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May 06, 1948 - Image 1

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gee Page 41


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Latest Deadline in the State



Chance Seen
To End Rail
Strike Threat
President Hopes
To Avert Walkout
WASHINGTON, May 5-(_)-_
A President Truman still hopes to
sidetrack the threatened railroad
strike, the White House said to-
As if to underscore his optim-
ism, the President's office an-
nounced that he will leave-by'
train-for the Pacific Northwest'
June 3.
That is just three weeks and
two days beyond the May 11
strike deadline set by the 190,000
members of three key rail unions
-the Brotherhoods of Locomotive
Engineers, Firemen and Engine-
men and Switchmen.
The President's hope for a
peaceful settlement of the wage
dispute was relayed to White
house reporters by Press Sec-
retary Charles G. Ross after the
collapse of the latest mediation
Frank P. Douglas, chairman
of the National (Railway) Me-
diation Board, and Francis A.
O'Neill, Jr., a member, conferred
for nearly an hour and a half
on the matter with John R.
Steelman, presidential assistant.
Ross said Steelman relayed the
results of the conference to Mr.
Truman, although the President
did not confer personally with the
Ross, said he did not know
.vhether Union representatives
would be called to the White
House for a conference. Then he
"There still are a number of
Says left in which the parties can
settle their disagreement. There
is still some hope-anybody's en-
titled to hope."
Douglass came back from
Chicago last night to report the
failure of his special mediation
effort. The strike is set to begin
at 6 a.m. (Various local times)
next Tuesday. Yard workers are
to quit at that hour; and train
crews out on runs are to bring
their trains to their destination
or tie-up points before walking
The Louisville and Nashville
Railroad notified the Association
of American Railroads that on
Friday it will stop accepting .ship-
ments of livestock, poultry and
The Association said, however,
that "we do not contemplate any
general embargo order now. It, is
up to the individual lines, which
know their own situations best, to
take what action they may deem
necessary in the acceptance of
Government agencies also said
they would take no action to-
ward any embargo unless or-
dered to do so by the White
Railroad sources here said,
however, they expect to see
shipments of perishables drop
sharply within the next few
days unless steps are taken to
head off the strike.
The Union said they would per-
mit their members to operate
troop, hospital and milk trains.
French Films

Shown Today
Two French films, "L'Atalante"
and "Zero for Conduct," will be
presented by the Art Cinema
League at 8:30 p.m. today, tomor-
row and Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
In "L'Atalante" a girl marries a
young barge-master whose crew
consists of an eccentric old sailor
anid a ragged 'street urchin. Thie
monotony of cabin, water and
landscape soon lead the girl, Juli-
ette, to desert her husband. The
old sailor, Pere Jules, finally
brings Juliette back to the barge-
"Zero for Conduct" shows the
revolt in the minds of a group of
schoolboys against their teacher-
oppressors. The teachers are pi_-
tured as the boys see them, in a
fantastic "dream of revolt."
Tickets for the films are on sale
at 2 p.m. daily at the Box Office.
Engine Class Office
Wb .,... tT

Spring Parley To Offer
World Peace Discussion
Pessimists and optimists, realists and idealists will gather in the
Union tomorrow to investigate, discuss, and perhaps arrive at an an-
swer to the most vital question of the times: "Is world peace possible?"
At 4:15 p.m. in Kellogg Auditorium, George Edwards, President
of the Detroit Common Council, will launch the 13th Annual Spring
Parley with a speech on the possibilities of world peace. Then, at 8:30
p.m., interested students will meet in the Union for the first in a se-
ries of panels, on the general topic "Trouble Spots of the World."
Prof. John L. Brumm, Chairman of the Department of Journalism,
now on retirement furlough, gave his whole-hearted support to the
Spring Parley in a statement to The Daily yesterday.



Nine Convention
Delegates in Ohio
Sen. Taft Left 44 of 53 State Votes;
Losses Suffered in Industrial Cities

Excellent Opportunity
"I think the Spring Parley is ai
UN Rule May
Restore order
In Holy Land
Seek Emergency Act
Before Mandate Ends
NEW YORK, May 5--l)-An
emergency United Nations regime
to rule Palestine appeared tonight
to be the temporary UN answer
to the Holy Land problem.
The first glimmer of what the
58-nation assembly might do to
meet the immediate crisis in Pal-
estine emerged from two closed
sessions of a 12-nation group at
the French delegation offices.
Jerusalem Truce Fails
The Assembly's Political Com-
mittee-in effect the assembly it-
self-asked this sub-committee
yesterday to go over the whole
complicated issue and try to find
a solution before Britain ends her
mandate over Palestine on May
Meanwhile, violence broke out
briefly in Jerusalem tonight as ef-
forts to engineer an Arab-Jewish
truce in the Holy City apparently
bogged down.
After a peaceful day throughout
the city, the thunder and flash
of explosives erupted in the Mos-
lem Shiekh Jarrah quarter, a few
blocks north of the old walled
No Permanent Answer
The UN committee emphasized
that the suggested emergency ad-
ministration would not be a UN
trusteeship, advocated by the
United States, nor a permanent
answer to the Arab-Jewish dead-
The idea of a single independent
country in Palestine has been ad-
vanced by the Arabs but has re-
ceived little support among the
delegates. The Jews have an-
nounced plans to proclaim a Jew-

n excellent opportunity for students
+)to learn about and discuss the im-
portant questions of the day. I am
especially pleased with the topic
chosen for this parley," Prof.
Brumm said.
Prof. Brumm, who was associat-
ed with the parleys in their early
days, recaled how high student
enthusiasm was at some of the first
"At one of the panels," he said,
"students directed so many ques-
tions at. e speakers that individ-
ual questions could not be distin-
guished. We had to have students
write their questions down and
bring them to the chairman."
First Series
The first series of panels starts
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Un-
ion. Under the general heading
"Trouble Spots in the World,"
this panel will be discussed in
three sections: "Europe," "The
Near East" and "The Far East."
General topic of the Saturday
panels will be "Alternative Roads
to World Peace." In three separ-
ate panels, students will discuss
world trade agreements, the world
bank, the UN, and cultural and re-
ligious exchanges.
Short Talks
Panel leaders, to be announced
tomorrow, will give short talks
on the, nature of the individual
problems. Then students will join
in an open discussion.
AVy C Opens
Book Drive
An all-campus drive to collect
books for a recreational library
for the patients at the Vet-
erans Readjustment Center was
launched by AVC today.
The VRC, a special hospital op-
erated by the University Regents,
is designed to treat Michigan vet-
erans of World War II for mild
emotional disturbances and incipi-
ent mental illnesses.
The VRC tries to create a home-
like atmosphere for the patients
and reduce resemblance to a hos-
pital to a minimum. Part of the
recreational program is to encour-
age pleasant, worthwhile reading
by the patients.
Until now, VRC has depended
on private donations, which have
not provided as many books as
are needed, according to Jack El-
liott, book drive chairman.
Elliott urged donations of good
books of all kinds, particularly
current fiction, cartoon books, hu-
mor and travel.
Collection points have been set
up at the League, Union, on the
diagonal, in Mosher-Jordan, the
East and West Quads.
Union Petitions
Petitions for student vice-
presidential positions in the
Michigan Union will be re-
ceived from 3 to 5 p.m. today
and tomorrow at the student
The petitions should bear 200
signature and specify the
school or lege the petitioner
intends to represent.

BREAKING UP TRIESTE DEMONSTRATION-Trieste police grapple with a woman demonstrator
during a pro-Italian celebration on May 1. Police used water hoses, night sticks and motorcycles
to break up gatherings throughout the Allied zone.

Delegates Will
Consider Bills
O. Student Aid
International Student
ExchangeParley Here
Delegates from as far as Ore-
gon, Texas and California will
attend the conference on Interna-
tional Student Exchanges at the
University, May 10-12.
The conference, called by the
Institute of International Educa-
tion assisted by the W. K. Kellogg
Foundation, will consider the
newly enacted Fulbright and
Smith-Mundt laws which will give
financial aid to American students'
abroad and foreign students in the
United States. The proposed or-
ganization and bylaws of an. In-
ternational Foreign Student Ad-
visers Association will also be dis-
Program Highlights
Highlight of the program will
be an address at 11 a.m. Monday,
at Rackham by the Hon. George
V. Allen, former U.S. Ambassador
to Iran and now Assistant Secre-
tary of State for Public Affairs.
A welcoming address at 10 a.m.
Monday will precede a talk by
Dr. Helen C. White, University of
Wisconsin, member of the U.S.
National Commission for UNES-
CO, on "An Integrated Cultural
Relations Program."
Dr. Richard P. McKeon, dis-
tinguished service professor of so-
cial studies at the University of
Chicago, will speak at the lunch-
eon in the League on "U.S. Stu-
dents in Foreign Study." Provost
James P. Adams will preside.
Discussions and Addresses
Dr. Thomas E. Jones, president
of Earlham College, will preside
at 2 p.m. when Lawrence Duggan,
director of the Institute of Inter-
national Studies, will lead the dis-
cussion of the addresses of the
preceding speakers.
Tuesday sessions will be devoted
to technical problems in interna-
tional student exchange. The
luncheon, presided over by Dean
Hayward Keniston, will feature
Mrs. Catherine C. Bang, adviser to
foreign students of the Cleveland
Council on World Affairs, and
John L. Mott, director of Inter-
national House, New York, in a
discussion, "Coordinating Com-
munity Resources in Interchange
of Students."
Entertainment by University
foreign students will follow the
Tuesday conference dinner in the
Union Ball Room at 6:30 p.m.
"A Personal View of Interna-
tional Student Exchange" will be
discussed by Dr. B. K. Bryan, ed-
ucational liaison officer of the
Embassy of India, at the Wednes-
day luncheon.

Sleepy Students Cut Classes
As 'U,'City ChangeClocks

ish nation when

the mandate

Wallace Group
To Open Drive
A membership drive to recruit
students in a "fight against seg-
regation" will be conducted by
the Wallace Progressives on the
Diag today and tomorrow.
Tickets will be on sale at the
Progressives' booth for the party
rally in Detroit on May 13 which
will feature an address'by Henry
The Third Party advocates will
base their appeal for new mem-
bers on the premise that the Pro-
gressive Party is the only one
"actually fighting to protect civil
and political rights." A statement
from the group's Executive Board
said the recruiters will stress the
slogan "No one is too big or
too small to be affected by the
current repressive steps of the
bi-partisan administration."

An estimated five to ten per
cent of the University failed to
make their eight and nine o'clocks
yesterday as Daylight Saving
Time came to Ann Arbor.
Rooms displayed student-less
rows and several professors, who
best remain unnamed, failed to
get to their early classes, a Daily
survey revealed.
University clocks had made the
shift to fast time efficiently un-
der the direction of Chief Build-
ing Custodian Edward S. Warren,
except in one instance. The big
clock in Yost Field House is still
limping along one hour behind the
new Daylight Savings Time.
But the clock on the county
court house is still on Eastern
Standard time. Court business is
conducted on state legal time
which is EST, county auditor J.
M. Rempp said yesterday and no
change can be made in the court
,house clock until the Board of
Supervisors meets on May 11. Ac-
tion at that time is doubtful be-
cause of a state law, he said.
To complicate matters still fur-
ther, the clock, running on slow
time, is fifteen minutes behind on
its own.
An extra hour's worth of pas-
sengers piled up at the Grey-
hound bus station yesterday
morning after the time shift. Head
ticket agent John Schuck said that
some people missed their busses
and were late for work. The
busses are running on Eastern
Standard Time. "Things will
straighten out in a day or so,"
Shck said.
Calm reigned at the New York
Central station, where ticket
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The deporta-
tion of Gerhart Eisler and four
others for alleged Communist con-
nections was delayed today by
Federal Judge T. Alan Goldsbor-
ough in a sweeping ruling that
may affect 1000 more persons
waiting removal from the United
Judge Goldsborough said that
Eisler and four others musthbe
given hearings by examiners not
connected with the investigating
and prosecuting branches of the
Immigration Service.
DETROIT-Three men were
killed and a fourth injured criti-
cally today when two light
planes collided in mid-air over
the eastern section of the city.
WASHINGTON - Government
efforts to end the 51-day meat
workers' strike broke off today
without any sign of progress.
can Legion's National Executive
Committee released a report to-
day that the nation's pool of man-
power in the 18-25 age group
available for military service has
dwindled to 1,300,000.
Opinion Bureau
Urges Interviews
The few students who have not

agents continued to remind pas-
sengers to add an hour to the
schedules to get Ann Arbor times
for trains. "It is really very sim-
ple," ticket agent E. J. Smith said,
"but people try to make it compli-
Dan Vreeland, manager of a lo-
cal travel bureau noted that all
commercial carriers were still op-
erating on EST. "The only con-
fusion that will result will come
from people who would be con-
fused even without a time
change," he said.
Bus. Ad. School
To Organize
Adviser Group
An organizational meeting, to
begin the Bus. Ad. equivalent of
the Engineers Council was held
last night in Tappan Hall by Bus.
Ad. students.
The proposed group, according
to the opinions of the students
present at the meeting, would act
in an advisory capacity to the fac-
ulty. It would also arrange social
events, bring speakers to the cam-
pus, and furnish the student
lounge being planned for the new
The organizing group recalled
a former Bus. Ad council, which
had failed because of the school's
being spread over ten buildings.
Next fall, it is anticipated that
the entire school will be in the
new building.
A committee was named by the
meeting to begin work on a Con-
stitution for the council and to
interest more students in the en-
Named to the committee were
Pat Hall, Nvo G. Binder, Art Blos-
sey, John B. Watkins, Earl Will-
hoft, and Charles Biddenger.
The members of the committee
planned to meet next week, plan
activities and set the date for a
future group meeting.
Merry Music
Three-thousand, six hun-
dred and eight-eight dollars
jingled into collection buckets
in yesterday's tag drive for the
'U' Fresh Air Camp. $80 more
is expected in checks, accord-
ing to Mary Quiett, chairman
of the Tag Day Committee.

COLUMBUS, O., May 5-(P)-Harold E. Stassen tonight added
nine Republican presidential delegates to his collection after an
invasion of Senator Robert A. Taft's home grounds.
That still left the Ohioan possibly 44 of the 53 votes which his
state will send to the GOP National Convention at Philadelphia next
But the former Minnesota governor had claimed he would cap-
ture a majority of the 23 delegate contests which he entered. And
Taft had conceded Stassen none.
One contest-in Cleveland-was still in doubt tonight as the
count of yesterday's flood of primary ballots neared completion. Taft,
however, was ahead in this one<
race in the 22nd distrcit. M r h l
Stassen in Minneapolis de- M arshall Hits
scribed the winning of nine
Ohio delegates as "one of the 1an f r UN
most significant developments A
of the entire regional cam- .
paign.' ' Without Russia
"The Republicans of Ohio," he
said, "have advanced us another
step toward nomination at Phila- Asks for Strength To
delphia K e."edd nt
He called it a "clear-cut vic- Keep Needed Unity
tory" against "combined and ex-
treme opposition." dWASHINGTON, May 5-(AP)-
Senator Taft, on the other Secretary of State Marshall said
hand, declared in Washington he today that the Western World
would have the support of 45 must be made strong enough to
Ohio delegates in the National convince the Russians that com-
Convention. At the time of his munism can't rule the globe.
statement he apparently was al- He told the House Foreign Af-
lowing for only eight Stassen fairs Committee that there must
delegates. be a "balance of power" such as
Some supporters of Stassen, there was when the United Na-
who did not compete for 30 of tions was formed-so that no big
the state's 53 delegates, had power would dare break the peace
fixed 10 as the minimum figure if the others stood united,
of a victory for the Minnesotan. Marshall spoke firmly against
Stassen's single candidate for congressional proposals, which
delegate-at-large failed to break the committee is considering, to
into the select group of nine dele- rebuildtUnitedNaids"it
gates at large. Nine Taft delegate or without Russiat""
candidates fought off the attempt
of Carrington T. Marshall, the Shut Out
Stassen candidate, to displace one If the Soviet Union is shut out,
of them. he said, the "community of na-
The top man on the Taft list, tions" would be broken into rival
Senator John W. Bricker, had armed groups and "this result
416,846 votes in the 9,276 polling would weaken us and expose us to
places. even greater dangers from those
Stassen directed his assault who seek domination of other
primarily in the industrial sec- states."
tions of Ohio, where it was be- Marshall and Warren Austin,
lieved Taft would be weak be- chief U. S. delegate to the UN,
cause of his sponsorship of the joined in urging that this country
Taft-Hartley Labor Law. strengthen the world organization
Stassen won two delegates each by building up its own military
in the Dayton, Akron, Youngs-
town and Toledo districts, and power and the power of friendly
one in the Cleveland district. sates.
Taft won two delegates each in The Secretary of State said in
the rural sixth district-the sev- effect that world conditions now
enth around Springfield, the Can- are as bad as they are likely to get
ton area, the coal mining eight- -and that improvement cail be
eenth and Cleveland's twenty- expected as the Eur6pean Recov-
first. He picked up another dele- ery Program, the western Euro-
gate in each of the 20th and 22nd pean union and like measures
districts in the Cleveland area. make progress.


New Council
The newly organized Student
Organization Council will meet for
the first time at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Grand Rapids Room of the
The council, a Student Legisla-
ture organization, will act as a
liaison among major student
groups on campus. In an effort to
reinforce ratner than duplicate
group projects,the council will
serve as a sounding board for
views and suggestions from the
various organizations.
All campus organizations have
been requested to send an officer
to the meeting.

In Long Run
But military strength, Marshall
said, "is not the element which
will be paramount in the long
"The underlying problem in the
immediate future," he said, "is to
bring about the restoration of eco-
nomic, social and political health
in the world and to give the peo-
ples of the world a sense of secur-
ity which is essential for them to
carry on the task of recovery."
To GiveTalk
Michigan graduate Joe Howell,
now Oklahoma state capital cor-
respondent for the Tulsa Tribune
will speak to Journalism students
Pausing briefly in Ann Arbor
en route from the East, where he
attended the American Press In-
stitute's state capital reporters
seminar, Howell will give short
extemporaneous talks to several
A graduate of the University
journalism department in 1930,
Howell has been on the Tulsa
Tribune since 1932. He has worked
as business editor, police and city
hall reporter, and now handles
editorial writing as well as the
state capital assignment.
He has been leading discussions
in capital reporting at the Press
Institute seminar.
Movie Writer Held
Guilty of Contempt


Courageous Coeds Caught
Short With Clipped Coiffures

Kenton Ex

lains New Goal in Music



Stan Kenton, new wonder-boy
of the nation's bandleaders, has
a different goal in music than
many of his contemporaries.
Kenton, who has for a long time
promoted a new type of Jazz, us-
ing more elaborate harmonic
structures and new sounds in
music, takes a critical artist's

ally unless it moves ahead har-
If it doesn't progress beyond
its present scope Kenton feels
that it will remain a folk music
like the Dixieland and other
earlier forms of Jazz. "Jazz is the
only culture that America has
ever offered to the world; all
other forms are of European de-
scent." said Kenton. "Because of

Coeds are getting clipped as
they haven't been since the roar-
ing twenties-and it's all on the
up and up.
Local hair stylists and many
barbers-report that as skirts go
down, hair-dos are heading up-
ward. One hair-dresser estimated
that 75 per cent of the women on
campus have had their coiffures
curtailed this spring.
Old-timers say that they and
their clippers have officiated at

Besides major cutting events,
beauty shop operators 'and barbers
said that they're doing plenty of
business trimming jagged ends,
belonging to coeds who've taken
scissors to themselves over-zeal-
The barbers, who've been bene-
fitting by changing hair-styles
too, have had to bring their cut-
ting methods up to date. Clipping
a modern coed's hair is a rare tal-
ent among most of the city's ton-

f x

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