MISPLACED) SHENANIGANS ,See Pagre 4 SwA IL A 1 Du3 ii4 (LOt JYT Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 155 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS I **B *0 U'tudent Bod Inherits $1000,000 -4. f Reds Seek To Renew U.S. Accord LONDON, Tuesday, May 11 -- 'R)-The Moscow Radio said early today the Russian Government has expressed the intention of pursuing a "policy of peace and cooperation with the United States" and has agreed with e U. S. proposal for "discussion and settlement" of differences between the two. The broadcast disclosed a dip- lomatic exchange of notes between U. S. Ambassador Walter B. Smith and Soviet Foreign Minister V M Molotov, A Russian statemnt dated May 9, the radio said, followed a * U. S. note, sent by Smith to Molotov May 4, which expressed the hope the two countries may "find a way of establishing good and rational relations" and ending the "tense state of inter- national relations." Molotov's note closed with the hope, the radio said, that "it will be possible to find a means of re- moving existing differences and establishing between our countries good relations, corresponding both to the interests of our peoples and to the strengthening of universal peace." (In Washington there was no immediate comment from State Department officials on the Rus- sian broadcasts). The radio's paraphase of Smith's statement said the re- cently former "European Union of Nations and the United States of America, alarmed at the ten- dencies of Soviet policy, had united for mutual defense." The broadcast, while expressing the Russian's willingness to dis- cuss Soviet-American differences, gave no hint of when or how rep- resentatives of the two countries would get together Concert Band To Perform Tornorrow The blended musical talents of 90 concert band musicians will be exercised to Bach, Sousa and jazz under the baton of Prof. William D. Revelli in the an- nual spring concert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. A varied program including five "first in Ain Arbor" perform- ances, a cornet trio and saxo- phone and piano solos will greet concert goers. The cornet trio, "Triplets of the Finest," stars Mary Kelly, first cornetist from McCook, Nebr., and winner of a national champion- ship, Harold Hillyer, second cor- netist of Montrose, Colo., with wide solo experience in the west and Ray Keith, third cornetist who is a music school freshman from River Rouge. Russell Howland, member of the wind instrument staff of the music school will introduce his own new arrangement of Paul Creston's "Concerto for Saxo- phone." Floyd Werle freshman from Billings, Mont., will do the solo honors on the piano for "Concerto in Jazz," the recently discovered English composition premiered by the band on its spring tour -And premiered for the Ann Arbor au- dience tomorrow. Violence Marks Elderl Bachelor Bequeaths' Fortune to Needy Students The Student body of the University is $1,000,000 richer today thanks to the generosity and quiet admiration for youth of Crapo Cornell Smith, an elderly bachelor who spent his last 11 years living at the Union. Smith was 79 when he died March 4. Under the terms of his will made public yesterday he left "securities and cash in excess of $1,000,000, the entire amount to be used as gifts, loans, scholarships and rewards of merit for University of Michigan students." Announcement of the establishment of the "fund" was made by U. S. Court Order Forces Unions To Cancel Walk-Out Brotherloods Yield Before Threat of Possible Penalties for Contempt By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 10-The nationwide railway strike was called off tonight. Trains will run tomorrow. It took the force of two branches of government, the Executive and Judiciary, to overcome the resistance of three unions which had set a strike for 6 a.m. tomorrow in pushing their demands for wage raises. First, President Truman proclaimed seizure of all the roads in the name of the Government to avert "a nation-wide tragedy." Second, Secretary of the Army Royall was turned down on his personal request to the union t e p t e r m n ao k to keep their men at work. F Finally, Federal Judge T. Alan Newsm en Get Goldsborough, the same judge who has proved to be the legal nemesis of John L. Lewis, issued anestraining orderL.elligths un ion chiefs: Ai R s r Cancel the strike order and do nothing to encourage a walkout. President Alexander G. Ruthven, w Gopher Offer For Cowles Equaled by IU' One of the first positive state- ments to come from the Michigan athletic administration about the rumored departure of Wolverine Cage Mentor Ozzie Cowles was given to The Michigan Daily by Athletic Director, H. O. "Fritz" Crisler last night. When asked if Michigan would meet or better the reportedw10,000 dollar offer made to Cowles by Minnesota, Crisler stated that Minnesota could or had not made any higher bid forrCowles basket- ball coaching service. Cowles and Crisler held a lengthy discussion yesterday af- ternoon over the recent McCor- mick-Cowles confab at Minneap- olis last week-end, during which they considered the terms pre- sented by Minnesota. Neither the authorities at Michigan or Minnesota have made any definite statements regard- ing the acceptance or rejection by Cowles of the Gopher coaching position. Minnesota's athletic director, Frank McCormick stated in a long distance call from Minneap- olis, that the final announcement of the new Gopher basketball coach would probably be made sometime after the meeting of the Minnesota Board of Regents at noon, Saturday. This board has to approve any McCormick recom- mendation for the cage mentor- ship. Coach Cowles couldn't be reached at home for comment about the conference with Crisler yesterday afternoon. Engine Petitioners Must File Today All petitions for the engine school class offices are due at 5 p.m. today in Room 255 West Engine, Ev Ellin, Engine Council president, announced. Offices which are still open for petitioning are vice-president and secretary of the senior class and president and secretary in the freshman class. EAGLE-EYED PROFS: Salesmen-Blasi Shorts Won't IB By JO MISNER Male hopes that longer skirts would be offset by shorter shorts were blasted yesterday by local shorts salesmen. "Even though shorts will remain the same length, the legs under them will be much trimmer," de- clared one masculine vendor of shorts. With a slightly red face, he attributed both neater pins and greater shorts sales to the men, whose increased number on cam- 'ho with the Ann Arbor Trust Com- pany is co-administrator of the Smith estate. The "fund," believed to be one of the largest bequests for gifts and scholarships .to needy stu- dents ever given in this country, carries with it the stipulation that Smith's name shall not be con- nected with in the future. Also, all arrangements between stu- dents and regents aside from re- wards of merit and scholarships must be kept strictly confidential. "I do not wish any selected student to be regarded as a beneficiary of "charity"; rather to afford a fair opportunity to a worthy young person," Smith wrote. "I recommend that pri- vate inquiry or close observa- tion rather than competitive examinations be used as the basis for making selections." A member of a distinguished Michigan family, and grandson of the late Henry H. Crapo, for- mer governor of Michigan, Smith told President Ruthven in the Spring of 1937 that he was "tired of living in a big city" and would like to move to Ann Arbor where he had been graduated from the University Law School in 1896. President Ruthven suggested Smith give Ann Arbor a trial by living at the Michigan Union. Three months later he asked to remain living at the "student center" and Dr. Ruthven arranged a special waiver on the Union's restrictions on long-time rentals which allowed Smith to live quiet- ly in a single room for over 11 years. According to Union Manager William Kuenzel, Smith was "a keen observer of the hundreds of students who visited the Un- ion each day. He took special interest in the students work- ing their way through school with jobs at the Union." Few of the students who saw Smith in the Union realized he was wealthy and even President Ruthven didn't realize his for- tune was as large as a million dollars. Smith first talked with Dr. Ruthven about his will in 1937. "I am confident that gen- erations of Michigan students will continue to merit Crapo Smith's confidence in them," Dr. Ruth- ven said. Smith charged that illness, mis- fortune or accident, along with ex- ceptional ability and extraordi- nary prospects for further prog- ress should be criteria in giving assistance from the fund. t Male Hopes; k Any Shorter matics department. He added that he was an advocate of personal liberty, and despite the fact that he was practically 65 he thought he could see as well as the young fellows. "Nevertheless, mathe- matics is a subject which requires complete concentration," he point ed out. "I would be afraid to send a girl to the board in shorts." Prof. Urie Bronfenbrenner, of the psychology department, (a married man) took a disinterested vwofa vibi,innSnmdP,,of. RAIL UNION CHIEFS MEET WITH STEELMAN-Heads of the three railroad unions, which have called off their threatened walkout in response to a court order, meet with Presidential Adviser John R. Steelman at the White House. Left to right: Alfred J. Glover, president, switchmen's union; David B. Robertson, president, firemen's and enginemen's union; Steelman and Alvanley Johnston, chief of locomotive engineers. Continued Aid To Exchange Students Seen, Allen Urges Initiative For Private Agencies Continuing partnership between government and private agencies in giving aid to American students abroad and foreign students in the United States is assured, George V. Allen, assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs said yesterday. Speaking to the opening sessionI of the Conference on Interna- tional Student Exchange, Allen declared that any future policy changes will not veer far from the present course charted by the Smith-Mundt and the Fullbright Acts. More than 300 professional student exchange leaders, in- cluding representatives of twen- ty foreign countries and dele- gates from 200 colleges and uni- versities are attending this con- ference on the problem of the foreign student in the United States. Allen stated that a pattern has been developed for using govern- ment funds to stimulate participa- tion by private agencies in educa- tional exchange. He cited the rec- ommendation by the Board of Foreign Scholarships that funds from the Fullbright Act be used to supplement private programs. There will be an intensifica- tion of non-financial assistance also, Allen predicted. He pointed out that U. S. Maritime Com- mission responding to a State Departmient appeal has made possible the assignment to carry students to and from Europe this summer. Allen warned that private in- See ALLEN, Page 6 Pollock to Join Clay in Europe Prof. James K. Pollock, chair- man of the political science de- partment will leave Ann Arbor Thursday for six or seven weeks to become personal political adviser to General Lucius Clay, American' commander-in-chief in Germany. COURTS UNFAIR: Former Defense Investigator AttacksJapanese War Trials 141 --- By JIM JACKOWSKI Most Americans have an entire- ly false conception of the nature of the War Crimes trials being conducted in Japan, according to George Walsh, lit school senior who worked for one year as a de- fense investigator with the War Crimes Trials Commission under General Eichelberger in Yoko- hama. He took exception to a recent Daily editorial which stated that the War Crimes trials have shown "international criminals can be Senate, House Group Agrees On Air Budget WASHINGTON, May 10-( )- A Senate-House conference com- mittee today agreed on legislation providing $822,000,000 to get a modern 70-group Air Force start- ed. This means that the program will go to the White House, de- spite Secretary of Defense Forres- tal's. objection that it is so large as to throw the armed services out of balance. The program calls for about 6,800 active combat planes, with 8,100 in storage. This compares with about 5,500 combat planes in the present 55-group force, with 7,500 in storage. However, these figures do not tell the whole story. The new pro- gram calls for the purchase of many thousands of new planes to replace more obsolete ones in service. IFC SING .. . The Interfraternity Sing will be held at 7 p.m., tomorrow, on the library steps. Participants are requested to be there by 6:45 p.m., and spectators are urged to arrive early in order not to delay the start of the sing. held responsible for their misdeeds and brought to trial like ordinary murderers, and convicted by fair and dispassionate methods." "The type of justice meted out in the Japanee War Crimes trials just isn't the same kind of justice we have in this country," Walsh said. "Whereas American courts require that defendants must be proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt, the War Crimes courts do not observe this rule and have even dis- avowed it." Especially bad features of the trial set-up, he explained, are the practices of trying whole groups together and of building the pros- ecution's case almost entirely on affidavits of witnesses not avail- able for direct questioning. Walsh revealed that almost all evidence presented by the prose- cution is admitted, even including unsworn statements. "Hearsay evi- dence is admitted by the bushel," he added. "When the prosecution wants to go to trial, they go to trial, and it's up to the defense to try to gather evidence and wit- nesses and keep up with them," he said. He attributes this to the fact the prosecution oper- ates directly under General MacArthur, while the defense is set up under General Eichel- berger. Courts are conducted before a commission usually composed of from four to seven American, British, Australian and Canadian officers, he explained. Sometimes these courts are trying three or fourcases at a time because of the large number of continuances, which makes it difficult for them to keep things straight, he said. Profession Talks Dean E. B. Stason of the Law School will speak omr "Law as a Profession" at 4:15 p.m. today in Rm. 231 Angell Hall. At the same time Dean R. W. Bunting, dentistry school will discuss "Den- tistry as a Profession" in Rm. 35 Angell Hall. All students in all classes are in- vited to attend. The unions - the engineers, firemen and switchmen - thus faced possible heavy penalties for contempt if they failed to comply. They announced that they had sent out telegrams cancelling the strike that would have tied up America's rail transportation sys- tem. The long hours of tenseness and anxiety were over. About 9:30 p.m., EST, Presi- dential Press Secretary Charles G. Ross'announced: "John R. Steelman, assistant to the President, has just re- ceived official word from the rail union leaders that the threatened strike has been called off. "After the court order was served on the union leaders, their committees held a meet- ing and voted to rescind the 6 a.m. strike order." David B. Robertson of the Fire- man's Union, speaking for the group told Steelman that messages were going out immediately "no- tifying the railroad workers of the action just taken." Judge Goldsborough, who is- sued the order restraining the strike, is the same jurist who fined John L. Lewis $20,000 and the United Mine Workers $1,- 400,000 for not calling off a strike quickly enough this year. Marshals who served the papers on the union leaders--Robertson of the firemen, Alvanley Johnston of the engineers and A. J. Glover, Jr., of the switchmen - said they accepted service good-naturedly. Union To Elect New Officers Michigan Union members will elect six vice-presidents Thursday from a field of sixteen candidates who have been reviewed and ap- proved by the Nomination Com- mittee. Those nominated are E. G. Da- vid and Erich Zelenski, from the Law School; Thad Joos, Medical School; Charles Jaslow and Rob- ret Laidlow, of the dentistry school; Jack Higgins, Theron Mock, Robert Olshefsky and Merl Townley, L. S. & A.; Harry Evans, Bruce Lockwood, William Nissler, Arthur Mancl, Leo Romzick and Edward Ulvestad, engineering and architecture schools; and Nich- olas Muhlenberg, from combined schools. The University yesterday gave newsmen and aviation authorities a peek at top-secret aeronautical research work being carried on at Willow Run. In a specially conducted tour of the former war-time bomber cen- ter, newsmen saw a number of projects being carried on by Uni- versity scientists for the U. S. government. Specific details could not be re- vealed for security reasons. But reporters got a look at a special designed wind tunnel cap- able of generating speeds up to 3,500 miles an hour. The research work got under- way in fall of 1946. It includes highly secret work in guided mis- siles, jet and rocket propulsion. Conductedby A. P. Fontaine, di- rector of aeronautical research at the vast Willow Run airport, the tour included top ranking state aviation officials in addition to Detroit authorites. They viewed highly technical devices on display during the tour but were quickly shunted past re- stricted portions of the research center. Sforza Quits Race for Italy President Post ROME, Tuesday, May 11-(P)-- Foreign Minister Carlo Sforza, ap- parent leading candidate for the Italian presidency, has asked that his name be withdrawn, it was re- ported early today. Sources close to the 74-year-old foreign minister said Sforza told leaders of Premier Alcide De Gas- peri's Christian Democratic Party that he preferred to withdraw rather than be elected. "Don't push my candidacy any further," he was quoted as telling a Christian Democratic delegation which visited him last night to discuss yesterday's presidential vote in parliament. The parliament failed yesterday in two hotly contested ballots to elect a president of the new re- public. The vote was scheduled to be resumed later this morning. Group Forms To Protest Bill A new campus committee was formed yesterday to protest the Mundt Bill which will be intro- duced on the floor of the House of Representatives Thursday. The Bill, entitled The Subver- i VIDEO VISITOR DUE: I -- - %.. . is I