$8,700 Prize Makes No
Change in Student's Life
An Inter-Guild meeting will be
held at 2:30 p.m. today in Lane
flail to receive reports on the
}i S pring Retreat, the Christian Con-
Having $8700 dropped in his lap
for guessing Jack Dempsey as
"Mr. Hush," hasn't changed the
life of Richard N. Bartholomew,
Grad., who gave the right answer
to Ralph Edwards two years ago.
Since Bartholomew made the
wirdfall in a Hollywood radio
show, he has turned in his Navy
commission, and following his
pre-"Hush" plan, is now working
toward a doctor's degree in chem-
ical engineering here at the Uni-
He lives with his wife Harriett,
at 1669 Tully Court, Willow Run
Ticket and Idea
Back in January 1946, Bar-
tholomew lined up for the now-
Youth Camp
To Be Opened
Unitarians Launch
Summer Program
The Unitarian Service Com-
mittee, cooperating with Ameri-
can Unitarian Youth, will launch
famous "Trulh or
show with a USO
ticket in
pocket and the answer to "Mr.
FHush" under his hat.
"I wasn't even fazed when I
won," he said, explaining that he
planned on winning all alon. "It
all just depended on engineering
it right," he said.
Marriage ProposalsI
Following his win, Bartholomt-0w
said he was deluged with letters.
"mostly from crackpots." Some
female writers asked for a share
of the then-scarce nylons, he said,
while others proposed marriage.
The "wackiest" letter of all, he
said, came from a Minnesota wo-
man asking him to buy her some
.$200 worth of flower seeds and
bulbs, which she planned to grow
and pay off the mortgage on her
Fork Over!
Most of the prizes, including a
Mercury car, Bartholomew eit or
sold or gave to his family, who live
in Fayetteville, Ark. The really
heart-breaking part, he said, was
forking over a "sizeable slice" of
the prize money to the income tax
He said he tried to get the in-
ternal revenue department to give
him special consideration because
such unique radio jackpots were-
n't covered by regulations at the
time. "But they made a new
ruling," he said wistfully.
Not Aioard Ship
Another of the prizes was a
year's maid service - which he
traded off for cash. "And there
is nothing to the rumors that I
tried to take her aboard ship with
me," he said flatly.
The best prize of all, Bartholo-
mew said, was the two weeks' va-
cation at Banff, an exclusive re-
sort in the Canadian Rockies. The
Bartholomews made it a honey-
moon trip last summer with
"Truth or Consequences" footing
all the bills.
When asked whether he would
ever try to win another contest,
he said, "I don't think so-one's
enough. At least I'd never go out
of my way to do it." _
its most . extensive work-camp
program this summer, with facil-
ities for more than 150 campers.
The workcamp plan seeks to
dispel ignorance, prejudice and
poverty at home and abroad by
offering balanced programs of
work, education and recreation
for young Americans, according to
a Committee statement. A few
partial scholarships will be grant-
ed to qualified applicants.
European sites considered for
campsare Holland, Denmark, and
ngland, where projects will in-
elude rebuilding homes and help-
ing with the repair and main-
tenance of hospitals. Transporta-
tion to and from Europe is be-
ing arranged through the Insti-
tute of International Education.
v'cation held yesterday in Lan-
sing and the spring workshop.
All guilds are requested to send
their representatives.
Westminster Guild will hear
Prof. Preston Slosson, of the his-
tory department, speak on "What
is Protestantism?" at 5 p.m. to-
day in the Russell Parlors at the
Presbyterian Church. Brief devo-
tions and a cost supper are in-
cluded in the program.
* * * A
The Student Seminar at the
Methodist Church will conclude
the series on "Christ and Man's
Dilemma" at 9:30 a.m. today in
the Pine Room. The book of that
title by Dr. George A. Buttrick
will be used
The Wesleyan Guild continues
its "Christian Citizenship" series
on the theme "The Individual
and National Citizenship" at 5:30
p.m. today. Anthony Cote, of the
Young Democrats, Ed Schneider
of the Young Republicans and
Max>Dean of the Progressives -
campus political groups - will
comprise a panel for discussion
of the topic.
Rev. Peter Eldersveld, of the
"Back to God" radio hour, will
speak to the Michigan Christian
Fellowship at 4:30 p.m. today in
Lane Hall.
The Congregational Disciples
Guild will meet at 6 p.m. today
at the Congregational Church to
consider the topic, "Save Civiliza-
tion? Why!"
* * *
The Grace Bible Guild will meet
for a cost supper at 6:15 p.m. to-
day in Fellowship Hall at the
SL fNames
The names of the new members
of the Student Legislature Com-
mittees were announced yesterday
by the Legislature Cabinet.
Campus Action: Norm Gottlieb,
Al Harris, Ann McGrew, Jim
Sacker, Knight Houghton, John
Ryder, Jean Fagan, Dick Hirn,
Hugh Greenberg, Don McNeil.
Cultural and Education: Marsh
Lewis, Pat Daoust, Bill Gripman,
Dick Shait, Blair Moody, Cy John-
ion, James Jans, Ralph Sosin.
Public Relations: Elinor Abra-
hamson, Ray Guerin, Don Roth-
schild, Rosemarie Schotz, Ed
National Student Association:
Tom Walsh, Max Dean, Norris
Domangue, Albert Maslin, Al Mill-
stein, Arlynn Rosen, Walt Shaffer,
Dorothy Priestly.
Social: John Baum, Bob Mc-
Ghee, Shirley Osgood, John Swets,
Marian Trapp, Jeanne Lange,
Kay Woodruff, Duane Nuechter-
Varsity: Bob Ballou, Paul An-
derson, Dick Burton, Betty Clark,
Jean Leonard, Jake Jacobson,
Buzz Durant, Tom Kelsey, Paul
Honor Engineers
The Michigan chapter of Eta
Kappa Nu, national electrical en-
gineering honor society, initiated
12 men last Wednesday night in a
ceremony at the Union.
The newly-initiated members
Herbert Blecker, Ronald Bos-
trom, John Cline, Charles Cyl-
bertson, Richard Fashbaugh, Leon
Jaroff, Blaine Rudolph, Roy
Smith, Herbect Smithline, Abra-
ham Tersoff, Lester Thayer and
Andrew Van Noord.
. . . associate editor
. editorial director
... associate editor
tegjf ja...
Harvey Weisberg, regional pres- Program High-Lights. Note:
ident of the National Students As- All programs are listed accord-
sociation, will be a guest speaker ing to Ann Arbor time, although
on WJR's "In Our Opinion" pro- most stations now run on Day-
gram at 11:30 a.m. today. light Saving Time,
Weisberg and other NSA execu- Today
tives willrdiscuss the topic "What 4 p.m. WWJ-Ford Theatre pre-
Do College Students Think About sents Booth Tarkington's "Alice
the World." William B. Welsh of Adams."
the University of Wisconsin, and 8:30 p.m. WHRV-Theatre Guild
national president of NSA; -"Rebecca" with Flora Robe-
Blanche Edwards and Rollo son.
O'Hare of Wayne University; and 9:45 p.m. WHRV-Michigan Ra-
Carl Weideman, Jr., of the De- dio Workshop.
troit College of Law, will also Monday
speak. 8 p.m. WWJ - John Charles
* * * Thomas on the Telephone Hour.
A new series of programs re- Tuesday
viewing current best-sellers will 9 p.m. WJR-Studio One, with
be heard beginning at 7 p.m. busy Robert Mitchum in "Sun
Tuesday over WHRY (8 p.m. in Capricorn."
DST). "Peace of Mind" by Joshua Thursday
Liebman will be the first book 7:30 p.m. WHRV-Henry Mor-
reviewed by Library Science stu- gan.
dents. Friday
* * * 8:30 p.m. CKLW - Information
"Dogged Does It" Please.
Today's Michigan Radio Work- Saturday
apm2 p.m. WWJ - North Carolina
shopd a 9: pm ( 5 Symphony Orchestra.
EDST) over WHRV is calledx,
"Dogged Does It," and it's the 5:30 p.m. WWJ-NBC Symphony
story of the struggle by Darwin
and others to get his radical the-
ories of evolution accepted. Vance Civil Service
Simonds, one of the winners of
the recent television script con- T
test, wrote the play, .which is di- J o List Jobs
rected by Traverse DuVall and
announced by Don Herman.
Also on the show are Roger A representative of the Mich-
Allen as narrator, Don Klockner igan State Civil Service will dis-
cs Darwin, Ann Davis as Darwin's cuss job opportunities for college
wife. Sam Neville, Ed Miller, Dean graduates at 4 p.m. Wednesday in
Currie and eaymond Kurtzman. the Natural Science auditorium.
CduThe State Civil Service offers
positions to both men and women
Caenus Talent graduates in a variety of fields.
A recent ad in The Daily seek- Aeronautical, electrical and me-
ing student talent to try out for chanical engineers will be ad-
Horace Heidt's show got quite a dressed by a representative of the
response, according to Harry Berg, Curtis-Wright Corporation, Day-
Heidt's Ann Arbor liaison. About ton, O., in the Wednesday after-
a dozen hopefuls signed up for noon job conference.
auditions with a talent scout from A representative from the Amer-
the program, which will be broad- ican Association of Social Work-
cast from Detroit, May 16 over ers will discuss opportunities in
WWJ. social work at the meeting.
Students who want a chance Students will be able to ask
for the "big break" should con- questions of these representatives
tact Berg before Saturday. at the close of the discussions.
Use .. .Read Daily Classifieds
. . . city ditor
. . . associate editor
... sports editor
Extension Service To Offer
Courses for Degree Credits
. .__
comes out
Our publicity man
is good...
he just can't count!
University students may earn
credit hours toward a degree while
residing at home during the sum-
mer by utilizing services offered
Go and See
Buck Rogers
Buck Rogers Fans: If you want
to observe the paths your hero
travels, bring your parents.
The ultimatum that children
must be accompanied by adults is
included in the annoufieement by
the Department of Astronomy
that it has scheduled three nights
when the Student Observatory,
fifth floor of Angell Hall, will be
open to the public.
These Visitor's Nights will last
from 8:00-10:00 p.m. and are
scheduled as follows: May 7, ob-
servations of Venus, Saturn and
Mars; May 14, observations of the
Moon and Saturn; and May 28.
observations of Saturn and the
Double Stars.
Visitor's Nights will be cancel-
led if the sky is cloudy.
by the Correspondence Study
Dept. of the Extension Services.
According to information re-
leased by the Correspondence
Study Dept. up to four hours cred-
it may be secured during the sum-
mer months through accredited
courses offered by mail.
-Courses are offered in such
varying fields as English, political
science, history, languages, geo-
graphy, engineering and mathe-
matics, mostly at the Freshmen
and Sophomore level. These mail
study courses carry degree credit
if approved by faculty advisors.
Veterans may finance the cours-
es under the G.I. Bill, which cov-
ers fees and textbook expenses.
Spokesman have pointed out
that under this program of Cor-
respondence study courses stud-
ents may hold a full-time summer
job and at the same time continue
work toward a University degree.
Additional information may be
secured at the Correspondence
Study Dept. in Rm. 154 North Hall
or at the Extension Service office
in Rm. 107 Haven Hall.
College Opens
Liberal Arts
Honors Plan
Applications are now being re-
ceived for the College Honors Pro-
gram in Liberal Arts, Professor
John Arthos of the English de-
partment announced yesterday.
The program has been designed
to give superior students an op-
portunity to carry on an intensive
study of great works during their
junior and senior years in a pro-
gram independent of department-
al specialization.
The course now being offered in-
eludes readings in Politics and
Ethics, for five-hours credit, and
two cognate courses each semes-
ter. The program itself fulfills con-
centration requirements, Prof. Ar-
thos said.
The course of readings for the
two years includes the "Iliad,"
"The Republic," "The City of
God," "Henry V," Hobbes's "Imv-
iathan," Hume's "Treatise on Hu-
man Nature," "The Federalist"
and Dewey's "Human Nature and
Students who have a "B" aver-
age or better may apply to Prof es-
sor S. D. Dodge, 17 Angell Hall, or
Prof. John Arthos, 2222 Angell
Hall, before May 15.
For the Mother's
tt y
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That'S JUST A Bit
Try your luck at findinr distinctive
unusual gifts for Mother by shop
whcrc careful selcction of quality b
' assureCs you of the finest .. ..,it noc
* Elgin-American Compacts - . $3.00
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When People stop lying and cheating and
robbing and murdering and lusting; and
the glitter of greed is gone from their eyes,
what will you have? Utopia! All right so.
you'll have Utopia; and a lot of people will
argue that the world's gone awfully dull,
that if something doesn't happen soon
they'll just die; and what do -you do for
r'Jhere just isn't any Utopia . . . now or
ever. People will just keep doing the wrong
things over and over again. There'll always
be a right side and a-wrong side of the law.
On the amusement page of this newspaper
you'll find an advertisement of a motion
picture . . . TO THE ENDS OF THE
EARTH. It has a lot to say about people on
the wrong side and people-on the right side
of the law, too. It's even more exciting in
performance than the promise of the ad-
But behind the manhunt, the never end-
ing chase through China, Egypt, the Near
East, Cuba and our own United States;
even behind the two years that it took to
write and produce TO THE ENDS OF
THE EARTH, there is a thought and a
It is a fight against an evil; a soul-destroy-
ing, body-enslaving evil. With banners un-
furled, it is a march of the forces of law
and order against that which would lower
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