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May 02, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-02

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I 1


Latest Deadline in the State


Regular Arab
Armies Roll
Into Palestine
Armored Forces
Hit Settlements
JERUSALEM, May 1-(P)-The
regular armies of Arab nations of
the Middle East invaded Palestine
today striking in the north anc
south with troops and armorec
orces, Jewish and Arab sources
These accounts said Syria, Leb-
anon and Egypt sent powerful
military formations s we e pin
across the border at dawn Satur-
day 15 days before the termina-
tion of the British mandate over
the Holy Land.
Saudi Arabia, Trans-Jordan
and Iraq were reported ordering
troops to the battle zone or com-
pleting final preparations for
the drive against the Jews.
Tel Aviv headquarters of Hag-
ana, the Jewish militia, said tanks
and armored cars of the Syrian
and Lebanese armies crossed the
border and engaged Jewish out-
posts at the settlements of Dafne,
Ramot Naftali and Dan in Pales-
tine's northern extremity. Jews in
Haifa gave a similar account of
the operations taking place irn
upper Galilee.
A Damascus dispatch said the
Syrian army apparently threm
half its entire strength into the
invasion. The big Syrian camp at
Katana was almost completely
emptied by a lightning military
movement. A few days ago 6,000
regulars and a few hundred vol-
unteers were based there.
Sources in Cairo who wished
k to be described as unofficial
said the Egyptian army struck
across the southern Palestine
border into the desert at Friday
midnight. '
While the invasion reports were
without official confirmation, the
feeling was evident in Cairo and
other cities that something was in
the air.
Arab dispatches to Damascus
said King Abdullah of Trans-
Jordan had ordered the simul-
taneous invasion of the Holy Land
by the armies of the six Arab
ReIients Make
'U' Receives Gifts
Totaling $61,440
Two faculty appointments were
approved yesterday at the meeting
of the Board of Regents.
Dr. William Aaron Nierenberg
has been made an assistant pro-
fessor of physics, and Samuel De-
Mars Estep was given an assistant
professorship of law, both begin-
ning in the fall term.
Dr. Nierenberg at present is an
instructor at Columbia University.
During the war he worked on the
atomic bomb project there and
received his doctorate in 1947.
Estep, now employed by a De-
troit law firm. is a graduate of the
University law school, ranking at
the head of his class scholastically.
At their meeting the Regents
also accepted gifts amounting to
$61,440, most of which will go
toward medical research and pub-

lie health.
The largest gift, $17,470.73 from
the estate of A. M. Clover, will be
used for medical research. The Na-
tional Sanitation Foundation
made a gift of $15,000 to meet the
expenses of a national conference
on food sanitation to be held here
this summer, while the late W.S.
Gilbert of Grand Rapids bequeath-
ed $11.540, to be used for research
on diseases of the heart.
The Chinese government, acting
through its Washington agency.
made a gift of $7,500, to be used
for five Chinese Cultural Scholar-
ships both this and next semester.
The Board also granted leaves
of absence to eight faculty mem-
bers and one library employe.
Concert To Feature
Men's Glee Club
The famed University Mens
Glee Club-fresh from its choral
conquest of the East-will pre-
-cen A i Anna ~ .RrinL rCn t A

Tax Cut, Vet Pay Hike
Fatten Slim Pocketbooks
That added currency in the pocket certainly jingles a merry
The nation's 52 million taxpayers and 1,500,000 student vets
prepared to let a notch out of their collective belts as income tax
withholding payment cuts became effective yesterday and April sub-
sistence checks began to flood the mails.
What Happened
(The income tax cut drops more than seven million people from
the tax rolls. The raised subsistence payments provide an additional

New Opinion
bureau Polls
500 Students
Plan To Represent
Campus-Wide Views
Five hundred people can't be
wrong-not when they're scien-
ifically quizzed by the Bureau of
Student Opinion.
The newly-set up Bureau has
nicked a chosen half-thousand
students from the University's 19,-
500-odd population. Their answers
to 30 questions, ranging from
"How do you like the system for
distributing football tickets?" to
"Do you approve of the tennis fee
set-up?" will be representative of
what the whole University is
Answer for Others
Each student polled will be an-
swering for 35 others. The student
statisticians who are in charge of
the Bureau emphasize that every
one of the 500 must contribute his
opinions for the poll to be success-
The Bureau was created as an
adjunct of the Survey research
Center when the Student Legisla-
ture, the Union and The Daily
wanted to find out student opin-
ion on various questions, in order
to help them form their policies.
Selected at Random
The 500 selected at random
from University files have already
received postcards, asking them to
appear at Rm. 5 Tappan Hall for
10-minute interviews.
Those who haven't yet spoken
for their 35 "silent partners" can
still do so this week from 1:30 to
5:30 p. m. and from 6:30 to 8:3
p. m. daily.
Results of the polls will be pub-
lished in a series of articles in The
Daily, beginning May 23.
Alpha Phi Omega service fra-
ternity, other organizations and
student volunteers are helping in
the quiz sessions, with the Survey
Research students forming the or-
ganization's nucleus.
Garden Plot
Hits theSpot
Willow Village garden plots are
finally ready for those residents
whose green thumbs have been
itching to get things planted.
Though bad weather has de-
layed plowing, gardens in the
Madin- area and some in the
MacArthur area are now com-
pleted. These will be assigned
Monday and Tuesday from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. at the service desk of
the rental office.
There is a season fee ranging
from fifty cents to one dollar for
°ach garden, depending on size.
With good weather prevailing,
more plots will be ready for as-
signment the following week, of-
ficials said.

ten dollars to single veterans, fif-
teen dollars to married veterans
and thirty to those with more
than one dependent.)
The income tax cut will affect
an estimated 14,000 Ann Arbor
taxpayers and approximately 11,-
000 student veterans at the Uni-
versity will get more than $141,000
each month from the increase.
Dreaming in Beer?
Tavern keepers are dreaming in
their own beer if they expect any
sizeable portion of the veterans'
increased purchasing power to
float into their tills.
Most student veterans when
asked in a Daily survey what they
int-end to do with the additional
money, said they hoped to apply
it to living expenses and out down
withdrawals from bank accounts.
The most frequently mentioned
item in this category was food.
Only one of thirty-six students
contacted expected to have enough
of a surplus to add to his con-
sumption of brew.
Local Comments
"It will mean ten dollars less
to dig out of my savings," "Doc"
Robinson commented. "I'm going
to use the money to eat with."
Vance Cory justified the in-
crease by saying that it will not
be any more inflationary than the
income tax cuts Congress has
passed. He said that his transpor-
tation costs besides eating and
incidental items like smoking add
up, and that since his bonus, bonds
and savings have been exhausted,
he has a real need for the money.
Congress May
Discuss Change
In UNVeto
WASHINGTON, May 1-(')-
Chairman Vandenberg (R-Mich.)
said today the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee will consider
proposals to change United Na-
tions procedures before Congress
His statement inaicated that
Senators who have been demand-
ing that some action be taken to
get around the Soviet vetoes in
the UN wil get a hearing before
the committee.
It also pointed the way toward
possible action on as-yet-unoff-
ered proposals to line this country
up in something akin to a military
alliance with Western Europe.
Vandenberg himself has said
repeatedly that action should be
taken to abolish the Big Power
Veto on all UN efforts to settle in-
ternational disputes short of war.
He has not called for complete
abolition of the veto where war-
like measures are concerned. There
is no indication he plans to do so,
although Senator Taft (R-Ohio)
this week urged that the UN char-
ter be amended to eliminate all
When present studies have been
completed Vandenberg may spon-
sor a resolution aimed at giving
this country's military help to the
western nations outside of the
Communist orbit.

Latest UMT
Plan To Get
18 Year _Olds
Senate Draft Bill
May BeChanged
Only 18 year olds would be subject
to the one year training under the
latest version of the compromise
plan for Universal Military Train-
ing announced today by Senator
Gurney (R-SD).
At the same time Gurney said
the age limits on the !two-year
temporary draft plan in the Sen-
ate bill would be 19 years through
25 instead of 19% through 25.
"We learn there is not enough
available manpower between
19 and 25 to fill expected
needs of the two-year draft
plan," the Senate Armed Ser-
vices Committee Chairman told
a reporter. "Too many of them
are veterans, married or exempt
as members of the National
Guard or other class A reserve
Originally Senators wanted to
apply the one-year training in the
regular forces to youths between
18 and 19% with two-year draft
terms on men from 19% through
Both President Truman and
Secretary of Defense Forrestal
have backed the Senate compro-
mise as a substitute for their
original long - range sepaate
UMT program.
Gurney said a complete draft
of the new manpower bill will
be ready for committee action
Tuesday morning.
Under the House bill men
from 18 through 30 years would
be required to register with
those from 19 through 25 sub-
ject to draft.
It excludes the one-year train-
ing proposals of the Senate bill as
a UMT substitute.
Meanwhile Chairman Andrews
(R-NY) of the House Armed Ser-
vices Committee said his group will
have a separate stop-gap draft
bill ready late Monday.
Trumnan Gains
State Support
Local Douglas Group
Fails To Wii Backing
Michigan Democrats picked 67 un-
instructed delegates to their na-
tional convention today' after
adopting a luke-warm "commen-
dation" of President Truman de-
spite a small knot of Washtenaw
County delegates booming the
"New Deal" candidacy of Asso-
ciate Supreme Court Justice Wil-
liam 0. Douglas.
The Douglas group was said to
center in the University of Mich-
igan faculty.
Party leaders said it was the
first time the state convention has
sent an uninstructed delegation in
16 years.
Free to Climb
The failure to instruct the dele-
gation was interpreted as a means
of leaving the members free to
climb on the bandwagon of some
other presidential candidate than
Truman if one appeared at the

Philadelphia convention in July.
There seemed to be strong Eis-
enhower sentiment among the
rank-and-file delegates.
Slap To Truman
A resolution from committee to
send an uninstructed delegation
was defeated on the floor after,
members said it would be "a slap
in the face" for Truman, but the
convention never instructed the
delegation after that.
Al Hargraves, Union delegate
from Detroit, said the desire for
an uninstructed delegation was
only to "leave the delegation a
little bargaining power."
Meanwhile, plans of air power
advocates to rush Congressional
approval of the 70-group modern
air force are stalled in the Senate
with action unlikely before late
next week.
The House already has ap-
proved a $3,198,000,000 money bill
to begin building the 70-group air
force and also expand Naval air
A similar $3,233,200,000 appro-
nrifin i nAising enate cnI

May Day Plotter
Murders Greek
Cabnet Member.
Alleged Communist Kills Ladas;
Martial Law Proclaimed in Athens
ATHENS, May 1-(P)-Greek Minister of Justice Christos Ladas
was assassinated today in what the government said was part of a
Communist May Day plot to kill three members of the Cabinet.
The government established martial law in Athens.
Ladas died 13 hours after a 22-year-old factory worker threv
three grenades at him. Police said the assassin, who was seriously in-
jured himself by one of the grenades, had admitted he was a membe:
of the OPLA, Communist execution squad, and was under orders to
kill Ladas.
The assassination coincided with a string of government an-
I I -

. . . managing editor

... business manager


Friedman, Hait To Head Staff
Of Daily During Fall Term

Harriett Friedman, '49, 20, of
Chicago, has been named manag-
ing editor and Richard S. Hait,
'49BAd., -21, of Ann Arbor, was
made business manager of The
Daily for the fall term.
The appointments were made
Spring Parley
Will Discuss
World Peace
Edwards To Give
KeynoteTalk Friday
"Is World Peace Possible?" will
be the general theme of the an-
nual Spring Parley, traditional
all-campus forum to be held May
7 and 8 in the Union.
George Edwards, President of
the Detroit Common Council, will
deliver the keynote address at 4:15
p.m. Friday in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. Students will discuss in-
ternational problems in a series of
panels, starting at 8:15 p.m. Fri-
day and continuing Saturday af-
General topic of the Friday
panels is "Trouble Spots in the
World," to be discussed in three
separate panels: Europe, the Far
East, and the Near East.
Panels will be composed of two
or more faculty members and a
student chairman. Reports from
the seven different panels will be
delivered in a plenary session at
3:30 p:m. Saturday.
The themes of the parleys, in-
itiated in 1931, have changed over
the years from religious and phil-
osophical subjects to discussions
of academic freedom and current
social ploblems.
The first parley had the central
theme "May One Be Religious
Without Being Good?" The par-
leys were discontinued during the
war, and started again last year.
Faculty speakers will be an-
nounced later, Marilyn Hend-
ricks, chairman of the Spring Par-
ley Committee, said yesterday.
Festival Will
C'loe eToday

yesterday by the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Miss Friedman, newly appointed
managing editor, is majoring in
philosophy and has served as ed-
itorial director during the present
term. In addition to her experi-
ence on The Daily, she has worked
for the Chicago Herald-American
and the Detroit Free Press.
The Board also named Douglass
S. Parker, '49, 21, of LaPorte, Ind.,
managing editor of the Gargoyle.
Beverly A. Dippel, '49, 21, of De-
troit, was named business man-
ager and Norm Gottlieb, '50, 21,
of Detroit, was, named associate
editor of the Gargoyle for next
Other Daily appointments are
as follows:
Richard J. Maloy, '49, 23, of Lo-
rain, O., as city editor; Naomi
E. ,Stern, '49, 20, of Washington,
D.C., as editorial director; Arthur
Higbee, '49, 22, of Detroit, Harold
C. Jackson, Jr., of Grosse Ile, and
Allegra Pasqualetti, '49, 20, of
Fostoria, O., as associate editors.
William F. Culman, '49BAd., 23,
of Romeo; as finance manager;
and Jean K. Leonard, '49, 21, of
Detroit, as advertising manager.
Audrey Buttery, '49, 20, of Ro-
selle, N.J., as women's editor; and
Mary Alice Cheney, '49, 20, of Wa-
tertown, N.Y., as associate wom-
en's editor,.
Murray J. Grant, '49BAd., 21,
of West Hartford, Conn., as sports
editor; Maurice D. Weidenthal,
'50, 22, of Cleveland Heights, O.
as associate sports editor; and
Beverly Bussey, '49, 19, of Detroit,
as sports feature editor.
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., May 1-
Senator Glen Taylor (D.-Idaho),
Vice-presidential candidate on
Henry Wallace's Third Party tick-
et, was arrested tonight when he
attempted to enter a meeting of
the Southern Negro Youth Con-
Taylor was asked to use a white
entrance at the Alliance Gospel
Tabernacle. But he attempted to
go through a Negro entrance.
* * *
DETROIT, May 1-Teachers
in Detroit's public schools were
told today to give junior a
spanking if he gets smart in
* *' *
VINITA, Okla., May 1-The
state highway patrol said tonight
that several persons were reported
killed and others injured in tor-
nadoes which struck near here to-
* * *
LONDON, May 1-Responsible
British government sources said
today the Western European Al-
liance will submit to the United
States soon a list of "must" re-
quirements for military supplies
on a peace-time lend-lease basis.

nounements ofmporan- u-
cess in the civil war against
communist-led guerrillas. The
first army corps said more than
1,000 casualties have been in-
flicted on the guerilla band of
about 2,000 in the mount Ghi-
ona area of south central Greece
since operations started two
weeks ago.
The bombs also killed a police-
man and wounded another civilian
and a child.
Police said the assailant, identi-
fled as Efstratos Moutsoyanis,
threw the first grenade through
the rear window of Ladas' car,
wounding the Minister of Justice
in the head.
Two policemen drew their pis-
tols and fired, wounding the as-
sassin. Moutsoyanis then threw
a second bomb which failed to
explode. The third grenade
wounded himself, killed one of
the policemen, and wounded a
civilian and a child.
Police said bystanders attempt-
ed to lynch the bomb thrower but
he was taken away by officers.
The car was riddled by the ex-
plosions and caught fire. Police
immediately threw a cordon about
the area to prevent further out-
Surgeons operated on Ladas for
three wounds in a vain attempt to
save his life.
A secretary to Premier Themis-
tokles Sophoulis said a letter had
been received recently from a "re-
pentant Communist" saying the
party planned to kill Sophoulis,
Ladas, and Minister of Public Or-
der Constantine Rentis.
The letter from "the repentant
Communist," which the govern-
ment said proved existence of a
plot to kill three members of the
cabinet, said the Communists de-
cided on this course because the
Liberal Party joined the govern-
ment and "persecuted the (Com-
munist) Party." The 56-year-old
Ladas had approved 125 execu-
tions, mostly of Leftists, since he
took office last September.
Garg Swings
Left and Right
Radicals and reactionaries alike
are the victims of a satirical
broadside in the "Communism"
issue of the Gargoyle which goes
on campus sale tomorrow.
The editors have promised that
J. Parnell Thomas, Henry Wallace
and Joe Stalin all come in for
their share of the heckling. The
heckling, incidentally, is sprinkled
through the "pink" section of the
Managing Editor Thom Strope
thinks this issue of the Garg
should make everybody happy be-.
cause "who wants to be a radical
or a reactionary, anyway," Rumb-
lings from the proletariat, how-
ever, seem to indicate that he's
At any rate, the usual Garg
salesmen, including two exiled
Russian princes, will pass out the
propaganda in the usual spots
and should not be mistaken for
anything else.
According to Strope, this issue
should be red by everyone.

Tense World
On May Da
" Communist Forces
Stage Demonstrations
By The Associated Press
May Day celebrations in other
parts of Europe, America and Asia
produced noise and fury but no
major explosions.
Berlin, Trieste, Prague, Rome
and a" dozen other of Europe's
danger spots observed labor's hol-
iday Saturday in an atmosphere
of tenseness. But thoroughly alert-
ed police everywhere prevented
serious clashes between Commu-
nist and Anti-Communist factions
of labor organizations.
No "Bogota"
Chile and Brazil, where author-
ities feared Communists plotted
"another Bogota" uprising on la-
bor's holiday, reported no disturb-
ances but much parading and
Along the 38th parallel in Ko-
rea, dividing line between Amer-
ican and Soviet.occupied trrIry,
SEOUL, Sunday, May 2--M)
-Six persons were killed in May
Day violence on the southern
Korean island of Cheju, Amer-
ican military authorities said to-
day. 4
K The announcement said 50
Korean Communists guerrilas
attacked the village of Ora,
and were driven off by Korean
police after a three-hour battle.
there was fist-shaking by Korean
Communists who shouted across
the boundary at American troops
and South Koreans, "You'll 'have
trouble soon."
The Russian-controlled radio at
Pyongyang told Koreans the best
way to celebrate May Day was
to "frustrate the elections in
South Korea" on May 10.
It was a quiet spring day in
Tokyo where 350,000 Japanese
turned out for the observance, and
in Shanghai where truck loads of
orderly Chinese workers paraded.
In every European land the May
Day celebration emphasized the
split of labor movements along
East-West lines. In eastern u-
rope, particularly in Warsaw, the
United States was assailed openly
as an "aggressor" nation with im-
perialistic designs.
Auto orkers
Others Are Laid Off
Due to SteelShortage
DETROIT, May 1-()-Gen-
eral Motors Corp. Monday will
call back to work 125,000 employes
while laying off 17,000 others.
On the same day, Chrysler
Corp., resuming efforts to avert a
strike May 12 of its 75,000 CIO
United Auto Workers, will lay off
2,500 Plymouth Division employe
for a week.
The layoffs were blamed by both
firms on steel shortages following
the national coal strike
The 125,000 GM employes were
laid off a week ago in Buick, Olds-
mobile and Pontiac Divisions,
Fisher Body fabricating plants and
Chevrolet manufacturing plants.

Two closing concerts in


Four-Year-Old Steals Show
WithAppealin g Mannerisms

1948 May Festival will be present-
ed at 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. to-
day in Hill Auditorium.
Works of Sergei Rachmaninoff
will make up the afternoon con-
cert, which includes the Choral
Union in "The Bells" and Leon
Fleisher, pianist, playing the Con-
certo No. 2 in C minor.
Cloe Elmo, contralto, will ap-
pear in the evening concert, sing-I
ing works of Gluck, Donizetti,
Massenet and Verdi.
Haydn's "Clock" Symphony No.
101, "The Swan of Tuonela" by
Sibelius, and Respighi's "Feste
Romana" will make up orchestral
sections of the program.

Mischa Elman and Alexander
Hilsberg might not have liked it,
but a little four-year old blond
girl captured the hearts of the
audience at yesterday's May Fes-
tival Concert.
Directly above the orchestra,
and in full view of everybody
was a cute tow-headed girl.
She fidgeted and was obvious-
ly bored during the Beethoven
concerto, not being endowed with
the proper attitude toward classi-
cal music.
Shining Through
Dulin g the Khachatmtrian

She then probably felt that all
this dissonance had gone far
enough, for she held her hands
indignantly against her ears. She
must have liked it, for at the end
she applauded vigorously.
If only there had been a talent
scout in the house !\
This young lady may some day
be an acclaimed musical genius!
Meant to Perform
There were, in addition, a group
of children who were meant to
perform. The Festival Youth
Chorus specially endeared them-
selves to the audience by little

Fresh Air Camp Fund To Pass Hat

S"The kid on the diving board"
will be back on campus Wednes-

vironment or because they need
a chance to get away from an
unhappy home.

study, or research done by adults
must not interfere with his good
time," Prof. Morse said.

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