PAGE FOUR -I 1 rl t X11, I t (-i SAT AYE AF U 1949 ~TH~E MICHIGAN D4H M".+T -Sr .V A a.k r 'T, I'4k Progressives' Answer THE WIDELY CRITICIZED action of the Illinois branch of the Progressive Party deserves some clarification. The crit- icism resulted from the running of two lib- eral progressives in opposition to two lib- eral Democrats and two reactionary-con- servative Republicans for the positions of senator and governor. This action, it is said would clearly result in a Republican victory and thereby frustrate the ends of both the Progressives and the liberal Demo- crats. (See page 4 of the April 17 Daily, The decision to run local candidates in competition with the established parties is, according to Progressive leaders, the deci- sion of the local or the state committee. In the "New Republic" of April 19, the statement of Mr. C. B. Baldwin on the is- sue may be found: "We cannot and must not judge any sitting congressman by any single vote," but "there are certain condi- tions that should be met if a candidate is to receive our support. We must be con- vinced that he stands firmly for peace - for support of the United Nations, for the full rights of organized labor and unequivo- cal support of the constitutional civil rights of every person living within our borders - and let me add that this means genuine equality." A candidate can be judged acceptable, Baldwin goes on to say, if these condi- tions are "implicit in his record and com- mitments," even though he has made no direct pledge to the New Party. The writer who brought this affair to our attention analyzes the differences in the Democratic candidates and the Pro- gressive Party's programs in Illinois. It is concluded that there is agreement on all points except "the control of government by the military and Wall Street," and "peace and understanding with Russia," proposed by the Progressives. The writer Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR HIGBEE also stated that the Democratic candidates agree that these are problems demanding action, but the real argument; is over thm methods of achieving the goal. rrHE DEMOCRATIC SELECTTON for the Senate was Mr. Paul Douglas, an eco- nomics professor at the University of Chi- cago. In an article in the "University of Chicago Law Review" of April 1947, Mr. Douglas gives an idea of his political philo- sophy. He clearly is working for good ends, but his means are not those of a liberal thinker. He condemns the extremists who precipitated the American Civil War for the means used in achieving their ends. Would it not have been better, asks Doug- las, to let Slavery die out naturally than to lose the money, lives and to subject the Negroes to the oppression which they have received since? Continuing this argument, he censures "young men" who are dissatis- fied with the time required in contemporary legal proceedings. The essence of Douglas' statement is that no matter how long it takes, it's best to let reforms evolve through time. This philosophy sounds strangely simi- Iar to the reactionary- conservative "sta- tus quo" and "What is, is good," ideas. On such items as these the Illinois Wal- lace committee based their decision. In Douglas's support of the primary points of the Truman administration and his "liberal ends, but not means doctrine," there would seem to be ample justifica- tion for the runnin of separate Progres- sive candidates. The issue in Illinois is very similar to the national problem. The repeatedly raised possibility of a splt vote in the national, state and local campaigns is fully recog- nized by the Progressive leaders. That re- actionary Republicans may be elected is also realized. Despite these possibilities, the Wallace party will keep working for their stated ends. It is a basic belief of the Progressives that it is not only the next election which counts, but the next generation - an idea long forgotten by some political parties. -Richard Hamilton MAX DEAN of the Wallace Progressives exaggerated only a little the other day when he said that Regents' ban on political speakers hits his organization harder than other political clubs. There's no reason to quibble over who is hit hardest when the blow is severe enough all the way around, and Mr. Dean, knowing that, actually has another point. His real complaint is that the old parties receive their share of space on newspaper and radio copy, but that the third party has been consistently slighted. Whatever Mr. Taft says is news; whatever Mr. Stassen says is news; whatever Mr. Truman says is news; but that's about as far as it goes. Anyone who has followed newspapers and listened to the radio carefully knows this is true. Only the better papers in this country, few and far between as they are, report to any extent the speeches of Mr. Wallace and Mr. Taylor and men outside the old parties. The radio situation is worse. Because news broadcasts must be brief, and are directed toward the consumer audience only, nothing but scattered fragments of minor party speeches are ever included. This of course, leads to wild distortion. We will modify our argument here to the extent that sometimes you do see addresses by M. Wallace printed on the front pages of almost every paper. But this happens principally because the Progressives candi- date has become somewhat of an oddity in the minds of the American people. Men must be classified, you know, if they are not like others. The usual classification for Mr. Wallace is "farmer" or maybe "Communist," and for Mr. Taylor, "cowboy." The reason press and radio pass over the "liberal" viewpoint is because editors, own- ers and publishers are afraid to buck pop- ular opinion. They do not ignore this side of political activity because they have no way of getting it. Wire news services, we know from our own experience, usually cover fairly all phases of political activity. It is just not printed. Now we're not complaining merely be- cause Mr. Wallace takes it on the chin. It hurts us a lot more, for instance, that Senator Taylor, the only real critic of U.S. foreign policy on the Senate floor, does not always get adequate coverage from Washington newsmen. On April 8, for example, Mr. Taylor de- livered an hour-long speech in the Senate which was intently listened to by everyone there, including the Senators. In that speech he defended his right to criticize Mr. Tru- man on his UMT speech, which, believe it or not, several Senators had called "bad taste." This was the same speech in which he complained about an investigation being made of his doctor brother in California. This speech appears, if nowhere else, in the Record of April 8, 1948. How anyone would want to form opinions of political questions without reading it is beyond me. So when Mr. Dean says his organization is hit hardest by the speakers ban he need not be accused of self-consciousness. The longer this careless suppression, this fear of criticism exists, the harder it will be for any of us to arrive at intelligent conclusions on political matters. -Fred Schott. THERE HE GOES AGAIN IW -s - i l l r t -7 Letters to the Eitor [ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hail, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publlcatioji (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). Notices SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1948 VOL. LVIII, No. 141 All Veterans presently enrolled under either Public Law 346 or 16. who plan to continue in the Sum- mer Session under one of these Laws, are asked to report to Room 100A, Rackham Building, in the order listed below so that ap- propriate action may be taken to insure continuous subsistence: I'D RATHER BE RIGH T: Joe Martin Reflects By SAMUEL GRAFTON I SAW Joseph W. Martin, Jr., of the House of Representatives recently and the in- terview confirmed a feeling that there isn't really very much joy today in Washington. If our foreign policy is as sound and ap- propriate as some of its adherents make it out to be, one wonders why it doesn't gen- erate a little more happiness around the place. Speaker Martin helped to put ERP through the House before the deadline; in fact I saw him, in his wonderful old offices in the Capitol, the morning he was due to ride over to the White House for the sign- ing of the bill. A big morning, an historic morning. But Speaker Martin was not ex- actly in the seventh heaven of delight about future prospects for the world; he talked somberly of the gloomy state of the planet, and of the friction and disunity in this country. "One of the things about having a new President," he said, "is that we might get better unity. Every new President goes in with tremendous good will. Roosevelt had it the first time. The people would lift right up. There'd be a change of mood ..." It seemed to me that perhaps we needed more than a pick-up. I asked the Speaker (whose words have a kind of special im- portance, because he is, by law, next in line of succession to the Presidency) whe- ther it might not be dangerous to let things run on as they are running on in foreign policy, and whether some large move to-- ward reconciliation might not be in order. His answer was, I think, rather revela- tory about the Republican position. "I don't want to be a back seat driver," he said. "I don't have the inside informa- tion. It can't be that anybody in this world would really want another war .. ." I've had this answer, or variants of it, froi a number of Republicans in Wash- i on. They're being good boys about - , A'MAJORITY of the nations participating in a !"model" UN General Assembly meeting turned thumbs down on the one United Nations Charter Amendment that could put life in a dying organization. The change would have restricted the veto power of Big Five members of the Security Coun- cil on the settlement of international dis- putes and amendments to the Charter. In order to recommendt action, two- thirds support was needed. However, the delegates chose to abandon the new meas- ure by an unfavorable 15 to 12 vote.. The representatives, who were students at the University representing 27 UN mem- bers, fell before the theory of one-power domination. They rationalized that without the veto power, one nation (the United States) could swing world policy in any direction without anyone to stop her. Thus the amendment failed. But the real failure came earlier when the majority of supporting the President, in greater or lesser degree, but sooner or later you get the answer about not having all the in- formation. There's just a shade of de- tachment, as if they were serving notice that it's not a bipartisan policy, it's a case of a bipartisan bloc supporting a Truman policy. Some Republicans seem torn between the anti-Communism in the President's pro- gram, which they like, and the war danger implicit in it, which bothers them - and they seem to want to compromise by hang- ing up the biggest air force curtain in the world, for defense, while keeping the ag- gw'resive anti-Communist content of the policy. It is a kind of spear-and-shield idea, with the shield of the air force always ready, to avert the possible consequences of too much spearing. I do not know if Mr. Martin's thinking runs exactly along this line, but, like many others, he favors the big air force thing. He may be a little more formidable as a Presidential possibility than seems ob- vious. le isn't asking for the nomination, but he's in a good spot for it. His quick play in practically settling the coal strike in 13 minutes, by bringing John L. Lewis and the operators' representative, Ezra Van Horn, together was more President- ial than Speakerish. His bid, if he offers one, will be made by piecing together bits of support into a careful pattern, more than by making a sweeping appeal along lines of major policy. He believes the Democrats are in for a good deal of trouble; that their organiza- tion will crack under the prospect of de- feat. He thinks the Wallace vote will be unpredictable right up to the end; it will be affected by events, other candidacies, etc. Thinking this over, he said slowly: "There is a lot of friction," thus ending on the note on which he had begun. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) A through 5:00 p.m. F through 5:00 p.m. K through 5:00 p.m. P through' 5:00 p.m. U through 5:00 p.m. E, April 26, 8:00 to J, April 27, 8:00 to O, April 28, 8:00 to to T, April 29, 8:00 Z, April 30, 8:00 to MATTER OF FACT: Home Mood By STEWART ALSOP TWO HOPEFUL FACTS are apparent in Failure to observe this proce- dure will result in the veteran's subsistence being interrupted at the end of the present semester. Veterans reporting should have in mind their correct "C" number. Notice to All Instructors Teach- ing Detroit Extension Classes: Due to the change of time in Detroit beginning Sunday, April 25, the classes will start at 6 p.m., Ann Arbor time, and the bus will leave from the Michigan Union (t 3:15 p.m. School of Business Administra- tion: Any student currently en- rolled in this School who has not otherwise received a Summer Ses- sion Questionnaire should secure one at 108 Tappan Hall, fill out and return immediately. Summer Position: A representa- tive from Wayne Girl Scout Camp will be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments Saturday. April 24, to inter- view girls interested in positions in nature study, waterfront, and junior counslors. Call at 201 Ma- son Hall-10 a.m. to 12 noon. Lecture William W. Cook Lectures on American Institutions. Fourth series, "Men and Measures in the Law." First Lecture: "Taking In- ventory--Law in the Books," by The Honorable Arthur T. Vander- bilt, Chief Justice, Supreme Court of New Jersey. 8:15 p.m., Mon., April 26, Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is invited. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Arno Wilfred Ewald, Physics; thesis: "An Investigation of the Photo- Electric Mechanism in the Thal-, lous Sulfide Photo-Conductive Cell," 2 p.m., Mon., April 26, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, G. E. Uhlenbeck. Mr. Seager's English 88 will not meet the week of April 26. M. E. 86 Summer Session Elec- tions: All students expecting to elect M. E. 86 this Summer Ses- sion must see Prof. C. F. Kessler, Room 241, W. Engineering Build- ing, at once. Consultation hours are posted on the door. Concerts Student Recital: Bertram Gable, Baritone, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Bach- elor of Music, at 8:30 p.m., April 24, Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Arthur Hackett, Mr. Ga- ble will sing compositions by Mo- zart, Handel, Hugo Wolf. Faure, and a group of English songs. The public is invited. Events Today Radio Prog'ram: 10 a.m. WHRV-Michigan Prof- ile. The Art Cinema League and the IRA will present Paul Muni and Luise Rainer in THE GOOD EARTH to be shown at the Kel- iogg Auditorium tonight and Sun- day at 8 p.m. Doors will open at 7:15 p.m. Tickets are on sale at University Hall today from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Tickets will be on sale before each performance at the door. Comning Events Mr. Arne Kildal, Chief of Li- brary Services for the Norwegian National Government will give an address on Norwegian library de- velopment after the war, to stu- dents in Library Science, at 10 a.m., Tues., April 27, Room 110, Library. T Graduate Outing Club: Meet for sports and picnic at 2:30 p.m., Sun., April 25, northwest entrance, Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rack- ham check desk before noon Sat- urday. All graduate students wel- come. United World Federalist: Meet- ing, 8 p.m., Mon., April 26, Michi- gan Union. The meeting is in- tended to be a follow-up feature of the World Government College Forum. Refreshnents. The pub- lic is invited. Sociedad Hispanica: Conversa- tional group meeting, Mon., April 26, 3 p.m. International Center. IT. of M. Ilot Record Society: Program of great Jazz artists, 8 p.m., Sun., April 25, Grand Rapids Room, Michigan League. Every- one welcome. Wallace Progressives: 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Mon., April 26, Room 308, Michigan Union. The splendid behavior of the Italian people last Sunday was a rebuke to those political parties and foreign powers that combined to turn the election into a major engagement of the cold war. . . The Italian people were able to go to the polling places and mark their ballots without interference, but fraud and violence walked be- side them just the same. The whole campaign was characterized by coercive and unscrupulous tac- tics, freely employed on both sides: by Russia, through the Italian Communist Party and its allies, by the United States direct- ly, as well as through the Vatican and the government parties. Never were voters more callously used for ends b'eyond their control. For both great protagonists are con- cerned with their strategic re- quirements in the struggle for power which constitutes the pres- ent phase of World War III. -The Nation The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writers signature and address. Ietters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. he editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters, * * * Corretfiion To the Editor: MAY I TAKE exception to the statement about the Italian election results attributed to Mr. J. H. Meisel in yesterday's Daily? He was reported to have said that "unless the ERP is accompanied by the strengthening of moderate political elements, the Marshall Plan will not be a success." I happen to know the gentle- man in question was not referring to "moderates" in the Pickwickian sense but to the moderate wing socialist labor, adding: "The Mar- shall Plan will not function effec- tively unless it acquires a Euro- pean mass basis, it cannot succeed without working class coopera- tion." --J. H..Meisel. * * * Me /1 b s>ed To the Editor: NOW IS THE TIME for all good men to be chased from Palmer Field, or so it seems. It seems that twenty-five cents will do the trick at the tennis courts, but at the ball diamonds it's a woman, who while quoting the iules, po- litely sneers in youi' face. Until the other night we were unaware of any rules prohibiting men from using the baseball fa- cilities at Palmer Field. However. on this night we were informed of them, through the medium of a woman, who told us that the girls were using the diamonds, and be- sides, it was against the rules. Granted the girls were using the diamonds . . . thi'ee of them, leaving two vacant. When we at- tempted to point out this fact, we were told the girls wouldbe using the diamonds. Granted they would be, . . . the next day. It was late and the girls were eating or just about to eat, and it was a certainty that no more dia- monds would be used by the girls that evening. When we had impressed upon her the fact that the diamonds were going to remain unused for the rest of the evening, she changed her tactics and confront- ed us with "rules." Not knowing of any rules, yet not doubting the integrity of the woman, we grudg- ingly left. Victor Vaughan is no little dis- tance from the I-M diamonds, and certainly no small distance from Burh's Park. Now, with two strikes against us, wehave a ball team sort of a "ball team without a country." We see no reason why we could not use the facilities at Palmer Field, especially when no one else is using them'. If it is University policy which kept us off Palmer Field let them find us a place to play ball, with- in a reasonable distance. If it was a mistake, let's hope it will be rectified. -D. L. Michael, Bob Cordon, Mgr. V.V. Baseball Team. Answers Editorial To the Editor: IN REFERENCE to Ben Zwer- ling's editorial in Sunday's "Daily on the Michigan Committee for Academic Freedom. The undersigned, a voting dele- gate to the MCAF from Willow Village AVC, acted as secretary for the session of the MCAF about which Mr. Zwerling writes. Upon reviewing the detailed minutes I took during the full course of the meeting, I find that Mr. Zwerling has made several errors in his editorial. The resolution pertaining to the formulation of an international bill of academic freedom, which Mr. Zwerling claims the MCAF turned down, in fact never came before the body. This matter had come before a previous meeting of the body, which, unfortunately, I was unable to attend. At the meet- ing in question, a motion to re- consider the question was offered and defeated. The reasons why the motion was defeated were omitted by Mr. Zwerling. Here they are: The meeting was of an emer- gency nature, called to protest several serious breaches of aca- demic freedom within the area: i.e., the banning of SLID at Wayne, the alrrest of two students at Wayne for "creating a disturb- ance" by passing out Wallace lit- erature, the trleaitened memoval of a Muskegon Junior College pro- fessor for writing the wrong kind of book, the statements of Presi- dent Hanna'of MSC serving notice that Communist groups would not be condoned at that school, and several additional related matters. In summary, then, the resolu- tion which Mr. Zwerling claims was turned down never appeared before the body. It did not appear before the body for good reasons: it will be in order at the next reg- ulai'1heeting, April 21, and it is on the agenda for that meeting. (I, for one, firmly support the res- olution in question.) The action of the Daily in pulling out of the group seems to me most intem- perate, if not childish. It is also amazing to me that Mr. Zwerling, the Daily's voting representative to the MCAF, who was so verbose Sunday. said not a word through- out the whole meeting Friday. William L. O'Neill 'hairman, W. Village AVC Regents' recision To the Editor: SHOULD like to take advan- tage of this column to voice an opinion with reference to the university's announced decision that the various student political "clubs" must have their speakers and meetings off campus. It would seem that an educa- tional institution should do ev erything possible to encourage the interest of students in the political events of today. If any regulations are required. they should rather insist upon the public airing of every shade of opinion. If it were required t.hat every political organization ob- tain some speakers and hold a meeting or two open to the stud- ent body that would indeed make sense. But if current hlistory is teaching us anything, it is the fact that education, as such, can- not be separated from the broad social and political interests which constitute citizenship. There is no aspect of educa- tion half so real or so pressing as education upon social and politi- cal situations. This writer doesn't happen to belong to one of the political "clubs," so can, perhaps, claim to be fairly impartial. Per- haps the fault does not lie with the University. Perhaps it was forced to make this decision. At any rate, it is an unfortunate and somewhat disheartening prece- dent. --Ann Hubbell Fifty-Eighth Year 41 A4 this ancient city, which begins breathe easily again after the excitement to of ecisioln Curtailing the veto would make action on international disputes and grievances possible and build up a stronger UN, a UN mature enough to assume sovereign control over all nations. Until that power is grant- ed to the UN, world peace is a pretty sad joke'W --Craig It. Wilson. the Italian election. First, the defeat of the Communists has not been accompanied by any strengthen- ing of the Italian neo-Fascists. On the con- trary, the great majority of the non-Com- munist vote went to the parties of the center-the Christian Democrats and In- dependent Socialists. There are also indica- tions that groups of the formerly Commu- nist-controlled Socialists may now declare their independence. Altogether, the stage is set for a healthy, democratic Italian revival. Second, and almost more important, no intoxication from success, to use Stalin's phrase, has resulted from the victory over the Communists. On the contrary, the lead- ers of the government have carefully noted that an impressive minority of their people was driven by hardship and despair to vote, in effect, for the end of freedom in Italy. Perhaps the best reason for accepting this analysis is the fact that it has been put forward by no less a man than Mario Scel- ba, Italy's Minister of the Interior-the short, bald, plump, oddly impressive man who is probably the most powerful man in the government after Premier De Gasperi himself. A European Minister of the In- terior does not run the national parks. He runs the police. And Ministers of the In- terior throughout Europe are rarely out- standing for their social vision or forward Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell .......Managing Editor Dick Maloy...............City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dalles .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz.............Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnsons........Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayesy................ Librarian Business Staff Nancy Heimick......General Manast Jeanne Swendeman.......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. 1Fkance Manager Dick HaltC......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatched credited to it as otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication'of all other mattersherein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regulat school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 4i h Looking Back From the pages of The Daily: 40 YEARS AGO TODAY: The "big official vaudeville show" of the County Fair in Ann Arbor announced eight stellar acts including the Banjo Club Quar- tette and lantern slides of campus "big guns, " BARNABY . . Well, Barnaby, this sample radio program will give your uncle's agency an idea of Oh, yes. That. No doubt it's a fair hack job. But a faultlesstwork of art can be Cuhlamochree! eft outJ +I I I