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May 01, 1948 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-01

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i7 Al-llnmvx, MAY 1, Inn




INFORMATION SERVICE-Director Arthur L. Brandon (right)
confers with Barry J. Holloway (left). Center is Annette Rich,
Information Service reporter.

ATHLETIC PUBLICITY-Les Etter, chief of the Publicity Depart-
ment of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, looks
over a stack of baseball pictures. His office sends pictures and
news releases to newspapers, magazines and wire services all
over the nation.

COMPLETED STORY-Mrs. Mary Birney (left) and Rosamond
Haas read copies of a story just run off the mimeograph machine.

DEAR ALUMNUS-T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of the
Alumni Association, dictates the answer to an alumni letter.

READY TO GO-Information Service Editor Cleland B. Wyllie
cheeks a story (above) and sends it on to be mimeographed
(below) by Mary Catherine Lindbergh, secretary (below).

Alumntit'. .
In America, alumni organiza-
tions are inevitable, according to
T. Hawley Tapping.
As general secretary of the Uni-
versity's Alumni Association, he's
in a position to know.
Contrary to a widespread no-
tion,'the Association is not gov-
erned by the University adminis-
tration or the Board of Regents,
but by a board of directors elected
by alumni the world over.
Tapping describes his 13-man
staff as a "mechanical expression
of alumni interest in their alma
This, however, somewhat under-
states the myriad activities that
go on in Tapping's office.
These come under three general
headings: publishing "The Mich-
igan Alumnus," keeping in close
touch with the 250 University
alumni clubs and arranging class
reunions at commencement time.
Tapping, a veteran newspaper-
man, edits the "Alumnus," which
goes 26 times a year to 11,500
alumni subscribers. Writing and
research is done by Tapping and
two staff reporters, Hal Wilson
and Miss Suzanne Vogt.
The alumniaclubs, with a com-
bined membership of more than
9,000, are a worldwide network;
keepingain personal contact with
them is a big job in itself.
Field Secretary Waldo Abbot,
Jr., spends a good third of his
time on the road. Tapping him-
self, as well as Miss Alice Russell,
who keeps in touch with the
strictly alumnae clubs, and Rob-
ert O. Morgan, in charge of class
reunions, are off visiting the var-
ious clubs a good quarter of the
University faculty members also
help out on keeping alumni up to
date on University doings: for
example, President Ruthven'
western tour early this semester.
Fall Homecoming is the big day
for alumni at most colleges, but
here in Ann Arbor the big class
reunions come at Commencement
time in June. Each class holds its
get-togethers every five years, and
the job of organizing them is up
to Robert o. Morgan, Tapping's
The activities of the alumni of-
fice, however, go a good deal be-
;ocs for~ a Spi~
GRAND LEDGE, Mich., April
30-(AP)-Elon Moyer, 24, of
Grand Ledge was hospitalized in
a serious condition today after a
whirl in a cement mixer,
Moyer climed inside the sement
mixer to clean it and a helper ac-
cidently threw the switch. He was
whirled around several times be-
fore being thrown out.
Ii. ii




yond the official duties already
Every Letter Answered
There's an office rule that "no
letter ever goes unanswered"-and
about 60 letters roll in every day
on every subject remotely con-
nected with alumni.
"Alumni interest is one of theI
big reasons that the University
has always had a strong student
body," Tapping says. He works
closely with alumni interested in
getting promising students tol
come to Michigan. On the other
hand, he helps soften the blow for
alumni proteges. who can't meet
the entrance requirements.
Other jobs taken on by the
alumni office include last year's
promotion and sale of the record
album of Michigan songs and this
year's hundreds of showings of
the Rose Bowl films, in conjunc-
tion with the Athletic Associa-
As Tapping sees it, his jobI
takes in "anything and everything
which will increase alumni inter-
est in the University."

Sending football programs to
kids that write in for them is
just one of Les Etter's many jobs.
An ex-varsity athlete at Minne-
sota, Etter runs the Publicity De-
partment of the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics.
His office covers varsity sports
like a stadium-blanket-Etter does
the leg work himself-and sends
out news releases and pictures
to more than 600 state and na-
tional publications.
Unique Press Conferences
He also runs the pressbox each
football Saturday and organizes
press conferences for the follow-
ing Monday. Sportswriters from
the wire services and big-city
dailies drop in an hour before
practice time and talk with the
coach about day-before-yester-
day's game and next Saturday's
Coach Crisler originated these
conferences; Etter says they're
unique in intercollegiate athletics.


Bernie Oosterbaan hasn't yet in-
dicated whether he'll continue
Etter handled the special press
arrangements for the Rose Bowl
game-sending out daily features
and statistics on pre-game prac-
tice, getting a special railroad car
for Coast-bound sportswriters and
arranging for daily press confer-
ences with Crisler.
Football Info
His staff (himself and one sec-
retary, Mrs. Jean Townsley) pub-
lishes all the football programs,
ticket information bulletins and
the annual "Gridiron Guide."
It's his job also to keep records
of every varsity sport. They go
into the fact-crammed booklet,
"Michigan's all-time Athletic Rec-
ord," which is brought up to date
and published every five years.
All told, Etter works pretty hard
at fulfilling what he calls the
main function of the Athletic
Publicity department: "Making
Information on Michigan athletes
as accessible to everybody as pos-

The Information Service, offi-
cial news bureau of the Univer-
sity, is run "pretty much like a
small daily newspaper," according
to Dr. Arthur L. Brandon, direc-
The office in Angell Hall's base-
ment turns out news stories on
every University doing from solar-
research to enrollment figures.
Information Service editor Cle-
land B. Wyllie and three reporters
-Alice Beeman, Rosamond Haas
and Annette Rich-dig up the
facts and write the stories which
are then dispatched to most of the
newspapers in the state and to
the most important national
newspapers and magazines.
Stories "On Order"
In addition, the office will do
a story "on order" for any state
publication that asks for it. "This
amounts to every paper in the
state having a staff in Ann Ar-
bor," Dr. Brandon says.
He contacts writers and editors
of the big national magazines

whenever a story pops up here
that he thinks they'd be interest-
ed in.
If a writer is sent here to cover
a story, the Information Service
sees to it that he's made to feel
at home and introduced to the
people he's come to interview.
("Life" Magazine's feature on
last fall's homecoming was strict-
ly a "Life" idea, by the way).
Plenty of Pictures
Fred Moncrieff is staff photog-
rapher; his pictures go out to
most of the newspapers in Mich a
Dr. Brandon's and his staff also
counsel University officials and
faculty members on public rela-
tions matters, attend campus con-
ferences, entertain guests of the
University and publish promo-
tional booklets.
Although the Information Serv-
ice is essential for public relations,
it doesn't go in for flamboyant
"Our functions," Dr. Brandon
says, "is to dig up and write fac-
tual stories based on the sound
educational program of a great



TripleRolFilledby Teaching Fellow

4 ie tubepage
university NwM SrvIO . e
Mall Monster Swims in Green
A bit of the Mediterranean day afternoon and by evening the
seems to have been imported into dyer had done his work.
Ann Arbor-the monster of the The green tinged water will be
Mall is now swimming in green with the campus for at least two,
waters. weeks and possibly a month,
The dull metal fountain-statue plumbing foreman C. C. Walker
next to the League looks immeas- said yesterday. He guessed that
urably brighter since some un- the perpetrator was an ex-G.I.
known person, evidently interest- who had some dye left over from
ed in the color scheme of the the war, or a chemistry student.
campus, poured green dye into the The green color will fade as the
waters. Whoever the color- con- water evaporates and is replaced
scious humanitarian was, he wast- by new water, Walker said. Three
ed no time. times last year the same thing
The statue was opened and the happened, he added. "Once, the
fountains began to operate Tues- water was dyed red," he said.
4 \

Perhaps, as his friends claim,
nothing is known about his child-
hood except that he fell down a
great deal, but William J. Hamp-
ton, teacher, cartoonist and ama-
teur movie producer, has been
spending his recent years "getting
One of the youngest of the
English department's teaching fel-
lows, 25-year-old Hampton keeps
his classes lively simply by follow-
ing his pet theory-if students
are interested, they'll learn. "They
can't help it, he grins, and cites
students in his practice teaching
class last year, who filmed Act
II Scene IV of Macbeth. "Why,
they can recite that .scene back-
wards," Hampton claims.
The six foot tall potential
"prof" won't say much about his
classes this semester though --
just "Oh, we talk and they write
papers . .."
Once on the subject of student
produced, directed and acted films,
Hampton can enthusiastically rat-
tle on for an hour. He can't un-
derstand why the potentialities of
this medium are so thoroughly ig-
nored in high schools. "It's a nat-
ural-all you need is a home movie
camera, a play-Shakespeare is

Secondary to his teaching (in
his estimation), Hampton's car-
tooning talents are still top notch.
One-time art editor of the Gar-
goyle, he created Garg, the short,
horned creature who has become
the trademark of the magazine.
("Garg" is not a self-portrait,
Hampton emphatically insists.)
Recently, he has taken on a
cartooning job for The Daily and
though he claims to have lost
some of his old draftsmanship, his
work to date seems to have quite
adequately reflected his quiet, but
often biting wit.
Hampton is "puzzled and disap-
pointed" when readers don't un-
derstand his cartoons, but admits
that all of them have several lev-
els of meaning. ("Even I don't al-
ways see them all.")
Currently, the 25 year-old vet-
eran is painting a mural on the
walls of the bathroom in his Wil-
low Run home. "It depicts the de-
velopment of the non-dramatic
literature of the Renaissance," he
explained simply, adding that
there were goldfish on the shower
walls for the benefit of his two
year old son.
Hampton's been living in Wil-
low Village "too long" he says,

son) make up for environmental
He met his wife overseas when
he was wounded at Cassino. She
was his nurse, he explains and
claims she married him out of a
scientific impulse to see what
would become of him. On the
other hand, Willy insists he mar-
ried her to get his medical care
Undergraduate days, spent here
at the University, are described by
Hampton in three sentences:
"At the end of my first semester
I was on scholastic probation. At
the end of my second semester I
was off scholastic probation. At
the end of my third semester I was
requested to leave school and not
to return without specific permis-
"However, because I received
the latter request in North Africa
(infantry) I couldn't take it seri-
ously." He quietly admits that he
has done much better since his re-
Friends claim Hampton has a
boundless capacity for alcohol and
coffee. He denies this with "I
only drink beer."
They also tell the story that
"because he was in an Arab prison
on his twenty-first birthday, he
can't drink in Ann Arbor because
his liquor card is in Arabic."
Caii't Win1
LAS VEGAS, April 30-The
rover boys of the roulette table
learned it the hard way today:
Albert Hibbs, 23, Chillicothe,
Ohio., and Dr. Roy Walford, 23,
San Diega, gave up the whirl at
noon, pockets empty after 14 hours
of lucklessly trying their "system"
at a local club.
The pair, Unversity of Chicago
graduates, appeared shaken, in
contrast to their winning moments
which earlier included an $8,000
take in Reno.
"We may try again," Walford
ventured. Hibbs wasn't so sure.

ideal - and the kids do the rest." but Willy (his wife) and Billy (his
Legion Ladies' Lines Picked
INDIANAPOLIS, April 30 ~ --who dodged the job last year-
Seven harassed men who make up during a three-day session open-
the American Legion's National ing at National headquarters here
Emblem Committee completed to-. Monday.
day their task of selecting new The only member of the emblem
fr h L The onlynmembr ofi theemblem

MOVIE-MARATHON-Waldo Abbot, Jr.., of the Alumni Asso-
elation inspects a movie projector before setting out on a traxis-
continental tour to show the Rose Bowl films to the University's
250 alumni clubs.

Use... Read Daily Classified.'s




uniorms ior r t e egions ZOU'V±0j,
women members.{
Cautious to the last, the unfort-
unate males charged with the,
task of choosing feminine uni-
forms left themselves an out by
picking not one, but two, versions
of the Legion women's "new look."
The fashion issue will go to the
50-odd men of the executive group

committee brave enough to speak
publicly on the subject was D. L.
Haffner of Garrett, Ind., the
"The average husband," said
Haffner, "never undertakes to dic-
tate to his wife what she shall
wear. We are all average hus-
bands. We hope the fair ladies
will be pleased.

Daily Classifieds!
oesn't make any difference where
he is-a classified reader really wants

(Since 1899)
inspect our clean, main floor
daylight plant, with all new
modern vresses.

S . , on --match covers






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