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April 28, 1948 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-28

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.i. _a s _a.a. i.al vt t a L~ l .A

A- Au VA


o Leave Michigan for Penn PositIo[

Crisler Seeks Coach To Star

t Next Fall 1'M Grmpplers
In 1929 he set a new AA Head Jest for
cathloni reeord, an-d in th t iIarise 0 *
I~~1 XJ~~, Jq 1,401

Netters To Invade Lansing;
Linksmen Face Titan Squad

:Ken Dohty w,; ill lave Mih
ifgan at thei trfd ofl ti;> S: l :ill teI'L
assumn e tilt'p):J1 11J :1 lit Iid fltr'ck
coach at .1 ,c I o vcr:;j v nI I' t1i 111
In a statemeti, released early
yesterday afternoon the veteran
Wolverine mentor said that he
"greatly regrets leaving" his many
friends here, but that "the oppor-
tunity . .. is too great to refuse."
The announcement climaxed a
series of conferences between Do-
herty and the Penn officials which
Doherty's Statemnent
My eighteen years at the
University of Michigan have
been most happy and worth-
while ones both for me and for
my family, and we greatly re-
gret leaving our many friends
However, the University of
Pennsylvania offers the unus-
ual combination of a broad re-
quired sports curriculum for all
its undergraduate students,
which forms a. truly sound basis
for successful varsity athletics
in 14 different sports. The op-
portunity to serve as associate
professor of physical education
and varsity track coach in both
phases of such a program is too
great to refuse.
culminated in his acceptance to
assume the new responsibilities.
Commends Penn Program
In his statement he commended
the unusual combination at Penn
of a broad required sports pro-
gram for all undergraduates which
he says, forms a sound basis for
successful varsity athletics in 14
different sports.
No salary figure was announced
but it is rumored to be in the
neighborhood of $10,000.

Ati letic Director Fritz Crisler
said yterday that since Do-
heity would not be leaving until
I (J w m I of the semeitster Ihe X61i1
the itd and uumake an ei'-
fort to secutre the best track coacI
Whether assistant coach Don
Canham will remain at Michigan
will depend to a great extent on
Crisler's choice.
Seven Big Nine Titles
During his eight years as head
track coach at Michigan Doherty
has compiled an enviable record.
His teams have won seven West-
ern Conference championships,
more than any other Big Nine
school during that period.
Doherty - coached cindermen
hold 14 of the 16 Michigan varsity
indoor track records and 12 of
20 outdoois.
Among his most famous ath-
letes were Bob Ufer who long ago
held the world's indoor 440 rec-
ord of 48.1 seconds, and still holds
the varsity and Field House rec-
ords at that distance.
The Hume twins who jointly
hold the outdoor mile mark, Ralph
Schwartzkopf, still two mile
champ, Warren Breidenbach,
holder of the quarter and half-
mile records outdoors, Don Can-
ham, high jump record holder,
and Charlie Fonville and Herb
Barten of present-day fame.
Started in 1929
Ken Doherty joined the Mich-
igan staff in 1929 as Freshman
coach and assumed head coaching
responsibilities in 1939 succeeding
Charlie Hoyt, who transferred to
A native of Detroit, Doherty
was an all-around athlete at
Wayne University and, in 1928
ie won the National Olympic de-
cathlon tryouts and finished third
at Amsterdam that summer.


CriIer% r s aetaett t
The loss of Ken Doherty by
this Department is a serious
one. In his many years of serv-
ice to us in inter-collegiate
athletics his contribution has
been of the highest order. He
has the best winning record of
any track coach now in the
Western Conference. We dis-
like to see him leave. However,
our good wishes go with him
in this new field of opportun-
Since Ken will be with us
until the end of the present
college year, I expect to can-
vass the field and make an ef-
fort to secure the best track
coach available.


W itl :l place on the American
Olympic wrestling team at stake.
Captain Bob Betzig and Jim
Smith left with Coach Cliff Keen
yesterday afternoon for Iowa
State College where the Olympic
trials are being held.
When the three day wrestling
carnival gets undcrway Thursday,
forty matmen in each weight will
compete on a single elimination
basis for places on the team. Bet-
zig, entered in the 160 pound class,
will find seven former national
champions blocking the coveted
trip to London this summer.
Smith will wrestle at 136 pounds
against men who won the first
four places in the NCAA and AAU.
Betzig and Smith won the final
try-out berths by virtue of their
regional conquests two weeks ago
in Detroit.

Weatlhe' periutting Coac j
Dixon ' Wolverinete nius squad
will attempt to play its first road
engagement of the season today
when it takes on the Spartans of
Michigan State at East Lansing.
The Michigan squad which
swept to a convincing 9-0 rout of
Western Michigan last Saturday
will be pitted against a strong
State squad.
Under the directon of Spar-
tan coach Harris F. Beeman,
the State team completed a suc-
cessful pre-season warm - up
schedule and will send such aces
as squad captain Al Reynolds,
John Shingleton, Bob Chuck
and Bob Malaga.
Reynolds and Shingleton were
rated as the Spartan's 1-2 singles
combination last year and led the
State squad to eleven victories in
seventeen games.

year began his coaching career
as assistant track coach at Prince-,

seventeen games.


(Continud from Page 2)
Program: Students who are tak-
ing C1 and or A10 and anticipate
obtaining a teacher's certificat e
are required to take the School of
Education tests. They will be ad-
ministered by the Bureau of Psy-
chological services, Wed., April 28,
4:30-6:30 and 7:30-10 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Bureau of Atmointments and

ferred. For appointments, call at
the Bureau of Appointments.
Summer Positions: A represen-
tative of the Wayne Girl Scout
Camp near Chelsea, Michigan,
will be here Thursday, April 29, to
interview applicants for positions
of waterfront director and natur-
alist (nature study). For appoint-
ment call at 201 Mason Hall, or
call extension 371.
Job Opportunities Conference
sponsored by the Bureau of Ap-
pointments: Wednesday, April 28,
4 p.m., Natural Science Audito-
riumrium. Representatives of the
Kresge Company and John Shil-
lito and Company will discuss job
opportunities in their fields.
Questions will be invited. All stu-
dents interested are urged to at-
William W. Cook Lectures on
American Institutions. Fourth
series, "Men and Measures in the
Law," by The Honorable Arthur
T. Vanderbilt, Chief Justice, Su-
preme Court of New Jersey. Third
Lecture: "The Expansion of Sub-
stantive Law," 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
April 28, Rackham Amphitheatre
Fourth Lecture: "Procedure -
The Stumbling Block," 4:15 p.m.,

Join the U. of M. FLYIN
Fly at 1/3 Usual Co
Wed., April 28-7:15-Rm. 1042, Ea

Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall:
The National Life & Accident
Insurance Company will have a
representative here on Friday,
SB April 30, to interview men for sal-
aried sales positions in Ann Arbor
and vicinity.
)st The National 'Exchange Club
will have a representative here on
Friday, April 30, to interview men
and women for work on the pub-
lications of the National Exchange
st Engine Clubs at their headquarters in To-
ledo. Journalism majors are pre-

Still time to get in! Still tme to win!
MoII&W|hat do you say?"Contest!

Thurs., April 29, Rackham Am-
University Lecture: Dr. A. Er-
ling Porsild, Chief Botanist, Na-
tional Museum of Canada, Ot-
tawa, Ontario, will speak on the
subject "Plant Life in the Arctic"
(illustrated), at 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
April 28, Kellogg Auditorium; aus-
pices of the Department of Botany
and the University Herbarium.
The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. August
Krogh, former Professor at the
University of Copenhagen, will
lecture on the subject "The Work
of Frisch on the Language of the
Bees" at 8 p.m., Wed., April 28,
Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices
of the Museum of Zoology. The
public is invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Ar-
thur Julius Gould, English Lan-
guage and Literature; thesis:
"The Idea of Tragedy in Modern
American Drama," 7 p.m., Thurs.,
April 29, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg. Chairman J. L.
Graduate Students in English:
The preliminary examinations in
English literature for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy will be
given this spring according to the
following schedule: May 5, Amer-
ican Literature; May 8, English
Literature, 1700-1900; May 12,
English Literature, ,1500-1700;
May 15, English Literature, Be-
ginnings to 1500.
Bacteriology Seminar: 4 p.m.,
Thurs., April 29, Bacteriology Li-
brary, Room 1562, East Medical
Bldg. Miss Anne L. Pates will dis-
cuss "Immunological Aspects of
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: 4 p.m., Wed., April 28,
Room 101, W. Engineering Bldg.
Mr. Paul F. Chenea will discuss
some simple methods of obtaining
the first non-linear approxima-
tion to the natural frequency of a
system of one degree of freedom.
Geometry Seminar: 3 p.m.,
Wed., April 28, Room 3001, Angell
Hall. Mr. C. C. Buck will discuss
"Clifford Surfaces."
History 42, England and British
Empire since 18th Century, will
not meet today.
History 324, Seminar in Eng-
lish history, will not meet tonight.
Symposium Semantics: Their
Implication for Social Science, by
Clarence L. Meader, Professor
Emeritus of General Linguistics,
(Continued on Page 4)

this afternoon on the home field.
Jerry Weiler, Keith LeClaire, Bob
Keyser, Harvey Jones, and John
McCloy will get the nod to start
this one for the Jayvees.
Rain forced the postpone-
ment of yesterday's baseball
game with the University of
Detroit. Weather permitting,
the game will be played today
at Ferry Field at 3:30 p.m.
I* Thisis a woman. Synonymous ith legs,
tears, and gold. But necessary. Fragile.
u /n Ruvmnking An independent dependent. Knows what
Good Smoking she wants and howto get it. Al-ys turns
arguments around to whether you love her or not.
ctonat C lt:f'.'
the a' . .;iw
Richmond, Virginia
4' j" This is a "Manhattan" Lashr Shirt.
Very necessary too. Has slick long collar points
so popular now. Distinctive "Manhattan" tailoring.
Residual shrinkage less than 1%. Study
this and other fine "Manhattans" here today!
Bob Sheplar
Ue says:
"Chesterfields are a finer, milder 4"'Copr.194,.The a s Co.
cigarette, providing the est.. .... .
smoking pleasure..theybest.in
e-year after year- first
choice of college men and women.
Shaped from finest Algerian briar . . . manufact-
ured in London, England . . . sturdy stem designed
for hard wear ... rough hewn, dark stained bowl..
quality craftsmanship combined with smoking pleas-
ure . . . $7.50, $10.00, $12.50.
"The Pipe with a Pedigree"
,.and .,.
Richly enameled in tortoise color or all-chromium
plate . . . smooth functioning mechanism with one
finger action . . . world's greatest lighter using pat-

Start now-right now-in the big Molle "What do
you say" contest !
$500 Grand Prize-$50 each to winners at 16 col-
leges! If you haven't entered this unusual contest,
dig up previous back issues of this paper and start
right in! Simple ! Fun !
This is #8 of the series. With this set (Set #8) you
must include carton from 26ยข or 506 tube or jar of
Molle, when you mail in your answers. So don't

forget to enclose a Molle carton when you post
this set!
Here are some hints to help you fill in Balloon #8B:
Molle is brushless. Molle is heavier. Molle is kind to
tender skin, yet tames the toughest whiskers. Molle
sets whiskers up so your razor can cut them easier.
With Molle you shave cleanly, closely, quickly, and
more easily.
And now-fill in the Balloons for set #8:

What.do you say when a gal says: What do you say when a pal says:
t 1
: SK/N SO K/N2L.Y?
f }
B QContestP. B N wYork8.N.Y.SetS
L...4 '-' "--- 5 '-9-
Fill 'em in! Mail 'em in! You may win! Read contest rules! Get in this easy-money contest now!
CONTEST U E ... Mol "What do you say?" Contest

Treat yourself to a wonderful
experience. Come in for a free
ride on a Whizzer-powered bike.
You'll appreci-
ate its smooth, youCanis
effortless per- for 0
formance and 6 ,fa
amazing ease of penny

1. Merely write, in the blank car-

paper, a reasonable facsimile of the

all entries must be the original work

awarded to the best series of entries

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