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May 20, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-20

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Latest Deadline in the State


GM fficial Charges Marxism

Taught at'IT'

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U.S., Britain
Divided on
Israel Issue
Fighting Rages
In Jerusalem
By The Associated Press
Britain and China rejected to-
*day the American-Russian de-
mands for forceful action to stop
war in Palestine.
The British proposed instead
that the Security Council appeal
again for a Jewish-Arabic truce
t and peaceful mediation by the
United Nations in Palestine.
The United States promptly
turned this down. The U.S.
stood by its original resolution
which would invoke the most
stringent part of the UN char-
ter against an aggressor yet to
be designated by the Council.
The Break between Britain and
the United States over Palestine,
which became apparent during
the recent Special Assembly, thus
became definite and complete. It
foreshadowed defeat for the U.S.
in the Council on this issue.
Meanwhile, in Israel, Trans-
Jordan troops slashed deep into
modern Jerusalem today while
in the old city a small Jewish
garrison was bombarded at in-
tervals for 15 hours.
A high Arab official said Arabs
expect that the battle for Jeru..
salem will be decided within 48
These officials estimated that
8,000 Jewish forces of Haganah,
Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern
group are engaged against Trans-
Jordan's crack Arab Legion troops.
A Damascus dispatch said
Syrian and Iraq motorized
forces fanned out from cap-
tured Safad to the north and
Beisan to 4he south. Safad and
Beisan are strategic Jewish-held
bastions in northeast Israel.
(The dispatch said the Arab
forces bypassed Tiberias on the
western shore of Galilee but it was
under plane and artillery assault.
Capture of all three places would
give the Arabs control of the fer-
tile northeast sector of Israel.
Big Phoenix
Plan Response
Exceeds Hope
An initial wave of telegrams.
letters and personal pledges of
support for the Phoenix Project
exceeding the most optimistic
hopes has descended upon The
Daily and the office of Erich A.
Walter, Dean of Students.
Eliot Charlip '51 announced
+ that Lloyd House had distributed
special editions of The Daily to
every man in the house. At 7 p.m.
he called The Daily and stated
that 157 letters publicizing the
Phoenix Project had been written
and mailed with The Daily to
home town newspapers all over
the nation.
Lloyd thus became the first house
on campus to hit the 100% mark
in the letter-mailing phase of pub-
licity for the Phoenix Project.
Alpha Tau Omega made a con-
tribution of 100 dollars to the
Phoenix Project anid revealed that
it is requesting the 100 other chap-
ters of ATO to publicize it on their
Corridor meetings to organize
support for the Project were held
last night in Jordan Hall, accord-

ing to Pat Hungerford '48. One of
the first undertakings of Jordan
Iwill be to mail letters describing
the Project and its objectives to
newspapers in the home towns of
Jordan residents.
Sigma Chi has undertaken a
similar program with all its mem-
bers giving enthusiastic support,
Gordon Craig '49 BAd, president
of the fraternity, stated.
Mrs. Jacqueline Adams, Secre-
tary to the Dean of Students, re-
vealed that Alpha Phi Omega, na-
tional service fraternity, had of-
,.fered its aid in sending Daily spe-
cial editions to the next-of-kin of
the University's war dead and in
spreading news of the Project.
I' -,.,, *) An N I

* *
Dormitor yI
'U' Officials Collect Data
On Draft Law's Effects
With the draft looming prominently in the nation's future, Uni-
versity officials are already considering the possible effects of the
measure on this campus.
"We are now collecting data on the ages and service experience of
male students, which will enable us to estimate the bill's effects
when and if it becomes effective," University Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss stated.
No Estimate
"Estimates of the bill's effect cannot safetly be made however,
until it is actually passed and we know just what classifications are







?oom, Board



Marshall Asks
Peace Intent
Tells USSR To Take
Constructive Action
WASHINGTON, May 19-()-
Secretary of State Marshall today
challenged Premier Stalin to prove
the sincerity of his widely-adver-
tised desire to settle the critical
differences between the United
States and the Soviet Union.
The way to do it, Marshall de-
clared, is for the Soviet govern-
ment to begin taking constructive
and remedial action in the areas

to be included and exempted from
service," Prof. Niehuss said.
"If the bill were to draft 17 and
18 year olds we could probably ac-
cept more upperclassmen into the
dormitories," University secretary
Frances Dunkirk declared.
Freshmen First
"The men's dormitories are in-
tended to accommodate freshmen
first," Miss Dunkirk explained.
"After that, room assignments are
made progressively, and students
having low credit hours are given
The existing uncertainty about
the draft legislation is strongly
reflected in the attitude of the in-
coming freshmen, Registrar Ira
M. Smith indicated.
Vets Eixperience,
Smith pointed out that the in-
coming freshmen are also proba-
bly influenced by the experience
of postwar GI's at college. Veter-
ans who had been in college be-
fore the war found it much easier
to return than those who were en-
tering for the rst time, he said.
Col. Karl Henion of the ROTC
reported that he has had no in-
formation yet about the status of
ROTC students under the pro-
posed legislation, but that some
clarification would probably be
forthcoming as soon as the bill
becomes law.

LONDON, May 19 -(P) -The
Soviet news agency Tass said to-
day that strained relations be-
tween the United States and Rus-
sia are the "result of the aggres-
sive attitude adopted by the pres-
ent government of the United
States of America."
of the world, such as Germany and
Korea, and the international bod-
ies, such as the United Nations,
where the disputes have been rag-
ing for two to three years.
Today, in response to reporters'
questions about Premier Stalin's
latest statement, Marshall was
terse, almost brusque.
At one point he was reminded
that President Truman had sev-
eral times said he would be glad to
see Premier Stalin if Stalin came
to Washington. The reporter
asked whether Marshall would be
glad to see Foreign Minister Molo-
tov if he came here.
Marshall replied sharply that he
would certainly see him! He did
not say that he would "be glad"
and the omission brought a burst
of laughter from newsmen.
Conune itcen t
Tickets Are Ready
Seniors may pick up their tick-
ets for the commencement exer-
cises in Rm. 1, University Hall.
beginning Thurs., May 27.
Senator James W. Fulbright of
Arkansas will address the grad-
uates at the exercises, which will
be held at 5 p.m. June 12 at
Ferry Field if the weather per-
mits. If not, the exercises will take
place in Yost Field House.

Legislature To
Meet Today
Will Try Zarichny,
Debate Fund Bills
LANSNG, May 19-(W)-The
Michigan Legislature comes back
to the capitol tomorrow to finish
the work it left undone in its
stormy windup a month ago.
Prospects for a majority at-
tendance in both House and Sen-
ate were bright, leaders said, as
a result of pressure from many
sides to enact a $16,000,000 appro-
priation for college and hospital
construction programs.
Senate bellwethers said they
had the ways greased to boost
the appropriations for the Uni-
versity of Michigan and Michigan
Stage College, to eliminate any
money for Northville State Hos-
pital, and to present the House
with a measure which it could
swallow or kill.
The Senate also will try James
Zarichny, Flint student at Mich-
igan State College, on charges of
contempt for refusing to tell the
Callahan Committee on Un-Amer-
ican Activities whether he is a

Higher Costs
Cause Rents,
To Rise $55
Hike To Prevent
Operation Deficit
Board and room rates in the
University's residence halls will
take an upward hike July 1, Rob-
ert P. Briggs, University Vice-
President, announced yesterday.
Higher costs have forced the
increase, Briggs said.
The new average rate will
jump $55, from $490 to. $535.
The actual rise, however, will be
$27, since the increased charges
will cover 11 additional days in
residence during registration
periods and between s-°mesters.
New rates will range from a
$476 minimum to $630, maxi-
"The University's new averag
rates will still be lower than th
rates in the majority of institu-
tions in the BigsNine group for
next year," Briggs said.
Only two other schools in th
group will have lower residenc
hall fees than the University.
whose rates will be equal to thosc
at Michigan State College. Lead-
ing the group will be the Univer-
sity of Iowa with an average rat
of $588.
Columbia University recently
hiked its residence fees 17 per
cent. The University's new rates
will represent an increase of seven
or eight per cent over present fig-
ures and will be 33 per cent higher
than the 1940 average. The gen-
eral cost of living has risen 62 per
cent since that year, Briggs said.
lie added that the only way
to prevent a deficit in the resi-
dence halls budget is to pass on
the costs to the users. "As a
state institution, we have no
source of funds for the opera-
tion of residences other than
their own income."
Francis C. Shiel, business man-
ager of the residence halls, cited
an increased food budget and ris-
ing wages for kitchen, room serv-
ice and maintenance employes as
principal factors behind the high-
er rates.
Approximately 80 per cent of
See RENT, Page 5
* *
Housing" To Be
Nearly Normal
By Next Spring
News that "back to normal"
student housing would be in the
offing the second semester of next
year cane with Vice-President
Robert P. Briggs' atnouncement
yesterday of increased board and
room rates
Unmarried students living in
Willow Run Village will be moved
to campus dormitories by next
February. .7
However, pending the comple-
tion of the new dormitory, women'
students will be housed in Victor
Vaughan House next fall. It will
revert to undergraduate men in
the spring semester.
The men now living in Victorj
Vaughan louse will be moved to
the East and West Quads next fall
with first priority for rooms in<
Vaughan House in the spring,

Erich A. Walter, dean of students
said. They will be given equal
privileges with other students ap-
plying if they take rooms outside
the residence hall system, he de-
Strong protests from the pres-
ent occupants of Vaughan RouSe
came on the heels of the Univer-
sity announcement madec to the
dormitory by .President David
Howe at a house meeting Tues-
day night.
Letters to the editor protestin g

1 yElcted
SL President
In Close Vote
Other Officers Also
Picked by Legislature
Blair Moody, '49Lit, of Wash-
ington, D.C. was elected presi-
dent of the Student Legislature
by a close 25 to 19 vote as a new
,abinet was installed for the fall
Bill Miller was re-elected vice-
president by acclamation. The
new recording secretary is Joan
Fagan and the corresponding sec-
retary is Dorothy Priestly. Dick
Burton was elected treasurer.
Two representatives at large,
Norman Gottlieb and Al Maislin,
were also elected.
Plans for coordination of cam-
pus activities relating to Opera-
tion Phoenix were outlined by
Legislator Dick Burton. The new
cabinet will appoint a committee
to integrate the activities of all
campus groups in next fall's drive
for funds to support the atomic
research project. The committee
will act as a go between for the
students and Dean Erich A. Wal-
ters, Burton said.
The new cabinet took over and
the SL gavel was presented to
retiring presidentsDave Dutcher,
in recognition of his services.
Dutcher suggested that the next
fall's legislature take more fully
the job of coordinating campus
activities and that they reflect
campus opinion more than they
have in the past.
The Legislature gave a vote of
thanks to the retiring cabinet and
to retiring secretary Penny Klaus-
Symtphonty To
Give Concert
A spring concert will be pre-
sented by the University Syrp-
phony Orchestra at 8:30 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium. The program,
which is a part of the Student Re-
cital Series, will be broadcast over
station WPAG and WPAG-FM.
Wayne Dunlap will conduct
more than one hundred students
in Concerto for Orchestra in D
major. by C. P. E. Bach-Stein-
berg; three noctrunes by Debussy;
and Symphony No. 2 in D major,
by Brahms.
The University of Michigan
Women's Glee Club, under the di-
rection of Marguerite V. Hood, will
join the orchestra in the Debussy


The five hundred bed Veterans
Hospital, slated last winter to be
built in Ann Arbor, is still in the
talking stage.
Plans for construction of the
nine story building were origin-
ally announced by Mayor William
E. Brown at a city council meeting
House Sends
Bill to Senate
WASHINGTON, May 19-()--
An anti-Communism bill carrying
heavy prison penalties passed the
House today by a 319 to 58 roll
call vote.
It now goes to the Senate for
an uncertain reception. If not
pigeon-holed there, itat least ap-
pears due for a mayor overhaul-
On the final vote, 215 Repub-
licans and 104 Democrats lined up
for the Mundt-Nixon Bill, which
bore the endorsement of the
House Committee on Un-Amer-
ican Activities. Eight Republicans,
48 Democrats and two American-
Laborites voted against it.
Dozens of amendments were
offered by the outnumbered op-
ponents. The only changes in-
corporated were those which had
the approval of the Un-American
Activities Committee.
A little earlier a 61 to 21 stand-
ing vote defeated another pro-
posal by Holifield in the nature
of a substitute for the entire bill,
He proposed directing the Attor-
ney General to study existing laws
against subversive activities and
recommend any needed changes.
In the final speech, Rep. Mundt
(Rep., S.D.) predicted that public
sentiment developed by the ac-
tion of the House today would
produce favorable action in the
* * *
Hillel JoinsProtest
Against Mundt Bill
The Hillel Student Council has
voted unanimously to protest the
Mundt Bill.
"We feel as a religious group,
that it is our duty to oppose any
attempt to impair freedom of
thought and action," Howard
Freeman, Hillel president said.
In taking this action, Hillel is
joining with the many students
who have already voiced their
protest, he added.

on Dec. 16 of last year. Since then,
the Mayor has been conducting
negotiations with the Veterans
One of the difficulties blocking
the construction of the hospital as
stated by Mayor Brown last De-
cember was that the building site
was outside the city limits. The
location chosen was on Geddes
near the Municipal Golf Course.
At the time it was pointed out
that a city ordinance prohibited
the construction of sewers and
water supply facilities outside the
The Mayor said that either the
site or the city ordinance would
have to be changed before the hos-
pital could be built. The council
has not revised the ordinance as
yet, City Attorney William M.
Laird said yesterday.
When the hospital plan was first
introduced to the city council,
Mayor Brown said, "it will proba-
bly bring more people into Ann
Arbor than any other single proj-
Two To Be Built
The General Medical Hospital is
one of two which are to be built
by the Veterans Administration
in Michigan.
The Mayor estimated that the
hospital would increase the city's
population by at least 1,500 people.
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
Southern mine owners, blaming
John L. Lewis for the collapse of
contract negotiations, filed unfair
labor practice charges against the
chief of the United Mine Workers
Norway and Denmark have ap-
pealed to the United States for
arms and ammunition to bolster
their defenses, government of-
ficials said today.
WATERLOO, Ia., May 19-One
picket was shot and killed at the
Rath Packing Plant here today,
a woman picket was wounded, and
two National Guard companies
were being mobilized to quell a
riot being staged at the plant by
other strikers.

VETERANS HOSPITAL PLAN-The Veterans Administration has been working for several months
in conjunction with city officials planning construction of this nine story, 500 bed general hospital.
As yet, no actual construction work has begun at the chosen site on Geddes Avenue near the golf

* * * *
Proposed Veterans Hospital
Remains in Discussion Stage
1 -* *

Claim Levied
At Extension
Unit Course
Sigler To Probe
House Testimony
The University's Extension
Service courses in workers educa-
tion were under fire from all
quarters yesterday.
Testifying before a House labor
subcommittee in Washington, a
General Motors Corp. official
charged that a University-spon-.
sored industrial economics course
taught in Detroit was tinged with
G. M. economist Adam K.
Stricker, who enrolled in the
course, said it contained "Marx-
ist ideas of class enonomy and
anti-management literature."
Then late last night Governor
Kim Sigler announced that he
was going to investigate the
charges which had been made
earlier in the day at Washing-
The charges of labor bias
brought quick denials from Uni-
versity President Alexander G.
Ruthven, Director of the Workers
Education Service Arthur A. Elder
and Associate Extension Service
Director E. J. Soop.
In a telegram orprotest to
Senators Taft and Hartley,
chairmen of the committee,
Ruthen said ". . . an attempt
has been made to discredit a
class of the Workers Educa-
tional Service on the basis of
hearsay and unverified asser-
Elder declared that Stricker's
criticisms are unjustified and in-
dicate "hostility against the work-
er's program throughout the coun-
Extension Service official
Soop said that it was only nat-
ural that such a large program
so closely related to controver-
sial issues should draw some
criticism. "It is to be wished,
however, that criticism might
have been presented first to
those directing the program in
order that facts and implica-
tions might have been clarified,"
he said.
The original charges were made
by Stricker before the house com-
mittee which is conducting hear-
ings on a bill designed to set up a
labor extension service in the De-
partment of Labor. The pro-
posed extension service would pro-
vide federal funds for state direct-
ed programs of worker education.
See MARXISM, Page 5
Official Raps
Claims Civil Service
The prestige of the American
Civil Service has been lowered by
Federal loyalty testing, according
to Mr. James M. Mitchell, director
of the Civil Service Assembly of
the United States and Canada.
At a social seminar last night
of the University Chapter of the
American Society for Public Ad-
ministration, Mitchell said that
the prestige of Civil Service is
being lowered by loyalty testing
and that the advent of new work-
ers is being retarded by it.
An example of its effects, Mit-
chell said, was the recent an-

nouncement by President Hutch-
ins of the University of Chicago
that lie would no longer encour-
age students to seek Civil Service
. "I think it most unfortunate,"
Mitchell said, "that some govern-
ment employees should be sub-
jected to what is practically an
Mitchell's remarks were made
in answer to a question regarding
the prestige of the Civil Service,
and he stipulated that he was not
speaking for the Assembly.
Mitchell pointed out during his
talk that decentralization is the
most important trend in per-
sonnel work today. Another im-
portant trend, he said, is the in-
creased cooperation of private
d, rI nuili nersnni nru aniza

TCon Man' Teaches Student
Lesson in Swindling Tactics

A University student got a $55
lesson yesterday on how 'confi-
dence men' operate.
A check for that amount that he
had cashed May 11 "for a friend
from the home town who was tem-
porarily low on ready cash and
leaving town" bounced back leav-
ing him $55 poorer but much,
much wiser.
This man is "a very slick oper-
ator," according to Detective Wal-
ter Krasny, of the Ann Arbor
nnlie. "He snecializes in making

his home town using a student di-
rectory. He analyzes the scholar's
background and makes a list of
people the unsuspecting student
would know. Then he manages to
meet the scholar posing as a friend
or relative of someone in the vic-
tim's home town,
From there the culprit gradually
works up a 'friendship' and gains
the student's confidence. The final
bite comes when he suddenly tells
his 'sob' story after the banks are
closed or Alhen there is no way to

Words May Cause Next War - Miller



being expressed today in news-j

ble to the Poison of words as we

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