TU~sDAiY, MAY 6, l1q48
. . . ...................... . . ..... . ........
'HMS Pinafore' Will Set
Sail in Waves of Satire
The sparkling "HMS Pinafore"
which will take to the footlightsj
May 13, 14 and 15 in Pattengill
Auditorium under the sponsorship
of the Gilbert and Sullivan Soci-
ety is one of the most famous sa-
tires in stage history.
The snide remarks and pointed
song lyrics in "Pinafore" have
Speech Class
To Visit WWJ
Sixty speech and radio students
will make an all-day field trip to
the studios of WWJ and WWJ-
FM in Detroit Saturday to get a
close-up of the operation of a
metropolitan station.
The group will hear WWJ per-
sonnel speak on all phases of
broadcasting, including produc-
tion, script-writing, news-gather-
ing, sound effects, network rela-
tions, servicing of advertising cli-
ents, and television.
The program was arranged in
cooperation with Dick Spencer,
WWJ and WWJ-FM promotion
manager. Ed Wheeler, assistant
general manager, Wendell Parma-
lee, assistant general sales man-
ager, Keith McKinney, television
program coordinator and a Michi-
gan alumnus, and Shields Djerk-
iss, production director: will dis-
cuss their work with the students.
Tom MacMahon, news, editor,
Margo Pheiffer, staff writer, and
Selwyn Tober, sound effects direc-
tor, will also speak.
made official English ears burn
consistently since it was first pro-
duced in 1878. The audience howl-
ed the very first night, and Pina-
fore ran 700 consecutive perform-
ances in London.
'When I Was a Lad'
The great song by Sir Joseph
Porter, K.C.B. explaining how he
"became the ruler of the Queen's
navee" has become a classic in
sarcasm and a must for every
bathroom baritone. English mem -
bers of the "Loyal Opposition" in
Parliament anxious to criticize the
Admiralty Dept. still quote Sir
Joseph's final advice:
"Stick close to your desks and.
never go to sea
And you all may be the rulers
of the Queen's navy."
The song became so well known
that the English Prime Minister
actually began referring to the Ad-
miralty's first lord as "Pinafore
Smith." The insult was not for-
gotten, either - Sullivan who
wrote the music was knighted, but
Gilbert and his lyrics were left
out in the cold.
Tickets for "Pinafore" are be-
ing sold daily from 9 to 12 noon
and 1 to 5 p.m. in the booth out-
side Rm. 2, University Hall.
Name Positions
Available to Coeds
Positions for counseling at the
annual Wolverine Girls State, to
be held Juner14ethrough 22, are
now available and coeds may ap-
ply in the Social Directors Office
of the League as soon as possible.
Sponsored by the American Le-
gion Women's Auxiliary for out-
standing juniors from high
schools, the week's program is or-
ganized to present opportunities
in various vocations and to con-
sider the position of women in
This spring's Girls State session
will also offer a well rounded week
of recreation, sightseeing and so-
cial activities.
Feeding your furs and
cloth apparel to the moths!
Our Cold Storage Vaults
and Insurance give them
protection against all haz-
ards. Remodeling and Re-
pairing at our low Summer
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607 E. Liberty
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
Initiate Coeds
To Freshman
Honor Society
Fifty-four University freshman
women students have been hon-
ored for outstanding scholarship
during their first year's study.
They have been initiated as
members of Alpha Lambda Delta,
national honor society for fresh-
man women. At least a B-plus
average is required for member-
At the initiation ceremony, Dean
Alice Lloyd presented a citation to
Nancy Jean Ringland as the sen-
ior member of the society having
maintained the highest scholastic
average since elected to member-
ship four years ago.
The freshman members of the
honor society are: Joan Auch,
Ann Beck, Joyce Briskman, Janet
Brown, Juanita Brown, Norma
Chud, Nancy Coleman, Lois
Cronlwright, Lyubica Dabich,
Clara Davis, Florence Dieterle,
Sylvia Folz, Ruth Frank, Flor-
ence Freedman, and Doris Gard-
The list continues with Mary
Ann Gatley, Riva Genfan, Berna
Gilden, Ellen Goldstick, Ilene
Haering, Lita Hagen, Barbara
Hart, Mary Louise Hook, Fran-
ziska Isbell, Norma Jaksec,
Yvonne Johnson, Carolyn Kaplan,
Jeanne Lange, Ellen Leepman,
Valeria Lemper, Marjorie McLain,
Renee Melnikoff, Edith Merlin
and Joan Meyers.
Others are: Lillian Miller, Shir-
ley Miller, Rosanne Mitshkun,
Louise Moore, Nancy Natnagel,
Renate Oppenheimer, Daphne
Porter, Phylliss Portwood, Shirley
The list concludes with Eliza-
beth Ross, Eleanor Scott, Anita
Seiler, Alice Shannon, Joyce Si-
mon, Mary Stein, Pamela Wagner,
Joan Willens, Cecilia Woodworth,
Eva Zaretsky and Marcia Ziskind.
Keller's Music
To Be Played
"Overture 1947," composed by
Homer Keller, University music
school instructor in Theory and
Composition, will be performedhat
Rochester, N. Y. today by the
Eastman-Rochester Symphony in
their annual festival of American
The work was first performed
last November by the Nashville
Symphony Orchestra, conducted
by William Strickland.
Keller, who will go to Rochester
to hear the performance, recently
completed "Symphony No. 2,"
dedicated to the University Sym-
phony Orchestra.
He is working at present on a
large choral-orchestral composi-
tion commissioned by the Wash-
ington Cathedral Choral Society
for presentation next season.
A group of plants called "carni-
vorous plants" obtain the nitrogen
necessary to their growth from the
decaying bodies of insects which
they trap, says the World Book
TAFT SMILES-Sen. Robert A. Taft smiles as he casts his ballot
in Tuesday's Ohio primaries. Returns gave him a victory over
Republican hopeful Harold Stassen, though not as large as he
had predicted.
Young Marble Expert Gains
Repeat Win in Local Tourney
Wilson Cites
Bone Graftiu g
Poitenfti ihi Hi'
Refrigerated Bones
Will KeepSix Months
New uses for bone grafts have
been developed with refrigerated
bone, according to Dr. Philip Dun-
can Wilson, clinical professor of
orthopedic surgery, College of.
Physicians and Surgeons, Colum-
bia University.
"Bone banks can be established
in much the same way as blood or
eye banks," the doctor said. "Bone
can be kept in storage for as long
as six months. It behaves just as
well as fresh bone taken from the
patient's own body."
Fractures that fail to heal are
treated with refrigerated bone, Dr.
Wilson pointed out. A new proce-
dure called a sleeve graph has
been developed in which a hollow
bone graft is slipped over two
ends of bone that otherwise would
not come together.
Something which has not been
attempted before is to replace a
whole bone of a finger with an
identical one from the bone bank,"
he said. "This allows normal fin-
ger function to be restored."
"Not many of the cells of this
refrigerated bone are alive-but
neither are the cells alive when
we transplant bone from the pa-
tient's own body," he explained.
"This bone merely serves as a
framework for the construction of
new bone. The refrigerated bone
is gradually absorbed and replaced
by living bone."
Dr. Wilson pointed out that
bigger sources of bone are needed.
Occasionally they can be taken
from amputated limbs, but the
supply is small, since so many
amputations are done for condi-
tions that make it unsafe to use
the bone.
Philosophers Give
Students a IBreak
If you're majoring in philosophy
or taking any courses in that sub-
ject, you're probably enjoying an
unexpected vacation from class
this week.
The mass migration of philoso-
phy professors to Chicago for the
midwest conference of the Ameri-
can Association of Philosophers
has left i their unhappy students
with "time on their hands."
Some fortunate students will
have no classes from today until
Monday, as a result of the exodus.
Naturally, they all plan to spend
their time studying for their phil-
osophy finals.
Old Bones Show Life When
Glee Club Skeleton Performs
A young man named Eustice
is an intricate part of the Uni-
versity Men's Glee Club - but he
doesn't sing, he rattles.
While none could say Eustice
will be alive and kicking when the
Glee Club begins its Annual Spring
Concert at 8:15 p.m. Saturday in
Enlgish Author
To Speak Today
Stephen Spender. English poet
and critic, will lecture on "Mod-
ern Poetry in the Modern World"
at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Spender has written several vol-
umes of poetry, a tragedy and a
novel. Before coming to this coun-
try last year, he was active in
UNESCO. His most recent volume
of poetry. "Poems of Dedication,"
has just been published.
Typing Class
The first session of a new course
for beginning typists will be held
from 7 to 9 p.m. today in Rm.
276 of the Business Administra-
tion Building.
Hill Auditorium, Without him,
their colorful rendition of Fred
Waring's "Dry Bones" would fall
Rattling Since Autumn
The 7-year-old skeleton is the
property of Bill Jensen, a med
student who sings bass in the
Club. Eustice has been demon-
strating how "yer hip bone con-
nected to yer ankle bone" since
the Club was reorganized under
Prof. Duey last fall.
A regular member of the Club,
Eustice makes all the trips and,
according to Prof. Duey, does his
part to keep food bills down. Dur-
ing the recent Eastern trip, Eus-
tice hung out the bus window and
rattled right down Broadway Aye-
nue in New York.
Encore, Cherie
In Saturday's concert, which
will be the same presented during
the Eastern Tour, Eustice will ap-
pear at the end of the formal part
of the program if the audience de-
mands an encore.
In addition to singing "Dry
Bones," the Club will also present
Fred Waring's "Battle Hymn of
the Republic" as part of its hour
and a half admission free concert.
r 4
Starts Here!
Gangling, twelve-year-old Craig
Smith smashed his way through
is second consecutive Ann Ar-
or Marble Championship yester-
ay and is on the victory road that
anded him fourth place in Michi-
an last year.
Craig, who is a seventh grader
t the Tappan School, polished off
hree opponents in the semi-fnals
end finals 7-5, 7-1 and then
rushed the runner-up 7-0, in Yost
Meld House. The other four, who
ire the champion agate-exper'ts
or their respective schools, are
ewis Lewig, Mach; Ralph Martin,
Jones; Bob Trebicock, Eberbach;
and Elmer Rush, Angell.
Best in District
The dusty knuckles of the
Champ will square off at 2 p.m.
Sunday in the Field House when
the sponsors, Graf-O'Hara Post
423 VFW, will bring together the
best marble shots from eight coun-
ties for the district playoffs. Craig
won this match too last year.
"I was lucky. There'll probably
be a lot of competition this year,"
he said. Smith practices and plays
about three hours every day and
admits a deep affection for the
game of marbles which started as
soon as he was old enough to grab
a marble and snip it.
National Awards Scholarship
This year, if he weathers the
state meet, there is the National
Marbles Championship in Kansas
City. The winner receives a
$2,000 college scholarship.
According to VFW game rules,
the contestants take their places
around a six-foot circle and blast
away at the 13 "blackies" in the
center. The winner must knock
out seven, but on the last one,
both the marble and the shooter
must go out of the ring.
The best is none too good for Mother
-and there is no finer, fresher candy
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Make your selection now from the
scores of luscious assortments avail-
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2-LB BOX 1.75 ... LB. 7r
You shop 'or study while
BENDIX does your wash
1. Bring your laundry to
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place it in the Bendix.
Each Bendix takes up
to 9 lbs.-you can use
as many machines as
you need.
2. Add soap - Wait or
shop while the Bendix
does your work auto-
3. Take your laundry
home in 30 minutes-
cleansed, sweet, white,
4. Take 'Em Home Dry-
Yes, we mean" Comn-
pletely dry. We added
Bock Extractors and
4 big Chicago speedy
dryers that will dry a
tub of clothes in just
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9 lbs. 30c
ready to iron
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9 lbs. 10c
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9 lbs. 25c
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Dr. Valerie Juracsek, will speak
on the "Emotional Aspects of
Marriage" 8:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Senior Ball Publicity Commit-
tee: Meeting 7 p.m. today, Garden
Room of the League.
Wyvern: Meeting 5 p.m. today,
League Chapel.
'Lecture: Stephen Spender will
speak on "Modern Poetry in the
Modern World," 4:15 p.m. today
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Bureau of Student Opinion: Se-
lected students who have not been
interviewed may still be quizzed
between 1:30 and 5:30 p.m. and
between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. to-
day in Rm. 5, Tappan Hall.
Jourhalism Students: Fred Ellis,
classified manager of the Ann Ar-
bor News, will discuss classified
advertising at 2 p.m. today, Rm.
E, Haven Hall.
Young Democrats -7:30 p.m.,
Union; report on recent Demo-
cratic State Convention.
Young Republicans-7:30 p.m..
League; survey of "Big City Poli-'
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