""HE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. APRIL 25. MR T H W .A A r -Z )A P H 9 0 3 I k 41m..... Up to You THE UNION'S constitutional amendment meeting tomorrow may very possibly be the first step in a reduction of taproom prices. For months, now, several thousand bitter critics of the Union have been runnink about campus, demanding some kind of action that would lower disproportionate prices in the Union's cafeteria, or at least improve the quality of the food. But till recently, nothing had been done. Then, with the food problem and the defective mechanism of Union elections in mind, over 200 students signed peti- tions asking for constitutional changes that would give students a greater voice on the Finance Committee and in the choice of student officers. And tomorrow, at 7:30 p.m. in the Union Editorials published in The Michigan Daily ire written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HAROLD JACKSON Ballroom, the proposed changes will be put to a vote. One of the amendments would make the senior student vice-president of the Union a member of the Finance Com- mittee. Under the present setup, there is only one student on that committee, and he has no vote. Another proposal would in- crease the number of vice-presidents from six to seven. This means that students would have a greater say in determining the membership of the Board of Directors, which decides upon all Union policies. So the ball has been set rolling. There is one detail, though, that could put an abrupt end to the process of Union Im- provement. It is this: At least 400 mem- bers must attend tomorrow's meeting be- fore action can be taken on any of the proposals. Surely, among the several thousand pat- rons of the Union and its 14,000 members, there are 400 students who can see that if something is to be done to strengthen the voice of students in the running of the Un- ion, it must be done now - tomorrow -- or never. -George Walker Liberals for Douglas BOTH MISSOURI COMPROMISES hav- ing ended in abject failure, a trend be- gan among elements of the Democratic party recently which culminated in the Democrats for Douglas Clubs that began springing up last week. The first of these was formed in Ann Arbor and it was fol- lowed closely by a Students for Douglas Club. There are good reasons for the Demo- crats backing Justice William O. Doug- las, of the Supreme Court. He is a liberal. His attitude towards world peace and the Communist problem is characterized by neither the "complete confidence" which Henry Wallace places in the moscovites nor the hysterical red-baiting of the other extreme among our politicians. "We cannot export Democracy," Douglas says, "for it is a way of life, a habit, a tra- dition. Hence it cannot be acquired by pur- chase or gift. But we can become teachers of the democratic faith. If we make that our course, the chances of our one world becoming a democratic world (instead of a Communist world as he is discussing) are great indeed." One of the outstanding jurists of our day, Douglas is known for his liberalism on the Supreme Court. He was appointed to that position by President Roosevelt in 1939. He has a good knowledge of business since he was a corporation lawyer with a Wall Street law firm. With Eisenhower, Douglas' name was supported by the ADA at its recent new York State convention for the nomination. But perhaps his best recommendation, for the Democrats is the fact that his name was submitted to the 1944 Democratic Con- vention by Roosevelt, along with Truman's. Had not his name been withheld from that meeting for fear that he was too liberal for Southern Democrats, Douglas might have been our President today. --Don McNeil -Jake Hurwitz I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Palestine View By SAMUEL GRAFTON There is an American issue concealed in the Palestine issue, and it goes like this: Our first task is to convince the world that wherever we go, wherever we stand, there is peace and there is bread. We must prove to a dubious planet that ours is a touch that heals, not one that wounds. And if in Pales- tine, because of our confused motives and our bungling and indecision, we promote disorder instead of order, war instead of peace, hunger instead of prosperity, the world will take that as a sample of what we have to offer and will draw far-reaching and unpleasant conclusions. It is as simple as that. Where are we, who consider ourselves the hub of half a planet, going to prove that ours is a healing and enriching touch? We must prove it where the issue is; not in Shangri-la, not on some enchanted hill under a silver moon, not on a field selected by ourselves, but in Palestine, where the issue is. And the world will not let us off be- cause there are both Arabs and Jews in Palestine, and because they have conflict- ing desires. Those who profess leader- ship are not allowed to plead difficulty; only those who abdicate are allowed to make such a plea. And when the American representative says, as Mr. Austin said the other day to the Political and Security Committee of the General Assembly, that we ought to halt Arab violence and also that we must lay aside the partition plan because it has met with violence, he does not increase respect for us very much. For what he really does is surrender to Arab violence in the same speech in which he declares that we must put a stop to it, or to some of it. If we are* going to command the admiration of the world, we must at least stand still long enough in one spot for it to be able to plant its respectful gaze upon us. Nor does our representative make mat- ters better by scolding both the Arabs and the Jews. This kind of "fairness" fetches a low price in the world markets. The world is not going to look to us for leadership be- cause we happen to show a gift for moral- izing. It wants solutions from us, not what are, in effect, drob little editorials. It wants us to solve problems, not describe and dis- cuss them. The world knows how hard the problem is. What it wants to know from us is if we're up to it, if we can provide an ans- wer. It wants a sample of the healing touch. And, last November, we had an answer, partition. We won a two-thirds majority in the General Assembly, and the support of the Soviet Union. There was hope last November, and it made November warm. And it is not from the viewpoint of the Jews, or the Arabs, or of anybody or any- thing except the viewpoint of what will happen $o our worldleadership that we must look atthe very different picture we present today. There we stand, before the General As- sembly, earnestly begging it to lay aside our own plan; the leader, appalled at how far he has led the forces of peace, urging them now to turn and retreat. Then, per-I haps dismayed by our own reversal, we even offer to use force to support a meaningless trusteeship-we offer, in other words, to spend as much to cover a withdrawal as might have paid for in advance. How much do we lose, in world terms, by taking these contradictory and confused positions, and can any amount of oil make up for the loss? That is why one is compelled to say there is an American issue wropped up in the Palestine issue, and that is one of a desperate and general importance. IT SO HAPPENS] I . Fast A ns',--- MATTER OF FACT: Ambassador's Tan trunm l "No, as a matter of fact, my roots are too deep at Michigan. And besides-money isn't everything!'" News f theW eek INTERNATTONAL... Sunday and Monday were rainy days in Italy but the voters turned out an overwhelming victory for the Christian Democrats at the polls -307 of 574 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 130 of 237 seats in the Senate. The Communists also got an unexpected setback at weeks-end when the left-wing socialists decided to bolt the Front and support the ERP-. * * * * . UNITED NATIONS - - - American efforts to end the fighting in Palestine made little head- way during the week, but the UN Security Council set up a three- nation truce commission to supervise the council's cease-fire order which has been ignored until now. * * * * NATION *'' Lab'or Production in the nation's coal mines approached normal at the end of the week as a growing hoard of miners accepted the back to work order of their leader John L. Lewis, and obeyed an 80-day Taft- Hartley Act injunction.. Leading up to the back to work movement was a $20,000 fine on Lewis and $1,400,000 on the UMW imposed by Federal Judge T. Alan Goldsborough. The judge decided against a jail sentence for Lewis. Elsewhere in labor, the U.S. Steel Corporation rejected a CIO United Steelworkers demand for a wage increase, preferring to slash prices for a wide range of steel products. CIO leader Philip Murray said the steelworkers would stick to their two-year no-strike contract. Congress * * * * Both houses continued defense hearings. Thc Senate heard Defense Secretary Forrestal recommend a sixty-six group Air Force to head off a House vote for seventy groups. Forrestal also gave his approval to a proposal by Senators Baldwin (R.-Mass.) and Tydings (D.-Md.) which would combine the draft and UMT. The Senate also passed and sent to the House the Taft-Ellender- Wagner Bill to create a long range national housing policy The con- troversial public housing provisions were retained. *. *: * * Civil Libertiesi.r.n o s The Supreme Court smashed the South Carolina plan to keep Ne- groes from voting in Democratic primaries by refusing to review lower- court rulings. A Circuit Court of Appeals last December held illegal the machinery permitting the party to act as a "private club." * * * * Grant Reynolds, a Negro office-holder in New York, told the House Armed Service Committee that a campaign was underway against "any Jim Crow draft or universal military training law." * * * * LOCAL . . . Civil Liberties Michigan State College senior, James Zarichny, was threatened with a contempt charge against the state Senate and told he might not get his diploma, when he refused Wednesday to tell Senator Callahan's Committee on. Un-American Activities whether or not he was a member of the Communist Party. Friday, the Attorney General's Office decided that the Senate could penalize a witness who refused to answer "proper" questions by jailing him until the end of the legislative session. The current session is due to expire May 21. The Michigan Committee for Academic Freedom called a reorgani- zation meeting, reconsidered its earlier decision and censured in "es- sence" the academic freedom violations in Czechoslovakia, and readied a campus rally for this Wednesday to acquaint students with all vio- lations of their rights. * * * *a University By weeks end the volleying between the Athletic department and the student body, over the twenty-five cent charge on tennis courts had reached major proportions.1 Fritz Crisler called the plan a levy in behalf of student interests, but agreed Friday to submit an alternative system "The Daily Plan," a three point program, to the Athletic board.1 Politics0 Democratic dark-horse, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas was given a boost this week, when Ann Arbor business men and faculty members formed the first "Democrats for Douglas" club. The action was followed on the campus by formation of a student Committee for Douglas. The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory characteror such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve tie privilege of con- densing letters. * . * Dance ((nil Igb1ij11 To the Editor: UP TO THE PRESENT time I have always felt that "The Michigan Daily" has presented the happenings on the campus in a fair and unbiased manner. However, I feel that I must pro- test your handling of the Slide Rule Ball story that appeared in the Daily on April 20. In that. story you attributed statements to me which I had never made. When your reporter asked me how we would come out finan- cially. I infomed him that sv- eral of our larger bills would not be in for two or three months, but with luck weimight break even. Somewhere in the process this got twisted into the state- ment that we were "falling flat on our financial faces." Nowhere in the story did you mention that the dance itself was- a success and that those who at- tended had a good time. Inkall fairness to those who worked so hard on the dance, I feel that you should correct the impression that your article cre- ated . --C. Phillip Stemmer, chairman of the Slide Rule Ball Committee To the Editors: THE MICHIGAN DAILY report- er, Art Higbee and his night editors Ben Zwerling and Fred Schott seem to think that their assumption of the number of tickets sold, alone determine the success of an IM dance. I have received many sincere and enthusiastic comments of the success of "Heart Bid." Every- one who was there knows that Ted Weems orchestra was a plea- sure to dance to and the decora- tions covered up the usually "barn-ish" IM. This is a great deal more than can be usually said for most IM dances. If Heart-Bid has made the re- quirements of its budget and everyone had a good time, As- sembly Ball 1948 was a success. Higbee "quoted" a statement of mine made on Tuesday, April 17, saying that we would prob- ably finish in the red. Our ticket sale competition had not then ended. Ticket sales from the large dorms were not in. Higbee had no figures whatsoever on which to base his statements. Further- more, he had no idea of the bud- get under which we were oper- ating or how much we were saving on that budget. I talked to Art Higbee and his night editors before this so-called "news story" was run. They ask- ed me for figures from the dance. Our bills were not in - they still are not in. I 'had no figures to give them. But since "no news is good news" they printed a story using the facts which they had-- which was absolutely none-back- ed by no figures and no informa- tion. -Nadine M. Literaty, chairman of "Heart-Bid", Assembly Ball, '48 (EDITOR'S NOTE: The story did not say that the dances were falling flat financially, but that "it looked as if they had come dangerously close" to doing so. Neither dance chairman was willing to give any facts and figures to the contrary. As for the statements attributed in the story to Mr. Stemmer and Miss iteraty, readers may be assured that they were not made up.) * * *. UInio Coistitulion, To the Editor: EVER FEEL that students don't, have much voice in the Un- ion? As a member of the Board of Directors I have found that attitude prevailing among many Michigan Union members. While I have found some justi- fication for that attitude I have found too that students can have a voice in the Union if they are, really interested., To give the students more voice, three amendments to the consti- tution have been placed by peti- tion on -the agenda of the mem- bership meeting tomorrow night. Ours president and recording secretary are students. At present, they are selected by a committee of three student vice-presidents and four non-students. One; amendment will reverse that ra- tio: four students, three non-stu- dents. The two students on the seven- man Finance Committee are the two officers - who are not di- rectly elected by the student body. Another amendment would add the senior vice-president to the Finance Committee. The third amendtnent would add two students to the appoint- ments committee which is sole- ly responsible for the appointment of members to other conmittees. Present ratio: two students, three non-students. The fourth proposal on Mon- day's agenda has been approved by the Board. It reapportions the vice-presidencies more equitably among the schools. These are not revolutionary ideas. Yet they are constructive steps which we can take to give students the stronger and more effective voice in the Union to which they are entitled. It'll take 400 members present tomorrow to pass these amend- ments. The time is 7:30. The re- sponsibility is yours. -Tom Walsh, Union Vice-President (allahan Cant o nitee To the Editor: CALIFORNIA has its Tenney; we have our Callahan. It's now a race to see which can go the fastest to earn the name of 100 per cent American. These state committees are nothing less than extensions of the Thomas-Rankin Committee in Washington. Each of them serves exactly the same interests, the same end, varying slightly in method or procedure. In fact, the only thing lacking in the Calla- han investigation of Jim Zarich- ny of Michigan State College were kleig lights and motion picture stars. Each of them has set itself a goal of intimidating every indi- vidual who is a critic of American foreign policy as it is being prac- ticed by the present bi-partisan Administration, a policy which holds dollars over lives. The greatest threat of the Cal- lahan Committee and its un- American methods is not to indi- viduals as Jim Zarichny but to the educational system in Mich- igan. What a travesty upon Amer- ican traditions of freedom of in- quiry and judgment when a cheap politician can dictate how a man shall think or believe! Any student who has a desire to seek out the truth and to come to his own conclusions; any fac- ulty member who desires to teach the truth must speak up today for the abolition of this committee which has set itself up as the ar- biter of what is right and wrong thinking in the State of Michigan. -Ernest Ellis. Student Director, CP of Michigan. Fifty-Eighth Year 41 Letters to the Editor... By JOSEPH ALSOP TrHE HAPPY OUTCOME of the Italian election has done little to lessen the ex- treme nervous tension of the,*oliey making groups in Washington and other friendly capitals. The explanation of this and other recent, seemingly mysterious phenomena is all too simple. Highly placed representa- tives of the Soviet Union have lately begun to threaten naked acts of aggression. A little more than a fortnight ago in Te- heran, for example, the Soviet Ambassador to Iran, Sadchikov, succumbed to what can only be described as a calculated tantrum,: Sadchikov .was almost certainly sent to the Persian capitol in the first instance because his knack for roaring out menaces was con- sidered likely to intimidate the members of the Iranian government, which he has re- peatedly tried to do. In the present in- stance, however, his chosen victim was a diplomatic colleague. This wholly inoffensive individual, whose country has not the remotest part in the Soviet quarrel with Iran, was treat- ed to a tirade calculated to turn any nor- mal Ambassador pea-green with horror. Sadchikov's theme was the come-uppance in store for the wretched Iranians, who were cooperating with the American imperialists and obstructing the glorious onward march of the people's democracy. Sadchikov said flatly that Soviet forces would shortly invade Iran. He dwelt at some length on the strength of the Red Army units now poised on the Iranian frontier. He predicted that the occupation of Iran would be a very easy business. And he hinted that when Iran had been suc- cessfully occupied, those who had unwisely opposed the Kremlin's wishes would learn to regret what they had done. Not even the diplomacy of Adolf Hitler shows any parallel for this incredible epi- sode. Yet there was another roughly simi- lar episode, involving another Soviet dip- lomat whose name cannot be disclosed, shortly prior to the rape of Czechoslova- kia. This episode was the explanation of the violent fit of nerves in Scandinavia and of President Truman's and Secretary Marshall's warnings of danger to Scandi- nayia, which coincided with the Czech crisis. In this case also, the Soviet diplomat in- volved selected a colleague not directly im- plicated as the recipient of his confidences. He began by predicting that the installation of a people's demoracy at Prague would take place shortly, by force if necessary. He then expatiated on the sins of Scan- dinavia and pretty plainly stated that Nor- way and Denmark were next after Czecho- slovakia on the Kremlin's list. This obviously planned indiscretion be- gan to cause the utmost alarm when the first part of the forecast was confirmed by the tragic events in Czechoslovakia. The alarm was greatly intensified when the five to seven Soviet divisions stationed in the northern part of the Soviet German zone held extensive landing maneuvers on the Baltic, centering around Rostock, which is extremely close to the easterly border of Denmark. Fortunately, most of the experts believe that this Soviet bluster is more war-of- nerves stuff, intended for the present only to promote the chaos and insecurity the Kremlin desires everywhere. But no one can be sure. In the face-of these facts, and of this terrible uncertainty, Congress con- tinues to nibble at the E.R.P. appropriations and to jib at providing the armed forces with desperately needed manpower. This is not mere fiddling while Rome burns. It is playing political tiddly-winks with the des- tiny of the United States of America. (Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune) 6 di ' Looking Back New Books at General Library Hitrec, Joseph George-Son of the moon. New York, Harper, 1948. Holbrook, Stewart H.-The story of Ameri- can railroads. New York, Crown, 1948. Lewis, D. B. Wyndham-The hooded hawk: or, The case of Mr. Boswell. New York, Longmans, 1947. Meynier, Gil-Stranger at the door. New York, Scribner, 1948. Fi.,YR wtlt- ,,117 ,. mrilh ,._M m evc of . From the pages of The Daily: FORTY YEARS AGO 'TODAY: The three hundred members of the sen- ior class in the Literary School voted to place a clock in the General Library read- ing room as their class memorial. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY: The marathon dancing fad received a blow when the Texas House of Representa- tives sought to pass a bill prohibiting danc- ing for more than 8 hours out of each 24 unless the dancers obtained a permit from the State board of health. TEN YEARS AGO TODAY: No Evasionts W E WERE STROLLING along the other day, enjoying an unexpected dividend of spring sunshine. Right near St. Joseph's Hospital we caught up with a mother and her little daughter, about three years old. Mommy pointed out the hospital and pro- ceeded to tell her little girl that "that was where Mommy found you." She went on' "And you were so little. Do you know how big one of your dolls is?" The little girl nodded, and Mommy con- tinued. "Well, you were no bigger than one of your dolls when I first saw you." Cutey-pie looked up at her mother a bit quizzically and said, "I know Mommy. But how big was I originally?" American Zoo THE FOLLOWING is lifted from the AP wire: Paul Luvera, with the best of internation- al political intentions, sent a bit of pre- election advice to relatives in Italy. His brother, Consolato, replied : "Following your suggestion, most of my neighbors and my family have agreed not to vote the Communist ticket. "I understand you people will be having an election soon. We all hope that you and your neighbors don't mind if we tell you Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stall John Campbell .......Managing Editor Dick Maloy...............City Editor Harriett Friedman ., Editorial Director Lida Dulles .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz ............Associate Editor Fred Schott.........Associate Editor Dick Kraus ............. Sports Editor Bob Lent .....Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes .............. Librarian Business Staff Nancy Helmick .......General Managw Jeanne Swendeman......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. Diance Manager Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatched credited to it a otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the reguate school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Wlssociated Collegiate Press 1947.48 I 4 I BARNABY. I . 11 | I I I - 1 1 fI I flI----_ _ __ _ _ __ ___ _ I . '-,ps-'*.. " t ! l mer. I I