TUESDAY, MAY 18,, 1948
_________ -. -.-,--~-- ~--- - -.,~----- .-~' -~ -~
Autograph. Fans Fo'rm
Their Own Organization
"They had clubs for people who
save everything from model rail-
roads to buttons, so we decided to
start one for ourselves," DAM. Jo-
seph E. Fields, president of th'
six-month-old National Society of
Autogr"aphI Collec tors., said ye (cr
Dr. Field and sixty of his fel-
low collectors are gathered hero
for the first annual convention otf
NSAC. The convention camne to
jMihigan at the invitation of
Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director
of the Clements Library and Col-
ton Storm, curator of manuscipits,
both of whom are charter mor-
bers of the club.
Ancient Hobby
Dr. Field said that the liobby
of collecting manuscripts is ono
of the oldest in the world, bui. uin-
til the formation of NSAC, which
now has 250 members, there wary
IRA Protest
Letters protesting the court ae-
tion taken against Sen. Glen Tay-
lor have been sent to the Mayor
of Birmingham, Ala., and to Sen.
Taylor by the Inter-Racial Associ-
IRA condemned the court action
which found Taylor guilty of dis-
turbing the peace.
no organization devoted to collerI-
i17g autographs,
"There is little or no traing~ of
manuscripts in thec field, and abi
hiunit fr new material,"' Dr. ~'I
said]. 'he it~ JIoblernI of foct!''d (oc'Li-
mcii Is occasionally ('ol ups i V i
c'ol lectors piilicha$Q rare signma-
Lures. "Yesterday Afternoon's ses-
sion was devoted to a disculssion
of the problem of forged man u-
)Famous Papers
The Clem en ts Library, which
possesses many famous papers of
its own is exhibiting the collec-
tions of some of the NSAC mem-
bers, The letters of Benedict Ar -
nold before he betrayed the U.S.
during Uth eolution " le oil dis-
-<We aren't like the people wlho
hang around stage doors waiting
for autograph] s," D~r. Field said.
"A lot of our members are in
"Wla's Who."
The icautograph colle'ctors loiit
just save signatures, but, entire'
documents, lDr. Field has a~ comn-
plete collection of signatures of
the men who signed the l> clara-
tioii of Indei endence.
Use 1Daily (Jassi fieds
Continlued from Page 5)
on "The Separation of Stable Iso-
l'Syiolo::y ,88: ]'inil exazu1iia
1ion ill labonItory lportion~, :3 l.
M on., M ,,uy '_A, N :A i a l Aei ci leen
Student Recital: Bonnie Elms,
soprano, will be heard in a re-
cital in partial fulfillment of thel
requirements for the degree ofj
Bachelor of Music, at 8:30,~
Tumes., May 18, Rackham Assem
bly Hall. Miss Elms is a pupil
of Arthur Hackett. Her program,
inc:lding Italian, German. French
'and EnglIish songs, will be openi
to, the public.
L'WF Sets Up Acotion Groups
Three organs to facilitate Unii- Th~e development of electoral
ted World Federalist action onz a , machine ry for the proposed Pee-
statewide scale originated from la iesWoldCosttuioalAsem
weekend meeting of repre =enta- bly in Geneva is also one of the
tives from all parts of Mihligranl fumw tions of the state body.
it was made known yesterday. Thei council will also furnish
A State Council, Advisory Couln- >peĀ°ikers to ipropagate the Feder-
cil and Branch Office to opnaitmoeet uture plans in-
June 15 in Detroit, were set, up 11 elude-st 1i i! UI) :aninclusive or-
permanent bodit s. . tiouofi'elJ)resefltatlves from
The purposes of the taIe l ic e ,rrup in the state wxhich hag
will be to coordinate existingcome ouot in fax or of World Gov-
chapters and help initiate nw "' em11111.
ones. The office will also develop M 1rs. Lo.rna Hunter of Detroit
plans for the forthcoming refer- has been named president of the
endum and initiative for the elec - Cc'i. nil and Irwin Robinson of
tions of the Spring of 1949. the University, state director,
The Academy Award
Winning Picture!
PICKETS AND GUARDS SCUFFLE-These three pickets scuffled with National Guardsmen in
-- South. St. Paul, during several incidents in front of the strikebound Swift & Co. plant. In the.
itxitb unsground ia guard captain holds two men. An Army halftrack is at the right.
Museum of Archaeology: Roman RPushing, next year's social pro-Po. ~"'i W~Nt
Egypt and Pictorial Maps of Italy. giram s pecial arrangements, book l P ofiCyd iller Will llJS eak Hlere
Tuesday thbrough Friday, 9 a .m.- exchange management, election Prof. Clyde R. Miller of Colum- Earlier Wednesday, Prof.
12 noon, 2-5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 01' district repr'esentatives, initi- bia University will deliver the last wl akt oraimS
a~mn-12 oon nd Sndla, ~ ation regulations, and special pro- of the current lectures sponsoredonHwRlibeAePlc
l).lti. .iec ts. by the journalism department aton"wReibeAePlc
Final meeting of the school 8 pm. tomorrow in Kellogg Audi- ion Polls?" This lecture will
Architecture Building: Photog-j year. All house presidents are urg- torium. livered at 3 p.m. in Rm. E.,
raphy by Roger and Patti Hellon-? ed to attend._____Aseiltinhefldopr- Hall.
beck; through May 28. Aseils ntefedo rp
aganda, Prof. Miller will talk on Prof. Miller was, instru:
MusumofAr, Aumi em - Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering "How P[ropagapda Shapes Our in establishing the Institu
Muem fAtAuniMm- Stutmu Speakers' Society: Last Fnreig~n Policy." . roiy eitnda analysis, Inc
The BombshellI Z
)'of' the Year!
A . i(t NlUftT ~1K01 Ncr
Ibe de-
ute for
... -,____ N ext
It's alwaysk
a love maitchV 5
for the girl.
in the
riot "al: Water Colors by John, eiIi etn cf h eetr
Marin, througoh May 25. Tuesdays 7 p.m. Michigan Union. Every
i a Vi %'Asla 1. V11L.Y a
throughl Saturdays 10-12 and 2-5;
Wednesday evenings 7-9; Sundays';
2-5. The public is invited.$
Ato~mics Energy exhibition pre-I
pared by the editors of LIFE mag-
azine, Rackhamn Building; through
May 29.
Michigan Historical Collections:
"Autographs of' Michigan Mren ofI
State and National Prominence'
on display in Rm. 160 Rackham
Building beginn~ng May 17. 8-12
and 1-5 daily, 1-12 Saturdays.
Events Today
Radio Programs:
5:45 p.m. WPAG-The German
Series--Prof. Itto Graf and Dr.
Kurt Ber'g.
8 p.m. WHRV - Abott Books
(Conducted by Mr. E. G. Burrows).
Phi Lambda Upsilon, National
h-onorary Chemical Society : Meet-
ing, 8 p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Formal initiation
of new members, election of off i-
cers, and an address by Mr. S. E.
Beacom on "Infamous Personali-
ties in Chemistry."
TUC House Presidents: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Rmn. 306, Michigan
Union. Agenda:-
/j '2r8DND ll 04
v Y
See them in Detroil at ERNEST KERN '0 CROWi.vY MILNFR
Free booklet: "WARDROBE TRICKS". Write Judy Boend, Inc., Dept. C, 1375 Broadway, New Cork 18
I IIIMIO II I i IW _._ p fq lU 1
-Show 'that youcare!,
member is requested to attend.
Proj ect speaking finals will be
Iheld immediately after the meet-
ing. Banquet tickets for Sat., May
22 will be on sale, and convention
pr'eparations will continue.
Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1042 E.
Engineering Bldg.
Topics: "Discuion of Aeronau-
tical Curriculum Revisions" by
Prof. E. XW. Conlon; and "Job Op-
portunities and Specialization in
Aviation" by Pr'of. W. C. Nelson.
Business meeting, and election of
officers foi' the Fall Semester. Stu-
dents in the AronauticalDeat
Dpr-ment are invited.
AVC': Membership meeting,
University Chapter. 7:30 p.m.,
Michigan Union. Election of offi-
('el'S :ildl end1 of semiester 'party.
Youniig IRejittlica s Club: Meet -
init. f3 jI 0., 1Room 304, Michigan
Uniiion. I oi'iiixiion of resolut ions,.
Spe'aker', Mlr. Lois Cosstt, Na-
tionald Convntion I)elgate from
Sli f~ist in t in Ohijo. Pledged to
Ilarotl I 7v en. Ncw riimbilers a
i Tolydlutb: 7 :15t p.m., Mii-
gan League.
I.Z.F.A., 8 p.m., Hlillel Founda-
tion. Last meeting of the term.
Installation of newly elected of fi-
cers, stinirnal'y of events and ac-
tivities of past semester. All meml-
bers are in,,ed to aitteind. Rfresh-
m ients.
Polonia ('tub: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., International Center. ~is-
cussion of plans for a get-together
this suimmer, and the scholarship
program. Refreshments and en-
tert ainmen t.
Christian Science Organization:
7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall.
:'Corn ing Events
American Society for Public
Administration: Evening social
seminar, sponsored by the Uni-
versity Chapter, 8 p.m., Wed.,
May 19. West Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Guest speaker:
James M. Mitchell, Director, Civil
Service Assembly of the United
Phi Kappa Phi: Business meet-
ing, 4 p.m., May 20, East Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Bldg. Mem-
bers invited.
Phi Kappa Phi: Initiation, 8
p.m., Thurs., May 20, Rackham
Lecture Hall. Prof. Robley Wil-
liams will speak on "The Relation
of Physics to Biological Research."
Reception later, in Assembly Hall.
Members invited.
4Delta Sigma Pi, International
jBusiness Administration rater-
?nity: Business meeting, 7;30 p.m.,
1 May 19, Michigan Union.
AMS: Association of Internes
and Medical Students: 7:30 p.m.,
Wed., Michigan Union.
Armenian Students' Associatio:
Last meeting of the semester, 7:30
p.m.. Wed.. May 19, 220-222
Michigan Union.
Election of officers and the club
picture will be taken.
$3. 50)
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compacts and
cigarette cases
from )$3.95
cigarette cases
from $2.25
for Greitlemnenn
I' ItV f".
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