SATI-TRIDAY, MAY fro, IF)48 'T I 11CHIC-A V I A II UV ; ' T R D Y, A Y 15'118 T 1 ' M1R I C H U I A N 1 JJ A T T V PAGE r. Local Station To Hal- McIntyre Will Be Band Master at Al I-Cam pus Dance Station WHRV will make a local broadcast of a portion of Sunioi Ball to be presented from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, May 22. The dance is for the entire campus and will be semi-formal although the committee declared men who have tuxedos should come formal. In accordance with the present dance policy no one except members of the central committee will wear corsages. Hal McIntyre and his orchestra will provide dance musics and entertainment for students. The broadcast program and arrangements will be handled by John Carroll. Decorations for the final senior fling will follow modern lines. Huge wall murals will depict appropriate incidents from college life - - and colorful clusters of balloons Broadcast from Senior Ball, May I 2 2) FOR THE BRIDE: z-.j J Majors Sponsor Playday Today A playday will be sponsored for high school senior girls from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at the WAB by the women's physical education department and club. About seventy girls are coming to this "U. Major Day," from a vicinity of fifty miles of Ann Ar- bor. They will be entertained with a luncheon and tea at WAB, fol- lowed by skits and original demon- :trations of tumbling and dancing by physical education majors. Dr. Bell of the department and Dean Lloyd will give short talks. The visiting students will par- ticipate in several periods of sports; softball, volleyball, tennis and golf punting. In event of rain, games will be played inside the WAB. General co-chairmen of the event are Ruth Barton and Naidal Chernow. will add atmosphere. At intermis- sion the balloons will be released from the ceiling on the crowd of dancers. A refreshment bar will be set up out of doors, weather permitting, and tables will be provided where couples and groups may sit out a few dances and visit over cokes and gingerale. Senior Ball ticket sales are open now and will remain open until the day before the dance at the ticket booth in Univer- sity Hall. The purchaser of every hundredth ticket will re- ccive a ten per cent discount on the ticket price, according to Lucy Kennedy, publicity chairman. The committee sent out post cards to all senior men -to remind them of Senior Ball, and that the dance is sponsored by their class. Book marks are being distributed around campus bearing a calen- dar of May and extending an in- vitation from the senior class to all students. HOBBY SHOW-William Kieter examines model ships at a Chicago high school hobby show. Annual Lantern Night Program Will Include Song Fest, March. Twenty-five houses will offer their best in song at the annual Lantern Night festivities to be held Monday evening. Preceding the traditional sing, which will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium, coeds will parade around the campus square follow- ing the University marching band and the leaders in women's activ- ities. Line of March This high point in the women's year will begin at 6:45 p.m. when coeds will line up in front of An- I . -~~~~. ------~~~ _________~ ._--.--. ---______ ---- gell Hall in traditional fashion, with seniors in caps and gowns forming a center line and two un- derclassmen on each side. Hair- bows-yellow for juniors, red for sophomores and green for fresh- men will be the order of garb. Leading the parade will be Sarah Simmons, president of the League; Betty Eaton, president of WAA; Sally Stamats, president of Panhellenic Association; Irma Ei- chorn, president of Assembly; Jo Reuland, interviewing chairman and Betty Hahneman, chairman of Judiciary Council. Judging Points To the winner of the song con- test, this will be judged on inter- pretation and artistic effect, in- tonation, accuracy, rhythm, tone and diction, will be awarded -a cup. Gwen Sperlich, president of WAA, will make the presentation. Dr. Bell will award the partici- pation cup and honor certificates for respective league house, dor- mitory and sorority divisions. During both the program Ruth Spore, president of the Women's Glee Club, will lead community singing. Delegates Chosen Dan Hegyan and Dick Stolle have been chosen as the Michigan delegates to the Phi Kappa Tau midwestern convention to be held today at Michigan State College. The Michigan Phi Kappa Tau chapter was reactivated last June and this will be their first partici- pation in the conference since the war. The summer colors of lipstick and polish are light. Even with evening wear outstanding dark shades look best only with that wintry white look. Fraternities To Present MiamiTriad Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi Join Forces To Observe Establishment Miami Triad, a dance given by Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, and Beta Theta Pi, will be held from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday, May 22. The dance was originated at Mi- ami University, Oxford, Ohio, where the three fraternities were first established. It has now be- come an annual affair on most campuses where the three frater- nities are active. The purpose of its establishment was to bring about a closer feeling and rela- tionship between the different fraternities. A dinner will be held at the Al- lenel immediately preceding the dance. In order to promote better inter-fraternity relations, and so that guests may become acquaint- ed with each other, dinner places have been arranged in such a way that a member of one fraternity and his date will sit between mem- bers of the other two fraternities. Freddy Warren and his band, who are coming from Detroit will play music for the formal dance which will be held at the Washte- naw Country Club. Approximate- ly 150 couples will be served re- freshments planned by Houston Burdette, a local caterer. The can- dle-lit tables will be set upon the porch and willl be decorated with the fraternities' colors and crests. Arrangements for the affair are in charge of Jo Seamon and Wes Tebeau of Sigma. Chi, Bill Rush and Phil Buekema of Phi Delta Theta and Dave Hunting and Don Ruschman of Beta Theta Pi. Sigma Alpha Mu Celebrates 25th Anniversary Here Sigma Alpha Mu rolled out the welcome carpet to over 50 visit- ing alumni yesterday as their weekend commemorating the 25th year on campus got into full swing. Today the weekend continue with a picnic and outing at the Island featuring an alum-active baseball game. The evening dinner will be split into two sections, a stag banquet at the Michigan Union for the men and an informal supper at the fraternity house for the visit- ing women. Following the meals there will be an informal dance at the Michigan Union. The weekend will wind up tomorrow with a mock house meeting and a brunch for the almost 200 alums and visi- tors. Pledge Classes To Cooperate I On 'Premiere' The sorority pledge classes, un- der the sponsorship of the Panhel- lenic Association, will present an informal, all - campus dance "Pledge Premiere." from 9 p.m. to midnight today in the League ball- room. The dance is being given as the annual pledge project instead of the tea that has been given in for-' mer years. Fran Wine-Gar and his "Pipes of Fran," the regular Casbah or- chestra will play for the affair. Decorations will be based on the flowers of the sororities. The program for the floorshow will include a chorus line for "Frankie and Johnny." Ginger Ellis and Scotty Gladden will be soloists. Tickets for the dance are avail- able in the League Undergraduate Office. They may also be obtained in the separate sorority houses. Any profits from the dance will be donated to the Fresh Air Camp. Muriel Lester To Be Honored Muriel Lester House coeds, "the typical campus co-op," will meet their namesake Muriel Lester, the noted English social worker and pacifist, at a tea to be given in her honor at 4 p.m. today. Muriel Lester, present interna- tional secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and friend of the late Mohandis K. Gandhi, will be on campus this weekend for the first time in eight years; and will see for the first time the coopera- tive house founded in 1940 after Miss Lester had spoken here. After their inspired beginning, the "Lester" cooperative was chos- en in 1943 by Saturday Evening Post in a story as the "typical campus co-op." They are pres- ently located at 1102 Oakland. By JEAN RUSS 1/THl JUNE approaching fast and furiously, a coed's thoughts turn to finals and weddings - and of course. to the problem of presents to the bride. Something which would be more original to give than the usual run-of-the-nill. gifts are personalized paper products, such as napkins, coasters, and matches. These can be printed with the name of the bride and groom, her initials, or anything else that comes to mind. IF THE GIFT should be a more personal one why not try Bo- hemian glass perfume bottles for her dressing table. If you happen to be familiar with the lucky gal's Emphasize Personal Touch In Shower Gift Suggestions taste in art, get one of her fa- vorite prints. Silver ware is always thought of as a traditional gift for the bride, but gifts in silver need not be dull. For something different and amusing give a sterling silver pepper mill, or corn cob holders. Wedding ring ashtrays with the name of the bride and groom and the date of the wedding engraved on the inside are somnething out of the ordinary. Cigarette holders are useful gifts for chain-smok- ing friends. One unusual one comes in the shape of a Roman chariot. Another is shaped like a silent butler. Other intriguing gifts in silver are candle-snuffers, bells, and crumnbers. SUSIE SHOPPER on a SPREE yI . e iI/J OH!0OH! The day is almost here and I know there is something 0 \. I've forgotten. Cap and gown? No. Date for senior ball? No. Tha t . . . Graduation announcements and J Personalized calling cards!! I'm on my way to ... -74CRAFT PRESS 330 MAYNARD STarr Phone 8805 VILLAGE CHURCH FELLOWSHIP Interdenominational University Community Center, Willow Run Village Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain Mrs. James Larson, Director, Sacred Music 9:00 A.M. Episcopal Communion Service. Rev. John Burt in charge. 10:45 A.M. Divine Worship. "The Experience In The Upper Room". Nursery and Primary Church School at Church Hour. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw W. P. Lemon, D.D., Minister Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. Whitsunday Sermon by Dr. Lemon, "The Beyond With- in," 5:00 P.M. Westminister Guild will meet. Rev. Chester Loucks from the Baptist Guild will be the speaker on "Protestant Sects in the United States." MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) Hill and Tappan F. E. Zendt, Minister to Congregation Mr. Howard Farrar, Choir Director 10:50 A.M.--Morning Worship. Nursery for children during the service. GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street 7:40 A.M.-Daily Meditation Services in the Chapel. 9:40 A.M.-Bible Study. H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students Jean Garee, Assistant in Student Work. The Congregational-Disciples Guild will meet at 6:00 P.M. for supper in the Congrega- tional Church. The evening will be spent discussing "World Crisis" closing a series of programs on that subject. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and William Streets Minister--Reverend Leonard A. Parr, D. D. Student Ministry-Reverend H. L. Pick- erill, Assistant, Miss Jean Garee. Director of Music-Mr. Wayne Dunlap. Organist, Mrs. Mary Gwin. 10:45 A.M. Public worship. The subject of Dr. Parr's sermon is " 'Put Yourself In His Place' ". 6:00 P.M Cong regational Disciples Guild Supper. 'The indaiviual and the World Crisis". Discussion led by Wym Price. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division at Catherine 8:00 A. . Holy Communion 9:00 A.M. Holy Communion (followed by student breakfast in Canterbury House. Reservations 2-4097). 11:00 A.M. Junior Church. 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer. Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis. 5:30 P.M. Canterbury Club Supper and Dis- cussion, Canterbury House (218 N. Divi- sion St.). Dr. James P. Adams, Provost of the University, will discuss "Religion and Education." Reservations for supper 2-4097. 8:00 P.M. Special Whitsunday Service of Evening Prayer with music by the Schola Cantorum, Episcopal Student Choir. Wednesday, 7:15 A.M. Holy Communion (followed by student breakfast, Canter- bury House. Reservations, 2-4097). Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Seminar on "Christian Doctrine," Canterbury House. Friday, 4:00-6:00 P.M. Open House at Cant- erbury House.. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER 1511 Washtenaw Avenue Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) Sunday, May 16th: Annual Parents' Day. Ser- vices at 9:45 and 11:00 A.M., with Whit- sunday sermon by the pastor, "Quench Not The Spirit." Supper of Gamma Delta, Luthran Studnt Club, at 5:30. Wednsday, 4 to 5: Coffee Hour. GRACE BIBLE CHURCH State and Huron Rev. Harold J. DeVries, Pastor 10:00 A.M.-University Bible Class. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. "Studies in First Corinthians." 6:15 P.M.-Grace Bible Guild Supper. 7:30 P.M.-Evening Service. "Hidden Treas- tr-e." FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 512 East Huron Rev. C. IH. Loucks, Minister Roger Williams Guild House 502 East Huron 10:00 Bible study class. Review of the New Testament. 11:00 Church worship. Sermon, "What Do You Think?," by Rev. Loucks. 6-8 Guild Program. Dr. W. P. Lemon of the First Presbyterian Church will give his "Advice on Marriage." .and Ears 2% Current Rate Savings insured to $5,000. Any amount opens your account. ANN -ARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSN. 116 N. Fourth Avenue Opposite the Assets Over Court House $11,000,000 I She sauntered to EIBLER'S at 308 State When to her mind came sister Kate Graduation was due, it was a fact What's more appropriate than a gold compact? Her heart was beating with just reason For Spring was the "Cotton Pickin'Season" And she knew where to find a fresh and big crop, Why of course, at the ELIZABETH DILLON SHOP. -J ----r i CAMPU S RALLY Commemorating the Establishment of the New Jewish State With the ending of the British Mandate in Palestine on May 15S, a new and more promising chapter in Jewish history is begun. It is a well deserved victory for a people who have struggled against untold odds to finally emerge as a recognized and respected nation of the world. Celebrating this momentous event, an afternoon program including prominent speakers and a dramatic presentation will be presented by the Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of America. All are cordially invited to attend. The summer heat gave her a fear But to CALKINS-FLETCHER she began to steer "QUICK CHANGE" liquid finish by Lucien Lelong She knew for sure she couldn''t go wrong. A Flattie clearance at RANDALL'S, they said Only 4.98 -in, brown, green and red Oh, what a joy such shoes will be Now she can be as short as he Susie had heard the whole town was buzzin About the new white blouses featured at COUSIN'S Trimmed with eyelet and lace at a reasonable rate That could be worn for school or a date. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Michigan League Ballroom Reading Room, 211 n m ast Washington 10:30 A.M.-Sunday Lesson Sermon. Subject: Mortals and Immortals. 11:45 A.M.-Sunday School. 8:00 P.M.-Wednesday evening testimonial meeting. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Ministers-James Brett Kenna and Robert H. Jongeward Music-Lester McCoy, director Mary McCall Stubbins, organist Student Activities-Doris E. Reed, director 10:45 A.M. Sermon topic, "Some Musts for the Church" by Dr. James Brett Kenna. 5:30 P.M. Westland Guild. Student Panel will discuss "God and the Day's Work." I 11 11 i 11 I I I I