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May 22, 1948 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-22

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Seet Pate 4





Latest Deadline in the State


Arab-Jewish M
Battle Rages
In Holy City
Egyptians Clain, In
Tel-Aviv Bombed
CAIRO, May 21--(P)-Arab le- diers stri
gionnaires tonight hemmed in zation of
Jewish troops fighting a last againsta
ditch battle in a 10-acre area of strike wa
Jerusalem's old walled city and The
turned their howitzers on Jewish stoppage
positions outside the walls. at Swift,
An Egyptian communique issued U
latetonight said Egyptian mobile and C
/ forces had entered Hebron, less
than 20 miles southwest of Jeru-
salem. The communique added Ph
that Egyptian aircraft bombed
the Tel Aviv steel works and also I
attacked the Er Ramle airport.
Determined Bid
In a determined bid tb crush
I Jewish resistance in Jerusalem, By
the British-trained legionnaires.
from Trans-Jordan shelled Jew- Secrets
' ish lines on Mount Scopus and Sullivan
Mount Zion, an Associated Press the grown
dispatch from the battle area said. zens who
The 400 Jewish troops on Mount ation of t
Scopus were given this choice- In a te
4 surrender or be destroyed. They War Men
had entrenched near the Ameri- tary Sull
can-financed Hadassah hospital
k and the Hebrew university. "I have
Amm ComuniUniversit
A A communique from Amman, lishing a
capital of Trans-Jordan, said the ter of re
shelling silenced the Jewish posts peacetime
in both the university and hospital "I wish
areas and the Jews asked to sur- mittee ar
render to the international Red successful
cross. Project."
Arab shells rocked Mount Zion Publicity4
in the vicinity of the Dormition Publici
Church, reputed scene of the Vir- ect will be
gin Mary's death, and Crusader tional Sti
Hall where the last supper was be- vention i
lieved held. according
Vain Attompt Michigan
From the church and hall, with- Seel rev
in a few yards of the old city's call for t
Zion gate, the Jews again last editionso
night launched a vain attempt to mationh
free the besieged Jewish garrison Phoenix
inside the 400-year-old walls. to each o
A Jewish concentration in Mon- conventio
tefiore on the opposite side of a "These
gorge from Mount Zion also was nearly 40
shelled. leges fron
* * *I he added.







eat Handlers Will
eturn To Work
CAGO, May 21-(A)-The 67 day nationwide CIO meat han-
ke-marked by occasional rioting and bloodshed and mobili-
National Guard troops in two states-was called off today
all of the major meat packers except Wilson and Co. The
as ended on company terms.
United Packinghouse Workers Union called off the work
after the workers voted in favor of a back to work movement
Armour and Cudahy plants. Nearly 100,000, were on strike.
nion officials said the strike would continue in seven Wilson

ompany plants normally
Fenix Plan
?n Praise
Navy Chief
ary of the Navy John L.
has added his name to
ing list of prominent citi-
have applauded the cre-
the Phoenix Project.
elegram to the University
morial committee, Secre-
ivan stated:
e just learned that the
y of Michigan is estab-
s a War Memorial, a cen-
esearch and thinking on
e uses of atomic energy."
to congratulate the com-
nd extend best wishes for
1 accomplishment of the
Given Boost
ty for the Phoenix Proj-
e given a boost at the Na-
tudents Association con-
n Madison this summer,
g to Gellert Seel, one of
's NSA delegates.
vealed that present plans
he distribution of special
of The Daily and infor-
bulletins describing the
Project and its objectives.
f the 750 delegates to the
delegates come from
00 universities and col-
m all over the country,"
. "When they report back
campuses, the news may
I to as many as a million
lf students."
Starts Campaign
hile, activities on a"
maller scale were being
into shape at Stockwell
letter and Daily mailing
to publicize the Phoenix
milar to those already in
g at Lloyd House, Sigma
rdan and ATO was
s Shuns Coal
tiation Offer
INGTON, May 21-(AP)-
Lewis today ignored the
operators' invitation to
egotiations on a new con-
d the disputing parties
urther apart.
lks collapsed Wednesday
their very outset. Subse-
he operators sent Lewis
rging renewal of the ne-

employing about 8,000 workers
this time of year.
Philip Weightm an, interna-
tional vice-president of the union,
said today's action ended the
strike only at Swift, Armour and
Cudahy plants. He said it was ex-
pected that the strike would also
end at Rath, Morrell and other,
struck smaller packers. However,
he added that depended on "local
At Waterloo, Ia., Russell Bull,
union spokesman there, said that
workers would vote tonight at Ot-
tumwa, Ia., on a proposal by Mor-
rell. The Rath Packing Company
at Waterloo has not yet offered
the local there a proposal, Bull
added. The Rath plant was the
scene of violent rioting Wednes-
day when one picket was killed
and another - a woman -was
Ralph Helstein, union presi-
dent, said pickets would be
withdrawn to morrow at 24Swift,
25 Armour and 10 Cudahy
plants throughout the country.
The workers, he said, will be
back on the job Monday.
The union charged in a state-
ment that Wilson refused to rec-
ognize the validity of a written
contract still in effect. There was
no immediate comment from Wil-
The action against Wilson was
in line with an earlier recommen-
dation from union leaders. Union
leaders said Swift, Armour and
Cudahy had offered arbitration of
discharge of workers for unlawful
strike acts.
Wilson, union leaders added,
insisted the company reserve
the right to re-employ strikers
and refused to rehire strikers
chargad with unlawful acts.
Herbert March, strike director,
said Wilson, by its terms, would
rehire anyone they wished with-
out regard for seniority rights.
Such terms, he added, would
mean "the destruction of our
The union accepted the nine
cents an hour increase it rejected
before calling the strike March 16.
An AFL and independent unions
accepted the nine cents last Janu-
ary. The CIO had demanded 29
The strike never caused any se-
vere meat shortages anywhere.\
The packers stepped up produc-
tion sharply in their unstruck
plants and started a back to work
movement among the strikers. The
packers claimed success for this
back to work move, but the union
insisted its members did not take

Senate Votes
Support for
Truman Veto
FBI Atom Group
WASHINGTON, May 21 -()
-By a four-vote margin, the
Senate today upheld President
Truman's veto of a bill which
would have let key senators order
FBI probes of persons nominated
to the atomic energy commission.
Voting to override the veto were
47 senators, including 38 Repub-
licans and nine Southern Demo-
crats. Against overriding were 29
legislators, including 27 Demo-
crats and two Republicans, Lan-
ger of North Dakota and Morse of
Oregon. .A two thirds vote, or 51,
was needed to override.
The bill was passed by the Sen-
ate April 12 by voice vote and by
the House by unanimous consent
May 3. It attracted comparative-
ly little attention on its first go-
Truman Veto
Mr. Truman vetoed it last Sat-
urday, on the grounds that it was
"an unwarranted encroachment of
the legislative upon the executive
The bill would have affected
only the five Atomic Commission
members and the Commission's
general manager, the only Com-
mission jobs subject to Senate
confirmation. It provided that
when a majority of the nine sen-
ators on the Senate-House Atomic
Committee asked for it, they could
get a check on an appointee by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Finally Sustained
Today was the first time this
year and only the second time
during the 80th Congress that one
of Mr. Truman's vetoes has been
sustained when called up. (Vetoes
of minor bills are frequently al-
lowed to stand without putting the
issue to a vote.)
Congress this year overrode Mr.1
Truman on the Republican tax cut
bill and on a measure to exclude
certain newspaper and magazine
vendors from the Social Security
program. Last year Congress
passed the Taft-Hartley labor law
over a veto. Mr. Truman's veto on
a tax cut bill last year was sus-
MCAF Denied
Right To Bring
Marzani Here
The Michigan Committee for
Academic Freedom was denied
permission yesterday to bring Carl
Marzani, alleged Communist, back
to the campus for a "rally on aca-
demic freedom."
In a refusal issued by the Com-
mittee on University Lectures, it
was stated that Marzani "has been
convicted in Federal Court on 11
counts" and that "the Committee
does not feel that the hospitality
of the University can be extended
to him under the Regents' Rules."
The refusal further stated that
the Committee does not approve
public meetings this late in the
semester when final examinations
are about to begin.
Arrangements had been made
by MCAF for Marzani to speak

here on Tuesday on "Current
Threats to Academic Freedom To-
day," Al Shapiro, chairman of the
Student League for Industrial De-
mocracy and MCAF representa-
tive, said.
Marzani had appeared in Ann
Arbor in December with Gerhard
Eisler, avowed Communist whose
scheduled speech here was pre-
vented by a student mob.
George Shepherd, chairman of
MCAF, commented, "We were
bringing Marzani back to the cam-
pus in order to give the University
the opportunity to take the black
mark of the Eisler ban off its rec-
ord. It's a sad state of affairs
when the intelligentsia of the
country follows the mob instead of


Portland Area Strong for Dewey;
Up-State Race Closely Contested
As The Daily went to press this morning, the latest Associated
Press dispatches from Oregon reported that Gov.r Thomas Dewey of
New York had jumped into an early lead over Harold E. Stassen on
initial incomplete returns from yesterday's Republican presidential
primary election.
The count from 146 of Oregon's 1861 precincts gave Dewey 5943,
Stassen 4930.
Dewey, about as expected, was running up a heavy count in Port-
nl .nd dA M tnnh n 1 i lh tr,

Results Reported

146 Precincts


DEWEY AND STASSEN MEET-Gov. Thomas Dewey (right)
of New York and Harold Stassen, former governor of Minnesota,
chief contenders in the Republican presidential primary in Oregon
yesterday, are pictured above shortly before making a nation-wide
radio broadcast this week. The two presidential aspirants de-
bated whether the Communist Party should be outlawed in the
United States.
Telephone Executives Defend
Workers Extension Program

Jewish Planes
Strike at Arab
Coastal Area'
TEL-AVIV, Israel, May 21--')
-The Jewish air force raided the
Jerusalem area and the Arabs'
coastal stronghold of Gaza, Is-
rael's military command an-
nounced today. k
Arab planes again struck Tel-
Aviv, Israel's capital. A flight of
two or three fighter bombers dive
bombed through light antiaircraft
fire over a northern district of the
city. For the past six days Tel-
Aviv has been under an air raid
or on an alert a third of the time.
The Jewish air strikes were
made last night. Fires were set in
Gaza, which Egyptian troops have
occupied, and an attack was made
on Arab troop concentrations near
Shu'fat, a northern suburb of
Jerusalem, t h e announcement
A rooftop defense post shot
down an Egyptian plane yester-
day at Rehovot, 11 miles south-
east of Tel-Aviv.
The Jewish raids were the sec-
ond and third carried out by Is-
rael aircraft since the termina-
tion of the British mandate early
The first announcement that
the Jewish air force was in action
produced speculation as to wheth-
er a fighter defense soon may be
provided for Tel-Aviv.
Ask UN Halt
Palestine War
LAKE SUCCESS. May 21-('-
Andrei A. Gromyko demanded to-
day that the United Nations stop
the Arab-Jewish war in Palestine
wi +hnri i fiith+ ci.Ane t

to their
be spread
and a ha
slightly s
where al
Project si
full swing
Chi, Jor
John L.
soft coal
resume n
tract, an
drifted fu
The ta
night, at
quently t
a letter u

Hopes for passage of a federal
bill to aid state workers educa-
tion programs looked brighter
yesterday as three Detroit tele-
phone company executives who
attended a University workers'
course said they found "no sub-
versive elements at all" in it.
They called the class as taught
by instructor Samuel , Jacobs of
the UAW educational department
"valuable." Previously a GM econ-
omist Adam K. Stricker had ac-
Speaker Cites
Social Aims
In Education
Americans have begun to give
education a social purpose not
known before, declaredDr. New-
ton Edwards last night at the
fourth annual history of educa-
tion lecture.
Dr. Edwards, professor of edu-
cation at the University of Chi-
cago, emphasized that this gen-
eration is caught in the grip of
two great revolutions, one demo-
cratic and the other technological.
"The impact," he said, "of tech-
nology has created the need for
social designing. There is an in-
escapable new orientation for ed-
ucation, the new responsibility of
shaping a broad social policy."
The democratizing of the pat-
tern of human associations was
responsible for the emerging of
the American system of educa-
tion, he stated, adding that the
safety and very existence of a
democratic state depends on its
system of education.
"In the past, he declared, "we
have relied on an automatic na-
tural chance; in the future we
must depend on a positive plan
and program.
Dr. Edwards spoke under the
auspices of the history and educa-
tion schools in connection with
the Michigan Conference on the
Social Foundations of Education
held on campus yesterday.

cused Jacobs of teaching the
"Marxist idea of class economics."
The telephone company execu-
tives wereI W. A. Vanderey, super-
visor of general personnel activi-
ties, and Clarence H. Van Dellen
and Leonard Bender, general per-
sonnel studies assistants.
They attended four of the six
sessions of the course. "Jacobs
slanted the information to the un-
ion point of view, but clearly la-
beled it as such," they said.
They called Jacobs' attitude
"that of enlightened unioniism
which arrives eventually at the
same general conclusions as man-
A bill for a federal labor ex-
tension service is now under con-
sideration by a House labor and
education subcommittee.
Arthur A. Elder, director of the
Workers' Education Service of the
Extension Service, said the serv-
ice has received many letters of
commendation from management.
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven had earlier defended the
course. Dr. Ruthven said the class
in question had fulfilled the aim
of good educational practice -
presentation of both sides of con-
troversial subjects.
Men's Council
Elects Officers
Everett Ellin, '49E, was elected
president of the Men's Judiciary
Council yesterday, replacing Paul
DonQueller was voted into the
secretary's post and Al Warner
was selected as Representative to
the Student Conduct Committee.
The results were announced at the
first meeting of the new Council
yesterday afternoon.
Duties of the seven man body
include control of campus elec-
tions, regulation of initiation pro-
cedures, of men's honor societies,
investigating students an organ-
izations charges of misconduct
and filing recommendations for
disciplinary action with the pro-
per University officials.

an anu u nmman couny,
which normally casts a third of
the state's vote.
Although the New York gover-
nor was ahead on scattered and
inconclusive returns in 14 of Ore-
gon's 36 counties, with Stassen
holding a lead in six counties, the
up-state race was close.
Dewey's Multnomah county lead
when 146 precincts were repre-
sented was about two-thirds of his
overall margin at that juncture.
The count from 71 of the county's
512 precincts was Dewey 2383,
Stassen 1637.
Overcast but generally favorable
weather brought predictions of a
record vote in the wake of the
state's biggest political spree in
Uniformily heavy voting was
reported in almost all parts of
the state. As high as 15 to 20
per cent of the registered Re-
publicans had cast ballots in the
first two and a half hours after
poll opening at 8 a.m.
Both contenders for Oregon's
Republican presidential prefer-
ence wound up their barnstorm-
ing campaigns in Portland last
night, and today departed before
the vote was tallied.
For both the New Yorker and
the Minnesotan, a loss in Oregon
could be politically damaging in
the final selection of the Repub-
lican standard-bearer in 1948.
V U'Alumnus
Dies in Detroit
Prominent Leader
To Be Buried Monday
All Jewry and the whole com-
munity suffered a great loss when
philanthropist and University
alumnus Frederick M. Butzel died
late Wednesday.
Thus spoke Rabbi Herschel Ly-
mon of a man who had served
as a member of the Michigan
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation,
Inc., president of the Ford Re-
public Resettlement Service and
headed the Jewish Children's Bu-
Mr. Butzel, who at the age of
69 was senior partner in a large
Detroit law firm, was "always a
friend of the campus Founda-
tion," Rabbi Lymon said.
The elderly civic leader grad-
uated from the University in 1897
and was the brother of Michigan
Supreme Court Justice Henry M.
Included in the many dozens of
civic and philanthropic services
he undertook in his full and active
life was the leading of the War
Camp Community Service and the
Home Service Section of the
American Red Cross during the
First World War.
His death brought tributes to-
day from scores of prominent
men throughout the state and na-
The burial will be Monday.

To State Bans
On Union Shop
Decision Based on
Taft Act Provision
The National Labor Relations
Board decided by a 3 to 2 vote to-
day that it will not hold elections
to determine whether employes
want a union shop in any state
which has a law prohibiting the
union shop.
The Labor Department said 10
states have laws which prohibit
the union shop: Arkansas, Geor-
gia, Iowa, Nebraska, Nevada,
North Carolina, South Dakota,
Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
Decision Basis
The decision was based on the
Taft Hartley Act. The law per-
mits the union shop if two re-
quirements are met:
(A.) A majority of the employes
signify in an election conducted
by the NLRB that they want it.
(B.) State laws do not prohibit
At first the Board said 19 states
would be affected, but later
changed the number to 13, elimi-
nating Colorado, Delaware, Kan-
sas, Massachusetts, New Hamp-
shire and Wisconsin.
Will Be Held
It explained that there are cer-
tain state restrictions on the un-
ion shop in those six states but
that the elections could be held
The Board's ruling was regard-
ed as an important interpretation
of the Law which went into effect
last year over President Truman's
veto. It means that where there is
a conflict between state laws and
the permissive union shop section
of the Taft-Hartley Act, NLRB
will recognize the state laws and
not hold the elections.
Federal Restrictions
The board said that the Taft-
Hartley Law "in effect removes
all Federal restrictions upon ex-
isting and future state legislation
prohibiting compulsory unionism
. even where such legislation
may affect employes engaged in
interstate commerce."
The issue arose on the applica-
tion of an AFL clerks union for
a union shop election in stores of
the Giant Food Shopping Center,
Inc., in Virginia and the District
of Columbia.
Ticket Blanks
Available Soon
Special Schedule Set.
For 'Away' Games
Students will be able to get ap-
plication blanks for next fall's
away football games early in June,
athletic ticket manager Don Weir
said yesterday.
Forms may be picked up at the
athletic administration building or
they will be mailed to students
upon request, Weir added. The
Wolverine Club is planning stu-
dent-special trains to Minnesota
and Ohio State, according to Don
Greenfield. Tickets for those
games will be sold in the fall, but
only in conunction with roundi

Huron valley Hog Raisers
Say New Gargoyle Is Swill'

There is something new about
the Gargoyle . . . the June Gar-
Perhaps it's only in the quality
of its paper . . . smooth, too
smooth. Or perhaps it's only in
the color of its cover . . . white,
dead white.
Perhaps. And perhaps it's only[
that the new Gargoyle reflects
a new age rising in Ann Arbor .. .
Atomic, AnnhAtomic.Or perhaps
it's only that the last Gargoyle
of the year is a promise of better
things to come . . . vacation,
summer vacation.

breathed into them the shout of
achievement, the power of ambi-
Perhaps that is why, when the
new Gargoyle is offered to the
campus Monday, you will know
that something fine, something
noble, has entered into your ex-
istence, that upon the turbulent
waters that surge over your head
in this troubled age a panacea
has been poured . ... oil, Gargoyle.
For you see, there is something
new, something vibrant, some-
thing alive in the new Gargoyle.
Perhaps it is only a cockroach,
and perhaps it is only that Gar-

Window - Breakers Have Heyday

The price of window glass in
Ann Arbor hardware stores is ex-
pected to climb to new heights to-

a few windows," Chief of Detec-
tives Albert Heusel, commented.
As yet, officers have been unable
to trace the identity of the cul-

complaints relaxed after checking
the Dunn call. However, when the
morning sun came up over the
horizon, it shone upon an Ann

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