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February 13, 1948 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-13

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Radio Proseminar To Offer
WHRV 'Workshop' Training

The 21.students in Garnet R.
Garrison's radio proseminar
course will get real "workshop"
training before station WHRV 's
mikes this semester.
The students, many of whom al-
- ady have professional radio ex-
perience, will plan, write, produce
Guitlds To Hold.
Parties .Today
Campus guilds will raise thy
curtain on full semester program-
today as two student groups holV'
frolics for freshmen and trans-
fer students.
Lane Hall will be the scene of r
party sponsored by Michiga
Christian Fellowship at 7:30 p.m,
A variety program with games
singing and refreshments is plan-
Roger Williams Guild will spon.
sor the second affair to be helk;
it 8:30 p.m. at the Guild House.
A valentine theme will be follow-
ed with some time being given to
the making of valentines for child-
ren in University Hospital. Game-
and refreshments will round out
the program.

and act in the shows, which will
be heard over the local station be-
ginning next weekend.
'Journal of the Air'
One of the programs, tentative-
ly scheduled for 6:15 p.m. Satur-
days, will include peeks behind the
,cenes at campus activities, in-
terviews with campus celebrities,
commentaries on current news,
and even quiz sessions. It's work-
ing title is "Journal of the Air."
Original dramas written and
produced by the students will be
eatured on the second program,
tentatively to be heard at 10:45
p.m. Sundays. "Long - haired"
dramas, fantasies, comedies, docu-
mentary plays, and mystery thrill-
"rs will all be presented.
Later in the semester, the prose-
4ninar students will try their luck
before the television screen of
W WJ-TV, in Detroit, where they
Ian to produce two shows. Other
=lans include experimental "Hoop-
,ratings" of Ann Arbor listening
All radio classes will again un-
dertake "Operation 4006" about
mid -semester - the producing
and broadcasting within the de-
partment of a "telescoped," but
complete, day in radio.

Close Today
Student registration for jobs as
temporary employes of the Na-
tional Labor Relations Board in
conducting plant elections in
Michigan under the Taft-Hartley,
Law close today, Miss Betty Lou
Bidwell announced yesterday.
The NLRB will provide trans-
portation to and from the jobs,
which pay $10.17 per day. Stu-
dents can work for several days,
one day at a time if they wish.
About 120 students have al-
ready signed up, Miss Bidwell said.
The list of students will be sent to
the NLRB head in Detroit, Frank
Bowen who will contact the stu-
dents as they are needed.
The NLRB expects to conduct
some 5,000 elections in plants in
lower Michigan to determine
whether the workers are in favor
of union shops in their factories
The elections will be held in most
of the large automobile plants
around Detroit.
Students interested in taking
these positions should contact
Miss Bidwell by today in .Rm.
220B, Haven Hall or telephone
3-1511, extension 2123.
Officer Lists Due Today
The Office of Student Affairs
announced that all student or-
ganizations must file a list of their
officers with their office by the
end of this week. V.

Profession of Baby Sitting
OffersWell Paying Positions
By FRAN IVICK to baby-sit, and parents who come
A sure-fire way to enjoy eve- to the office looking for sitters
nings has been suggested by the are given a list of the prospects.
Dean of Women's office.T
The profession of baby-sitting, The parents then contact the
is directed by the Dean's office, sitter and arrange the wages and
offers a well-paying alternative hours with her. At this point, the
o any woman student who is Dean's office is out of the picture,
bored with homework, men stu- except for giving the girl late per-
dents, or life in general. mission, if she calls at the office,
before it closes the day of her
husy Sitters . after-hour escapade with the
That taking care of children is youngest set.
a. skilled job is evidenced by the What happens after that pro-
ariety of work somesittersido.in vides the sitter with good after-
)ean Mary C. Bromage, who sindinner anecdotes.
,harge of recruiting baby-sittersdn at
from the women students of the 'Rock-a-Bye Baby'
Jniversity, mentioned as the eve- One sitter spent her entire eve-
ring employment of many sitters ning keeping a baby from lying on
iuch jobs as washing and feeding its back, since a doctor had told
,he baby, reading to the older 1he parents that their offspring
hildren, or otherwise amusing -:ould sleep face downward.
hem, and finally, the arduous Another sitter got in practice for
ask of persuading them to go to the Met, by singing to sleep a
bed on time. stubborn four-year-old. The whole
Not all sitting jobs require this process took nearly an hour, after
much attention. Numerous girls which she retired to her school-
,ho act as sitters have nothing to books.
do but stay awake, while the baby-
leeps, and the parents enjoy Prof. Frankena Heads
;hemselves elsewhere.
'ay Rate Varies Lane Hall Governors
Since the degree of skill needed Prof. William Frankena, of the
for sitting jobs varies, so does the philosophy department, has been
rate of pay. The Dean's office appointed chairman of the Board
leaves this up to the sitter and of Governors of Lane Hall by the
parents. Girls sign up as willing University Regents.


Deltas Chi Will
Hold Initiation
Eleven Men To Join
Reactivated Chapter
Delta Chi, national social fra-
ternity, will return to this campus
after 15 years absence with initi-
ation and installation ceremonies
tonight and tomorrow in the Un-
Eleven pledges will go through
initiation tonight. The men to be
initiated are:
John Barnes, Hugh Benedict,
Charles Brown, David Cunnings,
George Dunlevy, Gene Kiddon,
Clark Kuncz, Cooper Matthews,
Ralph Norman, Arthur Pelky and
William Stricker.
Installation of the chapter will
be formalized at a banquet to-
morrow night. John C. Trussell.
president of Chicago's Delta Chi
Alumni Association, will present
the newly initiated men the orig-
inal University of Michigan Delta
Chi charter, which was first issued
in 1892.
Delta Chi will begin their rush-
ing program Sunday along with
the other fraternities, John S.
Potts, Delta Chi field secretary

Regent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel, of
Ann Arbor, will deliver the prin-
cipal address at the opening ses-
sion of the seventh annual State
Conference on Higher Education,
which gets under way at 9:30 a.m.
today at the Union.
Regent Bonisteel's speech on
"The Role of Higher Education
During These Times" will follow
the welcome address by Provost
Adams and a general outline of
the conference by Dean Kenis-
Group Discussions
The afternoon will be devoted
to small group discussions on
such topics as the community col-
lege, preparation of college teach-
ers, and college-community rela-
Dean James B. Edmonson. of
he School of Educati)n, and Algo
D. Henderson, Associate Commis-
Aioner for Higher Education for
the state of New York, will be
the speakers at the evening ses-
sion, to be held at 7:30 p.m. in
the Rackham amphitheatre.
Hannah Wil Preside
Final item on the agenda for

today is the conference of pres-
idents and deans, which will be
presided over by John A. Han-
nah, president of Michigan State
The conference, which is being
held at the University today and
tomorrow, will be attended by
representatives of the Michigan
College Association, the Depart-
ment of Public Instruction, and
the advisory committee on teach-
er education and certification of
the State Board of Education.
IMev B r Will Speak
At S I A Lun ch Meeting
Rev. John H. Burt, of the Epis.
copal Studer t Foundation, will
di~ (an Committe-
r 1tthe SRA Sat
r r1 p . tomtr
Reservations ray be made fo
the lunch until 10 a.m. tomorrow.
Hold Those Bfonds

Regent Bonisteel Will Spe
Before Education Conferei

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2. SADDLE BAGS. Vivaciously ton-
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4. JEWELRY. Heraldic emblem
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Bracelet $2
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6. UMBRELLAS. Cheery-tone-plaid
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