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May 13, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-13

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THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1948

. . . . . . . . ........ . .......................... . ...................... . .

For Sale: One Tradition

SO YOU DON'T THINK there should be
any racial discrimination. Well start
practicing your signature, because you may
soon be registering as a Communist.
Sure-if you go around saying that our
Palestine policy is rotten, or that our eco-
nomic system isn't providing enough of the
right things for all the people-you will
probably be judged a Communist under the
Mundt-Nixon bill for "inciting of economic,
social and racial strife and conflict."
Not only that, but you are part of a
Russian directed world wide conspiracy
which is trying to overthrow the Amer-
ican government.
* * *
ONE OF THE MORE amazing features of
this Mundt-Nixon bill is the authors'
profession that it is not intended to harm
theoretical Communists - just subversive
conspiratory ones. No thought control, you
understand, just safeguarding the country.
It's peculiar then, that the bill succeeds
in stating that every Communist is a mem-
ber of a conspiracy to overthrow the gov-
ernment. And as we've pointed out, a Com-
munist is just about anyone who doesn't like
the way things are run around here.
As part of this unique feature of the
bill, it would not longer be necessary to
prove advocacy of force and violence to
overthrow the government-a long-stand-
ing safeguard of civil liberties in this
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
ire written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

The Mundt-Nixon Bill just says that if
you "attempt in any manner" to set up a
totalitarian dictatorship in this country
you'll pay high fines, go to prison and
lose your citizenship. This warning to keep
your mouth shut is better than those "some-
one is listening" war signs you used to see.
* * *
says that a group is a Communist front
"if its views and policies are those of a
Communist political organization, a Com-
munist foreign government or such world
Communist movement." Just watch what
Communists say, then say the opposite and
you'll be safe-you'll get used to ignoring
those twinges of conscience.
And by the way, if the group you belong
to insists on following a policy also held
by Communists, it will have to mark all
its mail inside and out with a Communist
label; its members will not be able to
obtain passports or hold government jobs;
and if the members don't feel that they
should register annually as Communists,
they can just think it over in jail.
ONLY ABOUT 50 faculty members at
this University, and a small percentage
of the students, came out against the
Mundt-Nixon Bill. But this product of the
Un-American Activities Committee can't be
brushed off lightly as the work of a bunch
of crackpots. They are serious about getting
it passed, and so are a lot more of our
This bill, which has no place in American
law, comes up before the House today. A
telegram addressed immediately to your
congressman on the floor of the House may
be in time.
--Harriett Friedman.

Experiment in Generality

STUDENTS ON CAMPUS missed an op-
portunity to win a brand-new Capital-
istic 1949 Ford Convertible last Thursday.
Ann Arbor's mayor William E. Brown, Jr.,
clamped down on an illegal raffle being
conducted by The Committee for the Ad-
vancement of Capitalistic Enterprise newly
formed organization for the preservation of
red-blooded Americanism and sweetness and
The group's organizers, Ralph H. Andrews
and William F. Dannemiller, forgot that this
nation of free enterprise has gambling laws
to protect its citizens.
Admittedly a "sensational" way of launch-
ing their campaign, the raffle poses many
questions which the group's explanatory
statement to The Daily does not answer.
1. Where did these two get the $80 for
a Daily half-page display advertisement
and the money to pay for hundreds of
leaflets, posters and tickets?
2. Where did the money for the purchase
of the *Ford Convertible come from?
3. Where did they get the 'pull' necessary
to obtain the first 1949 Ford Convertible?
'fio these questions, they answered:
"Part of the story in connection with the
car cannot be told yet."'

rrHE FUNDS hoped to be raised by the
raffle were to "champion the things
that make America the finest place in the
world in which to live-to work-to raise
a family."
With that in mind, they plan to educate
the people to the beauty of Capitalism.
They see manifestations of discontent on
"In these days of political unrest through-
out the world, there are many maladjusted
individuals who are taking advantage of
existing turmoil to spread doctrines of hate
and discontent in this country," they state.
Although they admit the existence of
"turmoil" in the world today-the fact
that something is wrong with conditions-
they aim to stifle liberal criticism. Other
Americans, who also believe in the American
ideals, recognize that liberal criticism is one
of those American ideas. Through open
minded criticisiu and public opinion the
turmoil is ended.
It will be interesting to watch for the
next development in this "experiment in
-Phyllis Kulick.
Craig Wilson.

Jewish State
IN ALL THE UNHAPPY tangle of the Pal-
estine problem, one fact is incontrovert-
ably clear. On Sunday, May 16, a Jewish
State will declare its independence, and, in
effect, carry out by itself last November's
United Nations General Assembly's plan for
It makes no difference whether or not
it will be recognized, for it cannot be ignored
out of existence. The Jewish State will have
its roots in the struggle of eighty genera-
tions of Jews to return to Palestine and find
its strength in the determination of a ma-
jority of world Jewry and the armed force
of the Haganah.
One must keep in mind that the de
facto government has grown out of ap-
parent indifference by the United States
and the UN to the fate of the Jews in
Palestine and the submission to Arab
Since the passage of the partition reso-
lution, it has become evident that American
support was based on an almost unbeliev-
able naivete. The Administration in Wash-
ington and its assembly delegate were con-
vinced, in spite of numerous warnings to the
contrary, that partition could be effected
without armed backing. There was no bluff
by the Arab League; its members were in-
tent on preventing partition and would have
succeeded but for the equally strong intent
of the Jews.
The Jewish people, in opposing trustee-
ship and declaring their own nation, are
merely exercising a right recognized by
Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt--
the right of men to seek their own destinies
through democratic governments of their
own choosing. The drive to exercise this
right is a powerful one which cannot be
pushed aside for considerations of expedi-
ency. It is as fundamental in Western man
as the will to live.
Observing this fact, American Pales-
tine policy must adopt a new tack and
support the de facto government and lift
the arms embargo to Palestine Jews.
There is still no bluff in the threats of
the Arab nations. Invasion of Palestine
by the British-trained, British-subsidized
Arab Legion of King Abdullah of Trans-
Jordania is certain. Other invasions in
the near future are likely.
The inescapable conclusion is that the
eventual goal of the nations of the Arab
League is to wipe out every Zionist in Pales-
tine. The Haganah and the Irgun can be
expected to offer effective resistance, but
only within the limits of their supply of
arms and munitions. It is too late, for the
immediate future, to provide a UN police
force for Palestine to maintain peace and
protect life. Without a UN police, the de
facto government must be allowed to receive
arms shipments, or face eventual annihila-
We wish a long and peaceful life to the
new Jewish Republic.
-Jake Hurwitz.
Novel Action
SENATOR MORSE has suggested a novel
action for an election year when he
asks the congressional body to act NOW
on some of the campaign promises its mem-
bers have put into their party platforms.
The incident of the 15 Southern states
which desire to start a regional University
system is an excellent time for the making
of both political and moral hay. There
is no question here of state's rights. No
such argument upon which the southern
Democrats can base their stolid opposi-
tion to all moves for Negro equality.

In order to establish the regional univer-
sity system, the Southern States must have
their inter-state compact approved by the
national legislature as per the constitution.
Senator Morse has asked for the inclusion of
a clause forbidding segregation in the
schools under this compact.
The move has been made-a move to
make the Civil Rights Program an ac-
tuality rather than a dream. It should
be supported by every politician who has
announced his support of the Civil Rights
We have had a bi-partisan Congress on
issues of foreign policy. How about a bi-
partisan action on the question of Negro
rights. Orchids to the Republican from
-Don McNeil.
It is characteristic of the far vision and
fine eloquence of Winston Churchill that
The Hague conference for European unity
should be called the "Congress of Europe."
Like Churchill's great design for a United
States of Europe, the world Congress draws
upon the American pattern.
In many ways the meeting at The Hague
corresponds to the Annapolis Conference
which preceded the Constitutional Conven-
tion at Philadelphia. The Hague conference
will not itself establish European union, but
the consultative assembly which it would
have the European parliaments set up may
encompass this great achievement.
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Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
* * *
THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1948
VOL. LVIII, No. 157
Faculty Meeting, College of En-
gineering: 4:15 p.m., Fri., May 14,
Room 348, W. Engineering Bldg.

Post Session: The
"Post Session," which
tentatively announced
the Summer Session, is
The demand was not
for its operation.

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Letters to the Editor...

Good Old Days

KNOW A CYNICAL woodpecker who lives
two from the right in a row of lombardy
poplars. Sometimes, by pretending to take
a nap, or by indicating in some other way
that I want to be alone, I can induce hiur
to come down and discuss public affairs.
Te other day he lighted on a twig near
my head.
"Wake up!" he screamed. "Don't lie there
sleeping. These are the good old days. Get
up and enjoy them."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well," he said, "just suppose Congress
adopts every major bill that's now before

A shadow seemed to pass overI
darkening the nearby lake, and
it look as if it had winked.
* * *

the sun,

"FIRST, THERE'S the draft," he
"Just think of that. Peacetime
scription in America."


With this, the absurd bit of poultry did
a burlesque forward march on his twig,
shrieking "Twit, two three four! 'Twit, two
three four!"
"Well, it will be tough on the youngsters,"
I said.
'Tough on the youngsters!" he cried. "It'll
be a different country. And then you've
also got the Mundt Bill moving right along
in Washington."
"That won't affect you much," I ventired
to point out.
"It won't, hey? Why, for all you know,
there might be a Communist woodpecker
higher up in this tree. In that case this
tree could be formally listed as a Com-
munist front, and it would have to register
and file annual reports."
He roared with laughter. A woodpecker's
laugh is not the pleasantest sound in the
"Oh, those good old days!" he shrieked.
"These are them."
"LISTEN, you infuriating fowl," I said.
"All I want is to take a nap and-"
"And those thirty billion dollar arms
budgets!" he cried. "Wait 'till you have
compulsory military service, the Mundt Act
in force, and all your money going for arms.
Why, you'll remember this as the year of
low taxes, the year when America was
"Do you really have to make all of these
changes?" I asked.
"So you want to keep things the way
they are? A radical, hey?" yowled the tiny
creature, doing a pinwheel on his branch.
"That's not radical-" I began, but he
"Sure it is," he said. "Nowadays a
conservative is a fellow who wants to
change everything, and a radical is one
who wants to keep them the way they

Summer Positions: A represen-
tative of the H. J. Heinz Co., Hol-
land, Mich., will be here Thurs.,
May 13, to interview men inter-
ested in work in Contract Crops
Procurement, Clerical and Physi-
cal, and supervision of farm labor.
No experience required.
Boys' Camp Position: A repre-
sentative of Camp Daggett, near
Petoskey, Michigan, will be here
Saturday morning to interview
men for the position of general
For further information and ap-
pointment call at 201 Mason Hall
or call Extension 371.
Campus organizations whose
women members wish to request
late permission are instructed to
present at the Office of the Dean
of Women a written list of names,
hour needed, and reason for the
request no later than three days
before the event. This will enable
the office to make adequate an-
nouncement in The Daily Official
Muriel Lester, international
secretary of Fellowship of Recon-
ciliation, will speak on the sub-
ject, "Gandhi" at 8:15 p.m., Fri.,
May 14, Kellogg Auditorium; aus-
pices of Intercooperative Coun-
cil, Interguild, and Hindustan As-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Dan-
iel Seth Ling, Jr., Physics; thesis:
"The Theory of the Angular Cor-
relation of Successive Gamma and
Internally Converted Gamma Ra-
diations," 3 p.m., Thurs., May 13,
East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg. Chairman, G. E. Uhlenbeck.
Doctoral Examination for Doug-,
las Neil Morgan, Philosophy; the-
sis: "Photography and Philoso-
phy," 4 p.m., Fri., May 14, Room
204, Mason Hall. Chairman, D. H.
Students, College of L.S.A.:
Advisory Series on Professional
Schools: Thurs., May 13, 4:15
p.m. Room 231, Angell Hall, "Bus-
iness as a Career," Dean R. A.
Stevenson, School of Business Ad-
ministration; Room 35, Angell
Hall, "Public Health as a Profes-
sion," Dr. J. J. Harlon, School of
Public Health.
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ics: Thurs., May 13, 4 p.m., Room
247, W Engineering Bldg. Mr. W.
C. Sangren will speak on "A Gen-
eralization of Sturm - Louisville

Astronomical Colloquium: Fri.,
May 14, 4 p.m., Observatory.
Speaker: Dr. Helen W. Dodson.
Title: "Current Studies of Promi-
nence Motion."
Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar: 1 p.m., Thurs., May 13, Room
3001, Angell Hall. Mr. Kenneth
Fowler will continue his talk on
"P-adic Numbers."
Qualifying Examination, Direct-
ed Teaching: Students who plan
to do directed teaching in the fall
are required to pass a qualifying
examination in the subject in
which they expect to teach. Ex-
amination will be given at 8:30
a.m., Sat., May 15, University
High School Auditorium. Prompt-
ness is essential as the exam con-
sumes about 4 hours time. Bring
Music and Dances of the Renais-
sance and Baroque Eras will be
presented at 8 p.m., Thurs., May
13, Michigan League Ballroom, by
the Collegium Musicum and stu-
dents of the modern dance, under
the direction of Louise Cuyler of
the School of Music staff, and
Juana de Laban of the Depart-
ment of Physical Education. The
music will be played by a string
orchestra with harpsichord, con-
ducted by Myron Russell; auspices
of the University Extension Serv-
ice and the Collegium Musicum in
connection with the Adult Educa-
tion Institute being held in Ann
Arbor. The general public will be
admitted without charge after
7:45 p.m.
Student Recital Shirley Fryman
Goldfarb, pianist, will present a
recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m.,
Thurs.. May 13. Assembly Hall,
Rackham Bldg. A pupil of Mrs.
Maud Okkelberg, Mrs. Goldfarb
will play Sonate, K.281 by Mozart,
Op., 76 by Brahms, Beethoven's
Sonate, Op. 53, and Grieg's Bal-
lade, Op. 24. The public is invited.
Student Recital: Francelia
Whitfield, pianist, will play com-
positions by Bach, Schubert,
Brahms, Lee Pattison, and Wilbur
Perry, at 8:30 p.m., Fri., May 14,
Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil
of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Whit-
field is presenting the program in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music. The public is invited.
Events Today
Radio Programs:
5:45 p.m. WPAG-Campus News
A Bill of One-Act Plays will be
presented at 8 pm., Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, by speech de-
partment students in advanced
courses in theatre. Admission is
free to the public and no tickets
are required. Doors open at 7:15
p.m. and close as soon as theatre
is filled, but nqt later than 8 p.m.
No one will be seated during the
performance of any of the plays.
Students and Faculty of the
English Departmet will be spe-
cial guests at the Student-Faculty
Hour, 4-5 p.m., Russian Tea Room,
Michigan League.
International Center weekly tea:
4:30-5:30 p.m., Thurs., May 20.
Hostesses: Mrs. Albert B. Peck
and Mrs. Mildred I. McDonald.
Motion Picture: "Micro-Moving
iGontinued on Page 5)

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, thergeneral pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of cop-
densing letters.
Foreign Correspondence
To the Editor:
A FEW MONTHS ago the Uni-
versity's NSA Committee was
named to establish a regional cor-
respondence exchange which
would enable American students
to get into contact and correspond
with students throughout the
Thus far a .sub-committee has
received lists of names from Eng-
land, Germany, Italy and France,
together with scattered names
from other areas.
More recently we have received
application blanks from the cor-
respondence bureau set up by the
International Union of Students.
Through its facilities you can cor-
respond with students from most
any part of the world.
The NSA has recently suspend-
ed negotiations for affiliation with
the IUS because of its political
inclinations and activities. Your
committee has been unanimous,
however, in the belief that we
should cooperate fully with the
IUS in cultural projects such as
the correspondence bureau.
As political events create con-
tinually mounting tensions in the
world, the correspondence ex-
change presents one of the few
remaining means of communica-
tion with students of Central and
Eastern Europe.
Believing that such communi-
cation, particularly with students
on the "other side" of the world,
is a healthy and constructive ac-
tivity for thinking students, we en-
courage you to call project chair-
man Dick Cortright at 24591 and
get an application blank.
-Tom Walsh,
Chairman, NSA Comm.
Terse Verse
To the Editor:
"DON'T CHASE that lass across
the grass,"
Is one of the signs that you will
We thought t'would make the
campus green,
If pleasing signs were only seen.
We dotted laws both near and far,
But we were reaching for a star.
As fast as we can new signs make,
Some students the old ones take.
This project done by APO,
Really keeps us on the go.
Many an Hour, many a Day,
We've painted signs to show the
way. ,
The time we've spent in doing
We hope won't really go amiss.
We don't mind working without
If only the signs you will obey.
This prograr will not work at all,
Unless everyone answers the call.
First, see that signs that we put
Do not by chance (?) become
We ask of all, both freshman,
That our new signs they keep
hands off.

And also please observe the signs,
So proudly we say, "This campus,
'tis mine."
This poetry though not the best,
We hope the spirit will you infest.
-Joe Guttentag,
Corr. Sec., Gappa Pi of
Alpha Phi Omega, National
Service Fraternity.
To the Editor:
well bo go outside the South
for their presidential candidate.
It seems to me that Harry Ben-
nett would best represent their
mode of civilization, and would be
equipped by experience to admin-
ister their social program. So long
as the graft was good, he wouldn't
mind, I suppose, shifting from
straight whisky to mint juleps.
-P. H. McNutt.

Looking Back
From the pages of The Daily
Fraternity editors were elected to the
Michiganensian board, with campus soror-
ities deciding to rotate their offices each
year to prevent dissension over the posi-
tions. The affiliated students were mem-
ber$ of a committee composed of repre-
sentatives from the literature, engineering
and law schools.
Prop problem perplexed the cast of "The
Play's The Thing," but President Little,
University head, came to their aid by
lending his dress suit for the performance.
"tri llt +itho n lrtnun n +1-a .fist

Mundt Bill
To the Editor:
BY THE TIME this letter
reaches print the Mundt-Nix-
on Bill may well have passed the
House of Representatives with the
final battle being waged in the
Senate. Time slips by while the
fascist-minded proponents of the
bill make haste, and the true na-
ture of the bill is kept from the
American people by a conspiracy
of silence in the press. Are these
more Communist slogans' "fas-
cist-minded" and "conspiracy of
For the latter, few newspapers
outside New York (and there only
PM and the Herald Tribune)
have printed comprehensive sum-
manes of the bill. Editorial com-
ment has been evasive of the true
intent and danger of the bill, in
the few cases where there has
been editorial comment.
"Fascist-minded?" The Mundt-
Nixon Bill (Subversive Activities
Control Act of 1948 HR 5852) is
sponsored by two members of the
Un-American Activities Commit-
tee and is the product of that
committee's hearings on outlaw-
ing the Communist Party.
Consider: under the Mundt-Nix-
on Bill you could be required
to register as a foreign agent if
you belonged to any organization
that the Attorney General listed
as subversive. If convicted of sub-
versive activity, you could be fined
$10,000, sent to jail for ten years
and deprived of your citizenship.
And what would make you subver-
sive? Believing in, advocation,
supporting or associating yourself
with the program of the Com-
munist Party or anything re-
sembling that program,
You're subversive in the eyes
of the Un-Americans if you favor
Soviet-American friendship, if you
oppose UMT or Jim Crow in the
Army, if you support the Third
Party, if you supported Operation
Haircut, etc. You can be consid-
ered a foreign agent if you are a
Zionist. Advocating nationaliza-
tion of atomic energy. means over-
throwing the government (force
and violence doesn't have to be
You don't have to believe us.
Get a copy of the bill and read it
yourself. Read it carefully-fig-
ure how it could be used against
YOU. Then let your Congressman
know what you think of it-before
he's telling you what to think.
-The Executive Comm.
Ralph Neafus Club, CP.
and Taft is the likelihood
that they will go into the conven-
tion with so much strength that
neither can get a majority and
that in the subsequent shuffle a
compromise candidate will come
-Karl Keyerleber in
Current History.
Fifty-Eighth Year



espgfg lig- eeer-=-. - .
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan tader the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy...............City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor
Joan Katz...........Associate Editor
Fred Schott......... Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson....... Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ................. Librarian
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .......General Manag r
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Entered at the Post Office at Anti
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Subscription during the reguler
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Assodated Collegiate Press




I hooe this is one of Mr. Blahis' good days.

,Ask that imaginary Pixie of yours to 1

Sli think Ralph is sorry he turned down

I can ask

I 1


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