GFOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY - 1 -11, ---m FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1948 Editor... K Some Action Needed Tl"HE UN, beginning in the, clouds, has been getting closer and closer to reality in facing the Palestine issue, until now they are talking of action. With full-scale fighting being waged up and down the Holy Land for the last month, the people at Lake Success, especially the American delegation, are finding that mere- ly recommending a truce and letting it go at that doesn't work-Not when there are two groups with the conflicting interests of the Arabs and Jews, already past the stage of talking. The British are supposed to give up their mandate in less than three weeks. The most pious pronouncements from the Foreign Office in London have made that clear. If the British do get out on May 15, they will surrender what power they now have to a non-existent UN police force. The only forces in the Holy Land then will be Arab and Jewish armies. Haganah troops have thus far shown themselves to be better fighters than the Arabs. Unless the Jews run out of equip- ment, there is little reason to believe that the Arabs will fare any better in the future than they have in the last month. The threat of an all-out Holy War against the Jews seems to have degenerated into a plea by Arab forces in Palestine for help from neighboring Arab rulers. A struggle for leadership within the Arab ranks, with all the attendant jealousies and disputes seems to be under way. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily tre written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BEN ZWERLING The UN will soon have to take some action. It has no police force and is not likely to get one and after a few months of fighting, the only power in Palestine may very well be the Haganah. If the UN waits long enough, it may find itself faced with a de facto government formed by the Jewish Agency, holding sovereign powers over the disputed area. The supreme test of Jewish strength will come when the British-trained army of Trans-Jordan attacks Palestine. If the Ha- ganah can withstand the Arab assaults of the next few weeks, they will virtually have won the war in the Holy Land. Then, the only thing that the UN will be able to do is recognize the Jewish Agency and the Haganah as the legal government and military agencies in Palestine. This would please the Jews but hardly the Arabs. And it will pull another prop out from under the already shaky foundations of the UN. Waiting until something happens and then recognizing de facto governments is not exactly an aggressive policy. There is a way out of the UN's predica- ment. Recognition of the Haganah as a UN force now would save the face of the - UN and might stop future bloodshed. As official UN force, the Haganah could probably be talked into setting up a Jew- ish state within the partition zone. As matters now stand, with the tide pf battle flowing in the same direction in which it started, UN officials may soon see a victorious Jewish Army standing on the borders of Palestine proper, casting inter- ested glances at the rich Arabian oil land beyond. -Al Blumrosen. WASHINGTON WIRE: inant 's Calibre By IRVING JAFFE WASHINGTON, April 27-I had the good fortune today to talk with someone who for months was closely associted with John G. Winant, wartime Ambassador to Eng- land and, later, U.S. delegate to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Winant, who committed suicide a num- ber of months ago, was perhaps one of the very few men of our time entitled to the honor of being called "great." In a world grasping in anguish for moral certainties, the moral force generated by Winant's dig- nity, his humility and his overwhelming sense of responsibility for the sufferings of his fellow men was possibly unsurpassed throughout the world. The person with whom I talked today was a young woman who served as Winant's secretary after he returned from his post as envoy and during the time he was with the UN. She was not his "private" or "personal" secretary-he had no use for the fancy la- bels many small-time business executives glory in-she was just his secretary, and the only one at the time. What she said gave concrete illustration to the qualities for which Winant is uni- versally celeb'ated. She had an especially fond recollection of one of Winant's habits. The secretary often did her work in a little study at the back of Winant's New York Current Movies] At the State.. . "SO WELL REMEMBERED," with Martha Scott and John Mills. THIS IS THE JAMES Hilton tale of an English mill town, and some twenty odd years in the lives of the ornery Livia, who thinks she can swing the world by her own particular string, and idealistic George, who is all out for humanity. Their brief marriage, his career and the crossing of their paths with the next generation shapes up into a better than average movie adaptation. Martha Scott gets the cyanide capsule of the year as the thoroughly hate- ful snob and schemer, and John Mills is a most credible and kindly soul. The minor roles are well cast, and if you didn't get around to the book, it's well worth viewing here. -Gloria Hunter. At the Mihi an . FRIEDA, David Farrar, Mai Zetterling. THIS IS ANOTHER English import-a product of J. Arthur Rank (as what British pictures aren't?). The film is based on the question, are there good Germans and bad ones, or are they all Nazis at heart? The British point of view is strongly evident here-after five years of war it is difficult for them to think anything except evil of the Germans, as the story illustrates. It concerns the return of a British flyer to his home town and the social problems apartment. Whenever a guest dropped in to see Winant-and the guests were often among the world's political luminaries- he would never call his secretary in to see the visitor. Instead, he invariably took the guest back to the study to introduce him to her. One of these guests, she recalls, was Anthony Eden, whom she remembers as "very, very British." She also remembers how ready Winant was to praise-but words of condemnation never left his lips. When he had cause to censure or to criticize he kept his own coun- sel. To me the most' significant remark she made was prompted by our discussion of Winant's mysterious suicide. She felt, along with many others, that Winant had been terribly depressed by the condition of the world. But, more than that, she felt that he wanted so much to devote all his energies to helping solve the gigantic problems faced by his nation and the world-and yet he was denied by the present Administration the opportunity to use his abilities where they could be of greatest service. This comment was significant to me be- cause it points up-in this case with an emphasis intensified by a personal tragedy -the appalling waste of men of. stature, men who are so desperately needed in im- portant government positions. While Presi- dent Truman appoints military men and men whose vision is tempered by the silver of hard cash, men of Winant's calibre are overlooked or placed in relatively minor posts. Secretary of State Marshall is a man of stature-but it is the stature of a great mili- tary leader who has not molded his life by the training or the ways of peace. Who can say how much genuine good will might have been engendered throughout the world if such a man as Winant had been Secretary of State? music SENSITIVE ARTISTRY and near-perfect technical skill combined to make the May Festival opening concert last night by far the best performance heard in Ann Arbor this year. Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra (with one of the finest string sections in the country) opened the concert with an unusually fine and equally well- played arrangement of the Bach D-minor Toccata and Fugue. Outstanding conductor- orchestra cooperation made for excellent timing, and the entire group, as one, entered into the spirit of the classic form to produce an effective and strikingly enjoyable result. The enchanting Brazilian soprano Bido Sayao revealed in her Mozart and Gounod arias, an immense warmth and deep under- standing of the music. Although lacking somewhat in power, her very evident sin- cerity and the pureness and clarity of her tones resulted in a highly satisfactory per- formance. In her later numbers, Miss Sayao height- ened her first fine impression with several Brazilian folk songs and, as encores, two I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Wall Policy By SAMUEL GRAFTON THERE ARE SOME among us who have dreamed up a dream, a plan for living. It is to build a wall around half a world to keep Russia out. The wall has three lay- ers..At the outer edges stand our occupation armies in Germany, and our military aid programs for Greece and Turkey, and, fi- nally, China. The next layer is to consist of the Marshall Plan nations, to be gingered up with our economic aid to a point at which they can resist Russian ideological and military pressure. Inside this layer (next to the skin, so to speak) there is to be a mighty American air force, its engines dron- ing perpetually in the sky, carrying our soundest young men, those with the sharpest eyes, to keep unending watch. Insulation has replaced isolation, in other words, and the plan, as laid out on paper, resembles a house wall filled in with rock wool, or a heavy garment, with a sheep- skin turned under the lining. It sounds fairly practical. But now, suddenly, strange things are beginning to happen behind the wall. In Washington we see the odd spectacle of the House of Representatives trying to force $822,000,- 000 more on Defense Secretary Forrestal than he wants immediately. It is not that Mr. Forrestal wouldn't like to have the money. And it is not that his chiefs of staff aren't quite anxious to get it, for additional planes. But it happens that Mr. Forrestal believes this appropriation (coming as an extra, on top of all previous ones) has inflationary potentialities. He feels that if Congress is going to go any further in this direction, we shall need economic controls, and he passes the choice back to it. But there remains the curious sight of the Congress urgently trying to give the military more money than its chief civilian officer feels it can safely handle right away, trying to go $822,000,000 above the program the chiefs of staff have, however reluctantly, compromised on. How high do walls have to be, anyway? Never enough, is perhaps the answer. You take a fresh look in the morning, and the wall suddenly seems low, and you want $822,000,000 more worth built on. The wall policy, which is supposed to make us feel secure, leaves us feeling as jumpy as if we didn't have it. And the vote by which the additional $822,000,000 was offered by the House, 343 to 3, also seems tense; one distrusts near- Unanimous votes in legislative bodies; they aren't normal, and are sometimes a sign of uncertainty rather than certainty.nThe whole picture is enough to make one feel that a policy of working for peace, in a direct, explicit way, might, on the whole, make us feel safer than does the policy of building that fine fat wall. THERE IS OTHER evidence that walls don't really ease minds, or soothe spirits. The House Un-American Activities Commit- tee is apparently preparing a bill that would make a virtual outlaw, so far as many civil rights are concerned, of almost anybody who took almost any sort of left position that could be distorted to look like aid to the Communists. And Senator Ferguson, of Michigan, pops up with a proposal that the top 64 officials of the American Communist 'Party be put on trial, as a "test case" under the statute which makes it unlawful to seek wilfully to overthrow the government by force and violence. And there are other proposals of the same kind. But the weird thing is that when we didn't have the policy of the great wall, we didn't seem to worry so much. Now we alternate between feeling that the wall makes us so strong we can resist any force in the world, and feeling that we are so vulnerable that the Communist Party may topple us. We can't seem to decide whether we are strong or weak. And always there is Congress, star- ing at the wall, and muttering that maybe it ought to be a bit higher, say $822,000,000 worth. We seem to sweat a little behind the wall, as one does under too heavy clothing. There is indeed cause to believe that we might feel safer if we were to change our policy to one of a direct, aggressive search for peace, and a demand for peace. At least we did seem more quiet in our own minds when that was the general direction of events, before we thought of the wall. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) 1 (Continued from Page 2) will have a representative here' on Tuesday, May 4, to inter-' view men interested in their train- ing program for superintendent of condenseries. Men who are graduating from Business Admin- istration, LS&A, or Chemical or Mechanical Engineering are eli- gible. Single men are preferred. Winkelman's Stores, Detroit, will have a representative here on Tuesday. May 4, to interview men and women interested in mer- chandising. The Marathon Corporation, Menasha, Wisconsin, will have a representative here on Tuesday. May 4, to interview for the fol- lowing vacancies: 1. Training Pro- gram for Sales, Accounting, Man- ufacturing, and Personnel. 2. Pro- duction-men should have ac- counting background. 3. Account- ing-cost work and general finan- cial accounting. 4. Chemists and Chemical Engineers-all levels of experience and training-one spe- cial opening for graduate Chemi- cal Engineer interested in the manufacturing of printing inks. 5. Woman for Placement Assist- ant in Personnel Division. Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Columbus, Ohio, will have a rep- resentative here on May 5 and 6, Wednesday and Thursday, to in- terview aeronautical, mechanical, and electrical engineers for design of aircraft structures and instal- lation of power plants and equip- ment. They are also interested in aeronautical engineers and physi- cists for stress analysis. New York Life Insurance Com- pany will have a representative here on Wednesday, May 5, to in- terview men for sales positions. For complete information and appointments with these compan- ies, call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments. Lectures William W. Cook Lectures oi American Institutions. Fourth series, "Men and Measures in the Law," by The Honorable Arthur T. Vanderbilt, Chief Justice, Su- preme Court of New Jersey Fifth and Final Lecture: "Proce- dure-The Stumbling Block (con- tinued); Suggestions for a Pro- gram," 4:15 p.m., Fri., April 30, Rackham Amphitheatre. University Lecture: Harry T. Montgomery, general business edi- tor of the Associated Press, will speak on 'The Press and Business," at 8 p.m., Fri., April 30, Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture is open to the public. Mr. Montgomery will also address journalism stu- dents on "The Importance of Eco- nomics in Today's News" at 3 p.m., Room E, Haven Hall. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Jose Guillermo Frontera, Anatomy; thesis: "A Study of the Anuran Diencephalon," 2:15 p.m., Fri., April 30, Room 4558, E. Medical Bldg. Chairman,B. M. Patten. Doctoral Examination for Irv- ing I. Paster, Economics; thesis: "National Minimum Wage Regu- lation in the United States," 9 a.m., Sat., May 1, Room 105, Eco- nomics Bldg. Chairman, Z. C. Dickinson. Chemistry Colloquium: 4:15 p.m., Fri., April 30, Room 303, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Paul Doty of Notre Dame University will speak on "Weight, Dimensions, and Interaction of Macromolecules by Light Scatter- ing." History 42, England and -British Empire since 18th Century, will not meet today. Concerts The fifty-fifth Annual May Fes- tival consisting of six concerts will take place Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday and Sunday, April 29, 30 and May 1, 2. The Philadelphia Orchestra will participate in all performances. Second Concert--Friday, 8:30 p.m. All-Mozart program. Alex- ander Hilsberg and Thor Johnson, conductors. University Choral Union; William Kincaid, Flutist; Virginia MacWatters, Soprano; Nell Tangeman, contralto; David Lloyd, Tenor; James Pease, bari- tone. Third Concert-Saturday, 2:3( p.m. Alexander Hilsberg and Mar- guerite Hood, conductors; Festival Youth Chorus and Mischa Elman, Violinist. Fourth Concert-Saturday, 8:3( p.m. Eugene Ormandy, conductor; Leonard Warren, baritone. Fifth Concert - Sunday, 2:30 p.m. All-Rachmaninoff program. Thor Johnson, Conductor; Uni- versity Choral Union; Anne Bol- linger, soprano; David Lloyd, Tenor; James Pease, Baritone; and Leon Fleisher, Pianist. Sixth Concert - Sunday, 8:30 p.m. Eugene Ormandy, Conductor; Cloe Elmo, Contralto. For detailed programs inquire at University Musical Society, Burton Tower, Ann Arbor. Tick- ets, if available, will be on sale through Wednesday, April 28, at the Musical Society offices; and beginning Thursday morning through Sunday at the box office in Hill Auditorium. Official program books with analyses, text of numbers, etc., will be on sale in the lobby of Hill Auditorium preceding each per- formance. Programs will begin on time, and doors will be closed during the performance of numbers. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memo- rial Hall: Prints by Lovis Corinth and Creative Design and the Con- sumer, Container Corporation of America, through May 16; Water Colors by John Marin, through May25. Tuesdays through Sat- urdays 10-12 and 2-5; Wednesday evenings 7-9; Sundays 2-5. The public is invited. College of Architecture and De- sign: First Floor Exhibition Cor- ridor until May 1; Photographs and Drawings of the Work of Bruce Goff, Architect. Auditorium Foyer, First floor, Architecture Bldg., Student Work in Design and Architectural Courses. Museums Building rotunda, Chi- nese Porcelain-Celadon and Blue and White Wares, through April 30. Events Today Radio Program 2:30 p.m. WKAR-On Campus Doorsteps : "Housing." 5:45 p.m. WPAG-Music Fra- ternities and Sororities; Sigma Alpha Iota. The Art Cinema League will present Charlie Chaplin and Marie Dressler in TILLIE'S PUNC- TURED ROMANCE; also James Mason in I MET A MURDERER. 8:30 p.m., Fri., and Sat., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets available at the box office daily at 2 p.m. For reservations, phone 6300. International Center's Instruc- tion classes in American Ball Room Dancing will resume Friday, April 30, Room 302, Michigan Un- ion, 8-10 p.m. The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or suchrletters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. r *" Eager To Oblige To the Editor: I AM AFRAID that Miss Parnes slipped up by stating that she had met "all the boys," for I have never had thehonour. This can be remedied, however. If the night of October 9th is a convenient date for Miss Parnes, I would be only too happy to assist in mak- ing her survey complete. My only regrets are that my time-table does not allow an ear- lier oportunity. -Paul Binkley. * *s Parade Complaint To the Editor: IN THE DAILY of April 27, you 1had a picture of one of the torchlight parades we had last Football season. All the students that marched in the parade had a swell time. There was only one part of the parade that I thought bad. Before the parade started, the torches Were given out to the student marchers. Just when everything was ready to shove off, the members of the Student Leg- islature in the picture stepped in and took over the torches. They held the torches just long enough to have the picture taken and then left. They didn't even see fit to attend the rest of the rally. I appreciate the work of or- ganizing such a parade but it's pretty rotten when the people who organize it can't even attend. Coming out just to have one's pic- tur taken iV pretty small. Let us see some of the new Leg- islature members attend some of their own doings and not try to capture all the glory. -D. C. Alschbach * *. * Callahan Committee To the Editor: THE CALLAHAN Committee like the Un-American Activities Committee is a disgrace to the United States. It should be abol- ished. The Callahan Committee has adopted tactics of political persecution, pure and simple. In the case of its national counter- part President Truman and Sec- retary of Commerce Harriman have both balked at surrendering files on Dr. Condon. This is an example of the extreme limits to which such a committee can go unless fair-minded citizens speak out now against it. The question directed at Mr. James Zarichny is the same as that di- rected at the "Hollywood Ten." A an American fighting to defend our Civil rights neither Mr. Zar- ichny or the Ten Hollywood writ- ers could answer the questions asked any differently. For a Con- gressional Committee to inquire into the political beliefs of an in- dividual is a dangerous powe whichwas meanthto be protectec by secrecy of the ballot. The three Senators who voted agains trying Mr. Zarichny should b commended. These attacks or Michigan educational institutions and their student bodies shoul be vigorously protested. -Statement by Max Dean, Chairman, Wallace Prog. Alternate Solution To the Editor: R. ROSS does not realize that the Michigan Union is an or- ganization of men and not a pub- lic utility. Visitors are treated as are visitors of any club, hence the policy towards the front entrance. If Ross's heart bleeds so for that woman unfamiliar with Union custom, we feel that he should at , least have offered to carry he luggage to the side door. If h watched this poor soul trudging up the steps he surely should hav guided her elsewhere, thereby sav - ing her a trip and him a heart- ache. -Jerry Vroman. James D. Burr. ,* * * Douglas Speech 1 To the Editor: WISH TO RECOMMEND a, worthwhile reading the Uni versity of Florida speech of Mr Justice William O. Douglas. In he demonstrates his fundamental understanding of life itself. Life, to him, is a process of changing to fit reality, of attacking new sit- nations without pre-conceived no- tions of reality, and this process continues up to the moment of death. There are no certain tra- ditions, no set pattern to which we must cling even when it no longer conforms with the real world. Douglas' conception of the workings of democracy is thor- oughly integrated with this pro- cess reality view of life. For demo- crats no one mode of action, no one mode of thought is RIGHT. One policy may not remain RIGHT over a period of time without being refitted to chang ing conditions. Democracy em- braces many viewpoints, many variables, it makes the most out . of experimentation. It changes with the times in order to bring the most good to the largest num- ber of people. This conception of democracy constitutes Douglas' major point in his outline of differences be- tween democracy and Commu- nism. Democracy allows free ex- pression of all viewpoints, includ- ing the Communistic, while Com- munism itself imposes totalitarian limitations on all endeavor not conforming to the party line. To Communists the central problem is the warfare between the classes, and the ruling power lies in the hands of one clique; in a democ- racy we are seeking the greatest amount of economic prosperity for all, while government is carried on to achieve a proper degree of bal- ance between the classes. In a de- mocracy groups gain and hold power only so long as they may legally do so.sA Commnunlst clam- ors for democratic methods when he is on the outs, but he feels justified in abolishing these 2- way streets when hie holds the reins of power. No law will ever make a Communist relinquish power. As the proper antidote to Com- munism, Douglas suggests meas- ures in conformity with these principles in order to secure the vitality of democracy at home and abroad. I have tried to sketch the power of his reason. -Donald B. Hirsch. Good Old Days To the Editor: HFOR THE GOOD old days when, in the absence of na- tional and world problems, the campus could afford the luxury of a furor over no smoking in the Union library, the, stolen giant slide rule, or the tennis court ad- missions. -D. Roger MacNaughton Yd si E h - Fifty-Eghth Yea , N # 1 I& DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN] Letters to the] i " .W . . YPCM: meeting, 5 Executive Committee p.m., Michigan Union. United World Federalists: Exec- utive Council meeting, 4 p.m., Michigan Union, 3rd floor. Sociedad Hispanico: Conversa- tional group meeting, 3 p.m. Mon., May 2, International Center. German Coffee Hour: 3-4:30 p,m., Michigan League Coke Bar. Students and faculty members in- vited. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Friday Evening Services from 7 to 7:30 p.m. to accommodate those who wish to attend the May Fes- tival. Wesleyan Guild: Open house, 8 p.m., Wesley Foundation. Colored slides of the West will be shown. Roger Williams Guild: Open house after the May Festival Con- cert. Coming Events Water Safety Instructors' Course: First meeting, 7:30 p.m., May 3, Intramural Pool. Michigan Sailing Club: Meet Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. Michigan Union for the regatta at Whitmore Lake. Reporting time, 9 a.m., Satur- day. Warm up period, 9:30-10:15 a.m. Start of first race 10:30 a.m Sunday, 9 a.m. Graduate Outing Club: Meet for canoeing, 2:30 p.m., Sun., May 2 northwest entrance, Rackham Bldg. Sign up before noon Satur- day at Rackham check desk. Al I graduate students welcome. Armenian Students' Associa- tion: 7:30 p.m., Mon., May 3 Room 323-25, Michigan Union. I r Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell.......Managing Editor Dick Maloy........ ...... City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz...........Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.......women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes ................. Librarian Business Staff Nancy Helmick .......General Manafrw Jeanne Swendeman......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. Fbance Manager Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatched credited to it as otherwise credited in this newspaper, All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription ,during the reguM school year by carrier, $5.00, by mall, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 4 Looking Back I'' From the pages of The Daily 55 YEARS AGO TODAY: University students were denied the right to vote in local elections by the Michigan Legislature "owing to the fact that. the students elected some of their own number as town officers in the recent election." The University of Michigan bicycling club announced that the latest cycling run over the Saline road from Ann Arbor to Ypsilanti had been made in 26 minutes, a new record. 30 YEARS AGO TODAY: M. Jean Picard, French soldier and lec- turer, told a Hill Auditorium audience that ,l BARNABY.. . & - -- - ~~I I I I- - " -- p I r ?A