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May 11, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-11

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TUESDAY, MIAY 11, 1948


Misplaced Shenanigans

REPORTS FROM Washington have it that
Bob Taft and his Republican following
in the Senate are going to plug for two years
instead of the regular five in the re-ap-
pointment of the members of the Atomic
Energy Commission.
As this is an election year perhaps it
could be passed of f as the same kind of
political shenanigans that saw the Re-
publicans cutting the President's budget
last year with great fanfare, and then find-
ing it necessary to quietly appropriate more
than had been originally asked for at the
close of the session.
This recent move, however, is much
more serious than puerile budget juggling.
Appointments on a committee as vitally
important as atomic energy should not be
regarded as political plums.
David Lilienthal, the present chairman
of the committee who has been associated
with the project from the first, is regarded
by most impartial observers as by far thej
most competent man for the job. Of course,
in the eyes of the Republicans, he has com-
mitted the cardinal sin-that of being New
Deal board-chairman of the TVA, one of
mankind's most noble works. This same
fact, it will be recalled, led to the hubbub
over his nomination two years ago. We may
be sure that Parnell Thomas and his gang;
will not miss the opportunity to dig up some
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
ire written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

sensational (and of course, equally un-
true) charges to fetch the cameramen.
IT IS DIFFICULT enough to lure high-
calibre men into low-paying government
jobs. Many, however, are willing to put up
with wages substantially below those which
they could earn outside government employ.
They should not be asked to have their
work constantly interrupted by asinine po-
litical bickering, or to subject their repu-
tations to unjust defamation by irrespon-
sible Congressional committees.
The Condon fiasco is another case in
point. The FBI had previously exonerated
Dr. Condon, but typically the Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee saw a chance to
get in the public eye and also insure
their appropriation for the coming year,
and so subjected an innocent man to
needless ridicule. And now Congress is
insisting that all security investigation
files be opened to them so that they can
expose more officials to the Thomas com-
mittee's libelous slander.
If the government hopes to attract the
top flight executives and scientists, which
it so badly needs it must raise the absurdly
meagre salaries, and, what is more impor-
tant, Congress must cease this stupid and
dangerous practice of subjecting government
officials to needless humiliation.
The fact that Congress upped the Thom-
as committee's appropriation and estab-
lished a new committee of inquisition to be
headed by Michigan's amateur G-man
Homer Ferguson, at the beginning of the
year, seems to further destroy any hope that
the politicians are taking seriously their
obligation to the American people.
-Dave Thomas.

Mundt Buckshot

THERE ARE ALREADY federal laws
against attempting to overthrow the
government by force and violence. In fact
this type of activity is disapproved through-
out the world. There are very few countries
which tolerate or encourage it and revolu-
tion is illegal almost everywhere.
What, then, is new about the Mundt Bill,
brainchild of the House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee? What is new about it
is precisely what ought to make Americans
recoil from it in horror. It is the doctrine
that the government should be allowed to
punish men for attempting to overthrow
it without having to prove it on them.
The bill contains a clause which forbids,
under penalty of high fines, long imprison-
ment, and loss of citizenship "any attempt
in any manner" to set up a totalitarian die-
tatorship in this country under foreign or-
ders. And, of course, anybody who actually
tried to set up a totalitarian dictatorship
here, under foreign orders, or exen without
them, might properly be considered a low
type, who should be discouraged.
But this bill does a remarkable thing.


THE ALL-STUDENT Symphonic-Swing
Orchestra, premiered Sunday at Hill
Auditorium, displayed some interesting at-
tempts at original orchestration while some-
what lacking in technical proficiency.
Allen Chase offered the most successful
arrangements in his versions of "How Deep
Is the Ocean," and "Laura." Unfortunately,
however, the dreamy mood of "Laura" was
shattered by a blaring climax. Chase's orig-
inal "Suite: Factory, Catnap and Niteclub,"
was the only student composition that
showed promise of more mature things to
come. His "Invention" was amorphic and
another student composition included in
the program, "Moods" by Josiah Dilley did
not quite capture the moods it set out to
The Deal Fisher "Gershwin Medley"
which opened the program, while not star-
tlingly different from othey such medleys,
was competently done and one of the best
executed numbers of the evening.
"Marguerite," a ballad in beguine tempo
by music students Don Wynant and Wil-
liam Edmunds was the vehicle for an ef-
fective tenor solo by Archie Brown.
Possibly in an attempt to get away from
the many standard arrangements of "A
Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody" which treat
that ever-popular ballad in a gay, lightsome
manner, Wilfred Roberts has swung entirely
in the opposite direction and come up with
a version that is almost sombre. Roberts
redeemed himself later in the program with
a "heart-throb" version of "This Heart of
Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue," fare for
any musical aggregation with "modern"
pretensions, would better have been left un-
played. Neither the orchestra or Floyd
Werle, the soloist, were ready for it.
Of all the student conductors, Emil Raab
got the most cooperation and spirit from
the orchestra.
The Symphonic Swing group is obviously
a fine idea, and most welcome on campus,
ov- ', h. 1In .wo, cfii, ,r n. tip4-nj.n c a t i nmlam .r.A3

In its preamble and in its supporting
verbiage, it sets up the doctrine that
anybody who Joins the Communist party,
or who works with it or some of its mem-
bers in any organization, or, even, who
looks as if be does, is in effect helping
to set up a totalitarian dictatorship under
foreign aorders.
And here, the bill ceases to be one aimed
against actions of a certain kind, and be-
comes a bill aimed against people of a cer-
tain kind. It sets up a punishment clause
barring certain activity and then, by a
sweeping legislative declaration, seeks to
establish that all people of a certain kind
are engaged in the prohibited activity; and
that is what one means when one says that
this bill allows the government to punish
without having to supply proof. It is like
setting up a penalty for burglary and add-
ing a postcript to the effect that all men
who wear brown hats are burglars, in which
case the district attorney, presumably, need
only prove that the prisoner was wearing a
brown hat.
* * '*
AND THE SHADOW of illegality thus sud-
denly cast over activities previously
legal spreads very far. For under the bill
any organization whose activities make it
"reasonable to conclude that it is under
the control of a Communist political or-
ganization" could be legally labeled as a
Communist front. And there are those in
this country who recent ly felt that it was
quite "reasonable to conclude" that Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt was under Communist con-
The actual registration burdens placed
on Communist front organizations are
slight, perhaps to keep liberal' opinion
from becoming too alarmed. But the chain
of guilt by association is there, formally
set up on the loosest ground, so that in
the end a housewife who belonged to an
organization which demanded more day
nurseries, and in which there was one
Communist or maybe even none, might
find herself connected right back u to
the Kremlin, and thus brought within
reach of the penalty clause. That clause,
with its grim and sweeping prohibitions
against "any attempt in any manner" to
set up Communism might easily cover
such actions as attending a meeting, or
buying a book.
This bill would substitute fear for knowl-
edge as the active principle in our Amer-.
ican behavior, for it seeks to meet Commu-
nist persuasions with legalistic clubs in-
stead of with counter-arguments and coun-
ter-persuasions. It would change the very
textare of our life, introducing something
like a doctrine of less majeste which can
make treason of a sneeze.
We must, like all countries, protect our-
selves against treachery, but that is an ad-
ministrative job; it is like the job we did
against sabotage during the war. This bill
is a legislative effort to take over this ad-
ministrative function, and it seeks to do it
by the buckshot method, by proceeding
against people in the mass instead of
against actions in the particular. It must
not become law.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)
saucer, submarines-off-the-coast and
balls-of-fire stages recently, and right now
St. Louis has a queer-bird mystery which it
is enjoying immensely. This creature, which

Easter in Greece
ATHENS, May2- Delayed) -Christmas,
New Year's and the Fourth of July
combined would be only a little less of an
event than Easter in Greece, which was
celebrated throughout the nation last week.
During Holy Week, the fasting of Lent
culminates for the devout in almost total
abstinence, while great pains are taken
with preparations for the religious festival.
Good Friday is a national day of mourn-
ing for the Crucixifion. All afternoon the
churches of the city are crowded and the
bells ring ceaselessly. In the evening there
is a funeral procession around every church,
to the accompaniment of solemn chanting.
An hour before the archepiscopal proces-
sion the main square in Athens was jammed.
As the first contingent swung into view the
flickering lights of thousands of candles
The bier of Christ, carried by four priests,
was preceded by the Archbishop Damas-
kinos and followed by a church choir. In
front and behind marched members of the
cabinet, soldiers, sailors, aviators, police,
firemen, students, boy and girl scouts, mem-
bers of the congregations and four brass
bands representing the participating
Many of the thousands of people lining
the streets sang with the choir as the little
group of priests bearing the bier and the
6-and-a-half-foot archbishop passed by.
The importance of this yearly ceremony in
the lives of the people was everywhere evi-
Saturday, also a day of religious observ-
ances, events took an unexpectedly dramatic
turn-the Minister of Justice was assassi-
nated on his way home from holy mass.
Rumors flew: The attack was part of a
Communist plot; martial law (allowing un-
limited arrests) would be declared.)
Leading Liberal ministers were unques-
tionably in danger; just as elsewhere the
moderate and progressive leaders here are
the real enemies of the Communist Party.
That night, the streets leading to Cathe-
dral Square were lined with soldiers; all
traffic was stopped, and in front of the
cathedral itself stood two platoon of rifle-
In the center of the square was a large
platform'facing the church.-On every side
an enormous crowd was hed back to the
sidewalk by a line of soldiers.
Shortly after 11, the dignitaries began to
arrive: the General Staff, representatives of
the diplomatic corps and cabinet members,
of whom few liberals attended.
A swarm of altar boys and a choir her-
alded the archbishop, towering majestically
abpve the officials. At the arrival of the
King, a band struck up the national anthem
and special police on the platform intensi-
fied their scrutiny of the crowd.
The reading of the Gospel with chanted
responses was punctuated by an occasional
clatter as the infantry presented arms. The
archbishop intoned the words ."Cjhristos
anesth" ("Christ is risen.")
At this, ecclesiastical and military cele-
brants joined in proclaiming the good news;
the massed choir and two crass bands burst
into powerful, though different, songs of
praise, and the clanging from the cathedral
belfry was almost matched by the muffled
booming of artillery on Mt. Lycabettos,
while the cheering crowds contributed a
barrage of fireworks to the general din.
This was a ceremony combining religious
and national feelings. But throughout, the
dominating figure was the archbishop, not
the king.
In the midst of the bitter war Greece is
fighting, evident in the extraordinary mili-
tary precautions, this Easter was a national
religious festival in which most Greeks
could unite.
Current Movies

At the State .
"A DOUBLE LIFE," with Ronald Colman
and Signe Basso.
IN HIS PORTRAYAL here of an actor who
merges himself too realistically in his
roles, one is led to believe that Mr. Colman
is subject to the same tendency in his own
career. His acting is magnificent, and com-
bined with the direction, musical score and
supporting cast it is easy to understand
how it won him the academy award. The
story is that of Anthony John, a great
actor who undertakes the part of Othello,
despite the protests of his estranged but
devoted wife and 'leading lady who hopes
to reconcile their marriage. She fears his
habit of becoming the person he plays bodes
ill for this part especially, and she is so
right! Students of Shakespeare can take it
from there, but I, like the multitude of other
coeds with hours, had to hie myself home
at the crucial moment.
-Gloria Hunter.
At the Michigan,,
STATE OF THE UNION, Spencer Tracy,
Katherine Hepburn, Van Johnson, An-
gela Lansbury.
AFTER SIX WEEKS of build-up we were
finally allowed to gaze upon this 135
minute scoop of inside politics in and around
Washington. The cast is big, and every part
is beautifully acted. Van Johnson gets away
from the innocent kid roles he has been

For further infornation and
appointments, call the Bureau of
Camp Positions. A representa-
tive of Jackson Michigan Coun-
cil of the Girl Scouts camp at
Wampler's Lake will be here Tues.,
May 11, to interview applicants
for positions of Assistant Direc-
tor; Unit Leaders; Assistant Unit
Summer Positions: Opportun-
ity for women residents of Ro-
chester, N.Y., or vicinity to work
at the Rochester YWCA Day
Camp, June 24.-Aug. 6.
Opportunity for men with cars
to work during summer months in
the traveling sales force of the
Mandeville & King Seed Co.
Playground Positions: Oppor-
tunity for senior girls, residents of
Grosse Pointe or the east side of
Detroit, to work on playground
staff of Grosse Point Community
For further information, call
at the Bureau of Appointments.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Don-
ald Winslow Fiske, Psychology;
thesis: "Consistency of the Fac-
torial Stuctures in Personality
Ratings from Different Sources,"
3 p.m., Tues., May 11, Room 2121,
Natural Science Bldg. Chairman,
E. L. Kelly.
Doctoral Examination for J. A.
Aurele La Rocque, Geology; the-
sis: "Pre-Traverse Devonian Pele-
cypods of Michigan," Wed., May
12, Room 4605, Naturday Science
Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman, G. M.
Electrical Engineering collo-
quium: Room 2084, E. Engineer-
ing, 4 p.m., Wed., May 12. Mr. J.
A. Morton of the Bell Telephone
Laboratories, will discuss, "A New
Microwave Triode."
Students, College of L.S.A.:
Advisory Series on Professional
Schools: Tuesday, Mayg11, 4:15
p.m. Room 231 Angell Hall,
"Teaching as a Career, " Dean J.
B. Edmonson, School of Education.
Two programs of organ and
choral music: 4:15 and 8:30 p.m.,
Tues., May 11, Hill Auditorium,
sponsored by the School of Music
in honor of the Michigan Chap-
ters of the American Guild of
The afternoon program, by Wal-
ter Baker, concert artist from New
York, will include compositions
by Bach, Reger, Karg-Elert, Vier-
ne, Dupre and Durufle.
The evening program will be
presented by William MacGowan,
J. Bertram Strickland, Marilyn
Mason, Kathryn Loew and Lor-
raine Jones, organists, Richard
Dunham, trumpet, the University
Choir, Raymond Kendall, direc-
tor, and a String Orchestra con-
ducted by Emil Raab.
Both will be open to the public
without charge.
Student Recital Shirley Fryman
Goldfarb, pianist, will present a
recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m.,
Thurs., May 13, Assembly Hall. A
pupil of Mrs. Maud Okkelberg,
Mrs. Goldfarb will play Sonate,
K.281 by Mozart, Opus 76 by
Brahms, Beethoven's Sonate, Op.

Museum of Art, Alumni Memo-
rial Hall: Prints by Lovis Corinth
and Creative- Design and the Con-
sumer, Container Corporation of
America, through May 16; Water
Colors by John Marin, through
May 25. Tuesdays through Sat-
urdays 10-12 and 2-5; Wednesday
evenings 7-9; Sundays 2-5. The
public is invited.
Architecture Building: Photog-
raphy by Roger and Patti Hollen-
beck; through May 28.
Events Today
Radio Programs:
5:45 p.m. WPAG-The German
Series-Prof. Otto Graf and Dr.
Kurt Berg.
8 p.m. WHRV-About Books-
Discussion conducted by Mr. E.
G. Burrows.
University of Michigan Mathe-
matics Club: 8 p.m., West Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Bldg.
Mr. Lynn U. Albers will speak
on "Existence Theorems and Le-
Ray-Schauder Methods."
14th Annual Pharmaceutical
Conference, sponsored by the Col-
lege of Pharmacy. This afternoon
and evening. Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Those interested are in-
Gilbert and Sullivan: Full re-
hearsal 7 p.m., Pattengill Audi-

i i
/ ITI M AY 7 >

(Continued from Page 2)

53, and Grieg's Ballade, Op.
The public is invited.


Welcome Republicans
To the Editor:
WE, the Young Democrats of
T the campus whole-heartedly
welcome the apparent support to
the Democratic administration
policies recently adopted by the
campus Young Republican Club.
We refer specifically to the ad-j
vocacy of "free trade and reduc-
tion of tariff barriers."t
Now let's take a look at the
record. In the 14 years since the
enactment in 1934 of the Roose-
velt-Hull Reciprocal Trade Act,.
the House Republicans voLed on
the act five times. Only once,
during the war, was a majority
of GOP votes cast for the law.
But in 1945 the GOP reverted to
support of the high tariff. And
at this very moment in 1948, one
month before the present act ex-~
pires, the Republican-dominated
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee has launched a series of closedj
hearings, admittedly designed to
emasculate the Hull reciprocal
trade policy, keystone of the
government foreign policy, and
framework for the success of the
European Recovery Program.
While this Republican action is
going on behind closed doors in
Washington, Republican spokes-
men are making vigorous pre-elec-
tion enunciations of support for
the Hull policy. They know they
cannot kill the TradeyAct withut
facing the public's wrath just be-
fore election time. The strategy
seems to be: Wait till next year!
Rep. Gearhart (Rep., Calif.),
subcommittee chairman, is quot-
ed as saying: "Next year the new
Congress and the new President
will write a new policy."
We compliment the local Young
Republicans for paying lip-serv-
ice to the Roosevelt-Hull recipro-
cal trade agreements. But the
American people will be convinced
of Republican sincerity only if the
present Act is extended for the
usual three year term.
-Joseph Cote, Chairman,
Young Democrats Club
* * *
ntercult uril Exchange
To the Editor:
IT MAY SHOCK some of us to
hear it suggested by a Religious
Educator that Religion is seldom
a 100 per cent blessing. Like sci-
ence or art, Religion is partial. It
is essential nevertheless. Relig-
ion, therefore has its place with-
in the culture. Like science or art
it is no complete substitute for
There are Religions and Relig-
ions. Interchange is necessary,
first because with its distinctive
past and its peculiar present, Hin-
duism for example has something
very important to say to the
young, dynamic and self-willed
west. That Eastern Orthodox re-
ligion wherein Christianity from
Constantinople, during the years
when European Christians were
at war with an aggressive young
Islam, was by more peaceful
methods winning vast Russia, with
the satalite countries, to the Cross.
Judaism, ever prophetic, never
stationary, always daring to suf-
fer for its vision of God, has a
message to deliver to all other
faiths. Mother of the Nestorians,
Islam and the long line of West-
ern Chtristians stretching from
Roman Catholics to Lutherans,
Calvinists, Reformed Hpiscopali-
ans, Presbyterians, Hussites, Bap-
tists, Congregationalists, Method-
ists, Unitarians and all the young-
er brotherhoods, Judaism this
parent faith continues to be, first
of all, a Teacher.
Why an intercultural exchange?
Because only thus can we learn.
Why must the Religion of the
culture be a matter of planned in-

terchange, you ask? Because in
all tre Faiths of mankind reside
the goals worth dying for. Be-
cause at men's altars they have
registered not merely their tools
and their thoughts. At their altars
they put down their heart-long-
ings, theirdeeper loyalties. From
those altars they have carried
away acknowledged obligations,
contracts unbreakable when men
were at their best, ideals about to
become institutions, patterns of
actions in the shape of dreams
first and laws of behavior later.
Give us an interchange of the Re-
ligions of mankind and we will
begin to possess that degree of
Community on which a peaceful
world can be constructed.
Give these 100,000 students a
year from any ten Near Eastern
or Far Eastern countries and take
to their Universities 100,000 Amer-
ican boys, girls and in a generation
not only a United Nations will be
possible but a World Government
whose obligations are sacred both
to the citizens everywhere and to
the Central- World Agency. Re-


lgious interchange and Youth in.
terchange must be synonomous.
-Edward W. Blakeman,
Research Consultant in Religious
Answers Progressives
To the Editor:
RECENTLY, The Daily publish-
ed a letter of mine in which I
tried to point out why the Pro-
gressive Party does not have a
sound basis for effective existence
- despite the fact that neither
of the major parties is satisfac-
tory. Saturday, the Progressives'
answer appeared and it was just
the answer I had hoped for -
pointing, ut the difficult, but not
insurmou-table problem of the
American liberal.
Atide , om the let s !sague
generalities with regard to the
Progressive positions, there is a
more basic theme which has a
familiar ring. That is that the
liberal is a somewhat soft-minded
individual who does little but
think about all the things that
arc wrong, but never acts because
he never finds a perfectssolution.
The letter grants that disagree-
ment with Wallace's explanation
of our ills may be possible, but
vaguely points out that simple
programs for the preservation of
civil rights and the solution to the
housing problem are still accept-
able .
What is it that the Progressives
offer us? They point out that the
bi-partisan policy of government
is a bad one . . . They note that
the government is over-emphasiz-
ing the Russian dilemma and
waving off domestic problems
(with the right hand, presumab-
ly). Their answer; simple, always
simple - Just reverse the situa-
tion. Wave off the problem of
dealing with Russia and over-
emphasize the domestic situation
in the process. That is only slight-
ly worse than no answer at all.
Our major parties do not offer
us a solution of our problems at
home - civil liberties have yet
to be soundly established for all
our citizens, inflation grows con-
tinually worse; the problems are
innumerable. The Progressives,
on the other hand, offer us no
solution to the conflict of ideals
and the clash of manifestations
of ideals between this country and
Russia. What sort of a choice is
this? Now we have an alternative
The Progressives will fail to
elect a President in 1948 and they
will fail to gain a balance of pow-
er in the Congress. They will fail
because of tactics like those in
Illinois where they have split the
Progressive vote and they will fail
because the Progressive Party is
not a party in fact. It is only a
protest, not a solution.
-Robert Leopold
Fifty-Eighth Year


Letters to the Editor.


14th Annual
p.m., Rm. 3505,
Bldg. Election of
formation on picni

E. Engineering
officers and in-
iho Fraternity:
.m., Room 316,



Chi R
7:30 p


Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering
Stump Speakers' Society: Meet-
ing, 7 p.m., Michigan Union. Cir-
cle training, "Hall of Fame" con-
test, preparations for the National
Convention, and election of offi-
cers. All members requested to at-
Le Cercle Francais: Last meet-
ing, 8 p.m., Assembly Room, Rack-
ham Bldg. Guests of honor: the
actors of "Les Corbeaux" and all
those who helped in the play. Pro-
gram: a French comedy, a singing
French quartet and an instrumen-
tal trio. Refreshments. All mem-
bers of Le CercleRFrancais and
members of the Romance Lan-
guage Department are invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica: Final
meeting, 8 p.m. Wed., May 12,
International Center. Short pro-
gram, three scholarships to Mex-
ico will be announced, and off i-
cers will be elected for next year.
I.Z.F.A. Election of officers for
next term. All members urged to
attend. Report on I.Z.F.A. sum-
mer camp, and the I.Z.F.A. Na-
tional convention in Detroit. Sing-
ing and dancing. All welcome.
Christian Science Organization:
7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall.
AVC: Executive Committee
Meeting, University Ch apter,
7:30 p. m.,Michigan Union.
Coming Events
Delta Sigma Pi, I nternational
(Contilued on Page 5)

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KHmm! Thai' right! You

For $500, can you tell mg

I Maybe I'm all wrong about the

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