UP TO YOU See Page 4 Y 1Mw& 4a i4p SCATTERED SHOWERS Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 142 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Big Election Turnout Seen For Tuesday Students To Pick Next Year's SL Students and faculty members are expected to mob polling booths Tuesday in the all-campus Legis- lature election and The Daily presidential straw vote. Booths will be set up on the diagonal, in the Angell Hall lob- by, in front of Alumni Memorial Hall, at the Engine Arch, at the Willow Run bus stop and in front of University Hospital. Straw vote ballots will list presi- dential possibilities, avowed or un- avowed, in an order selected by lot. Room for write-in candidates is provided. Canlidates listed will be Dewey, Douglas, Taft, Eisen- dower, Truman, Warren, Wallace, Stassen, Vandenberg, MacArthur and Martin, in that order. Student and faculty ballots will differ in color for comparison purposes. Hare System Next year's legislators will be elected under the Hare propor- tional representation system. Students are reminded that they must number their choices in preferential order. Although they may vote for as many candidates Like to know what Legislature candidates think about beer in the Union? Individual candidate opinions on this campus issue as wI1 as on tennis court fees, Regents' ban on political speakers, ac- tivity in MCWAT and the rein- statement of MYDA will appear in Tuesday's Daily as results of a Daily conducted poll. as they like, an effective ballot should list at least 12 choices, Dick Burton, elections committee chairman has announced . Campaign Plans A "candidates' gallery" will be set up on the diagonal today by members of the Legislature elec- tions committee, "displaying pic- tures and campaign statements of candidates. Meanwhile, student organiza- tions and groups are putting var- ied campaign plans into effect. Last minute individual candidate rallies are being held while a group of students in the East Quad have posted questionairres throughout the dormitory with candidate opinions on legislature policy and campus issues. Court Justice To T alk Here Cook Lecture Series Begins Tomorrow The honorable Arthur T. Van- derbilt, newly appointed chief jus- tice of the New Jersey Supreme Court will give the fourth annual series of William W. Cook lec- tures on American Institutions next week. The opening lecture tomorrow, will be at 8:15 in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Subsequent lectures will be at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Ampitheatre. The first two of the five lec- tures on "Men and Measures in the Law" will be devoted to an examination of the present status of the law. The last three lec- tures will deal with the methods which have been utilized in re- forming substantive law and pro- cedure. His opening lecture on Monday will be on "Taking Inventory," in which he will deal with law as it is found in the books. The Tues- day lecture, continuing the "tak- ing of the inventory" of the law, will be divided into two parts- the "Law in Action" and the "Law in the Law Schools." In the "Law in Action" section, Vanderbilt will consider the work of the practic- ing lawyer. For his Wednesday lecture, Jus- tice Vanderbilt will discuss "The Expansion of Substantive Law." The Thursday and Friday lectures are titled "Procedure-The Stum- r bling Block" and will be devoted primarily to reform movements in court and administrative proce- dure. ra iU ('1. UnionMeeting Quorum Needed To Change Rules By GEORGE WALKER A quorum must attend the Union's constitutional amendment meeting tomorrow if students want the Union run by its members, Tom Walsh, Union vice-president, said yesterday. Pointing to the fact that students "don't even pick the Union's senior officers under the present setup," Walsh urged members to turn out at the meeting, to be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Main Ballroom. Paternalism Walsh charged that the attitude of faculty members on the Board of Directors to student representatives was "paternal." On certain of the committees, the studentz City's Clocks Defy Change To Fast Time Mayor Calls Present Setup 'Ridiculous' Ah, Ah; don't touch that clock dial-Ann Arbor is still on Eastern Standard time. Despite changes to Daylight Savings Time in Detroit, Ypsilan- ti and other cities today, Ann Ar- bor will remain isolated on East- ern Standard Time at least until May 3. Action may come from the city council then towards putting the city on 'fast" time and elim- inating the confusing times. Dr. Frank Robbins, assistant to the President declared yesterday that in all likelihood the Univer- sity would follow Ann Arbor time. "Our activities are too integrated with the cities' to risk the confu- sion that would develop from con- flicting times," he said. Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., called the whole time setup 'ridi- culous" and commented favorably on daylight savings time. 'A reso- lution will probably come up at the council meeting and this thing will be settled once and for all," he said. 'Confusion' Would Reign' Investigating his charge that "confusion would reign," The Daily found local New York Cen- tral ticket officials in a quandry. "I don't know what kind of time we will operate on," an NYC offi- cial said. "I can't figure it out at all. Come down and get the new schedule; if you can figure it out, you are a better man than L" 'Standard Procedure' Airlines and busses will stay on Eastern Standard time according to "standard procedure." but In- terurban busses to Ypsilanti, Kai- ser-Frazer, and Willow Run air- port will be one hour earlier to match the change to Daylight Savings Time. In order that Detroit commuters will have a chance to make their destinations in time, a 5:15 a.m. Greyhound bus has been added to the regular schedule to the Motor City officials reported. Preference Poll Debate Postponed A debate on the merits of the Presidential aspirants, which was to have preceded Tuesday's pre- ferential poll on campus has been postponed pending a clarification of the political speeches ban. Jay Nolan, chairman of the Students Committee for Douglas, said that plans for the debate have not ceased "though it will be im- possible to get a debate under way before the preferential poll." The proposed meeting would bring sup- porters of leading candidates on a platform together to discuss the campaign issues. members are merely supposed to *offer advice to the faculty, and that advice is often disregarded, he said. "The amendments to be acted upon in the meeting tomorrow are designed to give students a more direct and representative voice in the Union's activities and poli- cies," Walsh said. Walsh, who has drawn up one set of changes, explained that one of the proposals would place an- other student on the Finance Committee, thereby putting the financial setup "much more in the open." Selection's Committee Another set of amendments, backed by the Board of Directors, will come up for approval or re- jection at the meeting. These pro- posals ask for a change in the selection of Union vice-presidents. Another important Walsh amendment would give students a majority on the selections com- mittee, which chooses senior offi- cers. Under the present plan, fac- ulty members outnumber student representatives of that body. "The present scheme of con- ducting union elections gives the undergraduate schools a dispro- portionately small representation on the Board of Directors," Walsh remarked. He said if the changes go into effect there will be more vice-presidents from the under- graduate schools on the Board. ROUNDUP REPORTER: Students Okay Split on Qualit Daily Roundup Reporters this week probed student's feelings on such general questions as the quality of instruction, adequacy of degree programs, and faculty grading plans. Nearly one hundred students were questioned at random by Roundup reporters who found general agreement only on the need for a faculty grading pro- posal. Students were about even- ly split on the other questions. By about four to one students questioned felt that some type of system should be established to allow students to rate their in- structors. However, many of those favoring such a move were du- bious about its worth. They felt that such a system would be feas- ible only if the ratings were used to weed out incompetent instruc- tors and encourage other profes- sors to remedy their weak spots. Quality of Education Questioned as to the quality of their instructions now, students were not in agreement. About half felt that present instruction was good, pointing to concise lectures, good texts and feeling of accom- plishment in passing courses. The other half, who were dis- satisfied with present instruction, were more vociferous in giving reasons. They criticized lack of individual attention, lack of or- ganization, grading techniques, and inability of instructors to "get ideas across."' Young, inexperi- enced teachers came in for the biggest share of criticism. Degree Programs Questioned on degree programs Court Action In MSC Case Held Unlikely James Zarichiy Could Be Jailed By BEN ZWERLING (Special to The Daily) EAST LANSING, April 24-The general impression in Michigan State College circles today was that Sen. Matthew Callahan would not push the case of James Zarichny, alleged Communist student. Zarichny, subpoenad by Calla- han's Senate Committee on Un- American Activities, had refused to say whether or not he was a Communist. The Attorney Gen- eral's office advised the Senate that the student could be jailed for rcontempt. But since the Senate session ends Wednesday and is in recess until Tuesday, a trial is unlikely. Students at MSC, according to Pat McCarthy, editor of the Michi- gan State News, feel that the mat- ter will not be pursued further. The Senate could prepare a case and try it in court. If found guilty, Zarichny would get a maximum sentence of five years, or $1,000 fine or both. Meanwhile, four MSC groups joined The University of Michi- gan's Committee on Academic Freedom in calling for the aboli- tion of the Callahan Committee. The Spartan Citizens Commit- tee, the AVC, the Progressive Party and the History and Politi- cal Science Club charged that the Callahan Committee is an "in- strument of political strategy to timidate and still progressive thought and action."41 BATTLE SCENE IN KANSAS CITY-Uniformed policemen and plain clothes men, each carry- ing a club, mill around the headquarters of Local 10, C10 United Packinghouse Workers in Kansas City, Kan., after a 10-minute pitched battle. Strikers who had jammed the street fled the scene after the battle. The headquarters is directly across the street from the Cudahy packing plant. The battle sent eight persons, two of them women, to hospitals. SCH UMAIN HITS UN FLAWS: World Government Forun Ends.Today J1 Haganah Men Fioht To Seal Off Port City Haifa Given Up As Jews Advance ,i t t t 1 1 q ** * FacultyRating, Y of Instruction offered by the University, a ma- jority of the students agreed that present programs are adequate. By a three to two ratio they okayed programs now offered. Those dissatisfied with present degree programs criticized their restrictive nature and called for broader programs allowing stu- dents a wider range of choices in selecting courses and concen- trates. t Administrative Troubles Stall FacultyRating Student rating of literary col-I lege faculty members, stalled for the past ten years, will be on thef shelf awhile longer. Assistant Dean Charles H. Peake said that the project probably would not be launched this semes- ter because of administrative dffi- culties. He emphasized, however, that the plan has by no means been dropped from consideration. Associate Dean Lloyd S. Wood- burne, in charge of the program, has been on leave of absence and will probably not be able to get the project underway before sem- ester's end, Dean Peake said. Pressing Duties He added that both he and Dean Hayward Keniston have been so pressed by other duties that they have not been able to arrange the details themselves.. The program, whereby students and faculty of the literary college would rate faculty members, has a ten-year history of ups and downs. More than a year ago the fac- ulty voted approval of such a plan and a committee was ap- pointed to map out the details. Anonymous Evaluation The committee's program, ap- proved this February by the fac- ulty but still to be carried out, provides for anonymous student evaluation of professors on the basis of classroom performance. Students will. judge such points as command and presentation of -lh-f w-ffr f1-ro "n . i By PHYLLIS KULICK and RUSS CLANAHAN The world's only move in the direction of a federal World Govern- ment passed when the Lilienthal-Acheson international atomic control plan was rejected, Dr. Frederick L. Schuman declared yesterday in the World Government College Forum. Attacking the Baruch Plan for insisting on removal of the veto on atomic questions, Schuman said that the American demand for a ma- jority rule killed this limited World Government by alienating Russia. "Any coercion of one state upon another such as this leads to war," Dr. Schuman he emphasized. Cites Emphasis Dr. Schuman cited the tradi- H its Palestiine tional emphasis on collective se- curity by the League of Nations and the UN as directly opposed to rusteesip maintaining peace, and also at- acked national preparedness as a The American reversal on Pal- remedy for war. estine partition is "morally, stra- 'War as a means of enforcing tegically and economically unjus- peace has and never will work," tified," Dr. Frederick L. Schuman, Schuman said. international affairs specialist He attacked the idea of UN rep- from Williams College, Mass., said resentation on a sovereign nation in an interview yesterday. 'basis, and advocated a federal Deploring the present Adminis- system of law and a world legis- tration Palestine policy as "irre- lature representing individuals, sponsible and irrational," Dr. not nations as basic principles of Schuman pointed out that the World Government. United States refused to support Thorsen Criticism the Palestine trusteeship plan a Oren i skerWayear ago when it had Zionist sup- Opening speaker Walace Thor- port, then came out for partition, sen criticized the UN as a forceful and now advocates a trusteeship institution because "it is not sup- which both Jews and Arabs op- posed to be a peace maker but a pose. peace keeper." He also agreed with He condemned the present Dr. Schuman that an inherent American plan as "unsound eco- weakness of the UN is that it rep- nomically," emphasizing that the resents national interests. "Arab leaders are paid millions Atomic scientist Dr. Edward of dollars annually for their oil Teller stressed the inevitable concessions, and don't want to emergence of a police state when lose the revenue." a peacetime national armaments He completely discounted any program is attempted. "Commun- possibility of Arab leaders going ism will die once a democratic over to the Russians because "they World Government is established," would then lose both their au- he said. thrity and their revenues." Final Pro gram. i t r The problems confronting world governmert will again re- ceive close scrutiny today, as four' prominent analysts of the inter- national scene address UWF dele- gates and the campus in the final day of the World Government College Forum. Dr. Paul Arthur Schilpp, pro- fessor of philosophy of North- western University, heads a group of speakers including Rev. Leslie T. Pennington, of the First Uni- tarian Church of Chicago, John Schmidt, New Hampshire, patent attorney, and Philpps Ruopp, as- sociate editor of Common Cause magazine. Common Worship A special service of common worship will be held at 9 a.m. in Rackham Auditorium, Rev. Penn- ington officiating. The subject of the sermon will be "the Clear Wit- .ness of Faith." He has long been active in the movement endowed by Andrew Carnegie to promote world peace through the churches. Schmidt will discuss the Streit "Federal Union" Plan at 1 p.m. in the Union. He is an authority on the legal aspects of world federa- tion. Round Table "The Anatomy of World Gov- ernment will be the topic of a round table discussion at 2 p.m. in the Union, Ruopp will preside. Climax of the Forum which has drawn delegates from 60 schools and Universities throughout the Midwest will be reached with a campus-wide World Government rally at 3:30 p.m. in Rackham Auditorium. Schilpp, an exponent of a World Federation, will talk on "Anarchy or World Govern- ment." All of the sessions are opcn' to the public, TO Consider Tenni's Plant A special committee of the Board in Control of Athletics will consider the Daily's compromise tennis fee plan and render a de- cision Monday, Athletic Director Fritz Crisler announced yesterday, He presented the plan to the Board at a meeting Friday night, and was asked to prepare a full report on the tennis situation. The Board directed that the re- port include a list of the earnings of the one month period under the twenty-five cent per hour tennis charge. The special committee was em- powered with authority to sanc- tion the compromise proposal, . .1 JERUSALEM, April 24-(A--- Jewish Militia fought today to take possession of a buffer area to seal off their greatest prize, the port city of Haifa. While thousands of weary Arabs streamed from the city which was captured by Jews in a spectacular battle Thursday, Haganah guns blazed out at Balad Esh Sheikh and nearby Tirah, two villages about five miles East of the big port. The Arab villages are on the road to Nazareth and Tiberias, #a city on the Sea of Galilee from which the' Arabs also have been driven by the Jews. Arab Truce The British said the Arabs ask- ed for a truce at dawn after an all-night fight and agreed to sur- render their arms. When only 22 rifles were turned in, however, the Jews delivered a new ultimatum for the delivery of all guns and the fighting was renewed. The latest reports said the British had ar- ranged a temporary truce for the evacuation of women and children from the villages. Dispatches from Haifa said the Jews were trying to prevent the evacuation of the 37,000 Arabs re- maining in the city. Political Rebuff The Jews considered the evacu- NEW YORK, April 24-(P)-- The United States delegation agreed today on a simplified formula to put the United Na- tions on record in favor of a trusteeship for Palestine. With the end of the British mandate only three weeks away, time was the big element in, the Palestine discussrons, whIch continued here over the week- end. As a result, there was an In- creasing tendency to cocen- trate on emergency action. ation a political rebuff, and want- ed'them to remain to demonstratp that Arabs and Jews can live side by side. They offered the Arabs co- operation in solving food and sup- ply problems. Arab leaders replied to Jewish persuasions, however, that they could not "subject ourselves to conquerors.", 'U "Disciplines 30 for False ecla rations- The Office 6f Student Affairs disciplined, in varying degrees, 30 students who made inaccurate declarations of eligibility status for the current semester, Dean Erich A. Walter revealed yester- day. Over half the group were see- and semester freshmen who signed cards certifying they were eligible without reading them. They were asked to surrender t heir eligibility cards for the cur- rent semester with the exception of several cases where the dean of a college granted special permis- lion. Upperclassmen More severe penalties were dealt to upperclassmen who sign- ed the cards knowing that they were below the necessary require- ments, Dean Walter continued, Five were denied eligibility priv- ileges for the fall semester. The false declarations were discovered during the check of the certification cards which the Office of Student Affairs allow- ed students to sign if they were unable to find their blueprints. Eligibility Rules "Most of the violations were just student carelessness, but students should realize the nec- ,:;sity of assuming responsibility for making accurate declara- tions when signing their names to University regulations," Dean Walter declared. To be eligible, second semester freshmen must have received one A or B and no mark less than C for 15 credit hours. Sophomores, juniors and seniors must have had an overall C average plus at least a C average for 11 credit hours for the nreceding semester. Condon Report Stil Withheld WASHINGTON, April 24-(!)- The Commerce Department for- mally refused today to hand over to the House an FBI loyalty re- port on Dr. Edward U. Condon, director of the Federal Bureau of Standards. House Speaker Martin (Rep., Mass.) thereupon declared: "The last word hasn't been spoken." He said the House can now try legislation to get the desired in- formation. In a resolution adopted Thurs- day by a 300 to 29 vote, the House had demanded that the FBI re- port on Condon be sent it. A subcommittee of the House Committee on UN-American ac- tivities has called Condon the weakest link in the nation's atomic security, and accused him of associating with Russian spies, charges which he has denied. He also has been cleared by a Com- Dr. Schuman also charged that "the Arabs don't want Jewish im- migration because they raise the standard of living, causing discon- tent within the feudalistic Arab states." He claimed the flew American trusteeship plan had no strategic advantage over the partition plan because "in either case, Soviet as well as American troops will be sent in to police the area if trouble occurs." Turning to the Italian election results, Dr. Schuman said the vic- torious De Gasperi government must make social and land re- forms to avoid a further rise in Communism, but doubted that it will be done. Child Bitten Another little girl, Dolores Ann, 11 years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eisele, 5055 Jackson Rd., was bitten by a dog late Fri- day evening. Meanwhile police reported vir- tually no more stray dog com- plaints yesterday and Dr. John A. Wessinger, city health officer an- nounced that all dogs must be in- ATO TO THE RESCUE: 'Stuck-up' Kitten Persuaded To Abandon Tree Residence By JO MISNER For a full week a white angora kitten defied the established prin- ciple of physics that "what goes up must come down." But she finally conceded vic- tory to the law of gravity-and the fire department. Students spotted the frolicsome feline "treed" on the corner of Lincoln and Cambridge a week ago yesterday. Moved by their in- to rescue cats without authority from the mayor. Mayor Brown, unaware of the impending tragedy in the feline world had subse- quently left town. A rescue crew from the Humane Society rushed to the tree-but their ladders weren't long enough. ATO's to the Rescue. Friday night, members of Alpha merce Department loyalty board. oculated against rabies by May 1. CULTURAL FACE-LIFTING: Engineers Claim New, ImprovedLook The slide rule toting engineer , +f- Mihoa Ac mmpra frm his, steps are being taken to include student engineering group which