go because of force, and women who go because of social stimulus and the garb of virtue they think it gives them. But there nr tha ntharc umhnm r rnn hqc om. And Why Not? By JOSEPH ALSOP ' WHY CAN'T Truman and Stalin clear this mess by sitting down together and talk- ing things over? Innumerable men and women all over the United States and the world have been asking the question for many months. And now the question has gained greatly added urgency from the strange episode of the exchange between Ambassador W. Bedell Smith and Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov. One of the rather mixed motives for Ambassador Smith's restatement of Amer- ican policy to the Kremlin was, in fact, the fear that Moscow would publicly pro- pose another high-level conference. Of such conferences, as Secretary Marshall said, we have already had much "bitter experience." There have been planted stories, and there have been feelers, like the Soviet overture to Ambassador Robert Murphy in Berlin, suggesting the possibil- ity of such a Soviet move. Why was it feared? Why did the State Department not welcome Molotov's expression of will- ingness to begin Soviet-American discus- sions?: American policy makers, when they are asked these questions, have a way of re- plying with a question of their own: "But what kind of a settlement do you want?" For this, there is an obvious reason. As the leader of the major power of the non-Sov- iet world, President Truman could un- doubtedly "sit down with Stalin" and reach agreement. It has been obvious since the end of the war that the Kremlin would like nothing better than for Russia and the United States to divide up the world in the manner of two small boys splitting a slightly rotten apple. Immediately after the war, this desire was very clearly disclosed, in the Kremlin's frantic propaganda effort to drive a wedge between this country and Britain. The Soviet half of the world would be organized as an immense, monolithic em- pire. The non-Soviet half would remain a more congeries of independent nations, cooperating only half-heartedly and oc- casionally. Here is the heart of the trouble. A purely artificial division of any territory, includ- ing the earth, is always possible between dictators. Consequently, the object of American policy is a natural rather than an arti- ficial division of the world. As the Ameri- can policy makers see it, the present situa- tion has been created by the weakness of the non-Soviet sphere, which consti- tutes a standing invitation to Kremlin im- perialism. But if the West can be restor- ed to health and strength, further im- perial adventures will become too risky. The Kremlin will begin to accept the status quo as natural and enduring, just as the leaders of Islam abandoned world conquest for acceptance of the stattus quo after their defeats at Lepanto 'and under the walls of Vienna. Not negotia- tion, but reconstruction, is the road to peace. Thus the method, timing and other fea- tures of Ambassador Smith's communica- tion to Foreign Minister Molotov may be endlessly debated. But the whole exchange r was vastly less important than the prac- tical measures looking toward restoration of health and strength in the remaining area of freedom. One of these practical measures, Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg's wisely drafted and remarkably significant Senate resolution on the U.N., was almost overlooked in the ruckus about the Soviet- American notes. The really meaningful clauses are intended to build a firm foun- dation under the project of an Atlantic community growing out of Western Union. Vandenberg's proposal of these clauses is likely to be remembered much longer than the current ruckus. (Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune) IT SO HAPPENS *It's the Weather Sipping Cider? Six sober young men stopped at the Lea- gue cafeteria the other night - graduate students, we surmised. But before settling down to what was probably an informal seminar in ethics or nuclear fission, they took collective aim with their soda straws- and fired the wrappers at each other with military precision. * * * * No Mixed Chorus With the season upon us, we're reminded of the fraternity that went serenading a while back and - instead of finding the sorority houses they were headed for - somehow stopped in front of the fraternity house next door to it. Unaware of anything amiss, they sang away, and were given a nasty jolt when the house they were serenading obligingly sang bank to, them - in an unmistakable fal- setto. * * * * Dangerous Our favorite political science instructor, a bespectacled, penetrating and illuminat- ing chan wa invitedl to moderate a sorority News of the Week INTERNATIONAL ... Peace Offensive While Moscow continued to advance proposals, based on a letter to Stalin from Henry Wallace, for a peace conference, and official- Washington continued to reject them, most observers believed that the peace offensive was unlikely to produce a break in the cold war. Last week, Secretary Marshall told a news conference that the testN of Russian sincerity would come in negotiations through the UnitedT Nations on eleven issues of outstanding world significance. He charged the Soviet Government with obstructive tactics on these issues since the end of the war.-i Palestine c The war in Palestine was on in earnest last week as fighting raged B on scattered fronts. A furious battle for Jerusalem was in progress, S and troops of King Abdullah's Trans-Jordan Legion appeared to have X the upper hand.s s No Peace Treaty Any prospects for an early signing of a peace treaty for Austria 1 appeared doomed, when official United States sources in London saidp that treaty talks have been suspended indefinitely. Disagreement arose over Russian insistence on repatriation payments from Austria and Russian support on Yugoslav territorial claims against Austria.-s * * * t German Governmenti Representatives of the United States, Great Britain, France and P the three nations of the Benelux union reached an agreement on thet creation of a provisional government for Western Germany this year.8 it NATIONAL...a Civil LibertiesL The Mundt-Nixon Bill, designed to curb Communist activitiesP passed the House by a 319 to 58 roll call vote. The bill bore the en-o dorsement of the House Un-American Activities Committee. Duringb the week, Congressmen had been shoWered with petitions, includingv those from two local campaigns against the bill-that of the Washte- naw Committee for Democratic Rights and Students against the Mundt Bill.v m r * * James Zarichny, Michigan State College student who refused toq tell the Callahan Committee if he were or were not a Communist, wasI convicted of contempt of the State Senate Thursday night, but thep sentence was immediately suspended.a Politics The battle in the Far West for delegates to the Republican Na- tional Convention next month appeared to be swinging toward Gov.f Dewey as he won sixteen of nineteen delegates elected by the Wash-x ington State Republican Convention. On the basis of returns available yesterday morning, Dewey heldt a 3 to 2 lead over Stassen in the race for Oregon's twelve delegates.i Most observers, however, continue to indicate a growing strength for Michigan's Senator Vandenberg. * * * *r Atomic Dilemma@ While the White House was announcing the successful testing ofr three "improved atomic weapons" in the recent experiments off Eni- wetok Atoll, the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission voted to1 suspend negotiation for international control of the atom. * * * * The Senate-House Committee on Atomic Energy approved exten-l sion of the terms of David E. Lilienthal, chairman, and four otherl members of the Atomic Energy Commission for two years after the@ expiraton of their present terms, June 30. The decision was a rejectionl of President Truman's request for terms ranging from one to five years for the commissioners at the law provides. National Defense Rep. Leo Allen (Rep.-Ill.), chairman of the powerful House Rules1 Committee, indicated that his committee would probably send thez draft bill, previously approved by the House Armed Services Committeet to the floor of the House for a vote. * * * * President Truman put his signature on the bill to appropriate $3,000,000,000 for the construction of a.seventy-group air force. l Labor Strikes and threats of strikes gripped the country last week. A1 new coal strike appeared likely when the miners contract expires next month. John L. Lewis refused to continue negotiations for a new con- tract when the coal operators seated Joseph E. Moody, president of the Coal Producers Association in the conference. The strike of 75,000 Chrysler workers continued last week, and UAW officials indicated that a strike of General Motors workers was imminent because of the company's refusal to agree to a thirty cents- an-hour wage increase. The sixty-seven day old CIO meat strike was called off against three of the "Big Four" meat packing firms. Eight thousand workers the Wilson and Company employes are to remain out on strike. * * * * Maternity The State Legislature had passed the long debated appropriation bill, assuring the completion of the Maternity House on Thursday. The total amount voted for University construction was $3,969,500. Besides the Maternity Hospital the bill insures the completion of the General Service Building, Business Administration Building, the Chemistry Building and the Engineering Addition. * * * * LOCAL . . . Phoenix The University war memorial was announced Monday-an atomic research center devoted exclusively to exploiting the peace- ful and humanitarian applications of atomic energy. The Phoenix project, which is to be supported by the students and alumni had been originated back as far as 1946. Response was unexpectedly good. Student organization were hard at work by week's end spreading the news of the project and stimu- lating public interest. Nationally, the center had the endorsement of the Army, Navy, and the Atomic Energy Commission. * * Marxian Axe A University Extension Service course in worker's education was attacked as containing "Marxian ideas of class economy" by General Motors economist Adam K. Stricker, testifying before a House labor subcommittee in Washington Wednesday. The charge, that CIO propaganda was being used as classroom texts, was refuted by Pres. Alexander Ruthven, but brought a quick announcement from Kim Sigler that an investigation would be held. WES officials presistently maintained that the group had no "Marxist axe to grind." Board and Room Board and room rates were going up July 1st, the student body learned Thursday. High cost of operations in the university's self-sup- porting dormitories had brought on a $55 increase in the semester's bill. The increase would amount to a 33 per cent rise over the 1940 rate. Cooperatives, with a 3500 dollar operating surplus, added a final touch by decreasing its board 25 cents a week. (Continued from Page 3) Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Student Recital: June Van Met- er, organist, will present a recital n partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 4:15 p.m., Sun., May 23, Hill Auditorium. Miss Van Meter, who has been studying with Dr. Charles Peaker during this semester, will play compositions by Handel, Messiaen, Franck, Vierne, and Bach. The public is invited. Operatic Scenes and Arias, pre- sented by Opera Workshop under ;he direction of Wayne Dunlap, in conjunction with the Sym- phony Orchestra and members of the Orchestral Conducting Class. 8:30 p.m., Sun., May 23, Hill Aud- torium. Program: excerpts from Mozart's Magic Flute; Don Giov- anni, Marriage of Figaro; Strauss' Die Fledermaus; Delibes' Lakme; Rossi's Mitrane; Massenet's Her- odiade; and Cavalleria Rusticana by Mascagni. Open to the public without charge. Student Recital: Sarah Cossum, violist, accompanied by Jean Far- quharson, will play a program in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements f'or the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., May 24, Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. Miss Cossum is a pupil of Gilbert Ross. Program: Sonata in G minor, for viola and harpsichord, by Bach; Concerto in G major, No. 3 by Boccherini; Suite for Viola Alone by John Duke; and Mozart's Sonatina inC major. The public is invited. Student Recital: Harriet Boden, mezzo-soprano, will present a pro- gram in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 Tues., May 25, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A pupil of ArthurHack- ett, Miss Boden will sing com- positions by Strauss, Weingartner, Brahms, Franck, Saint-Saens, Du- parc, Loret, and Quilter, and a group of Finnish folk songs. The public is invited. Events Today Phoenix Plan To the Editor: It is not until next fall that we start raising funds for the Phoenix Project, yet now I think is a good time to begin planning for it. My idea is simple, but I hope a good one. If with University backing, the campus organizations could take over the selling of refreshments at the six home football games, the opportunity for raising money would be almost unlimited. Also we wouldn't be asking for contri- butions, but earning them. In past years private concessions, I under- stand, have made huge profits at the games. I can see no reason why that money instead of going to outsiders cannot be reinvested in the project. The University has the facilities to buy the food pro- ducts at wholesale prices. Also when people find out where the money is going-I bet sales will double over previous years-espec- ially if good-looking coeds wait on them. A simple but not impossible case is if everyone of the 85,000 people spent an average of $0.15 (with five cents for costs) the net clear profit would be $8,500. Multiply this by six and you have got some- thing toward helping to make one of the best ideas in the Univer- sity's history a success. You can count me in to help, if it could be worked out. -Ross Gunn, Jr. No Exception? To the Editor: It's a poor rule which has no ex- ceptions. And if ever an example of this was pointed out, I saw it this afternoon. After perhaps ten minutes of painful effort, a half-crippled, eighty-year-old lady made her way up the front steps of the Michigan Union with the aid of a cane, and the assistance of another woman of perhaps seventy years. Breath- ing a sigh of relief and resting momentarily for the fifth or sixth time, she reached the forbidden "front door." There she found her way block- ed by -"the guard" who with feet planted and stern "they shall not pass" countenance, informed her that all womanhood must enter and leave by the side door. A bit embarrassed, and with resignation, this little old lady hobbled painfully back.down the steps, without even an offer of as- sistance from "the guard" who had turned her away. I have heard of "doing one's duty," "the dignity of one's pro- fession," and all that. But it seems 'to me there must be a better way to carry on "dear old tradition." Think it over. -Frank H. McFerran f . 't L I )y , DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN e tep4 TO THE EDITOR ': Radio 'Programs: 9:15 a.m., WJR-Hymns of Freedom, Donald Plott, music di- rector; James Schiavone, narra- tor. 6:15 p.m., WWJ-TV-Television Science Series. 7:00 p.m., WPAG-Your Money Presented by the faculty of the School of Business Administra- tion. 10:45 p.m., WHRV-Workshop Drama (Speech Department). Westminster Guild will meet at 5 p.m. in the Russell parlor. Prof Lionel Laing will speak on "The World We Are Facing." Supper meeting follows. Unitarian Student Group wil meet at 6:30 p.m. for a snack supper, the last meeting of the semester. Program, review of the Palestine situation. Lutheran Student Association will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall for the An- nual Senior Supper. Congregational-Disciples Guild will meet at 6 p.m. at the Congre- gational Church for supper, fol- lowed by installation of officers for the coming year. Roger Williams Guild will mee at 6 p.m. for supper. Discussion o' Burma by Rev. Donald Grey wil follow. Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Fina meeting of the year, 2 p.m., Mich igan League. Orders for picture taken, completion of plans fo next fall's operetta, and records o Pinafore will be played. Score must be turned in to get you deposit back. All production per sonnel urged to attend. Spring Festival at Hillel: 6:30 10:30 p.m. Dancing, refreshments entertainments All proceeds t Allied Jewish Appeal. U. of M. Hot Record Society "Jazz Overseas," a program o European jazz artists, will be pre sented at 8:30 p.m., in the Gran Rapids Room, Michigan Leagu Everyone welcome. The American Indians cam to this continent from Asia. Th World Book Encyclopedia report that during the Ice Age a strip o land formed a bridge over whicl Asiatics made their way ntc Alaska. These travelers move south around the ice sheets an went as far as South America. . 1 - - - 1 r, f r 1 If e e d s rt - -1 s, it d s .d Fifty-Eighth Year 1 I Edited and managed by students 01 the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Sta f John Campbell .....Managmg NditU Dick Maloy............ City Editor Harriett Friedman .. tditorial Director Lida Dailes ..........Associate Editor Joan Katz...........Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Edit' Dick Kraus.............Sports Editor Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes ................. Librarian Business Staff Nancy Helmick ......Gleneral MamaS,,W Jeanne Swendeman....Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager Dick Halt.......Circulation Manger Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatched credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class nal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 '4 I' BARNABY: W r - '- '._________________________________________ if I I 1 G