FUNNY KIND Of YEAR See Page 4 Y G- It~igt A6F 444pr ,743 a t I PARTLY CLOUDY, COOLER Latest Deadline in the State VOL LVIII. No 164 ---------------- I VVi. iyI .l s ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE ( U.S. Blamed For Cold Wai By Russians Charge Violatioi Of. Agreements MOSCOW, May 22-(A)-T- official Russian news agency tc night blamed the United Stat( for the present state, of Russo American relations and sai "clearly the attitude of the Unite States government is not conduc ive to progress in internationo azairs." The news agency, Tass, re- leased a 13-page statement which it said reflected "the at- titude of leading circles in the Soviet government." Tass listed the same 11 sphere zf disagreement which had bees noted by Prime Minister Jose Stalin in his reply to an open let l ' ter by Henry A. Wallace. Thi United States State Departmen on May 19 detailed its own posi tion on these points, charging tha Russia blocked settlements in eac case. After citing the Russian posi tion on the points, Tass said: "From all that has been sail above it is clear who bears th responsibility for the present stat" of Soviet-American relations." "Everyone knows that under the Roosevelt government, the most difficult international problems were settled" by the United States, Russia and Bri- tain, Tass said. It added that now the United States not only violates the de- cisions made at the Yalta and Tehran Conferences, but also vio- lates "decisions of the Potsdan conference which were taken witi the participation of Truman and which he signed." The statement was the latest in a series of Soviet-American ex- changes that began with a May 4 letter from U.S. Ambassador Wal- ter Bedell Smith to Russian For- eign Minister V. M. Molotov. Taft Condemns Policy Faults Of President ANNANDALE - ON - HUDSON. N.Y., May 22-(AP)-Sen. Robert A. Taft said tonight that "as we approach an election" it is the right and duty of Republicans "to point out the fallacies" of the Truman foreign policy. In a speech at Bard College, he said there has "only been a bi- partisan policy in a few limited fields. In most matters the Presi- dent makes the policy and ask us to agree to it. "We have usually done so in or- der that the prestige of Americ may not be destroyed because of conflicting voices in high author- ity.", The U.S. Foreign policy, he said, ehould, in part, lie based on "con- sistent opposition to the spread of Communism in this country and throughout the world." "Men like Henry Wallace con. sidered Communism just another form of democracy-perhaps a little better than our form of de- mocracy. Harry Hopkins the presi- dent's adviser on foreign afiair , was extremely friendly to the Comw unist regime." * * * Wallace Asks Policy Debate SPOKANE, Wash., May 22--(P) -Henry Wallace tonight chal- lenged the top framers of the nation's bi-partisan foreign policy to a series of debates. He issued the challenge to Sen- ator Vandenberg, "as the Repub- ician spokesman on foreign pol- icy," and either Secretary of State Marshall or Senator Connolly for the administration. He described Senator Connolly of Texas, rank- ing Democratic member of the Foreign Affairs Committee as "Vandenberg's Democratic coun- The third party presidential candidate declared, in a speech prepared for a political meeting here, that the proposed debates Dewey Wins in Oregon, 'UN Stassen Concedes Defeat Fails _--- To Act in Palestine Wa Lead of 6,000 Ballots Assures 12 GOP Convention Votes for Aspiring Governor I PORTLAND, Ore., May 23-(P) --Gov. Thomas E. Dewey stopped Harold Stassen in Oregon today. It was a major setback for the e Minnesota contender for the Re- - publican presidential nomination. s It gave the New York Gov- ernor 12 GOP delegates, pledged Jto support him at the conen- S tion. 1 Maddy Wins Network Fight For Interloch en Mutual Announces Defiance of Petrillo Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, professor in the School of Music, won a foothold on the nation's radio ietworks for his National Music Camp Orchestra today after six -years of Union-enforced exile from the air-waves. Announcing that the Mutual i Broadcasting System would defy a Petrillo edict, Dr. Maddy said his high school musicians would rake over a weekly half-hour spot on a coast-to-coast hookup. First Broadcast "The first broadcast will be on the evening of Monday, July 5, :nd the series will end on Aug. 16. . .This will be a sustaining pro- ;ram. There will be no fees. The ,ire charges will be met through an appropriation made by the VMichigan State Legislature," Dr. .Vaddy said.' These broadcasts will be the first by the Interlochen group ;ince it was banned from the air >y Petrillo in 1942. At that time ae claimed that the young ama- eurs' program would deprivej Jnion musicians of jobs. Dr. Maddy hailed theaction of MBS saying "I'm glad Mutual rives more importance to law than o the dictates of Petrillo" Unfair List The Music Camp is still on the IBM "unfair list"'and has here- ofore been refused air time byj all networks. Under terms of the contract, dhe Music Camp Orchestra will e heard from 9:30 to 10 p.m.c each Monday from July 5 throughv Aug. 16.r In addition to the nationwidee Broadcast, the Music Camp will -ir regular weekly programs over NKAR, the Michigan State Col- .ege station at East Lansing, and WUOM, the University's FM sta-s Pion. Before the ban, the orchestras played for 12 years over a Na-r i;ional Broadcasting Co. network. Since 1942, however, the summer 'roadcasts have been heard only over WKAR and WCTM. 1t; N'Vew Gargoyle, Branches Out n Representative cartoons frome more than a dozen college humorf magazines highlight the June Gargoyle, on sale throughout the 1 campus tomorrow morning. A Billed as the New Gargoyle, theV June issue carries literary and photographic features, as well asL its regular humor articles. Ing addition to the exchange cartoons, e "Colifoni," a short story by Hop- , wood-winner Richard Kraus is i featured. c On the lighter side, a Gargoyle o Exclusive brings out the varied s and sometimes true story of Jackie Ward, campus songbird, as a Louella Parsons might have done h if she'd thought of it first. In a t true-to-life drama called "Who c Killed Cock Robin?" Gargoyle f presents the tortures of a young t man who tries to understand r modern literature by way of the d Daily's Literary Supplement. t Stassen conceded his defeat i Minneapolis as tabulations of yes- terday's Oregon primary balloting continued to maintain Dewey'. margin of around 6,000 votes. Late today the unofficial coun from 1,493 of Oregon's 1,861 pre- cincts gave Dewey 76,318; Stassen 70,703. A large part of the unreport- ed count was from Multnomah County (Portland) which con- sistently was giving Dewey a substantial majority. It may be Monday, however, before the official count is complete. Dewey flew from Seattle to Sac- ramento today, and was congrat- ulated on his Oregon triumph by Gov. Earl Warren of California. Warren is dark horse contender for the Republican nomination and California's favoriteson to whom the state's big block of 63 delegates is pledged. Dewey described the efforts of his supporters in Oregon as "heart warming." Dewey's victory was in large part due to his surprising up- state support, which had been largely conceded to Stassen. Stassen's statement in Min- neapolis that he had wired con- gratulations to Dewey marked the close of a campaign which took both men into all parts of the state and submerged impor- tant state and local issues. It also was a sharper set-back for Stassen than the 12 delegates would indicate. He had won in the Wisconsin and Nebraska primar- ies and a third win would have been a strong supporting element at the convention. Dewey, loser in the other two primaries, said while here he had made a vigorous campaign in Or- egon because "I am tired of see- ing primaries go by default." This was his first all-out campaigning for the 1948 nomination. Willow Dorm Units To Close For Summer West Lodge, single student dormitory area in Willow Village, will close for the summer, but will reopen for men and women stud- ents in September. Official closing time is 9:00 a.m., June 15, said Richard A. Correll, Assistant Director of the Veter- an's Service Bureau. He empha- sized that although the West Lodge Area was closing for the summer, it was each resident's responsibility to give a three day notice of intent to vacate to the West Lodge housing office. Women Students Women students should con - tact the Office of the Dean of Wo- men in Barbour gymnasium for summer session housing. Mary C. Bromage, assistant Dean of Wo- men, said rooms would be avail- able in league houses, and in sor- ority houses for non-members, either with or without meals. Men students can obtain listings from Esther C. Griffin, housing nspector, in the Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall. West Lodge The women's dormitory at West Lodge will be open to women of graduate age and to women vet- erans as in the past, Dean Brom- age said. She emphasized that it s urgent for those desiring ac- omodations to contact the Office f the Dean of Women at once to ign a contract. Frances Dunkirk, in charge of assignments to men's residence halls, said that for the present ime applications could not be ac- cepted from advanced students or campus dormitories. She said hat all entering freshmen were equired to live in University resi- [ence halls on campus, and had o be given priority. House 7 j18 Year Olds 'To Miss Call. If BillPasses Action on Legislation Scheduled I1ext Week WASHINGTON, May 22-()- All Congressional plans for draft- ing 18 year old youths were re- ported junked today, A member of the Senate Armed Services Committee said 12 of its 13 members have agreed to revise its selective service bill to strip out the section calling for one year of compulsory military train- ing for 161,000 18 year olds. The member asked not to be Squoted by name. Chairman Gurney (Rep., S.D.) refused to comment, but it was learned that he has been checking the committee members on this point. Under the new proposal 18 year olds would be allowed to volunteer for one year of service. After that they would have to serve four years as members of the National Guard or other reserve units with regular drill periods and summer training camps or cruises. Men from 19 through 25 years old would still be subject to draft- ing for two years. Army, Navy and Air Force lead- ers have estimated that they will get 250,000 volunteers for the one- year training program, far more than the 161,000 who were to have been drafted. House Speaker Martin (Rep., Mass.) last week announced that the House would not accept any scheme for drafting 18-year-olds as provided in the Senate bill. Senators Taft (Rep., Ohio), Byrd (Dem., Va.), Wilson (Rep., Iowa) and others in that body also had promised a vigorous Senate fight against drafting of the 18 year olds. The revised Senate bill may be taken up during the next week. It is listed for consideration as soon as the Senate acts on a pending farm money bill and a measure to admit 100,000 Euro- pean displaced persons. UAW Charges ChryslerPlot DETROIT, May 22-(-)-The CIO United Auto Workers today accused Chrysler Corp. of planning to use foremen and of- fice workers as strikebreakers' Monday and hinted the plan might lead to violence. Norman Matthews, leader of the UAW's 11-day Chrysler strike, made the charge when informed the two non-striking groups would ventory, a task normally assigned be used next week to take in- to UAW members. "Responsibility for any disorder on the picket lines resulting from this policy will rest squarely on the shoulders of the company and we are so informing law enforce- ment agencies," Matthews de- clared in a telegram to Chrysler "officials. Summer Daily .. . A meeting for all students, with or without newspaper ex- perience, who are interested in working on the editorial staff of the Summer Daily, will be held at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the Conference Room of the Stud- ent Publications Building. Proposes * * Draft Revisior Demand Made tK Cease Fighting U.S. Proposal for Use of Force in Holy Land Voted Town by Council LAKE SUCCESS, May 22-(P)-The Security Council failed to- night to accept an American-Russian demand for strong United Nations action to stop the Palestine War. Instead, it issued its second demand on Arabs and Jews to cease fire. It fixed a deadline at 36 hours after midnight, Eastern Standard Time, tonight. The final vote on a much-amended resolution was'approved, 8 to 0. Syria, Russia and the Soviet Ukraine abstained. The question of the UN using force really was decided, however, when the security council did not approve the United States demand. That preliminary vote was 5 to 0" * * * LEWIS AND O'NEIL FACE OFF--Union chief John L. Lewis (right), who ignored soft coal operators' invitation to resume negotiations on a new contract, faces Charles O'Neil (left), coal mine operators' spokesman. In the background are John Owens, UMW secretary-treasurer, and Harry Moses, representing U.S. Steel interests. 'DOING WELL': Building of New U Maternity Hospital To Start Immediately Construction of the University's new Maternity Hospital, to cost $1,649,000, will "start immediate- ly," according to Dr. A. C. Kerli-~ kowske, director of the University Hospital. Last Thursday the State Leg- islature, in a special "adjourn- ment" session, ended a deadlock and passed a bill appropriating funds for the hospital. At the same time, plans for the General Ser- vice building, Business Adminis- tration building, chemistry and engineering additions were given the go-ahead by the Legislature. Disgrace To State In a recent visit to the old Ma- ternity Hospital, Gov. Sigler termed it" a disgrace to the state." Subsequently he urged passage of the bill authorizing construction of the new hospital. The new hospital will be fire- proof and equipped with the most modern facilities. The structure will rise four stories with a sun porch on the roof. As now planned, the hospital will cover three-quarters of an acre and be constructed of a yel- Cooley Cane Award Given. The Cooley Cane, traditional award, was presented to Charles C. Chadwick, at the annual Sigma Rho Tau banquet held here last night. Gavel citations were awarded to Kenneth W. Allison and Quen- tin D. Vandervoort. Professor H. 0. Warner of the University of Detroit won the Tung Oil Crown with an impromptu speech or- the subject, "Is Poisoned Economy Inimical to Free Beer?" John King of the Detroit In- stitute of Technology won the Im- promptu Speech contest. Bob Sil- verman of the University took first place in both the Raconteur and Hall of Fame Speech Contests. R. J. La Porte of D.I.T. was awarded top spot in the Project Speech Contest. lowish-white brick resembling the University Hospital. Its location will be 150 feet east of the Univer- sity Hospital. Five Delivery Rooms The Hospital will accomodate 75 mothers and 96 babies. Five de- livery rooms, two of which are to be equipped to handle cases with complications, will be located on the second and third floors. The first floor will house examining rooms, classrooms, laboratories, a library, supervised nurseries, and rooms for incoming mothers. Doctors' offices, including that of Dr. Norman F. Miller, chairman of the medical school's depart- ment of obstetrics and gynecol- ogy, will also be located on the first floor. The basement will con- tain laboratories, the food service kitchen, and a sterile supply room. Try Accused GandhiKillers NEW DELHI, India, May 22- (I)-The alleged triggerman and eight co-defendants accused of engineering the assassination of Mohandas K. Gandhi are expected to go.on trial for their lives next week in historic Red Fort here. The exact day the trial will be- gin is still secret, presumably be- cause the government fears an outbreak of riots or disturbances such as marked the period immed- iately after Gandhi's assassination on Jan. 30. Security forces are taking elab- orate precautions to prevent any attempt to deliver N.V. Godse, ob- scure Poona newspaper editor, and his eight co-defendants, or shoot them down in court or otherwise silence them. The great stone fort built by a Mogul emperor and once the home of be-jewelled Moslem rulers will be cordoned off completely. Se- curity guards will be posted every- where about the high towered walls whose 'half mile circumfer- ence encloses palaces, shrines and military buildings. with six nations abstaining. Before the final vote, Warren R. Austin, U.S. delegate, served notice the U.S. will call for further action if this 36-hour cease fire order is not observed. On the critical paragraph deal- ing with force, the United States, Russia, the Soviet Ukraine, France and Colombia voted for it; Brit- ain, Syria, China, Canada, Bel- gium and Argentina abstained. With that thorny problem out of the way, the delegates lost little time in approving a cease fire order; a demand for the truce conunission to expedite a truce for Jerusalem, and a call on Arabs and Jews to work with the UN mediator, Count Foke Bernadotte, of Sweden. "We believe the security council should order the parties to stop action. The United States will vote for it solely because it calls on the parties to cease fire in 36 hours. If they do not, the security council must consider further ac- tion," Austin said. A UN observer speculated that the Arabs might not accept the cease-fire order when Faris El Khoury, of Syria, abstained on the final vote. El Khoury told the delegates earlier that the Arabs insisted on assurances against partition and Jewish expansion before they would accept an order for a cease fire. The United States delegate to the United Nations made a strong appeal for council action to de- dlaresa threat to peace exists in Palestine. Austin declared that the Arabs say they are in Palestine to make peace but actually they are waging a "bloody war."1 Mahmoud Bey Fawzi of Egypt replied, to Austin that the Arabs are not aggressors. He insisted they merely were trying to restore order at the invitation of -Pales- tinian Arabs. In London, the United States and Britain sought a solution of their differences over Palestine- their biggest split since the war. Responsible diplomatic officials said they will make a new and im- portant move jointly before the United Nations soon in an effort to bring the Jewish-Arab fight- ing to a stop. Take Castles Of Ex-ing BUCHAREST, ROMANIA, May 22-(P)-The Romanian govern- ment announced today it had de- prived former King Mihai and four members of his family of Ro- manian citizenship and confis- cated their vast property hold- ings-including 143 castles with 3,060 rooms. The four were Mihai's mother, Queen Helen; his uncle, Nicolai; two aunts, Queen Elizabeth, di- vorced wife of the late King George II of Greece, and the Archduchess Ileana of Austria. In addition the government seized as national property 16 hunting castles and cottages with 88 rooms, more than 400,000 acres, of land, and jewels, securities andr art treasures valued at millions of d nn l. Bethlehem Is Reached By Egypt's Army U.S. Consul General Injured in Jerusalem By The Associated Press Egyptian mobile forces last night reached Bethlehem, only five miles from the embattled city of Jerusalem where the Arab le- gion has Jewish defenders bottled in the old walled city. The arrival of the Egyptian troops in Bethlehem was announc- ed in an Egyptian communique which also said a mobile column was pushing northward along the Mediterranean coast. The force in Bethlehem was apparently going to join up with the Trans-Jordan Arab Legion in the battle for Jer- usalem. .600 Beaten Off Jewish troops were prevented by the Arab Legion from fighting their way through to their besieg ed comrades in the old walled city. An estimated 600 Israel soldiers were beaten off in their three and a half hour assault at the Zio, gate in the South Wall. Hard pressed and apparently running short of ammunition, the Jewish ,troops in the city used ancient underground passages W, aid their defense. Shoot Down Four Jewish headquarters in Tel Aviy said United States Consul Generl Thomas C. Wasson was wounde on the streets of Jerusalem. His condition was described as "sen- ous though not dangerous." British Military Headquarters at Haifa announced that RAF fighter pilots shot down four Egyptian Spitfires which had at- tacked the British airfield at Ram- it David, 14 miles southeast of Haifa. Meat Supply Increase Seen By The Associated Press The possibility of larger mea supplies at lower retail price- cheered housewives Saturday a CIO meat handlers prepared for a return to work in most packing plants throughout the nation Monday. Sources in the meat packing in" dustry said settlement of the 67 day old strike against three of th "big four" meat packers Friday probably would result in a spurt of livestock receipts for two or three ,weeks. Bigger receipts, they said, probably will be reflected in lower retail prices. Another labor development: A long period of government operation of the railroads appear' ed in prospect following collapse of rail negotiations between ti unions and management in Wash. ington Friday. One' government official said the railway labor law must be strengthened. I READ IT EVERY DAY,' SAY 70%: I Student Opinion Poll Finds Daily Largely Favored By MARY STEIN Student attitudes toward The Michigan Daily are generally fav- orable, a poll of 492 students by be polled by random sampling techniques. Here is how the Bureau's find- ings the first on a number of Don't know 8% Here, women especially freshmen and sophomores, tended to be satisfied with The Dilv oftener or better general news coverage 56% Better campus coverage 32 Expressed satisfaction 69% Were dissatisfied 18 Expressed no opinion 12 AT e -n - l1I