See Page 4
It 43UZ1
Latest Deadline in the State
Jews Ready
For Capture
Of Arab Jaffa
1 British To End
Rule Tomorrow
TEL AVIV, Palestine, May 12-
()P)-The Jews announced today
their readiness to take over virtu-
ally deserted all-Arab Jaffa as
soon as Haganah forces can move
in from neighboring Tel Aviv -
perhaps tonight.
With the deadline for the Brit-
ish yielding their Holy Land man-
date a little more than 48 hours
away, these vere other major
Palestine developments:
1. Haganah, the Jewish army,
stepped up its fighting pace in
southern Palestine, reportedly in-
vaded by Egyptian volunteer
2.Arab infantry and artillery
again closed the vital Jerusal-
em-Tel Aviv highway in a slash-
ing counterattack,
3. Irgun Zvai Leumi, Jewish
fighting force, said its forces, hit-
ting in two columns, had attacked
in the hills of Ephriam.
4. Jewish sources in Haifa
said the all-Arab town of Beisan
near the Trans-Jordan frontier
surrendered to Haganah.
5. Intermittent rifle and ma-
chine gun fire tonight broke the
cease-fire order in Jerusalem for
the first time since Saturday noon.
6. Haganah said units of King
Abdullah's Trans-Jordan Arab
legion-on police duty for the
British in Palestine-were, at-
tacking Kfar Etzion, an isolated
Jewish settlement south of Je-
7. Indications pointed toward
formal proclamation of the He-
brew state a few hours before ex-
piration of the British mandate.
The Jewish announcement of
Jaffa came after an Arab repre-
sentative appealed for a perma-
nent truce.
Israel Rokach, mayor of Tel
Aviv, said he was prepared to take
over administrative cbnt ols of
the neighboring Arab port city as
soon as Haganah was ready to
move in.
Local Citizens
Hit Mundt Bill
Request Vandenberg
Present Opposition
Another telegram containing
the signatures of 16 professors
and 64 others has been sent to
Washington in an attempt to
fight passage of the Mundt Bill,
for control of subversive activi-
ties, Prof. Wilfred Kaplan, of the
mathematics department, co-
chairman of the Washtenaw
County Committee for Democratic
Rights, announced yesterday.
"We echo the sentiments ex-
pressed by fellow citizens (21 pro-
fessors and 11 others) Friday and
urge that you oppose the Mundt
Bill," the message states. It was
sent to Sen. Arthur D. Vanden-
berg, (Rep., Mich.), Sen. Homer
Ferguson, (Rep., Mich.) and Rep.
Earl C. Michener, (Rep., Mich.).
"The threat of Communism
should be met by a constructive
program which eliminates the
causes of Communism and not by
forcing the Communist Party un-
derground," the telegram states.
Signees include: Prof. B. F.
Baker, Phillip Bedein, Haskell
Coplin, Lee Danielson, Prof.
Charles Dolph, Prof. B. Dushnik,
Prof. William Frankena, Roe
Goodman, Prof. Glenn Kolb,
Harold Lester, Prof. H. J, McFar-
Ian, Prof. N. Maier, Anita and El-
liot Mischler, Prof. Arthur B.
Moehlman, and Prof. M. V. Mor-
Also pn; the list are : Prof. M.
Pargment, Prof. Anthony Pasqua-
riefle, Prof. G. Y. Rainich, Prof.
E. H. Rothe, Prof. Hans Samel-
son, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sloss, W. L.
Smith, A. R. Sorenson, R. A. Stoll,
Prof. R. M. Thrall, and Prof. P.
Continue Advisory
Talks Here Today
Advisory talks on professional
schools will continue at 4:15 p.m.
Maternity Hospital Fund CIO Walkout
Compromise is Blocked Idles 75,000
Senate, House Committees Fail To Reach j
Decision on Construction Appropriations
A legislature compromise which would have allowed $850,000 for;
continuance of construction on the University Maternity Hospital
and sufficient funds to finish all other campus buildings now under
construction was blocked by Senate financial leaders yesterday.
The compromise came at the end of a three hour peace confer-
ence between the House Ways and Means Committee and the
Senate Financial Committee attempting to rescue the $16,000,000
appropriation bill for state institutions and colleges which was left
up in the air when the special session adjourned April 29.
Stumbling Block
The big stumbling block was the House insistence that money
be granted on the New Northville Hospital sponsored by Gov. Sigler.
Two of the senators told the meeting the Senate would not budge
from its resolution to discontinue
building at Northville.
The Maternity Hospital dis-
agreement stemmed from the
House's grant of $1,645,000 on the
project as against the Senate's
grant of $500,000.
Compromise Rejected
The compromise offered by Sen.
Don Vander Werp halved the
House appropriations for North-
ville and included the $850,000
figure for the University Mater-
nity Hospital. It was unanimously
approved by the House Commit-
tee, but Chairman Otto Bishop
refused even to allow the Senate
committee to be polled.
Observers expect a further peace
conference to be held before the
Legislature meets for final ad
adjournment scheduled for May
20. The $850,000 figure would be
acceptable to the University as a
temporary measure, Vice Presi-
dent Marvin H. Niehuss indicated
last night.
Six Officers To
Be Chosen in
Union Election
Union members will go to the
polls today to elect six Union
vice-presidents from a field of
sixteen candidates.
The vice-presidents will be
elected one from each school, and
voters will vote only for a can-
didate from their school. ID cards
will be required at the polls.
Nine ballot boxes will be scat-
tered across the campus, and vot-
ing will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Students may vote only for a
candidate listed on the ballot un-
der the school in which he is en-
Location of the ballot boxes is
as follows: In the Union Steps,
behind Haven Hall, between Tap-
pan Hall and Romance Language,
on the Diagonal, in the Engine
Arch, on the corner of North U.
and East U., and at the Lawyer's
Club and the new Bus. Ad. School.
The candidates are:
Law School: E. G. Davis and
Erich Zalenski.
Medical School: Thad Joos.
Dentistry: Charles Jaslow and
Robert Laidlaw.
L. S. & A.: Jack Higgins, Ther-
on Mock, Robert Olshefsky and
Merl Townley.
Engineering and architecture
schools: Harry Evans, Bruce
Lockwood, William Nissler, Ar-
thur Mancl, Leo Romzick and Ed-
ward Ulvestad.
Nicholas Muhlenberg is running
from combined schools.
S * 1'
Engineers To
Elect Officers
Five Polling Booths
Will Be Open Today
Engineers will vote today in the
all-engine college election.
Five polling booths, manned by
engineers, will be located under
the Engine Arch, at the north en-
trance of West Engine, on the sec-
onid floor center of West Engine,
and at both entrances of East En-
gine. Ballots will be of the write-
in type.
The Election Committee of the
Student Legislature will count the
votes. Election results will appear'
in tomorrow's Daily.
Candidates in the senior class
are: president Bruce Lockwood
CU' Prof. Cites
Fear as Cause
Of US._Policy
. Mundt Bill Evidence
Of Dread--Newconl
America's foreign policy is mo-
tivated by fear and dread, Prof.
Theodore M. Newcomb, of the
psycology and sociology depart-
ments, said yesterday.
Speaking before the 16th an-
nual Adult Education Institute,
Prof. Newcomb diagnosed the
American state of mind as a "fun-
damentally healthy" one, how-
Psychological Pride
But the nation's psychological
feeling of pride and independent
alone-ness in the world may be
back of current actions seeking to
ward off what are considered
Communistic threats to national
security, he declared.
The fear that has crept into our
attitude toward the rest of the
world is reflected in domestic af-
fairs, Prof. Newcomb said. He cit-
ed the "ill-considered" Callahan
Bill in Michigan and the Mundt
Act in Congress as evidences of
this trend.
Malignant Symptoms
Likening the American people
to the social psychiatrist's patient,
Prof. Newcomb said that such
"symptoms" could become malig-
nant. "What the patient needs
is a new vision of the possibilities
of democracy," he said.
At the Institute's afternoon ses-
sion, Dr. Carl V. Weller, chairman
of the pathology department, said
that man's chances of living to a
ripe old age are still improving,
but that talk of "life extension"
is absurd.
Today the conference will con-
tinue with a talk by Dean Rusk,
director of the Office of United
Nations Affairs of the State De-
partment, at 9:15 a.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Men's Council
Petitions Due
Committee Schedules
Interviews Next Week
Students interested- in obtain-
ing positions on the Men's Ju-
diciary Council may pick up peti-
tion blanks at the Student Affairs
Petitioners should have at least
60 credit hours and should have a
background in campus affairs.
Council members will be ap-
pointed by a committee composed
of the male members of the Stu-
dent Legislature cabinet. Inter-
viewing will be held next week,
with petitions due at the Student
Affairs Office by 4 p.m. Monday.
Formerly under the jurisdiction
of the Student Legislature, and
composed exclusively of Legisla-
ture members, the Council was re-
organized last year in its present
form as the judicial branch of the
student government.
The Council's primary function
is to hear and decide upon all vio-
lations of student conduct rules
framed by the Student Legisla-
ture, or of University regulations
in cases referred by the Office of
Student Affairs.
At Chrysler
Strike Will Test
State Labor Law
DETROIT, May 12-(P)-Chrys-
ler's 75.000 CIO employes laid
down their tools today in the first
major automobile strike since
The walkout, stemming frot a
demand for a third round of pot-
war wage increases, posed an im-
mediate test of Michigan's new Ta-
bor law.
It was estimated that the strike
would cost the CIO United Auto
Workers $800,000 a day in wages
and the corporation 5,000 cars and;
trucks a day.
The Union sought a raise of
30 cents an hour but out that
demand to 17 cents only 12
hours before the strike. Chrys-
ler's best offer was six cents.
The pre-strike average was
about $1.50 an hour.
Gov. Sigler ordered his state la-
bor mediation board to test the
new Bonine-Tripp Labor Law on
the Chrysler strikers. A court
complaint against the Union isi
The law requires a State-con-
ducted strike vote before a walk-
out. The UAW-CIO ignored it on
grounds that Chrysler has plants
outside Michigan.
"If the law is constitutional,
we might as wll find out now,"
Sigler told newsmen.
The placard-bearing pickets re-
ceived a surprise visit at the big
Dodge plant from Henry A. Wal-
lace, Third - Party Presidential
candidate. here to address a rally
Thursday night. He told them:
"I'm glad you are doing some-
thing to get the profits of the au-
tomobile industry which right-
fully belong to you."
Sawyer Talks
On Scientist's
The modern scientist should de-
vote his energies to the improve-
ment of our knowledge of the nat-
ural world without "meddling" in
other fields in the opinion of Dr.
Ralph A. Sawyer, Dean of the
School of Graduate Studies and
professor of physics.
Speaking at the annual Sigma
Xi initiation ceremonies on "The
Social Responsibilities of Modern
Science," Dr. Sawyer said last
night that "the scientist should,
however, seize every opportunity
to enlighten the public and should
devote more time to this than he
has in the past."
On the negative side, Dr. Saw-
yer expressed disagreement with
the belief that modern scientists
should be held responsible for the
misapplication of their discoveries.
"The search for truth for its own
sake must persist," he said.
Dr. Sawyer concluded by con-
trasting pure and social sciences.
"In my opinion," he commented,
"social studies need more science
and science needs more philoso-
phy in the determination and crit-
icism of its objectives."
Sigma Xi is the national honor
society for research scientists. Last
night's ceremonies marked the ini-
tiation of 223 new University fac-
ulty and student members into the
Co ncil To Meet
Advisors for Fall
The Union Executive Council
will interview prospective orienta-
tion advisors for next fall from 7
to 10 p.m. today at the Union stu-
dent offices.
Eligible students, second term
freshman or better, may make in-
terview appointments from 3 to 5
p.m. at the offices.
RAILMEN GET ORDERS TO STAY ON THE JOB-George B. Hooper (center), Chief Clerk of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, hands a telegram to a messenger at Cleveland after receiving
a telephone call from Alvanley Johnston, head of the brotherhood. The telegram instructed the
union to report for duty as usual on May 11. At right is Lawrence Bryns, Assistant Chief Grand
Engineer. Trains operated normally as the cancelled strike deadline passed.
Pollock To Advise Gen. Clay in Europe
Dr. James K. Pollock, chairman
of the political science depart-
ment, yesterday left for Berlin,
Germany, where he will advise
Gen. Lucius D. Clay on the prob-
lems of integrating Marshall Plan
aid with the German economy.
Gen. Clay is commander-in-
chief of U. S. forces in Europe
and military governor of the U.S.
occupied zone. Dr. Pollock en-
trained for New York and was
slated today to fly to Berlin.
Framework for ERP
He said his seven week tour will
in the main be devoted to "devel-
oping a framework within which'
Britain, France and the United
States will be able to effectively
and efficiently implement the Eu-
Gilbert and Sullivan Society
To Present Pinafore' Tonight
"HMS Pinafore" will open its
three day cruise in Pattengill Au-
ditorium at 8:00 p.m. today
manned by a picked vocal crew
from the campus Gilbert and Sul-
livan Society and authentic even
to the cat-of-nine-tails.
All this week Prof. Harry Allen
and Rex Wilder, the co-directors,
have feared that the apparent
scarcity of old fashioned whips
would seriously cripple the pro-
duction, but an hour before dress
rehearsal a veteran English pro-
fessor generously loaned them his
"cat" for the weekend.
The rollicking story of the "jolly
tar" who not only married the
bosses' daughter but also took
over the bosses' job boasts some of
the most famous music in all Gil-
bert and Sullivan. The all-student
show has been in rehearsal since
March 1.
Complete with a special 20 piece
orchestra, a chorus of over 40
voices and eight featured singers,
"Pinafore" will also offer a spar-
Song Program
Is Rained Out
May Be Held in Hill
Auditorium Tonight
The Interfraternity Sing will be
held at 7 p.m. tonight on the steps
of the Library.
Rain plagued the sing, which
was scheduled to be held last.
night. If it should rain again to-
night, the sing may be held in Hill
Auditorium, Joe Wimsatt, IFC
Secretary emphasized. News of the
sing will be broadcast on the 6
p.m. news broadcast over station
The sing will be recorded this
year by Stan Crapo '50E, who has
arranged to have the best record-
ings played on a future broadcast
over WPAG. Copies of the records
will be available to fraternities,
according to Crapo.
The sing is managed this year
by a committee headed by Joe
Wimsatt, and including Dick Mor-
rison '50, Dick Shultz '50, and Dick
Slocum '49.
The trophies will be presented
by Mrs. Frank Oakes.
kling variety of dances from a
sailor's hornpipe to ballet.
The best seats left for "Pina-
fore" are for tonight's perform-
ance according to Jim Schneider,
publicity chairman. Tickets for all
three performances are on sale in
the booth outside Room 2 Univer-
sity Hall, and will also be avail-
able at Pattengill Auditorium in
Ann Arbor High School each eve-
Music, Dances
Will Be Given
Renaissance Period
Theme of Program
Renaissance and Baroque pe-
riod music and dances will be au-
thentically costumed and pre-
sented for the first time in this
country at 8 p.m. today in the
League Ballroom.
Dr. Juana de Laban of the
physical education department
has done the choreography for the
dances, and Dr. Louise Cuyler of
the Music School has arranged
the music. The dances will include.
the Basse, Branle, Pavane, Pass-
mezzo, Dompe, Galliard and Cour-i
On the musical side of the pro-
gram are a suite for small orches-
tra, a group of 16th and 17th cen-
tury Italian and English madri-
gals performed by the Madrigal
Choir under the direction of
Wayne Dunlap and Donald Plott,
and an aria from a Monteverdi
opera arranged by Joseph White
and performed by Bonnie Elms,
soprano, and Gloria Gonan, mez-
zo-soprano, with the ensemble.
Sara Cossum on the viola and
Jean Farquharson at the harpsi-
chord will play a Bach sonata.
Miss Cossum and Miss Farquhar-
son will be joined by Elisabeth
Lewis on the viola for two compo-
sitions by Lowes and Merula, ar-
ranged by Wiley Hitchcock.
Music will be provided by the
Collegium Musicum and modern
dance students will present the
To -aid in an understanding of
this type of music, Dr. Cuyler will
speak on "Secular Music in the
Late Middle Ages and Renais-
sance" at 3 p.m. today in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
ropean Recovery Program in the
three western zones of Germany."
Dr. Pollock was called to Ger-
many on request of Secretary of
the Army Kenneth Royall. It is
his third trip as an adviser on
German affairs in three years.
Relief Plus Rehabilitation
He termed the situation in Ger-
many at present as "critical." He
said that relief in the form of food
will continue. But that the em-
phasis now will be shifted to re-
building German industry in ac-
cordance with present American
American plans call for a com-
pact, rejuvenated economic unit
composed of the occupied zones
now under British, American and
French control.
Initial steps toward this end
were taken last year when the
British and American zones com-
bined into an economic unit with
headquarters in Frankfurt known
as Bizonia.
Strengthen Democratic Germany
Current efforts will be directed
toward formation of a working
Trizonia, according to Pollock.
Observers have regarded a
strengthened democratic Ger-
many, excluding the eastern zone,
as a buffer against further ex-
pansion of the Iron Curtain.
Dr. Pollock would not comment
on the place former German in-
dustrialists might have in the new
German program. He said he
would have to further study the
situation when he arrived in Ber-
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
United States called on the
United Nations tonight to install
a UN high commissioner for Pal-
estine. The selection would be
made by the United States, Rus-
sia, France, China and Britain.
-* * *
THE HAGUE, The Nether-
lands, May 12-Queen Wil-
helmina of The Netherlands an-
nounced in an emotion-choked
voice today that she will abdi-
cate in favor of her daughter
Juliana just after her golden
* * *
Marshall Hits
Russian Talk
Of Meeting
Bevin, Wallace
Hope for Parley
By The Associated Press
Secretary of State Marshall re-
jected flatly today any Soviet-
American conference aimed at a
general settlement between the
two great powers.
Other comment on the lat-
est Russian-American exch*4ge
ranged from British Foreign See-
retary Bevin's declaration that
any big-power conference must
wait until "the ground has been
cleared," to Henry Wallace's ac-
cusation that Marshall is only
continuing the "cold war."
Marshall, however, held the
door open to greatly improved
dealings with Russia in the-
United Nations and other diplo-
matic agencies.
He even indicated at a news
conference that he suspects the
Kremlin may have decided to
soften Russian foreign policy.
He read a paragraph from the
statement which Soviet Foreign
Minister Molotov gave to Ame-
can Ambassador Walter Bedel
Smith in Moscow last Sunday de-
claring that Russia's policy toward
the United States has always been
and will continue to be "a peace
loving policy and one of collabora*
Marshall said that statement
should be read with regard to
the future. He added that he
considers it a very important
statement, which the whole
world will be waiting to see ful-
He also told questioning report-
ers that the exchange of notes be-
tween Smith and Molotov and
their surprise publication by Mos-
cow may have helped the cause of
world peace and brightened the
prospects for a settlement of out-
standing differences.
In London, meanwhile, Ernest
Bevin told the House of Cm-
mons that although he was
anxious for a settlement with
the Soviet Union, any hasty
calling of a conference would
invite failure.
Asked by former former Foreign
Secretary Anthony Eden about the
Soviet - American diplomatic ex-
change in wJhich Russia an-
nounced that she had "accepted"
what she construed as a U. S. in-
vitation to a conference, Bevin
"I suggest that to call a con-
ference on the basis of generali-
ties without precise prepara-
tory work is going to land us
exactly where we were with
four-power conferences."
He criticized Moscow for pub-
licizing the Russian and American
statements, saying, "before the
United States government re-
ceived a reply from the Soviet
government, publication was made
through the Tass agency. While
that diplomatic usage goes on, the
clearing of the ground for an un-
derstanding is almost impossible."
Other comment came from
Henry Wallace, speaking in De-
troit. The third party presidential
candidate declared that Mar-
shall's publicized denial that any
"general discussions" had been
asked of the USSR by U. S. Am-
bassador Walter Bedell Smith,
dampened the spirits of many
people in this country, who were
about to yell "hurrah" at the pros-
pect of peaceful negotiation.
Technic Goes
Senate was told today that regu-
lar and reserve forces of the armed
services will need 1,669,000 new
men during the next year.
The manpower estimate was
made in a formal report from the
Senate Armed ServicesnCommit-
tee when it filed its new draft
bill with the Senate.
** *
ROME, May 12 -- President
Luigi Einaudi refused tonight to
accept the resignation of Pre-
mier Alcide De Gasperi, Chris-
tian Democrat leader who then
announced this government
would remain in power.
* *
WASHINGTON, May 12-A bill
carrying $1,126,597,405 for operat-
ing various federal agricultural
programs during the next fiscal
year reached the Senate late to-
day from its Appropriations Com-
The measure caries :9580.270. -
On Sale Today
The May issue of the Michigan
Technic, containing informative
and humorous articles relating to
engineering will be sold from 8
to 4 p.m. today and tomorrow in
the lobby of East Engine and un-
der the West Engine Arch, editor
Phil Stemmer announced.
Kenneth W. Allison has written
a feature article on "The Play-
boy," latest addition to the small
car market. "Hoax and Paradox"
by David Stein proves among
other things that 1 plus 1 do not
equal 2. A short cut for engineers
with problems is offered by Prof.
A. D. Moore in "A Fast Method
Professors Greet Soviet Overtures with Skenticism