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April 28, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-28

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Latest Deadline in the State



Wins Presidential Preference



Three Uior
To Announi
Date Today
Attempted Wad
Agreement Fai
CHICAGO, April 27 - (P)
Three operating rail unions
night said they would call a st:
that would paralyze the nati(
railroad system.
Spokesmen for the three uni
said the date of the strike wc
be announced tomorrow at 1(
a.m. (Central Daylight Time)
Shortly before midnight the
ions broke off wage talks to
carrier representatives.
The unions had chosen mi
night (Central Daylight Tim
as a deadline for ending negol
ations before set;ng a stri
date. Earlier, spokesmen for ti
of the unions said that a stri
date would be set immediate
if no agreement were reach
before the midnight deadline.
All remedies for avoiding
strike under the railway labor
have been exhausted.
t The unions and the carrier r,


Threa tene




Palestine Invasion Report
Denied byCairo Officials
JERUSALEM, April 27-(A')-An Arab source said troops of an
Egyptian armored division invaded Palestine today in a dawn
crossing of the southern frontier, but the report was denied by
Egyptian officials in Cairo.
Officials in Cairo said no regular armed forces had entered the
Holy Land. Some Egyptians close to the army command said an
invasion had occurred with the troops involved probably going as
(A British foreign office spokesman in London declared Britain
would resist any Arab expeditions into the Holy Land before the
British yield their mandate on May 15.
(A Damascus dispatch said Syrian officials were expressing

Stale Senate
In Muddle


resentatives met all day in a se-
cret session, adjourned for din-
ner and then resumed talks to-
night in a last-minute effort to
settle the dispute.
A walkout by the 150,000
members of the three unions
would paralyze the nation's
railroads. The brotherhoods
are the Locomotive Firemen and
Enginemen, the Locomotive En-
gineers, and the Switchmen's
Union of North Amerift.
Today is the end of a 30-day
cooling off period following a re-
port by a presidential fact find-
ing board that was accepted by
the carriers and turned down by
the unions.
Coops Smooth
Boons, Busts
Says Voorhis
Cooperatives organized on a
solid basis aire potent influences
in smoothing out violent booms
and depressions and increasing
competition with private compan-
ies, Jerry Voorhis, executive sec-
retary of the Cooperative League
of the U. S., said last night.
Speaking to a meeting of the
Economics Club, the former Con-
gressman emphasized that co-ops
can reduce depression because
their owner-consumers continue
to produce and consume at a high
"This means that private pro-
ducers are afraid to cut down op-
erations for fear of losing their
markets, production continues
nirmal, and depression is avoid-
ed,"' he explained.
Voorhis asserted that "if a suf-
ficient bloc of co-op buying power
can be developed, a real price
competition can be set up." He
cited the example of farmers' fer-
tilizer cooperative, in which he
pointed out the lower co-op prices
have forced a lower price on all
private producers.
Answering charges that large
co-ops often become monopolistic,
Voorhis distinguished between
marketing and sonsumers co-ops.
He said that, in cases where a
marketing co-op with a limited
membership tried to dictate
prices, the anti-trust laws apply
as with a corporation.
"In a consumers co-op," he de-
clared, "the term monopoly is a
misnomer because anyone may
join to get its benefits."
Voorhis also spoke yesterday to
a marketing class of the business
administration school on current
trends of co-ops and their spread

Militry Heads
Reveal New
Trainee .Plan.
TeeniuAgers Wou1114
Serve Year in U,.S.
WASHINGTON, April 27-(M"-
Universal Military Training was
virtually junked today, for the
time being at least, as military
leaders unveiled a teen age trainee
program to put boys 18 through
191/2 in the regular forces.
The plan, as outlined to Senate
Armed Services Committee, would
draft 161,000 youths of this age
bracket the first year, train them
along with older draftees for one
year, then put them in reserve
The trainees, however, would
,retain one ,UMT privilege-they
would not be sent outside the con-
tinental United States for duty
except with the consent of Con-
(The Universal Military Train.
ing plan-originally called for an
elaborate setup of camps and
other training institutions, sep-
arate from the armed services.
The boys would have been given
special training and would not
have been members of the Army,
Navy or Air Force.)
The plan also calls for drafting
of meni 191/2 through 25 for two
years service. About 190,000 of
these would be inducted the first
Chairman Gurney (Rep., S.D.)
of the Senate Armed 'Services
Committee said the plan was out-
lined by Secretary of Defense
Forrestal, Secretary of the Army
Royall, and Maj. Gen. Lewis B.
Dr. A. S. Barr
Passes, at 65
Barr, 65, former resident ophthal-
mnologist at University Hospital,
who died yesterday at St. Josepn's.
Hosepital, will be held at 2 pm I
tomorrow at the Staffan-Hildin-
ger Funeral Home.
Dr. Barr, who was a graduatc
cf the Uniuversity medical school.
had practiced in Ann Ann Arbor
for 28 years. At the time of his
death ne was an associate of Dr
F. B. Fralick and Dr. H. F. Faris,
local specialists in the treatmea t
of eye diseases.l
He sera ed as a captain in tiiu-
Army Medical Corps in World War
Dr. Bar: is survived l.y his wife
Clara, tw~o daughters, Mrs. Ralph.
O'Hara of Detroit and Mrs. Rob-i
:art P. Kogan of Ana Arbor, and
two grandchildren.I

(chagrin over the role taken by
King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan,
who has declared himself ready to
lead his Trans-Jocdan Arab Le-
gion into Palestine immediately.
They viewed Abdullah's move as
preliminary to proclaiming him-
self king of the Arab part of Pal-
estine, and said he had British
support in that ambition.)
A Jewish agency spokesman
said the Trans-Jordan Parlia-
ment had acceded to King Ab-
dulah's demands for sending
his crack Arab Legion into Pal-
estine immediately and had
proclaimed a general mobiliza-
"It looks, therefore, as if the
threats and warnings and boasts
that have been coming from
Amman (capital of Trans-Jordan)
these days are on the verge of
being fulfilled," the spokesman
A report from Damascus said
Abdullah's Arab Legion had al-
ready occupied Jericho north of
the Dead Sea and was moving ino
the Dead Sea valley that joins
Trans-Jordan on the East.
This was discounted by Brit-
ish military authorities. The
British said units of the Le-
gion have been in Jericho for
several months as security
forces on loan to the British.
Richard Stubbs, Palestine gov-
ernment spokesman, said any
Trans-Jordan troops now in the
Holy Land are under British com-
mand "and their conduct is not in
An invasion of Palestine while
the British still hold the mandate
could be regarded as an act of
World News
At aGlance
By The Associated Press
BOGOTA, Colombia, April 27-
A United States delegate said to-'
night the U.S. Senate might re-
fuse to ratify the Treaty of Bo-
gota if it is contrary' to American
* * * -
TRIESTE, April 27-The Brit-
ish-American Mliitary Govern-
ment in Trieste ordered 10 block-
posts closed and travel restricted
through six others today as re-I
ports spread that Communists I
might attempt to enter the zone
for May Day demonstrations.
** *
NEW YORK, April 27-Two of
the nation's largest steal com-
panies-Bethlehem and Jones and
Laughlin-today joihed the indus-
try's announced campaign to com-
bat inflation. They announced
they were cutting prices and re-
fusing wage increases.
A third member of steel's "big
five" - Youngstown Sheet and
Tube Company - indicated it
probably will follow suit.

Over Hearing
Zarien y Case
Legality in Doubt
LANSING, April 27-(P)-The
State Senate was fogbound in
confusion today trying to prose-
cute a Michigan State College stu-
dent on a charge of contempt of
the Senate.
Tackling its first contempt case
in its history, the Senate made
these moves:
At noon the chamber voted to
arrest James Zarichny of Flint,
24-year-old mathematics senior at
MSC, because he refused to tell
the Callahan Committee on Un-
American Activities whether he
was a Communist.
At 2:30 p.m., while the Senate
sergeant at arms was hunting for
A telegram protesting the ac-
tion of the Callahan Committee
and urging dismissal of the
charges against Zarichny was
sent to Senator Edgar F. Down
by the campus AVC last night.
A group of students and, fac-
ulty will go to Lansing today
to attend the special hearing on
the Zarichny case, according to
Max Dean, spokesman for the
Zarichny, the student walked into
Lt. Gov. Eugene C. Keyes, office
and surrendered voluntarily. He
sat on the sidelines throughout
the afternoon while the Chamber
wrangled over what to do with
At 3:30 p.m., the Senate went
into secret executive session, os-
tensibly to consider confirmation
of gubernatorial nominations. But,
in violation of a constitutional
ban on secret meetings except for
confirmations, the Chamber de-
bated Zarichny's case for more
than an hour.
Then the Chamber, obviously
at odds, appointed a three-man
committee to work out procedures
for trying Zarichny, and to "see
if we really have a case against
He was told to appear tomorrow
at 3 p.m. when the committee will
Gomnberg Will
Adds to Fund
A scholarship fund for under-
graduate chemistry students at
the Unive sity was provided for
by the will of Miss Sophia Gom-
berg, sister of the lace Prof. Mose-
Gomberg. filed in Probate Court
Miss Gomberg, who lived at 712'
Onondaga St., died April 16, was
the sole survivor of Prof. Gom-
berg, former chairman of the
chemistry department. The es-
tate leaves approximately $22,000
to the Board of Regents to estab--
lish the "Moses Gomberg and
Sophia Gomberg Fellowship
Fund" to run 25 years.
Prof. Chester S. Schoepfle, pres-
ent chairman of the chemistry de-
partment, and the Detroit Trust
Co., will be the executors of the

'RECRUITING FOR PEACE'-Seymour Zucker (standing) signs
up for service in a world police force to "secure the peace," as
recruiter John Sloss looks on. Zucker is one of more than 100
students who signed a memo urging President Truman and
Congress to take the initiative in establishing a military arm
of the United Nations. They agreed to volunteer for service
when the international force is established.
U.S. Cooperation Sole Clue
To Puerto Rican Problems


Puerto Rico can not solve her
economic problems until her re-
lations with the United States
reach a satisfactory basis, Prof.
Juan'D. Curet of the University of
Puerto Rico said last night.
Puerto Ricans have suggested
dominion status, statehood and
independence, but so far the U. S.
Congress has turned down all
suggestions, Prof. Curet added.
Speaking under the auspices of
the International Center and Phi
Iota Alpha fraternity, he said that
large corporations, mostly Ameri-
Ann Arbor Hit
By Hail Storm
Nature's guns bombarded Ann
Arbor and most of the Washtenaw
County area with hail-stones for
nearly an hour yesterday but the
worst damage was reported by
students who couldn't study for
the noise.
Farmer's crops were safely in
the ground and there were few
sprouts high enough to feel the
icy blasts, according to Harold
S. Osler, County Agricultural
Agent. However, some greenhouse
windows caved in under the pelt-
ing, he reported.
"The worst damage from hail-
storms comes late in the summer
when the stones can hit fruit,
corn and grains," Osler comment-
SL Meeting Scheduled
The Student Legislature will
meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids Room of the

Second in Daily
'Ike' Eisenhower, Dewey Follow;
Small Faculty Vote Backs Stassen
Harold E. Stassen topped all presidential candidates with 1,515
preference votes of a total 5,373, in The Daily's straw election yester-
Tabulations of only the students' choice for president were avail-
able last night. Totals on the candidates "most likely to be elected
next President," indicated in the second column of the ballot, will be
printed in tomorrow's Daily.
Second choice went to Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg with 1,172
votes. Stassen, who has led similar straw votes at the University of
Wisconsin and at Northwestern University, thus nosed out the Michi-

can, feel that they can exert more
influence in the island if it re-
mains U. S. possession.
Puerto Rico, with her one-crop
sugar economy was termed "poor
by nature" by Prof. Curet. People
in rural areas live barely at sub-
sistence levels, he said. Foreign
interests own over 90 per cent of
good land, Prof. Curet estimated.
A liberal party, which has held
sway over the island since 1940
has set up plans to ease the eco-
nomic situation, he said. "Better
land distribution, more varied
crop production and local owner-
ship of land are among the meas-
ures desired."
Hunt Is On
Three months of hard work
may be lost if a certain black
note book doesn't turn up be-
fore Monday.
Not only that, but a doctor's
degree may hang in the bal-
T he mists 4n g notebook,
crammed with 200 pages of
experimental data on "flame
and induction hardening," be-
longs to Spencer Bush, grad-
uate student in the metallurg-
ical engineering department.
The data is the basis for a
report that is supposed to be
given Monday aththe national
convention of the American
Foundrymen's Association in
The 81/2x11 notebook disap-
peared from Bush's desk in
Rm. 4034, East Engineering
Building. If found, it may be
turned in to the metallurgical
engineering department or The
Daily (Phone 2-3241).

gan senator by 343 votes.
"Ike" Eisenhower, with 720
votes, and Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey, with 602, took third and
fourth places, respectively. They
were followed by Henry A. Wal-
lace, third party candidate, with
587 votes.
The newly-boomed Justice Wil-
Election Summary
Eisenhower ............13.4%
Dewey..........11.2 %
Douglas ...............4.4%
Truman ...............3.9%
Taft .................. 2.5%
Warren ..................1.3%
MacArthur ............1.3%
Thomas ................1%
Republican ............66.7%
Democratic ............21.7%
(Including Eisenhower)
Progressive ............10.9%
liam O. Douglas led the Demo-
cratic vote with 238 votes. Presi-
dent Harry S. Truman was 27
votes behind, with a total of 211.
Other presidential candidates
indicated on the ballot follow:
Taft, 134; Warren, 70; MacArthur,
68; Martin, 9.
A light faculty vote totalled
all of 31 ballots. Stassen led the
preferences with nine votes, the
"most likely to be elected," with
thirteen, Vandenberg gained
eight votes in the last category,
but only had three in the choice.
Wallace and Douglas each re-
ceived six votes in the choice of
candidates; Wallace getting two
in the "most likely," Douglas,
Truman and Eisenhower both
got three votes faculty in the
Choice column, with Truman get-
ting two in the "likely" side and
Eisenhower but one. Dewey was
given one vote in the choice, four
in the "likely to win" column for
the faculty.
Of the total student ballots
counted for the "choice" column,
47 indicated write-in candidates.
Norman Thomas, who this year
gave up his six-election running
on the Socialist ticket, led the
write-ins with five votes. Second
place went to Jimmy Durante with
four votes. Irving M. Einbinder,
University student, came in third
with three votes.
John L. Lewis, Leverett Salton-
stall, George Marshall, and Elli
Arnall each received two write-in
votes in the first column of stu-
dent choices. Individualists
Chinese Coup
Seen by Dr. Ru
A growing people's movement
in China, led by students, will be-
fore long overthrow the present
Chinese government, asserted Dr.
Alexander Hu last night in an
address sponsored by YPCM.
Dr. Hu, representing the Na-
tional Student Federation of
China, attacked the Chiang Kai-
Shek government as unrepresen-
tative and oppressive. After 20
years in power, it has failed to
carry out a single important re-

S*, * *
Stuidents Pick
Legislators in
Record Vote
Bad Weather Fails
To Halt 5,756 Voters
As The Daily went to press at
2 a.m. today Tom Kelsey was the
only one of the 23 Student Legis-
lature members to be elected in
the record vote yesterday by near-
ly one-third of the students on
Others slated to gain Legisla-
ture membership are: Fagan,
Hirn, Jacobson, Neuchterlein, Mc-
Neil, Al Harris and Greenberg.
Also high in the running, were
Schoetz and Jans.
Despite heavy thundershowers
during most of the day, 6,6 --t-
dents turned out to cast ballots for
the record 79 candidates running
for the Legislature.
This topped the previous cam-
pus high reached in last Decem-
Students who wish to bring
forth election complaints may
meet with the Men's Judiciary
Council between 5 and 6 p.m. to-
day in Rm. 302 of the Union.
ber's Legislature elections by 455
ballots. At that time, 5,301 bal-
lots were cast.
Three students were disqualified
for failing to poll the required 25
first place votes. They are: H. E.
Evans, Martin Gluckstein and
William Hayden.
Ballots invalidated as improp-
erly marked or blank totalled 84.
Stassen Leads
-White House aspirant Harold
E. Stassen, fresh from delegate
victories in Wisconsin and Ne-
braska, rolled out in front today
in returns from Pennsylvania's
Presidential Preference Primary.
Returns from 2,002 precincts,
nearly one fourth of the Keystone
State's 8,262, gave Stassen 14,014
write-in votesonthe Republican
ticket. In second place was Sen-
ator Edward Martin, the state's
favorite son candidate, with 12,-
263. Governor Thomas E. Dewey
of New York was third with 10,-
Other Republican returns
showed Senator Robert A. Taft
of Ohio 2,819, Sen. Arthur Van-
denberg, 1,515; Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur, 1,141.
On the Democratic ballot, Pres-
ident Truman had 43,789 votes;
Eisenhower 457, and Wallace 392.
President Truman's was the only
name appearing on the ballot.
Douglas Club Gets
SAC Recognition
The Student Democrats for
Douglas club was given official
recognition yesterday as a stud-



Daily Photo Fame Keeps Freshman Coed Busy

Most freshmen wander around
campus for weeks without know-
ing anyone but not Audrey Par-
nes, the cute coea The Daily

in the vastness of this 20,000-stu-
dent University and confessed
slight pangs of homesickness. Evi-
dently that homesickness didn't
have much of a chance, however.

The first week, from 35 to 40
men called Audrey to ask for
dates. Some were shy, some
boastful, some began "didn't I
,mety ou n,, Podumm?" a nters

When word of the social whirl
filtered back to Audrey's home
town, Cleveland, her mother re-
sponded with a letter suggesting
strongly that a text book open-


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