PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY LITERARY SUPPLEMENT SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1948 SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1948 THE MICHIGAN DAILY LITERARY SUPPLEMENT VACUUM-PACKED: THE CRITICS ... THE PARTNERS .. . By Prof. Norman E. Nelson By Mack Woodruff t EDITOR'S NOTE: Norman E. Nel- son, is an associate professor in the English Department of the Univer- sity. Prof. Nelson, who teaches sev- eral courses in literary criticism, was The Daily's correspondent at the Critic's Symposium in Baltimore. THE FIRST international Sym- posium on literary criticism to be held in the United States took place in Baltimore in mid- April. Around us in the Museum of Arts were a number of con- temporary paintings, European and American; outside, the early Baltimore spring was in full leaf and blossom on the Johns Hop- kins campus where there is still some room for things to grow. Of the five or six hundredat- tending the conference some may have come to escape the bleak North and get a pre-view of Spring, but, once there, the con- tagious excitement of the dis- cussions, and a rather chill driz- zle outside kept the attendance so high that the generous accom- modations for the gathering had to be stretched to the limits of the Fire-Marshal's tolerance. Since everyone seemed to agree that the conference was success- ful enough to warrant repetition, perhaps even annually, there can be nothing invidious in my not- ing omissions and imperfections which may be remedied in future meetings. Some disappointments are inevitable in any attempt to call distinguished men together. Of the Europeans invited Bene-- detto Croce, Andre Gide, and Ernst Surtius could not attend, though Croce's paper was read and discussed. And several first rate American critics were unable to be present. Yvor Winters, Ed- mund Wilson, a n d Kenneth Burke must especially be sought for future meetings. Few colleges were represented except for those clustered about Baltimore and Washington. However, when the papers and discussion are pub- lished, prestuhably by, 'this De- cember, College groups will real- ize that they cannot afford to miss such lively and brilliant dis- course. A more perplexing problem is that of representing adequately the divergent points of view - of bringing out the full range of critical opinion. I, personally, was unhappy because the Marxists were not there. It may be that I was expecting too much of south- ern hospitality or of leftist be- havior, but it might at least be arranged that such conferences include critics with strong social orientation. The scientific and the semagiiological approach to critical theory should be given an opportunity. Neo-Thomists and Aristotelians of the true Chicago breed were also missing or silent. The absence of Yvor Winters meant not only the loss of a vigorous personality but of the best possible representative qf the humanists. The chief link with our American past was the presence of Mr. H. L. Mencken but only in a convival capacity. In fact the conference was, partly by accident, somewhat narrow in its critical outlook. Although Herbert Read the un- abashed romanticist was the strongest personality, the pro- gram was in numbers dominated by our once "New" critics of the southern group, John Crowe Ransom, Allen Tate, and R. P. Blackmur who are commonly, and I think inaccurately, regard- ed as classicists, anti-romanti- cists, or formalists. This group can best be identified by its al- legiance to T. S. Eliot whose name they spoke with reverence; they are no more classical, no less romantic than he. Such limitations in attendance and restriction in point of view may be remedied by having more meetings and by moving the con- ference around to other regions. On the whole as much was gain- ed in concentration at this meet- ing as was lost in breadth. My deepest impressions, somewhat tinged with disappointment, were concerned with three predica- ments: the remoteness of the conference from the life outside its doors, the growing awareniess of our "New" critics that they are continuing the romantic tra- dition, the subjectivity of the creative and critical experience from which they seemed unable to escape. To an orthodox Aris- totelian like myself these three predicaments are interrelated. It was perhaps a lucky thing that no man from the street wan- dered into those holy halls and paid his six dollars to find out how the conference would ful- fill its publicized intention "to contribute to clarity of thought in times of upheaval," "to help find the treads of truth which we in 'the'humanities can tie to- gether as our contribution to- ward a better world." I am afraid that the man in the street would have been puzzled and possibly rude. For the literature they were concerned with was Symbolist, or symbolically interpreted. Ran- som's theory of the poem as con- veying an individual rather than universal meaning, Blackmur's and Tate's reliance on symbolism as the poets mode of expressing ideas, Read's belief in subcon- scious recognition of symbols: all these views support a poetry of hidden meaning, of tremendous trifles, of nuances,-the travel journals of men exploring the distant places in their souls. The' difficulties of communication were minimized by these experts in elucidation; they acknow- ledged cheerfully that the poet's symbols might occasionally be private, but held that that was inevitable in any profound ex- pression. A reader with sufficient sensibility can find a coherent and valuable meaning in Wallace Stevens' Emperor of Ice Cream even if he does not guess that Stevens is describing his little daughter's r a p t u r o u s first acquaintance with the ice cream vendor. The poet should not be expected to tell us this simple fact, for the integrity of his vis- ion must not be compromised by the coarseness of c o m m o n language. Without denying the excellence even the greatness of some symbolist poetry one can understand the disappointment of the man in the street. T HE NEW CRITICS have been steadily discovering over the past few years an appreciation for the romantic poets whom they once habitually damned. The metaphysical and epistemological doctrines underlying the literary theory of these men are clear- romantic rather than classica.. They are Aristotelians only in a Pickwickian sense. Although loy- ally opposed to scientific mate- rialism or positivism their alterna- tive is not Aristotelian but mod- ern. Ransom is avowedly a prag- matist and Blackmur finds some what to his surprise that White- head's metaphysics of organic continuity and creative change offers a better matrix for his liu- eraz.y theory, and his poetry, than. (Continued on Page 6) THE REPORT ON HIGHER EDUCATION A Summary of Major Points EDITOR'S NOTE: The Commission on Higher Education was appointed by President Truman in July 1946 to reexamine our system of higher ed- ucation in terms of its objective, methods, and facilities . in the light of the social role it has to play." This article is not intended as a completerresume ofrtherCommis- sions report, but is rather an at- tempt to present those findings of immediate interest to university stu dents. By ROBERT C. WHITE Expansion-this must be the watchword of American Educa- tion," "not just in the distant fu- ture, but in the days immediately ahead." Post-war education's problem is great and the solution complex, but this singleword describes the obligation set down by the 29 ed- ucational and civic leaders who make up the President's Commis- sion on Higher Education. The problem-realized by many educators even before the war- is one of Inadequacy. An unprece- dented number of young Ameri- cans have sought to enter the na- tion's colleges and universities. And in concurrence with this rise in enrollment, there exists what the commission calls "an increas- ingly critical need for (higher) education." And the solution-Expansion- is not only physical: it entails a similar broadening of the very elements of education. iThe Problem Posed Four conditions have contribut- ed to the problem faced by Ameri- can education: 1-". . . the increasing com- plexity that technological progress has brought to our society has made a broader understanding of social processes and problems es- sential for effective living." 2-There is an unprecedented need for unity among the nation's "contrasting regions . . . diverse faiths, divergent cultural back- grounds, and varied interests"- the problem of creating "a dyn- amic unity." 3-"The need for maintaining our democracy at peace with the .rest of the world has compelled our initiative in the formation of the United Nations, and America's role in this and other agencies of international coperation requires of our citizens a knowledge of other peoples-of their political and economic systems, their so- vial and cultural institutions..." 4-The Atomic Age, "with its ambivalent promise of tremend- ous good or tremendous evil for mankind, has intensified the un- certainties of the future. It has deepened and broadened the res- ponsibilities of higher education for . . . preparing for the social and economic changes that will come with the application of at- omic energy to industrial uses." The Goals To overcome these conditions, tie Commission ultimately select- ed three goals to which education should immediately aspire: 1-"Education for a fuller real- ization of democracy in every, phase of living." 2-"Education directly and ex- plicitly for international under- standing and cooperation." 3-"Education for the applica- tion of creative imagination and trained intelligence in the solu- tion of social problems and to the administration of public affairs." Living Our Democracy What were the issues in living our democracy? To begin with, America must demonstrate to the world that our democracy is that form of govern- ment "which best serves the needs and promotes the welfare of the people." And of direct importance to the nation's schools was the Commis- sion's declaration that youth'must be educated for democratic living not only in the classroom, but "in every phase of campus life." Nor can the instruction, be left "to some courses of a few departments or scattered extracurricular or- ganizations; it must become a part of every phase of college life." In short, the Commission said, "Teaching and learning must be invested with public purpose." It is equally important, the Commission added, that "the eth- ical values and the concept of hu- man relations upon which our political system rests" be under- stood in order that we may not "cling to the letter of democracy and lose its spirit." Finally, education was charged by the Commission with the obli- gation of allowing students to gain practical experience in the processes of democracy while they are in residence: "Young people," the report de- clares, "cannot be expected to de- and mechanical aptitude and in- velop as firm an allegiance to the genuity." democratic faith they are taught But the most "outstanding ex- in the classroom if their campus ample of these barriers to equal life is carried on in an authorit- opportunity . . . is the disadvan- arian atmosphere." tages suffered by our Negro citi- For International Under- zens. standing. Education's responsibilities in the promotion of international understanding and cooperation were made equally explicit: Studies should be made of the nature and development of other civilizations and cultures, of na- tionalisms relation to internation- alism, the factors which lead to war, the new technologies, the or- ganizations which can work to- ward peaceful solution of common problems. "Modern man needs to sense the sweep of world history," the re- port declares, "in order to see his own civilization in the context of other cultures." To Solve Social Problems In viewing education's role in the solution of social problems, the Commission saw the need for bringing "our social skills quickly abreast of our skills in natural science." "The colleges and universities, the philanthropic foundations, and the Federal Government," the report pointed out, "should not be tempted by the prestige of natural science and its immediately tang- ible results into giving it a dispro- portionate emphasis in research budgets or in teaching programs." The Barriers The Commission found that in spite of record growth in Ameri- can educational institutions, there remain many barriers to equality of educational opportunity: for many potential students there are economic barriers, others spring from "backward" regions of the nation. The third educational barrier cited by the report is less famil- iar. Many worthy young people are being denied a higher educa- tion because they are deficient in the generally accepted criteria for college entrance: namely, verbal skills and intellectual. interests. The Commission calls attention to other important skills: "social sensitivity and versatility, artistic ability, motor skill and dexterity, "The low educational attain- ments of Negro adults reflect the cumulative effect of a long period of unequal opportunity." The Commission refers specifi- cally to two methods of educa-1 tional discrimination: First, under a Supreme Court ruling, States are able to practice a kind of discrimination through providing "substantially equal ad- vantages for Negroes." But, the Commission declares, "the schools maintained for Negroes are com- monly much inferior to those for whites." Furthermore, "to main- tain two school systems side by side . . . means that neither can be of the quality that would be possible if all the available re- sources were devoted to one sys- tem, especially not when the States least able financially to support an adequate educational program for their youth are the very ones that are trying to carry a double load." A second kind of discrimination is found in the commonly prac- ticed "Quota System"-a mean of admission to professional schools "under which the chance to learn, and thereby so become more use- ful citizens, is denied to certain minorities, particularly to Negroes and Jews." And the report concludes, "the quota system cannot be justified on any grounds compatible with democratic principles." In Summary Not only should colleges end discriminatory methods in admis- sion of students, the Commission declared but should also "offer an experience in tolerance and und- erstanding which grows out of democratic relations with stud- ents from various national and religious backgrounds. "Colleges should become labora- tories of inter-race and interfaith fellowship." "Each institution should con- scientiously plan and prosecute a well organized program to. .,. eli- minmate discrimination, only cor- recting its policies and practices, but also be educating its students to seek the abolition of discrimin- a tory practices in all their man- ifestations." So important did these matters appear to the President's Com- mission that the group concluded "that to assure a universal and equal regard for a policy of non- discrimination the legal method becomes fair and practical." In summary, the Commission held that "the only defensible bas- is is that total ability and inter- est-rather than quotas or ratios, however determined-be the cri- terion of admission to institutions of higher learning. 'The Commission, therefore, recommends," the report contin- ues, 'the removal from application forms of all questions pertaining to religion, color, and national or racial origin." (The Commissroi1 pointed out that much of the responsibility for present practices on the part of medical and dental schools must go to professional associations which 'tremendously influence the admissions policy of individual in- stitutions.") Of special interest on the Mich- igan campus will be the Commis- sion's opinion on another arbi- trary limitation" on enrollment- an increased tuition differential in favor of resident students. 'In the interst of a desirable mobility and regional interchange of' college students, it is earnestly to be hoped that . . . institutions will remove barriers as rapidly as possible to out-of-State enroll- ments." Other suggested means of re- ducing education barriers includ- ed: more realistic consideration or high-school curricula variations, more efficient educational-plann- ing guidance inx the high schools, more complete federal and private aid to eligible students. Included among the Commis- sion's suggestions for the more ef- fective working of college faculty members, was the following: 'A prime essential of a free so- ciety is academic freedom. With- out it there can be no real pro- fession of teaching or research:- rfIHERE WAS quite a stir after Zeb and me got back to the Big House. Grandpa and Johnny were standing on the porch when we rode in. Grandpa's face was red and swoll-up-the way it always gets when he's mad proper, and my brother was sitting on the porch rail with his hands in his pockets. "Where you been to, Runt?" Grandpa spoke so soft I could scarce hear him. I was in for a tanning sure. If Grandpa shouts first off, he gets over his mad quick, but when he talks soft there's nothing can settle him 'cepting a good tanning. I got my knees tight against Old Zaba, the burro, and held the reins hard as might, keeping my head bent down. "Get your head up, boy! Look at me when I'm talkin' to you. I ask- ed where you been to." "We just been ridin' out," I said. I was scared plenty. "Me an' Zeb's just been ridin' out." "So you just been ridin' out, have you?" said Grandpa, his voice louder. "Well, Mr. Big. So you just go ridin' out now, eh? be- fore sunup, without so much as a by your leave. Is that the way things are, Mr. Big Britches? All of a sudden you're a man grown, eh?" My face felt beet-hot. I looked at Old Zaba's back and didn't say nothing. "What's all the fuss?" I heard Zeb say, half-laughing. He was sitting up on his big roan, bigger than Grandpa's mare even. Grandpa swung around facing him. "Reckon I got a few things to say to you, too, Mister," Grandpa said. Zeb's head jerked a little. He looked at Grandpa and for a sec- ond I thought he'd answer back. Then Johnny got up from the porch rail. He put his hand on grandpa's arm and told him to calm down and remember who he was talking to. I breathed easier. I figured if anyone could get me out of a tanning, it was my broth- er. "You skin on out of here now, Runt," Johnny said. "I'll tend to you later." Grandpa snorted and went back in the big house. I skinned proper. I slid off old Zaba and spanged around the corner of the porch. I came down here to the corall and hid in the saddle room. It'll be a spell before grandpa sheds his mad, but maybe if I stay here long enough I'll get off easy. I shouldn't have took Johnny's bur- ro, but when I saw Zeb ride out, headin' for the Witch I had to go too. I got the tanning comin', I guess, but it's time grandpa and Johnny leave me be a man like Zeb does. It's worth it, though, havin' the secret with Zeb. I'd do it again, all right, because even grandpa says it's fittin' for part- ners to have a man-grown secret between them. My brother Johnny is the best trapper on the Raigon range. From hearing grandpa talk there ain't any other trapper 'cepting Johnny. That's how good grandpa thinks he is, and he ought to know. He's big and loose-looking, Johnny is, and moves slow. He isn't really slow, though. I saw him skivver a rattler with a pitch- fork, once,. down by the barn so fast it was all over 'fore I even knew the snake was there. That's how fast Johnny really is. Johnny goes out trapping in early fall when the leaves have scarce turned and comes back in the middle of spring. After he's done tradin' his furs in The Forks he stays with us at the Big House all summer helping grandpa with the chores. We have good times Johnny and me. Started yesterday (why I'm gettin' the tanning late afternoon, when Johnny came back home ov- er the pass with the stranger. Folks in The, Forks don't trust strangers much. I've seen that. They don't ask no questions, just wait around for the stranger to make the first move. Grandpa calls it holdin' judgment, and I when Johnny and the stranger could see that's what he was doing came to the Big House. The stranger and Grandpa. shook hands. Johnny told Grand- pa the stranger was his partner. Grandpa blinked then nodded his head. He kept shut, but I could see he didn't like it much. To Grandpa and me and Johnny, too, I thought, partner means even more than friend. Then Johnny said the stranger'd saved his life. I guess right there is where the stranger stopped bein' a stranger and became Zeb. Grandpa got to smilin' and shook Zeb's hand again. I hung a bit aways until Johnny saw me. He started as if to pick me up. I stepped back a pace but he picked me up anyway, laughin' at me like he always does. Then he said, "Zeb. This here's the runt. My little brother." He wasn't goin' to pick me up, too. Nosiree Bob he wasn't. A big smile came all over Zeb's face. He bent over some and held out his hand. "Howdy, Mr. Runt." I'd never shook hands before. Folks always pick me up or rough my hair but I'd never shook hauds. "Howdy, Mr. Zeb," I said. I was so proud and surprised I guess it showed some. Anyway Grandpa laughed and I pulled my hand away and ran. I could hear Grand- pa and Johnny laughing. But not Zeb. I don't reckon he laughed none. AFTER supper -last night Zeb went out on the porch. Grand- pa and Johnny were still talking inside so I went on out, too. Zeb had his chair tilted back and his legs propped up on the porch rail. He was lookin' at the Witch. I put my hands in my pockets and walk- ed over next to him. "Howdy Mr. Zeb," I said. He looked up quick and grinned. "Well, howdy Mr. Runt." We shook hands again. "Was the Grizzley honest as big as Johnny says?" Zeb nodded. "Bigger," he said. I hoped he wasn't funnin' me. "Just how big was he, Zeb?" Zeb stood and reached up his hand. His fingers bare touched the top of the porch. Even Johnny had to jump some to do that. "That high, Runt," Zeb said. He stretched his arms wide as they'd go and hunched his shoulders. "And wide as this-snarlin.' And your brother there like a midget to him, knife in his hand and smilin' some. All ready to fight proper, your brother was." I swallowed. Zeb smiled and sat again. I haunched up on the railing. "I guess Johnny'd a done for that bear all right even if you hadn't been there with the gun-not that it wasn't good shootin'," I said quick. "Sure, Runt. Reckon he would at that," Zeb said. Zeb leaned back further still in the chair and kept looking across the grassland toward the Witch. "That's the Witch," I told him. "Huh?" "That sliver rock. That's the Witch. Least that's what Old Cable calls it. There's witchy- wolves on top, and bats bigger'n a man." "Who's Old Cable?" Zeb seemed kind of interested right off. It was a good feelin' to talk man-fashion with someone like Zeb. I told him Old Cable's the crazyman in The Forks who tells haunt stories about the Witch-says there's witchywolves and bats and spoutin' holes on top. "But he don't talk so much any- more," I said, "since my brother clumb it. Johnny says there's nothin' on top 'cepting a good view and a high wind. Old Cable don't talk much now, you can bet." "So Johnny climbed it?" Zeb was real interested. "Yessir. Clear to the top he did. Slippin' and pullin' all the way. Lots of men from The Forks have tried but Johnny's the only one got clear up." I felt proud to talk to Zeb about Johnny. R { 4 Y 4 It had got so dark I couldn't see the Witch ,at all anymore, but Zeb was still staring. "How'd he do it?" Zeb asked. "He went up the South face. Everybody from The Forks went out to watch, makin' bets and all." I told Zeb how Sam Deakins and Eziah Graves, who'd both broke bones trying to climb the Witch had bet near all their money against Johnny. They said he'd only get what they got or worse- like Billy Trumbo who got kilt. They laughed plenty 'til Grandpa shut 'em up. Zeb was wachin' me, listening to every word. "Old Cable was there, too," I said, "jumpin' around and mumb- ling. Folks said he was castin' spells. There's six ledges, and ev- "Nobody could do what Johnny done," I said. Zeb grunted. T WAS still dark this morning when I heard the noise in the corall. I spanged out of bed to look and there was Zeb, saddled up, leading the roan out the drop gate. First I thought he was leav- ing and was going to holler, but when he got in the saddle he swung straight South. There was nothing that way 'cepting the grassland-and the Witch. I remembered Zeb and me talk- ing last night. I got my clothes on and snuck out to the corall. I put a bridle on old Zaba and rode out bareback into the deep grass. Zeb was al- most to the sliver rock time I caught up to him. --Leo T eholi-z ery ledge Johnny sat and rested up. Then he'd go on. Took him near three hours to get clear up." I waited for Zeb to say some- thing but he didn't. I couldn't see him so good, but I could hear him breathin' loud. "Up above the last ledge-that's where its hardest. There's nothin' to hang onto, Johnny says. That's why he fell." "Fell?" "Yup," I said. "There's about twenty-five feet from the last ledge to the top. Johnny'd got fifteen feet up when he stopped. He hung there a long time trying to grab onto something. Then he slipped. The women screamed thinkin' he'd come all the way down, but Johnny hit the ledge. Everybody started hollering give it up, come on down, but Johnny went back again way to the top." "Johnny must be a pretty big man around these parts, eh Runt?" Zeb's voice sounded diff- erent. "None bigger, I reckon," I said- burstin'. "Grandpa said Johnny was three parts fly and one part white buffler." Zeb laughed. I wanted to tell Zeb how I felt seeing Johnny standin' up on top of the Witch wavin' his arms. Just a speck sort of with nothin' above him 'cepting the sky. Don't guess I can say things like that so good. Then I heard Johnny and Grandpa-coming out on the porch. Zeb saw me when it got light enough and waited. "Go on home, Runt," he shouted soon as I got close enough to hear. Grandpa says the range don't belong to anyone 'till they fence it off. "I'm stayin'," I hollered back-"I reck- on.' I was scared though when I saw how dark lookin' Zeb was. I pulled Old Zaba up about twenty feet away. Zeb glared at me for a minute, then he smiled. "All right, Runt," he said. "Come on." He began riding again. I prodded Old Zaba up alongside. "You going to climb the Witch?" I asked. I was plenty excited rid- ing with Zeb. Zeb looked at me sidewise. "What makes you think that, Runt? I'm jus ridin' out, that's all. Just ridin' out." We rode 'til we were right under the Witch's North wall, then Zeb swung away East. "Anyhow, Runt," Zeb said sud- den-"You said nobody could climb it 'cept Johnny." "Don't guess nobody could," I said. I didn't look at Zeb. We rode around to the South wall. Then I pointed. "There's where Johnny climbed. See the ledges? Right up there." Zeb pulled up and we looked at the wall. Then he got down off the roan and handed me his reins. "You going to climb it Zeb? Are you?" I jumped off Old Zaba and looked up at him. Zeb had a look on his face and r X .x A ,. y y ^ # - _ ' ". A 9 .' ? --