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a Arabian King
Warns UN
Of Bloodshed
Report Yehiudia
Taken by Irgun
s t
King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan
told the United Nations today the
calamities in Palestine will reach
a pinnacle of horror after May 15.
The Trans-Jordan monarch
hinted his British-trained Arab
Legion will attempt to seize and
pacify Palestine after the British
give up their mandate over the
Holy Land in mid-May.
Representatives here of other
countries quickly backed up
King Abdullah with indirect
threats of action by their gov-
ernments and with attack on
what they called- Jewish out-
rages in Palestine.
In effect the King served notice
on the United Nations he will try
to reunite the Holy Land with his
kingdom after the British d'rop
their Palestine mandate May 15.
Trans-Jordan formerly was part
of the Palestine mandate area.
Persistent report from the
Middle East say Abdullah has
been picked by Arab countries
to command an army that may
enter Palestine as the British
From Palestine came reports
that Irgun Zvai Leumi, Jewish
warriors, said today they had cap-
tured the strategic Arab city of
Yehudia 12 miles each of Tel Aviv
after an all night battle with Arab
Haganah, the regular Jewish
militia, declared Lebanese ar-
tillery shelled the northern
Jewish settlement of Ramat
Naftali less than four miles
from the Lebanese - Palestine
Haganah also said that Arab
forces were attacking Kfar Etzion,
a Jewish strongpoint about 10
miles south of Jerusalem on the
Jerusalem-Hebron highway. Hag-
anah claimed that the Trans-
Jordan Arab Legion, which has
forces on police duty for the Brit-
ish in Palestine, had concentrated
a large fo ce of men and guns
around tie virtually isolated
AVC Attacks
Tag Day Today
"Buy a tag, help send the kids to camp" will be the campus
watchword today as 750 students man collection posts for the
Fresh Air Camp tag day sales.
A goal of $5,000 has been set by the drive committee for
student and faculty contributions to the camp. It is also support-
ed by the University and by cooperating scual agencies.
Tag day is an all campus project foi the first time this
year. Previously it was run by Assembly, but with expanded
interest in the camp as a student recreation center the executive
committee was enlarged to include representatives of major
student organizations including IFC, AIM, Pan Hel, Assembly,
the League and the Union.
These groups'are cooperating in sponsoring the tag day for
the benefit of underpriviledged children.
The camp is located on a chain of seven lakes about 24 miles
from Ann Arbor. In the summer it serves as a haven for 240
maladjusted boys, many of whom get their first taste of out-
door life there;
SUN Has Power for Peace'
Is Keynote for 'Model' UN
Police Arrest
Of Glen Taylor
A resolution condemning the
arrests and police treatment of
Senator Glen Taylor in Birming-
ham, Ala. and the attempted sup-
pression, of the Southern Negro
Youth Congress as Constitutional
violations was passed at last
night's meeting of the campus
' AVC chapter.
Fallowingthe scheduled meet-
ing, talks on the current labqr
scene were presented, by Ralph
Showalter, Assistant Director of
the Research and Engineering De-
partment of the UAW, CIO; and
Fred Anderson, Business Agent
for the Ann Arbor Carpenters Un-
The wage increase currently be-
ing asked by the UAW can come
out of profits without the neces-
sity of an accompanying increase
in prices, Showalter declared.
"Prices are -set according to the
nature of the market, not accord-
ing to wage costs," he emphasized.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., May 4 -
(P)-Sen. Glen Taylor (Dem.,
Idaho) was convicted of disorderly
conduct tonight and Police Court
Judge Oliver Hall fined him $50
and costs and sentenced him to
180 days in the city jail.
The jail sentence was suspend-
Group To Discuss
Campus Drives
All campus organizations plan-
ning to hold any sort of drive or
tao- iyday dinL the summner ses-
The United Nations has the
power to work out the world's
problems within its charter, but
the nations are not observing that
Greeks Shoo-t
152 .leftists
For Rebellion.
ATHENS, May 4-(AP)-The
government announced the ex-
ecutions today throughout Greece
of 152 persons convicted of mur-
der-most of them in connection
with the 1944 leftist revolt.
Premier Themistokles Soph-
culis formally declared the go-
vernment would not be intimidat-
ed by the "treacherous Commu-
nist crime" against Justice Min-
ister Christos Ladas, victim of an
assassin in Athens last Saturday.
Sophoulis said the government
had decided to carry out all death
sentences upheld by the pardons
board. An authoritative source
said in addition to the 152
another 830 others have death
sentences hanging over them.
Acting Minister of Justice Con-
stantine Rentis signed the orders
for the executions Saturday, and
the definite time for the doom-
ed to stand up before firing
squads was set in telegrams dis-
patched in the early morning
hours today.
Whoever "borrowed" a black
and white bicycle near the
Chemistry Building recently
didn't know one thing.
The University student who
owns it is an amputee, and the
bike saved him much uncom-
fortable cross-campus walking.
The bike can be returned to
Greene House, East Quadrangle
-no questions asked. Or, if you
know its whereabouts, you can
call The Daily at 2-3241.
Charter, Bill Miller, '49, chairman
of the campus 'Model' UN organ-
izing committee, said last night
in keynoting the first meeting of
the new group.
"The problem of UN rule is not
a constitutional one; it involves
educating the people in terms of
the UN," he commented.
"If they understand and have
faith in the United Nations, they
will follow the present Charter
and achieve peace."
Support for the new group came
with the announcement that
Dean Haywood Keniston, of the
literary College, has consented to
act as sponsor for the organiza-
tion and that official recognition
from the Student Affairs Com-
mittee will be sought as soon as
A second meeting of the group
will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday
to elect officers and discuss the
problems of an interim group for
the summer term.
Proposed plans for the new
organization 'call for "Model"
General Assembly, Security Coun-
cil, Little Assembly and UN com-
mittee meetings to round out a
month-long meeting schedule.
Vets Earning
President Truman signed today
legislation raising "ceilings" for
on-the-job trainees under the GI
The measure will have the ef-
fect of boosting monthly subsist-
ence allowance checks for many
of the 479,000 veterans in job-
training establishments.
Ceilings nave been $175 and
$200 a month for a veteran with
no dependents and with one or
more dependents respectively.
The new ceilings are$ 210 with
no dependents, $270 with one and
$290 with two or more.
Fail To Avert
Rail Strike
Government May
Seize Railroads
By The Associated Press
Mediations to avert a threaten-
ed nationwide rail strike May
11 collapsed yesterday and Feder-
al seizure of the railroads became
a possibility.
Chairman of the National Rail-
way Mediations Board, Frank
Douglass, who failed to settle the
wage disputes between the car-
riers and three operating brother-
hoods because neither side would
budge during the five day Chi-
cago conference, said he would
report to President Truman to-
The President can order
Federal operation of the roads
under legislation still on the
statute books, according to
Francis A. Silver, of the Office
of Defense Transportation.
Two other courses are open
to the government in addition
to taking over the roads.
The President may call the
parties to the White House for a
special conference or Congress
could enact legislation to bring
the railroads under the Taft-
Hartley Act and its injunction
procedure fot~ national emergency
Meanwhile Congressional hear-
ings aimed at tightening the
Taft-Hartley Act by Sen. Ball's
(R. Minn.) "Watch-Dog" com-
mittee were set for May 24.
Sen. Ball hinted that the com-
mittee may discuss bringing rail
workers under the Taft-Hartley
The impending strike, which
would halt virtually all rail move-
ment, other than commuter and
local trains, involves demands for
30 per cent increases in wages
and changes in working rules by
the brotherhoods. A 15%2 cent an
hour offer by the carriers was re-
jected, although recommended by
a Presidential Fact-finding Board
as a basis for settlement.
U.S. Control of
News Upheld
The House Rules Committee ap-
proved today a bill threatening
jail to any newspaperman who
prints certain facts stamped
"confidential" by a committee of
The bill would:
Force executive departments to
hand over whatever information
a committee wants.
Permit a committee by majority
vote to decide whether any of the
information should be made pub-
Make it a misdemeanor-with
a maximum penalty of a year in
jail and $1,000 fine-for anyone
to divulge information ruled con-
fidential. This means committee
members, too.
The bill results from refusal of
the Commerce Department -
backed by President Truman-to
hand over to the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee an FBI
loyalty report on Dr. Edward U.
Ccndon, director of the Bureau of
Standards. An aroused House
voted to demand the report when
the committee failed to get it.
Amendments are certain to be
offered. Rep. Clarence J. Brown
(Rep.. Ohio), a newspaper pub-
lisher and a member of the Rules
HOPEFUL-Harold E. Stassen, (left) the first "outside invader" in an Ohio pre-convention battle
since 1936, contested with Robert O. Taft for 23 of the state's 53 delegates to the Republican con-
vention. The Minnosatian carried his campaigning right through the home state of the Senate's
Republican chieftain. Ile is pictured here with Mrs. Stassen, (center) and Earl Hart, his Ohio
Campaign Manager.
E nlistee Bonus
Bill Proposed
To Avoid Draft
Rep. Allen (Rep., Ill.) today pro-
posed a substitute for the draft-
a program to build up the armed
forces by paying a bonus to vol-
Allen suggested that men who
enlist for a two year period get a
bonus of $1,000 or be entitled to
the benefits of the G.I. Bill of
Rights. Those who sign up for
three years would get $1,500.
Allen, chairman of the House
Rules Committee and influential
in Republican affairs, said a cost
comparison between his plan and
a draft could not be made.
He said the cost of a draft has
been estimated all the way from
$2,500,000,000 to $4,000,000,000 a
This would include the cost of
inducting men, equipping, train-
ing, feeding and clothing them.
Allen said his proposed bonus
would cost $350,000,000 a year.
The cost of equipping, training,
feeding and clothing the volun-
teers would be extra.
"Even if my plan cost more than
the draft," he said, "I think it
would be better. We would not
have a draft on our necks."
Liquor Laws
Tlo Be Studied
A student-faculty committee
was set up last night to study the
present University liquor regula-
tion and possibilities of a change.
The committee was established
by the University's Committee on
Student Conduct, meeting for the
first time since the addition of
three voting student members to
the committee. The sub-commit-
tee will consist of the three stu-
dent members and three Univer-
sity deans, as yet unnamed.
The special sub-committee was
proposed in a motion by Warren
Bovee, of the Student Legislature,
after a majority of campus lead-
ers sitting in on the meeting had
expressed dissatifactionwith the
present liquor policy here.
The new student members of
the student conduct committee
are Pat Hannagan, chairman of
Women's Judiciary Council; Al
Warner, chairman of Men's Ju-
diciary Council; and Warren
City Starts Saving Daylight;
U, County Offices Follow Suit
Bleary-eyed from the loss of
an hour's sleep. Ann Arbor woke
up this morning to find itself
more or less on Daylight Saving
The city and the University are
on fast time but the county court
house is still on Standard time.
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey
said that court time was set by
the State legislature and could
not be changed. The judge chang-
Geo. Edwards
Will Keynote
Spring Parley
George Edwards, keynote speak-
er at the Spring Parley this week-
end, probably set a precedent
when he was elected President of
the Detroit Common Council in
Up to the time of his election,
Edwards had appeared in no
rallys, delivered no speeches,
done nothing in the way of a
campaign. In fact, he was chosen
for the post while thousands of
miles away, serving with the army
in the Phillipines.
Edwards, who will launch the
parley with a speech at 4:15 p.m.
Friday in Kellogg Auditorium,
came to Detroit immediately after
earning a law degree at Harvard
University. Previously he had
studied at Southern Methodist
He was an active member of
the UAW in its early days, and
can recall several trips to the
Dearborn jail for violating anti-
literature distribution laws.
General topic of this year's
Spring Parley will be "Is World
Peace Possible?" The two day af-
fair will begin Friday with Ed-
wards' talk and continue Friday
night and Saturday afternoon
with two series of panels.
Catholic Holy Day
Catholic students will celebrate
the Feast of the Ascension to-
morrow. Father Frank J. McPhil-
lips, pastor of St. Mary's Student
Chapel announced that masses
would be held at 7, 8, 9 a.rh. and.
12 noon.
ed the court hours, so as far as the
city is concerned, the court is still
open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. But
legally, the court hours are 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m. EST.
Other sections of the county
government changed their time
to coincide with the city. The
treasurer's office and the sheriff
office changed their time at mid-
Chief Building Custodian Ed-
ward S. Warren was in charge of
changing the hundreds of clocks
in the University buildings to con-
form to the new time. He was
working at it all day yesterday
and the Daily was unable to con-
tact him.
The radio station schedules
were thrown into a confusion that
would set listeners back where
they were two weeks ago before
the country went on a time-
changing spree. WHRV, which
went on fast time when Detroit
did, kept its schedule. Alice Cohen
of the traffic department said
that programs would come on an
hour later than they do now.
WPAG changed its time at mid-
night to match the city and sta-
tion officials said that all pro-
grams would be back on the same
time as before all the fuss started.
Baseball games will now come on
at 2 p.m. instead of 1.
NCN Will Hit
Campus Soon
The much-talked-about and
always-pluggin' Michiganensian
will be distributed to a waiting
public May 15, "in less than two
weeks," Bill Zerman, promotion
manager reported yesterday.
With Ensians being sold like
the proverbial hotcakes, only 450
of them remain of the 6000 order-
ed. Orders will only be accepted
until May 15 at the Student Pub-
lications Building. After that it
will be sold on a first come, first
serve basis and may the best man
The price of the Ensian will go
up to $6.50 on May 15th, $.50 more
than the present price.
Ensian offices are open from
9 p.m. to noon and from 1 to 5
p.m. everey day.
Leads Seven
Local Races
Senator Is Ahead
In 13 Contests
COLUMBUS, 0., May 5-~)
Senator Robert A. Taft led in 13
races and Harold E. Stassen in
seven as The Daily went to press
in their bitterly-fought contest
for Ohio delegates to the Republi-
can National Convention.
Two races were unreported, and
one tied up.
The Minnesotan bid for 23 of
the Ohio delegation of 53 to
support him for the presidential
nomination. The rest go to the
state's senior senator uncontest-
The returns were far from com-
Taft scored heavily in the early
counting from a statewide race
Ten men were entered for the nine
delegates-at-large. Nine of them
support Taft and one is backing
Stassen. All nine of Taft's men
were leading the field over Car-
rington T. Marshall, the Stassen
candidate. The top eight Taft
men were assured of election.
Returns from 1198 (including
325 in the cities) of 9,385 Ohio
polling places in the only contest-
ed race for delegate at large gave:
Ed D. Schorr, pledged to Sen.
Taft, 32,701.
Carrington T. Marshall,
pledged to Stassen, 29,955.
Eight Taft candidates for del-
egate at large were certain of
Politicians said Stassen must
win 10 or more to keep his primary
band wagon going in high gear. By
the same token, they said the loss
of 10 would seriously damage
Taft's personal change for the
Because of a complicated ballot
-top heavy with state Republir
can and Democratic candidates-
counting in the 9,385 polling places
was expected to be slow in the
knock-down presidential battle.
Group Formed
Students Seek To
A new organization to "reac-
quaint students with the Ameri-
can way of life" has joined the
roster of campus political groups.
The Committee for the Ad-
vancement of Capitalistic Enter-
prise, now getting underway here,
seeks to sponsor lectures, and de-
bates at the University, and to or-
ganize a nationwide movement
"designed to champion the things
that make America the finest place
in the world in which to live--to
work-to raise a family."
Ralph H. Andrews and William
F. Dannemiller, student organi-
zers of the group, said yesterday
that there is pressing need to pre-
sent a "moderate liberal and con-
servative" viewpoint to counter the
"murmurs of discontent and dis-
satisfaction that have emanated
from left-wing organizations."
"Now is the time," they said, "to
think in terms of appreciation and
preservation. In some future pe-
rinod of depressed economy change
night, in haste, bring revolution
with resulting loss of all freedom."
YPCM Meets
On Candidates
"American Liberalism Today"
was the subject of a YPCM-spon-
sored discussion held last night in
an attempt to clarify the policies
of three liberal candidates for the
presidency, Douglas, Wallace and
The political stands of these
threecandidates werebriefly
sketched and a general discussion
W'orld News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 4-Justices Black and Jackson debated
clashing legal views on the Supreme Court bench today while hearing
a plea that a former Nazi be saved from deportation.
Kurt G. W. Ludecke, 58-year-old native of Berlin, protested to
the high court that he should not be deported under terms of the
Alien Enemy Act passed by Congress in 1798.
WASHINGTON, May 4-Blueprints for a new, stronger Unit-
ed Nations - with or without Russia - were laid before Congress
Committee, said the penalty
vision might run up againstt
stitutional press rights.
3NSC Builds
'On Account'
Engineers Experiment in Cold Room
Construction work on state-fi-
nanced buildings at Michigan
State College will continue "on a
credit basis" at least until the leg-
Downin a.rcizzinLi circular 'stair-I
The cold room, measuring 14
S. Housel of the highway engi-