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May 07, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-07

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Silence 13r*,ken

OLD-LINE Republicans may well be
startled to find that one of their three
leading candidates for presicIntial nomina-
tion shows signs of blossoming into some-
thing ressembling a liberal.
"Silent Tom" Dewey, whose reticence on
controversial issues approaches the legend-
ary, casually blew his reputation to shreds
last Tuesday by denouncing Harold Stas-
sen's proposition to outlaw communism.
After refering to the proposal as an
"immoral" invasion of the Bill of Rights,
Dewey said "I am unalterably, whole-
heartedly and unswervingly against any
scheme to write laws ,outlawing people be-
cause of' their religious, political, social
and economic ideas . You cannot kill
ideas by force."
He continued:
"Let me make myself perfectly clear: I
will never seek votes that way from free
Americans, and for my part I would rather
never again hold public office than to stand
silent in the face of such a proposal."
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
ire written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

With Stassen generally, if mistakenly,
conceded to be the most liberal (least re-
actionary) among the G.O.P. hopefils. no
one can doubt that. Dewey's Wallace-like
stand is likely to cause at least a minor
upheaval in pre-convention politics.
The question isvhether the "progressive"
Republicans, who have been supporting
Stassen as most nearly approaching their
ideal, will be tempted into the Dewey camp
by this new outspokeness, or will be repulsed
by his rashness in offering opposition to an
anti-Communist measure.
A lot depends, of course, on Dewey's
purpose in attacking the Stassen propos-
al. If he continues to defend civil rights,
even when Stassen isn't concerned, he
will almost have to be accepted as the
most progressive Republican leader. In
acting to conserve the Bill of Rights, enig-
matically enough, Dewey will be tagged as
a progressive.
If, on the other hand, the swing Dewey
took at Stassen was merely a bit of political
sparring, and he returns to side-stepping
and ignoring controversial questions, the
G-O.P. alignment will probably return to
normal, with Stassen rated above and Taft
rated below Dewey on the Progressive scale.
In the meantime,,liberals can only scratch
their heads and speculate on such spirited
support from such an unexpected quarter.
-Ivan Kelley

So eone Else?

T HE RESULTS of the Ohio Presidential
primary can hardly provide cause for
celebration among supporters of either
Mr. Stassen's failure to win a more sub-
stantial number of the 23 contested dele-
gates may be traced to several causes. He
was battling against a rather strong state
Republican organization which had nom-
inated a list of prominent Ohioans, such as
Sen. Bricker, Gov. Herbert, and several Con-
gressmen as delegates pledged to Sen. Taft,
Naturally, many voters cast their ballots
for these familiar names rather than for the
comparativelytunfamiliar names of the
Stassen delegates.
A great many regular Republicans re-
sented the fact that Mr. Stassen had invad-
ed the home state of Sen. Taft while fol-
lowing a "hands-off" policy in the home
states of most of the other prominent can-
It is entirely possible that many Ohio-
ans were impressed by the fact that Mr.

Stassen had not done much besides cam-
paign for the nomination since the end
of the war, while Sen. Taft had at least
been taking an active part in the work
of running the nation. This fact, of course,
was pointed out during the course of the
campaign by the senator.
The poor showing of Mr. Stassen's can-
didate for the delegate-at-large position,
who ran last in a field of ten, may indicate
that the Minnesotan does not enjoy the
great popular support which recent pri-
manes in Wisconsin and Nebraska had in-
All in all, the Ohio results were rather in-
conclusive. This could very well indicate
that the Republicans of Ohio are not too
well satisfied with either of the candidates
offered to them in their primary. Perhaps
Ohioans, like many people in other parts of
the country, are still searching for their
ideal Presidential candidate.
--Paul Brentlinger

Peddhng Fantasy
ALL RECENT British and American pro-
posals for Palestine are based on the
idea of establishing peace without granting
independence. Whatever tortured forms the
new plans may take, they all come down to
some effort to persuade the Jews not to be
free and not to care.
Whether the offer be one of trusteeship
gas we Americans have suggested) or of over-
seership by some neutral power (as the Brit-
ish have urged) it is, in the end, always the
same, a suggestion to the Jews that they
give up independence and be pleasant about
Now this would be a fantastical enter-
prise for anybody to be engaged in, but it
is especially bizarre on the part of two free
nations, such as the United States and
Britain. We are really saying to the Jews:
"Ah, independence isn't so much." The
maxim behind our acts, then, is one which
we ourselves don't really believe in, and
can't really believe in; we are offering to
the Jews, and thus to the world, a propo-
sition to which no existing power on earth
could for a minute make us subscribe.
Actually we cannot even visualize, we can-
not even conceive of such a thing as a denial
of independence joined with peace and con-
tentment. Where, indeed, does such a com-
bination exist? Where has it ever existed?
All our difficulties in relation to Palestine
stem from the fact that we are trying to
peddle a fantasy, and when, with solemn
mien and statesmanlike bearing we try to
persuade the Jews to accept such a future we
are as out of character as if we were sud-
denly to try to convert another people to
ancestor worship.
And that is why we and the British look so
bad in these premises. We offer the Jews a
proposition which we ourselves regard as
inherently inacceptable on grounds of prin-
ciple. And when we completely fail to sell
them polygamy, or sun worship, or what-
ever curious idea it is we are offering, we
strike our palms against our foreheads, and
wonder why we aren't doing better, and we
dream up still more arguments in favor of
the bizarre dogma we are pushing, and we
sweat and squirm as we offer them.
The British strike magnificent poses
and rush their troops out of Palestine,
then they strike equally magnificent poses
and rush them right back (and they will
have only themselves to blame if the world
says they do so because the Jews have re-
fused to surrender and because the Arabs
are losing)-and they wouldn't have to do
any of these things, or look so nervous, i
they would once and for all square them-
selves with that love of independence
which is said to lie at the bottom of the
British character.
And we ourselves would not seem so feeble
,lnd inept before the United Nations if we
would simply decide to act on the maxims
of what we are, as a free people, and stop
trying to tell the Jews that independence
would be bad for them.
For independence is not an idea on which
you can pick and choose your position, pro
or con; it is one of those great universals
which one must accept and approve out of
hand, like spring, young love, sunshine and
the look of light on water. The reason we
and the British are careening on this issue
is that we are off balance; we can't make it
look good because it can't be good. We shall
never attain peace without independence in
Palestine because it is unattainable.
Until we can demonstrate that people don't
mind not having freedom we had better give
up our Palestine policy as a bad job, and go
on to something practical and constructive,
like squaring the circle, or building a rail-
road to the moon.

(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)

Taxi ics A nswei

- -
a -'--

HIS IS National "Be Kind to Taxpayer
Week," in case you didn't know.
Faced with the prospect of paying for for-
eign aid and inflation at the same time,
Oklahoma sporting goods dealer Andy An-
derson decided to give the average taxpayer
a chance to blow off steam. Andy has a
simple grass roots program to cut down
federal expenses that does not involve any of
Current Movies1
At the Michiga . .
"OUT OF THE PAST," with Robert Mitchum
and Jane Greer.
WITH the finals schedule out, everyone
will be looking for a weekend respite,
and while Out of the Past will pass with
hardly a splash it gives you a fair return on
the price of admission. Robert Mitchum does
an effortless portrayal of a shrewd young
man thats up on everything but the oppo-
site sex, and the moral of the story seems to
be "there's good gals and bad gals, and
brother if you meet the wrong kind first you
can mess up a perfectly good life." Jane
k Greer is Number One on the list of the
stinker variety, and while he does his red
hot best to untangle the knots she's tied,
blackmail, bodies and some unfortunate tim-
ing do nasty things to the future he is try-
ing to whip up over his shady past. The ac-
tion takes place all up and down the state
of California and Mexico, and much of the
scenery and characters encountered a re
highly interesting Mitchum does well in
this kind of role, and Miss Greer is convinc-
ing vermin, but it doesn't quite add up that
;o many smart boys get taken in by her.
-Gloria Hunter
* * *
At the State . ..
THE GANGSTER, Belita, Barry Sullivan.
ALTHOUGH OFFERING nothing novel in
plot or setting, "The Gangster" is a
powerfully told tale, in its own way. The
photography is quite unusual with its
shadows and lighting, and both Belita
and Sullivan have rough features, which
lend to the realism of the story. It is about,
a small time racketeer who has worked his
way up both physically and mentally until
he has himself believing that he is tons.

the meat cleaver tactics of Mr. Knutson and
his Republican cohorts.
First, he wants everybody to stop asking
for federal handouts from Washington.
This will undoubtedly hurt the Congress
men who are supporting the Army Civil
Functions Bill, now before Congress. This
legislation has turned into a pork barrel
affair, complete with bridges and flood
control projects.
Secondly, Mr. Anderson wants the elimi-
nation of non-essential spending in the gov-
ernment. A recent impartial survey, not
conducted by either political party, has
shown that the U.S. postal system wastes
72 million dollars a year. This is the kind
of thing that Andy Anderson can't stand,
and most taxpayers will probably agree with
Lastly, Andy wants all citizens to de-
mand that none of their tax money be
used to purchase public office, whatever
that is.
The taxpayers of this country, torn be-
tween ERP and Republican taxtics, certainly
deserve a break. If Mr. Anderson is the
only one who is willing to stand up and
speak for the poor, burdened, little taxpayer,
we are all for him.
With the overwhelming billions of dollars
going to nations of Western Europe, Con-
gress may try to get away with something
at home, but astlongeas there are people like
Andy Anderson, ready and vigilant, with
ideas like the "Be Kind to Taxpayer Week"
we don't have much to worry about.
-Al Blumrosen

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistantto the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11 :00
a.m. saturdays).
* * *
FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1948
VOL. LVIII, No. 152
Veterans are notified that a
subsistence survey is to be con-
ducted by officials of the Veterans
Administration on May 10 in
Room 100A, Rackham Buildin
between the hours of 8 a.m. and
3:30 p.m. The office will not close
during the lunch hour.
This survey is to be conducted
only for those veterans who have
failed to receive a subsistence
check during the course of their
current enrollment.
Veterans having questions con-
cerning amounts of checks can
expect to receive an adjustment
within the near future.
Petitions for Union Vice-Presi-
dents will be accepted in The Stu-
dent offices of the Michigan Un-
ion Friday, May 7 from 3-5 p.m.
Each petition must bear the
names of two hundred members
of the Union, and specify the
school in which the candidate is
going to run. The election will be
held May 13.
Women students attending eith-
er the "Ensemble '48 Ball or the
Inter-Fraternity Ball, Fri., May 7,
have 1:30 a.m. permission. Calling
hours will not be extended.
Approved student sponsored so-
cial events for the coming week-
May 7
Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Rho
Chi, Alpha Tau Omega, Betsy
Barbour, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Inter-
cooperative Council, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Phi Kappa Psi, Psi Upsilon,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu,
Sigma Phi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta
Delta Chi, 'Theta Xi, Zeta Beta
May 8
Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta
Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha
Rho Chi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta
Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta
Delta Delta, Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Upsilon,
East Quadrangle, Jordan Hall,
Kappa Sigma. Lambda Chi Alpha,
Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Gamma
Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma
Nu, Stevens Cooperative, Tau
Beta Pi, Theta Xi, Zeta Beta Tau,
Zeta Tau Alpha.
May 9
Betsy Barbour, Chi Phi, Tau
Beta Pi.
Freshmen women initiated into
Alpha Lambda Delta are request-I
ed to call at thte Office of the
Dean of Women for their certifi-
cates by May 13.

Letters to the Editor ...

- i

Women students enrolled in the
Red Cross Water Safety Instruc-
tor's course have 11 p.m. permis-
sion for four class nights between
May 5-30.
Former Officers and Enlisted
Men of the Air Foces: The U. S.
Air Forces is offering a limited
number of Regular Commissions
(Second Lt. grade) to former offi-
cers and enlisted men who served
with the Air Forces during the last
war and who are completing their
educational program this semes-
ter. More detailed information
may be obtained from the Aero-
nautical Dept. Bulletin Board, op-
posite Rm. 1079, E. Engineering
Bldg. Meeting, Room 1500 (new
wing of E. Engineering Bldg.), 5
p.m., Mon., May 10. Applications
may be obtained by interested
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, 201
Mason Hall:
The Corning Glass Works,
Corning, New York, will have a
representative here on Monday,
May 10, to interview mechanical,
industrial, and chemical engi-
neers. There are also a few open-
ings for elecrical engineers.
The Curtiss-Wright Corpora-
tion, Propeller Division, Caldwell,
New Jersey, will have a repre-
sentative here on Tuesday and
Wednesday, May 11 and 12, to in-
terview mechanical metallurgical,
and aeronautical engineers.
Revere Copper and Brass, Inc.,
Rome. New York, will have a rep-
resentative here on Tuesday, May
11, to interview metallurgical and
chemical engineers for mill meth-
ods and technical control with a
possible future in supervision or
sales. They also have openings
for mechanical engineers for mill
maintenance, design, and layout.
The Civil Service Commission,
State of Michigan, has announced
examinations for the following po-
sitions: Vocational School Super-
visor Class 1 and Class 2. Closing
date for applications, May 12.
Examinations are being given for
Veterans Vocational Education
Supervisor Class 3 and 4. Closing
date for applications May 19.
Summer Work: Handyman-
gardener. Opportunity for man
with transport9tion to work as
handyman-gardener on estate
about 3 miles from Ann Arbor.
Full time during summer, part-
time during next school year.
For further information call at
201 Mason Hall or call Extension
University Lecture on Post-War
Biological Research in Europe by
Jean G. Baer, Professor of Zool-
ogy, University of Neutchatel,
Switzerland. 8 p.m., Friday, May
7, Kellogg Auditorium. Public in-
(Continued on Page 6)

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order In which
they are received all letters earing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Supplemnent Praise
To the Editor:
their Literary Supplement!
It's about time the Michigan cam-
pus was given an opportunity to
show off its writing talent. We
eagerly look forward to the next
-Audrey Axelrod.
Ruthie Frank.
Refutes Den
To the editor:
Mr. Dean states categorically
that Mr. Stassen is opposed to
"public housing in general."
The record: Mr. Stassen is op-
posed to complete socialization of
any industry, including housing,
but he is FOR a one-billion dollar
federal housing program. I muote
from an original source: "Where
I Stand" by Harold Stassen: "We
need a mass house-building pro-
gram on a scale never before
reached, Under existing condi-
tions this cannot be carried out
except through action by the Fed-
eral Government. I specifically
propose that the Federal Govern-
ment use one billion dollars a year
for such a major large scale con-
struction effort." Mr. Stassen goes
on to say that part of the funds
should be used for slum clear-
ance. Foi furtner details of Stas-
sen's housing program I refer Mr.
Dean to "Where I Stand."
Again I quote Mr. Dean: "le is
opposed to compulsory health in-
The record: Mr. Stassen is
against a COMPULSORY pro-
gram because "it would have de-
bilitating and deteriorating effect
on our medical men and women."
But to leave the matter there does
an injustice to Mr. Stassen. I
again quote from "Where I
Stand": "We first need a survey
of existing hospital and medical
services to locate serious gaps. To
plug the gaps we need federal aid,
state aid and private aid . . . I
am opposed to having the Federal
Government take over the pay-
ment of ail medical bills. But I do
believe that provision should be
made f r a federal-state insur-
ance approach to the exceptien -
ally heavy doctor and hospital
Further Stassen views: He tes-
tified against the inclusion of a
restriction on industry-wide bar-
gaining. It was subsequently de-
leted fro. what became the Taft
hartley Act. He wired Truman to
si r2 the Taft Hartley Act because
he agreed with its underlying pol-
icy of restoration of the balance
of bargaining power between
management -and labor. But he
specifically opposed its ban on
union politcial activity and the
requirement that union leaders
should sign. non-Communist affa-
In May, 1947, he proposed using
ten per cent of our production to
rebuild Europe's economic struc-
ture. This was some time before
our government announced the
Marshall Plan.
Mr. Stassen was for a somewhat
more modest tax reduction than
that which Congress adopted.
But he went along with that bill
because he believes that some re-
duction is necessary to re-vitalize

private initiative. Mr. Stassen is
also for tax concessions to small
businesses; government controls
on inventories, consumer credit,
commodity speculation; rent con-
trol; FEPC; parity price credit
trol; FEPC; parity price support;
admission of DPs.
As to Mr. Stassen's stand o
world government, I sugges for
'Mr. Dean's benefit that he has

stood for a much stronger United
Nations from the time of its in-
c,,ol ion in it, prvs'nt form.
- Vi mNIM. Fiua'h
* .
Exant Plaint
To the editor:
WONDER who the man-hating
bureaucrat is who bedeviled up
ttis year's exam schedule. Though
I suppose the rack still is the most
delight ful of tortures this latest
bit of pedant's whimsy is pretty
close to the bone-cracking class. I
expect, however, the University,
operates on that remarkable piece
of academi2 whim-wham, -i . a
strdent who is a true student
gives not a tinker's damn-m for sev-
eral paltry nights sleep (consecu-
tive nor for such worldly knick-
knacks as grades. The tru r stud-
ent pursues knowledge for itself;
a:'d, anyway, pre-dehlvian deg-
ma, (University policy) says
grades are unimportant . . . ex-
cept if you don't have them. The
final justification for the weird
calendar is the moralistic consid-
eration that it is only the schol-
astic loose-liver who must regard,
say 5 trifling finals in four days
as a reign of terror. After all, it
could be a scarlet letter or the
slow stake . . . "if one had stayed
up through the semester . .
But maybe I am unjust. Maybe
it wasn't sadism behind this part-
ing kiss. Perhaps it was mere
commercialism. From sources too
reliable to be breathed, I am led
to understand that the University
has a monopoly on the city suppl.v
of benzedrine. Control the supply,
create the demand . . . classical
economics and such rot, it'll re-
assure the state legislature of our
Well as I gulp my No-Nod (I'm
a proletarian), I will mutter the
wish that our own priest-hood has
done something similar long since.
With black bile,
-George Vetter

Fifty-Eighth Year




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Associated Collegiate Press





ANY LOST SOULS from the May Festival
caught in Hill Auditorium last night
minus their earmuffs were in for the shock
of their lives.
Stan Kenton rocked 5,000 loyal followers
with a concert which was at times inspired,
at times bewildering-but never dull.
The performance was sparked with a
number of revitalized Kenton standards,
and highlighted by the startlingly new work
of arranger Pete Rugolo.
Outstanding work by Individual sections
marked all arrangements, while the band
as a whole moved continually at a pre-
cision clip.
June Christy, though seemingly irredeem-
ably flat at times, received thunderous re-

At Lydia Mendelssohn .
L'ATALANTE, with Michel Simon and
ZERO DE CODUITE. Both directed by
Jean Vigo.
WHETHER OR NOT you will enjoy the
two Vigo productions showing on cam-
pus this weekend depends on whether or not
you have a taste for experimental film work.
Personally, I have no appetite for this sort
of thing as a rule and, consequently, I'm
afraid my reaction to both of these films
was apathetic from the start.
"L'Atalante" chronicles the events in the
early marital life of a provincial girl and a
bargeman. Immediately after their wedding
they take up life on a barge that navigates
the canals of France. The bride finds this
existence monotonous, begins to long for the
undiscovered joys of Paris and abandons the
barge. After a brief interval, during which
the respective emotions of husband and
wife are sketched, a reconciliation is ef-
fected. If there was anything to recommend
the film to the spectator with orthodox in-
clinations, it was the excellent performance
of Michel ,Simon in the role of the barge-
man's assistant.
According to the preface to the other


What is this subversive science foundation
trying to do, Barnaby? This is an attempt
to lure an advertising man from my employ!
Into some boondoggling research work! And
just as I'm launching my eyewash campaign!


Uncle Ralph isn't going to
take the job, Mr. O'Malley.
It's only $2400 a year-
2400? In,
er, money?

Of course he can't desert me, his employer, at a
time like this. It'd be ungrateful. Disloyal ...
Hmm ... $2400. . . Who's the man
one sees about this position?.. .
C. J.
In fact, the news of my affiliation will have
the entire scientifc world all atwitter-

This letter offers the research
| tn hinf i .n ..r ,, nra I

Don't bother, Barnaby. I'm
F mre the foundation won't

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