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May 15, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-15

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t11 l1 'f l l. t Y' lllr

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Chance Wort Taking

THE COOLNESS and suspicion with whichy
our State Department has greeted
Russia's announced willingness to partici-
pete in a conference with the U. S. is diffi-
to comprehend.
True, Moscow Radio's disclosure of the
supposedly-confidential exchange of notes
between U. S. Ambassador Walter B. Smith
and Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov
was a breach of accepted diplomatic eti-
quette. Granted that the proposed discus-
sion may be a mere 100 to 1 chance in the
scruggle to avert a third and perhaps fatal
third world war, it is, however, a chance, and
therefore worth taking.
Whether or not w proposed a meeting
is of little consequence. That Russia isj
ready and willing to participate in a
meeting is what matters.
President Truman's assertion that Stalin
must come to Washington if any discussion
is to be held resembles the demand of aj
stubborn boy rather than the sincere at-
tempt of a President of the U. S. to avoid
catastrophe. Secretary of State Marshall's
declaration that Russia should conduct any
desired negotiations through the UN clearly
betrays our policy of advocating the UN
when expedient and circumventing it other-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
ire written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

With the discordant beat of war drums
already sounding in our ears, there is little
place for false national pride, which ap-
pears to be the chief reason for our State
Department's lack of enthusiasm about the
suggested talks.
Evidently, the picture of the T. S., the
strongest nation on earth, rbquesting the
Soviet to take part in a conference to
"find a way of establishing good and ra-
tional relations" and ending the "tense
state of relations" is too embarrassing
for some of our chauvinistic politicians to
bear. That we, as a peace-loving people,
should be nroud and eager to initiate an
action which might help preserve and
solidify the peace obviously has not been
Russia has scored a great propaganda vic-
tory by our refusal to accept the proferred
peace pipe. American loss of prestige is well
evidenced by the scathing criticism being
heaped on us by European newspapers, even
those professedly anti-Soviet. Our belliger-
ent attitude has been a cruel blow to the
hopes of the little people of Europe who have
suffered the ravages of war for so long and
who live in daily fear of another devastating
war between the world's two most powerful
Ambassador Smith's exchange with Molo-
tov included the statement, "As far as the
U. S. is concerned, the door is always wide
open for full discussion and composing of
our differences."

Now is the time to post the
sign over that door.


_-lBuddy Aronson
Optit Organitzalton

With perfectly justified indignation, a
number of students on campus have formed
an organization to fight the Mundt Bill, now
before Congress.
This student action is fine, but the
mere fact that these people had to form
a new "Temporary" organization to carry
out their specific aims, proves that some-
thing is lacking' among the students hee
at Michigan.
And that something is an organ through
which students can make their opinion felt
on all major issues on which they have
crystalized ideas. There is no such group
row functioning On campus. All we have
now, as I have said before, is a group of al-
phabet organizations which although capa-
ble of carrying out their own aims, are not
capable of serving as a fountainhead for stu-
dent opinion.
MCAF started out to fulfill this function,
but became bogged down in parliamentary
procedure (many thanks to certain elements
which were still more interested in their
own ends than in freedom of thought). The

campus has been left adrift. It has become
necessary to activate a new organization,
with all the organizational limitations of
new groups, every timd students want to "say
The Student Legislature has made an
attempt to set up some sort of machinery
to get involved groups together when
something happens, but this machinery is
so loose that it is practically worthless as
a method of expressing student opinion.
The plan does not provide for any perma-
nent working set up.
A simple organization, with a permanent
membership, would have much more pres-
tige, and would say much more to people off
this campus, when a need for united student
expression occurs. With an organization of
this kind, the special groups that formed to
fight the Mundt Bill and to protest the
Czech abridgement of academic freedom
would cease to be necessary, and campus
opinion would get a better hearing from the
rest of the country.
-Al Blumrosen

To Be or Not . -
rTHE EXCHANGE of notes between the
United States and Russia has led to one
of the great diplomatic shambles of all time.
Our original note was sufficiently curious,
stressing with equal emphasis our great
determination to be tough, and our great
determination to be friendly. But when the
Russians seized on the friendly aspects of
our note, and took a "positive attitude" to-
ward the idea of holding discussions, we
immediately reverted to the tough side, and
rejected direct talks. What goes on here? If
the Russians had picked up only the tough'
aspects of our communication, and had hit
back in kind, what would we have done
then--directed attention to the friendly
paragraphs? What strange game of hot and
cold running diplomacy is this?
For one moment there was a break in the
dismal fabric of an unhappy year; for a
moment crowds in the streets of Europe
read bulletins which seemed to promise
peace, and were happy. Our own stock
market cheered up and rose to the hope of
peace. The most disheartening circumstance
in the entire affair is the speed and the
seeming casualness with which our govern-
ment has closed up this chink through which
the daylight showed, and marked it:
"Opened by Mistake."
I had hoped, when I first heard of the
notes, that a certain period was at last
drawing to its end. It was a period in
which world affairs which could be called
the era of rediscovery of the obvious.
It was that strange period in which M.
Molotov would bounce to the microphone
and tell a breathless world that America
had a number of quite large corporations
in it, and it was the period in which Mr.
Truman revealed he had inside informa-
tion that Russia was a Communist coun-
try, and on the whole devoted to an ex-
pansion of its influence.
It was the period in which we suddenly
found out that Russia was a dictatorship
and in which Russia was desolated to dis-
cover that Americans like to sell goods
abroad and to make a dollar in the process.
These facts, known to every schoolchild for
a generation, were suddenly shrilled through
the planetary night by the top states-
men of the world in accents of sharp-
est surprise. Truman, shaken to discover
that Russia's leaders were Marxists; Vish-
insky, flabbergasted to note that collectives
do not cut much ice in America-these are
the characteristic snapshots of the period
of the rediscovery of the obvious. Perhaps,
on an idealistic level, the explanation is that
during the war the two countries had over-
sold themselves on how alike they were, and
that reality had to come as a shock.
Or perhaps the answer is that when
peace is in prospect we tend to stress
similarities and when conflict threatens
we stress differences. Perhaps if peace
became the prospect again we would re-
discover Stalingrad, and remember that
the Russians were pretty good in there
against the Nazis; and the Russians, for
their part, might recall that the United
States, though indeed a capitalist country,
has on the whole the best international
reputation any great power has ever had,
and has helped many, and hurt few, if
I have not too much respect for cold rea-
son; I have a feeling that even the most
carefully integrated logical systems follow
the emotions more than is believed; and it
seems to me that if peace became a lively
possibility again the Russians would sud-
denly discover that perhaps the United

States was not going to be knocked over by
dreadful depression next year, and we might
discover that maybe Russian interest in
security is not just a grim whim.
It is possibilities of this sort that we close
off by rejecting what was, after all, an
overture. It is not only that we have turned
down a conference; we have turned down a
chance at the kind of thinking and talking
that goes with an improved atmosphere. We
have not only rejected a possibility; we have
rejected the other possibilities that were
inherent in it,- and could, in their turn have
been made possible by it.
(Copyright 1943 New York Post Corporation)
E atig Ar-und
Straws a ndSoup * .
When the Union Tap Room switches from
a double straw to a single drinking straw
system, is that the last straw?
When the League puts "Peasant Soup" on
the menu (11 May), isn't that food for Rus-
sian propaganda?
* * *
Modest Policy .. .
There's nothing we like like nice modest
businessmen. Take for example this para-
graph from a photography company in New
York interested in working for the 1949


Vandenberg Resolution

CURIOUSLY little attention is being paid
to the resolution just presented to the
Senate by Arthur H. Vandenberg of Mich-
igan. Yet this paper is in fact intended as
the legal foundation for the political and
military organization of the non-Soviet
Outwardly, of course, the Vandenber'g
resolution is seemingly aimed to meet the
demand for a more effective United Nations.
But the resolution's real heart lies in the
clauses covering American support for re-
gional associations under Articles 51 to 54 of
the UN Charter. The immediate purpose is
to prepare for a closer, more formal rela-
tionship between this country and the West-
ern European Union-for, the formation of
the Atlantic community, in short, which is
the next great step ahead.
A resolution which had this purpose
only was Senator Vandenberg's original
project. The remaining passages of the
resolution, relating to other UN prob-
lems, were added when the curious move-
ment emerged in the Senate to secure
world peace by ineffectual amendment of
the tragically ineffectual UN. But it is
more worth noting that in their present
form, the key clauses of the Vandenberg
resolution are not limited in their effect
to U.S.-western European relationships.
Those clauses are capable of eventual
extension to other regional associations,
which might tie the whole non-Soviet world
into a single loosely but effectively in-
tegrated grouping. This is especially signifi-
cant,"in view of the opinion of some of the
wisest American policy makers-as yet a
minority-that this kind of national inte-
gration of the non-Soviet sphere must be

Y 3"
4 ..


the great long-range goal, as the only sure
way to preserve permanent peace.
In short, the Vandenberg resolution is an
historic document. It can also be taken as
the text for a sort of sermon on what is
good and what is bad in the American sys-
tem. There is much, in the first place, on
the credit side.
For one thing, the resolution proves
that the bi-partisan foreign policy still
persists, with its head perhaps bloody but
as yet unbowed by the pressures and
bitternesses of the election year.
More important still, the resolution also
illustrates the old rule for judging American
policy, that "we never don't do what we
can't not do." It is a gigantic new departure
from former traditions to prepare to join
such a grouping as the projected Atlantic
community, even in the strictly limited way
authorized by the Vandenberg resolution.
There was much hesitation on this head,
as the text of the resolution clearly dis-
closes. But the world situation rendered
organization of the non-Soviet sphere for
defense and security an impelling, vital
necessity. The United States must organize
for defense and security, or in the end see
its whole foreign policy frustrated and de-
feated. To this stimulus, our policy makers
have responded.
On the debit side, however, there are
also points to be noted. In the first place,
any country with a less cumbersome gov-
ernment would have responded imme-
diately and decisively to the challenge of
Western European Union. Instead of
being a shadow in the future, American
participation in the Atlantic community
would now be a fact.
But while the bi-partisan foreign policy
permits this country to act, it does not
allow quick action. The Vandenberg resolu-
tion's cautious, preliminary character is a
symptom of this. Then, too, the odd duality
between House and Senate is making
Altogether, however, it now appears prob-
able that the resolution will be unanimous-
ly reported out by the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee, and will be passed by the
Senate. The executive branch will then

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
rnenber of the Univ"rsr Ny. ot ies
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the ofice of the
Assistant to the Preidet, Room
1021 AnEgei Ball,. by : pm. on
SS * , y
SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1948
VOL. LVIH, No. 158
Commencement Exercises will
be held at 5 p.m., June 12, on Fer-
ry Field, weather permitting. oth-
erwise in Yost Field House. Tick-
ets will be available for distribu-
tion at the Information Desk,
Room 1, University Hall, Thurs-
day morning, May 27. Upon pre-
sentation of identification card
each eligible graduate may ob-
tain not more than five tickets for
Ferry Field and, owing to lack of
space, not more than two for Yost
Field House.
-Herbert G. Watkins,
Graduate Faculty Meeting: 4:10
p.m., Wed.. May 19, Rackham
Amphitheatre. Ballots for nomi-
nation of Executive Board panel
should be brought to this meeting.
Assemblies, School of Forestry
and Cons rvation: V a.m., May 18
and 19, Rackham Amphitheatre.
G. A. Pearson, former director of
the Southwestern Forest Experi-
ment Station, U. S.Forest Service,
will speak on the management of
ponderosa pine. Students in the
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion not having non-forestry con-
flicts are expected to attend, and
others interested are invited.
School of Business Administra-
tion: Classification for the Sum-
mer Session will take place during
the week of May 17-22. See Bulle-
tin Board in Tappan Hall for in-
structions and advisors' hours.
University Lecture: "The Skan-
sen Open-Air Museum in Stock-
holm." Dr. Andreas Lindblom. Di-
rector of the Nordic Museum and
the Skansen Museum, Stockholm,
Sweden; auspices of the Museum
of Art. 4:15 pm.. Tues., May 18,
Rackham Amphitheatre. The pub-
lie is invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert Suttle Hansen, Chemistry;
thesis: "Multimolecular Adsorp-
tion from Binary Liquid Solution"
East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg. 3 p.m., Mon., May 17, chair-
man, F. E. Bartell.
Doctoral Examination for Ar-
thur Edward Lean, Education;
thesis: "The Organization of Post-
High School Education in Flint,"
3:15 p.m., Mon., May 17, Room
4024, University High School.
Chairman, C. Eggertsen.
Doctoral Examination for Adil
Belgin, Civil Engineering; thesis:
"A Study of the Plastic Theory of
Reinforced Concrete Beam Design
and the Effect of Compression
Steel in Reinforced Concrete
Beams," 3:30 p.m., Mon., May 17,
Room 305, W. Engineering Bldg.
Chairman, R. H. Sherlock.
The IT. of M. Little Symphony,

Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, assis-
ted by Marilyn Mason, organist,
and Digby Bell, pianist, will pre-
sent a program of music of con-
temporary composers at 8:30 p.m.,
Sun., May 16, Hill Auditorium.
Program: Serenade for Small Or-
chestra by James Wolfe, Concerto
for Piano, and Orchestra by Cecil
Effinger, Prelude and Allegro for
Organ and Strings by Walter Pis-
ton; and Music to be Danced for
Small Symphony Orchestra by
Ross Lee Finney, a first perform-
ance. The general public is invited.
Carillon Recital at 2:15 p.m.,
Sun., May 16, by Professor Perci-
val Price, will 'consist of Mr.
Price's compositions: Sonata for
23 bells. Fantaisie A (A Market of
Chime Tunes), and Sonata for 43
Concert Tickets for 1948-49:
The University Musical Society is
accepting and filing in sequence,
orders for season tickets (20% tax
included), as follows:
Seventieth Annual Choral Un-
ion Series-10 concerts. All Block
A tickets not reordered by sub-
scribers of record, $15.60; Block
B, $13.20; Block C, $9.60; Block
D, $8.40 (top balcony, flat rows).
Third Annual Extra Concert
Series-5 concerts. Block A, $7.80;
Block B, $6.60; Block C, $5.40; and
Block D, $4.20.
Tickets will be selected as near
as possible to location requested,
and will be mailed September 15,
at purchasers' risks unless regis-
tration fee is included. If any
blocks are over-subscribed, re-
maining orders will be filled from
succeeding blocks and an appro-
priate financial adjustment made.
Monroe Exhibit. The Monroe
Calculator Machine Co. will con-
duct an exhibit of new types of
calculating machines in Room 302,
Michigan Union, Monday, Tues-
day and Wednesday, May 17, 18
and 19, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. All
persons interested are welcome to
visit the exhibit.
Museum of Archaeology, 434
South State Street. Roman Egypt
and Pictorial Maps of Italy. Tues-
day through Friday, 9 a.m.-12
noon, 2-5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-
12 noon; and Sunday, 3-5 p.m.
Events Today
Radio Program:
10 p.m. WHRV-Michigan Prof-
ile-University of Michigan per-
sonalities of the past and present.
6:15 p.m., WHRV-Journal of
the Air (Speech Department).
The Gilbert and Sullivan Society
presents H.M.S. Pinafore, Patten-
gill Auditorium (Ann Arbor High
School) 8 p.m. Tickets on sale at
U. Hall and at the door.
Art Cinema League and Hillel
Foundation will present Ben
Jonson's immortal Volpone star-
ring Harry Baur and Louis Jouvet.
French dialogue, English subtitle.
8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Cornedbeef Corner: 10:30 p.m.
to midnight, Hillel Foundation
The Corner closes tonight for the
year. All are invited.
S.R.A.: Saturday lunch, 12:10
p.m., Lane Hall. Discussion of new
SRA organization, and possible
projects for next year.
(Continued on Page 6)

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege or submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general po-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of co-
densing letters.
Mistake Soniewlere
To the Editor:
THERE must have been some-
thing wrong with the latest
GARGOYLE. I found myself
laughing throughout.
-Irwin Zucker
Needed Literals
To the Editor:
CONTRARY to Mr. Leopold, I
DO believe that the Progres-
sives are our needed liberal party,
and that Wallace has a platform
that may work. I don't blame
anyone for seeing the world in a
sad light, but refuse to throw the
little embryo of hope on theabone-
heap with the carcasses. Wallace's
attempt to clear the atmosphere of
such unsavory things as the Tru-
man Doctrine and our own gen-
erals (who operate government
like a war-machine), gives me
courage. Listen to the Wall Street
Journal of March 17:
"If at this moment there is dan-
ger of war, it comes less from the
cold calculations of the Russians
than it does from the desperation
of our own foreign policy."
Once rid of the desperation, we
would have a foundation for peace.
Wallace and Progressives together
with old party liberals in Congress,
could make this positive shift in
attitude. What then? I take the
liberty to quote from a pamphlet
published by a Student-Faculty
Committee at Olivet College, many
of whose proposals are similar to
those made by Wallace:
"1. We should immediately pro-
pose universal total disarmament
and patiently persist in pro-
moting that policy." (Similarly,
Wallace on Dec. 29, 1947).
"2. . . . strengthening of the.
Charter of the United Nations,
taking from national governments
the power to declare or conduct
war . . . international police . . .
giving UN powers of inspection
over disarmament . .-
"3. We propose that funds which
might be devoted to armament and
international rivalries be channel-
led through UN to relief, recon-
struction and development of de-
pressed areas, including Russia.''
(Similarly theiWallace Plan.)
"4. . . . make democracy work
at home ...'
"5. While condemning Russian
totalitarianism, we must . . . in
embarking upon this new course,
credit Russia with: (a) standing
alone for universal disarmament
for many years, (b) genuine, his-
toric grounds for fearing capital-
istic attack . ..
"'But will the Russians agree?'
Probably not at first ... not until
we persist in trying to get them
to agree. They will probably agree
to nothing else."
Visionary? Impractical? Then
show me a better, practical, way
to stop wars. Only such changes
of approach, such proposals, can
assure peace. I won't take the
argument that they can't work. I
say that all of us have every rea-
son to try to make them happen.
-Jack A. Lucas
,4 * ' I'
A tack Mundt Bill
To the Editor:

NOT SINCE the infamous Alien
and Sedition Acts has any-
thing as vicious and undemocratic
as the Mundt Bill bome up be-
fore Congress.
Under the guise of fighting
Communism, the "subversive Ac-
tivities Control Act" could easily
create a police state. Power is
vested in the hands of one man,
the Attorney General, to decide
just what organization can be
considered a "Communist Front.'
Once he has passed judgment or
any organization it must register
as a foreign agency, turn over
its membership list to the FBI,
and label itself a "Communist
Front," in all publicity, publica-
tions, and correspondence. Clearl3
this is a violation of the Bill of
Briefly, here are some of the
definitions of "subversive" to be
interpreted by the Attorney Gen-
1. Knowingly and willfully ad-
vocating the overthrow of the U.S
government "by any means" fo:
the purpose of "subverting thi


Letters to the Editor...

the University of Michigan, in
support of the platform adopted
at the Democratic State Conven-
tion at Battle Creek, stand firm-
ly opposed to the Bonine-Tripp
Act which is of doubtful consti-
tutionality, and which also places
an undue burden on the function-
ing of labor organizations,
We shall work actively for its
immediate repeal.
-Harry Albrecht, Pres.
Young Democrats Club.
Jewish Stae
To the Editor:
ON NOVEMBER 29th, 1947, the
United Nations proclaimed
that a Jewish State could be es-
tablished in Palestine on the fol-
lowing May 15th. That event oc-
curred yesterday and we are proud
and thankful that this State now
exists and will take its place
alongside other nations of the
world as the 'representative of its
To commemorate this historical
event of the foundation and proc-
lamation of a new national state,
the Michigan Chapter of IZFA,
the Intercollegiate Zionist Organ-
ization, is presenting a short pro-
gram Sunday, May 16th, and we
would very much like to have
you join us at 4 p.m. at the Hillel
-Dick Newman,
(Pres., IZFA, U. of M.)
Fifty-Eighth Year


interest of the U.S. to that of a
foreign Communist power."
2. A strike prompted by polit-
ical machinations could be de-
clared illegal.
3. Any group that incites racial
strife is liable to prosecution.
What are some of the implica-
tions of this bill? Any strike can
be declared illegal if it hinders
the Marshall Plan and because it
would be part of the "World Com--
munist Conspiracy."
Any organization that fights
racial discrimination can be
prosecuted because it "incited to
racial strife." This means the In-
ter-Racial Association, the NAA-
CP, the National Negro Congress.
The Mundt Bill can only be
compared with the decrees on
which Hitler rose to power. Time
is of vital importance. The Bill
came up on the floor of the House
Thursday. Let us all actively get
into the fight to maintain our
Constitutional freedoms. Let your
Congressman know how you feel
about this legislation. It is up to
all of us, the people, to preserve
the tradition of Jefferson, Lin-
coln, and Roosevelt.
-Eddie Yellin.
* **


Work for Repeal
To the Editor:



Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan uAder the
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Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell .......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ............. City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes...........Associate Editor
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during the regular
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Associated Collegiate Press



Looking Bach


From the pages of The Daily
The new Frieze memorial organ was ded-
icated at Hill Auditorium by Palmer Chris-


These are sample eyewash

If Mr. Bla~tus likes the

But the Blatus I answered right- LOOK! This guy's
.. i . B~tVbU n~f nn~4 it.r Mf

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