REVERSING ROLL See fage 4 A6F A6F A46b r Ift Ak .Ak.Abo A Ammh :43 Zt t t, WARMER, RAIN Latest Deadline in the State --- - - - --------- VOL. LVIII, No. 154 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS ___I_ _ _ _r ..._ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ Purdue, 'M' Split Pair of Ball Games Wolverines Hit by kfirst Big 9 Loss By B. S. BROWN The weather turned chilly yes- terday but it was no colder than the frigid-playing of the Michigan nine in the second game of the doubleheader with Purdue's Boil- ermakers at Ferry Field. The Wolverines split the twin bill, winning the first, 4-0, behind superb three hit pitching by Art Dole, Michigan's first four game winner. They lost the second, 5-3 in one of the sloppiest games of the season, for its first Confer- ence defeat. Bill Taft, who earned a start- er's post last week with a 3-2 win over Ohio State, went the route in the nightcap and suf- fered his first defeat of the sea- son. Mel Henson tossed the seconc game for Purdue and racked ur ten strikeouts to Taft's four. The Boilermaker right-hander yield- ed five hits to the title-seekin Wolverines, while his teammate: lashed out six safeties to give hins the win. Bob Hartman, who went the distance for Purdue in the open- er, was tagged for 12 safeties, one of them a second inning home run by Dom Tomasi with r the has empty. With the Wolverines leading ir the first game, 1-0, Bump Elliot led off the fifth frame with hi EVANSTON, Ill., May 8-(A1)- Illinois took first place in the Big Nine baseball race today as th Illini walloped Northwestern, 10-2 for their sixth straight Conference victory. first of three hits, slashing a two. bagger into left center. Ralph Morrison attempted to sacrific Elliott to third, but his effort was so good that he came off with a bunt single, Elliott' going to see- and on the play. Ted Kobrin fol- lowed with a Texas League single to right center, sending Elliott across with the second run. Michigan scored again in the seventh, when the "Bumper" started things rolling with a savage single through the box and took second on Morrison's successful sacrifice. Kobrin took Hartman's second offering and sent it into deep right See PURDUE, Page 7 'Exchange of Students' Is Parley Topic Representatives of 20 foreign countries and delegates from some 200 colleges and universities will gather in Ann Arbor tomorrow for the three day Conference on International Student Exchanges. Sponsored by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, the conference will discuss the opportunities and problems of foreign students in this country, with emphasis on the recently passed Fulbright and Smith-Mundt laws. These meas- ures provide for financial assist- ance to American students abroad, 'and to foreign students in the United States. Main speaker of the meeting, which will bring together over 300 professional student exchange leaders, is George V. Allen, assist- ant Secretary of State and former ambassador to Iran, who will lec- ture on 'Continuing Partnership in Educational Exchange" at 11 a.m. tomorrow in Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Allen's talk will be preceded at 10 a.m. by a welcoming address, followed by Dr. Helen C. White, of the Uniyersity of Wisconsin and delegate to UNESCO, who will speak on "An Integrated Cultural Relations Program." Remaining speakers for the day will be Dr. Richard P. McKeon, professor of social studies at the University of Chicago, addressing the conference at a League lunch- eon on the topic "U.S. Students in Foreign Policy." Tuesday's and Wednesday's ses- sions will consist largely of tech- nical discussions concerning prob- lems in exchanging students. Flanders Says UMT Would 'Bankrupt' UN By JAKE HURWITZ Selective Service is necessary for American security, but adoption of Universal Military Training would mean that the United Nations is bankrupt, Sen. Ralph A. Flanders (R. Vt.) said in an interview here yesterday, Senator Flanders also said he would support the seventy group air force which is now being considered in Congress. Returning to the subject of UMT, Senator Flanders declared that its passage would demonstrate that we have no way to enforce peace but through armed force. * * * Flanders Asks Higher Output To HaltSpiral Calls for Long Hours, End of Overtime Pay Improved output, longer hours and no overtime pay is the only immediate solution to inflation, Sen. Ralph A. Flanders, (R., Vt.) ;old more than 500 alumni of the school of Business Administration yesterday. Sen. Flanders spoke on "Infla- Ion as a Production Problem," ceynoting an all-day Alumni Con- erence. He called for self-discipline on 'he part of both organized labor ind business management to end nflation. "Both must understand that we :onsume and enjoy only what we roduce, and that there is no use trying to raise the standard of 'iving by raising wages and pro- kits, if in the process, we do not roduce more," he said. "This is the answer to inflation which neither higher wages nor 'igher prices can give us. Increas- Ad production comes from better management by business, more faithful work by wage earners, aew products more economically ,made, new labor-saving equip- rtrent, and a longer work week without overtime pay," Sen. Flanders commented. "Profits amount to about 13 per ent of labor cost," he explained. "The wage increases now being asked, if obtained by all workers, .vould go beyond this 13 per cent mnaximum. We cannot do away with profits altogether without ,topping the machinery of em- ployment and production." "We must accept the fact that decisions of labor and industry as to wages, prices and profits are no longer private matters. They are public matters and must be determined with the public in- terest as a major element in the decision, he said. Vets Overpaid, Owe 2 Mill ions DETROIT, May 8-(P)-Mich- igan veterans-24,000 of them- owe an over-generous Uncle Sam $2,746,770, the Veterans Adminis- tration said today. That has been the amount overpaid the veterans, most of them college or on-the-job stu- dents, in subsistence allotments, according to the VA. The VA announced it mailed notices in March to 3,067 vet- erans, telling them they must re- pay some money to the govern- ment. Most of the errors were made because veterans failed to notify the VA of changes in status, offi- nials reported. They added, how- ever, that no court action will be taken against those who offer to settle. G "I am not yet prepared to ad- mit that the UN is bankrupt, although it soon will be unless the course of international poli- tics improves," he said. Now is not the time to say so, he added. The Senator termed the threat- ened rail strike "completely un- justified." It is the most direct possible approach to raising the cost of living," he declared. If the workers succeed in gain- ing a wage raise, it will be sus- tained by higher prices which will come from the people, Senator Flanders declared. Perhaps rail workers' wages are not as high as they should be, Sienator Flanders said, but an increase should come from increased production, he em- phasized. The Mundt Bill to outlaw the Communist Party strikes "a pop- ular need," the Senator said. He expressed doubt that it would be effective, however, saying "The Communists work better under- ground." When asked how he felt about the appointment of David Lilien- thal as chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission for five years, Senator Flanders said he would vote to confirm the appointment, but would prefer to have longer terms go to members of the com- mission who are more politically independent. "I 'opposed Lilienthal's appoint- ment the first time, not so much because I was opposed to him per- sonally, but because the Atomic Energy Commission was derelict in its duty in not investigating charges made against him by Dr. A. E. Morgan, former head of the TVA," he said. Senator Flanders refused to comment on the prospects for the Presidential election. Faculty Heads To Hold Talks On Professions The "straight dope" on the Uni- versity's professional schools, en- trance requirements, chances of succeeding and job possibilities- will be discussed in a special se- ries of advisory meetings for stu- dents to be held this week. Beginning Tuesday and running through Friday, the deans of the schools of education, Law, dentis- try, business administration, pub- lic health, and medicine will give informal talks on their respective schools. A complete schedule of the advising talks appears on page 2 of today's Daily. "This series is a supplement to our series of meetings, on de- partmental concentration," As- sistant Dean Charles Peake of the literary college declared. "The deans will discuss not only the nature of their respective pro- fessional schools and the under- graduate preparation needed, but also the important matter of op- portunities in that field now and in the future," he said. UN Interim Rule in Holy Land Is Seen Jerusalem Battle Halted by Truce LAKE SUCCESS, May 8-(A)- Top United Nations delegates were reported tonight generally agreed on creating an emergency regime for Palestine. Sentiment for a provisional ad- ministration for the Holy Land was said authoritatively to have crystallized after long meetings among the delegates. The special UN Assembly on Palestine is working against time. The British plan to give up the Palestine mandate at midnight Friday. The Assembly is trying to shape up at least a token or- ganization to fill the vacuum created by the British action. Jerusalem Peaceful. Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, a cease fire, agreed to by Arabs and Jews, protected the Holy City and its shrines tpday for the first time in five months. It went into effect at noon (5 a.m. EST), and not a shot was heard in the first hour. The arrangement was a tem- porary one designed to prevent hostilities until a permanent Jer- usalem truce can be negotiated. The Jews are demanding free ac- cess from Jewish Tel Aviv to the wailing wall in Jerusalem's old walled area and the deportation of foreign Arab fighters from the Holy City. Gen. Sir Alan Gordon Cunning- ham, Palestine High Commission- er, negotiated the cease fire at a meeting in Jericho yesterday with Arab leaders. The Jews did not attend the Jericho talks. Egyptians Advance Earlier today, the "Command Volunteers, Southern Front Pal- estine" issued a communique say- ing volunteer Egyptian forces had penetrated about 30 miles into the Holy Land. "Our forces penetrated the frontiers and held their posts without casualities," said the communique. "Some forces rushed to the northern part of the front to help Arabs repulsing Jewish attacks on Iraq Suweidan, some 50 kilometers north of the Egyp- tian border town of Rafa. UN Moral Backing At Lake Success it is realized an emergency control organization would have only the moral force of the UN to back it up. Finn Moe, Norway's delegate to the Assembly, was assigned the task of drawing up over the week- end concrete proposals for a 12- nation sub-committee of the As- sembly to consider. World News At a Glance By The Associated Press DETROIT, May 8-Federal con- ciliators tried today to bring Chrysler Corp. and the CIO Unit- ed Auto Workers together for one last attempt at preventing a scheduled May 12 strike. WASHINGTON, May 8-Sec- retary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson has resigned, effective after Monday, May 10. The formal resignation, it was learned today, was submitted to President Truman by Anderson at the regular cabinet meeting yesterday. Mr. Truman has not officially 'accepted it yet and has not designated a successor. SEOUL' KOREA, Sunday, May 9-Communist terrorism, arson and sabotage, aimed at wrecking Monday's election, hit South Kor- ea this week-end as expected. Timed with the outbreaks was a Russian announcement of plans North Korea immediately h4b to abandon the occupation of North Korea immediately, al- though American military author- ities said, there were no indica- tions that the Russians were ac- tually packing . . WASHINGTON, May 8- Pledges by 11 Marshall Plan countries to cooperate constant- ly in a joint European Recovery Program in return for receiving American aid were officially dis- closed today. The State Depart- ment and the Economic Coop- eotion Administration made LABORATORY WORKSHOP-Mort Ross, chairman of the new Symphonic Swing Orchestra con- ducts the group in a rehearsal for today's prog ram. The orchestra, organized to reverse the current commercial trend of jazzing-up the classics, serves as an extra-curricular "laboratory workshop" for contemporary music study. ~ - ~ ~ - - - 4* * * * Taft Opposes Banning Red Partyiin U.S. Fears Communists GoingUnderground MILWAUKEE, May 8-(P)- Sen. Robert Taft (R-Ohio) said tonight he doubts that it would be wise to ban the Communist Party. "As a matter of policy, it is somewhat doubtful whether we gain much by outlawing Commun- ism and driving the organization underground," said Ohio's "fav- orite son" candidate for the Re- publican presidential nomination. Taft thus took a position sim- ilar to that of Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York. Dewey has differed sharply on the issue with the other of the most active can- didates for the Republican Presi- dential nomination, Harold E. Stassen. Stassen favors banning the party. He told a Washinton news conference today that "stopping infiltration of Communists may be one of the keys toward stop- ping World War III." Dewey, cam- paigning in Oregon, has described Stassen's proposal as totalitarian. Taft said: "Under our Constitution, we cannot and should not make it illegal for an American citizen to think communism or express his opinions so long as he does not advocate a violent overthrow of tlfe Government." He gave his views in a speech prepared for the Executives Club of Milwaukee. The Battle against Communism can be won only by advancing the principles of free government, the senator argued. Taft criticized what he called the "irreparable and destructive results" of the foreign policies of the Roosevelt and Truman ad- ministrations. He predicted that a choice of foreign polcy "will largely determine the (presiden- tial) election." Sen. Arthur Vandenberg (R- Mich.) and the Republican Con- gress "have practically forced the Administration into a definite position against Communism," Taft said. He added a hope that the conflict between this country and Russia will remain a propa- ganda war." Educator from India To Speak Prof. J. M. Kumarappa, director of social economy at the Tata In- stitute of Social Sciences in Bom- bay, will speak on "India Today" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 321 of the Union. Prof. Kumarappa is editor of The Indian Journal of Social Work and a Justice of the Peace in Bombay. He is in Ann Arbor as a delegate to the Foreign Stud- ents Advisors Conference meeting here today through Tuesday. TONIGHT AT HILL: All-Student Agenda Features Symphonic Swing Premiere Student batons will set the pace for the student-composed, student-arranged, and student-played Symphonic Swing -Orchestra's premiere concert which will fill Hill Auditorium with music at 8 p.m. today. Tom Wilson, a graduate in conducting and nusic literature, will be the first student conductor to mount the podium when he conducts the opening "Gershwin Medley" arranged by Deal Fisher, a former arranger for an Army Band at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Charles Yancich, a music education major will succeed to the baton to direct student Josiah Dilley's original, two moods, "Loment," MSC Students Campaign for Building yFund Students at Michigan State Col- lege have launched a campaign to urge the return of a quorum of state lawmakers to the special ses- sion on May 20 and passage of the $16,222,648 "capital. outlay" bill. The completion of buildings on both the Michigan State College campus and here depends on the reviving of the appropriation. According to the Associated Press, a compromise agreement on the multi-million dollar con- struction program will be sought next Thursdayrby the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. Such an agreement could be presented to the full Legislature when it convenes May 20. The MSC campaign was backed by the Michigan State News, daily student newspaper, by student veterans organizations and the student council. Friday's edition of the Mich- igan State News carried two edi- torials urging students to con- tact the legislators and gave fur- ther aid by printing the names and addresses of all the state law- makers. "We have until May 20 . " said one of the editorials "to con- vince the legislators that the bill must pass if education in Mich- igan is to meet the demands of the Atomic Age." Here on campus, President Alexander G. Ruthven had earlier expressed confidence that the leg- islators would grant funds for the completion of five University buildings. "We have full confidence in the Legislature," Dr. Ruthven said. "That body recognizes its respon- sibilities and we believe it will meet them. The legislators told us to go ahead with the buildings and we are doing so. We know they will keep faith with the col- lege when they return to Lansing May 20." Seek Opera Aides Petitions for permanent posi- tions on the administrative and production staffs of the 1948 Un- ion Opera may be filed from 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow through Friday in the Student Offices of the Union, Dave Leyshon, chair- man, announced. and "Reminiscence." Irving-Berlin's Music Two Irving Berlin favorites will be played as Charles McNeill, or- chestra concert major and Paul Bryan, graduate theory major, take the lead in turn. McNeill will do Allen Chase's arrangement of "How Deep is the Ocean." Bryan will follow with Bob Robert's ar- rangement of "A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody." Mort Ross, music education senior, and executive chairman of the orchestra will wave the stick for Don Wyant's original music "Marguerite" as tenor soloist Archie Brown introduces collab- orator William Edmunds lyrics. Three-Part Suite Emil Raab, graduate violin ma- jor will conduct Allen Chase's own three-part suite, "Factory," "Cat- nap," and "Niteclub" as well as "This Heart of Mine" by Harry Warren. Bob Roberts arranged the second number. Rex Wilder will mount the platform to direct another Allen Chase composition, "Invention," as well as a published arrange- ment of "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes. Lee Eitzen will conduct his own transcription of "Baia" from Disney's "The Three Caballeros." The final conductor's bow will be taken by Charles McNeill with the number that "took jazz out of the kitchen," George Gersh- win's "Rhapsody in Blue." Floyd Werle, a freshman in theory will perform the piano solo part of the Rhapsody. Truman Has A Birthday WASHINGTON, May 8-(AP)- Sixty four red roses and a big birthday cake decorated President Truman's desk today-it was his 64th birthday anniversary. But the man who was born in Lamar, Mo., in 1884 didn't have too much time to celebrate the occasion. The necessity of trying to find a solution to the threatened rail- road strike was foremost among his problems. Mr. Truman did manage to pay some attention to his birthday, which happens to fall on the an- niversary of V-E Day. It was three years ago today that the war in Europe officially stopped. The huge bouquet of roses which graced the President's desk was a gift of White House em- ployes. White House Talks Fail to Halt Walkout KR Unions Spurn 51/2c Wage Hike WASHINGTON, May 8-("P)- The nationwide railroad strike, "will go on" as scheduled Tues- day, Union leaders said tonight after a fruitless three-hour con- ference with management at thek White House. The three key unions which voted the strike turned down the railroads' renewed offer of a 15 cent an hour wage increase and various changes in operating rules. W. T. Faricy, President of the Association of American Rail- roads and a spokesman for the carriers, declared: "That's our final offer." The situation was tightly dead- locked tonight and John R. Stee- man, President Truman's labor trouble shooter, admitted it. He said: "So far it has been impossible to bring the parties to an agree- ment. We are going to try again tomorrow. I have asked both sides to think over the matter tonight and discuss it with their people." The railroads' proposal for the 15 cent raise and the changes in working rules was identical with the settlement, recommended weeks ago by a Presidential fact finding board. Other railroad unions accepted, such an increase but three im. portant operating brotherhoods- the engineers, firemen and en- ginemen, and switchmen, held out for more. Referring to today's renewal of that 151/2 cent offer, Alvanley Johnston, head of the engineers, told reporters: "That's no settlement. "As far as we're concerned, the strike will go on." The possibility that the Gov- ernment might seize and operate the roads remained. But there was no apparent move tonight in this direction. Steelman brought the disput- ants together about 1:45 p.m. (.S.T.) and the meeting brate up just before 5 p.m. Steelman had left the management and union representatives alone in a conference room most of the time. The joint session was the first that had been held sincee April 27. in Chicago. Strike Due To Hit Ann Arbor Some NYC Trains Cancelled Tomorrow Ann Arbor will probably feel the full brunt of the threatened na- tionwide rail strike called for Tuesday. Several of the New York Cen- tral long-run trains serving Mich- igan have been cancelled for Mon- day, according to the Associated Press. Meanwhile Greyhound bus man- ager John Higgins said he would use what extra equipment he had, but it was doubtful if buses could handle the added load. Because of the extent of the strike, Detroit could not be called on to furnish additional adequate aid, he said, And at the local railroad office Ticket agent E. J. Smith said he had received no definite instruc- tions or layoff notices. During the last major railroad strike two years ago, the railroads maintained skeleton staffs. A full schedule of train cancell- ations can be obtained by calling the New York Central depot. Condon Asks Letter Release WASHINGTON, May 8-()- Dr. Edward U. Condon, atomic scientist who heads the Bureau of Standards, hasasked President Truman to make public an FBI letter on his loyalty. The request went up to the White House through Condon's superior officer, Secretary of Com- merce Sawyer. There was no im- mediate comment from the Presi- dent's office. A house un-American activities MA'S DAY AGENDA: Some Mothers Visit Students; Others Get Wired Fowers Everyday is mother's day, but today, the second Sunday in May, is especially set aside to honor Mothers the world over. Today, those hardworking wo- men will probably have breakfast in bed, find the towel minus traces of dirty fingerprints and even that the pup has recognized this is aI special day. Many mothers of University students will ,nnd the dv a s Over five times the usual business was done, Miss L. Meyers the manager of a florist shop said. Students preferred roses and cor- sages, sent with the customary telegraph mesages. Mother's Day is the biggest day in the year for florists, Mrs. Meyers said. "They were sending so much candy that we finally had to stop accepting roses to mail," Mrs. R. Craig. manager of acan dv emnnr- 'COOPERATION BARS WAR': Parley. Speakers Outline Peace Plans By GEORGE WALKER Participants in the final session of the Spring Parley yesterday were generally agreed on one problem. Under one plan, the world organization would be com- posed of two houses, one with rep- re-n-af - rnnrtin - t to uin would have to be backed by a majority of all the countries and a majority of the great powers. n"TAX rr 11nm kn- - n - nh