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May 11, 1948 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-11

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Third Sister from Korea
Is ScholarshipStudent Here

When Dr. Nan Kyung Koh en-
rolled last fall she became the
third in a trio of prominent sisters
from Korea to enter the Univer-
One of her sisters, Evelyn
Whang-Kyung Koh, earned an
M.A. degree in 1933 and a Ph.D.
in 1937 at the University. She is
now chief of the Women's Bureau
in Seoul, Korea.
The other sister, Gladys, studied
in the University School of Music

and is now director of the
tional Red Cross in Korea.
Youngest of Three
Dr. Nan Koh, youngest of


three sisters, is a Barbour Schol-
arship student. She is enrolled in
the School of Public Health and
is working toward a master's de-
gree in public health.
Prior to coming to the United
States, Dr. Koh had earned an
M.D. degree at the Tokyo Wom-
en's Medical College and subse-
quently practiced gynecology in
the American Military Govern-
ment's Bureau of Preventive Med-
icine in Seoul.
Preventive Aspects
Dr. Koh will complete her
studies at the University in Feb-
ruary. She is specializing in the
preventive aspects of maternal
and child health.
Her plans call for an eventual
return to Seoul and work in the
field of preventive medicine.
Dr. Koh is not likely to forget
her University days when she re-
turns to Seoul because, she says,
"there are about 20 former Mich-
igan students there."
Of State Hold

Anthropology Club - Speaker.
Prof. Norman D. Humphrey,
Wayne University, "Status Struc-
turing in Teclotan, Jalisco, Mex-
ico," 8 p.m., Museums Building.
AVC-Executive Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Union.
Organ Recital-Walter Baker,
New York City, guest organist
4:15 p.m. Hill Auditorium.
Student Exchange Conference--
Second day's sessions at 9 a.m. and
2 p.m. Rackham Lecture Hall.
Organ and Choral Program -
Student organists, Richard Dun-
ham Trumpet, University Choir,
Raymond Kendall conductor, and
string grehestra, Emil Raabcon-
ductor, 8:30 p.m., Hill Audito-
Pharmaceutical Conference -
Sessions 2:15 and 7:45 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Michigan-"State of the Un-
ion," 1, 3:30, 6 and 8:50 p.m.
State-"A Double Life," 1, 3:35,
6:10 and 8:45 p.m.
BaseballMichigan vs. Michi-
gan State College, 3:30 p.m. Ferry
Concert -- University Concert
Band, Prof. William D. Revelli, di-
rector 8:30 p.m., HillAuditorium.
Sigma Xi-Lecture, Dean Ralph
A. Sawyer, "The Social Responsi-
bilities of Modern Science," 8:15
p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.

Union Opera
Being Taken
Production Director,
Other Help Needed
Petitions for the top adminis-
trative and production positions
on the 1948 Union Opera will con-
tinue to be received from 3 to 5
p.m. today through Friday in the
Student Offices of the Union.
According to Dave Leyshon,
chairman, the Executive Council
needs a permanent production
ohairman, promotion chairman,
and finance chairman.' Commit-
tee heads are also needed for cos-
tumes and make-up, properties,
settings, publicity, photography,
personnel and all other production
We also need men interested in
working as corresponding secre-
tary, recording secretary, budget
work, accounting and requisition
control," he said.
Emphasizing that all appoint-
ments would be made on a perm-
onent basis, Leyshon asked that
all petitions include school status
and availability during summer
school as well as previous expe-
rience and other pertinent infor-
Petitions must be delivered in
person so that appointments for
individual interviews may be
made. The interviews will be held
next week by Leyshon and Gene
Sikorovsky president of the Un-
Leyshon also asked that all
song-writers now at work on mu-
sie for the 1948 Union Opera have
a. rough draft of their songs or
lyrics ready for submission May
(Continued from Page 1)
hind the scenes of the television
enterprise is Mel Wissman, pro-
gram director of WWJ and WWJ-
Bits of stage "business" were
brushed up:-an actor's entrance
here, a gesture there - James
Lynch, who has the title role, even
got his hair parted in the middle.
He also got his portrait painted in
television grays by WWJ-TV's
staff artist, Harry Wayne.
The portrait is among the
props which the station is build-
ing especially for the production.
"Especially for TV" has meant
plenty of experimental work for
both the writer, Robert Hawke,
'48, and the cast.
The comedy had to be written
with camera angles in mind, and
action had to be pared to fit video
requirements. The cast memo-
rized every line and gesture-no
script-watching allowed in televi-
sion. "It's like putting on a one-
act play-but with lots of new
problems thrown in," one student
"Mr. Plummerton" is the story
of a girdle manufacturer who gets
his wish that people tell him the
truth-and meets with subsequent
mental disaster. The cast in-
cludes James Lynch, Ed Baker,
Helen Fuller, Richard Charlton,
Sid Pollick, Ed Johnston, Bill
Bromfield, John Momeyer, Helen
Currie, Joyce Katz, John Rich,
William Flemming, Ralph Cappu-
cilli and James Schiavone.

The Shi
is In!
0t -

U' Studeiit Fhied When End
Drops Off 1915 Model Car

Sunday was just one bad day
for Jerry Fauth, '50E - it rained
all day, he smashed up his 1915
Chevrolet and the University fined
him $10 for driving illegally.
It all began when he and his
date set out in the "Baby Grand"
1915 dust-raiser for a Sunday
jaunt. But turning from Packard
on to E. University was too much
for the ancient auto.
Off came the left rear-wheel:
the car did a dip and his date
squealed. Then the extra burden
on the right rear-wheel became
overwhelming and it splintered
into a thousand rotten and senile
slivers. Fauth, lady-friend and
.car :xle droppect two feet.
A Shiny Dodge
Ironically, they ended the Sun-
day drive by running back to
Fauth's fraternity house and bor-
rowing a shiny new 1948 Dodge.
Today Fauth is looking for
someone with two wheels for a
1915 Chevie (and a round pool
table) and conjecturing how next
to provide himself with locomno-
tion. But as some people collect
stamps, and others stack match-
folders, his hobby is saving old
'I m down to the 1913 Buick,'
he commented. Besides these two.
he has, or had at one time: a 1918
Buick, a 1922 Buick, a 1913 Pat-
terson (purchased last year from

a farmer who broke his arm
cranking it back in 1913, and had
not used it since) plus several
Model T's.
He Collects Them
"I suppose I've collected more
than 10 jalopies," said Fauth. who
has entered many of his vehicles
in the Veteran Motor Car Club
and has gotten permanent VMC
licenses for some of them.
But while he digs around for
other transportation, the 1915
Chevie, with more than 200,000
miles of happy driving behind it.
squats miserably on its rear
haunches by the fraternity house
wondering if it is headed back to
the scrap-heap from whence it
came. Fauth rescued the derelict
from a wartime Victory-Screp
Drive for $45,
Accidents Kill One,
Injure Nine Others
Four weekend traffic accidents
in Washtenaw County brought
death to Mrs. Alice L. Sterner,
26, of 1750 Fifth St., Dexter and
injuries to nine persons.
Three Ann Arborites received
injuries in the accidents. They
are: Jimmy Lillard, 5, and Nancy
Lillard, 6, 601 Mary Ct., and Mal-
colm Thomas, 29, of 2516 S. Main
St. They were treated at St. Jo-
seph's Hospital.

Honors Course
Applica tions
Near Deadline
Saturday is the last day for
students wilth 'B' averages or bet-
ter to apply for the Honors pro-
gram in Liberal Arts.
The program offers a five-hour
reading course in politics and
ethics with two cognate courses
each semester, thereby fulfilling
concentration requirements.
Students in the program are
separated into groups of six to ten
students. They meet each week
with their tutor, as a group of in-
dividually, to discuss great works.
The course of readings for the
two yearstincludes the Iliad. the
Republic. the City of Grod. Henry
VI, Hobbes' Leviathan. Hme's
Treatise on Human Nature, the
Federalist and Dewey:, Human
Nature and Conduct.
Each work is studied intensively
for several weeks, papers are writ-
ten and the student is orally test-
ed at the close of the semester.
Second semester seniors write an
Honors essay on some subject
based on the program studies.
Maslin Gets Post
Al Maslin, University junior
and AIM vice-president, was
elected to the National Executive
Council of the National Indepen-
dent Students Association at
Ames. Iowa, yesterday.


walls of earth in a drainage ditch in Dearborn, Mich., Steve Gra-
sela, 29, (arrow) directs rescuers as they try to free him from a
cave-in. With only his arms free, he told firemen, policemen, and

Ford Motor Company first aid workers
buttress the caving walls. He was freed
Wayne County Hospital with both legs

how to place planks to
in an hour and taken to


Women Educators To Meet
On Science, Culture Trends

Meeting Here


The Michigan Branch of the
American Pharmaceutical Asso-
ciation will hold a conference to-
day at the Rackham Building.
Registration will begin at noon
in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
The conference sponsored by the
College of Pharmacy will start at
2:15 p.m. in the Amphitheatre.
Dr. Gordon K. Moe, associate
professor of pharmacology at the
University, will talk on "Clinical
and Pharmacological Effects of
Quaternary Ammonium Com-
Other speakers are Mr. John
H. Butts, executive secretary,
Michigan State Pharmaceutical
Association and Dr. Harold F.
Hailman, medical department of
the Upjohn Company. Mr. Butts
will talk on "Commercial and Le-
gal Aspects of the Everyday Phar-
macy Operation" while Dr. Hail-
man will present a film on the
energy release from food.
Following a banquet at 6 p.m.,
there will be an election of of-
Dr. Russell A. Stevenson, Dean
of the School of Business Admin-
istration, will conclude the con-
ference with a talk on "Small
Business and the Private Enter-
prise Economy."
The public is invited to the
Veterans who lose subsistence,
compensation or pension checks
should notify the approprite re-
gional office of the Veterans Ad-
ministration, VA officials said to-
A veteran losing his check
should write a letter giving his
full name and address, nis claim
number and the date and amount
of the check. He should also in-
clude information regarding the
type of benefit for which the
check was issued and the circum-
stances surrounding its loss.
On being notified of the check's
loss, VA determines if the check
may have been found and re-
turned to the U. S. Treasury. If
so, the check will be remailed to
the veteran. If not, VA will re-
quest the Treasury to stop pay-
ment and take the necessary steps
to reimburse the veteran.
Zoological Exhibit
Now on Display
A special exhibit of zoological
illustrations is now on display in
the Museum rotunda.
They are the work of the late
Grace Eager, artist for the Mu-
selm of Zoology from 1928 until
her death last December, and were
achieved in the face of severe
physical handicaps and almost
continuous ill health.
The drawings were made from
actual specimens and were used
to illustrate published papers re-
quiring detailed delineations of
animals or their parts. The work
is noted for its accuracy of detail
and proportion as well as great
artistic merit.

Lectures and discussions of the
current trends in medicine, cur-
rent affairs, and the arts will be
featured at the 16th annual Adult
Education Institute opening here
Eight hundred Michigan women
will attend the three-day Insti-
tute, which is co-sponsored by the
University Extension Service and
the Michigan State Federation of
Women's Clubs.
Dr. Theodore M. Newcomb, pro-
fessor of sociology and psychology,
will deliver the first lecture to-
morrow at Rackham Lecture Hall,
on "Social Attitudes in American
Robert P. Briggs, vice-president
of the University, and Mrs. A. W.
Bruce, president of the Michigan
Federation of Women's Clubs, will
welcome delegates.
Headline Speaker
Headline speaker of the confer-
ence will be Dean Rusk, director
of the Office of United Nations
Affairs in Washington. His sub-
ject will be "Shall We Revise the
United Nations Charter?"
Other speakers will include:
Prof. Carl V. Weller of the pathol-
ogy department, Dr. Juana de La-
ban, associate supervisor in phy-
sical education, Ford L. Lemler,
supervisor of the University's Au-
dio-Visual Education Center, Prof.
Harold M. Dorr, of the political
science department, Dr. Frederick
A. Coller, professor of surgery, and
Prof. Louise E. Cuyler, of the
School of Music.
Medieval Music
A public recital of medieval and
Organists ive
Concerts Here
Two specially arranged organ
concerts at 4:15 and 8:30 p.m. to-
day in Hill Auditorium will high-
light the meeting of the three
Michigan chapters of the Ameri-
can Guild of Organists.
The evening program will fea-
ture five organists accompanied by
the University Choir, directed by
Raymond Kendall, a special string
orchestra, conducted by Emil
Raab, and a trumpet solo by
Richard Dunham.
The student organists partici-
pating are: William MacGowan
J. Bertram Strickland; Kathryn
Karch Loew and Lorraine Zeeuw
Jones. Marilyn Mason, a member
of the organ faculty of the School
of Music, will also play.
Prof. Walter Baker, guest or-
ganist from Westminster Choir
College, Princeton, N. J., will pre-
sent the afternoon concert.
Both concerts are open to the
Win Phi Beta Keys
Seventy - five University of
Michigan students were initiated
into Phi Beta Kappa, national
scholarship society, in ceremonies
Monday night.
The group of initiates includes
eight members of the junior class,
56 seniors, and 11 graduate stu-
An initiation banquet was held
at 6:30 in the Michigan Union,
with the principal address being
given by Dr. Helen C. White, pro-
fessor of English at the University
of Wisconsin.
(Since 1899)
Inspect our clean, main floor
davlight plant, with all new

renaissance music will be present-
ed at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Lea-
gue Ballroom. Choral and or-
chestral groups directed by Wayne
Dunlap, Joseph White and Myron
Russell, of the School of Music,
will participate.
Mrs. Mary C. Bromage, assistant
dean of women, and Dr. Samuel
W. Hartwell, asisistant director,
Michigan Department of Mental
Health, and Dr. Frank N. Wilson,
professor of internal medicine, will
speak Friday.
Friday afternoon students in
play production classes supervised
by Prof. Valentine B. Windt, of
the speech department, will stage
two one-act plays in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Announce Law
Review Staff,
The editorial board for the '48-
'49 Michigan Law Review was
appointed yesterday by Law School
faculty members.
The review, a monthly publi-
cation sent to 2,000 practicing
lawyers, will be headedby William
J. Schrenk, Sandusky,-O.,,editor-
in-chief; William B. Harvey, Wil-
low Run; Ralph J. Isackson, Bay
City; W. Sterling Maxwell, Hins-
dale, Ill., and Richard V. Wellman,
Columbus, 0., assistant editors.
Educators Confer
In ioundtable
Leaders of small town and
county schools of southeastern
Michigan will converge on Ann
Arbor tomorrow for their semi-
annual Administrative Round-
Co-sponsors of the meeting are
the University School of Educa-
tion and the Michigan State Nor-
mal College. University faculty
men participating in the program,
a series of panel discussions, are
Dean J. B. Edmonson, Harlan C.
Koch and Clifford Woody.
Comer Elected To Be
First Bus. Ad. Officer
In a class election yesterday,
Jerry B. Comer, '48BAd., was
chosen to be the first senior class
president in the history of the
Business Administration School.
Comer is a member of Alpha
Kappa Psi, Bus. Ad. professional
fraternity, and a native of Wich-
ita, Kans.
(Continued from Page 1)

terest in exchange must continue.
"The initiative has been in their
hands and it should remain there;
the government does not wish to
assume it," he said.
Earlier, Dr. Helen C. White of
the University of Wisconsin told
the conferees that international
understanding on the human level
requires careful planning.
Dr. White, a member of the U.S.
national commission for UNESCO
and of the board of Board of For-
eign Scholarships, pointed to the
importance of American aid to
countries with little industrializa-
tion who want to receive our in-
dustrial know-how.
She also stated that nations
that have gone through the war
would appreciate the chance to ex-
perience the creative aspects of
our freedom of spirit.



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