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May 19, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-19

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Latest Deadline in the State

a43: 46





SExpect Draft
Billin House
Within WeeL
Committee Start
Hearings Today
The congressman who was expect
ed to block the draft bill predict
today that the House Rules Con
mittee probably will approve ti
measure and send it to the Houw
floor next week.
The prediction came from Rel
Leo . Allen (Rep., Ill.), chairma
of the Rules Committee which be
gan hearings today on the dra:
bill previously approved by th
House Armed Services Commil
Two defense measures were a:
proved by the House Armed Serv
ices Committee today. They were
I. A bill to let the Department
of Defense hold on to about 200
surplus World War II plants as
a reserve.
2. A measure to authorize th
Navy to stop work on 13 unfin
ished warships in order to stai
building the world's largest ship-
a giant 65,000 ton aircraft car
rier. The bill carries other con
struction changes. A subcommit
tee okayed it yesterday.
Rep. Allen, despite his predic
tion of the draft bill passage, sti:
contends the Army has never giv
en voluntary enlistments a- fai
He has recommended a bonu
plan, paying volunteers up to $1,.
500 to enlist in the armed forces
He said this substitute would mak
the draft unnecessary. Presiden
Truman called the idea asinine.
"Brass hats just want this
draft, that's all," Allen said. But
he added the bill probably will
be approved by his committee
Today's hearings indicated
there would be a fight before sucki
approval is won.
Rep. Brown (Rep., Ohio), presi-
dential campaign manager for
Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio), asked
whether a draft-bill would be nec-
essary if President Truman does
not approve steps to build the air
force up to 70 combat groups.
Rep. Andrews (Rep., N.Y.),
chairman of the House Armed
Services Committee which workec
up the draft bill and approved it
28 to 5 early this month, said a
draft is needed right now to bring
the Army up to authorized
Fall Advisors
Needed by SL
Student experts are needed for
rnext fall's course content student
advisory board program, accord-
ing to Blair Moody of the Student
Advisors should be juniors or
seniors with at least a 'B' overage.
Students with wide experience in
their field of concentration are
desired. Members of honor socie-
ties are wanted, but this is not an
essential qualification, Moody
The program is designed to ben-
efit freshmen and transfer stu-
dents and will provide detailed de-
scriptions of courses to the new
k stqd nts. Student advisors will
help familiarize strangers on cam-

pus with the choices of courses
that are available.
Interested students can contact;
Moody by calling 2-4551.
The legislature-initiated pro-
gram was first put into operation
last semester with excellent re-
suits. Confined to Litereary Col-
lege advisors at the last registra-
tion, the program will be extended
this fall to other schools and col-
leges in the University, Moody
Cit Manager
Plan Studied
Ann Arbor citizens learned
more of a proposed city manager
plan being readied for the April
1949 ballot last night wheal three
speakers discussed the issue at
an open meeting of the Citizen's
Committee for Charter Revision.
Clarence Elliot, city manager of
Jackson and former manager of
Plymouth:, explained that "the

Phoenix Fund Campaign
Is Underway ---Niehuss
Organizational work on the Phoenix Project and the campaign
to raise the $2,000,000 necessary to develop the first phase is "already
underway," according to Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss.
"Announcement will be made within a few days of the member-
ship of the Phoenix Project faculty committee," Prof. Niehuss said.


-House Refuses
To Kill Mundt
Anti-Red Bill
Supporters Push for
- Final Passage Today
-By a shouted vote, the House
refused today to kill a bill de-
signed to put tight restraints on
Communist activities. Supporters
got behind a drive to pass the
bill tomorrow. The start of to-
day's debate had been held up
by a mass of routine business.
Rep. Miller (R-Conn.) made the
motion to kill the bill by striking
out the enacting clause. He said
the main effect of the legislation
would be to "drive underground
the dangerous elements."
Rep. Nixon (R-Calif.), co-
author of the bill, replied. He said
the measure which he and Rep.
Mundt (R-S.D.) drew up would
strike "only at the subversive
activities of Communism in the
United States and not at Com-
munism as an idea."
House passage of the bill ap-
peared certain. Rep. Douglas (D-
Calif.), who opposes it, estimated
that not more than 40 votes would
be cast against it. But she also
predicted that the Senate never
would accept such legislation.
The Mundt-Nixon bill, which
was approved by the House Com-
mittee on Un-American activities
would make it a crime to try to
set up a foreign-controlled totali-
tarian dictatorship in-the United
States. Penalties would range up
to 10 years in prison and a $10,-
000 fine.
Communists would be barred
from non-elective federal jobs and
would not be granted passports.
Munidt Protest
Full-scale petitioning against
the Mundt Bill will get underway
today by Students Against the
Mundt Bill, a composite group rep-
resenting all interested individuals
and organizations on campus.
The group will meet at 3 p.m.,
third floor of the Union, to mobil-
.ize for the drive. Members of
lace Progressives are especially
urged to come and back up their
organizational statements oppos-
ing the bill, according to Jean
Fagan, chairman, Students
Against the Mundt Bill.
The Washtenaw County Com-
mittee for the Preservation of
Democratic Rights will also circu-
late petitions on campus and in
town, Dr. Wilfred Kaplan stated
It is hoped that over five tsous-
ands signatures opposing the bill
will be collected in Ann Arbor and
surrounding areas.

He explained that the function of
this committee will be to initiate
the activities of the Project and
to make recommendations for a
permanent operation organiza-
Committee to Shape Plans
"In the meantime," he added,
"a preliminary campaign commit-
tee composed of students, faculty
and alumni will have the task of
shaping plans for the fund-rais-
ing campaign to be undertaken in
the fall."
Two members who served with
Prof. Niehuss on the committee
to select the University War Me-
morial added their voices to those
praising the proposed Project.
"One of the great merits of the
Phoenix Project," declared Prof.
Robert C. Angell, Chairman of
the Department of Sociology, "is
that its purpose is so broad that
it can give rise to an ever-unfold-
ing series of research studies."
Social Science Opportunities
"This indicates opportunities
for social science as well as med-
ical and biological investigations,"
he added.
Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel
called the Phoenix Project "the
loftiest peak of the mountain
range of memorials." He stated
that he was particularly proud of
all the students who took part
in planning the Memorial.
"It took plenty of vision on the
part of the student members of
the committee," he declared, "and
they never let their sights down in
looking toward the ultimate goal."
.' * *
AVC Initiates
A motion to initiate a move-
ment among the nation's 150,000
AVC members to gain support for
the University's atomic research
institute was unanimously adopt-
ed at last night's meeting of the
campus AVC chapter.
In a special statement the or-
ganization said:
"We, the University of Michi-
gan chapter of AVC believe that
the Phoenix Project is a most fit-
ting tribute to the memory of
those who died for a better world.
We therefore pledge our
support and will call upon AVC
chapters throughout the nation to
actively support this living memo-
rial. To this end we have author-
ized the formation of a committee
to institute such action."

Shfe An ' e
AlhlI i 0S, matkh
Tc ar mac
CaesPeath t PA was E
:AVIs r a
- . J-
t R~,I Rama113t , _ . 1
IBOMBING - An Egyptian
fighter-bomber divebombed a
crowded bus station in Tel Aviv.
(1) The death toll was expect-
ed to be at least 20. Twelve
miles north of Haifa (2) Ha-
gana fighters forced the surren-
der of a group of Arab fighters.
Palestine War'

State To Act
For Buildinow
Legislature To
Neet Tomorrow
The State Legislature recon-
venes tomorrow to take action on
University building appropriations
and to resume the trial of James
Zarichny, Michigan State College
student charged with contempt of
the Senate.
The Legislature failed to agree
on funds for the Maternity Hospi-
tal at its last session, April 29. The
House voted thetfull $1,645,000
needed to complete the hospital.
but the Senate would allot only
Agreement Needed
An agreement must be reached
on the hospital issue before the
vast appropriations bill to com-
plete construction on other Uni-
versity buildings can be passed.
Unless the legislators approve the
bill, construction on all state
building projects will be discon-
tinued July 1.

( lla gel of Battle

A compromise measure which
Damage Presented jwouldhave alloted$850,000 for
completion of the Maternity Hos-
LAKE SUCCESS, May 18 -UIP)- pital was blocked by Senate fi-
The United Nations Security nancial. leaders May 12, when the
Council debated Palestine% today House Ways and Means Com-
under a barrage of urgent official mittee and the Senate Financial
advices that war is rampant in Committee met to attempt a set-
the Holy Land. tlement of the appropriations
French delegate Alexandre Pa- issue.
rodi reported the French consu-P
late in Jerusalem was under ma Sigler Proposes Cmproise

FAMINE VICTIM-These little Italian orphans were rescued
from starvation in time, thanks to gifts from America. Millions
more still need help. Campus donations will be collected today.
* * * 4
UN Children's Crusade Drive
-o Seek Contributions Tod
< j


chine-gun fire. Parodi said a
battle raged all last night and
consulate was isolated. Six per-
sons have been wounded there,
he said.
Parodi warned the Council thatI
it could expect little now from its
French-American-Belgian consu-
lar truce commission in Jeru-1
salem. He said the French con-
sulate had no communications1
with other sections of the city.
A telegram from Foreign Sec-
retary Moshe Shertok of Israel,
charged that armed Arabs hadl
entered the old walled city section
of Jerusalem Sunday and broke a
UN-arranged cease-fire.
A complaint from KHiig Abdul-
lah of Trans-Jordan said a mor-
tar shell fell within the mosque
compound in front of the dome
above the sacred rock-+:ite of the
Mosque of Omar--yesterday dur-
ing a Jewish offensive against the
old walled city.
Delegates heard the reports
from Palestine after chief Amer-
ican delegate Warren R. Austin
said no nation can rightfully chal-
lenge U.S. recognition of Israel.

'Original' Reynolds Por1ra -t
Featured imi Berke ilIy Sq ii are'

Governor Sigler indicated yes-
terday that he might be willing
to compromise with the Legis-
lature on his program to reform
the state government, the Asso-
ciated Press reported.
Th e governor said "There
should be a possibility" for the
passage of his department of
administration bill and for appro-
priations for additional building
funds to state institutions and
the new Northville State Hospital.
* *
Walceites To
Aid Zarichny
Opposition to the trial of MSC
student James Zarichny will be
crystallized on campus today when
the Wallace Progressives sign up
students against the trial on a pe-
tition to be sent to the state legis-
The petition drive is an out-
growth of a conference in Detroit
last weekend, when the Wallace
group adopted a resolution de-
manding that the trial be dropped.
Zarichny is scheduled to go on
trial May 20 befqre the State Sen-
ate. He is charged with contempt
because he wouldn't say whether
or not he was a Communist Party
Campus UN
Elects Officers
The Model UN Council, with
representatives from 16 countries
present, elected Interim Commit-
tce -officers for the summer ses-
sion at a General Assembly meet-
ing yesterday.
Members of the Secretariat in-
c(ude: Dick Underhill, United
States chairman; assistant-chair-
man, Muhammad Ali, Pakistan;
secretary-treasurer, Jal N. Bhar-
ucha, India; Elizabeth Robinson,
United States, corresponding sec-
Public Relations Chairman for
the interim group is Barbara
Mutch, and Pat Daoust was ap-
pointed to the Atomic Energy
Commission to work with the
Phoenix Project.
Bill Miller, who served as or-
ganizational chairman, will be the
UNESCO delegate to the National
Congress of the Collegiate Coun-
cil of the UN to be held at Fisk Jr.
College in New York this June.

Today is G-day.
"G" is for "give." Give to the
United Nations Children's Cru-
Student volunteers representing
the Children's Appeal will dot
campus walks with buckets by 9
a.m. today to collect student con-
A special carillon recital ofj
national airs of children bene-
fitting from the ITN Children's
Crusade will be presented at
noon today by Prof. Percival
Price, University Carilloneur.
tributions to help alleviate the
suffering of many hungry, home-
less, and helpless children all over
the world.,
Latest estimates place the num-
ber of famine victims at 230 mil-
lion. Since 230 million children'
make the problem international in
scope, the United Nations is spon-
soring the drive.
Forty-five nations have joined
in this world "community chest"
drive to head of f this impending
starvation which so many of them
face in common.
Students may do their bit as

from several

campus organiza-I

Labor News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
Presidential Inquiry Board report-
ed today that the labor dispute at
the Oak Ridge, Tenn., atomic en-
ergy plant remains deadlocked.
A court injunction against a
strike runs out June 7.
* * *
special inquiry board was es-
tablished by President Truman
today to investigate the threat-
ened strike of CIO long line
telephone workers.
The moVa drew a quick protest
from the long lines department
of the American Telephone and
Telegraph Company, against
which the American Telephone
Workers Union threatens to
eral Judge T. Alan Goldsbor-
ough tonight extended until Mayi
29 the restraining order which

Students who go at 8 p.m. today
to Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre to
see the speech department's first
performance of "Berkeley Square,"
will find themselves looking up at
an "original Sir Joshua Reynolds"
It's a picture of student
actor Don Mitchell, who plays the
leading male role of Peter Stand-
The portrait, which is the key
piece in the plot of John Balder-
son's play, was done by Barbara
Rogers, student in the portraiture
class in the College of Architec-
ture. The painting is supposed to
be a portrait of Peter Standish's
great-great-grandfather by the
famous eighteenth century por-
trait painter, Sir Joshua Reyn-
However, since the plot hinges
on the, exact resemblance which
Peter Standish bears to his an-
cestor, Miss Rogers did the por-
trait of Don Mitchell, who plays I
Peter Standish.
Thus Don Mitchell is in the

world citizens today by contribut-
ing to the campus "bucket bri-
gade" before 4 p.m. Per capita
quota is $1, but all contributions
are welcome, Seymour Goldstein,
campus chairman said.
The campus campaign is being
carried out by the Student Relig-
ious Association with assistance

unique position of posing for a
picture of "his own gran-paw."
Tickets for the play, which will
run today through Saturday, may
be bought at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre box office. Students
will have special rates for tonight
and Thursday's performances.
West Qua to
There'll be music in the air at
the West Quad tonight when the
West Quad Glee Club presents its
first formal recital to an expected
audience of 600 faculty members
and students.
Scheduled for 8:30 p.m., the
concert will bring together the 32
West Quad residents who com-
pose the Glee Club in a program
of folk ballads, a group of relig-
ious numbers, and several Negro
spirituals, as well as standard
choral numbers. A. J. Rogers, a
West Quad student, will direct the

Hiller Speaks
On Effects of
Prof. Clyde R. Miller of Colum-
bit University will speak on "How
Propaganda Shapes Our Foreign
Policy" at 8 p.m. today in Kellogg
After many years of studying
the development of propaganda in
both Nazi Germany and Russia,
Prof. Miller devised a system of
propaganda analysis and in 1937
founded the Institute for Propa-
ganda Analysis.
From his studies have come
many books on the subject. The
most recent is entitled "What
Everybody Should Know About
Also active in the field of edu-
cation, Prof. Miller in 1939 pro-
posed a type of education, to pre-
vent racial, religious and other
prejudices, a proposal which came
to be known as The Springfield
Plan. In cooperation with the
League of Fair Play, of which he
is director, he has worked on simi-
lar programs since 1942.
Prof. Miller will also address
journalism students at 3 p.m. to-
day in Rm. E, Haven Hall. The
subject of his earlier lecture will
be "How Reliable Are Public Opin-
ion Polls?"

Stalin Peace
Feeler Called
WASHINGTON, May 18-(/P).--
The United States tabbed Premier
Stalin's latest peace statement as
"encouraging" today, but put the
blame for world tension on Soviet
hold-outs at International council
It again ruled out, as it had
done last week, any idea that
great world problems can be
settled by the United States and
Russia alone.
In a formal statement, the
State Department declared that
these issues are matters in which
many other countries have an "in-
timate and compelling interest."
Officials noted that the latest
move in Stalin's "peace offensive"
took the form of comments on a'
peace program put forward by
Henry A. Wallace, third party
presidential candidate. They said
they suspected the Stalin state-
ment was a propaganda stroke de-
signed, among other things, to de-
pict Russia as a foremost lover of
peace, and to build up Wallace
On Capitol Hill, Rep. Judd
(Rep., MinnJ told newsmen that
President Truman "ought to call
Stalin" on the Soviet leader's
offer to talk peace.
Okays Poltces
Resolutions backing the Taft-
Hartley Act and supporting the
present Republican tax policies
were adopted last night by the
Young Republicans in the last
meeting of the semester.
While generally backing the
labor law, the group urged adop-
tion of some amendments. In sup-
porting the Republican tax pro-
gram, they particularly attacked
"the restrictive tax program of
the New Deal."

Owners Risk
UMW Wrath
In Wage Talk
Bac k Southern
Coal Producers
Soft coal operators risked a quick
showdown with John L. Lewis to-
night by deciding to back the
Southern Coal Producers Associa-
tion as spokesman for southern
pits in wage talks.
The decision, if fought out to
the end, might bring on a break-
up of the contract negotiations
before they are well started.
Lewis set the stage for such a
development today with a warn-
ing to the operators that if they
insisted on seating Joseph E.
Moody in his capacity as presi-
dent of the SCPA they would be
"voting the representatives of the
United Mine Workers out of this
He indicated that he had no ob-
jection to dealing with Moody as
spokesman for the various com-
ponent groups of the Southern
Association, such as state organi-
zations of producers. But he crit-
icized the SPCA itself bitterly as
a "holding company" with a his-
tory of "harrassment and obstruc-
tion" in contract dealings.
Tonight the southern opera-
tors first met separately and
determined to stick by Moody
as their spokesman on a joint
Later producer representatives
of the other geographical areas
met and talked over their deci-
After that session one powerful
northern operator said they had
decided to back Moody in his
Another producer interpreted
Lewis' move as an effort to dic-
tate who should represent em-
ployers in contract talks.
'"We don't think the mine work-
ers have that right under the
Taft-Hartley Act," he said.
There had been some inclina-
tion earlier to try to persuade
Moody to come in only as an in-
dividual speaking for the smaller
groups, but the operator com-
ments after the night caucus in-
dicated it had been overcome.
Goes Hunting
Warriors Capture
18 New Members
Listen to this tale of romance,
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of green
Came they forth, the stoics vali-
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam one of friendly Great
Paleface might 'mong his kind;
Came he forth to take their token,
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming, yelling
redm en ;
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface

Choice of tribe to run the gaunt-
Down the warriors, painted de-
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles,
Loud the war cry stirred the
As they seized their hapless cap-
Forth they bore them to their
There to torture at their pleasure.
There they ate around the glow-
ing bonfires
Heard the words of mighty wis-
Smoked the pipe of peace and
Thus there came to Michigamua:
Gene Derricotte, Norris Doman-
gue, Ev Ellin, Bill Graham, Bob
Harrison, Bob Holland, Keith Jor-
dan, Dick Maloy, Bill Mikulich,
Bill Roberts, Ed Shalon, Enred
Schott, Bob Sohl, Bill Tattersall,
Dom Tomasi, Dick Weinberg, Stu
Wilkins and Joe Wimsatt.
Four Men Named to

Beloved Beta Bulldog Dies after 10 Years on Campus,

4 >

- ~.._.. _ s

* * *


By HAROLD JACKSON in and 604 S. Stat( has been
Four colorful feet have pound- his castle ever since.
ed across campus for the last From the day he arrived, Eli
time-"Old Eli," the famous Beta began a long and energetic


sight on campus. He spent many
hours in classes and even dropped
in occasionally on President Ruth-
ven, a great fancier of bulldogs.

being the most beautiful dog at
Michigras in 1941.
Eli disliked women, but was too



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