r TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1948 r- , n. I'k I I V i [LT MCTi ,llfANT 'F/1TTL7 League Offices IV,£4t Rnnucil Instcal PAGR FIVE Presented .laton ight 4 r GAY NINETIES GIRLS-Members of the Women's Athletic Asso- cition graphically dramatize the need for a women's swimming pool in ungraphic but officially recognized bathing suits. A .:a i <- :: .~;; <: ,:, , CROWDS, COLOR AND CONFUSION-A vivid l Ird's eye view of some of 15,000 students, and townspeople who jammed Yost Field House dun ing the great two-night MICHIGRAS. You can almost hear the noise. Continued from Page 1) imi Stern, Betty Lou Zwemer and Pat Peter. Assembly Boird members in- clude Margaret Frostic, Barbour, vice-president; Mary Joe Wilson, Mosher, secretary; Betty Richards. Newberry, treasurer, Marian Grant, Cook, Personnel chair- man; Dorothy Fogel, Newberry, Project chairman: and Marie Hedrick, Mosher, Social chairman. Members of Panhellenic Board for 1948-49 are Harriet Mer- melstin, Sigma Delta Tau, first vice-president; Jeanne Blinn, Kppa Kappa Gamma, second vice-president; Corinne Schild, Alpha Omicron Pi, secretary; Christine Blair, Alpha Phi, rushing secretary; and Barbara Houghton, Delta Zeta, treasurer. Jean Leonard, Cook, was award- ed the Mortarboard scholarship, and Betta Barna, Jordan, received the Delta Delta Delta scholarship. Members of the Judiciary Coun- cil are Eileen Hickey, Pi Beta Phi, secretary; Marcia Lipsett, Sigma Delta Tau, senior member; Joan Sheppard, Betsy Barbour, Marge Flint, Alpha Phi, and Mary Riggs, Kappa Kappa Gamma, junior members. Sophomore aides are Virginia Stoddard, Pi Beta Phi, Marjorie McClean, Mary Markley, Nancy Notnagel, Delta Gamma, Pat Isbel, Alpha Xi Delta and Ag- nes Wadell. Alpha Gamma Delta. Eileen Scanlon, Kappa Delta, is secretary of the Interviewing Council for the coming year. Junior members are Pat Reed, Joyce Atchison and Charlotte Eagle. Sally Slocum, Jacque- lyn Rau and Jeri Rich are soph- omore members. The following women were tapped by Scroll: Jeanne Blinn Bernice Calkins, Nancy Culligan, Martha Delano, Dorothy Ellis, Harriet Fenski, Corinne Firth, Vir- ginia Garritsen, Ann Gestie, Mary Lou Hill, Joan Kampmeier, Mar- cia Lipsett, Nancy Musselman, Virginia Nicklas, Corinne Schild, Ann Schoonmaker, Shirley Smith, Gwen Sperlich, Mary Stierer and Mary Carolyn Wright. Orientation committee mem- bers are Billy Perekins, trans- fer chairman; Ruth Ann Han- sen, information booths; Sophia Holley, secretary and Shirley Kallman, social chairman. Junior assistants in the League are Carold Richards and Jo Ann Lyons, publicity; Danno de Harde, assistant secretary; Monica Geig- er, Dorothy Malanick, Marjorie Hehn and Barb Seeger, Ruthven Teas; Edith Andrews and Jody Johnson, special events; Carol Tuer, Jackie Zipp, Miriam Cady and Joyce Gould, Merit-Tutorial; and Joyce Keen, Mary Davidson, Esther Kaufman and Margaret Prine, personnel. Included on the Dance Class committee are Jeanne hunt, fi- nan- chairman; Janet Taylor and Arlene Brice, senior cap- tains; Maxine Reid and Frances Foley, junior captains; and Dor- othy Meyers and Joy Williams, sophomore captains. Casbah committee members are Jackie Ward, floorshow chair- man; Ellie Littlefield and Pauline Zimmerman, floorshow assist- A meeting of all tag day post captains will be held at 4:15 p.m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. Dormitory and League House presidents must turn in their tag day post lists at their meet- ings today, according to Irma Eichhorn, Assembly president. TYPEWRITERS Office and Portable Models of all makes Bought, Rented, Repaired STATIONERY & SUPPLIES SD. MORRILL 314 South State St. G. I. Requisitions Accepted ants: Ann Sauer, posters and de- orations; Jo Bell, assistant:; Mary Ann Harris, publicity; and Ber- nice Calkins, personnel. New members of the WAA Exec- utive Board are H osem ar e Schoetz, Gamma Phi Beta. \ ice- president; Betsy Bousfield,. appi Kappa Gamma, secretary: Mar- garet Fristic, Barbour, Intrim- ral manager: Betty Cole, Gainrra Phi Beta, A.FC.W.; Ruth Ann Hansen, Chi Omega, participa- ticn; Jan Oliver. Alpha Phi, dormitory manager; Helen Hiub- bard, Pi Beta Phi, sorority man- agr; Margaret MacDouall, Al- pha Omicron Pi, League House manager; Cynthia Finn. Kappa Alpha Theta, general publicity: and Mary Ann Harris. Alpha Xi Delta, Daily publicity. WAA sports managers are Beverly Hawes, archery; Nancy Somers, badminton; Inez Mil- ler, ballet; Jeri Mulson, basket- ball; Virginia Correll, bowling; Carol Tuer, camp counselor's; Marian Robinsin, fencing; Buf- fy, golf; Barbara McReady, hockey; Ruth Ann South, ice skating; Priscilla Ball, lacrosse; Edith Daniels, modern dance; Sue Robinson, outing; Zola Shipman, rifle; Libby Rens- ford, Michifish; Marilyn Shel- don, sofetball; Janet Marshall, table tennis; and Barbara Reynolds, tennis. Gini Campbell, Pi Beta Ph, i: chairman of Junior Girls Play for next year. She will be assisted by Pat Lewis, Gamma Phi Beta. Oth- er members of the central com- mittee are Betty Jo Faulk, dire- tor; Dorothy Fogel, assistant di- rector; Mary Wilson, secretary; Shirley Osgood, treasurer; Laura Nasset, costumes; Marcia Ames, dance; NancyN Williams, make-up: Katherine Mills, music; Adele Ha- ger, lyrics; and Sue Hendrian, choral director. The JGP list continues with Nancy Cupples, programs: Sally Goodyear, properties; Kathleen McPherson, publicity; can Russ, assistant for Daily public- ity; Marilyn Stone, assistant for posters; Mary Stewart, scenery; Edith Livermore, script; 1111 Bohnsack, stage manager; Rita. Schubot, assistant stage manag- er; Marlyn Bates, tickets; and Lois Kennery, ushering. Ethel Morris, Newberry, was named Soph Cabaret Chairman. Other committee members are Barbara Reynolds, assistant chair- man; Bev Baron, secretary; Mary Thorn, assistant secretary; Elainel Nagelvort, treasurer; Jean Lange, assistant treasurer; Virginia Ross,; decorations; Laurelyn Lamy, as- sistant decorations; Mary Grace Aldrich, refreshments; Pat Breon,d special booths; Marcia Ziskind, program; Renee Pragelman, pub- licity; an Charlotte Volker, as- sistant publicity. Also included on the Sopht Cabaret central committee are BetsyVial, tickets; Joan Broom- field, assistant tickets; Maxine Pearson, floorshow director;f Hope Schaidler, assistant floor- show director; Lydia Wilhelm,2 costumes; Vivian Milan, dance; Jean Beeman, make-up; Carylr Daly, music; Sylvia Folz, assist-c ant music; Mary Maguire, script; Juanita Brown, usher-1 ing; Ellen Van Wagoner, stager manager; and Martha Bryant,r assistant stage manager. Women's Glee Club officers for 1948-49 are Ruth Spore, president; Ann Parker, vice-president; Jean Dennis, SeeraTry; Nan Hubach, busim