SLAV E" LABOR? S~ee Page 4 oe 4 4UUA6 73,aii4~ CLOUDY, Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII No. 162 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Legislature Passes 'U Construction Bill --4-, Better Food Hoped for in Board Boost Dorn Reaction To Hike Mixed Residence hall leaders yester- day echoed a general sentiment among students in University dor- mitories that the announced raise in room and board rates "won't be so hard to take if the food im- proves." And most students queried by The Daily expressed the belief that the food and food services would be bettered next semester. East Quadrangle residents, however, felt that the situation would not change and doubted the validity of University statistics portraying the rise in food costs. Robert P. Briggs, University Vice-President, revealed Wed- zesday that the average resi- dence hall rates would jump $55 July 1. The increased charges will cover 11 additional days of residence, which will represent a seven or eight per cent boost. Hardest hit will be non-veteran out-of-state students who also will have to shoulder a hike in tuition. In the West Quadrangle, presi- dent Charles West '49, said that most of the men were resigned to the rate hike in view of the rise in the cost of living as quoted by University officials. Joyce Cregor, '49, president of Jordan Hall, said there was a small amount of griping, but that the girls there also looked forward to a more varied diet. "We all sort of expected a rate raise," she said, "but I doubt if it will work a hardship on any- one. And if the food improves, it will be worth the extra money. Joan Greenwald, '48, former president of Stockwell, expressed the view that the action was "very fair." "Most of the extra money, as I understand it, will go toward food and for the food handlers and in that light cannot be criticized," she said. BUCK'S 'E' DAY: w Michiganensian Starts Campus Distribution The 1948 Michiganensian has fnally arrived on campus and dis- tribution of the new yearbook will begin today, Buck Dawson, 'Ensian managing editor, announced yesterday. More than 3,000 copies of the 451-page volume were delivered to the Student Publications Building last night and another 2,000 are expected to arrive Monday, Dawson said. "Student subscribers whose last names are from A through F will have the first opportunity to pick up their 'Ensians from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. today, on the first floor of the Student Publications Building," Edith Wortsman, distribution manager announced. Distribution Schedule Students ranging from G through K will get their 'Ensian Satur- Guard Moves To Halt Meat Strike Rioting Troops Sent To Stop Blodshed in Waterloo WATERLOO, Ia., May 20- (AP)--National Guardsmen with fixed bayonets, armored cars and jeeps were in full control of strike tension areas in this city tonight. Nearly 1,000 Guardsmen moved in without resistance during the night and today. They were sum- moned when rioting broke out lapt night after a CIO-UPAW picket was shot to death at the Rath Packing Plant entrance. A woman picket was wounded. The guardsmen, sent "in aid of civil authority" without pro- clamation of martial law, main- tained road blocks in the area around the Rath plant and were tinder orders "to prevent fir- ther bloodshed." Big Difference As at "big four" packing plants, the 66-day-old strike against the independent Rath company grew out of the union's rejection of a 9-cents-an-hour wage boost of- fered by the company. The com- pany, for its patrt, refused to meet the union request for a 29- cents-an-hour raise. The strike, marked by several relatively minor disorders since a back-to-work movement was launched by Rath's last month, erupted late yesterday when the company obtained a court order increasing restrictions on strik- ers. Iowans awaited a scheduled 6:40 p.m. (CST) broadcast on "the strike situation" by Gov. Robert D. Blue. Blue had called out the guard at the request of local civil authorities. Call Mass Meetings The CIO-UPAW local, whose 4,500 members have been on strike from the independent. Rath plant since March 16, called a night mass meeting at a high school auditorium. The union called on its mem- bers to "mourn the death" of the picket, William J. Farrell, 40, who its officials said "gave his life to our cause." County Attorney Blair Wood filed a murder charge against Fred Lee Roberts. , day, and distribution will con- tinue Monday and Tuesday down through the rest of the alphabet. Students who have subscribed to the 1948 yearbook but have lost their receipt stubs and all who miss their allotted times, can ap- ply for their 'Ensians on Wednes- day, Miss Wortsman said. More than 700 extra copies of the black-bound yearbook will go on sale on the first and second floors of the Publications Build- ing and in all local bookstores to- day. Students who failed to sub- scribe to the new 'Ensians may Today A-F 12:30-5:30 p.m. Tomorrow G-K 8:30-12:30 p.m. Monday L-R 12:30-5:30 p.m. Tuesday S-Z 12:30-5:30 p.m. .. . .Wednesday open 12:30-5:30 p.m. purchase them during regular business hours for $6.50. The alphabetical distribution used this year for handing out the 'Ensians work like the University's See 'ENSIAN, Page 6 Originator of Phoenix Plan PraisesSpirit In a telegram received by The Daily yesterday, Fred J. Smith, New York publishing executive and originator of the plan for the Phoenix Project, expressed his "delight" at receiving and reading The Daily's War Memorial extra. "With such a start as this and the spirit that it is certain to kindle among the students, I am sure there will be no stopping the Phoenix Project," he said. Smith added that he hoped everyone will spend the summer "creating an ample stock of en- ergy, enthusiasm, determination and patience." Meanwhile, plenty of enthus- iasm was being generated at Jor- dan Hall. Not only were the girls sending letters and Daily extras publicizing the Project to their home towns but also to broadcast- ing stations, theatre managers, priests, ministers, and church pa- pers. Signs and posters whipping up spirit for the campaign are plas- tered all over Jordan and a large "campaign map" of the U.S. has been placed in the lobby. Whenever a publicity letter is mailed, a "Phoenix feather" is attached to the town where the letter was sent. Arabs Claim Steady Gains In Jerusalem Britain Charged As 'Belligerent' By The Associated Press Trans-Jordan's Arab Legion claimed possession or access to 80 per cent of Jerusalem's Old City tonight and advanced steadily against retreating Jewish fighters in the New City. Meanwhile, at Lake Success, the Soviet Ukraine charged that Britain is attacking Israel through the Arab Legion of Trans-Jordan. The Soviet view was given by Vassily A. Tarasenko, Ukrainian delegate, who charged in the United Nations Security Council that Britain is a belligerent in the Palestine war. The Security Council named Count Folke Bernadotte, of Swe- den, as United Nations mediator for Palestine. His selection came after the UN Security Council wrangled in two sessions today over whether to use strong measures against warring Arabs and Jews in Palestine or adopt peaceful mediation. At Jerusalem, AP correspon- dent Daniel De Luce reported that legionnaires captured Tiferet Is- rael Synagogue, the city's tallest building, today. He said Haganah and Irgun Zvai Leumi's Jewish fighters had withdrawn into an- other Old City landmark, Beit Yaacov Synagogue, for a last ditch stand. The end of the three-day battle for the Old City appeared to be in sight. An unofficial report said the Arab Legion had possession of Zion Gate, possibly the best es- cape route for Jewish fighters if the Arabs finally drive them outj of the Old City. In the New City, Legion gun- ners forced back Jewish detach- ments from the northern edge of the Meah Shearim quarter and carried them into position for a raging battle to clear the Jews from Allenby Square. Arabs also bombarded Senbed- riya, a Jewish quarter northwest of Jerusalem which temporarily is menacing the right flank of the Arabs' southward sweep. Haganah was reported to have evacuated its stronghold in the government printing building in southwestern Jerusalem, but still held the railway station. The Jewish and Arab air forcesl swapped blows during the day inI aerial activity featured by thel emergence of the Jewish air fight., ers. ** * T Full $1,649,000 For 'U' Maternity Hos p italAssured Total of $3,969,500 Will Wind Up Huge Victory Building Program By HAROLD JACKSON The entire University Construction appropriation including the full $1,649,000 needed to complete the Maternity Hospital was passed by the State Legislature late last night. The total voted the University for construction is $3,969,500 as part of the state institutional buildings bill which now goes to Gov- ernor Sigler for his signature. General Service Building Besides the Maternity Hospital, the bill insures the completion of the General Service Building, Business Administration Building, the Chemistry Building and the Engi-O * * * neering Addition.M S St d n This marks the final appropria-Le L tion of the Victory Building Pro- gram begun with an initial grant by the Legislature in 1946. It is LEWIS WALKS OUT-John L. Lewis, United Mine Workers president, leads group of union officials as he walks out of nego- tiations with soft coal operators in Washington after vote to seat Joseph E. Moody, president of Southern Producers Association, as a member of the conference. 'NO AXE TO GRIND'01 TU Student-Lecturer defends Workers Education Service [World News At a Glance By The Associated Press r BERLIN, Friday, May 21 The Russian military administration today protested as illegal an American action banning Rus- sian-sponsored publications from the U.S. zone of Germany and de- manded its immediate revocation. PHILADELPHIA, May 20 - President Truman today termed th~e financial plight of the coun- try's public school system "a disgrace." WASHINGTON, May 20 -Soft coal operators urged tonight that wage contract talks be re-opened, but they and John L. Lewis still appeared firmly split on the issue of admitting a southern group of operators. LONDON, May 20-Official United States sources said to- night that the four-power talks on an Austrian peace treaty will bie called off indefinitely. PHILADELPHIA, May 20-Two borderline southerners were chos- en today to direct the Democratic National Convention. Senator J. Howard McGrath, the party's national chairman, in- sisted the selections were not de- signed to appease Dixie Demo- crats revolting against President Truman's civil rights program. DANTE, Va., May 20-Six min- ers were killed and four others in- jured in an explosion in the No. 2 mine of the Clinchfield Coal Com- pany here tonight about 11:15 p.m., mine officials reported. 'Berkeley Square' Continues Today Students may still treat them- selves to the threatical version By MARY STEIN The Worker's Educational Ser- vice, now under fire in Congress, has no Marxist axe to grind, ac- cording to Bill O'Neill, University A * * Stricker Hits 'Marxism nin 1U' Extension Charges that "the Marxist idea of class economy" was being taught in a University Extension' Service workers' education class were made by GM economist Adam Stricker, before the House Labor Education sub-committee. Federal Extension Service The House group is consider- ing a bill for a Federal extension service which would offer aid to state programs for worker edu- cation. Stricker said that he had at- tended a Workers' Education Service course in which UAW propaganda pamphlets attacking management in general and GM president C. E. Wilson in particu- lar were distributed. The course was taught by Sam- uel Jacobs, of the UAW educa- tional department, a teacher in the Detroit public schools for 13 years. Also working for the OPA during the war, he accepted his present post in January. Class Requested Pamphlets According to Jacobs, the pamphlets were distributed at the request of the class, but were not part of the course content. Stricker's claims were refuted bya Arthur A. Elder, director of+ the Workers Educational Service, who was instrumental in drawing up the labor extension bill; by President Alexander G. Ruthven, and Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson, head of the faculty committee for, WES. Testifying before the Commit- tee, Elder said that Jacobs may have made a mistake in distrib- uting UAW pamphlets in the class, but he defended Jacobs', teaching. Class is Model The Michigan workers' classes which he has directed would serve as a model for classes through- out the country. In defending Jacobs, Dr. Ruth- ven said that the union leader had been chosen to instruct because of' his teaching background. student and part-time lecturer for the Service. Economic Report Used O'Neill said that he has used for reference in his own lectures the outline on the President's Economic Report compiled by Sam Jacobs, lecturer in the De- troit class attacked by a GM representative. He found Jacob's outline "clear- ly and completely objective," he said. Only eight of 42 part-time lecturers in WES are union men. Last year they held discussion groups and workshops with more than 56,000 workers in Michigan. Financed by Legislature The Service is financed by ap- propriations from the Michigan Legislature-about $40,000 a year. Beside the faculty committee there is a state advisory com- mittee composed of two members each from the University, the public and worker's organizations. Cleared for Impartiality O'Neill said that all his lec- tures, and those of other speakers are cleared for impartiality through Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson, chairman of the WEIC faculty committee, and A. K. Stevens, nianager of the Service's local di- vision. "Anyway," he reiterated, "No- body has any axe to grind." O'Neill said he'd long been con- vinced that "workers' education is a vital force for bringing harmony to the troubled field of industrial relationships." Economics Major When interviewed by The Daily yesterday, he was on his way to lecture before the Kalamazoo Papdr Workers, an AFL local. O'Neill's forte is economics-he's majoring in it here. He lectures to local and city central unions in Jackson, Battle Creek, Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo. From his notebook he drew a description of the lecture he was to give last night. It was a thorough outline of classical wage theories-"exactly the same stuff that's taught by economics pro- fessors at the University," O'Neill said. Spring Carnival All Sphinx members should meet in front of the Union at 7:30 p.m. today with old clothes and dates to board the truck for the annual outing, Dick Weinberg, treasurer announced. believed to be the largest concen- trated building program in the history of the University costing a total of $11,900,000. Granting of the full amount to the Maternity Hospital was a vic- tory for Governor Sigler who vis- ited Ann Arbor May 29 to inspect the present hospital and termed it "a disgrace to the State." Slap in th4 Face However the Governor simul- taneously received a legislative slap in the face by the Senate's adamant refusal to grant any funds to the Northville Mental Hospital.a Only by a last minute separa- tion of the red hot Northville is- sue from the rest of the institu- tional construction bill was the Legislature able to break the dead- lock which has held all University construction funds hanging in the balance since the special Session adjourned April 29. Vice President Marvin H. Nie- huss last night expressed "extreme pleasure" over final decision oni the Maternity Hospital. "The Leg- islators have always recognized and met their obligations to the educational needs of the state and I was confident they would not fail us," he said. Carries $500,000 More The final bill actually carried $500,000 more for the University than it did when it was first intro- duced to the Special Session by the Senate Finance Committee March 30 as part of the entire Capital Outlays Bill. Although the Northville Hospital issue provided most of the bill's fireworks, the Maternity Hospital brought a sharp Senate-House clash. The rest of the University grant went uncontested. The Senate voted $500,000 for the Maternity Hospital but the House insisted upon the full $1,- 645,000. Conference Committees were unable to agree upon the amount even after an all-night session April 29 when it ad- journed and left the whole con- struction bill in mid-air. Carried 'on Faith' The University's construction program was carried from then until yesterday's meeting on "faith" that the legislators would keep their promise to grant the funds. Elsewhere, the delay in construction appropriations was protested by a student rally at Michigan State College. A possible House-Senate com- promise on $850,000 for the Ma- ternity Hospital was wrecked at a special meeting last week by an- other flare-up over the Northville Issue, thus the entire $13,588,148 construction appropriation was carried down to the last possible day it could be passed. State Senate Zarichny Sentence QuicklySuspended By GEORGE WALKER James Zarichny, Michigan State College student who refused to tell the Callahan Committee whether or not he was a Communist, was convicted last night of contempt of the State Senate. Sentence was immediately sus- pended, According to an Associated Press report, Zarichny was found guilty in a secret session of the Senate, after a three hour public trial. Attorney Quotes Callahan Zarichny's attorney, Donald W. Lauria, of Detroit, quoted Sen. Callahan as saying that the pur- pose of the investigation was to determine if he should be allowed to graduate from MSC. Zarichny's attorneys subpoenaed Prof. John L. Brumm, Chairman of the Department of Journalism here on retirement furlough, to testify at the trial. They asked Prof. Brumm to define the prin- ciples of academic freedom and to explain the procedure of the State Committee for Academic Freedom, of which Prof. Brmm is chair- man. "I believe the granting of a de- gree is a matter to be determined by the faculty-not by a Senate committee," Prof. Brunn said. Prof. Preston Slosson, of the History Department, agreed with Prof. Brummn's statement con- cerning the granting of degrees. 'Psychology of Fear' Everett Bovard, temporary chairman of AVC, said that the ending of the Zarichny case is "one more proof that the psychol- ogy of fear leads inevitably to the blind persecution of the most con- venient political or racial minor- ity." Zarichny's attorneys plan to ap- peal the decision to the State Su- preme Court, and to the Federal Supreme Court if necessary. Zarichny's trial is the first of its kind in the history of the legisla- ture. Rejection Seen For Mundt Bill Campus Opponents Predict Senate Snag Leaders of campus opposition to the House-passed Mundt Bill agreed yesterday that the chances are against Senate passage of the present version of the measure. Prof. Wilfred Kaplan, co-chair- man with Prof. John L. Brumm of the Washtenaw County Commit- tee for the Preservation of Demo- cratic Rights, believed that "the Mundt Bill will not pass the Sen- ate because of the expressed op- position of such powerful leaders as Senator Taft." He termed "ex- tremely unfortunate" the quick approval of the bill in the House Arabs Seize JOB CHANGES HANDS: Dave Dutcher Turns Reins Of SL Over to Blair Moody By AL BLUMROSEN 41 Americans AboardShip HAIFA, Israel, May 20-(P)-- Jewish officials made official rep- resentations to the United States Consulate tonight after 69 Jews, includinp 41 Americans, were tak- en by force from the American steamship Marine Carp at the Arab port of Beirut. Fifty-one other Jewish passen- gers-women and children and several old men-were permitted to continue the trip to Haifa. (A communique issued by the Lebanon Government in Beirut said that those detained were sent to a concentration camp. It added that the 69 were arrested because they were able to bear arms.) Search Luggage An American consular official in Haifa said about 100 armed Arabs, mostly in the uniform of the Leb- anese Army, boarded the ship. This official said that the troops, after searching the luggage of all passengers, lined up all Jews of military age. "Apparently officials of the American Legation in Beirut ad- vised the Jews to leave the ship at the command of the Lebanese in order to avoid bloodshed," the consular official said. Removal Over Objection (In Washington the State De- partment said the removal was Dave Dutcher places the Stu- dent Legislature into the hands of newly elected president Blair Moody with an enviable record of achievements in the past four months. Dutcher, tall lanky pre-law stu- dent, piloted the Legislature through its most active semester since it was founded three years ago. Elected in February to suc- ceed Harvey Weisberg, Dutcher saw the procedure of the Legis- lature's committee system re- vamped to take care of the issues that were to come. Delegates Sent to NSA During the semester, the Stu- dent Legislature sent 12 delegates to the NSA student government clinic and assisted in trying to BOOK APPEARS TODAY: Former U' Man Writes on Religion DAVE DUTCHER ... Retiring President By PAT JAMES A highly controversial book on The book took three years to write, according to Cohn, and was sleeps out all the time. His present travel plans call for a trip to