WHAT YOU CAN [e) LY it 4 aii4 FAIR WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VLL. LVIH, No. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Dewey Hits, Campus A claits New - ' r* '7 A Seek U, .S Conference Stassen Lauus Mundt Bill Debate Whether To Outlaw Reds PORTLAND, Ore., May 17-(/P) -Republican Presidential aspir- ants Thomas E. Dewey and liar- old Stassen took sharp issue to- night on whether the Mundt Bill would outlaw the Communist Party. Dewey, a foe of legislation to outlaw Communist organizations, claimed the bill would not make the Communist Party illegal. r The bill is now before Congress. Stassen avowed his support of the bill and said it would "out- law the Communist Party." He qualified his stand for the legislation by saying that certain provisions go "beyond what I have .4 advocated." The two contenders for the Re- publican presidential nomination s debated their stands on Commu- nism over a coast-to-coast radio hookup. Dewey said that Willian Z. Foster, head of the American Communist Party, and Stassen maintain the Mundt Bill would outlaw the Communists. He then quoted from the report of the House Un-American Activi- ties Committee in purported refu- tation of Stassen's claim. He said the House Committee has been doing "a fine, solid American job. It has been doing a fine job of exposing the Commu-' nists." The report of the committee, Dewey continued, rejected the idea of outlawing the Commu- nist Party: He said the report gave these reasons: 1. It would drive the Commu- nist~s further underground. W('1 need to expose them. 2. Outlawing has not been ef- fective in other countries. 3. We could not criticize other totalitarian nations for their ac- tions if we adopt similar mea- ures. Rights Group Hits Mundt Bill With Message The Washtenaw County Com- mittee for Democratic Rights took another swing yesterday at the proposed Mundt Anti-Subversive Activities Bill now before Con- gress. A fifth telegram opposing the legislation was sent to Rep. Earl C. Michener, (Rep., Mich.) signed by 18 professors and 49 others, Prof. Wilfred Kaplan, of the math- ematics department, co-chairman of the group, announced. The number who have now registered their opposition to the measure to- tals 67 professors and 159 others. Included on the latest list are: Prof. J. Albaladejo, Prof. William Egly, Prof. M. Greenhut, Prof. James B. Griffin, Prof. Theodore Heger, Prof. Edgar G. Johnstoni, Prof. George M. McEwen, Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin, Prof. and Mrs. A. H. Marckwardt, Prof. Bruno Meinecke, Prof. K. Schar- enberg, Prof. Roy Sellars, Prof. M. Senstius, Prof. . L. Sharfman, Prof. W. W. Sleator, Prof. Charles Stevenson, Prof. R. C. Boys and Prof. and Mrs. Donald D. Brand. Also: Dr. John D. Ainslie, Mr. and Mrs. S. Albritten, John M. Altman, L. Beberfall, Catherine Benker, Joseph and Helen Craf- ton, Sidney and Freda Davidson, R. F. Defendini and Mrs. Myrtle Dickson. Others included are: Mrs. Luella Duncan, Robert J. Eastman, Her- man and Doris Epstein and Mil- dred and Ellen Hinsdale. The list continues with: Harold and Lois Levinson, Dr. W. M. Kin- caid, Dr. Bruce Lockhart, Mr. and Mrs. K. McKean, Robert Mac- Veety Jr., Malcolm E. Miller, Mrs. Nellie Monamus, G. and A. Rab- son, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Arnold Shapiro, Mrs. C. W. Spoon- er, D. L. Steele, R. C. Steele, R. and E. Stevens, Daniel Suits, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Swander, Robert War- ner, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitman. 'Ensian Arrival UlU1ix~ w ar Mvenwri - By LEON JAROFF A wave of enthusiastic and unanimous approval swept the stu- dent body yesterday as The Daily extra announcing the Phoenix Proj- ect hit the campus. Standard topics of conversation were forgotten temporarily as !I students, impressed with the importance of the announcement, gath- ered to discuss the event that had placed Ann Arbor on the front page of every newspaper in the country.- A spot poll, taken by The Daily a few hours after the news broke, revealed that only one of the 52 students interviewed had no idea woalimn la what the Poenix Project was. Some typical comments follow: Shirley Balbot '51: "This is the most worthwhile and construc- tive project undertaken by any university for the preservation of civil- ization. I'm proud to be a student at a university that is taking such * *progressive steps."Iy I k-- ,l * * * * 4 viets (claims i s srmes Israel Recognize juwiSh State . LS&A Ilaicllly Will Support New Project The University's proposed war memorial, in the form of an atomic research center, is enthus- iastically backed by the literary college faculty, Dean Lloyd S. Woodburne, secretary of the school's executive committee, said yesterday. "The project was approved be- cause it offers a chance to coordi- nate research in both atomic en- ergy and its effects on our econo- mic systems and social ethics," Dean Woodburne declared. Source of' Good Development of peace-time uses for atomic power will have reper- cussions on all fields of knowl- edge, Dean Woodburne said. For that reason the future University war memorial could be one of the most remarkable sources of good for the whole country, if properly handled. "Atomic energy can revolution- ize both science and social sci- ence," Dean Woodburne declared. "This University would be a fine location for further research, be- cause of its wide range of studies." Dean Woodburne also welcomed the project as a way of keeping atomic science out of the spoils of government. "Scientists I have talked -to are uneasy about the uses to which atomic energy will be put. They are worried that re- search will be affected by political differences." Politicians "People will have to re-evaluate social ethics and responsibility to keep up to date with the implica- tions of atomic energy," Dean Woodburne declared. "Unless all atomic research is thrown into the ocean, there can be no more of the current 'dog-eat-dog' phi- losophy." Sigma Rho Tau To Meet Here The annual national convention of Sigma Rho Tau, Engineers' Stump Speakers Society, will be held here Saturday, with the Al- pha chapter acting as hosts. Prof. R. B. Morrison will wel- come the delegates at the first ses- sion, to be held at 10 a.m. Satur- day. Daniel C. Wilkerson, patent at- torney for General Motors Cor- poration, will talk on "Preserva- tion of Human Speech" at 6 p.m. Saturday. Tickets for the Society's banquet to be held at this time may be ob- tained from Art Pears at 2-7077, from Prof. Robert D. Brackett, Ext. 570, or from any member of Sigma Rho Tau. David Stremmel '49: "It is a triIie positive approach to our problem and should be very effective." William Anderson: "I hope the students of the University give * eWS the project their full support and rFZl make the rest of the nation con- r Dro scious of it." Billy Van Dyke '48: "Sounds MOSCOW, U atomic-I'm willing to give my last Soviet Govern nickel to the Phoenix Project." tonight its offic Jo German '48: "I'm going to the new Jewish Europe early this fall and I'm go- Recognition o ing to try to spread the news set up in Pales around that part of the world." accorded by the Charles Bittinger, Grad: ment at the r "Sounds like a tremendous proj- Shertok, foreign ect, but it's difficult to see how raei. such an ambitious undertaking Soviet Foreig will be carried out." Molotov replie Betty Clark '49: "The students Shertok that" should really want to pitch in and of the U.S.S.R help, with the promise of such recognize offic magnificent results in the offing." Israel and its Meanwhile, Dean Erich A. Wal- enment." ter suggested that students do as Meanwhile, A much as possible to further the f rom Cairo said Phoenix Project. He advised them armies have pen arn wn 500 May 17-(,P)--The ment announced cial recognition of State of Israel. of the new state tine Saturday was e Russian govern- equest of Moshe n minister of Is- gn Minister V. M. d in a note to "The governmentj . has decided to ially the state of provisional gov- Arab dispatches d today that Arab penetrated north- Wallace Note To Be Basis Of Discussion Stalin Calls Plan 'Step Forward' LONDON, May 17-Prime Min- ister Stalin said tonight Russia is ready, if the United States is will- ing, to negotiate the differences between the two nations on the basis of recent proposals to him by Henry A. Wallace. Stalin was replying to Wallace's "open letter" which the third par- ty presidential candidate ad-~ dressed to the Russian Prime Min- ister at a recent political rally in New York. Stalin's answer was broadcast by the Moscow radio and distributed here by the Soviet monitor. "I do not know whether the LAST DAYS-Advertising Manager Jeanne Swendeman, Managing Editor John Campbell, and General Business Staff Manager Nancy Helmick will spend their last day on the staff of The Daily today. Miss Swendeman intends to go into advertising work in either New York or Chicago. Campbell will continue his studies in the engineering college next year. Miss Helmick hopes to carry on her work in newspaper promotion in Chicago. J to keep in touch with the publicity on the Project so that they know LAKE SUCCESS, May 17- the fund-raising chairmen when (/P)-The United States and they are announced. Russia joined today in a demand Dean Walter also stressed the that the United Nations order importance of spreading the news the war stopped in Palestine. of the Project far and wide. He U. S. Delegate Warren R. Aus- recommended that students write tin, with last-minute instruc-1 letters to their home town news- tions from Washington, told the+ papers and enclose copies of the Security Council the situation + special edition of The Daily. was a threat to world peace. * * * - -.__ - .- - - - - - - eastern Palestine in an operation Atom which could determine control of1 that fertile region. The area nowt D e bis claimed by the new Jewish state is ss bof Israel. (A Jewish source in Haifa an- jJ cien'tJiisnounced that "up to 500 Arab1 troops were drowned" when theI Jews opened a hydro-electric damt Coming close on the heels of and flooded a plain south of the the announcement of the Phoenix Sea of Galilee. The source said Project, a discussion of atomic en- Arab soldiers with tanks and1 ergy provided a timely program heavy equipment were trapped byt for last night's meeting of the As- the flood.) sociation of University of Mich- The penetration coincides igan Scientists. with an advance the Arab high- Prof. George E. Uhlenbeck of er executive office said the the physics department led a brief Egyptian army has made in the discussion period, and expressed south to within 30 miles of Tel the opinion that Russian isola- Aviv, the temporary capital of tion was largely responsible for Israel.1 the failure of the UN to agree A Jewish commander in the n a method of controlling atomic Acre area said Haganah troops- energy. had swept into the ancient Arab A broad international agree- coastal town and penned in an ment on world peace problems estimated 4,000 Arabs in the old would cause the atomic energyE walled city. problemutobecome rather trivial, They attacked, he said, from according to a statement made nearby Napoleon Hill, a point by Prof. G. S. Young of the math- from which Napoleon himself ematics department. once tried unsuccessfully to storm Two films dealing with the basic Acre. The town is the key to Jew-i principles of atomic energy were ish highway communication with shown to the group at the close northern settlements. of the discussion period. Jewish mortar fire from Napol- When asked about their reac- eon Hill was employed to protect{ tions to the recent announcement Jewish convoys passing throughi of the Phoenix Project, most of the town and to silence Arab snip- the scientists felt that a memorial ing from rooftops in the old city of this sort would be most appro- area. priate. -- Prof. H. J. McFarlane of the i1 1TJ , The Mundt Bill, now before the House of Representatives is dan- gerous because it is so vague, ac- cording to Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department. Speaking at a meeting of the Michigan Committee for Aca- demic Freedom, Slosson stated that the Mundt Bill does not de- fine what constitutes a fellow traveler or a Communist front or- ganization. Under its provisions, he said, people with the best of intentions may find, to their surprise that they are registering as Commu- nists. Jack Geist, former chairman of the American Veterans Commit- tee, stated that the Mundt Bill is dangerous because it legalizes the activities of the House Un-Amer- ican Affairs Committee.I "I would like to see Commu- nists come out as such," Geist said, "but the feeling against them at the present time is such that they cannot." In a report presented to MCAF Violence Hits Picket Lines UAW-CIO Hints at New GM Walkout DETROIT, May 17 - OP)- A flurry of picket line violence punctuated the six-day Chrysler strike today as the CIO United Auto Workers threatened General Motors with a second post-war strike. Governor Kim Sigler ordered state police reenforcements into suburban Highland Park to help quell an outbreak of fist fighting, rock throwing and other incidents at a Chrysler plant. The flare-up was short lived. The governor acted as the CIO United Auto Workers sought to tighten their grip on 16 strike- bound Chrysler plants and talked of plans to call out 225,000 Gen- eral Motors employes within a fortnight. A walkout in 0 General Motors plants across the nation is a "very good possibility" unless a contract dispute is settled by May 28, said T. A. Johnstone, acting head of the UAW's GM department. on the activities of the Callahan Committee, Geist charged that the Committee makes accusations without facts to back them up. "The Committee pre-judges its cases," he said, "then hears the testimonies, but they don't listen to* the facts presented." Geist declared that the petition drive initiated all over the state to outlaw the Callahan Act will probably be successful. State Attorney General Eugene Black has already declared the Act unconstitutional. If this ac- tion is not effective, the validity of the Callahan Act will be tested at the polls next November when the people of the state will have an opportunity to vote on it. lHichiga mua Eyes Paleface When out from the paleface wigwamf From behind the staring moon-! face Came the slow and solemn five booms TFelling that the evening spirit Wanders over the woods and meadows, Lights the campfires of the heavens, Then the Michigamua warriors In their feathers and their warpaint Soon will gather 'round the oak tree 'Round the ,oak tree called the Tappan There to greet the trembling palefaces. Many in number wait the bidding Of the loud rejoicing redskins For before they take the long trail To the home of Michigamua Many trials and many tortures First must prove their strength and courage Ere the redman bids them wel- come, Ere he calls each paleface "Indian," Ere the peace pipe smoke goes skyward. AIM President Named Chuck Hooker was elected pres- ident of the Association of Inde- pendent Men last night. The lesser officers will be ap- pointed later. MCAF MEETING: Prof. Slosson Hits Vagueness Of Mundt Bill's Provisions lDouse Reveals New Plans for Super Carrier Huge Ship Receives Sub-Committee OK WASHINGTON, May 17--()- A House Committee which pre- viously approved an air force it hopes will be the world's most powerful today cleared the way for the Navy to build the largest ship ever launched. The Air Force Bill eventually was passed by both House and Senate and waits only President Truman's signature. , The measure approved unani- mously by the House Armed Serv- ices Subcommittee today would enable the Navy to get started on a 65,000 ton aircraft carrier al- most half again the size of pres- ent ships of that type. Largest Ship Navy authorities said the su- per-carrier would be the largest ship of any type ever built. Its cost would be about $124,000,000. Construction will take four years, although this could be shortened in an emergency. The carrier would be about 10 feet longer than the Normandie, former French luxuary liner. It would have a waterline length of 1,030 feet, Bombers Presumably, m~itiple - engine bombers capable of carrying an atomic bomb thousands of miles could take off from its flight deck. In order to get started on the huge ship, the subcommittee ap- proved a Navy plan to stop work on 13 unfinished ships, diverting about $229,000,000 for the carrier, and several vessels designed to launch guided missiles. To Take Up Bill The full committee will take the bill up next, probably tomorrow. The nation's top military lead- ers all approve the super carrier project, a letter from Secretary of Defense Forrestal to Rep. Hess (Rep., Ohio) said. Forrestal said the President and the Budget Bu- reau military planners also favor the project. It was formally pro- posed by Navy Secretary Sullivan last week. United States government ap- proves of Mr. Wallace's program as a basis for agreement between the U.S.S.R. and the United States," Stalin said, "As far as the government of the U.S.S.R. is concerned, it con- siders that Mr. Wallace's program could serve as a good and fruitful basis for such an agreement and for the development of interna- tional cooperation." Stalin said the Soviet govern- ment considered the "co-exdst-. ence" of the United States and the Russian systems as both possible and necessary, "despite the differ- ence in the economic systems and ideologies." "It is possible to agree or to disagree with the program of Mr. Wallace," Stalin said, "But one thing is, nievertheless, be- yond doubt; there is no states- man for peace and cooperation -among the peoples who can ig- nore this program." "It reflects the hopes and striv- ings of the peoples towards con- solidation of peace, and it doubt- less will have the support of mil- lions of ordinary peoples," he con- tinued. Stalin derided the "inadequacy" of the recent diplomatic exchange between the two governments. On May 4, U. S. ambassador Walter B. Smith conferred with Soviet foreign minister V. M. Molotov. Molotov replied May 9 that the Soviet Union was "in agreement" with an American proposal for "discussion and settlement" of mutual differences. * * * U. S. Silent to Stalin's Offer Await Meaning of Russian Proposals WASHINGTON, May 17-(/P)-- The White House and State De- partment were silent tonight on Premier Josef Stalin's offer to ne- gotiate a settlement with the United States, and the capital generally kept its fingers crossed,. They were waiting to see wheth- er Stalin's remarks represent: 1. An attempt to befuddle and confuse the United States and thereby weaken its hand, or 2. A genuine change in the Rus- sian tactics which have led to one impasse after another in interna- tional gatherings called to straighten out a war-torn world. For example, Senator Connally (Dem., Tex.), ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told a reporter: "If Premier Stalin's proposal is a renewal of an offer to negoti- ate in accordance with Ambassa- dor Smith's conversations, I feel the United States will be glad to enter into negotiations for a peaceful settlement of our differ- ences." Eleven New Initiates 11V4~~~~~. . L - aa 1 civil engineering department stated that the project is "fine if it will work out as it has been planned." This opinion was shared by several of the other scientists questioned.I ATOM ROUNDUP: Eniwetok Tests Successful-; UN Aton GroupDisbands counc otes To Dismantle Local Theatre The Ann Arbor Common Coun- cil at a regular meeting last night approved a bid submitted by theI Capitol City Wrecking Co., of Lansing, for the dismantling of the Majestic Theatre on Maynard St. A request by the Washtenaw County Progressives for Wallacel for use of the Common Council chambers was deferred until May 25. Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., will ascertain whether the cham- ber will be available at that time and so inform the group, The meeting will be for the purpose of electing officers and discussing civil liberties. A motion to deny the Progres- sives use of the hall because of the requirements of Council com- mittee meetings was defeated 8-5., By The Associated Press The government today an- nounced completely successful tests of three improved atomic weapons, in what was described as a "milestone in atomic devel- opment." Secrecy cloaked all details of what may well be tremendous de- velopments beyond the A-bomb which wrote new history in the horrors of war by wrecking Hiro- shima August 6, 1945. Oral Report Today's report came from the White House after Chairman Da- It was Lilienthal who today de- scribed the new tests as a mile- stone in atomic progress. There has been unofficial spec- ulation that a guided missile with an atomic warhead was being de- veloped. Also, the Smythe report on the wartime development of the bomb mentioned the possibil- ity of producing radioactive pois- ons that. might be used like poison gas. Control Agreement Fails Meanwhile the United Nations ON THE FOOD FRONT: Children of Europe Are Hunger Army By ALICE BRINKMAN The largest army in the world today is the army of hungry children battling for survival on the food front. of Warsaw. A meal for a dog is more than 8 children get daily in Athens. The attack is on a world-wide of the United Nations, to raise the necessary funds. The "quarter-master corps," re- sponsible for distribution of sup-