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May 14, 1948 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


Truman Hits
Outlawing of
Sees No Change
In Peace Hopes
-President Truman came out to-
day against outlawing the Com-
Aunist Party.
Splinter parties, he told a news
conference, do no harm. He added
that if there is plotting to over-
throw the government, we have
laws to take care of that.
Mr. Truman made the remark
at a news conference in which he
also said that prospects for world
peace have, not been changed by
the American-Soviet exchange of
notes on composing their differ-
President Truman said he
feels now just as he did two
months ago, after the Com-
munists took over Cezchoslo-
vakia. He said then that his
faith in the attainment of
world peace had been some-
what shaken, but still believed
in eventual peace,
Regarding his support of Mar-
shall and the State Department,
Mr. Truman, in response to ques-
tions, made two major points:
1. He said that he discussed
with Secretary Marshall and the
cabinet the original instructions
which the state department dis-
patched to Ambassador W. B.
Smith in Moscow.
2. He said that of course he
supported General Marshall's de-
claration of yesterday.
Ambassador Smith called on
Molotov May 4, told him that the
United States was firmly against
Soviet expansion but not hostile
to Russia and declared the door is
always open to a discussion of
differences. On May 9 Molotov
gave Smith Russia's reply.
This blamed the world's ills
on the United States-whereas
the United States had blamed
Russia-and in addition said
that Russia was happy to ac-
cept the Americn "proposal"
to discuss and settle differences.
The president got into the
Communist angle when asked how
he felt about the Houst Mundt
bill, aimed at U. S. Reds, which
would outlaw any activity design-
ed to help create in this country
a foreign controlled totalitarian
City, Campus
Mundt Bill
Protest Grows
Plans for a combined city and
campus drive against the Mundt
Bill now before Congress were
announced yesterday as a third
protest telegram was sent off to
Washington by faculty, students,
and townspeople.
. The protest mesage was signed
by eight professors and 27 others,
making a total of 45 faculty men
and 102 other persons who nave
signed protest telegrams.
The faculty-organized Wash-
tenaw County Committee for
Democratic Rights, which is back-
ing the protest, will sponsor a

meeting on the Mundt Bill in
about ten days with Dean Hay-
ward Keniston presiding. Prof.
Wilfred Kaplan, the co-chairman,
announced yesterday. The )ther
chairman is Prof. John L. Brumm,
retiring head of the journalism
A public organization meeting
of the Students Against the
Mundt Bill will be held at 4:15
p.m. today on the third floor of
the Union, Jean Fagan, chairman
of the student group announced
She urged all campus and city
organizations to participate in
the rally today.
The telegram yesterday assert-
ed that "the Mundt Bill can easily
lead to undemocratic suppression
of political parties which oppose
policies of the government." The
current measure provides for re-
gistration of Communists, and
would also deny them government
jobs or passports to leave the

Draft-Age Males Urged
To Step-UpEducation
Students who may be subject to the draft law now pending in
Congress were advised to proceed as far as possible with their edu-
cation by Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, Summer Session director.
"If I were a student today, I would make as much progress as
I could, not to avoid the draft, but to get closer to graduation in
order to make the best use of my education," he said.
If there is a draft, students must be prepared to render real
service, Prof. Hopkins declared.
Present Facilities Adequate
Machinery for the Summer Session is set up so that a reasonable
increase over the expected enrollment can be accommodated by pres-

Wallace Hits
Big Business,
Hamiltonian Ideas'
Cited in Detroit Talk
DETROIT, Mich., May 13-(R')
-Sen. Arthur Vandenberg (Rep.,
Mich.), big business and formula-
tors of the American Foreign Pol-
icy felt the lash of Henry Wal-
lace's tongue here today.
In an address prepared for de-
livery here the Third Party Presi-
dential Candidate attacked all
three bitterly and cited the Pro-
gressive Party as the only means
of ushering in "the century of the
Common Man."
He criticized the Senator from
Michigan for "lack' of concern for
Poland, failure to oppose rebuild-
ing of the Nazi war industries in
Germany and failure to "speak
up in defense of the democracy
which the Jewish people have be-
gun to built in Palestine."
International big business -
"which contributed so greatly to
the rise of Fascism in Europe and
the killing of millions of men,
women and children"-is more
powerful than ever before.
"Never before in the history of
the world have so few owned so
much at the expense of so many,"
Wallace declared.
RMussel Talk Today
Russell Talk Today
Dr. Hobart H. Willard, profes-
sor of chemistry, will deliver the
annual Henry Russel Lecture at
4:15 p.m. today in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Chosen by his colleagues for this
honor in recognition of his out-
standing achievements in analyti-
cal chemistry Prof. Willard will
speak on "Chemistry, Pathfinder
of Progress."
The recipient of the Henry Rus-
sel Award will be announced at
the lecture by President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven.

ent facilities if it spreads out
evenly through all the classes,
Prof. Hopkins pointed out.
He expressed doubt, however,
that the enrollment would exceed
last summer's total of approxi-
mately 11,000, and predicted a
smaller proportion of veterans,
but a larger number of teachers
and graduate students.
Post-Summer Session Abandoned
Prof. Hopkins explained that
boards of education and academy
administrations are urging their
staffs to take summer work,. fol-
lowing the prewar custom.
Plans for a four week Post-
Summer Session have been aban-
doned for lack of student demand,
Prof. Hopkins said. It is too big
an undertaking to set in motion
for the small number of students
interested, he added.
Visiting Professors
In addition to regular faculty
members, there will be a large
number of visiting professors on
campus from other parts of tiie
United States, Europe and the 'ar'
East, Prof. Hopkins remarked.
A Summer Session announce-
ment containing a list of fees and
the calendar for all courses may
be obtained in the Registrar's
Young Dems
Hit Mundt Bill
The Young Democrats of the
University voted last night to
oppose the passage of the Mundt
Bill, now pending in Congress.
Calling the bill a threat to civil
liberties, the group sent a tele-
gram to Sen. J. Howard McGrath,
Democratic National Chairman.
Electing officers for the fall se-
mester, the Democrats chose
Harry Albrecht, '49L, as president.
Robert Collins, '49L, was elected
vice-president. Other officers
are: Frances Suffness, of New
York City, recording secretary;
Betty Conlin, of Toledo, Ohio,
corresponding secretary; William
Haydon, of Ypsilanti, treasurer;
and Harry Lustgarten, of Oak
Park, Ill. and Robert Hills, of
Schenectady, N.Y., members-at-

Phone Strike
Looms, Wage
Talks Falter
Sigler Moves to
Halt Auto Strike
By The Associated Press
The nation's strike scene re-
mained gloomy yesterday as the
CIO long distance telephone op-
erators moved nearer to a nation-
wide walkout.
At the same time, the State of
Michigan arranged to intervene in
the Chrysler strike and CIO Pres-
ident Philip Murray disclosed that
the major steel companies have
refused to negotiate new contracts
with the steelworkers until their
leaders sign non-Communist affi-
davits. i
These were the major develop-
ments on the labor front:
Telephones: John J. Moran,
head of the CIO American Tele-
phone Workers Union, said 23,000
long distance workers in 42 states
had "but one choice-a nation-
wide strike." He said this was be-
cause of failure to find some
method of effecting a peaceful
settlement with American Tele-
phone and Telegraph.
The union is seeking a 30 cents
an hour wage boost. The date for
a possible walkout was left open.
Automotive: Gov. Kim Sig-
ler of Michigan said he would
inject himself into the two-day
strike of 75,000 CIO Chrysler
workers as soon as both sides
"have a chance to cool off."
He said he is considering per-
sonally mediating the strike. Also,
he added, he wants to determine
the legality of a Michigan law
requiring a ballot by the State
Labor Mediation Board before a
strike can be called. The CIO
United Auto Workers disregarded
this law, contending the Chrysler
strike was an inter-state dispute
because plants are situated in
several states.4
Steel: The CIO Steelworkers
Union voted to let their execti-
tive board decide on compliance
with the Taft-Hartley Law.
Convention delegates approved
this step at their Boston conven-
tion after Murray said steel pro-
ducers refused to negotiate new
contracts without Taft-Hartley
Act compliance.
The CIO chief also told dele-
gates there had been "raiding of
extremely disreputable nature by
some CIO unions which have
complied against those which
have not complied. Leaders of the
steelworkers refused to sign non-
Communist affidavits after the
Taft-Hartley Act, requiring such
a step, was enacted.
Rails: An official of one of
three operating unions said the
rail strike will be resumed the
minute the Government returns
the carriers to private operation,;
unless a settlement is reached be-
forehand on a new contract.
E ngine School
Elects Officers
Over 500 votes were cast in the
all-engine college education held
yesterday, the Election Commit-
tee of the Student Legislature an-
New officers for the College of
Engineering are: senior class
president, Hugh Kennedy; vice-
president, Andrew Turner; treas-
urer, John Post; and secretary,
Don Barnett

Junior class officers are: pres-
ident, Harry Evans; and secre-
tary, Richard Allen.
New officers for the sophomore
class are: president, Robert Pres-
ton; and secretary, Ned Hess.
Insufficient votes were cast for
election of a freshman class pres-
ident. Ev Ellin, president of the
Engine Council, said that another
freshman class election will be
held in the fall.
SWorld News
Ata Glance

State Is

Jaffa Won by
Haganah Army

ON DECK FOR "PINAFORE"-The all-student operetta "HMS Pinafore" sails into its second spar-
kling performance at 8:00 p.m. today in Pattengill Auditorium. Singing the leads are: (left to
right) Archie Brown, Vivien Milan, Mary Ranger, Howard Bevis, Jimmy Lobaugh, Joyce Edgar,
George Boucher, Jim Ueberhorst and Dick Roussin.
* * * <'-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --___

Jews Called
To Arms as


Tinafore' To
Be Aired Over
Radio Tonight
TillsStillD Remain
For Student Operetta
Radio Station WPAG will
broadcast "HMS Pinafore" direct
from the stage of Ann Arbor
Hgih School's Pattengill Audito-
rium beginning at 8:00 p.m. today
as the all-student operetta churns
into its second colorful perform-
In what is believed to be the
first broadcast of an operetta ever
made in Ann Arbor, "Pinafore"
will be aired over the AM facil-
ities of WPAG only from 8:00
p.m. to 9, while the entire operetta
will be broadcast over WPAG FM
and the Michigan FM Network.
Initial pickup for the broadcast,
designed to allow additional thou-
sands to enjoy the Gilbert and
Sullivan Society's tuneful saga of
the sea, will be handled by the
University Broadcasting Service
Station, WUOM.
Following "Pinafore's" opening
last night, co-directors Harry
Allen and Rex Wilder both ex-
pressed satisfaction over the work
of the all-student cast. "Pinafore
beats "The Mikado," and should
get even better during the re-
maining two performances," they
A few good seats still remain
for both today's and tomorrow's
performances, the Society an-
nounced. Sales are continuing in
University Hall and at Pattengill
Volpone To Be
Shown Tonight
French Film Lauded
By Faculty Members
"Volpone," the film most re-
quested by students in a recent
Art Cinema League poll, was en-
thusiastically received by faculty
members of the English depart-
ment at a preview showing last
Commenting on the French film
which will be presented at 8:30
p.m. today and tomorrow in Hill
Auditorium, Prof. G. N. MEwen
called it "a vigorously, even ex-
cellently, acted farce, carrying
Jonson's theme effectively."
Prof. Clarence D. Thorpe de-
scribed the film as "really splen-
did--terrific, as my young friends
The film, which has run contin-
uously on Broadway since last De-
cember, will be the final Art Cin-
ena League presentation this se-

'Soviets Sought Parleys for
Further U.S. Concessions'
The Soviets' main purpose in seeking parleys was to wring further
concessions from the United States, Dean Rusk, director of the Office
of United Nations Affairs in the State Department, said yesterday in
an interview with The Daily.
Rusk came to Ann Arbor to address the 16th Annual Adult Edu-
cation Institute.
Many Allied-Russian settlements have already been reached that
still lack Russian compliance, he said. "The Russians must live up to
present agreements," he declared. "No fresh ones are necessary."

He added that no formal, t
South's Plan
For Regional
A dramatic 38 to 37 Senate vote
today shelved the bill to give con-
gressional approval to a southern
plan for regional universities.
The vote was to send the meas-
ure back to the Senate Judiciary
Committe for further study. It
was on the motion of Senator
Morse (Rep., Ore.) who said he
wanted to prevent segregation of
Negroes in the proposed schools.
When the roll call was first tal-
lied, the count was 37 to 36 against
sending the bill back. But during
the recount, Senators Capper
(Rep., Kans and Edwin C. John-
scn (Dem., Colo.) arrived in the
chamber with two "aye" votes.
They swung the decision.
Foes said the regional Univer-
sity plan would be used to meet
recent Supreme Court devisions
that Negroes must be given equal
educational facilities. They said
it would permit continued refusal
to admit Negroes to white institu-
tions and would be a device for
continuing segregation.
Muriel Lester Will
Speak Here Today
Muriel Lester, noted British so-
cial worker and pacifist, will
speak on Gandhi at 8:15 p.m. to-
day in Kellogg Auditorium.
The talk is being sponsored by
the Inter Co-op Council, Student
Religious Association and Hindu-
stan Association.
As secretary of the Fellowship
of Reconciliation, Miss Lester was
a personal friend of the Hindu
religious leader. She is author of
the book "Entertaining Gandhi."
Her appearance on campus
eight years ago inspired the
founding of the first woman's co-
operative house on campus,
named in her honor.
A reception for Miss Lester at
Robert Owen House will follow
the talk.

op-side" conferences are needed,
pup, within whose framework un-
derstandings should be worked
Rusk voiced the opinion that
Secretary of State \Marshall's
refusal to confer with the Rus-
sians would not change the in-
ternational situation. le em-
phasized also that Russia should
remain a member of thje United
Earlier in the day Rusk told the
Education Institute, that any revi-
sion of the United Nations charter
proposed by the United States
must have the whole-hearted
backing of the American people.
He declared, however, that re-
vision is not the real solution to
the UN's problems-failures arise
from basic political differences
between nations.
The State Department is now
willing to back charter amend-
ments, such as abolishing the veto
--provided they are supported by
the people, he said. 'But if we tried
to do away with the veto now, it
would split the UN wide open."
Citizens Urged
To Fi ht Reds
Iorr Sees Tareat
In U.S. Home Towns
"The burden of fighting CoM-
munism rests upon good Amer-
ican citizens everywhere, and the
fight must be waged in their own
home towns," Prof. Harold M.
Dorr told members of the Adult
Education Institute here yester-
Communism is a challenge in
every American community where
there are situations upon which
Communism can grow, he ex-
plained. Such situations exist in
almost every community, he add-
"There are many paid Com-
munist agents in the United
States," Prof. Dorr said. "Whether
you think there are 35,000 or 100,-
000 depends on whose count you4
accept, but that tiey number in
the thousands is no doubt. By,
legislation, we may get rid of a
few agents, but we will not get
rid of the threat of Communism."

TEL AVIV, Palestine, May 13-
(>')-All trained Jewish men and
women,.of fighting age were called
to arms today as a new ZionIst
State neared its zero hour,
The state will again begin its .
with Jaffa, the main Arab port in
Palestine surrendered officially to
Haganah, the Jewish army.
A Haganah announcement to-
night said the Arabs in a three .
day battle had split the block of
settlements and penetrated Kfr
Etzion itself. "Great numbers of
our people have been killed and
wounded," said Haganah.
As the deadline approached,
Haganah announced that Arab
League troops had stormed and
captured the important Jewish
settlement of Kfar Etzion on the
Jerusalem-Hebron rioad. Hagana;
said the Jewish defenders lost,
more than 100 men in dead and
wounded. It emphasized, however,
that only Kfar Etzion had fallen
to the Arabs and not the smaller
Jewish settlements in are area.
It was the first large Jewish sej-
tlement captured by the ArW
since the Arab-Jewish war began
five months ago, Haganah said,
Scattered Jewish-Arab clashes
occurred in several areas of Palesw
tine as the last hours of the Bit-
ish mandate ticked away. Britsh
rule will end at midnight Friday
4 p.m. Central Standard Time,
One minute later the proclA-
mation giving birth to a Jewish
state will go into effect, Actually
the proclamation will be issued a
few hours before it becomes op-
erative since Jewish leaders
wished to avoid such action on
Saturday, the Jewish sabbath.
The Jewish mobilization call,
issued in Haifa, was a precaution
against a possible invasion o
Palestine by neighboring Ara!
countries when British rule ends,
Jewish obser-vers said.
It applies to all Jewish mien ai
women between }8 and 35 who
have had previous military traln-
ing or who have been deferred
previously. They were asked to
report for duty immediately. The
military training to which the call
up referred meant not only train-
ing in Jewish forces but also any-
type of previous military instru-
(A Jerusalem dispatch said
Jews and Arabs, deploying for full
scale war, began blockading each
other's roads today. Arabs closed
all roads to civilian traffic at the
frontiers of Egypt, Trans-Jordan,
Syria and Lebanon.
Hoffman Sees
CloseCheck on
R in Britain
WASHINGTON, May 15-(')
Economic Cooperation Adminis.
trator Paul G. Hoffman said today
there will be a particularly close
check on American money spent
by Britain's Labor Government n
the European Recovery Program.
He told, the Senate Appropria-
tions Committee that close checks
will be had everywhere. But he
singled out Britain as being down
for "strong conditions" for con-
trol on spending of U.S. cash.
Hoffman said:
"I believe our business is t
bring about recovery. If a plan
came to us asking for 'X' dollarst
modernize the steel industry, and
the British government an-
nounced a nationalization plan 1*r
the incustry, he would decide what
results the action would have on
the industry."
Plan Train for,

Sp Ger ame
The Wolverine Club has com-
plefted arrangements for the spe-
cial train which will carry stu-
dents to next season's*Minnesot-
Michigan football game, Oct. 22.
Women who wish to make the
trip will not need written permis-
sion from their parents. The only
provision stipulated by the Deap


... Secretary

* *

Install Union Seior Officer s;,
Six Vice-Presidents Elected

Robert W. Holland, '49 B.Ad.,
and R. Keith Jordan, '49 Ed. were
installed as President and Secre-
tary of the Union at the Union's
Award and Installation Banquet
last night.
Six men became new vice-presi-
dents as a result of the all-campus

Board of Directors' keys were ------
awarded to Gene Sikorovsky, re- By e Associated Press
tiring president, Al Farnswoth, PITTSBURGH, May 15--Presi-
outgoing Secretary, and vice- dent Ben Moreell of Jones and
presidents Robert Laidlow, How- Laughlin Steel Corp. today de-
ard DeMallie, and William Mac- clared that two damage suitsa
arde ae an lmr Maccharging illegal offers to sell hisI
Ritchie. Board members Paul f*,.~,. C~oc,,..... fon3Ar +n<, 'i,1



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