THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1948 what You Can Do NOW THAT THE significance of the Phoenix Project has been somewhat absorbed, most students want to know what they can do to help. The project's founders have answered that there is plenty to do, both now and during the big fall drive. When the administrators of the new atomic research project are selected, stu- dent chairmen will be among them. Stu- dents will participate in every phase of the fund raising drive and the organiza- tion of the Phoenix Project. So one thing you can do, is watch for announcement of student fund drive chair- man, and then offer to help them in their work. * * * The drive to obtain backing from the whole country is just beginning. What this idea needs is to be talked up, discussed, written about to everyone, until the phrase "Phoenix Project" is more familiar than "atom bomb." Papert all over the country are beginning to hear about The Project but to obtain the Editorials published in The Michigan Daily wre written by members of The Daily stafff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: GEORGE WALKER funds and support that are nneded, some push is required from you. So write your hometown paper, en- closing a copy of the special edition of The Daily, and urging comment from them to arouse support. Copies of the special edition can be obtained at The Daily offices or in the Office of Student Affairs. And if you don't know exactly how to explain the project, Dean Erich A. Walter in the Office of Student Affairs has prepared an outline of the most important Phoenix facts, which you can use. ** * NEXT FALL, there will be contests for architectural plans, posters, speakers and essay writers, in which students will compete. But that will be part of the big drive. Right now is the all-important war- up period, when we must prove just how big this project is. We, here, realize the importance of this constructive approach to atomic energy; we can feel proud that it will be built here in Ann Arbor. But people all- over the country, who dof not have this personal feeling must also realize their stake in the project. This is your real job now: to see that everyone knows that coordinated peacetime research on the atom bomb is no longer a vague goal, but that it means something real rising in Ann Arbor. -Harriett Friedman. 4Zarichny Case THEMICHIGAN STATE Senate will re- convene the trial of James Zarichny, 24 year old math major at Michigan State College, Thursday. The charge is "con- tempt" for refusing to answer the question: "Are you a member of the Communist Party or do you believe in the theories of Lenin?" Zarichny had made the terrible mis- take of joining AYD, a minority organi- zation supported by the Communists. And worse yet, the Callahanists (pocket-size edition of the Thomas Committee) had caught him! The case, now being conducted by a free and "democratically elected Senate, is just one step in the systematic extinction of mi- nority opinion by the reactionary elements of our government in the face of stiff inter- national pressure. Confronted with an un- democratic Russia and the need to keep ourselves strong, the weak and confused Callahanists and Thomases are tearing down the essence of our power: Freedom; jeopardizing the value of all minority thought and opinion. The late Prof. Cooley, long associated with the University, summed up the value of the minority opinion this way: "Extreme views exist-they are part of external reality and as such must be taken account of. Public opinion cannot deal ef- fectively with the problems raised by Com- munism unless the public knows something about Communism as a force in the world. "They may make important contribu- tions to the view that ultimately pre- vails. Das Kapital, for example, not only forced oxthodox economists to reexamine their own position but it also forced them to recognize the role of social classes in economic matters and to reappraise the role of labor organization. "Their expression forces the defenders of less extreme views to justify their own opin- ions. Marxism forced the orthodox econ- omists to reexamine their own theories in the light of Marxian criticism. They may be right. After all, the world did turn out to be round." -Craig H. Wilson. The City Editor's SCRATCH PAD TODAY A NEW staff takes over operation of The Daily. Your paper may look about the same this morning, but it represents more than the usual amount of hard work and per- spiration that goes into each issue. Virtually every member of the staff has moved into a new job and is wrestling with the prob- lems of that job. Our newest writers, erstwhile tryouts who have been mastering the fundamen- tals of writing and desk work for the past few months, yesterday were turned loose on "beats." Most of the routine stories which appear in The Daily will be the product of this staff. The major news stories, and the actual editing of each issue will be in the hands of our newly appointed Junior Staff. This group of 14 writers and editors do the makeup and cover the biggest "newsbreaks" of each day. They handle the flow of Asso- ciated Press news and determine where the various stories shall be placed in each Daily issue. The same type of changeover has been made on the Sports, Women's and Business staffs of The Daily. The top jobs in the paper also have changed hands. New associate editors are in charge of training the various under- staffs and handling special features and picture pages. This writer will remain in charge of assigning all news stories for the paper, but a new staffer takes over edi- torial page reins. Overseeing the entire operation as co- ordinator and policy maker is the new managing editor who receives the brick- bats and bouquets thrown The Daily's way. , With this kind of a mass change-over taking place at the end of each year, read- ers might expect to see The Daily taking on a "new look." The tone of individual editorials may change, but in the aggregate the editorial page will be unchanged because editorials are contributed by the entire staff. On the news side The Daily will con- tinue to objectively report all the news that can be uncovered. The influx of new blood to the writing staff will serve as an incentive to old staffers. Striving to maintain the high standards set by former Daily editors, new senior staffers will bend all their efforts toward keeping this newspaper one of the best among collegiate dailies. To enable us to do this job we hope that The Daily will continue to attract able and alert minds among the student body during its semi-annual call for tryouts. -Dick Maloy. Current Movies At the Michigart.. . "GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT," with Gregory Pack and Dorothy McGuire 11HE BATTLE against anti-semitism is the crusade here, and Gregory Peck its very able banner bearer, taking up his type- writer and putting himself into the "I" of his magazine article "I Was Jewish for Six Months." Such an assignment is necessarily far more than a nine to five job, and from the article's birth pangs to publication we have a careful delineation of the ugly pre- judice he encounters nearly everywhere in his assumed personality. For once a film-version gratefully paral- lels its best-seller, but unfortunately the picture has the same weakness as the book. Through never allowing its main theme to leave the spotlight except for the grudging few minutes allotted to the love scenes, character, incident and dramatic appeal are submerged in an overly obvious lake of propaganda. Timely and worthwhile though the message is, it would have been more effective if they hadn't hammered at it quite so unremittingly. .-Gloria Hunter At the State THE IRON CURTAIN, Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney. HJERE IS SOMETHING that is difficult to call anything but a mild revision of the numerous Nazi plots we took all through the war. There is the familiar troop of plump, sneering men who take deep drags on cigar- ettes and slap each other around at various intervals, but instead of swastika arm bands, there are star medals and pictures of Uncle Joe everywhere. According to this, the So- viets feel exactly the same way towards us as the Germans did in 1939--they express themselves with such cliches as "decadent democracies," and "the party comes first." Dana Andrews is a Russian war veteran WATCHING HIS SMOKE - s~. TT V 4 1 '' }, 'doe*.,J gt..-+ . r DAILY OFFrICIAL BULLETIN I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: The Falling Wall. By SAMUEL GRAFTON HARRY ran into George on lower Fifth. It was the first time he had seen him since France. They pounded each other. "Drink?" said George, and they went into a side street bar. "Beer," said Harry, and he saw that George looked shocked. "Don't you remember?" asked George. "That first drink we were going to have together back in the States? Double Scotch, no soda? This is it." "Oh," said Harry, and he remembered. A day in a jeep, and a promise 'made defin- itely, importantly. They did the one about what are you do- ing, where are you living. Harry looked at George with interest. He had known him really well for only about three weeks. But those had been three bad weeks in the winter of '44-'45. Decision Dodginglf LAST MONTH'S SUPREME COURT deci- sion which made restrictive clauses in real estate covenants unenforceable, is al- ready having repercussions. Around the nation, citizens, worried about the status quo are devising methods of getting around the courts liberal decision. The technique being used is based on the fact that the Court did not declare clauses barring Negroes or Jews illegal, but only unenforceable. Voluntary agreements among property owners in a restricted location are all right with the Court as long as they can be carried out without the aid of gov- ernmental intervention. Three or four plans are now being tried around the country, to undermine the court's decision. Self enforcing agreements, requiring owners to deposit a bond that is forfeited if they sell to "undesirable" peo- ple, or making membership in a restricted club a prerequisite to purchase of adjacent property are being used. The use of options, whereby the firm sell- ing real estate to a home-owner has the first chance to buy it back if it is put up for sale, is another method. An already tried plan requires the approval of the majority of the five nearest neighbors before prop- erty can be sold. Other techniques are being used, but they are less obvious. They include fi- The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, thegeneral pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature andsaddress. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. Open to All To the Editor: FOR SEVERAL YEARS I have enjoyed making a home for students - and I have loved it - even if some of them were naughty sometimes. Amongst my student guests I have had many foreigners - (In- ternational Students as Dean Lloyd suggested we say) - from India, Brazil, Turkey, Chile, Ar- gentina -- and "I loved and en- joyed helping them to know Amer- ica. The American students have enjoyed meeting and living with the boys from other countries. We all understand a little more by doing and living things with those faraway countries. The 'Internationals" are anxi- ous to please, courteous, grateful and interesting, and often ex- tremely homesick and shy, so why not open our doors. My door is open to one and all. Letters to the Editor IV They had been thrown very closely to- gether, living out each moment of each day for twenty days in an immense and terrible intimacy. "What do you think of this Russian peace note and the way we kicked it around?" he asked. "What?" said George. "The Russian note. About wanting a peace talk." "Do they?" asked George. "When did that happen? I've been out of town." It was incredible, but George didn't know about it. He hadn't read the stories. Harry had a flash memory of a wall falling, and of George and himself, leaping. In those days George had known what was going on around him. "What do you think about Wallace?" asked Harry. "I don't think he'll get the nomina- tion," said George. "The Democrats will never take him . . . Hey, Harry. Remern- her that night we bunked in that wrecked cife, and found those two battles that hadn't been smashed?" For a moment, Harry had an odd feeling that something had struck nearby, that the walls of the little bar were about to go in, as that other wall had, long ago, and that George didn't know; that George, in terrible danger, was sitting there smiling. In the old days a jerk of the head would have been enough to tell him. They'd have responded as one. But he couldn't reach George now, not with any signal he could think of. He put out his hand to touch George's sleeve, as he had done once before on that very black night in the shattered woods. "Sharkskin, huh?" he said, as George looked up. "Very nice stuff," (Copyright 1948 New York Post Corporation) 1- 1 Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on theday preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). * * * Notices TUESDAY, MAY 17, 194 VOL. LVIII No. 160 Commencempnt Exercises will be held at 5 p.m., June 12, on Fer- ry Field, weather permitting, oth- erwise in Yost Field House. Tick- ets will be available for distribu- tion at the Information Desk, Room 1, University Hall, Thurs- day morning, May 27. Upon pre- sentation of identification card each eligible graduate may ob- tain not more than five tickets for Ferry Field and, owning to lack of space, not more than two for Yost Field House. -Herbrt G. Watkins, Secretary Student Accounts: Your atten- tion is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting on February 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each se- mester or summer session. Stu- dent loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regu- lation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt Any unpaid acccounts at the close of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the se- mester or summer session just completed will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued. ' "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to regis- ter in any subsequent semester or summer session until payment has been made." Herbert G. Watkins Secretary Assemblies, School of Forestry and Conservation: 9 a.m., May 18 and 19, Rackham Amphitheatre. G. A. Pearson, former director of the Southwestern Forest Experi- ment Station, U. S. Forest Serv- ice, will speak on the management of ponderosa pine. Students in the School of Forestry and Conserva- tion not having non-forestry con- flicts are expected to attend, and others interested are invited. Speech Assembly: The showing of "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" by the Department of Speech at 3 p.m., Wednesday, will be in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Veterans pursuing full - time courses in schools and colleges who are entitled to increased sub- sistence rates by reason of de- perdency have until July 1, to submit proof for retroactive pay- ments. If veterans submit evidence July 1, they will receive retroactive payments at the new rates back to April.Evidence received after that date will be effective the day of receipt. New rates now in effect allow veterans with one dependent the sum of $105 a month and $120 for those with more than one depen- dent. Single veterans receive $75. Eligible veterans now in school who are entitled to $75 or $105 do not have to apply because Veter- ans Administration offices have the information required to pay the increases automatically. Proof of additional dependency for the new increases consist of photostats or 'certified copies of birth in the case of dependent children and evidence of actual dependency in the case of de- pendent parents. Veterans athending school under Public Law 16 are reminded that 'eports of absence for the Spring Semester are due the first day of the final examination period, May 29, 1948. Absence report cards may be mailed or brought to the Veter- ans Service Bureau, 1514 Rack- ham Bldg. When no report is on file, the veteran's records are incomplete and leave cannot be approved un- til a statement from the institu- tion is obtained by the student certifying the amount of absence charged to him. Camp Positions: Men. Repre- sentative of Camp Davajo, private boys' camp near Brighton, Michi- gan, will be at the Bureau of Ap- pointments Thurs., May 20, to in- terview men for position of gen- eral counselor.. Experience - )Physical Education background preferred. For appointment, call at 201 Mason Hall or call exten- sion 371. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. The General Motors Proving Ground, Milford, Mich., has an opening for a man who can take shorthand to act as secretary to one of their executives. Com- plete details concerning the posi- tion may be obtained at the Bur- eau. The Provident Mutual Life In- surance Company will have a rep- resentative here on Wed., May 19, to interview men for sales posi- tions. Winkleman's Department Stores will have a representative here on Thurs., May 20, to interview men and women for their Execu- tive Training Program. They are also interested in talking- with students who are specializing in the accounting field who may be interested in auditor positions. Pennsylvania Mutual Life In- surance Company will have a rep- resentative here on Fri., May 21, to interview men for sales posi- tions. Maryland State Employment: We have received an announce- ment from the Maryland Depart- ment of State Employment for openings in the following fields- Social work, Laboratory science, Personnel, Engineering, Statistics, Teaching, Library science, Dietet- ics, Nutrition, Law, Forestry, Med- icine, Nursing, Occupational Ther- apy, Pharmacy, and Physical Therapy. The Navy Department, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, has sev- eral openings for graduate engi- neers including electrical', me - chanical, and civil. There are al- so openings for naval architects and marine engineers. Complete details are on file at the Bureau. The Kaiser-Frazer Corporation will have a representative here on Thurs., May 20, to interview men in Business Administration, ma- joring in accounting or finance who are interested in supervisory assignments in accounting for their training program. The U.S. Civil Service Commis- sion has openings for physicist, electronic engineer, and mechan- ical engineers. These positions are at the U.S.N. Underwater Sound Reference Laboratory, Or- (Continued on Page 5) Whose Money? To the Editor: DAILY EDITORIAL question- ed the source of funds for a half page advertisement by a cap- italistic organization. On the fol- lowing day a Communist organ- ization published a full page ad- vertisement. It is interesting to notice in this capitalistic country that a Communist organization can afford to run an advertise- ment twice as long as that of the questioned capitalistic organiza- tion. Is The Daily going to in- quire about the source of funds of the Ralph Neafus club? -William B. Chapman (EDITOR'S NOTE: Representatives of the Ralph Neafus were glad to re- veal the source of the funds for the full page ad when contacted by The Daily. Voluntary contributions, the treasury of the organization, and private bank accounts of members provided the necessary money.) * * * Makes Exception To the Editor: IN THE DAILY of Thursday, May 13, a letter was published signed by the Executive Commit- tee of the Ralph Neafus Club which roundly condemned the Mundt-Nixon Bill requiring reg- istration of any person belonging to any organization listed as sub- versive. I take exception to the statements made in this letter. This bill is obviously aimed at the Communists, but I say, "Why not?" The Communist Party is a world-wide organization, unlike the Republican or Democratic parties iri this country. In itself, this fact is not grounds for condemnation of the Com- munist Party but there is another fact to consider also. What is the )nnate character of this world- wide organization? Do the Com- munist parties in other countries exhibit a peaceful, non-subver- sive non-violent character? They do not. Events of the last few weeks pr-ove this. Was the government of Czechoslovakia taken overmby honest, peaceful means? No. Were the recent elections in Korea al- lowed to progress in a democratic manner? No. Has Russia adopted a cooperative attitude in Europe? No. Perhaps the recent events in Korea best portray why I con- demn the Communist Party. Two days before the election,hSouth- ern Korea was beset with riots, terror, and sabotage. Telephone and railroad services were dis- rupted. More than thirty-nine people were killed. Communist gangs terrorized election officials into quitting their posts. Most notable of all is the fact that in Northern Korea which is occupied by Soviet troops the elections were not even permitted. Do we want this sort of thing in our country? We certainly do not. Protestations of peaceful in- tentions mean nothing in this world. When Hitler walked into Czechoslovakia in 1938 he said he was going no farther. But he went when he saw the chance. So I say that until the Com- munist Party of the U.S. can So don't worry - loves you. ---Marion * * * somebody George prove that it has a clean slate, un- like its brothers in other coun- tries, it must be controlled. -Jack Mercado * * *5 Capsule Politics To the Editor: NOW THAT DAILY editorial writers have taken to attack- ing "capitalistic" cartoons, maybe they will look less askance at the comparable unearthing of Com- munistic propaganda in comic books. Privately, it is my opinion that the young 'uns are notably unimpressed by capsule politics in either cartoon or comics, and leave it to their indignant elders like Commissioner Toy of the De- troit Police Department and edi- torialist Aronson to uncover, bleak, subversive plots. Ineany case, the cartoon, "Make Mine Freedom," despite the ster- eotypy and promiscuous flag-way- ing, on the night I was there neither made nor implied any rash triticisms of the very touchy Wallace Progressives or "left wing Republicans and Democrats." They dil mention, perfunctorily I admit, that our system of free enterprise wasn't perfect. They did show graphically (and maybe Mr. Aronson just couldn't look any more by that time) the com- parative wealth and education of the United States with other countries, including the "capital- istic" ones. Admittedly a few leer- ing Rockefellers might have been introduced to preserve the illusion of impartiality. Even a bedraggled character from Clifford Odets might have been hauled in to touch childish hearts, and still have keptthe cartoon under fea- ture length. But talk about hysteria, Aron- son-,arent't the "genuine liber- als" going to let the Doakes to Doakesmobile "capitalists" blow their horn even a little bit? Every system has its virtues. (I dare in- clude both Communism and capi- talism.) Maybe you could concede that occasionally Joe Doakes does become J. Pierpont Doakes. And some people, of course, like that. After all, in five or ten minutes, a subject aimed at the lollipop trade cannot lay bare world eco- nomics.- I don't know. Maybe it is all WalldStreet propaganda. Maybe Hollywood, which has already been purged of Un-Americans, ought to be investigated for Un- Genuine Liberals. "Mr. Disney, are you now or have you ever been a member of the Stock Ex- change?" (Hisses from the Prole- tariat). -Bill Wiegand. Fifty-Eighth Year 1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Bader the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell .......Managing Editor Dick Malay...............City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dalles .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz........... Associate Editor Fred Schott.,....... Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes ................. Librarian Business Staff Nancy Helmick .......General Mana&R Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. FPauance Manager Dick Halt.......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publicatiun of all news dispatched credited to it o otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class matl matter. Subscription during the regulas school year by carrier, $5.00, by masl "6.00. Member Assciated Collegiate Pres 1947-48 Looking Back From the pages of The Daily TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY: The Senior Ball made its annual appear- ance, decked out in a formal garden theme. A record crowd of more than 275 couple danced from nine to two at the Union. The Naked Truth, which had the distinc- tion of being banned in several eastern cit- BARNABY . . A wire from the foundation!... They want t guess they just wouldn'f 'ri- Of course! The foundation ;_It . :...L TL. I ' tfi