W-2 1 Cost of Living... IT WAS EXPECTED AND IT CAME. The long, but fearfully awaited increase in board and room rates for next year has finally been announced. The news was first given to residence hall presidents at a spe- cial meeting in Dean Walter's office Tues- day and was transmitted by them to their individual dormitories. The boost will increase present rates by about eight per cent. However, in covering eleven more days of service, the actual in- crease will be only five and one-half per cent. This, of course, assumes that the students will be using that service. As is well known at present and a factor that is certainly taken into account in making up the rates, students in no way utilize all the services for which they pay. And, although a nuim- ber of students will be benefited by the longer period of food service, an almost equally large number will be spending double for their meals. The alternative would undoubtedly be charging a higher over-all rate and then allowing refunds for students who prefer to eat certain meals out or who will be finished with examinations before the meal service is ended. It is difficult to determine whether paying a higher initial rate would be preferrable to the present system as far as students are concerned. But it is clearly evident which alterna- tive the University can afford to take. And the students who go home week-ends or are forced to omit certain meals, will just have to be expendable. The necessity for increasing rates seems Editorials published in The Michigan Daily %re written by members of The Daily stafff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DON McNEIL equally obvious, unfortunate as it may be. It has been apparent to all of us that the University has been operating on rates this semester much below their expenses. We all know that prices have been on a steady increase in the past year and that they show every indication of continuing upward. It is clear, too, that the University must up the salaries of its employes in accord- ance with wage boosts given in local in- dustry. An increase in salaries of student help is also expected before next year. This should at least partially alleviate the burden for the students who will be most adversely affected by the increased rates. Certainly, the boost will still be a great hardship for the students, as well as a greater one for those who must finance their education in other ways. It is of course particularly difficult because of the other higher cost of living expenses under which students are now suffering, aside from their increased University fees. Many families supported by men in pro- fessions which do not provide cost of living bonuses and wage boosts will have extreme difficulty in keeping a son or daughter in school. Mingled with the bad news of the in- crease, however, is the announcement that board and room rates will be combined into one fee from now on. Previously money from the room fund could not be used for food costs. Under the new arrangements, how- ever, promise is made that "about 80 per cent of the total rate will be allocated to the purchase and preparation of food.' With this hope for better meals next year, it will be a little less difficult to hand over the extra 55 dollars to the University. How- ever, the food complaints in the quads ii, the past two years will be nothing to the clamor which will arise if the promise for improvement does not become a reality next fall. -Joan Katz. MAT TER OF FACT: Little E ore Lost By JOSEPH ALSOP HEiRE is precious little love lost between the rivals in the great struggle for Ore- gon. Governors Thomas E. Dewey and Har- old E. Stassen are fighting each other here for very survival. Each knows and admits it. Each has mobilized his sharpest operatives and thrown in painfully large amounts of cash in order to win. And as politicians will in these circumstances, each regards the other with the approximate enthusiasm of a man finding a slug in his salad. Ironically, the always fallible experts expect a very close outcome in this Oregon primary. If this is correct, the chief bene- ficiary of all the Dewey-Stassen sound and fury is more than ever likely to be Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg. Yet if Vandenberg is nominated, it can be said on highest authority that he will serve as President for only one term. Political logic also sug- gests that he would probably choose either Dewey or Stassen as his running-mate and heir. In prospects as well as in age, therefore, these two bitter rivals may be taken as standing for the Republican future, just as Senator Robert A. Taft represents the Re- publican past. The present primary has a special interest, as a sort of agitated show- case in which the pair are, willy nilly, very much on view together. The contrast between them begins at the beginning, with the facades they present to he world. Stassen is coolly self-confident, lacking any apparent awareness of an aud- ience, and calmly deliberate in decision and action. Dewey, on the other hand, is always aware of his audience. He plainly calculates his effects. He makes a show of his briskness and decisiveness, which, though real, seem also intended to impress. Stassen, one sus- pects, has always ruled those around him without effort. Dewey has always had to assert himself in order to dominate his en- vironment. It is this visible effort to be master that causes so many people to be put off by Dew- ey. Finally, in the basic realm of ideals, Dewey stands for sensible fact-finding, whether the facts be the implications of Soviet foreign policy, or the great social changes of the Roosevelt years. On the domestic front, he says in effect, "I believe in everything that has been done, but I shall do it much, much better," adding under his breath, "and I shan't make any further innovations unless ~I have to." This credo, scorned by fools, is in truth the essence of classical conserva- tism, without which democratic politics could not be carried on. In foreign policy, his approach is much the same-to do better, more rapidly and more firmly just about what is now being done. It is just in this realm of ideas, in con- trast, that Stassen is most puzzling. Not so very long ago, he was advocating quali- fied world government, and contributing to the General Motors strike fund. Now he has published a book which, as Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. remarked, places him in domestic politics slightly to the Right of Senator Taft. Ile is also beating the drum for dropping our own economic iron cur- tain along the border of the Soviet sphere, and above all, for legal suppression of the Communist party. In the realm of ideas, in fact, the advan- tage must be given to Dewey, who has grown greatly since his own experiments in politi- cal expediency in 1940. Yet anyone who watches Stassen in action cannot help but feel that the big, impressive man would de- vclop greatly under the burden of respon- sibility. It is silly to pretend that either Stas- sen or Dewey is a "liberal," as both fashion- ably claim. But with all their enmity, Dew- ey and Stassen jointly promise a rebirth of intelligent American conservatism, which is already something to be grateful for after the past sixteen years. (Oily' Bill THE POWERFUL BLOC in Washingto ~which is attempting to pass the Tide- lands Oil Bill (to transfer the mineral rights to the states and hence to the oil companies operating the lobby) used new tactics when they forced the bill onto the Senate calen- dar for consideration, without sending it to a committee as is the usual Senate proce- dure. The whole oily history of the Tidelands Bill is indicative of the righteousness of the cause which is. pushing it. Last year the Supreme Court ruled that the lands in off-shore waters were the property of the national government. The oil interests immediately submitted a bill similar to the one now being presented, and it was vetoed by President Truman. Certainly, there is nothing beneficial to the majority of the people to be gained from the Tidelands Bill. If it were passed, the royalties from oil wells would go into the State treasuries, but it would logically follow that the states should then be re- sponsible for the upkeep on these lands. And then where is the profit? The only profit would be in the hands of the large oil corporations who are so anxious to get the oil dealings into the hands of politicians they believe they can deal with. One of these would be the At- torney General of California, a gentle- man who Drew Pearson reports as not only the legal representative of the state but also the head of a large law firm which handles the business of the inter- ested oil companies. He is among those who have lobbied in Washington for the bill's passage. The profits from the Tideland Bill will consist of less money in the national treas- ury (at a time when our national defense seems to be heading us towards higher gov- ernment costs than ever before), very little increase in the state treasuries, more money in the oil companies, and a few misguided votes for the "philanthropic" Congressmen who are giving so much to "their states" by passing this legislation. -Don McNeil. At Lydia Mendelssohn. . BERKELEY SQUARE, with Don Mitchell, Marilyn Scheel and Joyce Henry. "BERKELEY SQUARE," the fantasy by John Balderston whic the depart- ment of speech has selected for its final production of the season, is an unorthodox admixture of comedy and quasi-tragedy that may or may not leave you satisfied, depending on your taste for the curious. For my part, I felt that its moments of comedy were so decidedly superior to its frequent lapses into the melodramatic that I am at a loss to understand why its author didn't content himself with writing a straightfor- ward, unadulterated satire and letting it go at that. As you may know, Balderston hit upon a rather novel device in transferring his prin- ciple character out of modern times and into the high society of 18th century Lon- don, all of which was suggested, my program states, by a posthumous fragment by Henry James. In any case, the device lends itself very suitably to humorous exploitation and permits the hero to deliver a good many lines thathbecome highly amusing from his unusual time perspective. At the same time, Balderston has managed to put all of this together in such a manner as to achieve several moments of mild suspense. Whatever may be said concerning the intrinsic merits or demerits of the play itself, however, there can be no doubt but what it was treated very capably by the present cast. Don Mitchell, as Peter Stand- ish, the young American who regresses 163 years in history, carried out his role with a certain amount of genuine spontaneity. Playing opposite him, Marilyn Scheel, as Helen Pettigrew, the haunting maiden of the past, performed that function with a great deal of grace and charm. The role of her sister, Kate, which was in some re- spects the most demanding one of the play, was effectively handled by Joyce Henry. Finally, the large portion of comic dialogue which fell to Edmund Johnson, as Tom Pettigrew, was in able hands. Special note should be made, I think, of the costuming in this production, which called for some pretty elaborate effects and which was under the direction of James Drummond. --Kenneth Lowe. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINj Publication in The Daily Official1 Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the1 Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). Notices THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1948 VOL. LVIII No. 161 Student Accounts: Your atten- tion is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting on February 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each se- mester or summer session. Stu- dent loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regu- lation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid acccounts at the os e of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the se- mester or summer session just completed will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to regis- ter in any subsequent semester or summer session until payment has been made." Ilerbert G. Watkins Secretary Freshmen and Sophomores, Col- lege of L. S. & A.: Those students who will have less than 55 hours at the end of this semester and who have not yet had their elections approved for the Summer Session or Fall Semester should make an appoint- ment at the Academic Counselors' Office. 108 Mason Hall, at once. Since the Counselors will not be available during the examination period, this will be the only op- portunity to have this done before the registration periods. Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Tha Rich Manufacturing Cor- poration, Battle Creek, Michigan, will have a representative here on Fri., May 21, to interview metal- lurgists. Call extension 371 for an appointment. Summer Positions: Representa- tive of Mandeville and King Co., Seedsmen, will be at the Bureau of Appointments Fri., May 21, to in- terview men with cars for dealer contact work on traveling sales force. Lecture University Lecture: Professor Newton Ed wards, University of Chicago, will speak on the subject "Social Forces in American Edu- cation" at 8 p.m., Fri., May 21, Kellogg Auditorium; auspices of the Department of History and the School of Education. The public is invited. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Nor- man Ray Snively, Jr., Geology; thesis: "Genesis of the Migmatites and Associated Pre-Cambrian For- mations Near Bergen Park, Colo- rado Front Range." 3 p.m., Thurs., May 20, 4065 Natural Science Bldg., Chairman, A. J. Eardley. Doctoral Examination for E. Leonard Cheatum, Zoology; the sis: "A Contribution to the Life- History of the Deer Lungworm Leptostrongylus alpenae (Nema- toda: Metastrongylidae), with Ob- servations on its Incidence and Biology," 2 p.m., Fri., May 21, 3091 Natural Science Bldg. Chairman, E. C. O'Roke. Doctoral Examination for Paul William Harkins, Classical Stud- ies: Greek; thesis: "The Text Tra- dition of Chrysostom's Commen- tary on John," 3 p.m., Fri., May 21, 2009 Angell Hall. Chairman W. E. Blake. Doctoral Examination for Hen- ry Obel, Education; thesis: "Dif- fering Factorial Abilities of Un- graded Boys Who Later Became Criminals," 3 p.m., Fri., May 21, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, W. C. Olson. Doctoral Examination for Doug- las Neil Morgan, Philosophy; the- sis: "Photography and Philoso- phy," 4 p.m., Fri., May 21, 204 Ma- son Hall. Chairman, D. H. Park- er. Engineering Mechanics Semi- nar: 3 p.m., Thurs., May 20, 101 W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. Caw- thorne, of the T. S. Cawthorne Company, will lecture on the use and design of electrical instru- ments. All students invited, espe- r cially mechanical engineering stu- dents c Orientation Seminar: .1 p.m.,.( Thurs., May 19, 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Charles Briggs will speak ons "Multi-Valued Logic," o C Zoology Seminar: 7:30 p.m.,Z Thurs., May 20, Rackham Amphi- theatre. Speakers: Mr. Brahma S.- G Kaushiva, "Cytological studies on C the oogenesis of certain Indian and American snakes," and Mr.f E. L. Cheatum, "A contribution to the life history of the dear lung- worm Leptostrongylus alpenaet (Nematoda Metastrongylidae)a with= observations on its incidencen and biology." Open meeting. r Concertst Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will pre- t sent compositions and arrange- ments by Jef Van Hoof during hist recital at 7:15 p.m., Thurs., May{ 20. Student Recital: Virginia{ Holmes, student of piano under Joseph Brinkman, will present a recital at 8:30 p.m., Fri., May 21,c Rackham Assembly Hall. The pro- I gram will include works by Bach,c Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms, De- bussy, Bartok, and Dohnanyi, andt will be open to the public. It is given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Events Today Radio Programs: 5:45 p.m. WPAG - Campus s News.1 8:30 p.m. WPAG-FM-Univer- sity Symphony (also over IFint, Owosso, Wyandotte, Mt. Clements, and Port Huron FM stations). Michigan Chapter AAUP: An- nual meeting, 6 p.m., dining room, University Club, Michigan Union. Election of officers and reports. Dean Woodburne will speak on1 "College and University Staff Problems." Student-Faculty Hour: 4-5 p.m., Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. Special guests: Students and Faculty of the Speech De- partment. International Center weekly tea: 4:30-5:30 p.m., Thurs., May 20. Hostesses: Mrs. Martha C. San- ford and Mrs. Louis C. Karpinski. Graduate School Record Con- cert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge, Rackham Bldg. MOZART: Quintet in D Major for strings, K.593; Budapest Quar- tet and Katims, viola. BARTOK: Quartet No. 1 in A Minor, Op. 7; Pro Arte Quartet. BACH: Goldberg Variations; Wanda Landowska, harpsichord. All graduate students invited; silence requested. Ordnance-Film Hour: Last film honoring students receiving com- missions in June, 7:30 p.m., at the home of R. S. Niccolls, 1309 Ged- des Avenue. Ordnance ROTC stu- dents and those students intend- ing to elect Ordnance as a special- ty are invited. Films: "Materials Handling Equipment," "Ignition and the Spark Plug," "Principles of Ra- dar," and "40 mm AA Automatic Weapons." Les Corbeuax: Members of the cast-the picture is ready in 112 Romance Language Bldg. Phi Eta Sigma, national fresh- man honor fraternity: Initiation banquet, 6 p.m., 305 Michigan Union. Michigan Crib: Meeting, 3:30 p.m., 120 Hutchins Hall. Grades from the pre-law aptitude test will be distributed. All members and prospective members are urged to attend. Sphinx: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union Tap-room. At- tendance urged. School of Music students and others interested in music in the feature films are invited to attend a showing of the film Our Town (music by Aaron Copland). 4 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Sigma Rho Tau: meeting (im- portant) 5 p.m., Michigan Union. All former officers, newly elected - officers, committee chairmen, and committee members are requested (Continued on Page 5) liiindt illAd a To the Editor: SHE BORING QUESTION of a w here who gets what money to w arry on alleged publicity schemes d or purposes nefarious, or other- o vise. has always amused me. The a pectacle of these probes has a- i vays had somewhat of a comic w: ,)era tinge. Indeed, this was the a 'ase in the present affair, where a the Daily indicted the Capitalistic a rganization and then said naive- y, "The Ralph Neafus were (sic) lad to divulge the source of theirE funds: The general sources of T noney that seem to content the ditors, "voluntary contributions, he treasury of the organization, t nd private bank accounts of the i members."p Now this listing of sources may a uit The Daily editors, but it gives r' 'ise to three questions: 1. Does the Neafus organization c ell the specific source of their t money? Obviously no!V 2. Does The Daily staff realize I that all Communist organizationsf are instructed by Moscow to tell n the*truth only when it will help l Communism? Obviously no! 3. Does it not seem that Thed Daily staff is favoring the Neafusd Club in this controversy? Ob-V viously! As has been pointed out, probesL of this sort are just a little ridicu-a lous - this one even more so be-a cause the supposedly unbiased prober -- our newspaper -- seemsa to be grinding some sort of ax.- -Vernon Bealv To the Editor:s WE WOULD like to take thisf opportunity to thank theo nearly two hundred studentsk whose concributions helped fin- ance our full page Daily ad ona the Mundt Bill. At the time wes placed the ad we had raised fif-n teen dollars and had about thirtyt dollars in our treasury. The re-s mainder of the payment was ad-I vanced from the personal funds of several of our members. Sincen then we have received slightlyI more than one hundred dollars in student donations and have ac-1 complished the full repayment ofc the amounts previously advanced.t The ad cost $142.80. We 'think it noteworthy thatI we have received contributionss from many students who, whileE disagreding actively with the2 Communist Party on many issues,b wanted to support our effort toI awaken the student body to thef dangers of the Mundt Bill. t If each student who made a donation (contributions averagede about fifty cents per individual) will now invest three cents post-I age in °a fetter to his Congress- man, and urge all his friends to do the same, we can follow through to a tremendous victoryt in defense of the Bill of Rights.t Bill Carter for Executive Committee Ralph Neafus Club Communist Party Anarchic Bill To the editor: IN YESTERDAY'S Daily, a head- line stated, "Dewey Hits, Stassen Lauds Mundt Bill." Though I admit that it was hard to determine exactly what stand, in regards to the Mundt Bill, Mr. Dewey took, in his speech he nev- er attacked the bill, but implicitly gave it backing. Messrs. Dewey and Stassen were respectively contending the wisdom of outlaw- ing the Communist Party. In that issue, Dewey took the negative and Stassen the affirmative. The Mundt-Nixon Bill was merely a side issue in that debate, arising out of Mr. Stassen stating posi- tively (with qualifications) that the Mundt Bill would achieve his desired end of outlawing the C.P. Mr. Dewey's position as negative speaker not requiring any affirm- ative position, he attacked Stas- sen's premise, claiming that it was not the intention of either Mr. Mundt or the Un-American Committee to outlaw the C.P., and in fact, that the bill itself did not express such an intention. Since they had both agreed that the C.P. should be controlled, to me, the logical implication of Mr. Dewey's words were, that the Mundt Bill is good because it dis- tinctly does not outlaw the Com- munist Party. So here we have the anomoly of two men, each positively stating that he has an opposite end in view, and each claiming that the bill accomplishes his purpose. One is in favor of making the C.P. il- legal, and one is against so doing, yet both hold that this bill is de- signed for his particular end. Generally speaking, a law is an inflexible standard that has cer- tain flexible limits. But here we have a law that creates a flexible standard without any limits, that lows two men with totally di- ergent, contradictory views to laim that this bill is designed to ccomplish their several ends. Vhen a law provides this high a egree of flexibility, it can birth nly two results-tyranny or an- rchy. Unfortunately, the world s not yet ready for the latter, hile the former seems to have ttained a high degree of popul- rity in the last thirty years- nd especially in Europe, -Arthur Moskoff Exodus To the Editor: E LIVE at Vaughan House. We' like Vaughan House. We think he food is good, the housing sat- sfactory, and we have never com- )ained about service so far. We .nd almost t\vo hundred other esidents. Last night, we were suddenly alled to a house-meeting to be old that we will be moved out of aughlan House in favor of wo- men. The excuses given were as follows: The University wants to move all single students from Wil- ow Run to Ann Arbor next semes- ter. This is obviously an admirable decision. To execute the task, they decided to move the men of Vaughan House to the Quad- rangles, and have the women from League Houses move into Vaugh-. an, and thus give some individuals a chance to move into town. Although some of us have taken a course in Formal Logic, we still cannot follow that reasoning to a valid conclusion. How will the shifting of almost two hundred fellows increase the total amount of residence space? As we all know, there are more men than women on campus, yet there is about as much residence-hall space for men as there is for wo- men. By what strange fancies'can the University hope to benefit the student-body by further decreas- ing men's residence-hall space in favor of women? Why cannot the men from Willow' Run be moved right into the Quads? If the University administration had the least pretention of en- couraging student-participation in the ruling of student affairs, we would have been consulted in the matter, instead of being merely summarily informed of the final decision. The manner in which the affair was handled shows a com- plete absence of interest of the men-in-charge in te desires, feeings or suggestions of the com- mon students, like us. Perhaps next semester, this cold, calculating, unfathomable, schem- ing dictatorial board of master- minds will move the women out of Stockwell, and by shifting the men from West Quad to Mosher- Jordan, meanwhile having cleared the condemned Maternity Hospi- tal, so that . Arthur Hecht Jim Scheu Fifty-Eighth Year s a s 4 a 4 it ]Letters to the Editor... t L"- 4 + BOOKS + MICHIGANENSIAN FOR 1948; $6.50, 451 PAGES. FOR THE past seven months, Buck Daw- son, 1948 'Ensian managing editor, and his corps of hard working hustlers, have been telling us that the "new, super duper 'Ensian" is the best thing ever printed on paper. Exclude the Bible, a few shelves of classics and some modern works and their claim is justified. The 1948 yearbook lives up to all its ad- vance notices. "Buck" and his staff have taken the 1947 yearbook, ripped out the seams, classic format, wasted space and created a sparkling new Ensian. From section to section the 'Ensian flows smoothly. Although it doesn't "read like a novel" as the staff hoped, dropping the sep- arate groupings for each school and college has given the book a new unity of thought and purpose. Ensian cameramen must have worked overtime to double the number of pictures in the yearbook and at the same time set an extremely high standard for composition and clarity. Working with these two changes, the art staff organized 451 last minute by a harried editorial staff also is a great improvement over last year. From a dedication to Professor Emeritus Thomas Clarkson Trueblood, succeeding pages dis- play the campus and University adminis- trators in simple and sincere manner. Then the comical 'Dawson touch' comes cut and is climaxed in LEER, a take-off on Gargoyle and national pictorial magazines. Its humor is in keeping with Gargoyle tra- (ition. Section for section the new book shows improved planning, better technique and a more complete finished product over last 'ear's 'Ensian. As hard as the staff tried, a few errors managed to creep in. The Senior pictures show the effect of using more than one photographer. Some pictures are light, others are dark and the rest vary inbe- tween. Typographical errors can be found. One faculty man is incorrectly named and a union Council member's name is mis- sp.led. Very little space is given to the Univer- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan rder the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell ,......Managing Editor Dick Maloy.............. City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz.............Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor Dick Kraus.............Sports Editor Bob Lent...Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes ................. Librarian ' Business Staff Nancy Helmnick ......General Manages Jeanne Swendeman....Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. Piance Manager Dick Hait.......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatched credited to it of otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $.00, by mal $0.00. , Member Wfsmwiated Collegiate Press 1947-48 fr 11 ! W Looking Back ii From the pages of the Daily FIFTY YEARS AGO TODAY: At the request of the senior class, a lecture en education in Germany was given before the Medical Department. Various aspects of student life and general management of the universities were described. The University Gun Club sponsored a handicap shoot, the first event of this kind to take place in Michigan. TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY: qN BARNABY .. . I -I Have you any ideas about a new job, Ralph? . i Have your imaginary Pixieproduce a job for me, Barnaby. Right now- It's a telegram for you, Ralph- I " 4' I