THE PETITION DRIVE, which will pro- test the challenge to my freedom to write this editorial and your right to read it, will be launched on campus today by those .organizations who are fighting the proposed Mundt Bill. Communists, labor unions and liberals are directly in the firing line of this bill whose thinly-veiled purpose is to require federal registration of every Communist Party member or Communist Iront organization. The bill, however, does not clearly define what, in its opinion, constitutes a Commu- nist front organization. According to Rep- resentative Mundt, you and I can be classi- fied as Communists if we belong to an or- ganization which follows the Communist Party line. Are you a Communist if you are a mem- ber of ADA whose program includes the elimination of racial prejudice? Racial tolerance is an important plank in the Communist Party's platform. The Mundt Bill would have "subversive" ADA members registering with the Attorney General because they were following the "Communist Party line." Am I a "fellow-traveller" advocating over- throw of the government when I write this protest against the restriction of thought by a scared congressman? Your guess is as good as mine as to whether this editorial should be considered proof of my party affil- iations. The list of organizations which could -+I Editorials published in The Michigan Daily ire written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. What the Mundt Bill actually implies is that any orgahizat ion which opposed pol- icies formulated by Congress could be classi- fied as a "Communist Front." American pol- itics could turn into a red-dying party as the Republicans and Democrats called each other "Communist!" Depending upon whom was in power, either the Republicans or Democrats could safely entrench themselves as the dictators of American thought and the staunch attackers of the "front" organ- izations. This bill includes anyone on this campus who has ever acted in accordance with his beliefs. Apathetic students, .Wallace Pro- gressives, The Association of University of Michigan Scientists, IRA, the Lawyers Guild, SRA, YPCM and MYDA are each and everyone threatened with attack on their civil liberties. This means that if your cam- pus and the nation are o remain free and independent, united public opinion must defeat this bill. Faculty members and students have al- ready started the attack on the Mundt Bill through telegrams, letters and public statements. The fight is spear-headed by the Washtenaw Committee to Protect Democratic Rights and the Students Against the Mundt Bill who are jointly sponsoring the petition campaign. Your signature will indicate your reaf- firmation of the American ideal of political freedom and thought. You can't afford to pass the booths by today because it means passing by demifocracy. -Roma Lipsky. NIGHT EDITOR: MARY STEIN I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: The Falling Wall S 0 0 By SAMUEL GRAFTON IF YOU TALK to anybody in Washington above the rank of Senate page boy for ten minutes, he will confide in you that the pur- pose of our rearmament program is to es- tablish peace by making Russia come to terms with the West. But this makes it hard to understand why we did not accept Russia's offer of a conference last week. Why didn't we leap on it as a success for our policy? By rejecting Russia's offer (or her ac- ceptance of our implied offer) we have placed ourselves in. the position of seem- ing to say to the world that we are not going to let peace interfere with our pro- gram for peace. The program for peace goes on, in other words, no matter what peace overtures may come along to dis- rupt it. This comes dangerously near to indicating that the arms program, which started life A Littleare .. . A "CRUSADE of the Children" will take place on campus today-a crusade to bring a little food, warmth, and care into the lives of 230 million needy children. Part of a world-wide drive for volin- tary contributions equivalent to one day's effort from every individual, the local campaign has already netted a total of $3,275.56 for its deserving beneficiaries, but the need for aid is so urgent that a goal of $1 from each student has been set. The struggle for survival is going on all over the world, with the most desperate pleas for aid coming from the war ravaged countries of Europe and Asia. In Canton and Shanghai, it is not unusual to stumble over twenty little bodies on the way home at pight, while in Poland, one out of five in- fants dies in the first year of its life. In China, 64 million children are not getting enough to eat, and Europe claims 40 million youngsters who are victims of malnutrition and medical neglect. From top to bottom, all the work being done in this campaign is on a voluntary basis. Therefore all contributions will go directly to the children's cause. Money collected will be spent, and supplies dis- tributed just as fast as is humanly pos- sible. The need is so desperate that no delay will be permitted. Contributions in kind may be as valuable as money, pro- vided the goods can be used for children. Countries which were victims of aggres- sion will be first on the list of relief and the sole qualification will be the simple word "need." No great display of argumentation should be necessary to convince anyone of the ur- gency of this appeal. No one who has ever known a child's imploring look should be able to turn away empty-handed today, be- cause the image of ragged, hungry and homeless children is not soon forgotten. The right to live in health and happi- ness should not be due to an accident of birth, nor even of American birth. The parents of most of these helpless children were probably courageous and incorrup- tible lovers of their own freedom and in- tegrity. Even if they were not, these chil- Oren are in no way responsible for their crimes. The appeal of common humanity as a means to an end, is becoming some- thing very like an end in itself. If the pro- gram is uninterruptible, then it has become the leading reality in our lives; end, and not means. For the Wall Street Journal reported last week that the President's aides are afraid the exchange of notes with Russia 'weakens support for the Europe-aid pro- gram and the drive for a rearmament program." Well, it is very true that peace moves can be bad for a rearmament pro- gram. They can be fatal to it. But haven't we lost our sense of direction somehow, if, after having started an arms program with the declared purpose of forcing peaceful methods of settlement on the world, we now find ourselves somewhat fearful that proposals for peaceful methods of settlement may interfere with the arms program? It may be argued that we'll put ourselves in a better position for dealing with Russia by waiting, and by completing our arms program first. This amounts to arguing that we can put ourselves in a better posi- tion for securing peace by rejecting peace bids, that the way to insure fruitful dis- cussions is to turn down proposals for them. As for the "wait until we're stronger" line, this seems merely weird in the case of a power which alone in the world pos- sesses the atomic bomb. How strong can you get? As the years pass, as the wounds of war close up, as our cherished discov- eries are discovered elsewhere, it seems to me our relative strength cannot really increase. When do we reach that mystic point at which we suddenly say: "Now, at last, it is safe to talk about peace!"? The problem of reaching an agreement with Russia then will be the same as it is now; maybe harder, for it will have been en- crusted by a record of several or many years of rebuff, years in which we will have shown that our faith lay in more complicated approaches. The worst thing that comes out of last week's peace crisis is this feeling, that the arms program has ceased to be a road and has become of itself the city to which we are journeying. We may thing we can see beyond it, and many of us may still be saying, with sincerity, that we can, we clear- ly can, but one wonders. Is there a golden moment, beyond the arms program? It didn't seem so last week. We may be mili- tarizing ourselves rather more thoroughly than we think, for isn't the chief character- istic of militarism just this, that slowly and imperceptibly it ceases to be the means, and becomes, instead, the permanent furniture of one's way of life? (Copyright 1948 New York Post Corporation) L. J HE STRANGEST ASPECT of this strange decisive Oregon primary is the opportun- ity of seeing men running for the Presidency as though they were running for county sheriff. Harold E. Stasson and Thomas E. Dewey both appear, so to speak, in the sweaty undress of candidates who must sniff out the last, lingering vote in Lovely Street and Possum Hollow. And since they have torn off their official togas for the struggle, the real men are suddenly in view, with all their wens, warts and other dis- tinguishing marks. Occasionally, it is an odd spectacle. From this ordeal, Harold Stassn emer- ges as probably the most relmarkable younger leader American public life has produced since the beginning of the Roosevelt era. He has, first of all, stature. Nature made him a very big man, with a head so large that it seems almost out of proportion to his small, rather regular features. His bulk helps him, undoubtedly, yet it is far from being bulk which mainly con- tributes to this initial impression of the size of the man. Determination, coolness and good humor in difficulty, a certain obvious solidity of character, an agreeable plainness and absence of calculated graces, an extra- ordinary self-confidence and feeling of pow- er - these are some of the traits which permit him to dominate, without great ef- fort, the uncounted gatherings that he ad- dresses daily. He does not have to assert his own importance. He is a big man, in both senses of the word, on his face. Here in Oregon, Stassen is attempting no Gladstonian Midlothian campaign, with one great exposition of a complex subject fol- lowing another up to a crashing climax. The speech is always the same speech. "I bring a message of confidence in America"-"We must build a better fu- ture"-"I have always favored reclama- tion" (or irrigation, or whatever the lo- cal interest may be)-"We must remain strong"-"The Communists cannot be al- lowed to attack our system both over- ground and underground." The same points are always applauded, especially the attacks on the Communists. After the speech there is the question period. In town after town, the questions also form a pattern (U.M.T., Russia, the cost of living, the Taft-Hartley act) but they are shrewd and to the point. Stassen answers them plainly, brings the meeting to a close adroitly, and then shakes hands with a couple of hundred of the crowd. After that there is a reception of notables, and then the barnstorming party sets off again for its next date. As this pattern repeats itself agni and again, with trifling variations, certain additional impressions emerge. The speech that is so often repeated must be riegard- ed as pretty superficial, for example, yet Stassen delivers it with unmistakable sin- cerity. Where he is talking of the genuine- ly important things like the American fu- ture, he really means what he says. He is never a mere mouthing politician, even when he makes his concessions to the crowd. Again, however, one also notices a certain coldness and ruthlessness in estimating hu- man beings. On one occasion, for instance, Stassen made a monkey out of Dewey simply by figuring out exactly what Dewey would do. Their buses were to pass on the same road. Stassen's bus was halted, to greet school children, at a town where Dewey was also to stop. Stassen delayed his bus until Dpwey's hove into view. The whole crowd prepared for a genial meeting between cand- idates. The attendant photographers even made a sort of half-roadblock with a truck, but Dewey ordered his bus not to stop; and while Stassen waved and grinned, his rival was only observed peering out a window with a sickly grin, almost visibly ticketed "bad sport." On much larger scale, this kind of cool calculation must have entered largely into Stassen's meteoric rise. Then, too, another ingredient of Stas- sen's success also becomes evident. The staff accompanying him is largely com- posed of men in their thirties, mere babies in politics. They give substance to -the finest tribute Stassen has ever had, which came from an adherent of Senator Rob- ert A. Taft's, who said bitterly, "If that man gets in, the old Republican party we've always known won't be the same party any more." Stassen has shaped his young men into an organization of un- paralleled efficiency. He is one of the most effective political organizers of our time. When one adds up these different qual- ities of Stassen's, and stacks them up with his performance here in Oregon and on the long political journey that has led to Ore- gon, a picture begins to form. It is the pic- ture of a political leader, with all the com- plexity and inner contradiction that strong leaders always have, with real power, with real feeling for this country, with much else that is important. One question still remains, however, and this, oddly enough, is a query as to Stassen's true political views. (Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune) A SLICE OF THE current uneasiness in the social order is due to the dearth of wicker rocking chairs. This is admittedly an era of new ideas. Metal-tubing furniture has a place. But a wicker rocking chair is dependable, com- fortable and restful to taut nerve-endings as one sways gently, rhythmically back and fo~rth ion a warm sp~ring' evening. After a (Continued from Page 2) tion in laboratory portion, 3 p.m., Mon., May 24, Natural Science Auditorium. Physical and Inorganic Chemis- try Seminar: 4 p.m. Wed., May 18, Rm. 303 Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Worthy Boyd, Department of Chemical Engineering, will speak on "The Separation of Stable Iso- topes." Zoology Seminar: 7:30 p.m., Thurs., May 20, Rackham Amphi- theatre. Speakers: Mr. Brahma S. Kaushiva, "Cytological studies on the oogenesis of certain Indian and American snakes," and Mr. E. L. Cheatum, "A contribution to the life history of the dear lung- worm Leptostrongylus alpenae (Nematoda lVMetastronkylidae), with observations on its incidence and biology." Open meeting. Concerts Symphony Orchestra Concert: The University of Michigan Sym- phony Orchestra, Wayne Dun- lap, conductor, will be heard in its spring concert at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., May 20, Hill Auditorium. Program: Concerto for Orchestra in D Major by Bach, three noc- turnes by Debussy in which the Women's Glee Club, Marguerite Hood, director, will assist; and Brahms' Symphony Ng. 2 in D Major. The public is invited. Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will pre- sent compositions and arrange- ments by Jef Van Hoof during his recital at 7:15 p.m., Thurs., May 20. Events Today Radio Programs: 3:30 p.m. WKAR-The Hop- wood Room-Programs of inter- views with student writers, profes- sors and guests. Conducted by Edwin G. Burrows. 3:45 p.m. WKAR-The School of Music. 5:45-6 p.m. WPAG-Gardening Program-Lenore T. Bingley. Research Club: 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Papers: Prof. H. W. Nordmeyer, "An Existentialist Approach to Literature"; Prof. O. M. Pearl, "Traditionalism and An- cient Music: Rules for a Musical Contest in a Michigan Papyrus." Election of officers. American Society for Public Administration: Evening social seminar, sponsored by the Uni- versity Chapter, 8 p.m., West Con- ference Room, Rackham Bldg. Guest speaker: James M. Mitchell, Director, Civil Service Assembly of the United States and Canada. Open meeting. THE NOT-SO-HOLLOW SHELL 141 D- DAILYOffl~~t BU~t5 Letters to the Editor . anything you have written. The deadline for this first material will be Saturday, May 22. It may be turned in at the Union Student Offices. Pre-Medical Society: Movie, "Hervey's Discovery of the Cir- culation of Blood." 7:30 p.m., 305 Michigan Union. Election of next year's officers. All pre-medical and medical students invited. Delta Sigma Pi, International Business Administration Frater- nity: Business meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. La p'tite causetts: 3:30 p.m., Michigan League. United World Federalists: 7:30 p.m., Garden Room, Michigan League. Election of officers for next term. Armenian Students' Association: Last meeting of the semester, 7:30 -p.m., 220-222 Michigan Union. Election of officers and the club picture will be taken. Wesleyan Guild: Tea, 4-6 p.m., Wesley Lounge. Final program of the School for Family Living. Cost supper. Speaker: Dr. Marshall R. Reed, Pastor, Nardin Park Meth- oist Church, Detroit. Roger Williams Guild: Mid- week "chat" at the Guild House, 4:30-6 p.m. Discussion of Gen- tleman's Agreement." Coming Events Michigan Chapter AAUP: An- nual meeting, 6 p.m., Thurs., May 20, dining room, University Club, Michigan Union. Election of offi- cers and reports. Dean Woodburne will speak on "College and Uni- versity Staff Problems." Phi Kappa Phi: Business meet- ing, 4 p.m., May 20, East Confer- ence Room, Rackham Bldg. Mem- bers invited. Phi Kappa Phi: Initiation, 8 p.m., Thurs., May 20, Rackham Lecture Hall. Prof. Robley Wil- liams will speak on "The Relation of Physics to Biological Research." Reception later, in Assembly Hall. Members invited. International Center weekly tea: 4:30-5:30 p.m., Thurs., May 20. Hostesses: Mrs. Martha C. San- ford and Mrs. Louis C. Karpinski. Ordnance-Film Hour: Last film honoring students receiving com- missions in June, 7:30 p.m., May 20, at the home of Major R. S Niccells, 1309 Geddes Avenue Ordnance ROTC students and those students intending to elect Ordnance as a specialty are invit- ed. Films: "Materials Handling Equipment," "Ignition and the Spark Plug," "Principles of Ra- dar," and "40 mm AA Automatic Weapons." Modern Poetry Club: Fina meeting, Russian Tearoom, Michi- gan League, Thurs., 8 p.m. Mr Pearce will discuss the third of T S. Eliot's "Four quartets." Deutscher Verein: Picnic, Ma 23 at the Island. Members an non-members may obtain ticket in the German office, Universit Hall. U.W.F. Study Group, Thursday 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. The Daily accords its readers the privilege or submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege o co- densing letters. " a 'Lack of Taste To the Editor: t [ITH all due honor to Mr. Oz- zie Cowles for the fine job he did in his two years as Michigan's basketball coach and to Mr. Dick Kraus for his good intentions I would like to criticize the latter's column which appeared in Sun- day's Daily. Mr. Kraus's tribute to the departing Mr. Cowles dis- played, at best, a remarkable lack of good taste. I make no claims to piety mnyself, but I am sure there are some who were justifiably in- censed. -Robert A. Thomason * * * Negro Housing To the Editor: AS A RESIDENT of Ann Arbor from 1933 to 1946 I take ex- ception to the statement of Mayor Brown in regard to Negro housing in the city. There has been an acute shortage of homes for the Negroes in Ann Arbor for years even before the war. The inter- est of the University of Michigan directly and indirectly has had some effect on this situation. It has been often rumored that the University did not desire this pop- ulation nor any increase in it. Some months ago I sat in a meeting of the Auxiliary of Kelly Saunders Post of the American Legion and heard the realty au- thority state that there was no hope for the Colored people even in the present building. In 1946 there was desire in cer- tain places to know if the Negroes of Ann Arbor wanted a separate housing project. -Rev. David A. Blake, Jr. National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People, Wil- low Run Village, Michigan Branch (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following statement was made by President Alexander Ruthven when contacted by The Daiy: "The University's policy on admissions speaks for itself. Ne- groes are admitted without discrim- ination, and their housing is handled by the University on the same basis as that for other students. Housing is a problem for every community. Certainly, the University has had no negaiho,. j4fluence on housing for Negres in An Arbor.") S* N' 'U' Finances To the Editor: HOW DOES the University and all its parts operate financial- ly? Probably very few people know the answer to this question, be- cause the University keeps its books closed to the public and publishes no annual financia statements. This is, in view of the situation, rather strange; because the University is a state institu- tion, supported by taxes, students and alumni, and is run for th benefit of the students and the State of Michigan. Certainly, since the University is run for the bene. fit of these people, it should lei them know how it is run. Nothing engenders more suspic- ion than segrecy. Every business organization o any size publishes financial state- ments for its stockholders; by thi same token the University shoul let its financial' supporters, th tax payers of the state of Michi gan, the alumni and the student know how it spends their money -Fred Medwedeff -James Holland (EDITOR'S NOTE: The financial state- ment of the University is an annual official publication obtainable in the business office in Rm. 1, University Hali.) * * * Iron Curtain To the editor: THE Twentieth Century Fo: film "The Iron Curtain" which is now playing ,locally I should receive from all who see it careful and unbiased considera- * tion. In view of this, we would lik to set forth in this letter our rea- sons for feeling that such a film i, not in the best interests ofgth Y American- people and does great d harm in the cause of internation- s al peace and understanding. Y First, the film is based on thf report of the Royal Canadia: Commission and subsequent art- ', icles by Igor Gouzenko in the Cos- mopolitan magazine, yet there i . no indication in the film that this report has become a discredited document in Canada. Both Can- adian Labor Congresses, Civil Rights Groups.prominent mem- bers of all political paties, and the Canadian Bar Association have attacked tile methods of the commission and its report. No mention is made of the seven persons labelled guilty in the re- port and in the script of "The iron Curtain." who were acquitted when their cases came to trial in open court. Second, the documentary na- ture of the film is to be doubted, especially when the Canadian government has refused to give any cooperation of a specific sort. From the Ottawa Citizen, Nov, 28, 1947, ". . . At acting Prime Minister St. Laurents' office, it was learned that the Hollywood film corporation would be accord- ed exactly the same rights as any American tourist in this country and no more . . . no special assis- tance or cooperation would be given in the filming of a picture which might easily have inter- nal tOnal repercussions." Third, the United Nations' Carter says ". . The General Assembly condemns all forms of propaganda in whatever country conducted, which is either design- ed or likely to provoke or encour- age any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of ag- gression." In this respect, "The Iron Curtain" definitely helps to defeat the effort towards world peace, Calvin Lippitt Dick Thomas Wallace Progressives HOLLYWOOD'S ENTRY into the cold war has been given considerable free advertising by the Communists, whose outraged screams of protest against "The Iron Curtain" will do that picture, no harm at the box office ... "The Iron Curtain" is "Mission to Moscow" in reverse. Behind that sugar-coated production of yesteryear, full of friendly, sihil- ing Russians dedicated to sweet- ness and light, was also an au- thentic experience drawn from real life. But the tendency to overdo and underthink kept it, too, from making credible its an- swers to the question: What qual- ities in prewar Russian life were able to win the sympathy and re- spect of an American diplomat and capitalist? The Communists were in a de- lirium of delight about the earlier picture, as they are now in a frenzy of indignation over the present one. A sober democrat may see the two of them as re- verse sides of a celluloid curtain not much more revealing than the iron one. .-Christian Science Monitor. Fifty-Eighth Year AIMS, Medical Michigan Assn. of Internes Students:: 7:30l Union. and p.m., Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Vader the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell......Managmg Editor Dick Maloy .............. City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz.............Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor Dick Kraus..........Sports Editor Bob Lent. Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes ................. Librarian Business Staff Nancy Helmick .......General Manager Jeanne Swendeman......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. N~aance Manager Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatched credited to it as otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by ma1 $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Pres 1947.48 Looking Back "Berkeley Square," popular drama by John Balderston, will be presented tonight through Satur- day night, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre, by the department of speech. Tickets are on sale daily, 10 a.m.-8 p.m., theatre box office. Special rate for students tonight and tomorrow. Union Opera Music Committee Meeting: 7:15 p.m., Journalism News Room, Haven Hall. All per- sons who attended the last meet- ing are urged to be present. Bring From the pages of The Daily FIFTY YEARS AGO TODAY: The first inter-class baseball game of the year resulted in the "Fresh Laws" defeat- ing the "Sophomore Lits" by a score of 12 to 8. Under the auspices of the Athletic Asso- ciation, an interscholastic meet for high school students will be held here to bring the hig cnhlo-, io -,c r,.lncrpx 'l ', irovi, .with BARNBY . . w M, cUed Oft [So when Mr. latus called1 The boss is rushing oat to see Blatus. I guJess I But Bltus has no radio show. No newspaper adj __ .. ......_ ._J - II ., He says I've given him an idea for a new product . .